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Naked And Afraid - General Discussion

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1 hour ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

KidHorn, if someone said they wanted to kill me and then a minute later asked me for my knife, I wouldn't hand it over either.

LOL that is a great point ;)

Another thing, she kept saying "you are NOT taking my fire and leaving me with nothing!" Um, hello bitch, he is leaving you with fire, the fire starter, and the shelter. Even if he never let you use the blade (which I'm sure he would, he is not unreasonable), you have a hell of a lot.

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16 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

Laura looked like Xena Warrior Princess if Xena had become a slovenly alcoholic.

THAT is fucking hilarious! 

I wonder what the real/fake Ragnar from the TV show Vikings would have done to her? Heh.

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I'm rewatch ing with the added bonus scenes and interviews. Yes Laura threw the fit for no reason. He said he will share the fire with her. But No she destroyed the fire

shes still blaming everything on him. Put on a devil mask and said she'd rather be with Satan than with Nicholas. She's not funny. She's sick 

I truly believe when they haven't eaten over two weeks that the crew puts an animal in their path, way or trap

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I think it's time the show stops insisting upon male/female teams and just cast capable people, regardless of sex.  I would bet the Swedish guy from last week and Angel from this week would have made a great team.  Too bad both guys were placed with partners who made an already challenging experience worse than it needed to be.  

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Nicaragua episode.

I know I said I was done with this show, but I forgot to take if off the DVR, so here I am.  This woman has got to be one of the most unlikable women they've ever had on the show.  And she's a nurse (or was it nursing student)?  Gah, I feel sorry for her patients.

She says immediately off the bat that the one thing she can't stand is laziness.  Then all we see is her lying around doing nothing because she is too tired.  So glad that Angel called her out on the shelter building.  Who starts discussing how to build a shelter when it's already dark and you only see by campfire?  Loved that Angel didn't really care about the shelter and was fine to sleep under the stars since he's been homeless before.

For her to say her skills weren't good was an understatement.  Couldn't start the fire for hours.  Angel comes along and boom, they have fire. Also took two hours to skin and prepare the iguana.  Catches a turtle but then hilariously loses it trying to rinse it off.

Both of them should have points taken off for stupidity swimming in deep murky water when you can clearly see that a cayman is in the water.

Why didn't Angel take his fancy fish trap from the first camp to the second one?  We saw him rebuilding one once they moved to the second camp with more water.

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I really liked Angel. He has excellent skills and was Extremely patient with lazy girl. I was yelling at the tv at her. What a strange person she was . She must be a very difficult daughter

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That chick was fairly useless most of the challenge but I was proud of her for swallowing her pride and improving so much by the end. It was definitely badass of her to kill that boa by herself, and so calmly. My guess is she is still somewhat immature and not very socially adept, so it took her a while to "get it."

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I still don't know why she blamed him when she's the one who let the turtle slip away ? She said that they "both were to blame" for it getting away but then she did say she was sorry for blaming him.

I also don't know why she was so dirty early on ? Her face was filthy.

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3 minutes ago, stillhere1900 said:

I still don't know why she blamed him when she's the one who let the turtle slip away ? She said that they "both were to blame" for it getting away but then she did say she was sorry for blaming him.

I also don't know why she was so dirty early on ? Her face was filthy.

Not sure about your first question either, it seemed odd. I guess because he was the one who asked her to wash it? But she's the one who dropped the thing.

As for being "so dirty early on," I have noticed in previous episodes there was some really wonky editing, so maybe they took shots from different days and switched them around. I don't put anything past these folks anymore ;)

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Part of being a mature adult is to have the ability to step up and take the blame/responsibility when things go sideways.  I don't think Angel asked her to wash the turtle.  He just agreed that she should wash it after she said she thought she should.  

Wonder which came first--her nasty ass attitude or her mother causing her nasty ass attitude.  Her mother sound like she might be out of the "no wire hangers" mold, but who knows?

If I ever see her being a nurse during a visit to Mass General Hospital, I'm running in the other direction.  She seems like she has the potential to become Nurse Ratched, the 21st century model.

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To be fair, she could not keep up with the homeless guy - because he walked barefoot for a year in case they asked him to be on and had calloused feet. I do always wonder how hard it would be to make shoes - some people seem to do it. 

I admit I would cheat in the sense that I would grow my hair long and cut it to create cord if I needed to do that. 

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Yeah, I don't know why they didn't make shoes.  Noticed that unlike a lot of the women, she didn't have any modesty and didn't make herself a bra and panties.  Guess because she's badass or as she said, a "savage beast"?  Ha.

Seemed like in her exit interview that she had a lot of self realization of her shortcomings.  Obviously it's a stressful environment being naked in the jungle and needing to survive.  But methinks the personality we saw if pretty much her every day behavior...

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6 hours ago, stillhere1900 said:

I also don't know why she was so dirty early on ? Her face was filthy.

Sometimes they daub their faces and bodies with mud in an attempt to keep the bugs away.  Or in an effort to cool existing stings.  I'm giving her a pass on the filthy face.

Or...  Maybe Angel said "Oh, you've got a little something, just...here.  And another one, yeah there.  OK.  Got it." while wiping her face with his smudgy hands.  Then every time he looked at her, he could get a private giggle.

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17 hours ago, ichbin said:

I think it's time the show stops insisting upon male/female teams and just cast capable people, regardless of sex.  I would bet the Swedish guy from last week and Angel from this week would have made a great team.  Too bad both guys were placed with partners who made an already challenging experience worse than it needed to be.  

I agree - the difference between their PSR scores (for what they're worth) should have been enough of a signal that this wasn't a good match.   If they have same gender teams for the Xtreme episodes why not for the regular series?  

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Nicole's name should have been Dee Lusional. Her martial arts skills were that of a white belt, just horrible. She probably received her training from the same online correspondence school that taught her survival skills.

Anyone else notice she was wearing flip-flops when she went to the lake?

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On 5/23/2016 at 8:47 AM, stillhere1900 said:

I also don't know why she was so dirty early on ? Her face was filthy.

I think they had intentionally rubbed some mud on their faces (and bodies?) to protect from the sun. 


On 5/23/2016 at 2:25 PM, greyhorse said:

 Noticed that unlike a lot of the women, she didn't have any modesty and didn't make herself a bra and panties.  Guess because she's badass or as she said, a "savage beast"?  Ha.

Not only did she never attempt to make anything to cover up, but the way she sat or laid down - she always had her legs sprawled wide open. Yikes!

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I felt bad for Angel, he definitely deserved a better partner and a better experience. He had the patience of a SAINT with her.

Hope he comes back for XL.

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I'm fed up with episodes in which people do nothing but bide their time until extraction day. That's all Clarence did after his partner tapped out. Even before then, neither of them seemed to be doing anything but laying around.

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well except building shelters. They built 4 shelters. 

Interesting how the night camera caught the picture of the snake sneaking into the the debris pile. 


and yes, they showed Angel is going to be on XL in this weeks little XL ad. 

Edited by holly4755
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So happy Angel and Stephen Hall from Alabama episode will be in XL. Tawny with the eye makeup also and the woman from about two seasons ago who was a short haired half shaven blonde. She now has long black hair and looks much better

july 10- XL 

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An acquaintance of mine was caught out hiking at night with a companion, and she had the stomach growling thing going on where she was totally freaked out by what she imagined were wild animals coming out of the dark to get her.  Then, much to her chagrin, she realized it was her own tummy making those threatening noises.  She had a protein bar and laughed it off.

It happens...

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On 5/29/2016 at 11:30 PM, LittleIggy said:

I'm fed up with episodes in which people do nothing but bide their time until extraction day. That's all Clarence did after his partner tapped out. Even before then, neither of them seemed to be doing anything but laying around.

I watched for the first time in a long time, and agree they didn't do much. I guess that's just the nature of the show, to put people in a hostile environment and tell them all they have to do is survive and they'll be picked up in 21 days. The show, as I see it, is more about how two strangers interact while enduring the hardship than about survival techniques.

This episode was kind of a dud, in my view, since there really wasn't a team to watch. The dude was a loner and wasn't really interested in being part of a team dynamic. He was there to do his thing, and was willing to share, but only as two individuals. She wasn't much better. For there to be a team, she was going to have to let him lead. She wanted things her way, and wasn't willing to compromise. Even something as simple as her not waiting to let the water cool caused a tiff. From the beginning he planned to have a debris shelter, so he let her go build her platform (she did a good job) while he concentrated on fire and his separate shelter. As I was watching I wondered if he tried to talk to her, or if he really just did his own thing as shown. I understand her wanting a platform to get up off the ground on the one hand, but can't help but remember snakes, her biggest fear, can climb.

We actually saw some good survival technique in the background, but that isn't what this show is about. They successfully made multiple shelters of various types, had a fire, knew to boil water, etc. I wonder if there might have been some effort to feed themselves if they hadn't known they would be picked up.

All in all, this is a show I just don't understand. I don't get why anyone would volunteer to go sit around a campfire and starve, while serving as a banquet to biting insects carrying who knows what tropical diseases, and surrounded by a jungle known to be home to several species of venomous snakes, including the deadly fer de Lance. Whenever I hear about this show sending people to a Central American rain forest I think of the producer who was bitten by a fer de lance http://www.outsideonline.com/1916651/surviving-viper-bite  Then there's yellow fever, malaria and who knows what else --- nope, I don't understand why people ask to be on the show.

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I was disappointed in this episode. I felt that Clarence was so interested in being a lone wolf that he shorted himself out of opportunities, and I wonder if that's the same in his real life. It seemed to me that when she tapped out, she was just waiting for him to make some sort of overture and she would've stayed. To hear him complain of being lonely once she left seemed like it might have triggered some sort of realization, but no. I wouldn't mind seeing her try again. She didn't seem incompetent or lazy, and I wonder how she would do with a more team oriented partner. 

Happy to see the two guys they introduced who will appear on XL, I liked both of them on their previous shows. 

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XL is shaping up to be REALLY good (minus Carrie who I think is going to be another Honora).

Add me to the disappointed in this episode list. I feel kind of bad for her, she got a partner that wanted this to be a solo experience. I think if he would have asked her to stay, she would have.

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Maybe I was watching a different show, but I thought Clarence was awesome.  Sure he was a lone wolf and all but when he jumped into that water at the end, I was like, "damn!"  So much for that stupid shit about black people not knowing how to swim.  

Bree said she was in recovery, I guess she forgot about "live and let live" and "principals before personalities."  I liked Bree, but it felt like she wanted Clarence to be a certain way.  I think Clarence was fine, he showed her how to build a shelter like the one he had.  As he said, he was a lone wolf, but I think in the end he really did appreciate her company.  

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This woman was a mess, and a 3rd degree martial arts my ass.... She couldn't even get a fire going for hours (with a starter) and the homeless guy got it going right away.......I even saw her laying around, legs wide open......Sheesh...

And what moron puts a turtle back in the water to wash it off before cooking it, only to lose the turtle?..... (yet, that was his idea, but she still did it)........

This woman should have been a blonde.........

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I thought she was a blonde? Maybe you're confusing last week's girl with this week's? The brunette who was sprawling around with her legs open was with Angel, and this week was a blonde girl and Clarence, who was homeless. 

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Definitely hope Manu is doing well.  She was really in a bad way once she got home after her experience from that show.  I forgot what exactly what exactly affected her, but I remember she faced a long recovery to get fully healed. 

I am still amazed people want to put themselves through all of that.  But I guess if they are willing, I will be watching.  :)

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20 minutes ago, brgjoe said:

Definitely hope Manu is doing well.  She was really in a bad way once she got home after her experience from that show.  I forgot what exactly what exactly affected her, but I remember she faced a long recovery to get fully healed. 

I am still amazed people want to put themselves through all of that.  But I guess if they are willing, I will be watching.  :)

That's right, dengue fever I think! She seems to have recovered nicely and is ready for more adventures. She hasn't dropped out yet, anyway, and 5 of the original 20 have.

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Tonight's guy (I'm awful with names) was fantastic.  I was so sure he'd tap out by around 10:40, but he actually made it, despite not one, but two women leaving him in the dust.  The first woman who left on day two never should have been there in the first place and the second woman whose breast implant burst (tee hee-- sorry) was put in her place by the way the guy used his intelligence and mental fortitude to carry him through when most people would have thrown in the towel.  Best episode in a while.

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No!  I can't believe Clarence is in XL. He did nothing for 21 days

the man from tonight's show had great strength especially for just being book taught.  Two women tapped out. He froze, shivered and barely ate but didn't give up

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A burst breast implant? See, this is reason #982487 I'd never get breast implants. Apparently they can explode at highly inconvenient times? HARD PASS. 

I didn't like how pissed off she got that he didn't want her shitting all over the ground at their camp. Then he wanted her to help collect things and she was all Effie White "And I am telling you, I'M NOT GOING." Boo.

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I kind of loved Clarence. He was a nice change from the typical overly aggressive control freak survivalist who is going to make the wilderness his/her bitch. Clarence had a cool zen calmness and clarity about him. If I ever found myself naked and afraid in the jungle, I think his personality would be easier for me to be around than someone who needed to be in my bidness 24/7. And you cannot argue with his abilities to build a shelter and a fire. Those are crucial skills.

edited to add: Oh yeah, and he didn't freak out when the woman accidentally burned down his shelter after he had told her not to put too much wood on the fire! I would have been so pissed, but he really didn't say a word about it, just went about building another shelter. I think people underestimate how important that level of calmness is in a survival situation.

As for the the twice-abandoned guy who eventually made 23 days, I think both women just had a weird negative reaction to him from the get-go, so neither one was particularly motivated to stay. Maybe neither woman really saw him as capable and strong and so they didn't have much faith that he would be a good partner. I think breast implant woman would have stayed, but they certainly were not getting along AT ALL even before her implant went ka-blooey. Regardless, although he didn't give off a real he-man vibe and seemed more cerebral than physical, I think that had he been paired with someone who could appreciate his qualities, they could have made a good team. I know they edited the episode to make it look as though he was asking both women to do more than their fair share of the grunt work, but you never know if that was how it all went down or if the women simply hadn't expected to do half of the physical labor.

Edited by janerazor
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Yeah, this guy was clearly a nerd, which non-nerds just do not understand. What he needed was a woman who is nerdy but physically gifted as well. Not to toot my own horn, but this might be the one instance in which my unique combo of nerd and jock would have actually come in handy. I always tell my engineer/triathlete husband, "you are a jock with a nerd job, and I am a nerd with a jock job (personal trainer)." Not that this dude was perfect, he was somewhat condescending at times. He is probably used to being the smartest person in the room. If the women had just told him "bro, that shit will not be tolerated," he would have probably stopped talking down to them. Instead their reactions were a little more "high school mean girl" than "grown-ass woman."

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I got so annoyed with that stupid woman with the exploding breast (not boob!) implant.  My boob, my boob......it's a breast, lady.   You don't hear about boobfeeding or boob cancer, so why do so many people call those mammary glands 'boobs'???  When did that start?  

I felt sorry for her partner, who did all the work without complaining.  All he asked for was some teamwork, but she was worthless.  I came in late, so didn't see the first woman to tap out.  What was her problem?

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4 hours ago, Diane M said:

I got so annoyed with that stupid woman with the exploding breast (not boob!) implant.  My boob, my boob......it's a breast, lady.   You don't hear about boobfeeding or boob cancer, so why do so many people call those mammary glands 'boobs'???  When did that start?  

I felt sorry for her partner, who did all the work without complaining.  All he asked for was some teamwork, but she was worthless.  I came in late, so didn't see the first woman to tap out.  What was her problem?

She drank water without boiling it, didn't feel good and decided she wasn't emotionally prepared. She tapped out on Day 2.

And I ask again.....had she ever even seen the show before?? Sleep deprivation, hunger and an upset tummy are par for the course. I know that I become a blubbering mess if I don't sleep or don't feel good. So, you know what? I don't apply to be on the show.

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2 hours ago, Diane M said:

 I came in late, so didn't see the first woman to tap out.  What was her problem?

She saw water lilys in the water and decided to go ahead and drink the water without boiling it. She said she had heard they would filter the water making it safe to drink. The guy said yes he had heard the lilys filter water, but he wasn't sure that meant the water was safe. Her reply? "Well, I'm thirsty, so I'm going to drink and we'll find out if the water is safe if I get sick in a day or two." Surprise surprise, she spends the night with cramps puking in the bushes. When he returns from foraging the next morning she informs him she's going home.

Both these women came in saying they had practical survival skills and experience, while the guy was mainly widely read with little experience. From the intros I expected some hunting/trapping from the women because both claimed experience, but nada. The second woman, she of the popped mammary implant (see, I listened and didn't say boob) talked down to the guy about his lack of spear fishing technique. But, I noticed he got the same number of fish she did.

Not to say dude was without fault. I would have found him pretty annoying with his constant talking. And, I notice he couldn't resist an "I told you so" about the water when first girl got sick. Then he gives an unnecessary tutorial on field sanitation when he finds the second girl had diarrhea in camp and didn't cover it. I also thought his team concept pretty rigid. Nothing wrong with her saying she was shakey after her diarrhea the night before, and wanting to stay behind but will collect firewood. But, noooo, he insists she come to help carry back stuff for the shelter. And why did he want her to carry two bundles while he carried one? Anyway, the shelter was pitiful, maybe when he gets home he can watch how Clarence made his debris shelter last week. All in all, I think he did pretty damn good for someone with little practical experience. His "book learning" fed him and the team (at least until the others made their exit). His shelter was kind of pitiful, but hey, not bad if that was his first. His more "experienced" partners didn't do anything improve upon it. He may have been irritating at times, but I liked how he took a moment to express his appreciation of the beauty as he looked for fish. If I were ever in a survival situation, I'd like him along, but may need earplugs.

Overconfidence did in his first partner. Not the best survival strategy to drink the water and hope not to get sick. She contributed nothing to the team except being the first to see water because she was a few steps ahead of him as they walked. Of course, she was there less than 24 hours, so didn't have time to contribute.

Second partner was there long enough to contribute, but didn't. She was supposed to be the experienced one. She was there for the crappy shelter construction. She showed him how to make a spear for fishing, but they didn't get any. In fact the only fish caught were in his trap he modeled after a boy scout book after she left. I don't fault her for leaving because of a medical reason, that was actually the smart thing to do, but I don't think she was much help when she was there, either.

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25 minutes ago, Knitting Hippie said:

She drank water without boiling it, didn't feel good and decided she wasn't emotionally prepared. She tapped out on Day 2.

And I ask again.....had she ever even seen the show before?? Sleep deprivation, hunger and an upset tummy are par for the course. I know that I become a blubbering mess if I don't sleep or don't feel good. So, you know what? I don't apply to be on the show.

Yep, any drastic change of diet can cause upset stomach send diarrhea. As can eating unripe fruit. Either, or both probably caused second girl's problem that first night. I agree, I'm happy right here watching and have zero interest in participating.

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