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S21.E33: Head of Household #12; Nominations #12

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I was happy to see Tommy at his brown-nosing best: "I'm proud of you, I LOVE you!! I understand" Followed by deadpan Tommy in the DR "Wrong choice." Showing just how fake he is about 90% of the time.

ETA: You did NOT get "backstabbed" Tommy. *eyeroll*

Holly: "I don't math good" True. And you don't grammar good either...

Edited by Wandering Snark
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17 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

They put Kevin and Swaggy Christopher on the same movie poster?! That's fucking low, Big Brother. Even for you. 

I took it as a nose thumb at Swaggy by BB.

This show has suddenly gotten a lot more compelling now that it's almost over. I think Nicole is in a good place for final two.

Edited by Lamb18
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3 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

I took it as a nose thumb at Swaggy by BB.

I think Swaggy Christopher believes his own hype and thinks he did nothing wrong. I'm not even sure if he registered it because he was so checked out of the whole process. His body language, expressions, and bored tone screamed, "I'm just here for the pay cheque." 

I hope he didn't promise that pay cheque to any charities. 

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10 minutes ago, Wandering Snark said:

Yeah... she did actually. That and her fangirling over Bayleigh & Chris brought her down a few pegs in my estimation.

I thought the fangirling was production-inspired in the DR. She couldn’t even look at the camera when she was saying stuff like “I love them,” It felt fake, or maybe that’s just what I want to believe.

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49 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

They put Kevin and Swaggy Christopher on the same movie poster?! That's fucking low, Big Brother. Even for you. 

I was bugged by that too.  After thinking about it though, like @Lamb18 said, it may have been TPTB's way of saying, "yeah, we saw what you did last summer".  Of course, a much better way of doing that would have been not choosing to have him on the show for any reason.  I have my issues with Bayleigh, but I still can't believe she buys into his bullshit.  

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Would you think less of me if I said that I would totally watch "4 Weddings and Dan's Funeral?"

The first time they did BBFlix and Chill, I thought it was kind of silly, but I love how it honors/mocks old seasons and contestants. It's a nice call-out to their (mostly recent) history -- something I wish Survivor did more of (in a way that wasn't Ghost Island). Moreso than Otev or even Zingbot, this is the show at its irreverent best.

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All this handwringing about whether Tommy wins the veto could have been avoided by simply sending him home Thursday. Christy would have been unlikely to win much and if by some miracle she made it through to one of the final two chairs she'd be the perfect goat to sit next to in order to guarantee a win.

If a person knows for certain they are going home they should just be honest for once and not be "understanding" when someone tells them they have to do what's best for their game. You're leaving anyway so go out the door saying you'll never get my jury vote now and make them sweat. That's what I'd do.

Oh and of course Groder's all time favorite pet Mr. Pectacular had to get sho horned in...even if it was on a poster. Her fixation on the musclebound lunkhead is more than a little disturbing.

Edited by North of Eden
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2 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

I noticed in the flashbacks showing Nicole's HOH win, Jackson hugged Nicole and picked her up, and she did NOT wrap her legs around him. Nicole does not do the bachelor handshake.

Tommy acts like Christie will be dead once she leaves the house and he'll never see her again.

Um I watched it as well and I saw her wrap her legs around her. I remember cause I wanted to Gag

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That was probably the least objectionable "Swaggy" has been while on this show. I didn't want to gouge my ears or eyes out while he was on-- that's saying something !

I hope this isn't just now dawning on Nicole that sending Christie out instead of Michie might have been a mistake. I'm going to give her the benefit of the doubt and say that it's just the first time she's said it out loud. 

I didn't see the color of Michie's shorts before he came out from behind the veto comp thing and when he went over to hug Swaggy, I thought his pants had fallen down for a second. Those shorts are sort of flesh colored at first glance. 

They must have added a huge amount of time between putting up the posters and giving the clues and then showing people buzzing in, because I got all the answers really fast and I'm usually slow at these comps, so I'd guess that people buzzed in a lot faster than they showed them doing it ( except for Holly ! ha ha ).

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1 hour ago, North of Eden said:

Oh and of course Groder's all time favorite pet Mr. Pectacular had to get sho horned in...even if it was on a poster. Her fixation on the musclebound lunkhead is more than a little disturbing.

It was perfect, though..."Cocky," a play on Rocky.

I love puns, so I really enjoy BBflix and Chill.

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Tommy: There's something about me that survives.

Like a cockroach.

I'd like for Tommy to explain how anybody backstabbed him. He's never worked with or seemingly had any use for Cliff and Nicole. And I'm pretty sure Jackson and Holly feel like Tommy ditched them when that big split happened with The Six. He hasn't been working with them at all for several weeks.

What goes around comes around, Tommy. Sorry not sorry.

I did love for all his blubbering saying goodbye to Christie, as soon as she's gone we get his icy detached tone saying "my biggest emotion is relief."  Oh I believe that.

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10 minutes ago, vb68 said:

I did love for all his blubbering saying goodbye to Christie, as soon as she's gone we get his icy detached tone saying "my biggest emotion is relief."  Oh I believe that.

You know near the middle of the season I said it would not shock me if one day we read that Jackson ended up being a Serial Killer.  Well perhaps I was off on that and it is Tommy that may end up a Serial Killer.  The way he changes his emotions on a dime is a bit unnerving.😄 

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6 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

Tommy acts like Christie will be dead once she leaves the house and he'll never see her again.

I believe that's called "wishful thinking".

Tommy looked so over everyone and everything this episode.

My local Safeway seems to be perpetually out of containers of watermelon chunks this summer. I blame Jackson.

  • LOL 8
5 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

Possibly, but she did go all Tommy shock about meeting them declaring to Bayleigh "Oh my god you're so beautiful..." and that was straight from her mouth not in the DR. *sigh*

Well... to be fair, Bayleaf is/was a very attractive person physically.  It just so happens that some of Bay’s other qualities -  like being a self-centered screaming psycho hosebeast harpy from hell - simply happen to be physical-adjacent.  😄

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Well... to be fair, Bayleaf is/was a very attractive person physically.  It just so happens that some of Bay’s other qualities -  like being a self-centered screaming psycho hosebeast harpy from hell - simply happen to be physical-adjacent. 

Yeah, I remember wondering about this during her season, but there must be something really wrong with her. She is much too attractive to have to settle for someone like that guy. 

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5 minutes ago, Pass the Tequila said:

Anyone else get withdrawal symptoms from the forum being down for 958 hours maybe a couple hours lol.

ANY time the forum goes down, I’m working on a new finger callus from doing refreshes until it comes back up again.

5 minutes ago, Pass the Tequila said:

Also everytime I hear Jackson say the word confetti...I'm maniacally manifesting that it's pee-soaked ...if it's him that takes this thing in the end. 😋

Every time *I* hear Jackson refer to himself as “wearing confetti”, I keep picturing him on the stage with Julie and the rest of the House losers as they applaud the winner’s exit through the FD - and Jackson glowering as the confetti settles on his shoulders....  🤣🤣🤣

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13 hours ago, woodscommaelle said:

I’ve never understood this competition. Can someone tell me how it works?

I'm assuming you mean how to determine who's right, not the part about how 5 points = victory.

Contestants must pick which movie will make all the voiceovers happy.  Only one of the three posters shown will fulfill all their requirements.  So if someone says "I want to watch a romance!" then Revenge of the Blanket would not be an appropriate choice.  Sometimes all the posters are in agreement (e.g. the voiceover might say "at least a two star movie," and if the posters are 2 star, 3 star, and 4 star, they all match, so that's simply a red-herring). Eventually you get enough information to whittle the movie selection down to a single choice which will please all voices. 

My favourite detail was that Saving Private Reilly was from the director of G.I. Jodi. For someone who was barely there, she sure is remembered!

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1 hour ago, laurakaye said:

Saggy C phoned that in for a paycheck.  I'm sure he thinks he's far too amazing to darken BB's doorway ever again unless cash is involved.  And I'm so glad he thought to wear a "Slaggy C" t-shirt just in case we momentarily, blessedly, forgot who he was for a hot second.

Rumor has it that when Chris placed his initial order there was a mistake made.    A considerable overage was delivered to him.  His closet is loaded with the overage.  All different colors and sizes.   An undisclosed source added he'll never have to buy a t-shirt (or a rag) ever again.  Can't remember where I saw it.  🙄 😁

Edited by Ellee
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17 minutes ago, Ellee said:

Rumor has it that when Chris placed his initial order there was a mistake made.    A considerable overage was delivered to him.  His closet is loaded with the overage.  All different colors and sizes.   An undisclosed source added he'll never have to buy a t-shirt (or a rag) ever again.  Can't remember where I saw it.  🙄 😁

That’s what I recall hearing as well; an extra zero in the wrong place, a few hundred becomes a few thousand, and Chris’fer is set up with drop cloths for life.

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Did Bay and Saggy P mention they had just moved to L.A.? Why? Do they think that either of them have any sort of discernible talent or do they just think that their Big Brother popularity (snerk) can be parlayed into some sort of reality tv career?  

1 hour ago, Ellee said:

Rumor has it that when Chris placed his initial order there was a mistake made.    A considerable overage was delivered to him.  His closet is loaded with the overage.  All different colors and sizes.   An undisclosed source added he'll never have to buy a t-shirt (or a rag) ever again.  Can't remember where I saw it.  🙄 😁

LMAO "All different colors and sizes".  Did this fool think people were actually going to buy them?

  • LOL 1
46 minutes ago, Rachel RSL said:

LMAO "All different colors and sizes".  Did this fool think people were actually going to buy them?

28 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Why, yes - yes, he did.  😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣

😂 I know but ..... 100,000 of them? 

I jest.  It was probably 200,000.  🙄

You know... I bet that that was probably around the time he started investigating the use of GoFundMe accounts.  What you can do and what you can't do with them.    How to work the angles.  You know. 🙄


Tommy and Christie during the first quarter of the show:

'I love you. I love you too. I love you so much! I love you so much too!'

Tommy in the DR:

'Christie, I love you, I'll miss you...Oh, wait a sec. You went out and I'm still here. So see ya later...Adios...See ya on the flip side...BuhBye!'

I've seen comments that implied Dirt Baggy phoned in his appearance for the check. I disagree. I think he was doing his best to show some personality. Trouble is, he has no personality to SHOW. I think he was trying to recite his lines with enthusiasm, but he's the world's worst actor.

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On 9/8/2019 at 5:28 PM, Lamb18 said:

Tommy acts like Christie will be dead once she leaves the house and he'll never see her again.

In all honesty,  whenever there's a duo, the one not voted out always acts like that.  I say to Mr. Tostandon "omigod! They act like they've died and they'll never see them again."  In defense of Tommy, what he said was it was not so much 'losing' Christie as now feeling completely alone. 

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11 hours ago, alegtostandon said:

In all honesty,  whenever there's a duo, the one not voted out always acts like that.  I say to Mr. Tostandon "omigod! They act like they've died and they'll never see them again."  In defense of Tommy, what he said was it was not so much 'losing' Christie as now feeling completely alone. 

A lot of the house-guests act like there's a firing squad on the other side of the door and they mourn their partners/friends/alliance members like they met their end.  I find it just overly dramatic production shenanigans.

Yes, Tommy. You feel completely alone, just like a good number of the other hamsters who did not come in with an automatic partner since day 1.

However, you can always look in the mirror and see home.

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