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Big Brother Universe: Fashion, Casting, Comps, etc.

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TPTB who run Survivor would not listen to the fans for many seasons when we said we were tired of veterans appearing and wanted a season of newbies.  When they finally came through this past season, Probst was shocked that the season was as popular as it was.  


One thing I've seen mentioned many times about BB is that we want BB FANS to play for the 500k.  The cast wouldn't have to be super fans, although that would be awesome, but forget choosing people found a week or so ago in a bar who have never heard of BB before and are chosen because of their looks/age or both.  If they are asked what they think of BB and the response has anything to do with guns, kick them to the curb! That's a slap in the face to people, like dolphincorn, who know the game and have tried out twice to no avail.


Lesson:  Listen to the fans!

Edited by Sharon825
  • Love 5

My beef is with the floater/do nothing types who show up at a casting call with a hook (Jenn City with her rock star look; Adam Poch with his Tori Spelling bullshit; Spencer with his mountain man appearance) and then prove to be completely useless when they get on the show.  They make it deep in the game by NOT PLAYING THE GAME, not by the force of their compelling personalities.  It's these jerks that I'd like to see dismissed.  Piss or get off the pot.  Kassting to needs to weed them out because they do not make good TV.


I have a genuine hook, but if I try out again I'm not going to mention it.  At the last tryout I attended, I was picked by everyone in my group as the most-threatening player.  I was told that I was "obviously very smart," "articulate" and "a physical threat."  That got me nowhere, so I've come up with a strategy never used on the show before.  I know, right?  It's a secret so I can't tell you until I'm not selected a third time.


I am a sucker for punishment, so I do follow Robyn Kass on Twitter.  She hasn't responded to this Caleb mess yet.  Last year she posted something to the effect of "I don't have a crystal ball at casting" when the controversy surrounding Aaryn erupted.  I wonder what she's going to say this time.


I was told that I was "obviously very smart," "articulate" and "a physical threat."

To wit, I ask:  Why would you want to be locked in an insane asylum with these horrible people for 3 months?   LOL.


 I had no idea who casts this show, so when I saw the thread title I thought it was some play on all the racist contestants of late (i.e. casted by KKKassting, Inc.)   The fact that the actual name of the agency is Kassting, Inc. makes calling it KKKassting even better. 

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    Well, this year has actual eye candy, so it's already an improvement over Season 15. Although I'll change my tune if we're subjected to another "White power!" session this year.


    Also, gee, isn't it funny that they cast at least 1 gay Latino, 1 Asian girl, 1 black guy, and 2 black girls? (Although Amber looks bi-racial.) You would think they were trying to make up for something.


Lawon, Beau, Spencer and Nick should never have made it through the first levels of casting.

I absolutely hate it that Kass socializes constantly with the HGs, even taking seriously their recommendations of possible ones to promote. Janelle/Porsha springs to mind first. This is extremely unprofessional and highly unethical.

Edited by TimWil

Here's an attempt at a grab bag topic (in case we're gumming up the Live Feed and episode topics too much with this stuff).


For example, the new credits. Lets talk about those.  I hated the stupid Heads-in-Boxes thing the previous credits used for so many years (in various forms).  So I love these in contrast. (I believe the "Heads-in-Boxes" were meant to represent the Hamsters being on Security monitors, but it just got kind of old...)


I also think what they have them do, their "signature" gestures, say interesting things about the "role" each Hamster is playing.


CBS could take this down, but for now here's a copy of the credits someone posted:



Edited by Kromm
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You all know what goes here!  Big stuff AND little.


For example, on the little side, someone noted in the After Dark topic that they noticed Paola being asked to change her outfit and hair before reporting back to the Diary Room. The obvious reasoning for that being the (usual) bit where she's being asked to pretend it's BEFORE something instead of AFTER.


And since I did a "little" one, here's a bigger one...


I bet Caleb was cast KNOWING ahead of time that he had some dicey opinions on race,and with full awareness that putting him inside with a super-hot biracial girl and a gay guy would spark...something. BB didn't count on what it would spark (obsession with Amber, and weird coping behaviors with Frankie), but they knew it would lead somewhere interesting.  They didn't much care about potential press backlash, even if it had gone straight to rants and raves, because they've been reminded that no press is bad press (the ratings went up, WAY up, last year).

Edited by Kromm
  • Love 1

I don't understand the water in the intro. What does that even have to do with the show?

I admit it doesn't make as much thematic sense as the boxes/security monitors did, but I think this time they just went for a visual rather than a thematic match.  Also, it was an opportunity/excuse to get several of the appropriate housemates (well, Amber and Devin) in bathing suits.  I already have a post in the conspiracy theory topic about how I think Amber and Caleb (and to a lesser degree Frankie) were mixed in this house on purpose (to see what happened when someone they probably knew had some potential race issues was put in there with both a gay guy and a really hot piece of biracial eye-candy).  Well, to extend that idea, I think its possible that they knew they'd have Amber, or at least a girl LIKE Amber, to put right up front in the credits in a swimsuit, and the rest just kind of fell into place after that.

I want to be cast so that I can film that intro, too.  I'll just stand there, rolling my eyes and making a wanking motion with one hand.

You think these people CHOSE the gestures they're doing?  I'm disappointed in you!!!


I suppose it's at least possible they were asked to do what they thought was cool, and probably a dozen different things were filmed for each of them, but I'm sure they were also given outright direction to do certain things, and they'd have had to think of something pretty interesting on their own for it to be picked over whatever they were told to do.


I mean Jacosta doesn't seem like the sharpest knife in the drawer, but there's no way it was her "idea" to do a "shame on you finger", for example.  And I suppose I could see Donny thinking up the totally hickish "Hi" hand-wave, but at the same time I could also see that being a directive to build what the show already saw as his "character".  Zach doing the shoulder brush off?  There's no way that was his idea.  Sure he's been posed as the jerk who doesn't care about anyone else and would be happy to "brush them off", but I doubt he's that literal-minded (whereas Alison Grodner certainly is).  


Paola's idiotic gesture actually seems like the most "real" to me, actually.  It's the kind of thing some idiot club kid/DJ would do.  I'm on the fence with Devin's "bring it on" gesture (that's literally what that means).  It DOES fit with what we've actually seen of his character, so it could have been his idea, but maybe the producers just pegged him really well.  

Edited by Kromm

Derrick is clearly the most awkward in those credits.  I wonder why he signed up for this.  He's not a famewhore with dreams of being a star.  He doesn't seem interested in the house shenanigans.  And emotionally speaking he's about 4 times older than anyone else in the house.  I think he said in the intro he's doing it for the money for his family.  He'd do better on Survivor (and get more money if he won).  I wonder if he applied for Survivor but since they just had Tony on they dumped him on BB instead.

  • Love 1

Derrick is clearly the most awkward in those credits.  I wonder why he signed up for this.  He's not a famewhore with dreams of being a star.  He doesn't seem interested in the house shenanigans.  And emotionally speaking he's about 4 times older than anyone else in the house.  I think he said in the intro he's doing it for the money for his family.  He'd do better on Survivor (and get more money if he won).  I wonder if he applied for Survivor but since they just had Tony on they dumped him on BB instead.

Yeah, I'm not even sure what that two-finger-pointing gesture is even supposed to be communicating.  

I liked how in S6-S8, the Hammies each got their own individual moment in the credits to shine;  one thing I did not like about the "building a house" credits of S10-S15 was their having to be grouped in twos and threes.   Here, everybody has their "partner", but they get their own individual moment, front and center.  More satisfying, aside from the visual bump, IMO.


OTOH, I'm ever so slightly disappointed to lose the "Panel A" vs. "Panel B" bit of the final shot of the assembled house in the last six seasons' credits.  It seemed that  production would put the HGs they thought were the likelier winners on  the left-hand panel (since people tend to scan from left to right) and it was interesting to see how that played out…sometimes Panel A would be losing people left and right in the mid-season, but they usually pulled out a win.  A quick check shows that Jordan (S11) was the only "B" panelist to snag a win, although Lane (S12) could have joined her if he'd just said "Sure, Enzo!  I was totally going to take you to the F2, honest!"


But overall, a very nice upgrade, IMO.


   Wow, I am shocked, shocked, SHOCKED that they're giving the crazy stalker otherwise known as Caleb a positive edit, even though they absolutely relished the GinaMarie Stalker story last year. Gee, you wouldn't think it's because Caleb is a crazypants hot alpha male instead of a crazypants wimmin, do you?

Edited by methodwriter85
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GM's threat potential was largely theoretical. Nick wasn't in close proximity during the vast majority of GM's antics, so not taking them seriously - and using them for entertainment value - posed little immediate risk.

RE Caleb - Might simply be TPTB engaging in a preemptive Operation CYA. A broadcast of Caleb's delusional rants would constitute corporate acknowledgement of his mindset - leaving them wide-open to civil and possibly criminal charges if they don't take some restraint action, and he *does* pull a Santa Barbara at some point in the future.

ETA: GM contrast.

Edited by Nashville

   Wow, I am shocked, shocked, SHOCKED that they're giving the crazy stalker otherwise known as Caleb a positive edit, even though they absolutely relished the GinaMarie Stalker story last year. Gee, you wouldn't think it's because Caleb is a crazypants hot alpha male instead of a crazypants wimmin, do you?


Never! I am deeply, deeply saddened by the notion that CBS would ever do such a thing. Especially on this show, with its reputation for integrity and its history of presenting such wonderful role models for America's youth. 


In other words, I absolutely think that is the reason. 

  • Love 1

So are most people in agreement with the theory that the show has finally become 100% scripted?


Going back and watching episodes from a decade(!) ago, it's astonishing how different the tone was. The cast was comprised of real people with real lives and real jobs, unlike the Big Brother we know now in which every single cast member is a failed actor/model/general entertainment personality. Also, the diary room footage contained genuine, unrehearsed venting sessions, featuring houseguests stammering and struggling to find the words to describe their emotions; nowadays, every syllable is deliberately and obviously selected by production, then systematically fed to the houseguests to lend narration to the "storylines" and to accommodate and reinforce the cast's personas.


It makes me sad. I feel like another true All Stars season could never take place since actual strategists and competitors like Danielle Reyes or Jun could coexist with fabricated characters like Ginamarie and Rachel Reilly.

Edited by JediDVguy
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Note this topic ASSUMES at least some knowledge of Live Feed stuff.  To be clear, I think whenever possible we should avoid talking about stuff like current/recent comps, nominations or other "results", but to truly dig into these topics I think you need to be able to talk about more than the whitewashed version of stuff that's seen on the broadcasts.  So "character" interactions, recent or past, this season, or other seasons, are "game", be they from the broadcast, the After Dark show, or Feeds.




Okay, I made this a catch-all topic, but I'd at least like to suggest leading with a bit on misogyny in the game, because I think that it's the one that somehow magically escapes media scrutiny and criticism, and yet goes back pretty much to the beginning of the entire show (and has been present in most seasons since then in some form).  No limits though. If you want to go to town on the racism or homophobia... by all means, do.

Edited by Kromm
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There was a lot of talk (and a blowup) over how Devin "talks to the girls," but I haven't seen a definite instance of misogyny yet and I've been watching the feeds heavily over the past couple of days. It seems to be more about them being scared of him than it does about him treating women differently simply because they're women. 

I feel horrible for Amber that she was basically brow-beaten into playing nice with Caleb because he got people to view her as a "bitch" for not jumping into the sack with him. Shit like that seems like something all women have to put up with at one time or another (why I'm glad to be a guy)...like seriously. Girls are brought up to be "nice" and not mean to a guy that wants to date her, and if she says no, she runs the chance of a guy going off on her or worse.

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Girls are brought up to be "nice" and not mean to a guy that wants to date her

I think this a a pretty broad generalization. Some girls, probably those from more conservative families, are brought up this way. Other girls are raised to believe that they have agency and aren't obliged to be "nice" to any guy for fear he can't take rejection gracefully.


and if she says no, she runs the chance of a guy going off on her or worse.

I think this is more about guys like Caleb who, one way or another, have come to believe that they're entitled to have any girl they want and the girl had better grateful for his attention. However, I'm not ready to speculate yet on whether Amber's racial background has anything to do with Caleb's obsession with her. The allure of the "forbidden" is a whole other can of worms.

I only watch BBAD and occasionally browse Jokers, but on last night's ep, Victoria (or as I want to refer to her now, Vicki) was crying to some players about how she feels so physically threatened by Devin (I assume). Later that night, she went up to HoH and emphatically told Devin how she is not at ALL intimidated or weirded out by his size ("my dad is huge, my brother is huge; I live in Miami so I'm used to it").


Misogyny (or at least severe disrespect for women) is a constant backdrop on BB, but this kind of behavior makes me murderous, as it makes me almost see why some of the men often treat the women as they do. On the one hand, it's playing the game, but it's playing it in a way that uses your gender in such a revolting and manipulative way. I only hope the HGs see the truth (shouldn't be too hard to figure out with Victoria's delicate and strategic dabbing at her eyes during the "cry" session to avoid any make-up smearage. Call me old-fashioned, but if you are truly affected by something to the point of tears, mascara should not be priority #1).


Victoria's point was that she is not scared of Devin's size, but that the way his behavior is all over the place, he is so emotional, and that he is scary when he stares people down.  Devin likes to think he is intimidating because of his muscles, but it's more than that.



Exactly, Morbs. I wouldn't be intimidated by a man because of his size or his excessive muscle development, but I am freaked out by unpredictable, emotionally bi-polar people. I try to avoid them whenever possible, although you obviously can't do this in the Big Brother house. It's not limited to men of course, I've had plenty of unstable female coworkers and I haven't liked them either, although generally men are more likely to have an angry undercurrent to their unstable interactions. I still think Evil Dick was the worst houseguest I've seen, much more threatening than Devin or Caleb in my view. (I don't have the feeds though, just going by what I've read, and I haven't seen all the seasons - pretty much been a viewer since midway of the Allison season). I do like that we're not seeing any sort of racism or homophobia this year. Really don't like posters going on and on about how disliking/fearing Devin means we're racist and buying into the "angry black man stereotype" though. Slapping that on any incident involving a black man undermines all the real calling out of racism, as we saw in last year's unfortunate season. Devin is just a douche, maybe due to steroids, maybe an innate personality disorder, or maybe it's because he was a former Zanax addict. I think Big Brother was forced to show him in an unlikable way, due to the way he acts in the house all the time. I originally thought he was getting the Hero edit - I expected him to be my favourite (!) based on the first episode.

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Thought we needed a thread where we can ask questions all about Big Brother. To start off, mine are: 


1. Clothes. I've noticed this and past seasons the players wear college gear (t-shrits, hats, sweatshirts, etc.). But everything else is pretty generic and you don't see any pro team gear. Does Big Brother not allow them to wear pro (NFL, MLB, NBA, NHL, etc.) team gear, or just has anyone not gone on yet with any? Everything else is pretty generic in what they wear. 


2. Religion. There definitely seems to be a Christian theme in players thanking God, reading the Bible and such. I know players of other religions have been on, but you don't really hear them talk about their religion much. Definitely not as much as the Christian players do. More of an observation. 


3. Books. Is the Bible the only book allowed in the house? Don't recall seeing any other books being read. I know they usually get 1 CD when they're HOH, but didn't know if books were also in the house. 


4. Slop. What is it made of? 

A couple of these answers have come up on BB Australia and BBUK. While there are differences with the format of the show itself, these are all secondary elements that would probably be the same.


1. The clothes would be a copyright thing - it'd cost CBS too much to pay for the right to show trademarks.


3. Non-religious books aren't allowed in the house, no. In some cases (Stephen Baldwin on the UK Celebrity BB comes to mind), they've even restricted access to those books to set time periods so that players don't spend all day reading instead of interacting with the others.


4. BBAU's host once described slop as "raw oats with very sugary milk".


No clue about the religion thing though. Maybe the open Christians are playing for Fan Favourite votes, while the non-Christians are trying not to make themselves appear as the Other?

Kaysar was Muslim and would talk about his religion pretty frequently. I remember him explaining things about Iraq from his perspective can't remember if it was on the aired show or on the feeds. He was one of the most popular house guests during his season. I remember Jee from BB4 had a Buddhist ceremony that they showed.

Every year, we're faced with crappy casting, floptastic "twists," and nonsense like slop + gross food, while fun things like food and luxury comps have gone by the wayside. This godforsaken show can be vastly improved, if they would just listen to us! My starting wish list for improvement goes like this:


Fire Grodner. This show's swan dive into the cesspool started when she took over.


Fire Rich Meehan. I don't know exactly what he does, but he defended Caleb the Bunny Boiler as a love-struck romantic cowboy, so for that alone he has to go.


Fire Robyn Kass. I understand she's done better at casting other versions, but she sucks at casting the US version, so she has to go.


Two big improvements that could be made with minimal effort on the part of TPTB would be, as some smart person said in one of the other threads, to stop reading the vote count, just say who's eliminated. That would lead to drama and paranoia if people lie about it, and make people less afraid to "go against the house." And either stop sequestering the jury, since the DRs are almost entirely scripted/manipulated anyway, or if you must sequester, then don't send them to a mansion in Mexico for a multi-week paid vacation lounging by a pool. Send them to individual rooms in random Motel 6s in Burbank or something. Have "jury" be something undesirable, so maybe everyone will actually play to win, instead of just to get the jury stipend and have a nice vacay.


Let the pre-jury houseguests who have watched the feeds confer, and be given one jury vote.


And it only really became necessary to address this issue this season, but spell out in the contract what happens if a family member dies. Say for instance, for spouse, sibling, parent, child, you get pulled immediately and offered a spot on a future returnee season. No exceptions. For grandparent, aunt, uncle, cousin, niece, nephew etc. your aren't told until you get out. If you have a problem with that or you're in a situation where you feel that won't work, don't come on the show. The potential for sympathy to impact the game is really great, and undermines the point of the game.


Stop with the stupid twists! None of them work, and at this point, the most unexpected thing that could happen would be a straight up season with no America voting on anything, no dual HOH, no Fast Forward weeks, no Cootie Taws, no Titanium Alloy Vetos, none of that. Just cast people who know the game and come to play, and let them play.


Or, if they must, take things that were done in other versions of BB, figure out what would work here, and do that. I'm not familiar with them, but there must be something.


No more slop! Punish them by making them clean the house. Not just the dishes, but the laundry, the floors, the toilets and showers, vacuuming, everything. The house is practically a Superfund site.


Have them all wear a little buzzer shock thing, and anytime one of them says "at the end of the day," "it is what it is," "under the bus," or "blood on my hands" they get a shock. I'm only half kidding.


We're a smart bunch, I'm sure we can come up with lots more. And then take over the show! Muahahaha!

  • Love 16

Give them tasks to perform (unrelated to HOH or POV) to earn privileges/treats, with punishments if they fail. For example, one year they gave the hamsters an exercise bike and they had to do so many miles in 3 days to get a reward,( which I cant really remember but think may have been a margarita party or extra gym equipment?)  Or one year when they had to fill up a big container of jello to get access to the hot tub.  Stunts like this give the hammies something to do so they're not just sitting around, and can cause some drama if one of the hamsters isn't doing his/her fair share etc.  Lots more of the penalty kick and Britany's 2400 goals kind of thing.


I'd like it very much if they didn't give the hamsters any luxuries that they didn't earn by eating bugs or staying awake for 24 hours or some other way of making things more challenging.  I'd love to see a housewide punishment, such as no more blankets or mattresses, if everyone didn't stay standing for 12 hours, or cold showers only if dishes weren't washed within 15 minutes of being used.  Can you imagine how pissed off the more industrious hamsters would get with the lazy ones.  And it would encourage people to do something instead of just lay around all damn day.  There should be punishments/withdrawal of privileges for coming in last in the HOH competition, to discourage the hamsters from throwing it.


Make the hamsters run hard on that wheel to earn their pellets, damnit.

  • Love 9

I don't know if this is where to post this, but what I have never understood the logic of 16 people, 2 toilets. I would hate that. Amd the lack of a fully private shower would suck too.

I want to be cast so that I can film that intro, too. I'll just stand there, rolling my eyes and making a wanking motion with one hand.

Seriously awesome!!!

Edited by LadyNardicus

I have no idea where to post this, so I'll take my chances here.


Several posters have mentioned, over the past couple of weeks, that this is the first time a hamster has experienced a death in the family on the outside.


If I'm not mistaken, the show was airing during 9/11 and one of the female hamsters lost a cousin in one of the twin towers.  They told her about it and I think they told everybody there had been a major tragedy outside of the house and if anyone wanted to leave they could.  Nobody left, including the girl who lost her cousin.


Did I make all of this up, or am I  the only one who remembers?

I totally agree with some kind of punishment/reward system about cleaning the house. I can't watch the show sometimes because of the mess. Particularly in the kitchen and bathroom. It just grosses me out. That many adults living in a house and you're telling me that not a single one of them takes the initiative to clean? 


I'd also like to see the luxury competitions come back. I used to love those. The jealousy they bred amongst the HGs was always awesome, particularly if it was something like getting to leave the house or have outside contact with a loved one. 

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I always wish they'd take a lesson from the UK version and get rid of "production" and have the houseguests having conversations with "Big Brother". IIRC, they used a filter so that whoever spoke through the mike as "Big Brother" sounded the same. I liked that instead of scripted DRs about how terrible slop is, you'd get them running to the DR "Big Brother, you've got to let me start putting cinnamon on my slop!"

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I am completely on-board with more alcohol.


I've been kicking around an idea, that's still vague.  But, you could have some mechanism to elect 2 "team captains" every week, like a competition.  The captains would then pick teams, the way you pick teams in sports in middle school.  Then there might be an HOH competition, and whoever wins HOH has to nominate from the other team.


That would introduce an element of middle-school drama, which might be fun for the viewers.  Not so much fun for the person picked last.  

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If they choose to do Battle of the Block again then they need to adjust the rules to state that you cannot initially nominate the same people from the week before, but they are fair game after veto. This would have prevented the massive alliance from gaining any kind of foothold because placeholders like Victoria, Britney, Jocasta, and Donny could not have been used every week and actual threats (i.e. THE MEN) would have to be put up at some point. Maybe if this would have occurred some of the strong guys would have been up and out by now. 


I also agree with the idea that no one should be informed of a relative passing away unless it's an immediate family member and that they should be pulled from the game if that does happen. The whole point of the game is to be shut out from the outside world and that's part of it. 


They also need some sort of bed assignment system that keeps people from monopolizing the HoH bed. I hate seeing certain people *COUGH*Frankie*COUGH* sleep up there every night even when they are not in power. 

  • Love 2

The only way the dual HOH works is in a divided house. It doesn't work for this kumbayah happy family BS. So if it's used again, the division needs to be clear, and forced if necessary. A naturally divided house is too predictable, so before each HOH, divide them into teams randomly, and have one HOH from each team. That HOH can only nominate people from the other team. It won't eliminate the collusion, but it will make it harder (hopefully,) And then end the stupid twist after 3-4 weeks.


And while I'm at it, I just read this trainwreck isn't ending until Sept. 24. That's entirely too late. I've been saying for a while that this nonsense needs to start right after Memorial Day, and end before Labor Day. If they absolutely must come up with something to fill a spot until the new fall shows start, have a "lost footage" episode and a real reunion. Let grievances be aired. Let family and friends weigh in. Let us see the consequences of some actions.


Also, I don't even have the feeds this year, but it seems they could stand to be improved. Random rewinding, interminable loading, other technical grievances. If they're going to be that crappy, they should at least be free.

  • Love 4

They also need some sort of bed assignment system that keeps people from monopolizing the HoH bed. I hate seeing certain people *COUGH*Frankie*COUGH* sleep up there every night even when they are not in power.

Sorta reminds you of a certain not-really-related-to-Zach someone from last season, doesn't it...? :)

So far as the HOH bed goes (the entire HOH space, for that matter, bathroom and all) you don't need a "bed assignment system"; you just need an HOH with a backbone. Wasn't the entire intention of the HOH suite to be a significant perk/reward of winning HOH - a bed and bathroom you didn't have share and the only locked-door privacy in the House? Maybe my memory is fogging, but I seem to recall it being that way when BB first started, and through the first half-dozen or so seasons. Now the entire House seems to treat it like common property; they don't even bother to knock coming in any more.

Me, I'd own that key. Nobody would be coming through that door unless (a) I was there to let you in, and (b) I wanted to talk to you.

  • Love 9

I totally agree with some kind of punishment/reward system about cleaning the house. I can't watch the show sometimes because of the mess. Particularly in the kitchen and bathroom. It just grosses me out. That many adults living in a house and you're telling me that not a single one of them takes the initiative to clean? 


Hahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, you called them "adults!"   Hahahaha *snork*



I'd like to see Rachel compete in every single season.



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