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Season 21 Live Feed Discussion

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Just now, peachmangosteen said:

Does Holly know that she's the one getting evicted? If she does/when she finds out, she should absolutely tell Nicole and Cliff about this. She needs to get to it before Tommy does, although it doesn't seem like Tommy is gonna tell them. Which is strange to me. 

Holly's head seems to be up Jackson's pompous douchebag ass. She definitely doesn't seem to realize that she's actually in legitimate trouble. To be fair, despite how Jackson told Nicole that he'd essentially be fine if Holly left, he doesn't know that it seems to be happening. 

But yeah, how Tommy hasn't told Cliff/Nicole to get ahead of it is beyond me. One of the reasons why I think that Tommy isn't THAT good of a player. His social game was on point, but his strategic game has been iffy, at best. I feel like I could give legitimate reasons as to why Cliff, Nicole, and Jackson should win...but Tommy? He won a few comps....for Christie. He took a shot....at Kat? Which is good, but he was also the one wanting the Six to get back together for 11 weeks so....

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26 minutes ago, phlebas said:

I'm going to step over to a parallel universe where Tommy won this HoH and now Jackson and Holly are on the block together.  That sounds funnier.  BRB.

Yeah, but then Jackson would have definitely gone and we wouldn't have as wild of a week. 

Think about it this way; this is the MOST discussion any F5 week has gotten...or, at the very least, this is the first exciting F5 week in YEARS.

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30 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Think about it this way; this is the MOST discussion any F5 week has gotten...or, at the very least, this is the first exciting F5 week in YEARS.

Absolutely ! This is a great F5 and the funny thing is, I dont care which way it goes. It will be a good outcome and F4 will be exciting , It is all up to comp wins and who picks who will go and who will stay.

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14 hours ago, missyb said:

Oh my:

Rut roh.

Frankly, though, I’m wondering if this isn’t Jackson trying to get a little sly on the other HGs (and us).  In a strict game sense, Holly and the relationship histrionics are becoming more and more of an albatross around Jackson’s neck - the time and attention Jackson spends day and night in constantly shoring up his relationship with Holly is time and attention Jackson is not investing in relationships with the other remaining HGs.  By the same token Jackson cannot take action (direct or indirect) against Holly without appearing to trash his loyalty card and throw his widely-perceived F2 to the wolves, which might cost him serious Jury votes.

So what does Jackson to?  He pulls a Thomas á Becket.  Jackson doesn’t go after Holly directly, nor does he actively conspire against her; instead Jackson does his best Henry II Of The Hammock and proclaims “Will no one rid me of this troublesome girlfriend?”

To a degree, this is actually a stroke of baby genius; Jackson hasn’t asked OR told anybody to target Holly, directly OR indirectly - the most you could say Jackson has done is vocalize a maybe-wish.  And if someone were to act on that “wish”...?  Why, Jackson would be home-free - not only released from an oppressive relationship, but released in such a way as to (a) keep Jackson’s hands totally clean and (b) provide Jackson with ammunition against likely F2 opponents.  

If Jackson claws his way to an F2 chair, then there’s a 67% chance he’ll be sitting beside either Cliff or Nicole - and what ammo does he have to use against either in an F2 speech?  Answer is, not a lot - but if Jackson can get Cliff&Nicole to rid him of Holly without his explicit assent, then he can trash their loyalty to and support of the F4 deal.  A simple “but I was just venting to a friend, for crying out loud - I didn’t tell you to EVICT her!” from Jackson, and C&N are suddenly turncoats on an alliance.

11 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

So, I found this and thought it was hilarious: Jackson's heart will go on.

I think I just strained my right nut laughing at this.

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11 minutes ago, Nashville said:

So what does Jackson to?  He pulls a Thomas á Becket.  Jackson doesn’t go after Holly directly, nor does he actively conspire against her; instead Jackson does his best Henry II Of The Hammock and proclaims “Will no one rid me of this troublesome girlfriend?”

Words can't express how much I love you for this.

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13 hours ago, Katesus7 said:

@Callaphera, sorry, but I can’t sleep after that excruciating Texans loss, and nothing is happening on the feeds, so I went back to the beginning of this thread to laugh at what we thought about these people so long ago, and just HAD to post this again. I think you 70% nailed it, although that’s just me. Saying Nick was basically Rockstar with a penis? DYING!!

I'm surprised at how well I nailed Jackson making Holly (She's from Wyoming!) cry. Maybe not the right reasons for crying but still. 

brb, buying a lottery ticket.

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@Nashville, I think that is very sound thinking. Jacksons focus is being diverted from the game. He needs his game face and Holly is distracting from it. It doesn't look good in the house or outside the house. And I do think he is worried that it diverts from spending time with Tommy and Cliff and Nicole , in the event, and it will be an event, that Holly goes.

I think your post is spot on.

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4 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

I feel like I could give legitimate reasons as to why Cliff, Nicole, and Jackson should win...but Tommy? He won a few comps....for Christie. He took a shot....at Kat? Which is good, but he was also the one wanting the Six to get back together for 11 weeks so....

Tommy's obsessed with the whole jury. He loves them all and will play the original gr8ful loyalty card to the hilt.

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47 minutes ago, Ellee said:

I've forgotten.  Jack turn on Jackson?   And, who became the next group of 5 or 6?

Tommy, Christie, Jack, Sis, and then the other two seemed in flux.  I think Tommy always wanted to bring Jackson and Holly back in.  I think Nick wanted to be in it and kinda assumed he was to some degree because of Tommy and Sis, but he really wasn't.  And Kat kinda floated for awhile but ultimately went with Team Jess.

But I think Tommy assumes he can unite them all again in an ultimate jury vote. 

Edited by vb68
36 minutes ago, Ellee said:

I've forgotten.  Jack turn on Jackson?   And, who became the next group of 5 or 6?

  1. Gr8ful = Jack, Jackson, Anal, Holly, Christie, Tommy, Nick, Bella.  Also short-lived stint as “Unde9able”, when (I think) Jack couldn’t keep his big fat mouth shut and blabbed Gr8ful’s existence to Sam - resulting in a new insta-alliance to keep Sam from discovering he was #9 in an alliance of 8.
  2. First major fracture of Gr8ful was when the entire alliance (except Nick) suspected Bella of playing all sides of the House.  The Nick-less remainder of Gr8ful (Jack, Jackson, Anal, Holly, Christie, & Tommy) formed the 6Shooters (aka the Sick Shitters) and surprisingly were able to keep their big fat mouths shut until they hijacked Nick’s week 3 HoH to blindside Nick & Bella with a Cliff eviction - who Camp Comeback’ed his way right the hell back in and won Week 4 HoH - and then got Bella up and out as a post-PoV renom under Cliff’s HoH.
  3. Final dissolution of the Gr8ful/6S evolution was the night before Holly’s week 5 HoH eviction.  Sam and Kathryn were both final Block noms, and 6S got to squabbling over who to evict.  Resulted in a schism between Jackson/Holly and Jack/Analyse/Christie/Tommy.  There were attempts to heal the rift, but Jack got evicted under Jessica’s week 6 HoH before things could get patched up.

That cover everything you were looking for?  😁

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20 hours ago, zibnchy said:

We'd say roof as in hoof as opposed to roof as in poof. 🙂

(Born and raised in Iowa, lived in New England for 25 years.)

20 hours ago, JD5166 said:

Yes, like hoof....it was pretty embarrassing being called out on all the words I said funny. I can’t get back on the “pop” bandwagon Even tho I’m back in Iowa...soda it is! 

Radiator (Ray-di-a-tor) vs rad-ee-ator is another. I think mine sounds most normal  but I bet the Aunt from Bayonne says the “rad” version. 

I am now sitting here at my office at work... in Iowa.... thinking "do I really say 'roof' wrong!?!" and trying to pronounce it both ways in my head lol 

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10 minutes ago, DEL901 said:

Nicole and Cliff should each vote for one and make Jackson be the bad guy by having to choose.

Apparently Jackson is already switching things up. Pineapple this morning. Who knew!

Maybe an indicator he’s ready to switch teams. 

I know. 🙄😁

Thanks @vb68 and @Nashville 

😁 😁😁

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1 hour ago, Tdoc72 said:

Apparently Jackson has been trying to stop people from sneezing.  Just when I think my list of reasons for disliking him is finished, I have to pick my pen back up.  Ugh!



But he didn't like when Holly deprived him of sex. Whatahypocrite!

ETA: and if he truly likes depriving people of satisfaction, then all I can say is, "Poor Holly."

Edited by Blissfool
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If Jackson is sending out signals that he wants Holly evicted on Thursday it is because he does not want to blatantly reject her when he has to pick who he will sit next to in a f2. He wants Cliff and Nicole to do his dirty work and he wants to leave with confetti on his shoulders and not an albatross around his neck. 

She will hardly even hear from him when the show ends. 

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Catching up. So Jackson may want Holly out because she's irritating him (similar to when he wanted Kat out)? However, isn't Holly best for his game? She's more beatable than Cliff, Nicole and Tommy - for Jackson's game any way.

Also, someone said maybe Holly wants out. I tend to think that might be true. She knows she can't win - why not leave now?

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2 hours ago, Tdoc72 said:

So Jackson put up the HOH room and a steak for the winner of the egg hunt. Does he now control who can or can’t eat a steak? 

Not going to check Twitter & Jokers updates for awhile. Getting angry over the super douche. Irrational I know. 

TDoc72, I believe the steak is from his HOH basket, and he doesn't have enough for everyone. So, as much as I don't like Snackson, I have to say he is being awfully nice for the winner... probably for points for a jury vote, or for his edit. LOL

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25 minutes ago, Melina22 said:

What photos is she referring to? 

No idea. Just saw it twice mentioned in tonight's jokers feeds.

But there was an earlier moment a few days ago before Tommy spilled the beans about knowing Christie. Something about Nicole's pictures and Jackson's pics had similar people in them? Can't remember. Now the jokers feeds say Jackson is hinting at something - when Nicole says "the pics look familiar." Maybe it's nothing.

44 minutes ago, Melina22 said:

What photos is she referring to? 

In the RV bedroom there's a corkboard with Polaroid photos of people tacked to it, kinda like a memory wall for summer camp. I don't think they're actually supposed to know any of the people in the pictures but I wouldn't be surprised if those are just candid shots of Production staff. So Nicole might have recognized a comp person or someone from the DR. 

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So, on the feeds right now, they're having an Easter Egg hunt. Everyone has just hidden five eggs each (I guess production allowed them to do this).

While Jackson went dirty and hid an egg on top of the RV, where basically nobody but him can reach, Nicole decided to hide her eggs....on ledges and in corners, in plain sight.

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6 hours ago, Tdoc72 said:

Apparently Jackson has been trying to stop people from sneezing.  Just when I think my list of reasons for disliking him is finished, I have to pick my pen back up.  Ugh!


The owner of the WWE, Vince McMahon, is known for getting pissed when people sneeze around him.  It is said he views it as a sign of weakness.  

Edited by BK1978
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1 minute ago, missyb said:

Around 8:12 while Tommy is talking to Holly, he says he wants to campaign but he needs to tell CLiff and Nicole everything. Tomorrow.

This is gonna be like Jack's brilliant can't-fail amazeballs, "I'm going to blackmail Kat!" plan. We're gonna keep waiting and putting the call out when he's alone in a room with either Cliff and/or Nicole and waiting and putting the call out and waiting and... nothing. 

  • LOL 2
6 hours ago, Tdoc72 said:

Apparently Jackson has been trying to stop people from sneezing.  

Ok, that explains something I saw on BBAD.  Jackson and Tommy were playing Backgammon and Tommy started to sneeze.  Jackson hit him on the head but the sneeze came anyway.  Tommy didn't act surprised or angry or anything and they said something to each other, in a friendly way, but I didn't catch what it was.  Now I know what that was all about.  Jackson is so mean.

A couple of things I've noticed about this season ..... nobody seems particularly interested in playing pool.  In fact, I haven't seen anybody play.  I'm so glad, because I find it so boring.

Also, do these people say "I love you" an inordinate amount of times?  I mean, just out of nowhere Jackson will say "I love you" to Tommy and Tommy will say "I love you" back to Jackson.  I mean, like, ALL. THE. TIME!!!  I know it could be worse, but it sort of loses it's sincerity when it falls out of their mouths so much.

Please, Nicole, don't turn into a twit because you're finally doing well.  Please.  And still, Cliff for the win.

Speaking of Cliff, did you guys see how many clothes he had in that suitcase?!?!

One final thought ..... did the ants show up this year?  Or if you're from Iowa, the "onts"?

Lastly, does anybody ever wash their hands before preparing food in the kitchen?  Gross me out big time!


And ..... I may be the only one who feels this way, but I love Tommy.  I wish we could be friends.  But he'd have to lose Christie.

Ok, that's it for good.  I promise.

Edited by slasherboy
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Taco Tuesday. It’s funny I always have Tacos 🌮 on Wednesday’s for Survivor night. I’ve been doing it for years. I know you’re supposed to have rice but I’m different that way. LOL!!!!

They all must be dying for Thursday to come around. Let’s get this thing over with.  There is only so much stupid stuff you can do with the Final 5 in the house. Soooo boring. 

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Holly is telling Jackson that Tommy is going to tell Cliff and Nicole about his relationship to Christie. She is nervous they will some how use this info to flip the vote. 

Jackson is explaining  that they would know that Christie would campaign like crazy for Tommy. It would be stupid of them.

Holly wondering if maybe Jackson should mention it to them ( drop a bomb) before Tommy does it ( another bad calculation by Tommy , to tell Holly).

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I'm not sure why Tommy gave Holly that heads up.  That doesn't sound smart, but then again it's Holly. It never occurred to Holly that she could be up on the block this week.  I'm going to take Tommy at his word that he's totally spent. He seems to me like he wants the whole thing to be over.

Edited by vb68
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I don't think Holly and Jackson know that Cliff already knows about Tommy's secret because of the yeller. Cliff has had weeks to process and in the end he says it doesn't matter, at least so far. I'm not sure how much Nicole knows or if this will spook her.

Either way, Cliff and Nicole need to make the decision that gives them the best odds of both making it to F3, and that's not with Holly there IMO.

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Nicole is obsessed with talking about Jessica!

Geeesh, it is normal to feel alone & betrayed in the BB house.....especially, when you are on the Block.

What Nicole is feeling is a guilty conscience.

She never  repeats the story correctly, either!  Maybe she felt that way during the chat......but, she didn’t say any of those things to Jessica......she tells in her story.  She played more the.....innocent mouse role.

She is on the bathroom-Jessica talk loop every 30 minutes.

I think Nicole only likes to talk about it......because, it draws conversation from the other HGs.

Anyhoo, Jessica & Nicole were my 2 faves HOH evictions. Jack & Christie.

I also enjoyed when Sis left.  She was really an entitled HG. Earned nothing in that house.  But, somehow considered herself the prized Floater everyone should protect. Bye!

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5 hours ago, slasherboy said:

Ok, that explains something I saw on BBAD.  Jackson and Tommy were playing Backgammon and Tommy started to sneeze.  Jackson hit him on the head but the sneeze came anyway.  Tommy didn't act surprised or angry or anything and they said something to each other, in a friendly way, but I didn't catch what it was.  Now I know what that was all about.  Jackson is so mean.

A couple of things I've noticed about this season ..... nobody seems particularly interested in playing pool.  In fact, I haven't seen anybody play.  I'm so glad, because I find it so boring.

Also, do these people say "I love you" an inordinate amount of times?  I mean, just out of nowhere Jackson will say "I love you" to Tommy and Tommy will say "I love you" back to Jackson.  I mean, like, ALL. THE. TIME!!!  I know it could be worse, but it sort of loses it's sincerity when it falls out of their mouths so much.

Please, Nicole, don't turn into a twit because you're finally doing well.  Please.  And still, Cliff for the win.

Speaking of Cliff, did you guys see how many clothes he had in that suitcase?!?!

One final thought ..... did the ants show up this year?  Or if you're from Iowa, the "onts"?

Lastly, does anybody ever wash their hands before preparing food in the kitchen?  Gross me out big time!


And ..... I may be the only one who feels this way, but I love Tommy.  I wish we could be friends.  But he'd have to lose Christie.

Ok, that's it for good.  I promise.

I watched the Taco set-up tonight.  

Just because you stuffed a tortilla with turkey meat and whole black olives.....it doesn’t mean it is a taco.

Tortillas from the bag....not even heated up!

 Not a taco!!!

Did Nicole eat the crispy shell without heating it up??

 Tuesday is Wrap Day!!!

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23 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

Cliff and Nicole won't lose Jackson, though. He doesn't seem to mind if Holly leaves. And if he is bitter for whatever reason, it'll be toward Cliff, not Nicole. 

There are definitely arguments made on both sides. Cliff, unfortunately, based his ENTIRE game off of his loyalty, so now he either has to die by his own sword or give a really good reason as to why he should win, something I'm not entirely sure he can do unless he's against Holly.

So you ARE right; Nicole benefits the most out of evicting Holly. She's the one making the move. She's the one who will have this on her resume, not Cliff. Cliff may able to help claim the Christie eviction, but the jury will know that this Holly eviction is mostly Nicole. She can argue for it way more than Cliff can. And yes, Cliff has every reason to worry about Tommy because they cannot beat him easier than Holly.

But....you know what we would be saying if Holly wins HOH and veto next week? How idiotic Cliff/Nicole were for keeping a showmance in the game. So, there's no winning solution BECAUSE it all comes down to outcomes that haven't happened yet. The F4 veto will determine who's in F2, 100%. And since we can't know that information until after they decide to evict either Tommy or Holly, it's going to be a risky move. For all we know, Tommy could severely flop at the upcoming comps and it ends up being good that Cliff/Nicole took him to F3 with them. Or Tommy could let Nicole have HOH and he beasts out to win veto....and evict Cliff.

But just like how Jackson/Holly could win F4 veto and Cliff or Nicole is gone anyway. 

Depending on who you root for, Holly going this week (which seems to be the likely result as of the moment) is good for some (Tommy, potentially Nicole) and bad for others (Jackson, Cliff, potentially Nicole).

*Also, don't forget that Cliff/Nicole don't have the Christy/Tommy information. Only Jackson/Holly do. So I think, if C/N knew about C/T knowing each other, that COULD end up changing things.

Good points!

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