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S06.E11: Fire and Ice

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The final three survivalists continue to battle weight loss, extreme temperatures, and predators to remain in the fight for the $500,000 prize. The punishing cold makes getting food harder than ever before and a devastating catastrophe causes one participant to lose everything. The remaining survivalists push on, but in the end, only one is able to conquer the Arctic and emerge victorious.

Airs 8/22/19.

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Watching the slow demise of these people, knowing that the producers of this show knew by this date the conditions would be almost unbearable .... I got pissed off that they set this schedule. Why not start earlier? Were they that worried about production costs going over budget if a few managed to hang in there longer?

Anti-climactic for me. Congratulations to the winner, the person who managed to hang on with no food longer than the others. Then catch a fish at the very last minute. 

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Every season has been designed to run the contestants out of resources, so that doesn't bother me.  Otherwise, like if they had all summer to prepare, people could potentially just live out there indefinitely.  

That marten was cute.  What did it want with that rabbit hide, could it eat it?  In seasons past, they'd try to kill it for food, unless it's on the do not hunt list.  

When Jordan said he was done, and they then showed the helicopter, I knew he had won.  That last fish he caught was huge!

I was sorry to see Woniya lose, but I can't quibble too much, because Jordan was definitely deserving.

I liked Jordan's wife's reaction to him getting a moose.  "You're a wild person".  She must have been hiding in the back of the helicopter, they snuck her in there somehow.

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I wish Woniya and Jordan could have both won as they were both likable, resourceful and deserving.  In the end, I'm glad it was Jordan because he has a wife and kids to take care of and she can just go back to the solitary life-style she has chosen.  She had a great attitude at the end.

I felt sorry for the guy whose shelter caught on fire.  I wonder why the helicopter can't fly at night.  That's a very scary thought.  What would they do if someone had a serious medical emergency?  He or she could be dead in 8 hours.

Does anyone know if there will be a reunion episode?  I'd like to see them cleaned up and looking normal, especially since we didn't get an introductory episode at the beginning.  

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I thought all three finalists had a pretty good attitude at the end. I felt a little bad for the runners-up.  When Jordan was talking about his bad luck, I was thinking, "No, it was your stupid mistakes." I thought he might be done but he kept at it and was successful with the big northern. He probably could have made it another month so I'd say he deserves it. The reunion with his wife was cute when she heard about the moose and wolverine.😊

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I happened to catch this episode but missed all season because I forgot about it. I saw Woniya is from Grass Valley CA which is like 45 minutes from where I live. It's a really cool quaint little town in the foothills. It does have a hippy environment but I love it and would love to live there.

The guy that won seemed like a nice guy and his wife was so happy to see him. Did he really killed a Moose? What happened to all the meat he was saying he didn't have any food, did he eat a whole Moose by himself?

 I wonder how long the other guy would've made it if his shelter didn't catch fire. But dude, you got to learn how to build a chimney don't you watch the show. 

What a harsh place to survive in, I was cold just watching them. 

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I have to defer to Woniya's judgment about her body, but it irks me that she said she wanted to win so badly but then didn't want to pay the price for it in the end.  In my world you're either all-in or why bother?  I understand that a lot of these contestants seem to have some sort of epiphany about winning and the money not being that important to them thanks to being alone for weeks with only their thoughts, but then when they go back to their real lives and remember all the reasons why they really wanted the money and the title, are they still happy about it?  I guess I'm just one of those people that either plays to win or doesn't play at all.  Then again, she probably left at the right time.  It looks like Jordan could have kept going for at least another 2 weeks if not more.  At least he was truly worthy of the win, but I'm still hoping a woman wins one of these days.  This second place stuff is getting old.

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1 hour ago, mlp said:

I felt sorry for the guy whose shelter caught on fire.  I wonder why the helicopter can't fly at night.  That's a very scary thought.  What would they do if someone had a serious medical emergency?  He or she could be dead in 8 hours.

That alarmed me also.  Eight hours can be a long time.  What if someone falls in the water at dusk while trying to fish?  Or a medical emergency, or predator attack?  Very scary thought.

For a moment I thought maybe he should have stayed and built another shelter, but I guess he wouldn't have the energy, plus he probably would have had to finish it in one day, even if he could do it in those frozen temperatures.  Just not realistic.

1 hour ago, Eataton said:

When Jordan was talking about his bad luck, I was thinking, "No, it was your stupid mistakes." 

I kept thinking that he had been more fortunate than most of them.

9 minutes ago, Yeah No said:

I have to defer to Woniya's judgment about her body, but it irks me that she said she wanted to win so badly but then didn't want to pay the price for it in the end.

I wanted Woniya to win also, but don't feel too bad for her.  She looked pretty rough at the end there, and I don't think there was any way she was going to outlast Jordan.  Not after he caught that huge pike with all the fat, and there was nothing stopping him from catching more.  Maybe if it hadn't been her birthday.....

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44 minutes ago, rmontro said:

For a moment I thought maybe he should have stayed and built another shelter, but I guess he wouldn't have the energy, plus he probably would have had to finish it in one day, even if he could do it in those frozen temperatures.  Just not realistic.

He had a good start on one that he built as a lean-to to sleep under. I think that fire scared him. Did you notice all the unused arrows he had? And he still had his sleeping bag and his water can. Dang, he could have probably outlasted the other two if he thought his options through a little bit. 

Funny that in the beginning we were all worried about Jordan’s location and how it lacked what the others had. Fooled us, didn’t he? 🙂

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woah, I can't believe they don't have an emergency evac plan!! All the what if's came to my mind. I'm glad he was okay after the 7+ hours he had to stay out in the elements.....how ironic, the one that didn't bring a fire starter has to tap due to fire consuming his shelter. Glad for Jordan....& he was planning on staying until Jan 20...huge fish on that last day, maybe he could've.

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I was rooting for all three finalists, before Jordan caught that huge fish I was thinking if Woniya can just hang on another day she might win, but once he caught it, and she had no food she was pretty much out of options, kudos to her tho, for sitting and chopping at the ice for so long in the cold, I would've been bawling my head off. 

Happy for him tho, he did well and had a good attitude, some (like me) would have tapped once the wolverine got into the food the first time. Hope there is a reunion special also.

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I just pulled up my DVR recording.  Woniya left on Day 73.  The copter came for Jordan on Day 77 (had to have travel time for his wife, I guess).  And he could have gone longer!!!!

Kudos to all.  I wouldn't have lasted 20 minutes, even BEFORE the snow and cold came.

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11 hours ago, Yeah No said:

I have to defer to Woniya's judgment about her body, but it irks me that she said she wanted to win so badly but then didn't want to pay the price for it in the end.  In my world you're either all-in or why bother?  I understand that a lot of these contestants seem to have some sort of epiphany about winning and the money not being that important to them thanks to being alone for weeks with only their thoughts, but then when they go back to their real lives and remember all the reasons why they really wanted the money and the title, are they still happy about it?  I guess I'm just one of those people that either plays to win or doesn't play at all.  Then again, she probably left at the right time.  It looks like Jordan could have kept going for at least another 2 weeks if not more.  At least he was truly worthy of the win, but I'm still hoping a woman wins one of these days.  This second place stuff is getting old.

A lot of past contestants have been by their tap outs, particularly if they made it to the final five.

This is not like most other silly reality shows. Being on Alone often has a profound effect on a person.

That being said, I really enjoyed this finale. It was not just another count down to see the fat guy win.

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It occurred to me, when they showed Jordan's wife coming up behind him, that I had no clue he was married. Or had kids. He didn't pine for them endlessly like past contestants, he might have barely mentioned them all season. That makes a huge difference mentally, to not dwell on "I miss my family blah blah" like so many others. Great job by all the contestants, well deserved winner.

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Congratulations to Jordan. How cute was his reaction to seeing his wife?  Although, I was rooting for  Woniya, I throughly enjoyed this season, and Jordan really kicked azz despite having the wolverines repeatedly steal his precious fat stores. 

Honorable mention for Nathan. What an absolute devastation to losing his camp to fire like that. I was really concerned about him getting serious burns while he was trying to save his shelter. He was tough as nails though. No whining, crying, or complaining about the situation. He had to wait it out for a long time to get help too. Really, any of them deserved to win.

Edit:  I read that participants get paid 2k per week. (Reddit) Does anyone know if the contestants get paid anything for participating in Alone? It’s a long time to go without earning a regular wage. Especially those with young kids etc. 

Edited by Barbara Please
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Oh the irony...  The guy who didn't bring a firestarter went out because his shelter caught on fire.  The gal I thought was a hippie-dippie flake turned out to be tough as nails.  The guy who took down a moose with one arrow and a wolverine with a hatchet was starving to death on his glut of protein.

Jordan deserved the win.   If Nathan's shelter hadn't burned down (I wonder if the others could see the fire from their camps?), I don't think he was going to last long since his gill net was broken.  Woniya's spirit was strong, but she didn't have much food left, and running those trap lines takes a lot of energy.  When she was trying to dig into the ice with the blunt end of her machete, and missing half her strokes, I knew she was done for.

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I was really hoping for Woniya to win, but when she started the philosophical "Why am I really here?" discussion (with herself), I knew she was going to tap.  

I was wondering why the phrase "3 squirrel day" sounded so funny to me last week, and I finally realized it's a play (intentional or not) on "3 dog night".  (Many years ago when I had pets I had a nap that turned into a "3 cat afternoon".)

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3 hours ago, Whyyouneedaname said:

woah, I can't believe they don't have an emergency evac plan!! All the what if's came to my mind. I'm glad he was okay after the 7+ hours he had to stay out in the elements.....how ironic, the one that didn't bring a fire starter has to tap due to fire consuming his shelter. Glad for Jordan....& he was planning on staying until Jan 20...huge fish on that last day, maybe he could've.

They might have an emergency-emergency evac plan, just not a standard tap-out-at-night option. I mean, at some point they can call in a military medevac/coast guard chopper at a cost of a hundred thousand dollars, right? If the guy is literally bleeding out on the ice I'm sure they have an option faster than 8 hours. But their standby chopper didn't seem to have a searchlight on it, so I guess the call is "can you make it to morning, or do we call in the army?"

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I thought that it was a satisfying end to the season but like many I was hoping that Woniya would beat the odds and be the one to outlast the guys.

It wasn't that surprising to see Nathan's shelter burn. From previous episodes it appears that he used a tarp wrapped around a few tall poles and pine boughs insulating the bottom level. The pine boughs will dry out within a few weeks, especially the ones closest to the heat of the fire, and they will go up like a torch if they catch fire - exactly as shown. In hindsight he should have removed the bark from sapling and staked his bottom level, and then piled pine boughs outside of that for insulation.

I do feel sorry for Woniya, I think that she went just as far as she could and she really didn't have any food source other than small game. Likely she knew that her situation was only going to get worse and I think that she made the right call.

Jordan was doing well especially having got the moose, then the wolverine and then being able to supplement his diet with an occasional fish. The pike was a good size but there are a lot of bigger ones out there along with some really big lake trout. I am somewhat surprised that they didn't catch more fish actually. I can recall a few times fishing for trout when we weren't catching anything and we would just cruise the shore to any weeded area and there were always small to medium size pike.

Congratulations to Jordan but I do think that he was optimistic thinking that he could have lasted until January 20th. I looked at the weather data for last year and it got seriously cold in late December/early January - into the -35C and even -40C on some of the overnights.

Overall he deserved the win and he is the only one to get aq big game animal. Well done!

I don't see any wrap-up episode, maybe we will be lucky and they will put something together. I would really like to hear more from the contestants and get their thoughts.

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15 hours ago, mlp said:

I felt sorry for the guy whose shelter caught on fire.  I wonder why the helicopter can't fly at night.  That's a very scary thought.  What would they do if someone had a serious medical emergency?  He or she could be dead in 8 hours.

If it was airport to airport the helicopter would be fine for night flights. Basically any commercial helicopter operating in the area would have the necessary instruments for IFR flights (Instrument Flight Rules). The might even be able to do night VFR (Visual Flight Rules) if it's airport to airport but anything off airstrip requires that you be able to see where you need to land, and that means daylight. At that time of the year as they showed there is very little daylight, so a small window of 5 - 6 hours.

The only other way in would be by snowmobile and I'm not sure where their main camp was located. It's possible that production/medics could get to them by snowmobile but it would likely be a much longer route along the shore, and that would have it's own perils. In late November the shoreline and the bays are probably frozen solid but if you have a river or stream emptying into the lake there could be thin ice, slush, or even still open water - not something that you want to chance in the dark.

I do think that the 4 day delay between Woniya tapping and the helicopter coming for Jordan was probably the time needed to get his wife up there, but it wouldn't surprise me if there was at least one day of bad weather where the helicopter couldn't fly.

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Ok, no one has mentioned this and now I am wondering if I was hearing things.........lol.    When Woniya was trying to break the ice, I heard a male voice say "Please, please, please"  if this was production they just blew the whole thing for me as for being real.

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I was scared Jordon was going to kill the little marten! Then he would have gotten the curse of Ray's little squirrel buddy. Jordan deserved it. He made some costly mistakes but he picked himself up and tried to rectify it. His pre-med check gorging and prepared speech for the medical team was amusing. "I am the strongest thin man I know!"  

I'm torn about W tapping. I mean, it's her body, so of course she made the right decision for her. But the medical team pulls you if you are actually starting to do long term damage, so she could have waited for that. I know she is a spiritual gal, but based on my own experience, I think some of those super intense mystical feelings are due to changes in the brain/body during starvation and/or extreme physical stress/illness. Then once you are out of that state, it's like, "crap what was I thinking?!!" 

Of course, it turned out to be moot. But if Jordan had tapped the next day, it would be like nooo!!!!!! 

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2 hours ago, Tatortot said:

Ok, no one has mentioned this and now I am wondering if I was hearing things.........lol.    When Woniya was trying to break the ice, I heard a male voice say "Please, please, please"  if this was production they just blew the whole thing for me as for being real.

Could it have been Woniya's voice? Women can drop their voices lower. I'm a female Barry White.

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I think mentally both Woniya and Jordon could have stayed another month, with a little bit of food here and there. Not sure I can say that about Nathan. His fire was 100% predictable and avoidable. That's the thing: it's not just a matter of weight loss, you start losing mental focus. Woniya sitting out there exposed to the cold, bashing away at the ice, especially with the wind blowing. That was just stupid. Jordon was making dumb mistakes too, leaving the ladder up to his food stash. After a while you become a danger to yourself, even if you aren't approaching organ failure. I'm happy for Jordon. He wasn't arrogant, he had a good attitude, and he didn't whine about how much he needed the money, how it would change his life, blah blah blah. And he had a wife! Who knew?

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3 hours ago, ClareWalks said:

When Woniya was trying to break the ice, I heard a male voice say "Please, please, please" 

I heard something like that too although I didn't pick up on words.  I thought it was a scrap of sound from someone doing the editing that somehow got captured and then promptly forgot all about it until now.

5 hours ago, TVbitch said:

I was scared Jordon was going to kill the little marten!

That crossed my mind for a split second but I could see that he was smiling at it and making no move to do anything.  Then he called it "little buddy" and I figured he was happy for the company of another living creature.

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On 8/23/2019 at 2:04 PM, Quilt Fairy said:

I was wondering why the phrase "3 squirrel day" sounded so funny to me last week, and I finally realized it's a play (intentional or not) on "3 dog night".  (Many years ago when I had pets I had a nap that turned into a "3 cat afternoon".)

There used to be a singing group back in the 70s called Three Dog Night.  I don't know if you know the origin of the name, but apparently it refers to how Australians would sleep with their dogs to help keep warm.  If it was really cold out, it was considered a "3 dog night".

Edited by rmontro
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On 6/14/2019 at 8:48 AM, Drogo said:

Chyron:  Each of the 10 areas has pros and cons. 
Kind of a big fucking con for Jordan, show.  I also liked him at home with his kid:  "Say 'Hi Mama.  I'm on the roof.'"

^From E2- so Jordan's wife already knew he was a wild person and likes him that way. 

A well deserved win for a likeable person. I could've been happy with either a Jordan or Woniya win, but he really aced this one. 

On 8/23/2019 at 12:16 AM, Quilt Fairy said:

Lots of meat, not enough fat.

He did have a can of fat... that a wolverine helped himself to. 

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How can Alone top this season? A cast member killing a whale, bear, elk, puma, Big Foot?

Jordan's life experiences honed him for this season's environment...

Woniya needed 15 more 3 squirrel days to stop her body from eating itself and to equal that monster fish Jordy netted...

Nathan is now lumped with Nikki as fire unfortunate....but his hut fire came too late in the contest for him to recover....

 Good season all around....hope the show comes back....

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5 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

How can Alone top this season? A cast member killing a whale, bear, elk, puma, Big Foot?

Jordan's life experiences honed him for this season's environment...

A whale?  Lol, that I'd like to see.  That would bring the wolverines around.  Probably illegal though.

I remember early in the season thinking the same thing about Jordan's life experiences, when he was talking about living in the wild in Siberia.

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On 8/23/2019 at 5:04 PM, Tatortot said:

When Woniya was trying to break the ice, I heard a male voice say "Please, please, please"  if this was production they just blew the whole thing for me as for being real.

I just watched the episode, and I'm pretty sure it was her.

I would've been happy with any of those 3 winning.  That was one hell of a fish that Jordan caught!  He would've made it another week!

I really enjoyed listening to all 3 of them talk about their day-to-day issues and how they went about foraging for food.  I really admire Nathan for not sitting there and whining about losing his shelter, but he immediately assessed his situation; called to alert production of his predicament; then started building another shelter.  He had no other options but to tap out.  Having to wait 8 hours to get extracted would've been brutal, but he really looked no worse for wear.  He's one tough dude!  I admire anybody who can do this kind of stuff.  It's impressive. 

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On 8/22/2019 at 8:23 PM, patty1h said:

I was really rooting for Woniya - girl power and all that.  Her beliefs were a bit janky to my eyes but she wanted to win to do good things for her mom and that got to me.

I saw on Chopped one time the winner agreed to buy a ticket for the loser to see her mom. Maybe Jordan will surprise Woniya with some money to help her mom?

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On 8/22/2019 at 8:27 PM, rmontro said:

Every season has been designed to run the contestants out of resources, so that doesn't bother me.  Otherwise, like if they had all summer to prepare, people could potentially just live out there indefinitely.  

That marten was cute.  What did it want with that rabbit hide, could it eat it?  In seasons past, they'd try to kill it for food, unless it's on the do not hunt list.  

When Jordan said he was done, and they then showed the helicopter, I knew he had won.  That last fish he caught was huge!

I was sorry to see Woniya lose, but I can't quibble too much, because Jordan was definitely deserving.

I liked Jordan's wife's reaction to him getting a moose.  "You're a wild person".  She must have been hiding in the back of the helicopter, they snuck her in there somehow.

It is the premise of the show unlike silly Survivor. I started paying attention to Jordan after he bagged the moose. I really thought that meant he had it made but it wasn't as easy as that. The three last contestants had the best attitude. They identified problems but always sought ways to solve not just bitterly complain. Had Brads shelter not caught on fire he may have held on longer than Woniya he really believed he watched 500k go up in smoke. Jordan was probably in good shape with that huge pike he caught. Before the catch he might have given up but after he was ready. Such a huge boost.

I was hoping Woniya won since (just my opinion) this is the last episode. She was so emaciated in the end. They don't go home totally empty handed, I believe they get prevailing wages for being on TV. If they just wanted it to be fast they could send them out with one survival item and the clothes on their back. Maybe send them out midsummer. Or go Naked and Afraid and send them out sans clothes. That would send them packing pretty quick. No matter what you do it will come down to determination and to some degree luck. You make your luck though.

In spite of the terrible conditions they still lasted 20 days longer than the first show. So much for getting them to leave fast. If they did send them out to a habitable place in early spring it would be interesting to see how long they could go and if they really could last a year. They could just catch up every two weeks and look for the most interesting developments. The contestants would know this is about who can prepare for old man winter. I'd love to see the shelters they build, if they can plant food and harvest it. Whoever can last a year gets 500k. Accidents and loneliness would still take contestants out. I mean out of the contest...

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On 8/23/2019 at 6:10 PM, TVbitch said:

I'm torn about W tapping. I mean, it's her body, so of course she made the right decision for her. But the medical team pulls you if you are actually starting to do long term damage, so she could have waited for that. I know she is a spiritual gal, but based on my own experience, I think some of those super intense mystical feelings are due to changes in the brain/body during starvation and/or extreme physical stress/illness. Then once you are out of that state, it's like, "crap what was I thinking?!!" 

Yeah, that's what I was thinking and I posted something similar in another episode thread.  I went online to check out my hypothesis that fasting can make the body release endorphins, (the "feel good" hormones), and it seems that there might be some truth to that according to some studies.  Perhaps the combination of being alone in restful nature and the increased endorphins lends itself to those mystical feelings, which unfortunately subside once they go back to eating and the "real world".  I would bet that "what was I thinking" reaction afterward is not uncommon.  BTW, I wondered that based on my own experience.  I was forced to eat a very calorie and fat restricted diet for a few months for medical reasons and after a while I started feeling something close to that "runner's high" that I used to get from bike riding and the pearls of wisdom were just rolling off my tongue.  I notice that the contestants on this show say some of the most profound things as they're tapping out.  Food for thought!  

Edited by Yeah No
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7 hours ago, DrewPaul2010 said:

I started paying attention to Jordan after he bagged the moose. I really thought that meant he had it made but it wasn't as easy as that.

The moose probably was the big difference maker in this season, but in some ways it opened up another set of problems.  Some posters were wondering how he was going to protect all that meat from predators, and that did turn out to be an issue.  We were expecting larger predators like bears though, and it turned out to be wolverines.

Everyone keeps talking about this being the last season.  What is this based on?  Has been there some announcement made?  Are the ratings down?

So there were four days after Woniya tapped before they contacted Jordan.  I wonder how they would play it if the winner tapped out like two days later?

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13 minutes ago, rmontro said:

So there were four days after Woniya tapped before they contacted Jordan.  I wonder how they would play it if the winner tapped out like two days later?

It took them a while to get his wife up there, but if he did tap out even though he won, there wouldn’t be a loved one there to tell him about it.

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1 hour ago, cooksdelight said:

It took them a while to get his wife up there, but if he did tap out even though he won, there wouldn’t be a loved one there to tell him about it.

Or they could tell him "Hey, if you hang on for two more days, seriously, you'll get a nice surprise".

Or they could drop him off some supplies and tell him to play along once his wife gets there.

At this point though, it would be more interesting to see someone tap out and get the good news, since we've never seen that before. 

Wasn't there one winner who didn't have a loved one show up?

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2 hours ago, rmontro said:

Everyone keeps talking about this being the last season.  What is this based on?  Has been there some announcement made?  Are the ratings down?

Have they?  If so I haven't noticed it.  I do think it's strange that there's no reunion episode listed, though.  Haven't they always had one?

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No reunion show needed other than to see how the emaciated cast has plumped back up to their normal weight....

Details of how kills were made may turn off viewers so best just let the season speak for itself...Woniya is on Youtube

Finally, a rugged Alone cast for  the long time fans who have been hanging in there since the (Not) Alone season...

 If you know the words...all together....

Lucas' Two Note Song...

Doot do do doo, been in the woods too long....

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13 hours ago, Yeah No said:

Yeah, that's what I was thinking and I posted something similar in another episode thread.  I went online to check out my hypothesis that fasting can make the body release endorphins, (the "feel good" hormones), and it seems that there might be some truth to that according to some studies.  Perhaps the combination of being alone in restful nature and the increased endorphins lends itself to those mystical feelings, which unfortunately subside once they go back to eating and the "real world".  I would bet that "what was I thinking" reaction afterward is not uncommon.  BTW, I wondered that based on my own experience.  I was forced to eat a very calorie and fat restricted diet for a few months for medical reasons and after a while I started feeling something close to that "runner's high" that I used to get from bike riding and the pearls of wisdom were just rolling off my tongue.  I notice that the contestants on this show say some of the most profound things as they're tapping out.  Food for thought!  

She probably is kicking herself now that she knows she was next to last. But no shame she came in second place. Had she broken through the ice and caught a 40 pound pike that's a third of her weight and she would have been sitting pretty. She made the right call, I saw her get up and stand and her legs were toothpicks. The weather was only going to get colder, her chances of getting any food were nil. For all she knows there's still four more people out there.

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4 hours ago, Yeah No said:

Have they?  If so I haven't noticed it.  I do think it's strange that there's no reunion episode listed, though.  Haven't they always had one?

I'm basing it on comparing this discussion page to other TV shows that have four to five pages the first night after the show. But I admit I have no inside knowledge.

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On 8/23/2019 at 5:04 PM, Tatortot said:

When Woniya was trying to break the ice, I heard a male voice say "Please, please, please"

I forgot all about that until you mentioned it just now, I wanted to rewind it and listen again to see if I heard it right. My first thought was that she's becoming possessed like in The Exorcist and speaking in other voices. haha.

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