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S08.E06: Momcation

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The ladies take their first girls’ trip together in 10 years to Florida. Excited for a chance to be away, Catelynn breaks the news to Nova who doesn’t take it well while Maci plans a birthday surprise for Amber at a drag show.

Airs July 8, 2019

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Of course Cate is excited to go and leave Tyler with Nova and the unfortunately named newborn Vaeda.  Cate couldn't care less how her frequent absences for no good reason hurt her kids and husband. It's all about Cate all the time.  It's like MTV swooped in when she was 16 and suddenly the world revolved around her and her feelings and wants and here it's ten years later and she hasn't matured or changed a bit. MTV is the worst thing that ever happened to these girls but they'll never see it.  Poor Nova.

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2 minutes ago, Chris Knight said:

"First trip together in 10 years"? Didnt they just go on a trip last year ? Or did i dream that ? 

They went to Jamaica or something back in the Mamber days.  So yah, who knows what they are talking about.  Maybe because it’s girls only this time?  IDK.  

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20 minutes ago, druzy said:

Cate has bad timing. She should have waited for a better time to tell Nova she was going away. What an idiot. 

Cate is a jerk. She almost looks like she enjoys springing this news on an already upset Nova.

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Just when I thought this show couldn’t get any worse, tonight’s storyline is that we get to watch these 4 awkwardly sit around together in a rental and drink?  

They sure don’t look like they’re having fun.   God they’re boring. 

Edited by Emmierose
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Ironic that tonight's episode is an Andrew love fest. IRL Amber whacks him with her shoe while hes holding their innocent child.

Also Amber is so full of it, talking before the trip about how much she will miss James. She literally went for months without seeing Leah - a whole summer once, if I'm not mistaken. 

Edited by Chris Knight
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I had to laugh when Amber was all worried about how James would react to her being gone. He'll just assume she's in bed, like usual.

Then we've got poor Nova crying about no one wanting to be her friend; and Cate thinks that's the appropriate time to break her heart about mom going away again. 

Why the hell did these bitches go to Boca? Of all places? 

Amber basically made the trip all about her and the issues she pretends to have. I'm sorry, she did not accurately describe borderline. And meds aren't typically given for that itself, more so for the co-current issues that come with it. She's just so full of shit. 

I loved Taylor being honest about trying to one up Andrew. 

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These girls can just stop  complaining about getting anxiety when everyone is looking at them. You’ve got a freaking camera crew with you and for three of you, you gave birth in front of America and then  had cameras around for 10 years. If you didn’t enjoy it, then you should have quit 9 years ago.

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Maci is a PCOS advocate with her 3 oops pregnancies. You can just sit the fuck down, girl. I spent way too many years on infertility sites dedicated to “cysters” to believe she is legit. I guess she needs a story besides her druggie ex. 

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Catelynn has figured out how to make it all about Catelynn.  She is avoiding "postpartum" by avoiding her family.  She has had so much "me time" since baby V was born.  She definitely uses her mental illnesses to manipulate Tyler.

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7 hours ago, lilmarysunshine said:

Maci is a PCOS advocate with her 3 oops pregnancies. You can just sit the fuck down, girl. I spent way too many years on infertility sites dedicated to “cysters” to believe she is legit. I guess she needs a story besides her druggie ex. 

This is my theory. I think when Maci first lied spoke about her diagnosis she thought no one would ever mention it again. She probably figured that everyone else on the show is "diagnosed" with something so it's no big deal. Too her surprise, she was contacted by or MTV contacted (to cross promote their show and network) The National Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Association. With MTV's encouragement and Maci's realization that she will receive speaker's fees she became an advocate and continued the sham.

This episode seemed like it was 3 hours.

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Jesus, I'm tired of Amber crying about all her issues while also revealing that her derelict mental health is at least in part due to her CHOOSING to not take her meds properly. She constantly leans on her trauma and her diagnoses as justification for her miserable attitude and behavior, like it's something she has no choice but to endure. Her mental health problems are not her fault, but the way she handles them sure as hell is. It kills me to see someone so young, wealthier and more well-connected than most in her condition, wallowing in her troubles because it's easier than putting in the real work to fix things. Amber is entirely comfortable in her self-pity and victimhood and wouldn't know how to exist otherwise. It's Amber herself, not the MTV attention or anxiety or medications, that is the biggest impediment to her happiness.

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Perfect timing for this episode. She is talking about beating people and going to jail. Looks like episode  tie-in to her Friday's arrest. 

Edited by ava111
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Jesus Amber is it really worth it to get off your meds just so you can drink for few days. Especially since the withdrawal is so horrible. I know what she is talking about as once I was on something for my fibromyalgia and severe depression and not only gained 50 pounds over 2 years but then when I was supposed to get off it it was the worst couple weeks ever. I couldn't even walk straight. It was like my brain was behind of my body. Never ever I would think that to feel that way again is worth to have few drinks. (And I was withdrawing slowly with smaller and smaller dosage over few weeks, not stopped dead cold.) You are such and idiot.

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If Amber can't cope with her various illnesses then she's not well enough to be on TV. That giant glass of wine she poured when they first arrived said it all.

What a bunch of sad sack girls to take a trip with, especially Amber. Lots of people have anxiety but the way she tried to offload it onto the other women in the store showed how she expects others to take on her problems and solve them for her. Cheyenne seems like the only one I would be able to stand being in a room with and only because she's kind of a blank slate.

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Wow, not a lot of comments so far. I ha ent watched the episode yet, but sounds like i shouldn’t?? I seriously can’t bear to see Catelynn leave Nova again. That kids stands absolutely no chance in life.

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15 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

What a miserable vacation for Cheyenne.  Having to spend a weekend listening to these broads try to out-anxiety each other.

Oh you have bipolar ( not bipolar disorder,  just bipolar)? Well I have postpartum.  Well I'll see your postpartum and raise you a dual diagnosis. 

That 's what I was thinking! Poor Cheyenne...she thought she would legit have a good time...NOT! The whole vacation was about Amber and her myriad of problems and psychiatric issues. Then Cate chimes in with her stuff and of course Maci has to whine about Ryan's addictions. Couple all this with the rain and it was quite a good time..LOL!

Cheyenne was smart...she didn't bash Cory, she barely said anything about Matt. Compared to the other whiners there Cheyenne seems pretty normal and I actually thought she seemed pretty mature and savvy.

Did I mishear Amber? Did she say she also has PTSD??? Really? Three different psychiatric diagnosis and she goes off her meds so she could drink? No words.

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4 hours ago, ava111 said:

Perfect timing for this episode. She is talking about beating people and going to jail. Looks like episode  tie-in to her Friday's arrest. 

I want to hear the other girls comment on what happened. They were all singing Andrew's praises - saying they can see how much he cares about Amber, how happy he makes her, etc. Then she assaults him. When is enough enough? 

28 minutes ago, kicksave said:

Did I mishear Amber? Did she say she also has PTSD???

PTSD from what? GARY is the one who should have PTSD. 

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1 minute ago, ghoulina said:

I want to hear the other girls comment on what happened. They were all singing Andrew's praises - saying they can see how much he cares about Amber, how happy he makes her, etc. Then she assaults him. When is enough enough? 

PTSD from what? GARY is the one who should have PTSD. 

She said from all her "trauma".

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17 hours ago, druzy said:

Cate has bad timing. She should have waited for a better time to tell Nova she was going away. What an idiot. 

I thought my heart would break at the sight of poor little Nova crying that no one wanted to play with her. Cate couldn't even be bothered to hug her. Couldn't even wait to tell her crying child that she was leaving her--again. I used to think Amber was the worst. But Cate is the worst. Nova will be looking for love and wind up pregnant at 15, just like her worthless mother. 

17 hours ago, druzy said:

Amber is an oxygen thief. She brought down the mood real fast.

Who among us is surprised that Amber made the whole weekend all about her? Not me. 

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I don’t see how it’s possible that any of the girls like Amber . She has no good qualities and turns everything into conversation about her multiple diagnoses . I think her main disorder is narcissism .

i think the girls only pretend to like her to stay off her I hate you and will make it known radar . She can get really nasty really quickly . Ain’t no one want to be bothered with that . 

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4 hours ago, Soobs said:

What a bunch of sad sack girls to take a trip with, especially Amber. Lots of people have anxiety but the way she tried to offload it onto the other women in the store showed how she expects others to take on her problems and solve them for her. Cheyenne seems like the only one I would be able to stand being in a room with and only because she's kind of a blank slate.

Sad sacks indeed!

When poor little Nova was talking about how no one wanted to play with her or be her friend, my heart was breaking.  I know that when my kids are sad like that, it makes me sad.  Cate showed no signs of being upset, and then for her to launch into her "so I am going on a trip with my friends" bullshit, I was like - omg stop talking, you are NOT bringing this up right now!?

I don't think Cate sees Nova as a person, with feelings.  Amber is like this with Leah, too.  I know that when I first had kids I did have to kind of remind myself that they have their own thoughts and emotions, they are not my little robots, so I don't blame her for not getting it right away, but at this point, she should get it.  They are so mentally stunted that they can't grasp that other people exist, and have their own problems and lives.  They REALLY believe that their problems are the WORST possible things people could go through.

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21 hours ago, Emmierose said:

Just when I thought this show couldn’t get any worse, tonight’s storyline is that we get to watch these 4 awkwardly sit around together in a rental and drink?  

They sure don’t look like they’re having fun.   God they’re boring. 

Boring as FUCK!!!!!

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All I saw was the clip of Catelynn picking Nova up. Nova actually verbalized how she was feeling, Cate tells her she’ll be her best friend, and then tells her she’s leaving. Cate is a bitch, an absolute bitch.

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I’m assuming you guys have heard about Amber being arrested again for hitting Andrew. In the article i read, Andrew said that she has hit him before.  Between Janelle, Catelynn, and Amber—come on mtv THIS SHOW NEEDS TO END! It is crazy to see how messed up these girls are now and they aren’t going to get any better.

Side note-anyone see the Makenzie is pregnant with baby number 2? Wtf?

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I just read on the Daily Mail that Andrew is asking for full custody of James. In a statement through his attorney he said he has been the victim of physical and verbal abuse from Amber for some time. She constantly threatens to hit him and he is afraid for the safety of James especially after she struck him in the neck with her shoe this last weekend. How soon will he pack up James and flee for California? I'm sure his family had a lot to do with this decision...after all James is their grandson/nephew. Can't say I feel sorry for Amber...she's never done the work she needs to do to stop her abusive ways... just keeps blaming it on her various and sundry psychiatric diagnosis. 

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Omg!! I hope he gets full custody and if that story is true, mtv needs to kick her off the show. Then when she’s making no money, has no kids, i can’t even imagine what she’ll be like then. 

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Guys: Please use this thread to discuss the episode. Take the discussion of the participant's real-life news to their individual topics, please.

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I have never really cared much for Cheyenne but I actually felt bad that she got stuck with these bitches on vacation. Amber and Cate are exhausting to be around. 

Omg poor Nova! I felt so bad for that poor child. I can't imagine feeling so sad and lonely at school where nobody wants to play with you, only to get picked up by your mother who tells you she's leaving yet again.

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Cheyenne looked like she was having a blast on that trip. /sarcasm 

So did MTV pick the craziest 16 and Pregnant girls because they knew they’d make for good TV, or does being on reality TV for a decade during your formative years make you crazy? Chicken and egg, I suppose.

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17 hours ago, ginger90 said:

All I saw was the clip of Catelynn picking Nova up. Nova actually verbalized how she was feeling, Cate tells her she’ll be her best friend, and then tells her she’s leaving. Cate is a bitch, an absolute bitch.

Right? I'd rather hang out with the daycare kids, who tell you that they don't want to be your friend. At least they don't lie to your face and then turn around and abandon you. 

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2 hours ago, MaggieG said:

I have never really cared much for Cheyenne but I actually felt bad that she got stuck with these bitches on vacation. Amber and Cate are exhausting to be around. 

Omg poor Nova! I felt so bad for that poor child. I can't imagine feeling so sad and lonely at school where nobody wants to play with you, only to get picked up by your mother who tells you she's leaving yet again.

Cate: you know what kid?  I don't really fancy you either so I'M OUT!

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2 hours ago, MaggieG said:

Omg poor Nova! I felt so bad for that poor child. I can't imagine feeling so sad and lonely at school where nobody wants to play with you, only to get picked up by your mother who tells you she's leaving yet again.

Not only that she's leaving again but that she's going with her friends. The very reason Nova was crying was because no one wanted to be her friend.

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14 minutes ago, druzy said:

Not only that she's leaving again but that she's going with her friends. The very reason Nova was crying was because no one wanted to be her friend.

right?  I mean, "I have a work trip", maybe????

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On 7/9/2019 at 12:32 AM, lilmarysunshine said:

Maci is a PCOS advocate with her 3 oops pregnancies. You can just sit the fuck down, girl. I spent way too many years on infertility sites dedicated to “cysters” to believe she is legit. I guess she needs a story besides her druggie ex. 

As someone struggling with infertility right now (unexplained, hooray!), her story rings BS to me as well. I can see one maybe, but three? Get the hell out of here. 

But then again, all of these women seem to get under my skin lately for obvious reasons. 

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55 minutes ago, FreetheGirlses said:

As someone struggling with infertility right now (unexplained, hooray!), her story rings BS to me as well. I can see one maybe, but three? Get the hell out of here. 

But then again, all of these women seem to get under my skin lately for obvious reasons. 

I may be veering off-topic here, but do doctors not agree on whether pcos causes infertility?  I have pcos and I was always assured that I can have kids - none of my doctors (I have had several obgyn doctors) ever even brought it up as a possibility.

I did have to modify my diet when I was trying to get pregnant with my first - I know that pcos can be worse with a diet of sugar/carbs.  So, I stopped eating all carbs (it was hard) and I got pregnant.

I wonder why they picked Boca.  I mean, it's nice but not the first place I would think of for a wild mom's trip.  Not like these ladies get wild.  Maybe because they missed out on the college experience, they don't know how to whoop it up?

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53 minutes ago, heatherchandler said:

I wonder why they picked Boca.  I mean, it's nice but not the first place I would think of for a wild mom's trip.  Not like these ladies get wild.  Maybe because they missed out on the college experience, they don't know how to whoop it up?

I always thought of Boca as a retirement type community. 

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