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S09.E24: Reunion Part 3

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10 minutes ago, Jel said:

Conveniently, the "every person in the group" just happens to be that collection of individuals -- the ones with an ax to grind.

Does my "not an asshole" or anyone else's "not an asshole" count for anything? Or is it just Kyle and co. who get to decide for all of us?

Is Lisa being an asshole to herself when she makes jokes about herself?

It shouldn’t matter who it is. it could be a waiter, it could be the pope, it could be a homeless person. One person tells you it’s effecting them negatively you stop. The person “joking” doesn’t get to decide who’s feelings matter and who’s don’t. One person or 500. Just stop it’s that simple 

Edited by Keywestclubkid
  • Love 3
1 hour ago, LibertarianSlut said:

You know, I thought this was a good question, so I looked it up and...


Oh yes.  For anyone who doesn't want to click on the link (I often don't), it is LVP giving a little tutorial on British vs American humor in Dorit's inaugural season, complaining to some guy that "they" don't get her, and when Eileen asks if anyone has seen her husband, LVP says she thinks she's seen Vince "with his head up someone's skirt over there" and then she makes that childish smirky face that was the subject of an entire Sex and the City episode. 

I just don't like the bitch.  Clearly.  I don't like many of the others either.  I don't side with the others completely.  I have just observed her behavior keenly and I have rejected it.  I wouldn't want her in my life.  I don't surround myself with people whom I have to constantly correct.  I either gel with you or I try to be around you as little as possible.  Lisa is someone I would avoid because she acts like she thinks she's superior to people and that everything is a joke.  It's not so much British vs American, it's just that she does insensitive things--to bring it back to the episode at hand--she just walked a llama through Kyle's house season two and they showed a flashback.  That's not really...funny.  Walk a llama through your own damn house and I'll chuckle for a second.

I feel like if Lisa were in my life, I'd turn into a Teddi/Eileen combo and who wants that! That's why I don't like her.  I like to keep things moving and laugh and be light, but when someone's boundaries are so different from mine, I feel like I'd constantly have to interrupt that life to be like, "uh, oh, hey, Lisa?  Can we, like, sit down for a second?  I need to address the fact that you implied by husband was eating another woman's pussy while you walked an outdoor beast over my hardwood floors and it made me feel..."  And she'd bat her false (stolen) eyelashes at me and smile like she has no idea what the fuck I'm talking about when she does.  That's why she was able to be friends with Brandi, and that is fine--they could be rough with each other.  Brandi could flirt outlandishly with Ken, and Lisa could laugh her ass off while telling us how many years it's been since she's had sex with Ken, and if they are laughing together, I guess I'm laughing.  For those of us who aren't as bawdy, though, I feel like being around them would be an energy drain.

Some of us are not confrontational.  Some people--me--don't want to constantly have to call someone on their behavior in the moment, because I often need to take a minute to absorb something, see it from the other person's perspective, figure out if I'm being over sensitive, etc., and sometimes it takes hours for me to say, "ok, item one needs to be addressed in this way and I think I can let item two go."  So I can definitely see a personality who calls things as they see them liking LVP and having little or no problem with her.  For those of us who are more withdrawn, being around her would probably feel like playing chess with Bobby Fisher.  In other words:  exhausting.

That's why I totally feel Erika on the whole "dark cloud has been lifted" thing.  Even though this group argues, I feel like they are more or less on the same page as each other regarding boundaries.  Let's just keep it light and cute and not have to always have to correct each other.  I don't think they went about addressing Lisa's behavior in the best way--it was very fake shishishi Beverly Hills--but I think the idea that five of her six castmates wanted her gone has much more to do with a personality clash than jealousy.  I can't stand her and I am not one iota jealous of her.  

If I could like this post a thousand times, I would. 

LVP trying to pass off her rudeness and crassness as British humour is straight up B.S. My grandmother was British, and several of my friends are including two of my best friends are.  None of them would act the way LVP does, and they would be totally embarrassed that LVP uses being British as an excuse to hurt people (on purpose, I might add). They would also be embarrassed by her bawniness. The way Lisa acts has nothing to do with being British, and everything to do with that is just the type of person she is. 

I didn't start watching RHoBH until the season Eileen joined, so I can't comment on how LVP acted with any of the howives on previous seasons. But I do remember that the first season I watched, she and Kyle were on the outs. I kept wondering why Kyle tried so hard to become friends again, when LVP treated her like dog feces on the bottom of her shoe. 

I never understood why LVP appeared to dislike Eileen so much, and only realized this year that it may have been jealousy over the fact that Eileen has been a successful actor her whole adult life. I did not know that LVP had been a full time acting student from the age of nine, but never really had any success to speak of other than as an actress in commercials. (Which I liken to Charlie Sheen's character in 2 1/2 Men being a jingle writer rather than a serious musician). 

I won't get into the rest of the howives that have been on LVPs radar, but I totally agree that I would never be friends with her in real life, and if I had to work with someone like that, I would steer as far away as possible. It is obvious why the rest of the ladies get along fine with the dark cloud gone. I would feel the same way.

And like you, I am not the least bit jealous of LVP. I am living what for me is my dream life, and honestly do not envy anything about Lisa's life.  

  • Useful 2
  • Love 6
11 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

It shouldn’t matter who it is. it could be a waiter, it could be the pope, it could be a homeless person. One person tells you it’s effecting them negatively you stop. The person “joking” doesn’t get to decide who’s feelings matter and who’s don’t. One person or 500. Just stop it’s that simple 

Boy who died and made them Queen? If one person doesn’t like a joke or something you say you have to censor yourself? I don’t think it works that way. Anywhere let alone on reality TV.

  • Love 22
2 hours ago, Yours Truly said:

Agree to the whole post. 

But it's a mature take on how to deal/have people in your life. Kinda reminds me of the whole bruh ha ha with Lu over in NY. 

As grown ups and after a certain stage in our lives we should have learned and accepted that it's all about compatibility and how to include/exclude people in life. I can never understand this need people have to try and change someone's behavior. Now of course in an invested relationship you bring up how you feel and what does and doesn't cross a line but if someone is constantly affecting you to such degrees then the big decisions need to finally be made. You either accept this is who they are, accept the good outweighs the bad, make allowances, keep in moving or adjust what type of relationship you have with that person. If it needs to be a more casual, superficial friendship so be it. Year after year of being completely "devastated" by LVP is just a bit much. 

You said it, you either gel or you don't. As for the working relationship, well we all have to deal with coworkers. That's what adults do and I really don't think that LVP has ever created a situation so aggregious that there were impossible to get through. One thing that I always understood and appreciated about LVP is that she's always made it clear that it's not so much that she holds grudges but that once she feels the trust has been compromised then she treats the friendship differently. She's more guarded and not as intimate which I commend. She's been taken to task about that by Kyle, Brandi, Rinna and I'm like well that's the appropriate way to handle any misgivings within any relationship. She's still managed to be cordial and have a pleasant work experience with them but that for some reason was offensive to them.

She's never hidden her feelings and has usually expressed what it is that's she's being reserved about. When she had her fall out with Brandi and Kyle and even when she was upset with Dorit. It's never been some complicated mystery why she's being distant. I think the true problem that constantly arises is that LVP doesn't conform the way they want her too which I completely understand that some of her behaviors are a bit much to them. I personally think they overreact to almost everything she says and does and jump on every opportunity to try and throw her under the bus but I enjoy LVP and think she's a hoot.

Anyway, I think it's absolutely fine for the women to feel how they feel about LVP's tendencies to be a bit brash and I believe they are entitled to their reactions but what gets me every time is this mentality that LVP should constantly atone for every single word she's ever uttered and that's a drag. Look, at some point you can't keep demanding a person apologize for who they are because you live to take offense to everything that person says. Sooner or later you have to realize it's ridiculous to constantly demand a person change because you aren't jelling with them.  Eventually you have to realize that your needs aren't being met and it's up to you let it go and change up how you interact with said person. 

As much as you've expressed your dislike for LVP at least you made sense, had valid points about how her personality grates and why someone like her is distasteful without throwing out ridiculous exaggerations of behaviors that she HASN'T displayed on the show. She's not your cup of tea and that's all it really boils down to.

She's my cup of tea but she isn't what the other women want her to be and that's something that has always bugged me. Express your dislike, use actual examples and be clear what the issue is but instead they've wrapped up some valid grievances into outlandish accusations year after year instead of just keeping it simple and to the point.  They've also been guilty of bringing the same incident over and over again until they feel she's addressed it sincerely enough and that's BS too. Either accept how she handles things or don't but after the millionth time of her not satisfying your friendship standard it's time to leave well enough alone and relocate where she stands in your friendship line up. You can't force someone to be the type of friend YOU want them to be. They either meet the criteria or they don't. You can't go around trying to mold them into a version your happy with. It doesn't work that way. But they try all the time. 

Thank you x1000!  This is the best analysis I've seen on LVP and her affect on people.  I'm so tired of the sweeping general accusations made by these RH bitches that try to paint her as this horrible person. Many times they're also projecting their own behavior onto her. The hypocrisy drives me nuts.

  • Love 19
4 minutes ago, UsernameFatigue said:

If I could like this post a thousand times, I would. 

LVP trying to pass off her rudeness and crassness as British humour is straight up B.S. My grandmother was British, and several of my friends are including two of my best friends are.  None of them would act the way LVP does, and they would be totally embarrassed that LVP uses being British as an excuse to hurt people (on purpose, I might add). They would also be embarrassed by her bawniness. The way Lisa acts has nothing to do with being British, and everything to do with that is just the type of person she is. 

I didn't start watching RHoBH until the season Eileen joined, so I can't comment on how LVP acted with any of the howives on previous seasons. But I do remember that the first season I watched, she and Kyle were on the outs. I kept wondering why Kyle tried so hard to become friends again, when LVP treated her like dog feces on the bottom of her shoe. 

I never understood why LVP appeared to dislike Eileen so much, and only realized this year that it may have been jealousy over the fact that Eileen has been a successful actor her whole adult life. I did not know that LVP had been a full time acting student from the age of nine, but never really had any success to speak of other than as an actress in commercials. (Which I liken to Charlie Sheen's character in 2 1/2 Men being a jingle writer rather than a serious musician). 

I won't get into the rest of the howives that have been on LVPs radar, but I totally agree that I would never be friends with her in real life, and if I had to work with someone like that, I would steer as far away as possible. It is obvious why the rest of the ladies get along fine with the dark cloud gone. I would feel the same way.

And like you, I am not the least bit jealous of LVP. I am living what for me is my dream life, and honestly do not envy anything about Lisa's life.  

I have always lived in the US, but I have British family. I also have friends of many different cultures. My personal experience with the Brits is that they joke around more, do make me laugh more, but I haven’t noticed cheap shots. My friends are all kind and gentle people, and they’re from all over.

Sometimes I’m on LVP’s side, sometimes I’m not. I was definitely on Eileen’s side with their drama. I too wondered if LVP was jealous. 

I feel like I’m a bit of a minority for seeing LVP as a good chick who has flaws. I don’t see a horrible person doing all the good she does, and things like what she said to Eileen are not things she throws out often. She’s generally sweet and just joking around. Do I think she’s a saint who’s never wrong and all the other women are hateful bitches who never have valid reasons to be upset with her? Nope. 

  • Love 13
42 minutes ago, langford peel said:

Boy who died and made them Queen? If one person doesn’t like a joke or something you say you have to censor yourself? I don’t think it works that way. Anywhere let alone on reality TV.

If you want to continue to be around them.  Who makes the person joking better then the person who’s feelings are being hurt? A non asshole will say I’m sorry when told that hurts my feelings and will stop. An asshole will defend it and keep doing it. You can control what you say to someone you can choose to remove yourself from them. She’s an asshole she’s using humor to defend being an asshole she knows what she says offends that’s why she says oh darling I’m British that’s how we are. No you’re an asshole.  I can’t believe I’m defending being a decent human being with just not being an asshole or stopping the rude comments  when hurting or offending someone when you are around them. You can still be an asshole just not around them it’s not difficult especially in a work environment and this is a work for these ladies 

Edited by Keywestclubkid
  • Love 1
1 hour ago, langford peel said:

I submit that she did act that way. She stated forthrightly that she did not out Dorito or plant stories. The coven insisted she was lying and had to apologize to them. So she said enough of this nonsense because life is too short to waste your time with the likes of Teddi Mellencamp. She left money on the table and forfeited much of the promotional value of the show for her businesses and charities. That’s what an adult does. You don’t indulge high school drama. You cut bait and walk away.


  • Love 16
13 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

If you want to continue to be around them.  Who makes the person joking better then the person who’s feelings are being hurt? A non asshole will say I’m sorry when told that hurts my feelings and will stop. An asshole will defend it and keep doing it. You can control what you say to someone you can choose to remove yourself from them. She’s an asshole she’s using humor to defend being an asshole she knows what she says offends that’s why she says oh darling I’m British that’s how we are. No you’re an asshole.  

You can’t control what other people say especially a joke especially on a TV show. If they are that fragile they should never go out of the house.

This complaining is nonsense and just an excuse for their jealousy and anger that LVP got a spin off and they did not. Good riddance to bad rubbish with these losers.

Lisa will be much better off dealing with the mature perspectives of Jax Taylor and Tequila Katie.

  • LOL 8
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1 hour ago, Jel said:

To an American ear it may sound like assholism. To a British ear, it probably sounds like a typical joke, that one is expected to either volley back or simply laugh off. Lisa often makes jokes at her own expense a lot, too. 

What is asshole-ish behavior in one country is not necessarily asshole-ish in another. It's a big world, and we don't all think and act and joke alike. And you don't even have to like it, but it is what it is.  When she makes a joke like that I don't believe she's doing it to be mean, she's doing it to be clever or cheeky, which is pretty typical for Brits, at least in my experience. I'm just sharing with you what I personally know of it. 

I think Kyle does that jokes-at-another's-expense a lot actually, in THs, and so does Erika, and I have never seen anyone go in on them for it Nothing like what Lisa gets anyway.

PS "She's lived in America long enough she knows better" ? Hmm, you sure you want to stay with that?

Oh hell yeah, Kyle has mean spirited mean girl jabs especially in her TH's. I take Lisa's jokes just as you described, As her being clever or cheeky (for when she's being a bit mischievous) but I've never received any of her little quips as completely nasty or mean spirited. Her reactions usually tell you what you need to know as well. You can see a bit of confusion behind her eyes when someone takes her to task about one of her quips. I think as the seasons have gone on Lisa's reactions are less and less gracious because over the years it's been a running trend to be "offended" by one of LVP's jokes and to me it looked like she was being tired of then constantly overreacting and her having to constantly smooth shit over.  I get it, if you do get Lisa by now and still manage to clutch pearls at every turn then I'm not surprised that Lisa's reactions have gotten a little more gruff over the years.  She has seemed less inclined to give any fucks over their overblown analysis's of her commentary at every other function. I'd be drained too.

What I've noticed is the automatic response to ANYTHING LVP says is offense. No giving the benefit of the doubt. No, oh she didn't mean any harm... Nope, at every opportunity it's rehashed among the others in such an aghast way. "Can you believe LVP made that comment, oh me, oh my, you know that was a jab meant to hurt you to your core..." but ummmmm no not really, that didn't really seem at all harsh. Catty maybe but when these women discuss it they up play the hurtfulness of a pretty basic comment. It's in those conversations they have with each other afterward that assign a cutting edge to it and imply what LVP's intentions "really" were with whatever comment. You look at the exchange and it's nothing more than a cheeky exchange but when you here them discuss is when they've revved it up to 10  on the offense meter. Then THAT narrative is what ends up sticking and growing bigger and bigger and extremely out of proportion.  

It's a recipe they've utilized more than once on LVP. 

  • Love 19
10 minutes ago, langford peel said:

You can’t control what other people say especially a joke especially on a TV show. If they are that fragile they should never go out of the house.

This complaining is nonsense and just an excuse for their jealousy and anger that LVP got a spin off and they did not. Good riddance to bad rubbish with these losers.

Lisa will be much better off dealing with the mature perspectives of Jax Taylor and Tequila Katie.

I want proof of this jealousy that keeps getting thrown around. I think them being jealous is just an excuse to defend lisa’s Shitty behavior oh it’s not her the girls are just jealous. Mmmm we’v Seen more proof of Lisa being an asshole then the ladies being “jealous”. No one wants Lisa’s life no one wants to be banging ken.(hell I don’t think Erika wants to be banging anyone but a mirror of herself) Kyle and dorit wanted to be her bestie and she pitted them against each other a nonasshole wouldn’t do that. Then she tried to Pitt them against Teddi bear. She’s a narcissistic asshole who likes having control and feeling superior and cutting them down with jokes is part of that. 

Edited by Keywestclubkid
  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Jel said:

Conveniently, the "every person in the group" just happens to be that collection of individuals -- the ones with an ax to grind.

Does my "not an asshole" or anyone else's "not an asshole" count for anything? Or is it just Kyle and co. who get to decide for all of us?

Is Lisa being an asshole to herself when she makes jokes about herself?

Love it!

  • Love 7
9 minutes ago, Yours Truly said:

Oh hell yeah, Kyle has mean spirited mean girl jabs especially in her TH's. I take Lisa's jokes just as you described, As her being clever or cheeky (for when she's being a bit mischievous) but I've never received any of her little quips as completely nasty or mean spirited. Her reactions usually tell you what you need to know as well. You can see a bit of confusion behind her eyes when someone takes her to task about one of her quips. I think as the seasons have gone on Lisa's reactions are less and less gracious because over the years it's been a running trend to be "offended" by one of LVP's jokes and to me it looked like she was being tired of then constantly overreacting and her having to constantly smooth shit over.  I get it, if you do get Lisa by now and still manage to clutch pearls at every turn then I'm not surprised that Lisa's reactions have gotten a little more gruff over the years.  She has seemed less inclined to give any fucks over their overblown analysis's of her commentary at every other function. I'd be drained too.

What I've noticed is the automatic response to ANYTHING LVP says is offense. No giving the benefit of the doubt. No, oh she didn't mean any harm... Nope, at every opportunity it's rehashed among the others in such an aghast way. "Can you believe LVP made that comment, oh me, oh my, you know that was a jab meant to hurt you to your core..." but ummmmm no not really, that didn't really seem at all harsh. Catty maybe but when these women discuss it they up play the hurtfulness of a pretty basic comment. It's in those conversations they have with each other afterward that assign a cutting edge to it and imply what LVP's intentions "really" were with whatever comment. You look at the exchange and it's nothing more than a cheeky exchange but when you here them discuss is when they've revved it up to 10  on the offense meter. Then THAT narrative is what ends up sticking and growing bigger and bigger and extremely out of proportion.  

It's a recipe they've utilized more than once on LVP. 

It's funny how 'sensitive' they are isn't it.   

  • Love 9
3 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

I want proof of this jealousy that keeps getting thrown around. I think them being jealous is just an excuse to defend lisa’s Shitty behavior oh it’s not her the girls are just jealous. Mmmm we’v Seen more proof of Lisa being an asshole then the ladies being “jealous”. No one wants Lisa’s life no one wants to be banging ken. 

Lisa Rinna went on the warpath about the rumors that Vanderpump Dogs was as going to get a spin off. She wanted additional compensation for promoting it and said she was going to get lawyers involved. Rinna is seething with jealousy over the purported favoritism show to LVP and was the driving force in stirring the pot to unite the other women against her.  If you watch the interviews on YouTube with Heather McDonald of Rinna, Denise Richards and Brandi that jealousy is laid right out there for you to see. 

  • Love 19
10 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

I want proof of this jealousy that keeps getting thrown around. I think them being jealous is just an excuse to defend lisa’s Shitty behavior oh it’s not her the girls are just jealous. Mmmm we’v Seen more proof of Lisa being an asshole then the ladies being “jealous”. No one wants Lisa’s life no one wants to be banging ken.(hell I don’t think Erika wants to be banging anyone but a mirror of herself) Kyle and dorit wanted to be her bestie and she pitted them against each other a nonasshole wouldn’t do that. Then she tried to Pitt them against Teddi bear. She’s a narcissistic asshole who likes having control and feeling superior and cutting them down with jokes is part of that. 

Disagree with this whole post.

  • Love 4
Just now, langford peel said:

Lisa Rinna went on the warpath about the rumors that Vanderpump Dogs was as going to get a spin off. She wanted additional compensation for promoting it and said she was going to get lawyers involved. Rinna is seething with jealousy over the purported favoritism show to LVP and was the driving force in stirring the pot to unite the other women against her.  If you watch the interviews on YouTube with Heather McDonald of Rinna, Denise Richards and Brandi that jealousy is laid right out there for you to see. 

She went on a warpath because they were being used to set up a spin-off (like Brandi was with vanderpump rules) 

2 minutes ago, TVFANNO1 said:

Disagree with this whole post.

She pitted them against each other it’s on film. Then she told them both maybe I’ll like Teddi bear better she’s my real friend it’s on camera. 

1 hour ago, langford peel said:

Boy who died and made them Queen? If one person doesn’t like a joke or something you say you have to censor yourself? I don’t think it works that way. Anywhere let alone on reality TV.

Thank you!!

LVP is the one that has it right. She stopped being able to deal with their hurtful behavior towards her and once she realized that THEY wouldn't stop and she had no control over them not hurting her feelings she change the dynamic and took matters into her own hands. You can't complain about the same persons traits over and over again and expect them to change for you. You either accept them how they are or change the dynamic.

That's  how unconditional friendship and love works.

I'm not saying turn the other check if you find out your friend is a murderer, a criminal or is guilty of some serious shit but if you can't understand their sense of humor or can't take things they say with a grain of salt or recognize when they are joking then that means the compatibility isn't there. As much as it "isn't fair" to not recognize someone's boundaries and continue to hit a friends nerves it also isn't fair to expect someone to change their nature based on someone's emotional baggage. Sure, if the love is there and the investment is valued then of course there's hope to continue a friendship but if both parties are at an impass with regards to what can and can't be acceptable then it makes sense to move on from the friendship. Not beat someone over the head with why you don't like how they act. That's not fun and that's not a friendship.

I'll be damn if at 43 years old a person is trying to dictate to me that my characteristics don't sit well with them and therefore I need to make some changes.  Especially when its nitpicking about petty interactions and not anything of real substance which is most of their grievances with LVP. Petty small shit that has been spun into nonsense. Surely nothing worth ending friendships over but they've got a diamond to hold on to so there you have it. 

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 15
19 minutes ago, langford peel said:

You can’t control what other people say especially a joke especially on a TV show. If they are that fragile they should never go out of the house.

This complaining is nonsense and just an excuse for their jealousy and anger that LVP got a spin off and they did not. Good riddance to bad rubbish with these losers.

Lisa will be much better off dealing with the mature perspectives of Jax Taylor and Tequila Katie.

I wouldn't be too hard pressed to concede to their wishes either when it's painfully obvious they are only "offended" to such a degree because it amps up the drama. It also gives them an excuse to go after LVP. You know cause of their delicate sensitivities and that big bad Vanderpump saying something cheeky... Their fake hurt feelings is a means to an end which is why they seem to be more and more offended each season.  I mean this is a perfect example of the made up outrage. The story was really about Dorit dumping a dog. And yet it's somehow still spun around and turned into an LVP witch hunt YET AGAIN!

  • Love 15
10 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

She went on a warpath because they were being used to set up a spin-off (like Brandi was with vanderpump rules) 

She pitted them against each other it’s on film. Then she told them both maybe I’ll like Teddi bear better she’s my real friend it’s on camera. 

OMG you're kidding right?   She was joking oh dear.

  • Love 8
9 minutes ago, TVFANNO1 said:

OMG you're kidding right?   She was joking oh dear.

That wasn’t joking to her she especially knows how it fucks with Kyle. That is her go to dig at Kyle whenever she’s “mad” well I guess they really are my friend and shit like that.  She gets off on the control. There’s always a touch of truth in every joke 

Edited by Keywestclubkid
  • Love 1
15 minutes ago, TVFANNO1 said:

How do you know that it fucks with Kyle?    Seriously you sound like you're very close to Kyle?

Because Kyle has said it since season 1. Are we pretending that she hasn’t brought this up for YEARS? She even said it when Lisa was bitching at vanderpump dogs because Kyle couldn’t make it to some party but Teddi did. I guess she’s my real friend. Cut to kyles talking head ONCE Again saying she knows this hurts me. Then cutting back to the conversation with Lisa and tells her to her face she does this. I watch the show. are we watching the same show? 

Edited by Keywestclubkid
  • LOL 1
  • Love 1
3 minutes ago, dosodog said:
suspicious thinking GIF by SpongeBob SquarePants


Oh!  I know.  The giant cheese wheel!  That looked awesome. 

Pumpkin pie for breakfast. 

And Croque Monsieur. 

Hey PK got a bad sunburn....oops my bad

Speaking of the cheese wheel - at first it looked so yummy...then bunny's imagination started. After the restaurant is done for the night - do they scoop out all of the cheese that may have melted while serving hot pasta? Or do they let it cool off and re-use the next night? Bleh...

  • LOL 3
7 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

Because Kyle has said it since season 1. Are we pretending that she hasn’t brought this up for YEARS? She even said it when Lisa was bitching at vanderpump dogs because Kyle couldn’t make it to some party but Teddi did. I guess she’s my real friend. Cut to kyles talking head ONCE Again saying she knows this hurts me. Then cutting back to the conversation with Lisa and tells her to her face she does this. I watch the show are we watching the same show? 

Kyle - hurt by Lisa - I don't think so.  Every time she talks about her she says something about Lisa - she finishes it off with BUT.

I don't believe for one second that Kyle is hurt by Lisa.

  • Love 11
18 minutes ago, TVFANNO1 said:

Kyle - hurt by Lisa - I don't think so.  Every time she talks about her she says something about Lisa - she finishes it off with BUT.

I don't believe for one second that Kyle is hurt by Lisa.

She has said it ON CAMRA since season ONE she uses her friendship with Kyle like a weapon. She’s like a battered wife it’s like Stockholm syndrome. She really loves me she really is my friend I’ll do better. And Lisa gets off on it. Kyle grew a backbone and look now they arnt friends Lisa wants someone to control and that was Kyle for a very long time it was a symbiotic fucked up relationship now that Kyle isn’t as doormatty the friendship is done. Kyle get back in your place. Notice how Lisa always goes after the weaker unsure ladies. She couldn’t do that with Erika because Erika is a cunt and doesn’t let anyone control her and speak to her the way she does to her “friends” ...... but then she found Dorit, then Teddi 

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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19 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

She has said it ON CAMRA since season ONE she uses her friendship with Kyle like a weapon. She’s like a battered wife it’s like Stockholm syndrome. She really loves me she really is my friend I’ll do better. And Lisa gets off on it. Kyle grew a backbone and look now they arnt friends Lisa wants someone to control and that was Kyle for a very long time it was a symbiotic fucked up relationship now that Kyle isn’t as doormatty the friendship is done. Kyle get back in your place. Notice how Lisa always goes after the weaker unsure ladies. She couldn’t do that with Erika because Erika is a cunt and doesn’t let anyone control her and speak to her the way she does to her “friends” ...... but then she found Dorit, then Teddi 

Oh well at least Kyle will be happy with her new friend.

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On 7/31/2019 at 6:36 PM, ParadoxLost said:

I think that wedding was the other way around.  Mauricio was not invited.

Kyle's argument that the Vanderpumps really thought the "GOODBYE KYLE" thing was funny because they were saying "GOODBYE CATHY" is not likely.

That's the kind of thing that is only a joke between Ken, LvP, and Cathy if they had been getting along famously all evening with the topic being their mutual dislike of Kyle.

Oh yeah!! Sorry my bad...Mauricio and a daughter not invited???

either way....if there’s a divide I’m surprised one would go leaving the other hanging...HOWEVER it makes sense Kyle would go with all the media attention..can’t miss a photo op!

Never the less...one of the most effed up family dynamics I’ve seen...tv or otherwise.

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57 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

Because Kyle has said it since season 1. Are we pretending that she hasn’t brought this up for YEARS? She even said it when Lisa was bitching at vanderpump dogs because Kyle couldn’t make it to some party but Teddi did. I guess she’s my real friend. Cut to kyles talking head ONCE Again saying she knows this hurts me. Then cutting back to the conversation with Lisa and tells her to her face she does this. I watch the show. are we watching the same show? 

Oh you mean when she snapped st Lisa and lisa right away apologized, hugged her and told her she loved her?

That beast. 🤦‍♀️

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52 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

She has said it ON CAMRA since season ONE she uses her friendship with Kyle like a weapon. She’s like a battered wife it’s like Stockholm syndrome. She really loves me she really is my friend I’ll do better. And Lisa gets off on it. Kyle grew a backbone and look now they arnt friends Lisa wants someone to control and that was Kyle for a very long time it was a symbiotic fucked up relationship now that Kyle isn’t as doormatty the friendship is done. Kyle get back in your place. Notice how Lisa always goes after the weaker unsure ladies. She couldn’t do that with Erika because Erika is a cunt and doesn’t let anyone control her and speak to her the way she does to her “friends” ...... but then she found Dorit, then Teddi 

Yep - it’s a predator/prey relationship, and people like LVP target those preconditioned to fall for the con. Kyle’s dysfunctional birth family set her up to participate - until Kyle educated herself. Good on her for mentioning LVP’s tattered mask - she’s beginning to get how it all works now.

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2 hours ago, Yours Truly said:

I wouldn't be too hard pressed to concede to their wishes either when it's painfully obvious they are only "offended" to such a degree because it amps up the drama. It also gives them an excuse to go after LVP. You know cause of their delicate sensitivities and that big bad Vanderpump saying something cheeky... Their fake hurt feelings is a means to an end which is why they seem to be more and more offended each season.  I mean this is a perfect example of the made up outrage. The story was really about Dorit dumping a dog. And yet it's somehow still spun around and turned into an LVP witch hunt YET AGAIN!

Lisa Rinna's "You better believe I'm going to talk about it" comes to mind here. 

Where are the "who does that to a friend?!" questions from the other women? What about the shunning, the joining forces against Rinna for discussing Lisa's business in an unkind way?

If this really was an issue that they felt so strongly violated their moral principles, then I think we'd see evidence of it elsewhere, but we never do: it only ever applies to Lisa Vanderpump.  And at least in that Rinna example, we'd have actual evidence though, unlike the accusations against Lisa.

At this point, I wish they'd just say something like we saw our opportunity to get Lisa and we took it. We feel she's been sticking it to us for years and we took the chance to get her back. At least then I'd be able to appreciate their honesty instead of the bullshit gas lighting of Lisa (and the viewers) they are attempting.  

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11 hours ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

I think that Denise has had less work done than the other ladies, so she looks off compared to them.  I noticed that she has some sagging around her mouth which is on par for a woman of her age.  She has not used either botox or filler in that area yet.  It will be interesting to see if she gets any work done between seasons to keep up with the other ladies.  I hope not.

I think Denise (as I remember from her years) is gorgeous. However, she looked incredibly off this season. I can pinpoint it but I keep thinking as squirrel eating nuts because the cheeks are just weird.

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Denise said there were offensive things Camille said both earlier in the season and at the reunion that weren't shown. She said there was something that offended her in particular because her youngest daughter's biological father is African American. I forgot all about Camille allegedly asking if she should be sorry for being a white woman. I wonder what prompted that and what it was all about. 

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22 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

She has said it ON CAMRA since season ONE she uses her friendship with Kyle like a weapon. She’s like a battered wife it’s like Stockholm syndrome. She really loves me she really is my friend I’ll do better. And Lisa gets off on it. Kyle grew a backbone and look now they arnt friends Lisa wants someone to control and that was Kyle for a very long time it was a symbiotic fucked up relationship now that Kyle isn’t as doormatty the friendship is done. Kyle get back in your place. Notice how Lisa always goes after the weaker unsure ladies. She couldn’t do that with Erika because Erika is a cunt and doesn’t let anyone control her and speak to her the way she does to her “friends” ...... but then she found Dorit, then Teddi 

Kyle cannot get along with her own sisters. She outed Kim as an alcoholic on national TV-not exactly a news flash, granted-but it is her own sister. Vile Kyle is no ones doormat or victim. Just like her sleazeball hubby, she is a social climbing, back stabbing schemer willing to throw her own family under the bus because of her jealously. I gave her the benefit of the doubt for many years, but when someone continues to show you who she is, at some point you have to believe them.

Edited by chlban
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Just finished watching the third reunion episode.  What a total crock!  I truly need to stop watching this absurd “reality” show.  I saw fake people enjoying a kumbaya moment/reunion.  They will be scratching each other’s eyes out by the second episode of the next season or they won’t retain their jobs.  The series only exists if there are controversies.  LVP won’t be there to kick around anymore.  Wonder who will be the next target? 

Let me add:

I honestly believe Lisa's husband is the one who leaked the story. Thus, the similar verbiage to what Lisa uses.   Does Lisa know, by now?  Probably.  Did she know at the time?  I don't believe she did.

Edited by tinderbox
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On 8/2/2019 at 6:48 PM, janie2002 said:

Oh you mean when she snapped st Lisa and lisa right away apologized, hugged her and told her she loved her?

That beast. 🤦‍♀️

I know right? I don’t believe LVP deliberately takes jabs at Kyle. I think that’s LvP’s sincere way of letting Kyle know she’s hurt about something whole still trying to keep it light. Never works with Kyle tho cause Kyle lives to snap and bark at LVP for literally everything. She also uses LVPs other friendships to do it too. Kyle constantly puts LVP on the defensive then quickly spins it into a victim narrative so fast that’s u can actually see Lisas Head spin in confusion. Kyles fake hurt is usually a preemptive move to not be held accountable for the bitchiness she displays over any given conflict. 

Edited by Yours Truly
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On 8/2/2019 at 5:24 PM, Yours Truly said:

I'll be damn if at 43 years old a person is trying to dictate to me that my characteristics don't sit well with them and therefore I need to make some changes.  Especially when its nitpicking about petty interactions and not anything of real substance which is most of their grievances with LVP. Petty small shit that has been spun into nonsense. Surely nothing worth ending friendships over but they've got a diamond to hold on to so there you have it. 

Thank you!  

I’m 52 and feel the same way.  It seems to now be acceptable today.  Just look at Twitter/FB for people to dictate what doesn’t sit well with them about yourself/what you post, or who ever 24/7.  I think it’s our modern society that has led people to believe that you are a bad person because of xyz...because they don’t agree with you.  It’s not always the case.

Erika, for example talks about the dark cloud being lifted without LVPs presence in this “group” of women. Maybe Erika's the dark cloud.  Just because the coven agrees with Erika on that particular subject doesn’t mean what it think that it means. I don’t dislike Erika, but I would argue the greater public thinks Erika is more of a buzzkill then LVP.

Remember when LVP says her feelings were hurt about what she considers a cold, cordial sympathy note from Erika, she expressed her feelings were hurt.  But does that really mean Erika is a cold hearted person because LVP felt that way?  Maybe, maybe not, but that was her feeling at the time.  Most people agreed LVP should not have said anything.  When LVP realized she interpreted her note the wrong way, because she hasn’t been thinking straight, she apologized to Erika.  She realized she was projecting her hurt onto Erika.  Do these ladies ever self reflect that way and wonder if their beef with her is truly justified?  Everything is not black and white.

In fact, I’m still amazed by Kyle’s lack of compassion towards LVP during that scene at LVP dogs,  “I’ve been going through things too Lisa!”  Talk about hurting people’s feelings.  But that’s just my opinion and observation...not a fact.

Our world would be a much better place if people stopped judging motives and actually had constructive dialogue without assigning blame/character flaws 24/7.  We are living in the age of the gotcha society. We have a first amendment here, pull up your big boy or girl panties and deal with it.

They wanted to tarnish LVP and Camille,sometimes with or without their help while rejecting any discussion of their faults.

Edited by IKnowRight
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On 8/3/2019 at 10:30 AM, chlban said:

Kyle cannot get along with her own sisters. She outed Kim as an alcoholic on national TV-not exactly a news flash, granted-but it is her own sister. Vile Kyle is no ones doormat or victim. Just like her sleazeball hubby, she is a social climbing, back stabbing schemer willing to throw her own family under the bus because of her jealously. I gave her the benefit of the doubt for many years, but when someone continues to show you who she is, at some point you have to believe them.

Or give her passes due to her sad sad life.. I never thought Kyle was a victim. I actually believe Kyle is the manipulative one. Just because Kim’s and addict doesn’t make her always wrong and I constantly saw Kyle use Kim’s addiction against her over and over again. I even notice a bit of bloodlust when Kyle would do stuff to call out her sister. Sure she wrapped it up in the whole “woe is me, I can’t keep being the responsible one” cloak but she really through her sister under the bus. If people think it’s acceptable to get back at family members who are addicts because of everything thing they’ve put you through them God Bless your malicious soul. I never liked that and when she was being that “sensitive ear” to Taylor and the. Planting that seed about LVP? Not only did she NOT comfort Taylor which she could have done by suggesting a number of healthy approaches but she threw her other friend under the bus and creating more of a divide between Taylor and LVP. Come on! Kyle is always commenting on the behaviors of LVP friendships questioning why LVP has the connections she has and ALWAYS try to come up with some thread she could pull with each and everyone of them in order to unravel the friendship completely. And boy does she succeed. Rinna is a close second since she hit he ground running with her shit stirring since she joined the show.

  • Love 21
51 minutes ago, Happy Camper said:

Kyle would not have dared to say that to her friend Bethenny following the death of Dennis. 

It's similar to Lu's response when called out on her lack of compassion toward Bethenny when she was grieving over Dennis. She was "going through" through own stuff. Bethenny totally freaked out, and yet LVP is supposed to be okay with this total lack of support.

What was Kyle going through? Did we ever hear about that? Must have been a well kept secret to be on the same level as losing a sibling to suicide.

 Kyle is the worst "friend" ever. LVP is better off away from that. 

Her eye was droopy.

  • LOL 22
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12 hours ago, Happy Camper said:

Kyle would not have dared to say that to her friend Bethenny following the death of Dennis. 

It's similar to Lu's response when called out on her lack of compassion toward Bethenny when she was grieving over Dennis. She was "going through" through own stuff. Bethenny totally freaked out, and yet LVP is supposed to be okay with this total lack of support.

What was Kyle going through? Did we ever hear about that? Must have been a well kept secret to be on the same level as losing a sibling to suicide.

 Kyle is the worst "friend" ever. LVP is better off away from that. 

I mean really? I get that that's a relevant response to some things but to throw that out there against recently losing a sibling to suicide. Like really? I get that we all have our shit but people really need to put shit into perspective number one and number two don't try to use it to one up another person cause you want to avoid feeling guilty for falling short as a friend during a very serious time. 

Kyle never takes a beat to hear or process what LVP is really getting at. All Kyle hears is that she's being criticized and then WHAM she goes on the attack and starts throwing out bullshit. Misdirection.

She did that all the time with Kim too and I think that's what Brandi was usually referring to in her defense of Kim. I felt so bad that Brandi is well Brandi and Kim was such a mess on the show because during that time I felt that Brandi and Kim were right on the money when it came to Kyle but because of their unlikeability and reputation on the show it all fell on deaf ears.   A few times during the first season Kim came to her rather meekly, telling her that she wasn't feeling very comfortable with the group and had hoped that Kyle would be more of a bridge in that respect and Kyle got extra pissed at Kim and turned it into her being a victim about something or other. Kyle does not like to hear anything negative about herself.

Sure, it's okay to refute stuff and defend yourself but throughout the seasons you see Kyle's mode of operation is to agitate and escalate a conversation. She's usually the first one to get defensive, snotty, bitchy and the first one to shift the conversation down a negative path where she can spin the narrative into what's wrong about you instead of the actual situation at hand. 

Pick a handful of confrontations she's been a part of and more often than not Kyle's the antagonizer and is the one that introduces a catty energy into the exchange or interaction.  

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On 7/30/2019 at 8:13 PM, BodhiGurl said:

I can't with Camille and her crocodile tears... lawd... why are all these women kissing her butt?

So much this. Her attack didn't work so she played vulnerable. I believe everything that happened would make anyone freak out, but she used it to try to justify lieing and random viciousness.

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