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S09.E21: Direct Message


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I missed the first half of the episode, and tuned in to watch Jade whining over her loser boyfriend for the umpteenth time. She sure is a glutton for punishment.

*In Regina George voice*: "Kail, quit trying to make Chris happen. It's never going to happen!". I'm laughing at how she's never once in her life made concessions for Jo or Javi, yet trips over her fake ass to accommodate Chris. I think he gets off on how much control he has over her and that's why he threw a temper tantrum over Lux filming. Lincoln preferring to spend time with a useless fuckboi rather than leave with Kail says a lot about how enjoyable she is to be around. 

I'm not surprised Aubree enjoys therapy. She needs a neutral adult to talk to about her dad, and neither Chelsea nor Cole are capable of filling that role. 

Jon and Briana look completely miserable around each other. Why are they dating? Oh, right. Storylines and MTV checks.

  • Love 15

What's with Kail referring to Lux as "the baby, the baby, the baby"? She only called him Lux twice in that conversation about Chris not wanting him to film. 

And before that, of course her kids ask her when she's going to get married, and want Chris around. Puhlease. He don't want you girl! Get over it. Stop trying to make it happen or make us believe the kids want him. 

That scene with Leah and the girls in the car when she got back was weird. Addie randomly says "I'm nervous about tomorrow" then Leah talks for a bit. Then Addie is showing her teeth and happy about getting a sticker at the doctor. Lol I wonder what prompted Addie to say she was nervous in the first place. But we know how MTV editing can be. 

I still don't give a crap about Brianna. I never watch her stuff. And don't wanna watch Jade. She is so monotone. 

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Watson's "oops I spilled the ice cream" face was too much. 

Wow. An Adumb siting. How long had it been? 

I'm glad Addie is okay. Can Leah and Germy now just admit their love and get back together?

Brianna and John are so fucking boring they can't even make a love child plot twist interesting. 

Somehow I don't see Kail just shrugging her shoulders and going along with the no filming thing if it were Jo or Javi. 

But I did appreciate her actually recognizing that SHE is the common denominator in all of her failed relationships. 

  • Love 14
11 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Watson's "oops I spilled the ice cream" face was too much. 

Wow. An Adumb siting. How long had it been? 

I'm glad Addie is okay. Can Leah and Germy now just admit their love and get back together?

Brianna and John are so fucking boring they can't even make a love child plot twist interesting. 

Somehow I don't see Kail just shrugging her shoulders and going along with the no filming thing if it were Jo or Javi. 

But I did appreciate her actually recognizing that SHE is the common denominator in all of her failed relationships. 

Watson is so impossibly cute! I squee every time I see him, just like I used to do with Gary and Kristina's baby Emilee. Those cheeks! Those Paul McCartney angel eyes! He is adorable. Layne is adorable too. Chelea and Cole make very cute babies.

Kail. Kail Kail Kail. Her thirst is palpable. And yes, she would not have been so obliging for Jo or Javi. What is this strange magic that Chris possesses? Is it just that he doesn't want her, so she wants him?

I generally think that Kail's a good mother. But her handling of Lincoln wasn't so smart. Either stand firm and go get the pictures taken, or give his hair a little ruffle and say OK, we'll go later, so don't forget we have to do this. Don't let him cry and get upset and then give him his way! A) why would you let your kid get wound up like that? He was genuinely upset. B)  It was not absolutely necessary to go right at that moment, she just wanted to score a point, in her own unique Kail one upmanship game. And seriously, does she really think the kids care that they go to Mexico or Jamaica? They'd be just as happy anywhere else. Its Kail who wants to play sophisticated world traveler.

She always looks truculent and surly. Maybe because her rubber lips are always flapping like semaphore flags, it always looks like she's sticking out her bottom lip in defiance. Its so distracting.

Briana and Jade are just boring as fuck.

  • Love 21
12 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Wow. An Adumb siting. How long had it been? 

Is Adumb back on the show (I don't watch anymore, just snark)? Did he run out funds for his drug habit? 

Adumb only had two redeeming qualities - not having any more kids after Paisley and quitting this show.  Does he now only have the one redeeming quality?

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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26 minutes ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

Is Adumb back on the show (I don't watch anymore, just snark)? Did he run out funds for his drug habit? 

Adumb only had two redeeming qualities - not having any more kids after Paisley and quitting this show.  Does he now only have the one redeeming quality?

I don't think so. At the game they showed him in the distance supporting Aubree, then when her game was over the cameras showed her run over to him, give him a hug, talk for a minute then return to Chelsea and Cole. No up close shots or dialog from him. 

Adumb is trash, but it was nice to see Aubree surprised/happy that he came to support her. Also Chelsea in conversation with a friend let us know that Adumb still attends the lunches at Aubree's school. 

Edited by JBC344
  • Love 8
1 hour ago, JBC344 said:

I don't think so. At the game they showed him in the distance supporting Aubree, then when her game was over the cameras showed her run over to him, give him a hug, talk for a minute then return to Chelsea and Cole. No up close shots or dialog from him. 

Adumb is trash, but it was nice to see Aubree surprised/happy that he came to support her. Also Chelsea in conversation with a friend let us know that Adumb still attends the lunches at Aubree's school. 

yeah but don't you still have to sign a contract to be seen on camera at all?

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42 minutes ago, Jaclyn88 said:

yeah but don't you still have to sign a contract to be seen on camera at all?

Good point. Could be they told him they got footage of that event, and he was like yeah, whatever, you can show it. It presents him in a positive light, so it makes sense! Also, it's good to know that he is involved in some way. For Aubree's sake, I hope he keeps doing better. 

  • Love 7
5 hours ago, SuzWhat said:

Jade's friend actually gave her good advice.  At least I think so.  I tried watching her segment instead of fast forwarding but my mind wandered.  When she stormed out, I rewound to see what I missed and kind of zoned out again.  

She had a friend giving her solid advice on the first episode too. The problem is she doesn't listen. I have no idea how she can stand to live in that type of environment. My husband and I might have a "fight" (not a spat or disagreement, but a fight) once a year? And I HATE it. It's like torture. I could not tolerate that kind of strife on the daily. 

30 minutes ago, GreenlinetoHarlem said:

Briana should stop picking men and let Brittany arrange a marriage for her. That John guy, in addition to looking like a total goon, is a real fucking scumbag. (Assuming that screenshot is accurate. It is, right?)

I need some real time updates on that situation. I know texts can be easily doctored, but can Instagram messages be easily doctored as well? 

  • Love 5
17 hours ago, pinkandsparkly13 said:

What's with Kail referring to Lux as "the baby, the baby, the baby"? She only called him Lux twice in that conversation about Chris not wanting him to film. 

Because she knows Lux is a shit name but she won't admit it, so like everything else she doesn't like, she just ignores it and plows forward like facts don't matter?

38 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I need some real time updates on that situation. I know texts can be easily doctored, but can Instagram messages be easily doctored as well? 

Oh yeah. There are websites solely dedicated to letting you create any kind of fame social media message you want.

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Weird how Lincoln and Isaac want Chris more than they’re own fathers...especially Lincoln. From what I see, Javi seems very involved Lincoln's life so what is it with Chris? Weird. Also, is it me or does Lux seem non verbal for his age? Kailyn seems to be very influenced by what Chris wants and his opinions on things. She's refusing to vaccinate Lux because Chris doesn't believe in vaccinations. I can only imagine if Jo or Javi felt that way....she would be fighting them on it tooth and nail. She is so thirsty for this guy it's pathetic. He's a real catch...LOL!

Jade and Jon are dysfunctional and toxic for each other. They should either just split up and co-parent or go into therapy. It's painful  to watch all this mess with a baby involved and within earshot of their expletive filled arguments. It makes me sick.

I read Brianna broke up with John recently...did he have a side piece that he knocked up? Brianna needs to focus on her kids and her future...forget about dating and men for awhile. She should put herself and her kids first. 

Leah...I hate what she's done to her face. She didn't need to blow up her cheeks like that...she looked perfectly fine as she was. Another Teen Mom resorting to cosmetic fillers, etc...she and Jeremy seem to be in a good place...for now. Hooking up could be problematic but who knows. 

Edited by kicksave
  • Love 5
1 hour ago, Christina87 said:

Good point. Could be they told him they got footage of that event, and he was like yeah, whatever, you can show it. It presents him in a positive light, so it makes sense! Also, it's good to know that he is involved in some way. For Aubree's sake, I hope he keeps doing better. 

He was blurred wasn’t he? I may not have paid that much attention to it.   So was Chris in a very brief shot.  

Edited by Mkay
  • Love 4
2 hours ago, Jaclyn88 said:

yeah but don't you still have to sign a contract to be seen on camera at all?

Possibly, just the way that they filmed him so far away and that we didn't get his perspective made it seem like it was more of a "pick up" and that he just signed a waver than scheduling him to film. 

3 minutes ago, Mkay said:

He was blurred wasn’t he? I may not have paid that much attention to it.   So was Chris in a very brief shot.  

He actually wasn't blurred but the people around him were, he was just shot from so far away that if Chelsea didn't identify him I would of just assumed Aubree was giving her coach a hug. 

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9 minutes ago, Jaclyn88 said:

John could not look any less interested in Briana if he tried . 

Keeping his hood up in the middle of the restaurant during dinner would have been a clear indication of disinterest to me. Briana however is able to power through the vacant look in his eyes keep on with their vacation plans.  These chicks never seem to realize when guys are hanging around for free trips and access to their pools.

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If a guy met me in a restaurant for dinner and never lowered his hoody I would be out of there so fast. I think that is so disrespectful and rude. What Briana sees in that slouching, vague, boring hanger-on loser is beyond me. He is so obviously in this relationship for the MTV money and exposure and not for Briana. She needs to wise up.

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51 minutes ago, Andyourlittledog2 said:

If a guy met me in a restaurant for dinner and never lowered his hoody I would be out of there so fast. I think that is so disrespectful and rude. What Briana sees in that slouching, vague, boring hanger-on loser is beyond me. He is so obviously in this relationship for the MTV money and exposure and not for Briana. She needs to wise up.

I'm all for casual dining, but could Brianna and Jon have looked anymore sloppy during that dinner. Jon looked like he just rolled out of bed and she looked like her plane just landed. 

Does anyone on these shows ever dress up to go out and dine? 

Does anyone associated with her story have an energy? Their storyline is literally tired. 

  • Love 8

I haven't actually watched the show in years, but I did see the clip of Kail and her friend at the restaurant and the boys were talking about how much they liked Chris.  Here's what I think:  a) she could have put them up to talking about it on camera.  b) sometimes kids like to spend time with an adult who is not their parent.   When she was younger, my neighbor's granddaughter would hang out with me every time she visited her grandparents.  It wasn't because she didn't love her grandparents or parents, it was because I did different things with her than they did, like building cardboard cities, hiking in the woods, or making homemade puppy biscuits.   Chris probably has no disciplinary duties, either, so he might be like a fun uncle?

  • Love 11
52 minutes ago, NannyBails said:

I haven't actually watched the show in years, but I did see the clip of Kail and her friend at the restaurant and the boys were talking about how much they liked Chris.  Here's what I think:  a) she could have put them up to talking about it on camera.  b) sometimes kids like to spend time with an adult who is not their parent.   When she was younger, my neighbor's granddaughter would hang out with me every time she visited her grandparents.  It wasn't because she didn't love her grandparents or parents, it was because I did different things with her than they did, like building cardboard cities, hiking in the woods, or making homemade puppy biscuits.   Chris probably has no disciplinary duties, either, so he might be like a fun uncle?

I think Chris is an asshole to Kailyn, but nothing he’s done has shown me he would be mean or cruel to the boys. I can certainly see them playing together and Isaac/Lincoln thinking he’s super fun. 

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54 minutes ago, NannyBails said:

I haven't actually watched the show in years, but I did see the clip of Kail and her friend at the restaurant and the boys were talking about how much they liked Chris.  Here's what I think:  a) she could have put them up to talking about it on camera.  b) sometimes kids like to spend time with an adult who is not their parent.   When she was younger, my neighbor's granddaughter would hang out with me every time she visited her grandparents.  It wasn't because she didn't love her grandparents or parents, it was because I did different things with her than they did, like building cardboard cities, hiking in the woods, or making homemade puppy biscuits.   Chris probably has no disciplinary duties, either, so he might be like a fun uncle?

I think your 100% right. I think the kids see Chris as a fun uncle/big brother type. He isn't invested enough for any real connection with the boys and just likes to have fun. 

I will say I thought it was thoughtful of him to stay and play with the boys when he realized he couldn't take all of them with him. 

Edited by JBC344
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22 hours ago, kicksave said:

Weird how Lincoln and Isaac want Chris more than they’re own fathers...especially Lincoln. From what I see, Javi seems very involved Lincoln's life so what is it with Chris?

I haven't seen any evidence of this. They do seem to get very excited when Chris is around; I assume this is because he's 100% "fun" and no discipline. However, both boys also seem to have very good relationships with not only their fathers, but each others. One thing Kail's kids aren't missing is love in their lives. 

19 hours ago, Andyourlittledog2 said:

If a guy met me in a restaurant for dinner and never lowered his hoody I would be out of there so fast. I think that is so disrespectful and rude. What Briana sees in that slouching, vague, boring hanger-on loser is beyond me.

I mean, it's a step up from a dude who won't even meet you in a public place and prefers to bang you in the alleyway behind a club. 

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I think it’s fine that Lincoln and Issac are attached to Chris. It’s not unusual to want too hang out with an adult who you don’t see very often and pretty much is just a good time uncle. My four year old grandson is obsessed with my daughter’s fiancé. He loves his daddy but when Vince shows up it’s hero worship. It’s cute to see. 

Saying “if he doesn’t know we’re filming I just won’t tell him” is not a compromise. It’s a lie. He has made his wishes very clear, as the child’s father they need to be respected. You don’t get to dictate the terms. He’s going to pull the plug completely pretty soon. 

Edited by ElderPrice
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21 minutes ago, configdotsys said:

This show has definitely run its course. What a waste of my time to watch this dried up tripe. Put it out of its misery, MTV.

It's definitely time. There's nothing for these people to do or talk about anymore. They're trying to pep things up with Jade, but the fanbase isn't invested enough in her to care. Kail's drama revolves around a man who was never committed from the start, Briana's a lifeless slug and Leah and Jeremy hooking up is hardly scandalous considering they were once married and share a child. Stick a fork in them, they're done.

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So I thought ole Labia Lips "wasn't filming" this season..."but like if I'm at one of Lincoln's games that Kail is at (aka *every game*), I'll be filmed! Ok!...ok?..". We see you Javi...more than even your beloved saw you with someone else naked in your bathroom. 

Chelsea's story is a breath of fresh air, only because she is affiliated with Kail, Leah & Jenelle. If it weren't for the juxtaposition with the others & her being one of the "originals", she couldn't even break 1,000 on a South Dakotan based You Tube channel. 

Again, has it been confirmed that "whatshisface" with the 3rd most famous hoodie in Teen Mom history knocked someone else up? (Kieffah's green hoodie is #1 & the one Tori stole is #2 if anyone was wondering why Blob's is #3)

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On 9/26/2019 at 9:10 AM, Emkat said:

Wouldn't it be hilarious if Chris refused to let "the baby" film at all?! God Kail would flip out!!

I think the kids get paid.

On 9/26/2019 at 9:23 AM, NannyBails said:

I haven't actually watched the show in years, but I did see the clip of Kail and her friend at the restaurant and the boys were talking about how much they liked Chris.  Here's what I think:  a) she could have put them up to talking about it on camera.  b) sometimes kids like to spend time with an adult who is not their parent.   When she was younger, my neighbor's granddaughter would hang out with me every time she visited her grandparents.  It wasn't because she didn't love her grandparents or parents, it was because I did different things with her than they did, like building cardboard cities, hiking in the woods, or making homemade puppy biscuits.   Chris probably has no disciplinary duties, either, so he might be like a fun uncle?

I would have come over your house too!

  • Love 5
15 hours ago, CaliforniaLove said:

So I thought ole Labia Lips "wasn't filming" this season..."but like if I'm at one of Lincoln's games that Kail is at (aka *every game*), I'll be filmed! Ok!...ok?..". We see you Javi...more than even your beloved saw you with someone else naked in your bathroom. 

I thought it was meant for season 10. He filmed 9b but released his statement while 10 was filming.  

Edited by Mkay

How weird is it that she kept calling Luz "the baby" and said "the baby" rather than Lux or him or he about a million times in one long-ass run-on sentence.

Weirder still: why doesn't "the baby" ever talk? One might think that given all the time he spends with Lincoln and Isaac that he might be ahead in terms of talking and anxious to communicate with his brothers. 

So Chris is the one who doesn't want "the baby" to be vaccinated? Does Chris pay any child support or medical insurance/bills? Is Chris going to take responsibility if "the baby" causes Lincoln and Isaac to become desperately ill? What the hell could he do if she just vaccinated him anyway?

  • Love 3
16 minutes ago, politichick said:

How weird is it that she kept calling Luz "the baby" and said "the baby" rather than Lux or him or he about a million times in one long-ass run-on sentence.

Weirder still: why doesn't "the baby" ever talk? One might think that given all the time he spends with Lincoln and Isaac that he might be ahead in terms of talking and anxious to communicate with his brothers. 

So Chris is the one who doesn't want "the baby" to be vaccinated? Does Chris pay any child support or medical insurance/bills? Is Chris going to take responsibility if "the baby" causes Lincoln and Isaac to become desperately ill? What the hell could he do if she just vaccinated him anyway?

People often call the youngest (or only child) “the baby” far longer than their first year. My god daughter is almost 5 (but the only child in a family of adults) still gets referred to as “the baby”. 

Also, youngest children often speak later because they have 500million people around to speak for them- they don’t HAVE to speak to get their needs met. It’s he only 2years old?(or slightly younger during filming) Plenty of typical children (especially boys) aren’t chatter boxes at that age. 

Chris doesn’t contribute anything towards Lux’s support- he has no job. His only “job” is to emotionally manipulate Kailyn for sex and pool time. Kailyn is so desperate for his attention it’s shameful. 

  • Love 3
50 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

People often call the youngest (or only child) “the baby” far longer than their first year. My god daughter is almost 5 (but the only child in a family of adults) still gets referred to as “the baby”. 

Also, youngest children often speak later because they have 500million people around to speak for them- they don’t HAVE to speak to get their needs met. It’s he only 2years old?(or slightly younger during filming) Plenty of typical children (especially boys) aren’t chatter boxes at that age. 

Chris doesn’t contribute anything towards Lux’s support- he has no job. His only “job” is to emotionally manipulate Kailyn for sex and pool time. Kailyn is so desperate for his attention it’s shameful. 

Yeah, I catch myself often referring to my youngest, who's 3, as "the baby". And he took awhile to really speak too, because screaming whatever seemed to get his point across fine in his eyes LOL. When he was about Lux's age, you could make out maybe 2 words out of every 10 that he spoke, and the rest was just gibberish and anyone's guess. Now he's a chatterbox.

Luckily, he's vaccinated. 

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