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What Is... The Battle of the Decades?

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A few weeks back I saw some Battle of the Decades shows with people from the 80's.  Then it switched to the college tourney and back to regular episodes.  Does anyone know when the decades tourney will be back?

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I was watching the other night and I believe they said they'll be doing the 90s this week.  I didn't realize it was part of a larger tournament with all different decades, that's pretty neat!

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The 2000s is this week.

The third time was the charm: Colby finally sported some clothes that fit him.

He also finally managed not to annoy me.  In his Teacher's Tournament, I wanted to reach through the television and wipe the smug off his face.  In his Tournament of Champions, he was far less annoying but still didn't comport himself like the kind of person I'd like to see win.  This time, he was just there. 

I was rooting for Celeste, though.

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The "popular guy" was Tom Nissley. He lost on Monday. This is Tom Cavanaugh, and I agree he came off as a jerk, and self-righteous to boot. Normally I love it when someone gets off a bit of good-humored snark at Alex, but the comment about his expensive suit being made at a sweatshop was out of line. 

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Tom acted very strangely the whole game today, I thought. From his introductory stance to his hesitancy in selecting categories and answering, to his dig at Alex. It almost seemed like he was on something. Definitely not the winner he once was!

Edited by heartsaperkin
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I almost expected a very snooty comment from Alex that his suits are bespoke and handmade in London, thank you very much. He's still a jerk but I would've said that retort.

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Tom K. was a total jerk.  When he started his story about wanting to make a documentary about sweatshops I thought "good for him"  Then he made the comment to Alex and I thought "what a douche."  It was rude and unnecessary.  It's universally recognized that Alex makes smarmy comments but what Tom said was just mean.  From then on I rooted for Larissa, who was not one of my favorites during her original run, but I figured she could give Roger Craig a run for the money.  I don't think Russ has a chance of making it to the semi-finals.

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Was Tom Cavanaugh that much of a dick during his original run ?  If so, how the heck was he voted in as a favorite from the 90s ?

Actually, it was Tom Nissley who was voted the Fan Favorite.  And deservedly so.  I want to buy his book just because he's so likeable!

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Was Maria having some sort of seizure during the Double Jeopardy round ?  Her Ummmmms and ahhhhhhhhhs seemed to get longer and longer throughout the round, and she was unable to quickly make a decision on the next question which ended up leaving plenty of clues remaining on the board.  She still came out on top money-wise before FJ, but something sure seemed off.

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I didn't think she was having a seizure, just starting to choke.  Really slowed things up.

I'm surprised Keith didn't do better; I had remembered him as a powerhouse.  I was rooting for him but Dan is fine too.

I had no clue at all on FJ.  The only book I could remember with a portrait being of some importance is The Picture of Dorian Gray and I know that was 19th century.



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I know! And he's so much fun to watch--I totally get the feeling he's having a blast.


I loved it near the beginning when three major Jeopardy champions were standing there and they ALL had negative scores!

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I really enjoyed last night's Ken v Chuck matchup, and it looked like they were having fun too.  I felt sorry for the middle guy (who I also liked), he was just cannon fodder.

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I thought Alex made an astute joke last night when interviewing Ken: He jokingly suggested Ken taking over for Alex as host. I could easily see that. In fact, I think I might like to see that.

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It will be great to see Brad vs. Ken without Watson in the way.  Brad ran the game tonight -- he had $9800 at the first break, with over $13000 at the end of the Jeopardy round (to Lesczek's $0).  I just sat there and went --- Wow !!  Still can't believe Brad missed that easy daily double.

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I thought Alex made an astute joke last night when interviewing Ken: He jokingly suggested Ken taking over for Alex as host. I could easily see that. In fact, I think I might like to see that.


I don't know; I got sick of Ken about halfway through his original run.  Even Alex took longer than that to drive me batty.


Fundamentally, host and player involve two different skill sets, so Ken would be far from my first pick to take over hosting one of television's most venerable game shows.

Edited by Bastet
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I'll confess to having a massive Jeopardy crush on Brad Rutter, so I was thrilled to see him win his semi, but I really wanted Chuck Forrest to make the final.  I don't hate Ken Jennings (at least, not as much as I used to), but Chuck is one of my very favorite players ever, up there with Brad and Frank Spangenberg.  Still hoping Pam Mueller will be the last finalist, but I fully expect it to be either annoying Colby or deathly dull, personality-less Roger; I guess I'd prefer Colby but jeez . . .

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What a game!  Roger Craig betting the farm on a DD (complete with Ken Jennings egging him on "Do it! Do it!") and losing $10K!!!  I thought I had FJ in the bag, except my math was way off, instead of 30 years I went back 40 years and said Network with Faye Dunaway and Peter Finch.

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I thought for sure Roger would be out of this when he wasn't able to play Final Jeopardy, but since both Ken and Brad got it wrong and topped out at only $7K and $10K, I think Roger still has a chance. Not that I want him to win, I'm rooting for Ken, but it's a better game with all three players still in the running. (And Ken egging him on was hilarious!)


I got As Good As It Gets, but couldn't come up with the drama. I kept thinking of older movies, too.

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I got As Good As It Gets, but couldn't come up with an answer for the drama.   So I was surprised that neither contestant got it.  I also thought edema was pretty easy so I was surprised he missed the daily double.   

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I wanted him to win, too, but he just simply got Final Jeopardy wrong. No bad wagers, no missed Daily Doubles, just got it wrong when the other two got it right, so I don't feel bad about Brad winning.

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About the Final Jeopardy question: I actually came up with Rice's name, and then discarded it, as she is still alive and cannot be described as having never married. I assumed it had to be someone who died as a single. Still, good for Brad. Those were some fun games.

Edited by NorthstarATL
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I thought Alex made an astute joke last night when interviewing Ken: He jokingly suggested Ken taking over for Alex as host. I could easily see that. In fact, I think I might like to see that.



I don't know; I got sick of Ken about halfway through his original run.  Even Alex took longer than that to drive me batty.


Fundamentally, host and player involve two different skill sets, so Ken would be far from my first pick to take over hosting one of television's most venerable game shows.


Since I don't go on Twitter, I've been reading Ken's AMAs on Reddit and being reminded how likable he is. I really liked his original run, but I didn't really know his personality until reading his blog and interviews years ago. He's done a few AMAs and the host question has come up more than once. You can tell Ken gets asked about it a lot, and I don't think it's the first time Trebek has joked about it. Ken's answers the same which is more or less "They'll give it to someone with actual hosting experience," but he admits it's not a bad job because of the hours and the money.


I really only watch the major tournaments now. I adore Ken and Brad. Watching them play and playing along is fun. I honestly could watch those two on the show for a long time, without Watson of course.

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As of this morning, I'm on vacation.  I just had a very late lunch at Skeeter's Hot Dogs in Wytheville, VA and right outside is one of those historical markers - it's the birthplace of none other than Triple Stumper Edith Bolling Wilson.


Is there something wrong with me that I could hardly wait to get to the hotel's WiFi to post this?

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Heh, its always all about Jeopardy.


I'm really enjoying rewatching the Tournament.  They are kind of like new games because for some reason I cannot remember who wins the games.  I know the final 3 but I cannot remember how everyone else did.  And, also, I'm not remembering the answers to the FJ questions either.

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Does anyone by any chance know who makes the red/black/white dress that Pam was wearing in the quarter final with Brad? I realize it's a long shot, but figured if anyone would know it would be you folks.

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Why do I always Ken to win? I watched his original run with my dad shortly before he died, and Dad was vehemently opposed to such a long run by one contestant. Dad died before Ken's run ended, but I think he would've been impressed by his success.

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