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RHoP In The Media: What's Going Down in the DMV

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You you be right. But no one has charged Candiace with assault (so far), so she's in the clear, at least legally. Perhaps it will boil down to whether a legal argument will be accepted that Monique was defending herself.

Bravo sure won't do anything about either one of them.

Edited by pasdetrois
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I always thought Monique was too good for this show and I wouldn’t be surprised if she leaves. I can’t imagine that Chris is going to be cool with this. Candiace has always been a punk and I never understood why she was on the show to begin with. I can’t stand her - and I hate the ridiculous spelling of her name. 

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7 hours ago, pasdetrois said:

You you be right. But no one has charged Candiace with assault (so far), so she's in the clear, at least legally. Perhaps it will boil down to whether a legal argument will be accepted that Monique was defending herself.

Bravo sure won't do anything about either one of them.

No one has charged Monique with anything either. The easiest way to think of this is kind of like a grand jury. They're just in the hearing testimony and cursory review of evidence to see if they can sustain a charge against Monique and arrest her.

I'm 99.99999% certain that Candiace went to the police first and they told her they weren't going to pursue it because both women were likely acting like assholes. I suspect the judge is going to use this probable cause hearing to excoriate both women.

Candiace is an asshole if she threw a drink Monique's face, but thinks Monique is the one who turned things physical.

Edited by HunterHunted
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7 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

No one has charged Monique with anything either. The easiest way to think of this is kind of like a grand jury. They're just in the hearing testimony and cursory review of evidence to see if they can sustain a charge against Monique and arrest her.

I'm 99.99999% certain that Candiace went to the police first and they told her they weren't going to pursue it because both women were likely acting like assholes. I suspect the judge is going to use this probable cause hearing to excoriate both women.

Candiace is an asshole if she threw a drink Monique's face, but thinks Monique is the one who turned things physical.

Fox5 DC is reporting that Monique has been charged.

Oooh, shady scripture:


Apparently I don’t know how to embed a tweet but she says her favorite bible quote is Proverbs 26:26, “Whoever digs a pit will fall into it, and he who rolls a stone will have it roll back on him.”

Edited by link417
Finishing the quote
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1 hour ago, Hiyo said:

The tweet says its actually 26:27 (but the proverb is correct).

Granted, I'd have thought the proverb would end up being "Whoever cometh at me, I shall drag thee all over this place", but I was never the most religious person lol

LOL, typo, my bad.
She asked people to respond with their favorite verse, first comment I saw was, “Knucketh if thou is bucketh.” 😂

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Candiace was wrong to throw the drink at Monique.  But Monique raised the stakes by putting her hands on Candiace's wig.  If Monique threw a drink at Candiace...no harm no foul.  But when someone raises the stakes that's another story.

I think Bravo will tell Candiace to squash this nonsense, I don't think the women are allowed to sue or charge each other while filming.  

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1 hour ago, Neurochick said:

nonsense, I don't think the women are allowed to sue or charge each other while filming.  

You can’t sign away your right to go to the police. I also imagine that if there was a legitimate cause a decent lawyer could get their client out of the no civil suit clause. 

Edited by biakbiak
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22 hours ago, biakbiak said:

You can’t sign away your right to go to the police. I also imagine that if there was a legitimate cause a decent lawyer could get their client out of the no civil suit clause. 

From what I have heard about reality shows, I think they can sign away their rights to sue each other for anything that happens during filming.  If they do sue I imagine Bravo will let them know there will be consequences, like they'll be kicked off the show.  

10 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

From what I have heard about reality shows, I think they can sign away their rights to sue each other for anything that happens during filming.  If they do sue I imagine Bravo will let them know there will be consequences, like they'll be kicked off the show.  

Yes I am aware that is rumored to be in the contract though I imagine it states something like they have to go to binding arbitration but my point is no one has actually tried to challenge that clause and courts have thrown out provisions like that if it causes the person undo harm/lack of recourse. That said even that clause cannot prevent people from filing charges. 
The things these women are always threatening to sue one another over are not going to make up for losing the Bravo paycheck, so the threat of job loss and attorney fees challenging the contract have been enough to stop the threats of ridiculous lawsuits that would probably get laughed out of court.

Edited by biakbiak
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And guess what just happened? If you guessed that Monique went to authorities about Candiace and the wine, you'd be correct. Candiace has received a summons for the same day and same judge as Monique. This judge is just going to yell at these two in open court and I'm fine with that.


On 11/12/2019 at 2:19 PM, biakbiak said:

Yes I am aware that is rumored to be in the contract though I imagine it states something like they have to go to binding arbitration but my point is no one has actually tried to challenge that clause and courts have thrown out provisions like that if it causes the person undo harm/lack of recourse. That said even that clause cannot prevent people from filing charges.

You are correct on both parts. It's a binding arbitration clause and mediation clause.





Above are links to a sirens' and an evolution agreement. They're basically the same.

Also of note,




The things these women are always threatening to sue one another over are not going to make up for losing the Bravo paycheck, so the threat of job loss and attorney fees challenging the contract have been enough to stop the threats of ridiculous lawsuits that would probably get laughed out of court.

I sort of wonder what things would be like if we had a woman with enough money and clout to sincerely not give a fuck. Adrienne was probably the closest we've seen.

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2 hours ago, TexasGal said:

#shecamefromJesus?!  Pretty sure the answer to WWJD is never throw a wine glass at someone’s face.

2 hours ago, biakbiak said:

Well he would start with water but when it hit the persons face it would be wine.

I think Jesus, were he inclined to throw a liquid in someone's face, would do the reverse. It would start as wine and turn back into water.

#NotWastingMyMiracles #NotaBaptism

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On 11/10/2019 at 9:29 PM, link417 said:

Oooh, shady scripture:


Apparently I don’t know how to embed a tweet but she says her favorite bible quote is Proverbs 26:26, “Whoever digs a pit will fall into it, and he who rolls a stone will have it roll back on him.”

My version states "she who runneth up gets doneth up"

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I think both of them should be kicked off the show.  Monique should NOT have put her hands on Candice.  She should have thrown another drink in HER face.  

Candice on the other hand, should NOT have pressed charges.  Did Kenya press charges against Porsha when Porsha grabbed her hair and pulled her down?  No, Bravo demoted Porsha the following season.

Both of them acted like stupid teen girls and I'm more annoyed with Monique, is that what she wants to teach her children?  Someone throws a drink in your face and you punch them?  

But what I want is to see the footage.  

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, Neurochick said:

Both of them acted like stupid teen girls and I'm more annoyed with Monique, is that what she wants to teach her children?  Someone throws a drink in your face and you punch them?  

I can honestly say I don't know what I'd do if some trick threw a drink in my face, but if I yanked her ass to the floor?  Wouldn't make me any less the lady.

I'm of the school that you don't do anything unless it is done to you first.....at that point, all muhfuckin' bets are off.

Edited by Vixenstud
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4 hours ago, Neurochick said:

Someone throws a drink in your face and you punch them?  

How do you teach someone not to throw a drink? Alert them to the possibility they might get punched in the face as a result. Too many people think that they can be loud and wrong and nothing will happen to them. Right about now there are a lot of folks that I wish had been punched in the face when they were younger as a way to prevent the current stupidity they are engaged in...

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7 hours ago, Neurochick said:

Candice on the other hand, should NOT have pressed charges.  Did Kenya press charges against Porsha when Porsha grabbed her hair and pulled her down?  No, Bravo demoted Porsha the following season.

Yes, she did. Kenya did swear out a complaint against Porsha.


I was confused that people seem to be advocating violence.  Is yanking someone's weave equal to throwing a drink in the face?  Why didn't Monique throw a drink in Candiace's face?

Then someone explained it to me.  It's not the ACT that Candice did, not the throwing of the drink; it's about disrespect.  Candice thought it was okay to just assault Monique like that, like Monique was nothing, like to Candice, Monique is "lower" than her; and Monique grabbed Candice's wig to say, "I am NOT nothing, bitch."  As women, and as black women, we've had a history of people treating us like we're not human beings, like we don't matter, (let me touch your hair...without asking).  

19 hours ago, Rlb8031 said:

Too many people think that they can be loud and wrong and nothing will happen to them.

There are other ways a person can be punished for being loud and wrong, like losing their job. 

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6 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

Now that is different. 

I guess I don't see it as being that serious because when I was in college, some of us girls got into a stupid drunken brawl where we were throwing drinks and ice at each other.  The whole thing was so stupid (probably over something like, "you said blah blah blah about me) and everybody was so drunk they forgot about it the next day.  No police were called.

BTW, if you follow "The Black Socialites" on Instagram you would have seen the nasty comments Candice's husband left them.

Edited by Neurochick
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2 hours ago, Neurochick said:

Now that is different. 

I guess I don't see it as being that serious because when I was in college, some of us girls got into a stupid drunken brawl where we were throwing drinks and ice at each other.  The whole thing was so stupid (probably over something like, "you said blah blah blah about me) and everybody was so drunk they forgot about it the next day.  No police were called.

BTW, if you follow "The Black Socialites" on Instagram you would have seen the nasty comments Candice's husband left them.

You know I went to IG and followed with the quickness, point me in the right direction, LOL. Is it in their stories?

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Throwing a drink in another person's face is bad enough but she actually cut Monique with a wine glass?!  And wonders why Monique mollywhopped that ass?

Fuck that, Monique had every right and then some to lay hands on her.

And fuck Gizzard and her broke ass moron of a puppet, Beaky Buzzard for being so 'afraid' of Monique's response.

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On 11/19/2019 at 1:26 PM, Neurochick said:

Now that is different. 

I guess I don't see it as being that serious because when I was in college, some of us girls got into a stupid drunken brawl where we were throwing drinks and ice at each other.  The whole thing was so stupid (probably over something like, "you said blah blah blah about me) and everybody was so drunk they forgot about it the next day.  No police were called.

BTW, if you follow "The Black Socialites" on Instagram you would have seen the nasty comments Candice's husband left them.

On 11/19/2019 at 4:10 PM, link417 said:

You know I went to IG and followed with the quickness, point me in the right direction, LOL. Is it in their stories?

Can someone please summarize what Lord Brown Dick was saying for those of us not on the gram?

Monique has an amazing life and I hope she is smart enough to not let this show ruin that. 

Candiass has nothing to her name besides this show and a crazy mama.

Alexander R reported that she has a lot less followers than Charisse who was not even a cast member this past season.

Monique, on the other hand, is the most popular member of the show.

You know, not that many people watch Potomac but it always gets renewed because of off season drama like Ashley’s husband grabbing at cameramen.

Edited by qtpye
2 hours ago, qtpye said:

Can someone please summarize what Lord Brown Dick was saying for those of us not on the gram?

I only read a few of his posts, because it read like someone a 10 year old boy would write on Tumblr, but he said a lot of nasty shit to The Black Socialites, I think he called them liars, there might have been weight shaming.  Richie Skye who has a YouTube channel about all things reality TV, said he's going to interview the owner of The Black Socialites about it all, including the protective order.  I hope he does.

Monique isn't one of my favorites, but I like her better than Candice, in fact I like anybody better than Candice, she's an entitled brat IMO.  

See, I didn't like the shit she said to Ashley last season, that Ashley has to sleep with an old man for money, where SHE, Candice doesn't have to do that because SHE can get it from her mommy.  Candice was just born lucky, and she doesn't realize that.  

I disagree with those who like Monique because of what she HAS, a nice husband, home and children.  That's why I don't get Gizelle's jealousy toward her.  Things like husband, homes and children are simply the luck of the draw.  There are scores of kind, intelligent, attractive women who never marry, never have children and/or never have homes. 

We live in a fallen world, life is unfair and most things are the luck of the draw.

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On 11/21/2019 at 12:46 PM, Neurochick said:

I disagree with those who like Monique because of what she HAS, a nice husband, home and children. 

Not my reason....I liked her right off the bat, before any part of her personal life was introduced.  IMO she was there to make friends and have a good time.  She has her messiness, all of them do, but she is the least to make trouble.

I read this weekend that she didn't go on the trip to Portugal with the rest of the ladies and is considering leaving the show....if she goes, I'm out.  I love Karen and though Ashley got on my nerves and got her just desserts last season, I like her too but watching just for them (and potentially the new HW Wendy) won't be enough.  I'd hate for Gizzard and broke assed Beaky Buzzard to get their way just because they are pathetically threatened by someone who never did anything to them.

Edited by Vixenstud
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Bravo has their talent out here thinking they are invincible. How dare she assault me after I assault her first?! Monique seems very Kandi like to me, she's a don't start none won't be none type of girl. I don't know about Gizelle, but I doubt Robyn would let Candace do the same without the same reaction. Seriously, if that's true whyyyy would Candace press charges if she got physical first? Interested to see how this plays out. 

Also interested to see how the new housewife pans out. I wonder how Hopkins feels being associated with the show. 

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