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S09.E09: One Month Down, Never to Go

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12 minutes ago, configdotsys said:

There were four asterisks. Every other curse that was bleeped had not only the first letter or more of what was being bleeped but the correct number of asterisks for the bleeped word. This just had four lone asterisks. There is no way it was anything other than the c-word. I don't think Elizabeth would have said, "Why would a husband call his wife that?" and had such a devastated reaction about the word bitch. Whatever he said, froze and devastated her. I just played it back several times and you cannot hear any part of Jamie's voice when he says that. I just don't get why he freaked out like that. What are you supposed to say when looking at a photo album from a month ago? Most women are very critical of their looks and I can totally see them saying, "OMG, my hair there..." or something like that while looking at the photos. What exactly did he want her to say?

Could be right. I guess I assumed bitch because who calls their wife a cunt? Over a photo album? There had to be way more to that argument that we didn’t hear. 

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5 hours ago, silversage said:

Maybe there was something in that moon juice that set Jamie off..

Remember he guzzled it and immediately faked having a big reaction, and Elizabeth falls for it "really..? It usually doesn't act that fast"  Unbelievable.  😄

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On page1 and page3 there is some Iris OS discussion,...I want to point out that on Unfiltered she didn't go into specifics.  However on the show My Giant Life there was a 30+yo virgin gal who admitted she had participated in OS, but said she will only receive, not give.  😮

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Just saw the part of the show with Iris' mom and I agree - she is the best!!! How did Iris end up the way she is if her mother is so common sense and logical? I bet she uses the same sink to wash whatever she is washing in the bathroom!

Also, I saw the comment earlier about Matt saying, "Me and Amber's. . ." which has already been discussed and drives many of us crazy. I will just add to that Amber's (the middle school ENGLISH TEACHER) starting her sentence with "My and Matt's anniversary. . ."

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11 hours ago, Jassie99 said:

Jamie is verbally abusive towards Elizabeth. Yes, she self centered. Yes, she is spoiled  ...I just don't think her personality she puts on is her true self. She believes she is supposed to be over the top and its cute. Its like a kid who knows they're supposed to be cutesy to get extra attention. The whole persona just fells slightly inauthentic. 


(Jassie999): They both have low self esteem. He has anger issues because he doesn't know how to express himself  without belittling her. She doesn't really know how to handle conflicts so wants to be left alone and he again gets wound up and verbally abuses her. Its bs and extremely toxic

The so-called "experts" should never have considered matching "Mr, Picky" with "The Free Spirit" in the first place.

45 minutes ago, configdotsys said:

There were four asterisks. Every other curse that was bleeped had not only the first letter or more of what was being bleeped but the correct number of asterisks for the bleeped word. This just had four lone asterisks. There is no way it was anything other than the c-word. I don't think Elizabeth would have said, "Why would a husband call his wife that?" and had such a devastated reaction about the word bitch. Whatever he said, froze and devastated her

I agree; Jamie definitely called Elaizabeth a "c*nt". She was right to leave. I would have, too.

31 minutes ago, MajorNelson said:

Sometimes a person, consciously or not, is looking for a cue to exit.

(I know he's 0 to 100, but he's no dummy)

You've got that right, MajorNelson. Jamie thinks before he speaks, unlike Elizabeth. And that, of course, means he meant to call Beth a "c*nt". Jamie meant to hurt Beth so much that she froze and was emotionally devastated. 

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Watching again.  Haha. Keith says his wife cringes when the subject of sex comes up.  Yeah, Keith.  That’s why she has done B.J.’s to others in the past.  You sucker.

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14 hours ago, Sterling said:

Elizabeth was narcissistic as heck to only point out how she looked in each photo. Check. Jamie could have used this as a great moment instead of a huge screaming, walk-out fight.

He should have joked at the time, saying, "Hey, I'm in there too!with a big smile, and then yeah, compliment her, but laugh and look at her, and ask her to tell you what she loved about the day, what her memories are.  Instead, he goes from zero to 100 and storms out.

Both. Wrong.  But, I think he's more wrong in this case.  And yeah, the c-word?  'Cause she said she thought her dress looked pretty?  Buh bye.

Very well said, Sterling. This couple should never have been paired.

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1 hour ago, Soup333 said:

Could be right. I guess I assumed bitch because who calls their wife a cunt? Over a photo album? There had to be way more to that argument that we didn’t hear. 

I thought it was over the top too but someone upthread posted that it was probably a "final straw" situation for Jamie and I agree with that. They don't bleep the word bitch. They even blurred Elizabeth's mouth when she said it. So a bleep and four asterisks was still not enough for the powers that be. I just don't think they'd go that far for anything other than that lowest of the low word.

Edited by configdotsys
Fixed a dropped sentence
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2 minutes ago, Crazy Bird Lady said:

Very well said, Sterling. This couple should never have been paired.

She was admiring her hair, dress, everything about herself.  All she had to do was say “ you looked so handsome in that tux .. I was proud”.  But, she didn’t. Men love compliments too.  Big mistake.  It hurt him, but he can’t walk out every minute.

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2 minutes ago, Gem 10 said:

She was admiring her hair, dress, everything about herself.  All she had to do was say “ you looked so handsome in that tux .. I was proud”.  But, she didn’t. Men love compliments too.  Big mistake.  It hurt him, but he can’t walk out every minute.

No, but apparently he can call Elizabeth a "c*nt" and get her to walk out, instead, while threatening divorce if she does so. 

That way, Jamie gets to be the "good guy" who did what The Great Dr. Pepper said.

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5 minutes ago, Crazy Bird Lady said:

No, but apparently he can call Elizabeth a "c*nt" and get her to walk out, instead, while threatening divorce if she does so. 

That way, Jamie gets to be the "good guy" who did what The Great Dr. Pepper said.

Oh, I’m sorry .. I didn’t hear him say that.  That’s a big no no.  I wouldn’t take that either.  I hate that word.  Usually I watch and type at the same time, so missed that.

Edited by Gem 10
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5 minutes ago, Gem 10 said:

She was admiring her hair, dress, everything about herself.  All she had to do was say “ you looked so handsome in that tux .. I was proud”.  But, she didn’t. Men love compliments too.  Big mistake.  It hurt him, but he can’t walk out every minute.

The reaction seems so overblown. I wonder if Jaimie being so “ picky “ is just to cover up a lot of insecurities. Calling someone the c word is never cool particularly if they are your wife. Also, Elizabeth’s talking heads seemed like she was in a room by herself totally different from the apartment...

I wonder if that means he does not come back?

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1 minute ago, qtpye said:

The reaction seems so overblown. I wonder if Jaimie being so “ picky “ is just to cover up a lot of insecurities. Calling someone the c word is never cool particularly if they are your wife. Also, Elizabeth’s talking heads seemed like she was in a room by herself totally different from the apartment...

I wonder if that means he does not come back?

He always comes back.  This is like the fourth time.

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2 minutes ago, qtpye said:

The reaction seems so overblown. I wonder if Jaimie being so “ picky “ is just to cover up a lot of insecurities. Calling someone the c word is never cool particularly if they are your wife. Also, Elizabeth’s talking heads seemed like she was in a room by herself totally different from the apartment...

I wonder if that means he does not come back?

It did look like a completely different set up but she said that it happened that night. Then was it the next day that she was crying hysterically over it?

Makes me wonder if some of her ire at Matt during Unfiltered was also because she was angry at Jamie about all this? 

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We didn’t see the hours prior to the fight, where I assume the in-apartment cameras were rolling.  By the time we saw it, Elizabeth was screaming at Jamie to leave her alone, but he kept coming at her. 

I can’t stand Elizabeth, but she was doing what Dr. Pepper said:  go into another room, don’t leave, cool off. 

Obviously, the fight was well escalated at that point, and Elizabeth was holed up in her room, and hours had gone by, and Jamie was still coming at her. 

She’s weird, narcissistic, and annoying, but in this case, the jury would find him guilty.  He packed his bag in like 2 minutes. 

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9 minutes ago, qtpye said:

The reaction seems so overblown. I wonder if Jaimie being so “ picky “ is just to cover up a lot of insecurities. Calling someone the c word is never cool particularly if they are your wife. Also, Elizabeth’s talking heads seemed like she was in a room by herself totally different from the apartment...

Since it was a "talking head," I assume it was not made at that same moment and it probably wasn't made in the same room.


I wonder if that means he does not come back?

I hope they never see each other again!

Edited by Crazy Bird Lady
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1 hour ago, Neurochick said:

I think the experts are trying to create a show by making these marriages happen and that's all they're doing. 

To me, Jamie and Elizabeth should divorce, I'm not sure about Matt and Amber.  I don't see Matt using Amber for sex, I mean, because maybe Amber likes the sex.  I think Matt wants a "wife" but has no idea what that means, and that's why I don't think he should have been chosen for this show.

But hey, you know "drama."

 I haven't figured out how just to pull just a quote out but I'm responding to your statement that you don't think Matt is using Amber for sex because she likes it.

I don't think the fact that Amber likes it should matter. Matt is not into Amber and he knows it. I'm sure he'll try to play pretend until the end of the show so as to not make any waves, but suggesting sex after he just dissed her in the worst way is just taking blatant advantage of what a fool she is for him , and putting it on display.

What Deonna wore to bed is not surprising considering what she wore out to dinner!! Again with that Lumberjack look with that frumpy skirt. Girl turn on some sexy sometime!

And I'm not really sure what Deonna's issue is but there are those kinds of men who will push and charm because they can't stand the fact that a woman's not in love with them so they push until they get it. Once it's locked down they move on. Not suggesting that Greg is doing that but it could definitely be a fear of hers. I myself have had those instincts with certain men and sure enough I was right. So if she's had that happen before she may be very gun-shy to give it up too easily.

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After Keith has seen “Unfiltered” last night, I wonder what he thinks of Iris saying she’s done oral with others?  Or, maybe she already has done it with him? Maybe that’s why he is so chill.   I really hate talking about that, but it’s already out there.

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Deonna smashed Iris’ outside clothes rule...and went in between the sheets...shudder...

Iris is now required to put up “air quotes” when she self proclaims herself a “virgin.”

Solis apartments need to put a revolving door for the Thompson-Bice residence, plenty more leaving drama in the next month.

I just got my hearing back from the trauma of Matt’s caterwauling...hysterical deafness.

My ears are were literally bleeding from the horror emanating from his pie hole.

Edited by humbleopinion
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I think a lot of these people are single because they need therapy.

Jamie and Beth don't know how to fight fair.  They extend their claws, problem is when you do that, the wounds could be lethal.  

Deonna needs to talk to someone about why she doesn't think she's worthy of someone like Greg.

Iris needs to talk to someone about why she, a VIRGIN came on this show if virginity is such an important part of who she is.

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Whatever insult Jamie hurled had four letters, and they censored the word and her mouth. He either called her the word that rhymes with blunt or he called her the word that rhymes with cut. Neither are words you call your own wife or anyone in general. They should’ve NEVER been paired. End it now.

Iris can miss me with the virginal act. Child, you went on national television and told viewers that you’ve slobbed on a knob like corn on the cob, so the tears and histrionics about talking about your technical virginity are absolutely stupid and contrived. 

Deonna has no clue how to accept the kind of love and affection that Greg is giving to her. I guess she’s used to bam bam done and gone by sunrise in her situationships. She’s a prime example of praying or asking for something and not being ready to truly to receive it. It’s painful to watch Greg vying for the slightest affection. If she doesn’t appreciate him, I’m sure there are plenty of women who want to and would appreciate a good man. She needs to get out of her own way and seek therapy like he did. Not therapy from these trash experts on the show but a real one who can help her navigate this and not blow it. Deonna, you’re worthy of a man who thinks you’re more than good enough to smash and wants to take you home to meet his mum. It’s not fair for Greg to fall in love with the representative she’s putting forward and not her authentic self. 

Amber and Matt are in a legally binding situationship. I didn’t appreciate her Sharon Stone moments and flashing her lady parts in that mini dress. It’s not that hard to sit like a lady or here’s a thought, if you can’t...buy something longer! He doesn’t reciprocate at all. Make it stop!

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19 minutes ago, seasick said:

I don't think the fact that Amber likes it should matter. Matt is not into Amber and he knows it. I'm sure he'll try to play pretend until the end of the show so as to not make any waves, but suggesting sex after he just dissed her in the worst way is just taking blatant advantage of what a fool she is for him , and putting it on display.

I get what you're saying.  Amber is into Matt more than Matt is into Amber.  So his sleeping with her isn't right if he's not really into her.  That's true.  That's why I don't think these couples should rush into sex.  To some people, sex binds them to their partner, to others it's just sex.  

Edited by Neurochick
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5 minutes ago, AussieBabe said:

Deonna has no clue how to accept the kind of love and affection that Greg is giving to her. I guess she’s used to bam bam done and gone by sunrise in her situationships. She’s a prime example of praying or asking for something and not being ready to truly to receive it. It’s painful to watch Greg vying for the slightest affection. If she doesn’t appreciate him, I’m sure there are plenty of women who want to and would appreciate a good man. She needs to get out of her own way and seek therapy like he did. Not therapy from these trash experts on the show but a real one who can help her navigate this and not blow it. Deonna, you’re worthy of a man who thinks you’re more than good enough to smash and wants to take you home to meet his mum. It’s not fair for Greg to fall in love with the representative she’s putting forward and not her authentic self. 

I think that is very true.  She needs therapy, REAL therapy, not TV therapy.  She needs to know that just because she doesn't look like Beyonce or Rihanna or Halle Berry, she's worth of love and deserves someone who cares about HER.

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19 minutes ago, seasick said:

I haven't figured out how just to pull just a quote out but I'm responding to your statement that you don't think Matt is using Amber for sex because she likes it.

You put your finger on the beginning of the quote until the Quote Box comes up.  Then you take the blue bottom thingamajig with your finger to the end of the quote u want.  Then, the quote comes up on a new page and you can answer.  (There are 2 thingamigigs, so you put your finger on the bottom one).   If that’s any help.

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Iris's fellatio giving/cunnilingus receiving virginity is as boring as *YAAAAWWWNNNN*, oh I'm sorry what was I saying? I wonder if Deonna will regret looking the way she does every night at bedtime when she looks back. I'm sorry but Greg would have been happy with a corpse he's so desperate. Jamie and Red are a disgusting couple. Absolutely disgusting. Matt is enjoying boning Amber while he's stuck with her and she's an idiot.  Also, Deonna's dinner outfit was HORRID. She, Big Red & Amber have no style but I can't believe she went out to dinner looking like she stepped off a prarie. That's all folks.

Edited by karenbrady
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I think production obviously helped with Jamie's anniversary date but I also think he came up with most of it including buying her a crazy expensive necklace.  And in return Elizabeth gave him a generic couples coupon book from the drug store, interrupted him as he revised his vows and finally didn't acknowledge that he was also at their wedding.  So very obnoxious but also par for the course.  I think he blew up because he felt like he earned so many points doing nice things and didn't get anything in return.  So much for not keeping score.

I'm not a romantic and I'm very straightforward so I really appreciate Deonna.  I think she actually came into the show for a marriage and she's not really interested in performing for the cameras.  So yes, act cold, go to bed in footie pajamas, whatever.  The parts of her marriage that really matter are the ones she wants to share only with her husband.  Power to her.  Better than having to cringe like every time what's her name climbs on Matt.

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8 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

Dr. Viv to rescue Sneery and BotoxBeth’s failed marriage....

They will try again for Round 3....ding!

"Sneery"!  Someone finally came up with an appropriate nickname for Jamie, to go with Big Red (Beth)!

Edited by Crazy Bird Lady
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11 minutes ago, Virginia said:

I'm not a romantic and I'm very straightforward so I really appreciate Deonna.  I think she actually came into the show for a marriage and she's not really interested in performing for the cameras.  So yes, act cold, go to bed in footie pajamas, whatever.  The parts of her marriage that really matter are the ones she wants to share only with her husband.  Power to her.  Better than having to cringe like every time what's her name climbs on Matt.

9 minutes ago, gonecrackers said:

I don't blame Deonna for passing on the bath thing. First, not everyone likes that crap, next, this is TV, & the cameras would love more "Liz & Amber" flashing moments, using Deonna. They probably set the whole thing up with a filming requirement- to which she may have been fuck no assholes & I don't blame her for not wanting to be on display. Deonna is obviously a modest woman. Modest does not mean uptight or prudish - it's a relief not to have anymore parts blurred; there's been way too much of that this season. Stay out of the bath all you want Deonna, & wear flannels to bed, at least until the cameras leave you guys alone!

Okay but my question is, "why is she on this show?"  What did she think it was?  There have been people who actually were selected and then passed.  One passed because of his job, the other because her family told her not to go.  The idea is, you marry a stranger and have if filmed for a reality show.  If you're a modest woman, then why are you on the show?  I have the same issues with Iris; I don't get why any of these people are on the show if they are such private people.  

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Just now, Neurochick said:

Okay but my question is, "why is she on this show?"  What did she think it was?  There have been people who actually were selected and then passed.  One passed because of his job, the other because her family told her not to go.  The idea is, you marry a stranger and have if filmed for a reality show.  If you're a modest woman, then why are you on the show?  I have the same issues with Iris; I don't get why any of these people are on the show if they are such private people.  

Is a requirement for being on a show to expose oneself?  I understand if you mean emotionally, but physically??  I don't think she's obligated to do that at. all.

Emotionally she's coming around, just slower. But at least there's progress. There's no way she's that ice queen from Dallas, so there's that.

Iris the virgin - just no. The virginity thing, unless a potential partner expressed during matchmaking it wouldn't be a problem, is just not fair to the stranger spouse.

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Just now, Neurochick said:

  If you're a modest woman, then why are you on the show? 

I think it's fine to be modest and want to do this show - just because she signed up doesn't mean the show is privy to every aspect of their life (or maybe it is depending on what they signed). I think if the participants are legitimately trying to make a real match, they are better off keeping some things private, and the gory details of a couple's sex life is one thing I think is fine to keep private. Beyond "did you have sex" I don't think the audience is owed titillating shots of half naked people in a tub, hot tub or bed.

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12 hours ago, thatsall said:

Matt plays guitar and sings about diamonds and pearls.

No. Just no. If we had to hear a song about Diamonds and Pearls it should have been selected from one of Keith's Prince albums. Matt should definitely stick to car detailing or basketball........

Amber's wardrobe is schizophrenic - it's either shlubby sweatshirts and leggings or hoochie dresses and stripper heals........

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2 minutes ago, Ilovepie said:

I think it's fine to be modest and want to do this show - just because she signed up doesn't mean the show is privy to every aspect of their life (or maybe it is depending on what they signed). I think if the participants are legitimately trying to make a real match, they are better off keeping some things private, and the gory details of a couple's sex life is one thing I think is fine to keep private. Beyond "did you have sex" I don't think the audience is owed titillating shots of half naked people in a tub, hot tub or bed.

See, that's the thing for me.  All I know about reality TV show contracts is that production basically owns your image for a certain number of years and depending on what was signed, you have to participate in production run shows (like Unfiltered) .  

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2 hours ago, seasick said:

 I haven't figured out how just to pull just a quote out but I'm responding to your statement that you don't think Matt is using Amber for sex because she likes it.

I don't think the fact that Amber likes it should matter. Matt is not into Amber and he knows it. I'm sure he'll try to play pretend until the end of the show so as to not make any waves, but suggesting sex after he just dissed her in the worst way is just taking blatant advantage of what a fool she is for him , and putting it on display.

Matt would be happier with a clueless brain dead cheerleader type, instead he got a neurotic school teacher.

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I’m not sure how Matt crosses the street without a guide. He seems incredibly dumb. And Amber is being dumb, in a different, way right along with him. Her desperation blinds her to his glaring indifference to her. Sad sad. 

Jamie and the Ego are just toxic. She’s a raving narcissist and he runs as hot and cold as she does. They are both vile. 

I’m still not sure Keith is interested in marriage. I keep waiting to hear what’s really going on. Iris - meh. I like her at times and then I don’t. But, without question, I love her mama. 

Maybe I’m reading things into Deonna and Greg but I think she’s more into him off camera and seems determined to keep some private stuff private. By the way, shut up Pastor Cal. You can be encouraging without condescendingly telling her what she feels. Ugh. 

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2 hours ago, AussieBabe said:

Iris can miss me with the virginal act. Child, you went on national television and told viewers that you’ve slobbed on a knob like corn on the cob, so the tears and histrionics about talking about your technical virginity are absolutely stupid and contrived. 


Matt's song!  Hahahahahahahahaha!  And then Amber was so nice to explain to us what "diamonds and pearls" meant!  I guess an audience who needs a recap of what the show is about after every commercial break needed that tutorial as well 😄 

Elizabeth really thinks she's fantastic, no?  I thought her hair was too red, her boobs were too floppy and her lips were too fake, but those were the 3 things she really admired about herself 😄 Jamie was a dick, and it looked like the c-word to me.  I wish they would have shown us how the fight started though.

Edited by princelina
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15 minutes ago, ramble said:

Jamie and the Ego are just toxic. She’s a raving narcissist and he runs as hot and cold as she does. They are both vile. 

2 hours ago, Soup333 said:

Makes me wonder if some of her ire at Matt during Unfiltered was also because she was angry at Jamie about all this? 

I agree they are both horrible, but Elizabeth got some points from me for straight up calling Matt out on his bullshit answers for staying out all night. It was kind of cathartic to see someone giving him the smack down after both Amber and Dr. Pepper kind of let him off the hook last week.

I think her ire was actually directed directly at Matt and had nothing to do with Jamie because she knows what he did to Amber and she is siding with her girl. If anything, I got the sense that she and Jamie might have patched it up (again!) based on her shout out apology to him for getting so mad in the last episode.......

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2 hours ago, Neurochick said:

I think a lot of these people are single because they need therapy.

Jamie and Beth don't know how to fight fair.  They extend their claws, problem is when you do that, the wounds could be lethal.  

Deonna needs to talk to someone about why she doesn't think she's worthy of someone like Greg.

Iris needs to talk to someone about why she, a VIRGIN came on this show if virginity is such an important part of who she is.

I think all these four girls did not belong on this show.  They all have quirks or problems of some kind.  And,I think Jamie is a little bit of a yenta .. always watching everything Elizabeth does, waiting to pounce on her. I’m not saying she isn’t insane, but he gets offended at every little thing for a guy.  Most guys shrug things off to avoid confrontation.  When Matt & Amber had their anniversary dinner and went home to watch the video of their wedding, Amber looked so happy.  Now, I am feeling terrible if Matt dumps her.  She wouldn’t deserve it.  She will be devastated.  Finally, Deonna dresses terribly for a woman of 30.  What’s with the plaid shirts to an anniversary dinner?  A lovely dress with the pearls would have looked nicer for a special occasion.  After all Greg did for her, she put on some rags and went to sleep.  WTF?   Btw, I blame all the experts for four horrible matches.  Again.  They need real therapists, not t.v. Therapists.

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20 hours ago, Gem 10 said:

I am dumbfounded.  Just now on Unfiltered, Jamie asked Iris if she ever did oral sex, and Iris replied, “yes, I have done oral sex”.  I can hardly say the words, and they all talk about it like it’s nothing.  I just can’t.  If she has done that, then why not go all the way?  I am even ashamed to talk about it.  I’m not a prude, but I think that would be ultra private?  Or I am a square and not with the times?

Probably.  I had the same reaction as you did and I know I'm a square and not with the times.  And just the fact that asking a self-described virgin if she participates in oral sex is acceptable makes me cringe. 

18 hours ago, topanga said:

On unfiltered, Iris said Keith doesn’t act like he’s attracted to her—she’s the one who initiates any sexual contact between the two of them. She said that if she were ready to have sex and indicated that, she isn’t sure he’d respond.

I can see him walking on eggshells, and that that might be interpreted as lack of interest.  She's admitted she's plenty experienced, and her "virginity" is just this one little piece of a big puzzle, and she's making a huge deal of it.  If I were in his shoes, I wouldn't want things to get carried away.  He needs to keep his penis at least two feet away from her vagina, to ensure there are no inadvertencies.  Fortunately, her mouth is outside that no-fly zone.


3 hours ago, seasick said:

What Deonna wore to bed is not surprising considering what she wore out to dinner!! Again with that Lumberjack look with that frumpy skirt. Girl turn on some sexy sometime!

I never dress sexy, but I wouldn't be caught dead in that skirt.  What even was that?  It's like it came up to her armpits, and was still too long.  Egad.

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Deonna and Gregory

Solid match! Boring actually but a good match is.

Elizabeth and Jamie

I had almost lost hope they were going to spin out of control but they didn't fail to deliver. I would have chided Elizabeth and suggested that the pictures are an optical illusion and if you look long enough you'll notice other people in the picture beside herself. Jamie is an executive accountant which sounds like a numbers guys. Relationships are like equations to him and he has to be close to even on the equals sign. As long as they are flattering each other equally they get along. It doesn't surprise me they don't want kids...they already have two. I do blame Jamie more for whats happened but knowing I couldn't live with Elizabeth either so I can't place too much blame. He'll probably come back he's a bit of a man-child but I hold out precious hope for marital bliss.

Keith and Iris

You saved your virginity for your marriage...you're married at first sight by your choosing. He like you has already made this decision and made the vows of fidelity and loyalty. I wonder what it would say to future suitors if you wind up a divorced virgin? Withholding your virginity until marriage can be a noble gesture, using it as a bargaining chip to ensure fidelity much less so.

Matthew and Amber

I don't know what to make of Matthew. Is he a carny or is he a rube?

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36 minutes ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

Probably.  I had the same reaction as you did and I know I'm a square and not with the times.  And just the fact that asking a self-described virgin if she participates in oral sex is acceptable makes me cringe.

Here's a woman worried about lemonade and her virginity but tells the world she engaged in oral sex...

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I don't think Big Red would wonder "Who calls their wife that?" about "bitch." J/S.

As for the argument: Isn't the wedding generally called "the bride's day?" And isn't the bride generally a bit more gussied up than the groom? And specifically, didn't Elizabeth have to worry about her coiffure more than Jamie did his (that's rhetorical!)? IMO, Jamie ought to have just let E be E in that moment. 

I love octopus and squid! Just ate some an hour ago!

And then to have spoken in that particular vile manner? Yep, Jamie is still smarting over "Caucasian sex."

Edited by LennieBriscoe
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9 minutes ago, LillysPad said:

I thought so.

Pretty sure I saw the cat carrier. 

1 hour ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

I never dress sexy, but I wouldn't be caught dead in that skirt.  What even was that?  It's like it came up to her armpits, and was still too long.  Egad.

It’s a hell of a lot better than the pink handkerchiefs Lizzie sewed together and wore on Unfiltered.


Unfortunately, colorism is real.

I don’t know that anyone here would disagree with you and it may or may not be what’s going on with Deonna. I just sense genuine fear from her that Greg won’t like her - I don’t know if that comes from colorism or her last bad relationship or something else altogether.

Edited by Elizzikra
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