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2019 Auditions, Finals, and Training Camp Spoilers

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47 minutes ago, Tootie said:


  • Madeline
  • Brennan
  • Jinelle
  • Tara
  • Jalyn

Am I missing anyone?

Alternative viewpoint:

There is no conspiracy. VK was never promised anything last year, and was cut when she gained weight and was dishonest. She lost weight, came back this year, and was picked by a panel of judges for show group. All of the guest choreographers felt totally comfortable not giving VK a sticker last year. If she was picked for show group this year, it was a consensus. I watched the video from Kristy’s twitter. Her kicks were great. 

Again, I think VK was annoying and immature last year. She was alarmingly heavy. But I heard all last summer about Kelli guaranteeing her a spot, and ultimately that ended up not happening. Sometimes the most accurate explanation is the simplest one, and that is VK wasn’t great last year. She was cut. She came back better this year, and is being scored better by guest judges/choreographers.

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2 minutes ago, TinyHands said:

Alternative viewpoint:

There is no conspiracy. VK was never promised anything last year, and was cut when she gained weight and was dishonest. She lost weight, came back this year, and was picked by a panel of judges for show group. All of the guest choreographers felt totally comfortable not giving VK a sticker last year. If she was picked for show group this year, it was a consensus. I watched the video from Kristy’s twitter. Her kicks were great. 

Again, I think VK was annoying and immature last year. She was alarmingly heavy. But I heard all last summer about Kelli guaranteeing her a spot, and ultimately that ended up not happening. Sometimes the most accurate explanation is the simplest one, and that is VK wasn’t great last year. She was cut. She came back better this year, and is being scored better by guest judges/choreographers.

And if Jaylen goes from being one to watch to being cut, will that give credence the other direction?  The body count around VK is growing year by year.

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5 minutes ago, hathorlive said:

And if Jaylen goes from being one to watch to being cut, will that give credence the other direction?  The body count around VK is growing year by year.

Also it's MULTIPLE sources. Someone on facebook has confirmed this exact story independantly from someone who used to work on production apparently and still has connections there. 

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2 minutes ago, hathorlive said:

And if Jaylen goes from being one to watch to being cut, will that give credence the other direction?  The body count around VK is growing year by year.

There are certainly venues for former DCCs to document/talk about their negative experiences. Milan and Erica are two examples that come to mind. If Tara or Jalyn spoke out after they left the squad and said that they were unfairly targeted and let go because of VK, I would absolutely believe them. Unless we hear from them, we’re left guessing about the motivations behind decisions. I’m fairly confident we’ll see reasoning for Jalyn’s exclusion from Show Group documented on the show. I’ll definitely wait for that before I hazard guesses. 

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This whole thing is sad. Especially if it's being done in defiance BECAUSE of very valid criticism of decisions last year. No one was "telling Kelli who should be on the squad" just saying some treatment was blatantly wrong. And instead of maybe trying to work with that person and doing everything in your power to make sure SHE doesn't make the same mistakes and therefore there is no reason for anyone to be critical, you double down, are now punishing one of your strongest dancers just for doing what the veterans were allegedly supposed to do and help. Jalyn it looks like was trying to HELP her. Are you that selfish that because people criticized you you need to hurt your squad? You're not helping Victoria, who you supposedly care about you are just making people hate her more. Your are driving amazing people off of your team, people who may have stayed a long time and been strong leaders. It just seems incredibly petty and close minded and selfish. 

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22 minutes ago, scorpio1031 said:

How about all those scenes we've watched where K&J tell the rookies to pair up with a veteran and they go over the entrance, kick line, dances, etc?  Britney Schram wasn't a GL and she was telling rookies to "shut the car door."  Sydney said it was part of being a vet - she didn't say GL, she said vet.

At the start of each season a vet always held an unofficial practice to help the girls out too.

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4 minutes ago, TinyHands said:

There are certainly venues for former DCCs to document/talk about their negative experiences. Milan and Erica are two examples that come to mind. If Tara or Jalyn spoke out after they left the squad and said that they were unfairly targeted and let go because of VK, I would absolutely believe them. Unless we hear from them, we’re left guessing about the motivations behind decisions. I’m fairly confident we’ll see reasoning for Jalyn’s exclusion from Show Group documented on the show. I’ll definitely wait for that before I hazard guesses. 

Also, just in case someone thinks I’m associated with the show, I’ve been posting since last summer, and posted this:

I don’t think VK is perfect. She’s annoying and kind of spastic. But that can be true, and it can also be true that she’s improved.

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3 minutes ago, Squeek said:

At the start of each season a vet always held an unofficial practice to help the girls out too.

So we will now have Vets who don't want to criticize or help a rookie, we have team members who are terrified that anything they say will be used against them, and we have a lopsided spinning top at point named VK because everyone else quit the team rather than deal with her. How many people showed up to tryouts this year, Kelli? Like 150?  The dance world is small. I bet we can break 100 next year.

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2 hours ago, GuiltyJohn said:

Jalyn was seen as insulting Victoria. Victoria ran to her mom and Kelli about it. Jalyn has been in trouble ever sense. Someone asked if this was another Tara situation. I don’t think so. Tara actively complained about Victoria to someone she trusted and was stabbed in the back. Jalyn wasn’t acting maliciously or complaining. As for Heather her situation had nothing to do with Victoria so she could climb back into the graces of Kelli and Judy. You saw what happened to Tara, i expect that Jalyn will see the same fate. 

Jalyn would not have made my Top 5 but she does not deserve what is happening. 

Hmmm . . . first Tara says something, now Jalyn and both are in the doghouse with Kelli when before, Kelli probably would have ignored such things if it even got to her.  I would have added "unless it was causing major problems" and even then, it wouldn't have gotten to the level it has.  In addition, it would likely have been filtered through several people who would have tried to solve the problem before it ever got to Kelli.  Instead, because Victoria has a direct line to Kelli without having to go through all the others layers and levels the others do, all she has to do is whine and Kelli gives in. 

2 hours ago, SmpIsimon said:

My theory is that last year Kelli wanted her to make it because she likes her and she's the daughter of Kelli's good friend.  Nothing wrong with either of those things.  But, then it came out that Kelli had promised Victoria a slot, which she eventually had to renege on given Victoria's massive weight gain.  It also came out that the judges who questioned Victoria were silenced, Victoria's role in Tara's elimination, how Victoria lied about a medical condition, lied about going to the doctor and then threw Jinelle under the bus.  All of that understandably built up a lot of VK hate.  Well, from what I heard, that really pissed Kelli off and made her feel like the fans were trying to tell her who she could and couldn't have on the team.  Thus, this year she has really doubled down. Not only was VK promised a slot on the team but on SG as well.  Also, everyone associated with the DCC has been instructed to share nothing except praise for VK.  Even Kristi had to take down that video of the kick-line for fear folks might use it against VK.  Someone needs to tell Kelli that she's allowing her ego to overpower her rational thinking.

In the past, Kelli has not cared one whit about what the fans thought of who she chose to put on the squad.  She chose who she chose and that was all.  The fans had absolutely NO input on the final roster.  The closest the fans ever got to that was the fan vote and it was gone after a few years.  Even then, only ONE of the fan vote winners ever made the squad and that person would have made the squad regardless of winning the vote.  The only difference between last year (and this year) and EVERY year before? Victoria.  Well, Victoria and all the criticism about the nepotism/favoritism she was given.  That must have felt like a personal attack to Kelli, not only of her, but of Victoria.  There probably isn't a person on this board that hasn't felt personally attacked at some point or another, but most of us have dealt with it and moved on.  Sounds like Kelli hasn't and is letting her personal feelings overrule common sense and leadership. 

2 hours ago, SmpIsimon said:

Thank you for that -- this is what I was told as well.  Jalyn gave Victoria what she thought was some helpful corrections, and Victoria got really insulted.  She then complained to her mother, who went to Kelli.  The girls were then lectured at a subsequent practice that if someone needs feedback, leave it to Kelli or Judy to tell them.  This is in contrast to past years where Vets were encouraged to give help to the rookies.  Ever since then Jalyn has been in the dog house.  And nobody has really stuck up for Jalyn because the girls have learned just how bad things can be if get the wrong side of the VK love fest.

See above.  Also, Kelli will likely lose a LOT of girls this year because of this.  I was actually surprised that more girls DIDN'T leave at the end of last year.  Maybe they didn't expect to see Victoria again this year so were shocked/dismayed when she showed up.  

21 minutes ago, TinyHands said:

Alternative viewpoint:

There is no conspiracy. VK was never promised anything last year, and was cut when she gained weight and was dishonest. She lost weight, came back this year, and was picked by a panel of judges for show group. All of the guest choreographers felt totally comfortable not giving VK a sticker last year. If she was picked for show group this year, it was a consensus. I watched the video from Kristy’s twitter. Her kicks were great. 

Again, I think VK was annoying and immature last year. She was alarmingly heavy. But I heard all last summer about Kelli guaranteeing her a spot, and ultimately that ended up not happening. Sometimes the most accurate explanation is the simplest one, and that is VK wasn’t great last year. She was cut. She came back better this year, and is being scored better by guest judges/choreographers.

It's a thought and would be a plausible one if Victoria hadn't handed Kelli at least 5 reasons to cut her throughout the season and yet Kelli refused to take her up on any of them despite the fact that she would have dropped another candidate in a heartbeat for ANY of them, much less all of them, long before Victoria was cut.  In fact, wasn't Victoria cut on what was allegedly the last night of Training Camp?  That would indicate that both she and Kelli expected her to make the squad that year.  

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3 minutes ago, EricaShadows said:

Hmmm . . . first Tara says something, now Jalyn and both are in the doghouse with Kelli when before, Kelli probably would have ignored such things if it even got to her.  I would have added "unless it was causing major problems" and even then, it wouldn't have gotten to the level it has.  In addition, it would likely have been filtered through several people who would have tried to solve the problem before it ever got to Kelli.  Instead, because Victoria has a direct line to Kelli without having to go through all the others layers and levels the others do, all she has to do is whine and Kelli gives in. 

In the past, Kelli has not cared one whit about what the fans thought of who she chose to put on the squad.  She chose who she chose and that was all.  The fans had absolutely NO input on the final roster.  The closest the fans ever got to that was the fan vote and it was gone after a few years.  Even then, only ONE of the fan vote winners ever made the squad and that person would have made the squad regardless of winning the vote.  The only difference between last year (and this year) and EVERY year before? Victoria.  Well, Victoria and all the criticism about the nepotism/favoritism she was given.  That must have felt like a personal attack to Kelli, not only of her, but of Victoria.  There probably isn't a person on this board that hasn't felt personally attacked at some point or another, but most of us have dealt with it and moved on.  Sounds like Kelli hasn't and is letting her personal feelings overrule common sense and leadership. 

See above.  Also, Kelli will likely lose a LOT of girls this year because of this.  I was actually surprised that more girls DIDN'T leave at the end of last year.  Maybe they didn't expect to see Victoria again this year so were shocked/dismayed when she showed up.  

It's a thought and would be a plausible one if Victoria hadn't handed Kelli at least 5 reasons to cut her throughout the season and yet Kelli refused to take her up on any of them despite the fact that she would have dropped another candidate in a heartbeat for ANY of them, much less all of them, long before Victoria was cut.  In fact, wasn't Victoria cut on what was allegedly the last night of Training Camp?  That would indicate that both she and Kelli expected her to make the squad that year.  

I agree with everything you’ve said. She was not cut on the last night. But like the second to last practice (if I’m not mistaken) Lilly and Malena were last

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1 hour ago, pinkandsparkly13 said:

What a bunch of crap. F Victoria and Kelli and all the BS. I really hope she can't control her weight and is a one and done. Sorry not sorry. And I really hope Jalyn and others speak out on all this after they quit. Please?!

Same, really hoping this year is the year some vets quit. I wonder what would happen if Jalyn gets cut. Would shit totally hit the fan?

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I'm with you KnyghtRider. I'm out for the year (or longer). I would not be able to stomach watching. These girls must REALLY want to be a DCC to put up with this toxicity for so little pay. If I were Jalyn, I wouldn't give them the pleasure of cutting me. I would leave and never look back.

Too bad the other 35 girls chosen for the team couldn't make a pact to wait until the first game and just not show up. They could then have VK front and center all by her lonesome and Kelli having a mini-heart attack.

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2 minutes ago, Mercurialsteph said:

This whole thing is sad. Especially if it's being done in defiance BECAUSE of very valid criticism of decisions last year. No one was "telling Kelli who should be on the squad" just saying some treatment was blatantly wrong. And instead of maybe trying to work with that person and doing everything in your power to make sure SHE doesn't make the same mistakes and therefore there is no reason for anyone to be critical, you double down, are now punishing one of your strongest dancers just for doing what the veterans were allegedly supposed to do and help. Jalyn it looks like was trying to HELP her. Are you that selfish that because people criticized you you need to hurt your squad? You're not helping Victoria, who you supposedly care about you are just making people hate her more. Your are driving amazing people off of your team, people who may have stayed a long time and been strong leaders. It just seems incredibly petty and close minded and selfish. 

Sorry guys here is my mini-rant-

I am just going to say it. I feel distressed for the ladies that are the most vulnerable within the TCC/DCC environment.  I never thought they would go this far. The DCC world inner circle may be tiny. But the extended world goes way past to include people you would not necessarily think of.

TPTB and motley crew. To go as far as trying to discredit those who speak out on what they are witnessing as wrong. To make it a campaign to silence those who are suffering under such a toxic, favoritism geared rule, is sickening. Leadership and staff often stop even seeing it for what it is. It's their normal, I guess. 

Knowing that there is an expectation communicated to "support your teammates and protect each other from bullies", under the guise of social media education, but really meant to caudle VicSidious upsets me. I don't hate the girl and have no motivation to make her life difficult. But it appears there is zero awareness of how she makes others lives hard. TPTB only amplify that. It's actually not fair to VK. That is NOT the story we will get in Aug. We will hear how she overcame negative attention through the support of her teammates who love her, kinda thing.

In the beginning, I had hoped she would be gracious towards others. Or at least fake it better. Every excuse in the world is being given to her. Oh and expect a major spin for the show. I had said Kelly was defiantly protecting and "showing" off VK. For me, it is not as much as whether there is talent present. Clearly, there is, but I could care less in some respects. It's the behaviors I can't stomach. 

I have had to help large health care corporations "re-educate leadership" when the sense of reality is so contrary to the facts, that turnover became a major financial loss. It never failed to amaze me how intentionally blind over-indulged leadership can become. It is not something that happens overnight. Whole boards have been removed because they end up reinforcing eachthers false realities. And I end up looking at the faces of 18 executives baffled as to why a 2nd nursing strike has happened. This DCC summer is like that to me.

Just imagine being in camp, hearing all the specially crafted wording on "protecting, shielding, and wouldn't you want the same if it were you" speeches. Dealing with personalities who can cry and manipulate those around by "being hurt"..., or imagine watching a forever growing list of people mentor someone who already has an automatic in while you struggle and are under secret gag orders or be banished, type of emotional environment. 

They really have gone too far if hardcore persecution is what you face if caught speaking in any manner other than what you are expected to parrot and/or makes the DCC appear as a demiGod. As I listen to people it reminds me of brainwashing. Isolate young girls in intensive hours of evaluation, barely time to breathe and it won't be until they exit that abusive relationship that they realize too much was sacrificed at points. (Not everyone has the same experience, obviously). But I worry. It is the minority of girls that leave having had a great total experience? Some have it all while a DCC, most do not, or it appears to be something along those lines. Has it always been this way? Did I really miss it during the former years?

okay working on 2 hours sleep, so this may read funny to me in the AM.

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Rachel & Tess’s look great. Not a fan of the smirk Lexie does sometimes, but she looks great otherwise. I’m curious to see if Jalyn is in any of them😢. I hope do, anything that makes it harder to cut her is good in my book. 

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5 hours ago, hathorlive said:

I get that. I went to college and qualified as a sophomore based on AP/ high school work. But does what you did in high school mean you are a college student. I would think that means you are enrolled in school and taking classes.  Not that you once read a book.  Of course, if they've relaxed the criteria, it's a moot point.  Unless it's not relaxed for everyone.

When Malena quit her job because cheerleading was more important to her than a career, she was not told she had to get another job.

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4 hours ago, SingleMom9 said:

I just finished rewatching season 13, and I guess it just baffles me.  On the episode of the final cuts, there were several comments that Brennan was the weakest. Yet instead they blindsided Lily by cutting her.  

They do that almost every season.   Season 12, Savanna and Christina were called out constantly at the end but Taryn was cut.  ....and I caught a HUGE Jessica fumble in the kick line (after the split, she did the pose in the wrong direction.   And nothing was said on camera.  Still do not know how that girl made it through several years).  Morgan, Breelin, even Kelcey, and Chelsea (but at least in S7 they didn’t cut a million people).  The cut that I never really got was Courtney (The season gymnast Kat made it)   She wasn’t technical but was a powerful performer.  

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2 hours ago, Squeek said:

Calendar covers




Lord, these leave a lot to be desired.  I wish they’d stop trying to make their branded swimwear happen.  

Is it me, or are the diagonal bars really hurting the impact of the shots?  

Rachel’s looks OK to me, but the sun is messing up Lexie and the bars block the background which would make Tess’ shot.  

And my girl Brennan looks terrific.  I didn’t think it was possible.  I bet K&J danced a jig when they saw that shot.

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3 hours ago, chrishunt said:

Same, really hoping this year is the year some vets quit. I wonder what would happen if Jalyn gets cut. Would shit totally hit the fan?

The Kalinas are enmeshed in Jonestown, and everyone’s drinking the Kool-aid.  There is nobody to hold the organization accountable for its behavior.  

Aside from a ton of DCCs themselves striking, I can’t imagine anything else would gain attention from TPTB or the media.  

Heck, poster child Jinelle’s lesbian relationship with another staff member didn’t make news*, why would this VK nonsense get noticed? 

Suppose Jalyn gets cut.  Are fans going to get a permit to protest the cut outside the stadium on Meet the Team night?  Get hordes of people to wear Justice4Jalyn shirts and cause enough of a ruckus to make it on to the show?  I can’t see it happening. Folks are apathetic and KF would not let it air.

*Side note.  Am I the only person that finds it odd that there was no publicity about Jinelle?  DCC and heterosexuality seem synonymous to me.  So, the cool Australian DCC is a lesbian.  That’s news enough.  Next, this lady gets engaged to another staff member?  That seems even stranger.  Then, the choreographer’s daughter alludes to some sense of requisite secrecy in a comment on the engagement post indicating that folks knew, but couldn’t say anything.  Why?  What does this say about the DCFC?  Wouldn’t our hero Weatherman Scott see a great story even if he was friendly with everyone?  

Edited by DCCFan197605
Punctuation correction.
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8 hours ago, hathorlive said:

I think the truth of the matter is that there were more POC in the 70/80's because the shorts covered more and hence "white girl body" syndrome wasn't as prevalent yet.

Check out The Daughters of the Sexual Revolution documentary.  It’s clear that the Dallas Cowboys Football Club was diversity focused overall, and Suzanne Mitchell had quotas on appearance—blondes, brunettes, latinas, African Americans, red heads, etc.  

The DCC was in place as of 1972, and in 1980 Suzanne added AA Toni Mitchell to the team who was described as not being able to dance her way out of a paper bag.  If you watch performance videos during that documentary or on YouTube of the squad in the 70s and 80s you find files that would drive director KF crazy today and less difficult choreography.  

It’s easy to field a diverse team when you more concerned with the poster than you are with dance quality.  At the time, aesthetics were more important.

Even during the MTT years, the average dance ability has increased as has the difficulty of the material.  

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Thank you @GuiltyJohn. That is what I thought it might be. 

My guilty secret wish would be to see every blessed one of the gals in TC quit on the spot. That would leave "little Miss beautiful storm" to be the one and only DCC OR they would have to do a quick hustle to find other girls and have a very mediocre season this year. Of course I know that will never happen, but a girl can dream, can't she?

Somewhere down the line, this will not end well for the DCC organization. Impartiality is a difficult thing to come by in any profession/competitive activity, but such blatant favoritism shows the rot in the core of this organization's apple basket. And just like a bushel of rotten apples, they must all be thrown away and a new crop grown or the business shut down.

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My predictions:

-if tptb read anything online at all, jalyn will not be cut at this point

-the world will keep turning and no one will quit. There are too many perks and this was something these girls have worked hard for, to quit over anything at this point 

-vk will do a few years, she will be talked about but eventually will retire and things will move on

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7 hours ago, heckkitty said:

Rachel & Tess’s look great. Not a fan of the smirk Lexie does sometimes, but she looks great otherwise. I’m curious to see if Jalyn is in any of them😢. I hope do, anything that makes it harder to cut her is good in my book. 

How would that make it harder to cut her? The year Amy Reese was cut she was in both the star magazine and calendar. 

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7 hours ago, Tootie said:

2019-07-07 (5).png

Tess and Alexis look as hot as usual but my god, Brennan is killing it here! I'm not keen on Rachel or Lexie's covers. Seriously, they were the best shots of them that they got? I highly doubt that! 

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2 minutes ago, Kayce said:

Brennan looks amazing !!! 🔥🔥🔥


I would give Brennan the Pulitzer Price, the Congressional Medal of Honor, the Nobel Peace price, but she is not a no-brainer when it comes to beauty.

September would not be my favourite month. Her behind looks real masculine and the only aesthetically pleasing of her on this photo are her shoulder and arm. No 🔥

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1 minute ago, Pau84 said:

I would give Brennan the Pulitzer Price, the Congressional Medal of Honor, the Nobel Peace price, but she is not a no-brainer when it comes to beauty.

September would not be my favourite month. Her behind looks real masculine and the only aesthetically pleasing of her on this photo are her shoulder and arm. No 🔥

That’s being really picky 😂😂😂😂😂 no disrespect intended! 

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12 hours ago, beagledog100 said:

I’ve been trying to figure out why it’s so important to Kelli that VK makes the team. I wonder if they’re hoping to have VK takeover Kelli’s job in the future.  That way Kelli’s family and the Kalina family would still be able to have access to all the games and field access and the other perks associated with being the director.  If someone else takes over, the two families might be phased out.

If it wasn't already mentioned, Kelli's husband works for the Cowboys so they could probably get in.  Even as retirees I imagine they would still have some perks and access.

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16 minutes ago, Pau84 said:

I would give Brennan the Pulitzer Price, the Congressional Medal of Honor, the Nobel Peace price, but she is not a no-brainer when it comes to beauty.

September would not be my favourite month. Her behind looks real masculine and the only aesthetically pleasing of her on this photo are her shoulder and arm. No 🔥

I don’t know many guys with an ass like that 😂

7 hours ago, Tootie said:

2019-07-07 (4).png


Miranda does it again! Srsly, who is that?!🤣

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11 hours ago, SingleMom9 said:

Sam is super smart...pretty sure she was valedictorian of her class.  Maybe smart enough not to get involved in all the DCC drama!

Sam doesn't have the DCC look.  She's uber smart and self confident enough to know that she can be supportive of the ladies while pursuing other things.

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49 minutes ago, Jessa0984 said:

How would that make it harder to cut her? The year Amy Reese was cut she was in both the star magazine and calendar. 

I know, & Tara last year too. I imagine it at least makes them pause for a sec though. 

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6 hours ago, DCCFan197605 said:

Lord, these leave a lot to be desired.  I wish they’d stop trying to make their branded swimwear happen.  

Is it me, or are the diagonal bars really hurting the impact of the shots?  

Rachel’s looks OK to me, but the sun is messing up Lexie and the bars block the background which would make Tess’ shot.  

And my girl Brennan looks terrific.  I didn’t think it was possible.  I bet K&J danced a jig when they saw that shot.

Agreed.  Rachel is giving nothing in the face.  That picture of Miranda is just ridiculous.

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1 hour ago, Stinkerbell said:

-vk will do a few years, she will be talked about but eventually will retire and things will move on

VK will do her five years (after all, what else does she have going on) but she will greatly damage the brand in the process.  She is still just a rookie and the level of toxicity she is causing is off the charts -- imagine her as a vet.

I suspect though that she'll have trouble maintaining the weight (she's already gained a few pounds in this current training camp), and I wonder how TPTB will justify putting folks on weight warning with VK on the squad.

Edited by SmpIsimon
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10 hours ago, FLAfan said:

You would think after all the publicity over Hollywood paying to get their kids into college that Kelli would not be showing such favoritism for a friend’s daughter.

They have made a joke of the DCC. And Kitty sticking up for her was pathetic.

Each year the numbers of women trying out is dropping.

Also the number of years the women staying is dropping.

They expect an awful lot from women being paid chump change to be a cheerleader.

Very well said ! 

and on top of all of what you already stated, they also expect these women to deal with VK!

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6 hours ago, DCCFan197605 said:

Check out The Daughters of the Sexual Revolution documentary.  It’s clear that the Dallas Cowboys Football Club was diversity focused overall, and Suzanne Mitchell had quotas on appearance—blondes, brunettes, latinas, African Americans, red heads, etc.  

The DCC was in place as of 1972, and in 1980 Suzanne added AA Toni Mitchell to the team who was described as not being able to dance her way out of a paper bag.  If you watch performance videos during that documentary or on YouTube of the squad in the 70s and 80s you find files that would drive director KF crazy today and less difficult choreography.  

It’s easy to field a diverse team when you more concerned with the poster than you are with dance quality.  At the time, aesthetics were more important.

Even during the MTT years, the average dance ability has increased as has the difficulty of the material.  

But even today there are several white girls who don't dance that great.  If you're going to include people like that on the squad, you might as well diversify.  There is no shortage of blondes or whites on the DCC.  There's also no shortage of black girls who can dance.  I hope K&J wake up before it becomes a PR nightmare.

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25 minutes ago, SmpIsimon said:

VK will do her five years (after all, what else does she have going on) but she will greatly damage the brand in the process.  She is still just a rookie and the level of toxicity she is causing is off the charts -- imagine her as a vet.

I suspect though that she'll have trouble maintaining the weight (she's already gained a few pounds in this current training camp), and I wonder how TPTB will justify putting folks on weight warning with VK on the squad.

I have a feeling she will do more than 5 years...

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25 minutes ago, SmpIsimon said:

VK will do her five years (after all, what else does she have going on) but she will greatly damage the brand in the process.  She is still just a rookie and the level of toxicity she is causing is off the charts -- imagine her as a vet.

I suspect though that she'll have trouble maintaining the weight (she's already gained a few pounds in this current training camp), and I wonder how TPTB will justify putting folks on weight warning with VK on the squad.

How on earth has she gained a few pounds again this year? With the amount they dance? Must have crash dieted before training camp & then gone back to the milkshakes 

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38 minutes ago, SmpIsimon said:

VK will do her five years (after all, what else does she have going on) but she will greatly damage the brand in the process.  She is still just a rookie and the level of toxicity she is causing is off the charts -- imagine her as a vet.

I think VK will be a nightmare vet, like Cassie but 10x worse. And future vets and TCCs won't be able to do anything about it. 

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12 hours ago, go4luca said:

If you're talking about this kick line of Vic, it's still posted.  Did you perhaps mean a different kick line video?

I'm still upset over Daphne making it over Jalyn.  Look at those low ass kicks!  Everyone who was a judge at Show Group should be a shamed of themselves!  I watched last season a few days ago.  They said they took 16 for SG.  This year they took 18 and Jalyn still didn't make it with Daphne's mess! 🙄

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