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S09.E20: Un Petit Hangover

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6 hours ago, Dutchgirl said:

Whoa. Really gives teeth to Camille's comments "I'm protecting you...I don't think Dorit knows about PK's financials" or something to that effect...yikes.

The reaction by Kyle & Erika to what was happening across the table from them was priceless!  I wasn't sure if they were shocked or scared, as in, "Oh shit!  She might be coming for me next!"   This ranks a close second behind Bethenny's recent come-apart at LuAnn as 'must see tv!'  It's one of those moments when you can't believe what is coming out of someone's mouth.  

I do think it is pretty low to have brought up someone else's financial issues on the show, but hell, the bar is set so low on these reality TV shows as far as what is deemed socially acceptable behavior, that I really don't care what they say anymore.  Let it all fly!  

If you sign up for this show and ones like it, you've got to know that anything you may have hidden will more than likely be exposed.  One needs to think very hard before signing on the dotted line of a HWs show contract. 

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I'm rewatching, and it seems that Camille has some major dirt on PK. Camille is a little TOO gleeful to know shit about Dorit's husband that she doesn't, which is a bit suspicous. Camille also hinted that Mauricio was cheating on Kyle (season 1), by pretty much saying that she knows he slept with other people and laughing about it. 

Now I'm rethinking. Maybe Camille just flat out makes up shit. Who knows. 

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1 hour ago, Shannah Banana said:

I didn't get any joy out of watching Camille draw Dorit's blood.  

Maybe I'm awful but I got joy out of it because they reap what they sow.

This group of women were plotting to invite Camille to France so they could ambush her there.  A fire stopped them.  The second they thought they could get away with it, they went after Camille as a group.

Rinna, Dorit, and Kyle were all in on starting this topic at dinner.  Denise shot a look at Rinna when she was warming up to the LvP topic that was more pissed off than I've ever seen Denise.  This was definitely pre planned to get all the topics they had planned to unload on Camille in France on the table and Denise disagreed with the timing.

Camille shutting down Teddi I'm confused Mellancamp down with you think I'm a flip flopper, I've been called worse, I think you are a know it all was satisfying.  Not morally corrupt Faye Resnick level of satisfying but after two episodes of Teddi pretending confusion in Erika's direction (and I don't like Erika), I was grinning at how effectively Camille nipped that in the bud.

They were expecting Camille to crawl.  Instead she confronted it head on and let them know there was nothing she said behind their backs that she wouldn't say to their faces.

And they really didn't want it said to their faces.  They wanted Camille to apologize about how wrong she was.

I also loved that you could see the exact moment that Kyle remembered what Camille was like eight years ago.  Camille got the word money out of her mouth and Kyle started sucking on her fingers, 

I was also amused that by the end of this the main instigator of this, Lisa this is my truth Rinna, was proclaiming that this was a discussion to be had in private.  Rinna that was never your intention.  

Honestly, Camille's take down of Dorit was the least satisfying part because it was the least effective.  It gave Dorit another opportunity to be the wronged party.  The husbands and the finances and lawsuits are all taboo topics because so many of the HWs have that particular skeleton.  Then Camille herself put the idea out there that PK is doing Dorit wrong and maybe she doesn't know about if.

It would have been way more cutting if Camille just said she'd been trying to be polite to Dorit but early on had some concerns because all she knew about her is that she called Camille a #$# and a close friend Camille's is having some issues with PK and she mistakenly  confided in Rinna about her reservations thinking she wouldn't gossip to everyone.  Short, sweet.  Don't let Dorit play the victim.

2 hours ago, Shannah Banana said:

I tell ya what, that Rinna is gonna get her diamond.  Come hell or high water, she is going to stir the shitpot every chance she gets...and nobody is even looking at her...yet.  I have to give it to her, she is flying under the radar spectacularly.  In past seasons, I always rather liked Rinna, but, dayum, this season all I see is her stirring the shitpot.  She's even doing it in plain view, maybe that's the best way though.

I didn't get any joy out of watching Camille draw Dorit's blood.  Camille is no fucking saint.  Please.  I have a feeling, whatever Kelsey paid her was worth it to get her off his barnacled back.  There are two sides to every story.  She milked and played that divorce for all she was worth, but I'm glad for her that she got what she got monetarily.  It's not about the money to me, it's about the fact that Camille is a grade A BITCH. 

Rinna is where LVP was before. Her time will eventually come. LOL!

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2 hours ago, Barbara Please said:


BTW, I was more disgusted by Dorit's behaviour at the storefront. I found her talking down to the other employees was rude. Then  she makes herself sound like an overworked scullery maid. Bravo probably got her the window display at Kitson. After all,  It's free advertising for them. No one gonna buy those gawd-awful swimsuits. She's so full of self-importance, and like she is some sort of genius for re-arranging the mannequins. 

100%  Whether yelling at her assistant or criticizing everyone else involved in her swimsuit business, her behavior is the worst of all, in my opinion. (and I'm not even mentioning Puppygate!)

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1 hour ago, bravofan27 said:

I'm rewatching, and it seems that Camille has some major dirt on PK. Camille is a little TOO gleeful to know shit about Dorit's husband that she doesn't, which is a bit suspicous. Camille also hinted that Mauricio was cheating on Kyle (season 1), by pretty much saying that she knows he slept with other people and laughing about it. 

Now I'm rethinking. Maybe Camille just flat out makes up shit. Who knows. 

Regarding Mauricio, she said something along the lines of “He loves more than his nannies. I’m not saying he’s cheating on her, but he loves women.” She definitely implied cheating, but it didn’t sound like she had anything to back it up. At the reunion, she admitted she said some stuff just for the sake of not being nice because of her feelings toward Kyle.

With PK, I agree it seems like she knows something. I wonder what PK thought when Dorit told him about all Camille said at the dinner.

Edited by RealHousewife
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22 minutes ago, chenoa333 said:

OMG I can't believe nobody took a bite of the pastries. Was this a desert display?

I think it was meant for them to eat after the target practice.  I thought it was rude that none of the ladies ate any of the pastries sitting there, or at least took them back to their room so as to have the appearance that they appreciated the desserts.  If I'm wrong and those were for display - which I can't imagine since it was outside - then I'll eat my words or the nearest cupcake I can find!  

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17 minutes ago, ChitChat said:

I think it was meant for them to eat after the target practice.  I thought it was rude that none of the ladies ate any of the pastries sitting there, or at least took them back to their room so as to have the appearance that they appreciated the desserts.  If I'm wrong and those were for display - which I can't imagine since it was outside - then I'll eat my words or the nearest cupcake I can find!  

I thought the same thing when we saw each breakfast the ladies had in Provence.  Every morning, this gorgeous basket of croissants, pain au chocolat, etc. was just sitting there, on the table, begging for someone to take ONE!  And, every morning, the basket just sat there, ignored.

I was like "How rude of them??" If I was there, I would have had to have at least one (okay - maybe two) so that the lady chef did not feel bad!

Edited by njbchlover
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8 minutes ago, RealHousewife said:

With PK, I agree it seems like she knows something. I wonder what PK thought when Dorit told him about all Camille said at the dinner.

I'm sure we'll be treated to Dorit and PK having a conversation in their kitchen to provide a cover story for whatever it is Camille knows.  And it may be that she knows someone they owe money to.  Or it may just be she has heard whatever gossip they all have but is the only one that will say it.  One of the known lawsuits is someone PK owes ~1.2 million dollars to.

I'm wondering if Camille will backtrack and try to make nice at the reunion or if she'll go scorched Earth.

29 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

The B Terrier isn't mine - it belongs to the Interwebs

At the chateau every morning there was a basket of croissants on the table. Had I been on that trip, I would have been lugging around that basket with a butter knife and those little jars of jams and buttah!

Nom Nom Nom


I would have been following you everywhere.

awkward let me love you GIF

And let me have some of those croissants! 

Edited by dosodog
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Go Camille.  

So it’s ok for these bitches to tell Camille how she should feel about LVP not attending her Bridal Shower or Wedding.  But don’t you dare tell Erika how to feel about Rinna going after Kim dressed as EJ.  What a bunch of hypocrites.

i really can’t stand Rinna.  The real Lisa Rinna is the one we saw smashing her glass & going after Kim in the flashback.  Everyone back then thought it was great because nobody liked Kim.  As Camille said, Rinna is the real mean girl.  The others better watch out!

We also saw LVP defend Dorit when Rinna attached her in Hong Kong.  Do these cows have any loyalty whatsoever?

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11 hours ago, MatildaMoody said:

I completely disagree with this assessment of Camille. Kelsey had drank and snorted away most of his money. Camille helped him get clean and was the one who convinced him to invest in real estate. She was also the one who found all of the properties they ended up investing in.

This helped preserve what money Kelsey had left and allowed him to rebuil. Then Camille convinced him and helped him build a production company that ended up producing highly lucrative syndicated shows like Girlfriends and Medium as well as a few others. Say what you want about Camille as a Real Housewife, but she saved Kelsey's life and helped him build a fortune. She earned every cent she got from him in that divorce, IMO. 

Agreed. Well said. 

And I’m still curious if she was actually an escort (or “hooker.”) Or if it’s just one of those rumors that gets repeated often enough that some start to regard it as fact. Googling hasn’t turned up shit—just some links to “blind items” and gossip. 

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16 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

Did anyone notice Dorit's faux pas when she claimed 2008 was the year PK filed for bankruptcy?

Dorit in many interviews claimed she and PK met in a bar in 2012, fell in love and were inseparable since that night.

My thought has always been, Dorit was PK's side piece probably earlier than 2007. There were some documents in his 2012 bankruptcy filing that he was living in NY with his mistress (though the papers don't mention the name - I suspect it was Dorit)

PK and his wife and children moved to the US in 2008. Loretta and the children moved back to England in 2012. PK cried poverty and claimed he was living off the generosity of his wife. I do also think he did "pay" the ex under the table with the stolen money and hence brought her silence in the public.

As for PK's legal troubles/ re bankruptcy and lawsuits. I think PK siphoned the money out of Rock Group. Once he liquidated the assets and hid the money - he declared bankruptcy.

I think PK still has the money hidden off shore or under shells with the person(s) who partnered with him to siphon all that money. He cries poverty publicly so he doesn't have to pay any judgements but does clear those debts when he is finally cornered legally.

I also think Dorit will lose him the way she got him. I think he has a side piece and will dump Dorit like he dumped wife one Loretta. I don't think he will marry the next one and I don't think he will have kids with the next one either. He wants to be James Bond, Blubber Bond.

I wonder if this is what Camille is "protecting" Dorit from. She knows the identity of the new mistress.

I'm confused about the faux pas.  I don't know much about Dorit & PK's situation.  Was Dorit involved in the bankruptcy?  Is that why the year is significant?   Not trying to be difficult, I just genuinely don't know what the wrong statement is.  I just assumed that meant he filed for bankruptcy before he met Dorit.

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Dorito's fishing waders? What a dope. 

Kyle: "I'm sorry IF I hurt your feelings"

Ericka: "you did hurt my feelings"

Kyle: "well I'm sorry IF I hurt your feelings"

Ugggh Kyle! Such a stunted emotional teenager.

I was all for Camille, you go girl!!!! 

This show is not hit without LVP it should be even renamed. Real HW of Greater Hollywood. 

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14 hours ago, MatildaMoody said:

I completely disagree with this assessment of Camille. Kelsey had drank and snorted away most of his money. Camille helped him get clean and was the one who convinced him to invest in real estate. She was also the one who found all of the properties they ended up investing in.

This helped preserve what money Kelsey had left and allowed him to rebuil. Then Camille convinced him and helped him build a production company that ended up producing highly lucrative syndicated shows like Girlfriends and Medium as well as a few others. Say what you want about Camille as a Real Housewife, but she saved Kelsey's life and helped him build a fortune. She earned every cent she got from him in that divorce, IMO. 

These are all Camille's claims. She also claimed to save many other people "I'm like Jesus". Kelsey was rich, famous and successful long before their "blind date". 

Despite his addictions due to multiple tragedies, he won a scholarship to Julliard (1973), got a role on Cheers (1984), and was offered the Cheers spinoff Frasier (1993) where he made $1.6 million per episode at its peak. He married Camille in 1997. 


Edited by Dutchgirl
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19 hours ago, renatae said:

I agree, except the U.S. Flag Code states:

"The flag should never be used for any advertising purpose, nor embroidered on cushions or handkerchiefs, printed on paper napkins or boxes, nor used as any portion of a costume."

I always took that interpretation as an actual flag can not be worn as clothing. Not that an image of a flag can’t be worn as clothing. Also, I think they don’t want it put in anything that is disposable and can be immediately thrown away. I’m into flag protocol, it’s actually a thing where I work. But again, that is my interpretation. 🙂

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1 hour ago, Dutchgirl said:

These are all Camille's claims. She also claimed to save many other people "I'm like Jesus". Kelsey was rich, famous and successful long before their "blind date". 

Despite his addictions due to multiple tragedies, he won a scholarship to Julliard (1973), got a role on Cheers (1984), and was offered the Cheers spinoff Frasier (1993) where he made $1.6 million per episode at its peak. He married Camille in 1997. 


I agree. How do we tell the difference between Camille wanting to own multiple homes in Aspen, Hawaii etc. and “being an astute investor?” (Maybe she’s just greedy??) Nobody “gets someone clean.” That’s al-anon 101. Camille was good at being a trophy wife but I don’t think much else.

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20 hours ago, langford peel said:

There are many other housewives who were hated much more than Camille. Even on this show. I think Brandi and even Kim were worse.

I bet if there was a vote today the main contenders for most hated would be Teddi, Dorito and Rinna.

Conversely the most popular would be Lisa Vanderpump. Certainly not unanimous and there is a sizable segment who really hate her. But still and all she was forced out and the grifters and unlikeable poseurs remain to squabble like crabs in a bucket.

Does Satan Andy really think that was the right play?

If so he is as dumb as Denise Richards. 

Preach. More hated include, but not limited to, Brandi, Kim, NeNe, Kim Z. Danielle, Theresa G, Kenya, Alexis, Gretchen, Vicki,  two  blondes on NY, can't even remember their names but both started with "A". I am sure I am missing other conteders since I quit watching both Atlanta and New Jersey years ago.. I find Camille self absorbed and pretentious, but on these shows that is like saying I find every housewife to be female. It applies to all of them except Denise. She is too trashy to be pretentious.

Edited by chlban
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God, fucking Teddi with her confusion. I will admit I don’t much care to police the behavior of others so can a self professed  control freak explain the use of confusion when you mean annoyance? I have a work friend (self proclaimed control freak) who does that. She’s always confused when she disagrees with someone. 🙄

I’m a long time Kyle hater so I might not be the best judge, but is she worse this season? Meaner and even more self involved? I did not buy her apology to Erica at all. My impression was she actually thought she was in the right and a only apologizing because she was a little drunk when she said it so her delivery may have been off. Which, no. You were shitfaced, had no point, and acting like a disgusting bully. At least Teddi seemed truly ashamed of herself even if she thought it was still all Erica’s fault for “confusing” her.

”Just keep eating” is my new life motto.

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32 minutes ago, chlban said:

Preach. More hated include, but not limited to, Brandi, Kim, NeNe, Kim Z. Danielle, Theresa G, Kenya, Alexis, Gretchen, Vicki,  two  blondes on NY, can't even remember their names but both started with "A". I am sure I am missing other conteders since I quit watching both Atlanta and New Jersey years ago.. I find Camille self absorbed and pretentious, but on these shows that is like saying I find every housewife to be female. It applies to all of them except Denise. She is too trashy to be pretentious.

I think Camille was just as hated as Gretchen, Vicki and Aviva, more hated than Kim Richards and Alexis. Don't really watch Atlanta and Jersey. It's not something you can quantify but I started posting and reading on TWOP prior to the first season of BH so I've observed what people have said.  I remember Camille comparing herself to Jesus, the Dinner Party from Hell, etc. and what people said and she received her fair share of hate, rightfully.

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19 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

But she didn’t really and she still says Lisa V used her has a pawn against duck lips.... Camille is now being  romanticized has being great because they want some weird revenge for Lisa V. But they aren’t friends she still thinks Lisa is a manipulator and used her to do an attack. She hasn’t apologized for that at all. so now all of Camilles vileness is being excused  for the fact that they want her attacking housewives? So what happens when she attacks Lisa V again(and she will) heads are gonna explode from the double standard 

I can only speak for myself; I don't see it as Camille wreaking vengence, but rather as Camille standing up to and defending herself against the peer pressure of harpies on the warpath trying to make everyone in the group conform to their mindset.

Camille is a confessed flip-flopper, and as such reserves the right to randomly change her opinion based on what best suits her needs at the moment, at least that's the way she's operated so far.

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19 hours ago, esco1822 said:

Yes she said LVP manipulated her into doing her dirty work in regard to Taylor but she didn't specifically state that she thought LVP was lying about THIS situation. She's actually the only one who highlighted Dorit's responsibility for her role in the situation.  She was also not a part of the gang-up "we think you're lying." So yeah, that's going to get her a bit of a pass. Let's face it, in BH there's the illusion of reality and there's actual reality. In reality, how many of these ladies are true friends? I'm sure LVP in no way thinks Camille is 100% trustworthy and vice versa. Probably both with good reason. 

Also, there was that one situation and I still don't think LVP intended for anyone to do something underhanded. Camille was the one that decided to use the info about Taylor as a weapon during the worst moment. LVP mentions that someone probably needs to reach out to Taylor and it probably shouldn't be her because at that time Taylor was having anxiety about LVP and fretting about not thinking LVP was a friend. 

That's the only instance Camille has to refer to and Camille was the more shady of the women. She wasn't coming from a good place when she outted that and that's why Camille got blow back not because she threw it out there on LVP's behalf. 

Edited by Yours Truly
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5 minutes ago, SweetieDarling said:

I can only speak for myself; I don't see it as Camille wreaking vengence, but rather as Camille standing up to and defending herself against the peer pressure of harpies on the warpath trying to make everyone in the group conform to their mindset.

Camille is a confessed flip-flopper, and as such reserves the right to randomly change her opinion based on what best suits her needs at the moment, at least that's the way she's operated so far.

Yeah but independent of any "gang ups" can you really blame the women for being wary of someone like that? I've dealt with family members and coworkers who will literally turn on you on a dime and it is very uncomfortable to have to constantly walk on eggshells around someone who will throw you under the bus in a heartbeat. I'm not saying the other women don't throw people under the bus, we all know they do, but Camille seems to brag about the fact that she is self-serving and out for herself. I don't find that an attractive quality. Like when she went after Lisa's teeth- it was so brutal and out of nowhere.

Edited by BluBrd47
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39 minutes ago, SallySarue said:


Where have I been gleeful of anyone attacking anyone unprovoked ? Camille this whole season has flipped back and forth talking shit about ALL these women ... shit on Denise (oh shes just in a rental ...bitch she is displaced just like you and isn't gonna get insurance money like you will so shes kinda in a worse spot then Ms. High and Mighty so sit down)  for being in the same fire she was in and made it sound like her plight was the WORST ( oh she had to go to a consignment shop and buy a dusty 30 year old Burberry coat...really some people cant even afford that Camille The HORROR of having to wear and buy a vintage Burberry how will she ever go on living)  forgetting how rich she is and how she has 3 other properties she can go to and NOT BE HOMELESS and has it 100000k times more easily then most of the people effected. (yes she should be upset she lost her house but no she shouldn't shit on other people who have is worse).. She is now trying to flip it and say these women attacked her out of nowhere AFTER what she just went through totally ignoring the fact they all said no this isn't the time you just went through something lets drop this and her going NO NO lets talk about it NOW ...

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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13 minutes ago, BluBrd47 said:

Yeah but independent of any "gang ups" can you really blame the women for being wary of someone like that? I've dealt with family members and coworkers who will literally turn on you on a dime and it is very uncomfortable to have to constantly walk on eggshells around someone who will throw you under the bus in a heartbeat. I'm not saying the other women don't throw people under the bus, we all know they do, but Camille seems to brag about the fact that she is self-serving and out for herself. I don't find that an attractive quality. Like when she went after Lisa's teeth- it was so brutal and out of nowhere.

I think they're all phonies and wouldn't trust or want to be friends with any of them. How many times have we seen Kyle team up against a woman she claimed to be one of her best friends? Rinna is a cockroach and admittedly will do Anything for a paycheck, Dorit is a phony as a $3 bill, Teddi is desperate to sit at the cool girls table, and then there's Ericka  -'nuff said. I don't think Camille is any worse than they are.

I didn't think the teeth comments were brutal. Petty and childish? Stupid and immature? Yes. But sticks and stones and all that.

Edited by SweetieDarling
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9 hours ago, dosodog said:

I would have been following you everywhere.

awkward let me love you GIF

And let me have some of those croissants! 

You know if you and I were at that Provence Chateau, there would have been no shortage of food for either one of us. The only one we might have to fight off is Erika.

I love youse and will share whatever I gots


First order of business, there were cups of chocolate somethings on that table. We are going to have a debate whether it is mousse or pudding, what the secret ingredient is....6 cups samples each should do to make a valid determination

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10 minutes ago, SweetieDarling said:

I think they're all phonies and wouldn't trust or want to be friends with any of them. How many times have we seen Kyle team up against a woman she claimed to be one of her best friends? Rinna is a cockroach and admittedly will do Anything for a paycheck, Dorit is a phony as a $3 bill, Teddi is desperate to sit at the cool girls table, and then there's Ericka  -'nuff said. I don't think Camille is any worse than they are.

I didn't think the teeth comments were brutal. Petty and childish? Stupid and immature? Yes. But sticks and stones and all that.

People literally kill themselves over getting bullied, so I don't really buy into the  sticks and stones saying. I guess because I've been picked on for my physical appearance what Camille said really struck a nerve with me. I haven't seen any of the ladies go after someone's appearance except for maybe when Kyle made fun of Teddi for her walk. If I am wrong and suffering from "pretend amnesia" I will happily stand corrected.

And of course I am glad someone finally brought Dorit's issues to light. I hate Dorit and it shocked me that I felt bad for her. I guess I have the right to flip flop too just like Camille. 🙂 But this doesn't mean I LIKE Dorit now. I just really think that there could have been a better way to expose the issue. 

Edited by BluBrd47
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My analysis of Camille is that she is taking her role on the show very seriously. So, do we applaud her or jeer her?  I suppose that at the time this was filmed, she was wondering if LVP was going to return to film again......so, maybe, she was vying for LVP's spot.  Sooooo.....out came her incisors. (First she insults LVP's looks and shames her for not attending her wedding. Plain mean girl stuff.) But THEN, she decided to target a topic that would send TERROR into all in attendance and that is their FINANCIAL vulnerability.  No matter how rich you are, you are vulnerable to loss, bankruptcy, law suits,  and RUIN.  Who would they be without their money?  Not only does financial scandal hurt but, it's humiliating, so everyone is vulnerable.  Does anyone think that Camille really came up with this storyline on her own or was a bug placed in her ear by BRAVO?   I really don't know.  But, I hope LVP realizes that Camille is just as dangerous and vile as Kyle.  I think that I would rather seen Camille go after Kyle than Dorit.  Regardless of her indiscretions, I didn't enjoy seeing Dorit skewered.   But, I have some decency in me. 

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1 hour ago, SallySarue said:

Exactly...you can keep bringing up dozens of completely separate fights anytime someone posts support for what Camille did in THIS episode. But those separate fights are irrelevant. We are commenting on the Un Petit Hangover thread,

Ummm no they were blaming the Teddie fight NOT the raider online fight which is a separate fight and the only reason I  brought it up .... Lisa stopped being friends with KYLE because of her demanding that she say she leaked the story to raider online NOT that she told the johns to tell Teddie about the dog so it was relevant to bring it up..... has for bringing up past things YES if its relevant to whats going on in the current episode/fight why would you not bring it up? Nowhere did I say that Dorit shouldn't have her shit brought up just the way it was done was LOW and out of nowhere and used to deflect from Camille talking shit about Lisa and the other girls... oh you want to try to bring up what i said when i was being two faced about you all......well let me deflect by bringing in something NO ONE is talking about ....when Camille is cornered she gets nasty and she wouldn't be cornered if she wasn't two faced and talked shit and that includes her being two faced with Lisa V ..... 

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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Regarding having the croissants and chocolate in order to be polite, to be quite honest, it’s a balance between trying not to hurt people’s feelings and being healthy. I feel like I’m constantly around “But I brought doughnuts! Look, your favorite! I baked! It’s someone’s birthday!” I used to always give in to all that, but I’ve come to a point where in the nicest way I can, I try to say no if I don’t want something. It’s hard enough avoiding temptation, trust me! I’m not Rinna thin, but I am skinny and people always tell me they want to fatten me up, that it’s not like I have anything to worry about, etc. I actually do have hormonal issues and need to be eating healthier. Everyone assumes if you’re young and thin you must be in perfect health. I indulge, but I do so in moderation. I think Erika seems to have the healthiest attitude towards food. She enjoys food, and her body is still banging, even if she says she’s the biggest she’s ever been. I could probably go out to eat with her and not feel like a pig if I love me some carbs and perhaps dessert to go with it, but then I’m sure she wouldn’t expect me to constantly eat like that because being in shape is still important to her. I’m sure these women are also every bit aware how the viewers check out their bodies. They’re kind of damned if they do, damned if they don’t. I am a foodie despite trying to minimize junk food, so I totally get enjoying the food porn and seeing them tear into some good food. (The folks on Shahs of Sunset are great at this. Lol) But I also understand if you’re a public person and filming a TV show, you also want to look your best. 

24 minutes ago, BluBrd47 said:

People literally kill themselves over getting bullied, so I don't really buy into the  sticks and stones saying. I guess because I've been picked on for my physical appearance what Camille said really struck a nerve with me. I haven't seen any of the ladies go after someone's appearance except for maybe when Kyle made fun of Teddi for her walk. If I am wrong and suffering from "pretend amnesia" I will happily stand corrected.

Completely agree with this. These ladies sign up to get into drama and confront whatever problems they have with one another. Camille’s comments about LVP and then what she said to Dorit were low blows imo.

Edited by RealHousewife
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27 minutes ago, BluBrd47 said:

Yeah but independent of any "gang ups" can you really blame the women for being wary of someone like that? I've dealt with family members and coworkers who will literally turn on you on a dime and it is very uncomfortable to have to constantly walk on eggshells around someone who will throw you under the bus in a heartbeat. I'm not saying the other women don't throw people under the bus, we all know they do, but Camille seems to brag about the fact that she is self-serving and out for herself. I don't find that an attractive quality. Like when she went after Lisa's teeth- it was so brutal and out of nowhere.

Thing is, with Camille it's not like she's strutting around inflicting fear, demanding people kiss her ring. She pops in, pops out, engages in some of the filming. Enjoys the moments, the cast, the semi fame of being a "friend of" without all the extra pressure of being on the show full time. No one really has to walk on eggs shells around her but her display was more about "don't come for me" "I'm on this show part time and like the more light-hearted aspect of it.  So if you think you're gonna bully me into some corner... well let's just say don't...."

I do think it was a bit of overkill. She shared more than she needed too. The dose was off and she would have made an impression and her message clear with less without losing as much likability as she has with her harsh revelation. I'm not mad at her though and I really, really HATED first season Camille.

No one has to be shaking in their boots, the only reason any of these would have to be worried about Camille throwing them under the bus would be because they made the grave mistake of pushing the envelope when they have no real reason to. Wanna mess with someone? Then don't be surprised if your skeletons get pulled out for public display. I guess they just didn't think that Camille had ammo? Or maybe they didn't think she would go that far since it does seem like there is plenty of info swirling about these circles so its not new info?

See again, I think this is part of the reason Camille would rather be friend off. She didn't like the blow back she got for Season one Camille and shifted gears. I think she knows she can be pretty ruthless EASILY and therefore limits her presence on the show so that there is limited opportunity for her to be dragged into the meatier, scandalous aspects of the show. She knows she can get as down and dirty in the mud and doesn't really want to chance it. This season she wasn't able to steer clear and has be pulled into the drama and now she's bearing her teeth. Unapologetically I might add. That's our Camille. 

I give her credit for trying to trend lightly all these seasons she's only made appearances. She was at least actively trying to restrict the temptation to show her ass and made strategic moves to not get fully engulfed in the shameful antics that manage to be portrayed season after season. She wasn't as successful this time around but I sure am here for it! LOL. 

  • Love 7
3 hours ago, sunshine23 said:

Her confusion must be due to English not being her native language being from CT and all. She is the personification of "dumb blonde", even if the blonde is from a bottle.

I may be in the minority, but I am LOVING Camille's shade on the ladies and her unwillingness to backdown, and I want MORE of it! Rinna is the one who prompted Dorit to bring up to topic. Of course when it didn't go the way Rinna planned, suddently everyone blamed Camille and saying it wasn't the approprioate time or place. Camille didn't deny she said "it", AND when pressed for details, she gave them. Its an example of "Be careful what you wish for." #teamcamille #realHYPOCRITESofbeverlyhills

I am joining you in the minority. #teamcamille

  • Love 11
1 hour ago, FozzyBear said:

God, fucking Teddi with her confusion. I will admit I don’t much care to police the behavior of others so can a self professed  control freak explain the use of confusion when you mean annoyance? I have a work friend (self proclaimed control freak) who does that. She’s always confused when she disagrees with someone. 🙄

I’m a long time Kyle hater so I might not be the best judge, but is she worse this season? Meaner and even more self involved? I did not buy her apology to Erica at all. My impression was she actually thought she was in the right and a only apologizing because she was a little drunk when she said it so her delivery may have been off. Which, no. You were shitfaced, had no point, and acting like a disgusting bully. At least Teddi seemed truly ashamed of herself even if she thought it was still all Erica’s fault for “confusing” her.

”Just keep eating” is my new life motto.

I am not sure if she is worse, she did out her own sister as an alcoholic on National TV in season one, but for me it is more of I have seen enough. I have tried to like her, I have tolerated her for large blocks of time, but this season I detest her and I don't see that changing. I also detest dog dumper Dorit, find Teddi insufferable, Erika boring, Rinna mean and Denise both trashy and dumber than dirt. This show has really sunk, IMO. The fact that I now find Camille, the bitch of season one, the mist tolerable of the ones left speaks volumes.

  • Love 16
41 minutes ago, BluBrd47 said:

I haven't seen any of the ladies go after someone's appearance except for maybe when Kyle made fun of Teddi for her walk. If I am wrong and suffering from "pretend amnesia" I will happily stand corrected.

You're right.  Other than Kyle being really weirded out that Yolanda wasn't wearing makeup and Kim exclaiming to Taylor, "why don't you blow up your lips some more?!?" (after which she sincerely apologized), they don't really go for each others' looks.  Maybe Brandi said LVP was old once.  I guess it's like the first rule in Housewife "friendships"--we don't go after finances or looks?  

I dunno.  Maybe I have just been around some seriously jaded people, because I didn't think it was possible that adults would actually steer clear of certain topics, if they dislike someone, or even if they do like someone.  It's good to see it modeled the RHBH way.  Now I feel dirty that I complimented them.

19 minutes ago, RealHousewife said:

Regarding having the croissants and chocolate in order to be polite, to be quite honest, it’s a balance between trying not to hurt people’s feelings and being healthy. I feel like I’m constantly around “But I brought doughnuts! 

OMG, I hate that shit!!  I privately call it Cake-Shaming at my office.  You may offer me a piece of cake once.  If and when I decline, don't push it, asshole.  That really gets under my skin.  I see it a little bit differently with regard to Provence, because the food was made especially for the ladies, so I'm more ambivalent, but you should always do you first.  I like the post upthread which suggested bringing it up to your room.  But then what are you going to do with it?  What if the staff sees it in the garbage?  Can you possibly flush desserts down the toilet?  Stow them in your handbag and toss them later?  Hashtag first world problems, lol!

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12 hours ago, ParadoxLost said:

I'm sure we'll be treated to Dorit and PK having a conversation in their kitchen to provide a cover story for whatever it is Camille knows.  And it may be that she knows someone they owe money to.  Or it may just be she has heard whatever gossip they all have but is the only one that will say it.  One of the known lawsuits is someone PK owes ~1.2 million dollars to.

I'm wondering if Camille will backtrack and try to make nice at the reunion or if she'll go scorched Earth.

I also wonder if Rinna will corroborate Camille's story, since she was the one who was with Dorit when Dorit was being chased around the pool. 

Rinna could mention that at the reunion, or in one of her talking heads.  

I don't think it will happen this season, though.  Rinna will hold that ammunition against Dorit until she needs it.

Edited by njbchlover
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15 minutes ago, LibertarianSlut said:

You're right.  Other than Kyle being really weirded out that Yolanda wasn't wearing makeup and Kim exclaiming to Taylor, "why don't you blow up your lips some more?!?" (after which she sincerely apologized), they don't really go for each others' looks.  Maybe Brandi said LVP was old once.  I guess it's like the first rule in Housewife "friendships"--we don't go after finances or looks?  

I dunno.  Maybe I have just been around some seriously jaded people, because I didn't think it was possible that adults would actually steer clear of certain topics, if they dislike someone, or even if they do like someone.  It's good to see it modeled the RHBH way.  Now I feel dirty that I complimented them.

OMG, I hate that shit!!  I privately call it Cake-Shaming at my office.  You may offer me a piece of cake once.  If and when I decline, don't push it, asshole.  That really gets under my skin.  I see it a little bit differently with regard to Provence, because the food was made especially for the ladies, so I'm more ambivalent, but you should always do you first.  I like the post upthread which suggested bringing it up to your room.  But then what are you going to do with it?  What if the staff sees it in the garbage?  Can you possibly flush desserts down the toilet?  Stow them in your handbag and toss them later?  Hashtag first world problems, lol!

Yup, I’m on a low carb diet and I will only eat cake on Fridays. Despite the white woman phobia of gluten, celiac and gluten intolerance is a thing and also, some people don’t have a sweet tooth! I’m not on a diet to look like Lisa Rinna I’m on a diet to fit into the clothes I was able to wear before nursing school. Really, I appreciate the effort and gesture but it’s my body folks, live and let live!

  • Love 3
27 minutes ago, LibertarianSlut said:

OMG, I hate that shit!!  I privately call it Cake-Shaming at my office.  You may offer me a piece of cake once.  If and when I decline, don't push it, asshole.  That really gets under my skin.  I see it a little bit differently with regard to Provence, because the food was made especially for the ladies, so I'm more ambivalent, but you should always do you first.  I like the post upthread which suggested bringing it up to your room.  But then what are you going to do with it?  What if the staff sees it in the garbage?  Can you possibly flush desserts down the toilet?  Stow them in your handbag and toss them later?  Hashtag first world problems, lol!

I would never want the staff to think I did not enjoy the food especially a breakfast like that.  I would discreetly speak to the manager and explain that we needed a simpler breakfast in the politest way possible.  I hate to think about all those eggs the chef prepared just getting thrown away.  Maybe the production crew ate them, or at least I hope so.  Personally, I love breakfast food, but rarely have an appetite when I wake up.  

  • Love 8

Is it really living if your in Provence, France, on vacation, that someone else is paying for and not eat a croissant or chocolate?

not today no GIF by Flo From Progressive

I undestand dietary concerns (upon being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, lifestyle changes were made and now successfully keep my numbers out of diabetes range).

But vacation! In France!  Home of the croissant and dessert!  I'm not talking store bought cake.  I'm talking international cuisine.  Totally eating every carb that looks delicious. 

And then I'll walk the grounds.  Or the stairs in the mansion.  

destroy cookie monster GIF by Rachael Ray Show

For the record, if we are ever all on vacation, I'm sure KungFuBunny and I will be more than happy to eat your cake.  Pass it on over!  In exchange you can have all my Brussels sprouts.

happy smirk GIF by San Diego Zoo


  • LOL 11
  • Love 7
14 minutes ago, dosodog said:

Is it really living if your in Provence, France, on vacation, that someone else is paying for and not eat a croissant or chocolate?

not today no GIF by Flo From Progressive

I undestand dietary concerns (upon being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, lifestyle changes were made and now successfully keep my numbers out of diabetes range).

But vacation! In France!  Home of the croissant and dessert!  I'm not talking store bought cake.  I'm talking international cuisine.  Totally eating every carb that looks delicious. 

And then I'll walk the grounds.  Or the stairs in the mansion.  

destroy cookie monster GIF by Rachael Ray Show

For the record, if we are ever all on vacation, I'm sure KungFuBunny and I will be more than happy to eat your cake.  Pass it on over!  In exchange you can have all my Brussels sprouts.

happy smirk GIF by San Diego Zoo


I see your point. I have a thing for macarons to the point of obsession and if I ever get to France I’m going for broke, waistline be damned. I don’t dig Erika much but I like her more when she chows down on vacation!!

  • Love 7

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