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S21.E15: Head of Household #5; Nominations #5

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Pretty good recap of the HOH competition. Better DRs of who is feeling safe. SOme conversations we may have missed . Kat is out for blood where Michie is concerned.

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So the bus just keeps rolling along...

Hey, BB, you can show all the convos you want about Jackson or Christie being potential targets, I'll believe it when I see it.

Comment from Live Feed info:


I was disappointed that neither Pee-gate nor Jackson cheating at being a HN and having his food special delivered were shown.  

The only bright spot was Kat beating Jackson in the HOH after he was so insistent that he was hanging on til the bitter end.

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Stupidest "costume" ever and the last thing that stinky house needs is people not showering for days...

When it comes down to it we all know the actual 'cracks' in the six you couldn't ride an ant through... all this talk of different 'targets' within the six just shows how heinous Jackson is and how annoying/unstable Christie is. This all will amount to nothing as they conveniently continue to roll on through 'the other side' of the house with ease.

Damn this is a cast jackfull-o-duds.

Edited by Wandering Snark
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Wow, 30+ minutes for that riveting HOH comp?  I thought it was pretty funny that Jess was out in the 1st 2 minutes of the live show.  But lasted thru 4 minutes of the comp recap.  The comp really was made for slim and wiry body types, although Mr. Lego Head's misogyny and extra caloric intake gave him the strength to power through.

Well, this HOH should be pretty lame.  Holly will play as Ms. Lego Head, and 1 more of the outsiders will go.  It would have been more interesting if she had put up Christie and Nick.

Is the show trying to make Kat out to be more interesting than she is?  Is this the first time we've seen Anal-Eze in any lengthy Diary room discussion?  Will Holly be able to form her own opinions without interference from the Lego corp?  Meh, who cares?  I'm still not gonna watch "CBS' Wide World of Hepatitis" aka Love Island. 

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1 hour ago, Lamima said:

So Jackson is getting the bad guy edit but Jack isn't.....🙄

I don't know, I think maybe it was just his turn tonight. Certainly they didn't show anything particularly flattering about Jack. I have a feeling his turn is going to come. 

Kudos to Cliff. His desperate, unpopular strategy seems to be working. He's not a target at all this week. Who knows how far his friendly, pseudo-loyal persona is going to get him. "Here, have a beer! '

I really enjoy Sam, maybe because he doesn't seem nasty and he always cracks me up. SEND! 

I have feeling Kat's dingbat, conspiracy-theorist talk was 95% for fun and camera time. I'd be surprised if she actually believes that stuff. I felt bad, though, when they showed her ugly-crying when Jackson was being nasty to her. That was real. 

In real life, I'm pretty sure I'd find Christie's relentless, fake encouragement super irritating. When Jack was visibly shaking and about to fall she was yelling, "You're great! You got this! You're super strong!" When he fell 5 seconds later, she instantly shifted to "Great effort! You're good!" Etc.

When Jessica fell 3 minutes in, a totally dismal showing, Christie yelled, "You're a warrior!" Um, no she isn't. If I were there I wouldn't listen to a word Christie said because it's so obviously either strategy or just a knee-jerk reaction that means nothing. 

I'm baffled at why Holly is with Jackson. I truly don't get it. 

Edited by Melina22
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3 minutes ago, Writing Wrongs said:

I am such a child. I kept laughing over Kat spraying away Jackson's farts and him storming out of the HN room.

I was thinking: "nice effort there Kat, but no amount of Febreze can overcome the stench of this season.


Melina22: I'm baffled at why Holly is with Jackson. I truly don't get it. 

I don't get it either. Color me baffled.

Edited by Wandering Snark
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After Kat dropped I fast-forwarded through most of the episode. I mean what was the point...it didn't matter which brunette won..they'd just be walking, talking meat sacks to be manipulated by their caveman boyfriend.

There was more of a chance of Tupac landing on the moon with April Lavigne at the controls of the lunar module than anyone other than Sam/Nick on the block.

And why waste our time with a whole segment of people plotting against Jackson when he was wrapped in bulletproof Teflon with his you know what-Buddy as the HOH.

CBS is in a Kobayashi Maru no-win scenario with this group. They are almost universally hated and the odds increase each week that it will be one of the vilest final twos ever to sit in the chairs on finale night.

Anyway please send Cliff home soon. I'm tired of looking at his unhealthy face.

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I agree with all the Jackson hate, the guy is just an ass plain and simple. However, I really enjoy Kat even though most of her scenes are silly. Maybe she really believes the conspiracy stuff, maybe she doesn't, but it amuses me. I watch a lot of that stuff on Youtube and other places, it's entertaining to me. Sometimes someone actually make a good point that makes you think, even if you know it's BS.

I'd probably last even less time than Jess did on that comp-- which is why I will never apply to be on this show or any other !

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During Holly's 'Who wants to see my HoH room?' segment nobody was around and they showed that even the fish in the fishtank were hiding*. That gave me a chuckle.

(*Kudos to production that obviously edited them out, I didn't think they were hiding...)

Edited by Wandering Snark
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This must have been a really uneventful week. This episode was 30 minutes of boring endurance comp, and whole lot of silly segments (Kat's conspiracies, fart tantrums, beer sharing). They even showed Holly's HOH room and letter from home. I think that happens less and less often lately.

Which HOH rooms have been showcased? I remember seeing Jack's and Nick's, but I'm not sure if it was the regular show or BBAD. I don't remember seeing Cliff's or Christie's.

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3 hours ago, Lamima said:

So Jackson is getting the bad guy edit but Jack isn't.....🙄

Yeah Jackson is bad but Jack is far FAR worse with his cruel, mean, over the top racist shit.

2 hours ago, Tdoc72 said:

I missed the last 10 minutes so did Julie mention anymore about this field trip thing?

Julie is in only on the live show which is Thursday night so you will have to wait until then.

What a boring episode where the competition took up half the show and they had a "who wants to see my HOH" crap shown for the first time this season.  The really boring and generic letter from mum shows how desperate production is to get anything out of this both vile and dreary group.

BB, you want a chance, however remote at this point, to save this beyond horrible season?  Forget the damn "road trip" stuff.  Make America's Choice instead to nominate the two HG's that go up next week just like in BB1.  You know.  Before they had all this boring HOH crap and the show was actually interesting.  Then add in a "twist" where America can also prevent the use of a veto that week as well.

Edited by green
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Jackson got a bad edit, which ok. But he's not the only asshole there.

In an episode that had to conclude the HOH comp, they were still so starved for material they showed the HOH reveal, the sappy letter from home, and an unfunny segment on Kat looking dumb. That's how boring these stupid people are. 

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I hope Sam goes this week. His mindless SHOUTING of RANDOM PARTS of his SENTENCES just bugs beyond measure.

The show is considerably more pleasant without Bella's whiny misery.

Kat, you lovable bubblehead: the flag appears to be waving in that famous moon video because it was stretched out on a thin wire frame that was flexing as it was being positioned. Believe it or not, WE ACTUALLY DID GO TO THE MOON. Mrs. RaiderDuck wondered if a Flat Earth discussion was going to be next.

On a shallower note, Jessica's swimsuit in that scene did her no favors at all. You'd think a professional model would select more flattering attire.

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42 minutes ago, Sir RaiderDuck OMS said:

I hope Sam goes this week. His mindless SHOUTING of RANDOM PARTS of his SENTENCES just bugs beyond measure.

The show is considerably more pleasant without Bella's whiny misery.

Kat, you lovable bubblehead: the flag appears to be waving in that famous moon video because it was stretched out on a thin wire frame that was flexing as it was being positioned. Believe it or not, WE ACTUALLY DID GO TO THE MOON. Mrs. RaiderDuck wondered if a Flat Earth discussion was going to be next.

I was very sad they don't have internet access so Cliff could make Kat read badastronomy.com. 

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This IS another of Jackson's HOH's, and I'm sickened by Holly's willingness to be lead by him. Does she really think that he really cares for her, that he'd ever put her before himself? If they were ever on the block at the same time and he won the veot he'd use it on himself, and if he didn't win the veto he'd be campaigning so hard against her it would make her head spin. He and Jack disgust me so much I may just have to stop watching. Its not competitive, and more importantly, its not fun!

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I have a wish!  My CBS is not showing BB!!  Would it be possible for the more to put into the introduction who's nominated and who's HOH and whol has POV for all us poor souls lost in limbo!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!

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5 minutes ago, icemiser69 said:

Something must have happened that never made it to the CBS episodes.

Is there a bed wetter in the house?

Does one house guest like getting peed on?

I keep reading oblique references to pee in this thread and am not sure what happened. Somebody please fill the rest of us in. If you don't, urine trouble!

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8 hours ago, green said:

Yeah Jackson is bad but Jack is far FAR worse with his cruel, mean, over the top racist shit.

I know Jack is far worse which I why I eye rolled at him not getting a bad edit.

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33 minutes ago, Sir RaiderDuck OMS said:

I keep reading oblique references to pee in this thread and am not sure what happened. Somebody please fill the rest of us in. If you don't, urine trouble!

I think Son peed himself during the HoH comp.

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2 hours ago, Lamima said:

I know Jack is far worse which I why I eye rolled at him not getting a bad edit.

They've both got to go, but since CBS and Groedner love them, not only will they end up the final 2, neither will ever have something negative shown.

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2 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

Something must have happened that never made it to the CBS episodes.

Is there a bed wetter in the house?

Does one house guest like getting peed on?

Urine the general vicinity:


During the course of the HoH comp, Jackson needed to piss - and he did.  Jackson being Jackson meant he could do no such thing subtly, of course; after spouting his gusher, Jackson has to announce it with his lame last-generation “FUCK IT, WE’LL DO IT LIVE!!!” ripoff.

...and shortly after which, Jackson fell directly into the spot in the comp floor where his piss had fell.

...and a while later, when Holly won the HoH comp, Jackson’s the very first to bound across the set to congratulate his fuckbuddy du jour - and Holly’s very first HoH reward is being grabbed by Jackson as she is coming off the comp ropes, and sliding down to the comp floor against Jackson’s piss-soaked shorts.

Quality family entertainment, that is.  🙄

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7 hours ago, Sarah Heart said:

Jackson's really thought he was going to win HOH.  Three girls beat Mr muscle, LOL, I loved it

Oh, but didn't you hear him explain? That competition was geared toward petite women.

7 hours ago, Sir RaiderDuck OMS said:

Believe it or not, WE ACTUALLY DID GO TO THE MOON. Mrs. RaiderDuck wondered if a Flat Earth discussion was going to be next.

Nah, that was on Love Island.


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They even showed Holly's HOH room and letter from home. I think that happens less and less often lately.

That's the first time I remember them showing it in the last 2 seasons.


I hope Sam goes this week. His mindless SHOUTING of RANDOM PARTS of his SENTENCES just bugs beyond measure.

There's one every year. You'd think the people in the DR would tell them to use their inside voices. I guess they think it's entertaining or something.

That said, Sam is about the only one left to root for IMO. He was the only one brave enough to try voting out Jack last week. The rest of those idiots fell in line and voted the way the six-shooters wanted them to. 

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3 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

That's the first time I remember them showing it in the last 2 seasons.

There's one every year. You'd think the people in the DR would tell them to use their inside voices. I guess they think it's entertaining or something.

That said, Sam is about the only one left to root for IMO. He was the only one brave enough to try voting out Jack last week. The rest of those idiots fell in line and voted the way the six-shooters wanted them to. 

When they spent literally half the episode showing the HOH challenge, it was a clear signal that nothing else interesting happened before the nominations. Hence the showing off of the new HOH suite and letters from home, etc.

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4 minutes ago, Sir RaiderDuck OMS said:

When they spent literally half the episode showing the HOH challenge, it was a clear signal that nothing else interesting happened before the nominations. Hence the showing off of the new HOH suite and letters from home, etc.

Over time on this (and earlier) forums, I’d picked up a certain idiosyncrasy; I’d never delete an episode of BB off my DVR until the next episode was airing.  

This was because in the course of the forum’s discussions/dissections I might need to look back and verify an action, accurately transcribe a bit of dialogue, etc. - and it was faster to do it with a DVR recording than with the On Demand recording, or the network’s streaming app.

Until last night, that is; this episode was so boring I immediately deleted it after watching.  First time in 5+ years I’ve done that.

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14 hours ago, green said:

Yeah Jackson is bad but Jack is far FAR worse with his cruel, mean, over the top racist shit.

Except for Sis (ugh, a grown woman with that nickname) and Jessica - all of the people of color are gone - so Jack has no targets.  

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1 hour ago, icemiser69 said:

The episode won't play if you are using an ad blocker.   

I had no problem playing the episode just now without an ad blocker.

I'm using an ad blocker and it played for me.

Jessica's interest once she was out:


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When they spent literally half the episode showing the HOH challenge, it was a clear signal that nothing else interesting happened before the nominations. Hence the showing off of the new HOH suite and letters from home, etc.

Actually it's pretty typical for the Sunday show to be half HoH when it begins as an endurance competition on Thursday night. I guess they figure we're all on the edge of our seats salivating over the suspense. As if most fans don't immediately go online to see who won

But, again, this show has gotten really stale about following a specific script for each installment. The way the episodes are stitched together is overly predictable and lazy. The editors probably love these endurance competitions because it's so easy for them to milk the footage.

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6 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

But, again, this show has gotten really stale about following a specific script for each installment. The way the episodes are stitched together is overly predictable and lazy. The editors probably love these endurance competitions because it's so easy for them to milk the footage.

Maybe I'm easily amused but I actually enjoyed this drawn-out comp. I find most of them pretty boring and repetitive but this one was sort of unusual and looked very difficult. I think I would have found it even more entertaining if I hadn't been spoiled, which presumably most viewers are not. 

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6 minutes ago, Melina22 said:

I think I would have found it even more entertaining if I hadn't been spoiled, which presumably most viewers are not. 

We were spoiled, but accidentally so. Thursday night, the show ended right after the comp started (we live in Arizona, so Chenbot signed off at 8PM MST). We kicked over to the live stream and caught the last 10 minutes with Holly and AnalLice trying to outlast each other.

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43 minutes ago, Melina22 said:

Maybe I'm easily amused but I actually enjoyed this drawn-out comp. I find most of them pretty boring and repetitive but this one was sort of unusual and looked very difficult. I think I would have found it even more entertaining if I hadn't been spoiled, which presumably most viewers are not. 

Not just you - I thought this comp was uber-cool. I watched it for an hour and a half, before begrudgingly tapping out. (Stupid adulting, keeping me from being up as late as I want!) And a good chunk of that featured no falls. 

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