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S06.E13: Top 6 perform

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8 minutes ago, Quickbeam said:

Good bye Madison, finally! 

Her dancing in the disco finally pointed in out to me what you all have been saying. Madison doesn't help herself or help Ezra at all in the lifts, which is extremely problematic in a routine like disco. Ezra had to do so much extra work to lift her and get her into position and even then she wobbled and messed up a few poses or moves. Girl also looked pissed to be eliminated, but I don't know why she would be. Nigel took all the suspense out of it when he said twice in the first minute of the elimination talk that they would not be going against America's votes from last week. 

I know it's a product of the shortened amount of live shows and starting with a top ten as opposed to a top twenty like it used to be, but it's still disheartening that Sophie can make the finale without ever being required to perform a hip-hop routine. I remember when hip-hop was supposed to be one of the three major styles on this show.

I will give Mariah the benefit of the doubt and assume it wasn't what she meant when she said she was happy that it was just her on that stage this time and not her and Bailey, so the audience could see what she could do, but it came across as a little bit of shade.   

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Gino is a cipher.  Every time I see him it’s like I’m seeing him for the first time.

And I’m not saying I was offended by Luther’s Egypt routine, but I did find it problematic.

Bailey did some nice things in his first routine, but for the most part I could not take my eyes off Koine.  And I swear it felt like every time they showed a reaction shot of the audience, no matter where, his family was there.

The best part of Madison is when they show Jared.  I haaaaaaaated the routine she did with Lex and I didn’t even like him in it.

Sophie’s solo was what I imagine Nigel means when he says someone is dancing with desperation.


Poor Ezra.  He had no option other than picking Bailey up to give him a hug.  That means the boys going through are small and they let the fantastic tall boy go.

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I'm happy with this Top 4. I love all the men and was sad to see Ezra go, but Bailey and Gino are my top 2 favourites. I don't really have a favourite for the girls but I was happy to see Madison leave. 

Bailey continues to amaze me and his solo was wonderful. He's tiny but has so much presence and energy you can't ignore him. 

I loved Ezra picking up Bailey, hee! As someone who is Bailey's height, I could just imagine it was me instead, hahaha. 

I'm always happy to see Fik-shun and thought he handled the hat mishap so smoothly by kicking it away. It almost looked like part of the dance. He really didn't miss a beat. 

That last group number with the boys was magical. They are all so lovely to watch. I will miss them all when this season is over. 

I just wish Fox would let them tour again in Montreal so I could go watch them perform together one last time. 

  • Love 8

I'm always happy to see Fik-shun and thought he handled the hat mishap so smoothly by kicking it away. It almost looked like part of the dance. He really didn't miss a beat.

I know! The hat had this graceful high arc as he kicked it away. He's my favorite winner of all time.

Madison's inability to help herself in lifts had neon lighting and "!SPARKLES!" all over it during the disco. The expended lift where she was suspended around Ezra's neck--holy cow, I hope Ezra knows a good chiropractor.

All the conversation about Bailey being sexy during that INXS number I thought bordered on being a bit condescending to Bailey, as if everyone knew he really wasn't sexy, but were pandering to him.  If you go by the applause, I think Bailey will win the finale.

Edited by WhineandCheez
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16 minutes ago, WhineandCheez said:

Madison's inability to help herself in lifts had neon lighting and "!SPARKLES!" all over it during the disco. The expended lift where she was suspended around Ezra's neck--holy cow, I hope Ezra knows a good chiropractor.

All the conversation about Bailey being sexy during that INXS number I thought bordered on being a bit condescending to Bailey, as if everyone knew you really wasn't sexy, but were pandering to him.  If you go by the applause, I think Bailey will win the finale.

I was thinking the same thing about Ezra.  His back has to be hurting by now.  I think he had the disco groove going on too.  I wished he did the disco with Koine.  Speaking of her, I think she's gorgeous and her skin is glowing.

For the winner, I just hope it's not Sophie.  The only non-jazz/contemporary that she did was a Samba and she did it with an All Star that really did specialize in ballroom.  That means that if she needed help, he could help her.  This is different than when two people like Mariah/Bailey are trying to figure out the cha cha and they only had a few hours with Dmitry.

ETA - I'm also disappointed in Mary.  Sophie improved but she did not look like a professional ballroom dancer.  She did point out something but by then people were clapping because of her professional statement that I couldn't hear what she said. 

Edited by realdancemom
  • Love 9

Good bye Madison. Why didn't the judges mention the errors Madison made in the Disco? My untrained dancer's eyes spotted she nearly tripped at one point and she entered a lift with the wrong leg. WTF??? Ezra really had his work cut out for him in that number.

Not sure when but Nigel mentioned Madison has great feet. All I know is I was distracted by Madison's feet in the ladie's group routine when they were sitting on the chairs in the beginning of the number. Sophie and Mariah pointed their toes so their feet looked as if they were in point shoes touching the dance floor. Madison's toes were curled under to the point of distraction. I understand hyperextension of the feet but Madison's curled toes were an over exaggeration and did not match the other two ladies. I'm not a dancer so..... dancers out there, please make a comment about my observation. Thanks

Why weren't Mariah and Fikshun wearing hat straps?

I'm glad Gino has decent competition with Bailey because I know Bailey is very popular. I'm just concerned the voters are going to vote for the cutie pie vs the awesomely trained versatile dancer that Gino is. Gino should win but I think it is going to be Bailey. The girls don't have a shot.

Nigel said it.....Gino gives it that "extra flourish" in his dancing and he assumes Ezra and Bailey will learn. IMHO, that "extra flourish" in Gino's movement comes from within him. He has something extra special and again, I would love for you trained dancers out there to comment. Am I seeing something in Gino that just isn't there? What ever it is I feel from Gino, I just don't get it from the other three finalists.

Edited by luvthepros
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17 minutes ago, luvthepros said:

Not sure when but Nigel mentioned Madison has great feet. All I know is I was distracted by Madison's feet in the ladie's group routine when they were sitting on the chairs in the beginning of the number. Sophie and Mariah pointed their toes so their feet looked as if they were in point shoes touching the dance floor. Madison's toes were curled under to the point of distraction. I understand hyperextension of the feet but Madison's curled toes were an over exaggeration and did not match the other two ladies. I'm not a dancer so..... dancers out there, please make a comment about my observation. Thanks

I'm glad Gino has decent competition with Bailey because I know Bailey is very popular. I'm just concerned the voters are going to vote for the cutie pie vs the awesomely trained versatile dancer that Gino is. Gino should win but I think it is going to be Bailey. The girls don't have a shot.

Nigel said it.....Gino gives it that "extra flourish" in his dancing and he assumes Ezra and Bailey will learn. IMHO, that "extra flourish" in Gino's movement comes from within him. He has something extra special and again, I would love for you trained dancers out there to comment. Am I seeing something in Gino that just isn't there? What ever it is I feel from Gino, I just don't get it from the other three finalists.

No, you should not curl your toes when you're trying to point your feet.  I hate when I see a lot of gymnasts do that.  What you're trying to do is the opposite of flexing your feet so that your instep goes up.  It should be an extension of your leg line.  If you see somebody's toes going down, it's because of their beautiful arch and not because they're curling their toes.  One great example is when Jakob and MaKenzie did their too hot Broadway.  They did a high leg developpe and then pointed their feet at the end.  But you can see it on the really good ballet dancers like Alex, Jim, Danny, Eliana, etc.

Gino is technically really good.  He was the star of the Broadway number.  He did extra turns and leaps that Sophie did not have to do.  She did act well though.  I'll give her that.  I don't think it's fair to compare Gino with Ezra and Bailey on a contemporary number.  That's his style not theirs.  I think Bailey is a better performer.  He knows how to entertain a crowd.

  • Love 8
53 minutes ago, luvthepros said:

Good bye Madison. Why didn't the judges mention the errors Madison made in the Disco? My untrained dancer's eyes spotted she nearly tripped at one point and she entered a lift with the wrong leg. WTF??? Ezra really had his work cut out for him in that number.

Not sure when but Nigel mentioned Madison has great feet. All I know is I was distracted by Madison's feet in the ladie's group routine when they were sitting on the chairs in the beginning of the number. Sophie and Mariah pointed their toes so their feet looked as if they were in point shoes touching the dance floor. Madison's toes were curled under to the point of distraction. I understand hyperextension of the feet but Madison's curled toes were an over exaggeration and did not match the other two ladies. I'm not a dancer so..... dancers out there, please make a comment about my observation. Thanks

Why weren't Mariah and Fikshun wearing hat straps?

I'm glad Gino has decent competition with Bailey because I know Bailey is very popular. I'm just concerned the voters are going to vote for the cutie pie vs the awesomely trained versatile dancer that Gino is. Gino should win but I think it is going to be Bailey. The girls don't have a shot.

Nigel said it.....Gino gives it that "extra flourish" in his dancing and he assumes Ezra and Bailey will learn. IMHO, that "extra flourish" in Gino's movement comes from within him. He has something extra special and again, I would love for you trained dancers out there to comment. Am I seeing something in Gino that just isn't there? What ever it is I feel from Gino, I just don't get it from the other three finalists.

I don't see it in Gino but I see it in Bailey.  I'm not a trained dancer but more a consumer of "commercial dancing" than going to contemporary or Jazz dance.  Maybe every other year I might go.  I see Bailey making a living dancing in a variety of venues.  I didn't watch the auditions so I started liking/loving him right away when I saw him in the top 10.  I saw the extra in him.  People like different things.  Bailey for the win!  Love his style in this specialty.

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3 hours ago, luvthepros said:

I'm glad Gino has decent competition with Bailey because I know Bailey is very popular. I'm just concerned the voters are going to vote for the cutie pie vs the awesomely trained versatile dancer that Gino is. Gino should win but I think it is going to be Bailey. The girls don't have a shot.

Nigel said it.....Gino gives it that "extra flourish" in his dancing and he assumes Ezra and Bailey will learn. IMHO, that "extra flourish" in Gino's movement comes from within him. He has something extra special and again, I would love for you trained dancers out there to comment. Am I seeing something in Gino that just isn't there? What ever it is I feel from Gino, I just don't get it from the other three finalists.

I know exactly where you're coming from, but as Nigel has said before, they're looking for America's favourite dancer, (the implication being that it's not necessarily the best one).

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2 hours ago, Kira53 said:

I don't see it in Gino but I see it in Bailey. 

Same. I'm not a dancer at all, and I only know what I like. Gino has amazing technique but I feel like he's closed off all the time and is always in his head. Bailey, on the other hand, is a natural entertainer and I find my eyes drawn to him every time he hits the stage. And, I say this as someone who started off liking Gino first. Bailey didn't even really register for me until the live shows started but that's mostly because I only half pay attention to the auditions. 

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20 minutes ago, hula-la said:

I know exactly where you're coming from, but as Nigel has said before, they're looking for America's favourite dancer, (the implication being that it's not necessarily the best one).

Yes, that is very true. This is why I think Bailey will win because he seems to be favored over Gino. IMHO...Gino is the better dancer.

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I know this has been said before but I need to throw in my 2 cents. 

I fell in love with this show (hard) in season 4. It became my obsession. I remember watching performances and then immediately wanting to rewind and watch again. There are routines that all these years later I still remember vividly. 

These last four episodes have been sitting on my DVR since they aired. And I wasn’t even interested in watching them. But I’m on vacation this week so I decided it was now or never. 

I don’t even know what’s become of my show. I do get excited when they keep (surprisingly) announcing renewal each year, but I’m starting to think it’s time to let the show die. It’s a shadow of its former self. I can barely remember these routines an hour later let alone me remembering them years from now. Which just makes me so, so sad. 

I’m not sure where things went wrong, I’m guessing the format changes are to blame. I miss the top 20 and getting to watch partnerships develop over time. Now you blink and it’s finale time already? I barely even know these people. Give me a break. 

Anyway, just had to get that off my chest. As for this season and these dancers, I just adore Bailey. He has such amazing charisma and energy on that stage. Bailey for the win. And please let him be the last SYTCYD champion.

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This seems to be an unpopular opinion, but I am really liking this season.  There’s a great mix of choreographers and there have been some fun, interesting dances. I also think we have seen some great partner relationships that are reminiscent of Season 4’s great partner relationships. I just wish that the partners had had 2 dances each (different styles) in the earlier shows, and that the season were longer (Top 20 to Top 10). I don’t typically vote, and I think TPTB are smart enough to keep the top vote-getters around, so I don’t mind the jidges doing the eliminations, either. 

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Well, we finally got disco. Will we get Bollywood for the finale? Remember when SYTYCD used to showcase Viennese Waltz and other non-Latin ballroom styles? Sure, I enjoy hip-hop (usually, depending on the choreographer), but there are other dance styles out there. Contemporary rarely does anything for me -- so much reaching and yearning and rolling around and waaaahh... and me going, Is this over yet? But that, of course, is just me.

I still say Gino for the win. He's rather a blank in interviews or standing under Cat's armpit, but when he's dancing his personality (or *a* personality) comes out, especially if he's given a character or type to play. I won't mind if Bailey wins, of course, he's such a llve wire, but I feel Gino is the better all-round dancer.

Dear Cat: Steal that red shiny suit. It totally suits you.

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46 minutes ago, AllAboutMBTV said:

I still say Gino for the win. He's rather a blank in interviews or standing under Cat's armpit, but when he's dancing his personality (or *a* personality) comes out, especially if he's given a character or type to play. I won't mind if Bailey wins, of course, he's such a llve wire, but I feel Gino is the better all-round dancer.

This is exactly how I feel. I get the impression Gino is shy when a microphone is put in his face.

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Agree that the format leaves me cold.  If (a big if), they get another season of this length, they need to shorten the audition weeks to 1 or 2 at most. We meet all these people and most of them don’t survive the cuts.  It’s a waste of screen time.  

I actually miss the “bad” auditions. Don’t get me wrong - some of it was painful but at least it was more entertaining than the parade of sob stories we got this year.  There were 4-5 weeks of auditions - to what end?  Did any of the featured audition dancers other than Madison make the top 10?  If they did, I’ve forgotten   

Then skip starting with 20.  If they want to start with 10, just do it. Don’t select 20 and then, a week later, they’re gone. Like cannon fodder.  And then only eliminate 1 dancer per week either at the beginning and end of the season. Let us get to know and enjoy the dancers.  Even now, I have trouble remembering their names.  Agree with those who want to see partnerships form for more than 1 week   

Also, bring back the days when they picked their dance genre out of a hat.  The randomness was nice because you didn’t get the sense it was rigged.  

Eliminate one judge and add another dance for each team.  You’d think we’d get different views  with 4 but it tends to be mostly the same view.  More dancing and less echoing from the judges would be welcome  

I guess I want my show back - sadly,  not sure it will happen. 

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11 hours ago, displayname said:

I hope Koine wins.

I legitimately thought she had won her season and was getting annoyed that the show kept referring to her as a finalist instead of a winner.  I had to google to be reminded that she lost out to Lex.  To my irritation, my search also provided the info that she is/was dating one of my least favorite alumni, Kiki.  I wonder if that's why they were both on the show the same night?

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27 minutes ago, mojoween said:

Am I high, or did the booted dancers used to get to dance a solo at the end of their elimination?  Back when there was a separate results show?

Or I could be high, and I'm thinking of American Idol.

The bottom three would have to "dance for your life." This was back when there was a separate results show.

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I've only watched the AS portion so far and none of the stories or judges' commentqry.  Robert Roldan continues to personally annoy me when he talks on tv (which is a shame because he was my favourite in his season) but I really enjoyed that choreography.

Comfort makes a beautiful Cleopatra, but I'm betting Nigel wasn't nuts about Luther's choreo -- he seems to want him to be more identifiable.  

I thought Bailey looked awkward in that dance with Koine.  I didn't buy his acting.

Sophie had some really good moments but she was sure looking dangerously insecure and tired by the end.  Also, I appreciate Kiki wanting to fade out in that black outfit, but it didn't really work as a strategy because of the complete costume disconnect between him and her.  He would have faded out way more in a matching purple or something.

Pasha did great choreo too, although I'm less surprised by that having seen so much more of his choreo than Roldan's.

Lex's hair was so cool that I was totally distracted by it.  I got the impression he didn't like Madison.  They looked pretty good together dancing though his body movement was way more interesting and precise than hers.

I'm sure I've missed something I want to say, but zzzs are suddenly necessary.

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22 minutes ago, crowceilidh said:

 Sophie had some really good moments but she was sure looking dangerously insecure and tired by the end.  Also, I appreciate Kiki wanting to fade out in that black outfit, but it didn't really work as a strategy because of the complete costume disconnect between him and her.  He would have faded out way more in a matching purple or something.

Pasha did great choreo too, although I'm less surprised by that having seen so much more of his choreo than Roldan's.

THANK YOU Pasha for choreographing a no-frills, content-filled samba (as Len Goodman would say, "no messing about") for the show. I wasn't impressed with Sophie's cha cha during the Academy, but I thought she did a solid, respectable job with the samba (although she looked like she was concentrating very hard on the technique during most of the routine) and I liked her and Kiki together. It was the pleasant surprise of the evening for me.

Edited by calipiano81
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On 9/2/2019 at 8:40 PM, Sarah Heart said:

 I am very sad Ezra left, boy that guy had moves, the reason he left, was largely who he was partnered with, and I think that's unfair.

Madison didn't bother me (I think she's just not used to partnering) but I agree that partnering with someone else might have made the viewers appreciate Ezra more.

Also, I wish the judges would have praised Ezra's versatility and performance ability more instead of just saying he's a great partner.

Edited by calipiano81
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I didn't necessarily like the process, but factoring in everything...I think we probably got the "proper" Final 4 out of the 10 that we were given. Now, my preferred 4 would've switched out Gino for Benjamin, and I would've been very tempted to switch out Sophie for Stephanie. Which in and of itself weird, because I thought Nazz wiped the floor with Stephanie when they cut down from 20 to 10.

For a split second I thought they were going to make poor Ezra tap his way out the door with Gaby, and then they gave him a disco routine with Madison and I managed to feel even more pity for him.

Edited by PhD-Purgatory15
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13 hours ago, calipiano81 said:

Madison didn't bother me (I think she's just not used to partnering) but I agree that partnering with someone else might have made the viewers appreciate Ezra more.

Also, I wish the judges would have praised Ezra's versatility and performance ability more instead of just saying he's a great partner.

Madison wasn't even good when she partnered with her boyfriend.  The judges loved it and I didn't think it looked smooth at all.  You would think that they would have practiced together more often.  She really looked clunky next to Lex while Ezra had his best dance with Gaby.

If they were going for two boys and two girls, then I'm fine with Bailey and Gino though.  They just seem to make up rules as they go along.  Last year, I thought it was going to be two boys and two girls.  I was surprised when that didn't happen.  They probably wanted to keep the Genessy/Slavik showmance going. 

2 hours ago, Sarah Heart said:

She bothered me because she was Ezra's partner, and they seem to be lumped together, in good and in bad.

Ezra and Benjamin were the only two guys that could reasonably be paired with her though.  Anna wasn't that great of a partner either.  Too bad Nazz wasn't there.

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My favs left in the competition r Bailey, Gino and of course Mariah. Any of those can win it for me and I be good but I have a feeling Bailey is going to take it, I could be wrong but usually Im right about these things, I just see it.

My fav dance of the night was the ray leeper piece with Mariah and Bailey. It was hot hot hot. Those two def. have one of the best partnerships I have seen on the show, they r both really good. 

Another dance that stood out to me was Comfort and Gino. Say what u want about Luu but he has a gift in making non hiphop dancers look good because he allows the contestants to just dance, he doesnt throw all that tricks and kicks in routines. 

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Random musings:

Opening number - Newsies meets Thriller. Everybody wants their own Ramalama.

Gino and Sophie's Broadway - I really liked this but I think Sophie could have been a little looser in her movements to better match Gino.

Ezra and Gaby's Contemporary - Pourquoi? But seriously, Ezra was in the groove tonight. I even liked this contemporary. I was even going so far as hoping he could make it through to next week just based on this week.

Bailey and Mariah's Jazz - Did I think Bailey brought the sexy? Umm...what was the question?

Boys' and Girls' group numbers - Liked both but the boys' was much more affecting.

I really want to like Gino more but his fivehead seems to be getting in the way. (I am way too superficial)

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Opening number - Newsies meets Thriller. Everybody wants their own Ramalama.


I've just watched a little further on and I am impressed by Sophie's canniness.  That lead-in kiss and then the actual kiss - she knows what to do with a crowd.  I also liked Gino throwing back to Blake McGrath.  Dunno if the show acknowledged it, because NOT listening to all those yacking heads.

Also, Bailey brought the sexy in that jazz, which frankly, I thought would be impossible for him.  Good costuming and good acting.  He devolved into gooferama right afterwards, of course.  Also, Mariah does an excellent job of dancing like she is as short as him even when wearing heels which should not be overlooked in her skill sets.  It's always amazing afterwards when you see how tall she is in comparison to him when she is just standing and not doing dance magic.

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On 9/3/2019 at 6:57 PM, leocadia said:

I legitimately thought she had won her season and was getting annoyed that the show kept referring to her as a finalist instead of a winner.  I had to google to be reminded that she lost out to Lex.  To my irritation, my search also provided the info that she is/was dating one of my least favorite alumni, Kiki.  I wonder if that's why they were both on the show the same night?

Eww, really? Koine is one of my all time faves, and Kiki makes me ragey. She can do better!

I've seen more mistakes this season than I ever have on this show. Not sure if they're overworking the dancers,  giving them less rehearsal time, or if it's a slightly less talented field overall. Just kind of a bummer to see multiple slips and out-of-sync movements at this point in the competition.

I wanted to like Fik-Shun and Mariah's number so much more than I did. Those two are amazing and could be magic together (see what I did there?) with the right routine. So I blame the choreography. It was just kind of boring. New choreo guy needs to step it up. When an ad-libbed response to a costume fail is the best part, you know your routine is missing something!

I wonder if Lex's partners complain about getting whapped in the face by his little braids. I love him as a dancer, but that has been distracting.

All that said, the final four are fine. I'd be happy with any of them winning. Not, like thrilled happy as I have been with some in the past,  but happy. I think it's Bailey's to lose.

  • Love 4
45 minutes ago, Iseut said:

I wanted to like Fik-Shun and Mariah's number so much more than I did. Those two are amazing and could be magic together (see what I did there?) with the right routine. So I blame the choreography. It was just kind of boring. New choreo guy needs to step it up. When an ad-libbed response to a costume fail is the best part, you know your routine is missing something!

I def agree about the choreography. They deserved better. I mean this is why Luu is my favorite hiphop choreographer because he allows his contestants to dance not do all this cerebral crap that noone cares about. We the viewers want to u dance not watch u put a damn puzzle together or a broadway play when it comes to hiphop. Thats just me when it comes to hiphop im all about the groove and vibe, I could care less about all that other stuff but again thats just me.

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On 9/3/2019 at 9:40 PM, dogdays2 said:

Agree that the format leaves me cold.  If (a big if), they get another season of this length, they need to shorten the audition weeks to 1 or 2 at most. We meet all these people and most of them don’t survive the cuts.  It’s a waste of screen time.  

Then skip starting with 20.  If they want to start with 10, just do it. Don’t select 20 and then, a week later, they’re gone. Like cannon fodder.  And then only eliminate 1 dancer per week either at the beginning and end of the season. Let us get to know and enjoy the dancers.  Even now, I have trouble remembering their names.  Agree with those who want to see partnerships form for more than 1 week   

Also, bring back the days when they picked their dance genre out of a hat.  The randomness was nice because you didn’t get the sense it was rigged.  

I guess I want my show back - sadly,  not sure it will happen. 

I never believed that the hat was random, but bring it back anyway.  I could have believed the hat trick if the dancers picked out of the hat all at the same time on after the other.  It's too easy to put one "choice" in a hat 10 times so the only "choice" is the producer's plan for the episode.

I do want my old show back with the exception of reduced auditions.

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On 9/3/2019 at 10:39 PM, mojoween said:

Am I high, or did the booted dancers used to get to dance a solo at the end of their elimination?  Back when there was a separate results show?

Or I could be high, and I'm thinking of American Idol.

It was "dance for your life", I think.  They pretended that the solo mattered to what they wanted to do with the casting of the show.  The hip hop solos were exciting and some contemporary solos.

  • Love 2
6 hours ago, Iseut said:

Eww, really? Koine is one of my all time faves, and Kiki makes me ragey. She can do better!

I've seen more mistakes this season than I ever have on this show. Not sure if they're overworking the dancers,  giving them less rehearsal time, or if it's a slightly less talented field overall. Just kind of a bummer to see multiple slips and out-of-sync movements at this point in the competition.

I wanted to like Fik-Shun and Mariah's number so much more than I did. Those two are amazing and could be magic together (see what I did there?) with the right routine. So I blame the choreography. It was just kind of boring. New choreo guy needs to step it up. When an ad-libbed response to a costume fail is the best part, you know your routine is missing something!

I wonder if Lex's partners complain about getting whapped in the face by his little braids. I love him as a dancer, but that has been distracting.

All that said, the final four are fine. I'd be happy with any of them winning. Not, like thrilled happy as I have been with some in the past,  but happy. I think it's Bailey's to lose.

They are overworking in the sense that they aren't having the time to work up to so many dances in a week.

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On 9/7/2019 at 9:37 PM, RTS said:

Lol Gino dancing to a song by Blake McGrath (finalist from the very first season of SYTYCD, he probably would've won if he weren't such an obvious asshole)

Also, finally a clean broadcast.

Yes, I thought Blake was a better dancer than Nick but I can see people not voting for him because of his personality.  I don't think Nick is that great either but the show only showed him as being nice.

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