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Season 21 Live Feed Discussion

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16 minutes ago, vb68 said:

YUCK to all that talk about Jackson's deodorant. Maybe it is a generational thing, but I'm grossed out.

I don't care if Jackson finds it helpful to use deodorant down there, but for the love of God, please don't share that deodorant stick!

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1 hour ago, zorak said:

Jackson's wisdom:

"Some guys will put body powder on their nuts to keep them from sweating and to keep them dry.  But I use deodorant because it keeps you from sweating, it keeps you dry, there's no mess so you don't look like a powdered donut hole, and it also helps with ingrown hairs."


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12 hours ago, Cutty said:

Nicole saying that Christie and Sis are making fun of Cliff for being old.

Funniest thing about this is Christie claims she's 28 and doesn't look much younger than Cliff.

I'll never understand making fun of people's ages.  If your lucky, you will get to be that age one day too.  So dumb.  I don't think Christie looks old. She is quite pretty, it's when she talks is the problem. 😄

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On 8/2/2019 at 10:22 PM, Brian Cronin said:

It's mind-BOGGLING how much he cares about Jack. 

He probably thinks he’s hot.

On 8/2/2019 at 8:32 PM, vb68 said:

I want to see the  two Jacks hard core campaigning against each other. Talk about fun! Especially Son going at Jack anyway he can.

On 8/2/2019 at 10:42 PM, zorak said:

I'm 11 years older than her and I think she looks older than me.  I don't think her makeup is doing her any favors.  It always looks really heavy to me and I think it ages her.  I also think her years of exposure to the sun are not doing her any favors.

I have no idea how old Holly is, but I’d say she looks older than her age.

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On 8/2/2019 at 11:52 PM, zorak said:

Oh God.  Kat says she's worried how that's going to make her look if she votes out Jack since she's been so vocal about how she feels about Jackson.  She says it would be stupid to not vote out Jack though.  Please don't waffle, Kat!

I’m hoping one of the tools Jacks get voted out, but especially Jackson!

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I think Jack got an installment of his punishment.  He said something about the guy being next to him as he was standing there wet and the guy doused him in baby powder and said, "Space powder!"

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OK. I've got a question about Christie's power.  If she invokes it, that would force the HoH (Jess) to remove Jack and Jackson from the block.  Would Jack and Jackson now be protected from re-nom, and Jess has to choose from the rest of the house, or do they rejoin the pool of prospective nominees, and Jess can just put 'em both back up again?

The reason I'm asking is everyone seems to be celebrating around here, and I don't think we're out of the woods yet.  Jess has surprised us this week, yes, but it could just be stopped clock syndrome.  I could easily see her reverting to her original programming and automatically nominating Nick and Nicole for eviction if she were put on the spot at the Veto ceremony.

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2 minutes ago, HurricaneVal said:

OK. I've got a question about Christie's power.  If she invokes it, that would force the HoH (Jess) to remove Jack and Jackson from the block.  Would Jack and Jackson now be protected from re-nom, and Jess has to choose from the rest of the house, or do they rejoin the pool of prospective nominees, and Jess can just put 'em both back up again?

The reason I'm asking is everyone seems to be celebrating around here, and I don't think we're out of the woods yet.  Jess has surprised us this week, yes, but it could just be stopped clock syndrome.  I could easily see her reverting to her original programming and automatically nominating Nick and Nicole for eviction if she were put on the spot at the Veto ceremony.

Worst case, it would be one of them and one of the Jack's. There's no scenario that ends in both Jack's safe this week. 

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6 hours ago, Booklady1017 said:

I’m hoping one of the tools Jacks get voted out, but especially Jackson!

Nay.  If Jackson is voted out then Jack will win the game most likely because Christie, Tommy and Anal Lice are loyal to him. 

If Jack is voted out Jackson won't win either because those three will all target Jackson next.  And you will get both out.  So Jack MUST go this week or just hand him the 500 K now.

5 hours ago, HurricaneVal said:

OK. I've got a question about Christie's power.  If she invokes it, that would force the HoH (Jess) to remove Jack and Jackson from the block.

No it won't.  She can ONLY evoke it if the Veto Winner decides to remove one of the nominees from the block.  (Where did you get two people from?  It's the Golden Power of Veto, not a Two for One Strange Power).

And Christie cannot use that power herself to choose anyone to replace that person herself.  She has to give it to the Veto Winner to use as the Veto Winner sees fit.  Once Christie evokes the power she has no control over it at all anymore.

Since the Veto Winner gets to choose the replacement and they are also the HOH this week as well -- Jessica -- the the Golden Power of Veto Upgrade is kaput.  And this was the last week it could be used so Christie is screwed.

Edited by green
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Thank you for talking me off that ledge, @IndyMischa and @green.  I have no idea how I got it in my head that if Christie invoked her power, both nominees came down and the Veto winner had to put up two new hamsters.  Maybe I dreamed it?  Maybe I conflated it with another power?

Now, onto other things.  WHY, oh why, couldn't Jack or Son get Tommy's punishment?  It would annoy both of them to no end to have to perform like that at BB's whim.  For a whole week--though Jackson would likely weasel out of it like he did being a Have-Not.  I like irritated Jack.  I like irritated Jackson.  They're delicious fun.  Tommy having that performance forced on him is more like a reward than a punishment.  So unfair.

Actually, I think having that "No Stars!!!" guy yelling at Jack or Son would be comedy gold.  You could just see their blood pressure rise and rise and rise, and their annoyance and frustration would just ooze out their pores.  Though, I fear they would snap, and then yelling guy had best run for his life...  

As much as I want either Jack and Son to go home this week, I also really, really, really want both of them to be around for Zingbot.  I have a feeling Zing would not be kind to them.  (I also kind of want to watch these arrogant bastards abjectly kneel before the great and powerful OTEV.)

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53 minutes ago, green said:

And Christie cannot use that power herself to choose anyone to replace that person herself.  She has to give it to the Veto Winner to use as the Veto Winner sees fit.  Once Christie evokes the power she has no control over it at all anymore.

In other words, Christie's power has died a quiet death. It's useless now.

It's ironic but so typical of BB twists that the only power that got invoked (Jack's power of redrawing the veto players) was by the far the weakest power of the three of them and had extremely little if no impact on the game at all. 

Edited by vb68
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Jack got hit with another round of his punishment.  I don't know what exactly happened but I think it involved milk based on something Cliff said.  Maybe he got doused in milk.  I don't know if it was the same installment or not but Kat said the alien dumped peanuts all over the ground (unaware that Tommy is allergic).  When they told him of Tommy's allergy, the alien said something like, "On my planet we aren't weak and pathetic like you."  According to Kat, Christie was mad about it and went into the bathroom and told people in there what the alien had said about Tommy.  Kat said she thinks it's funny that Jack is being a good sport about the whole thing but Christie keeps getting mad about the stuff the alien is doing to him.  Nicole said this time the alien yelled, "I'm back bitches!"

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Shame that the Reading Shakespeare Punishment, which Haleigh carried out rather sweetly in BB20, wasn’t pushed until this year. Oh the amusement which could have been had by Tommy reciting pearls such as “Yonduh lies da castle of my fadduh.”

Edited by TimWil
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Cliff is telling Kat that Christie was throwing Holly under the bus this morning.  He said that Christie and company are trying to get him to hate Jackson and Holly.

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Cliff is telling Kat that his honest opinion is that Jackson is just a frat daddy.  Cliff says that Jackson is young and immature and all he worries about his drinking, partying, and bragging about women.  Cliff says he doesn't want Jackson going to the end but that he thinks Jackson has his back at the moment.

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Kat to Cliff:  "Why does she (Christie) think she's running the show?"  They had been talking about how Christie's been trying to strong arm them into voting out Jackson.

Cliff:  "I think Tommy is in love with Jack."

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I have really liked Kat in this game but I have always known she was hiding a different side ( which is perfectly okay). But her true colors are becoming more clear.

On a number of occasions she has mentioned "in the real world" Christie would never be running any show I was in. In the real world, this would not be happening. I 100% believe that. 

At this point, she has no choice but to stay with the group she is in, and . she is embracing it. But, in the real world, she would never be in a group with these folks. IMO.

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34 minutes ago, zorak said:

Maybe he got doused in milk.  I don't know if it was the same installment or not but Kat said the alien dumped peanuts all over the ground

I hope he had jackson’s authorization for this use of food. ☺️

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29 minutes ago, zorak said:

Cliff is telling Kat that his honest opinion is that Jackson is just a frat daddy.  Cliff says that Jackson is young and immature and all he worries about his drinking, partying, and bragging about women.  Cliff says he doesn't want Jackson going to the end but that he thinks Jackson has his back at the moment.

Well, Cliff got the bolder part right.  The rest, not so much.  Jackson only cares about Jackson.  

But Cliff’s delusional thinking keeps things interesting.  It’s not like we expect everything to go as we desire?   😎

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Nicole to Nick:  "Just don't say anything to Jess."

Nick:  "How am I supposed to go forward and trust her if she's thinking about putting me up?"

And this is exactly why I thought it was a bad idea for Nicole to tell Nick last night that Jess had thought about taking Jackson down and putting Nick up in his place.

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4 minutes ago, zorak said:

Nicole to Nick:  "Just don't say anything to Jess."

Nick:  "How am I supposed to go forward and trust her if she's thinking about putting me up?"

And this is exactly why I thought it was a bad idea for Nicole to tell Nick last night that Jess had thought about taking Jackson down and putting Nick up in his place.

I don't think it was necessarily a bad idea. Now Nick knows that he can't trust Jess, so he can always be wary of her. He was never going to work with Jess for a long time, anyway. Jess is only loyal to Kat, who is loyal to Holly/Jackson. They're basically forming their own Four as we speak. And Jess also only trusts Christie, for some reason. Everyone else, I feel like Jess is wary about or not serious about working with (Cliff and Nicole included).

However, Nicole does need to know what information she should be keeping to herself moving forward.

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1 hour ago, zorak said:

Kat to Cliff:  "Why does she (Christie) think she's running the show?"  They had been talking about how Christie's been trying to strong arm them into voting out Jackson.

Cliff:  "I think Tommy is in love with Jack."

I don’t know when Cliff became such a bitch but I approve. 

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Tommy is telling Christie that if Jackson stays and Tommy wins the double eviction, he's going to nominate Kat and Holly.  He's not worried about Jackson, not even in a final 2, because he says that Jackson can't win.  Christie says that if she doesn't win the double, she's going home.  This convo was already in progress when the feeds came back so I don't know what all was said at the beginning but Christie was saying something about Nicole would feel safe with people who win comps.  She said she knows that Cliff and Jess win comps but that if Jack stays, he will win comps, Nick will win comps.  Tommy said that Christie would win comps.  I don't know if maybe they're going to try to lure Nicole over to their side with the promise of protecting her.

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41 minutes ago, CringeWatcher said:

I’ll give tommy a gag, but otherwise — no. These idjets think we love him 🙄

With any luck, we are going to give Tommy a Field Trip quite possibly to the nomination block.

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5 minutes ago, vb68 said:

With any luck, we are going to give Tommy a Field Trip quite possibly to the nomination block.

That reminds me. I need to vote. I need to drop my Jack votes & spread them around. 

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1 minute ago, ByaNose said:

That reminds me. I need to vote. I need to drop my Jack votes & spread them around. 

Spread them to Tommy and Analyse, in particular.

I think Christie and Jackson will have plenty of votes on them, so there needs to be more focus on the ones less likely to crack the top five (Tommy may, Analyse won't).

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53 minutes ago, CringeWatcher said:

I’ll give tommy a gag, but otherwise — no. These idjets think we love him 🙄

That's why I'm worried about the Field Trip.  If Tommy is selected he and Christi both will think that America loves them.  Yuck.

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3 minutes ago, Slider said:

That's why I'm worried about the Field Trip.  If Tommy is selected he and Christi both will think that America loves them.  Yuck.

At this point, I'm ok with that. Because if both of them make it on to the Field Trip, one of them is getting something bad, for sure. And I'd laugh for days if Tommy got second place and got a punishment for a third week in a row. 

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Yeah, there could be a segment on the live show called, "America Doesn't Like You" and Christie and Tommy would still be positive that America likes them, so I don't mind them thinking it with the Field Trip votes.

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Analyse is telling Tommy that she wants to try to use the fact that Kat had told her "I owe you one." since Analyse helped the vote not flip.  She said she's trying to think of something she can say to Kat that basically would cash in on the fact that Kat owes her one.

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4 hours ago, HurricaneVal said:

Thank you for talking me off that ledge, @IndyMischa and @green.  I have no idea how I got it in my head that if Christie invoked her power, both nominees came down and the Veto winner had to put up two new hamsters.  Maybe I dreamed it?  Maybe I conflated it with another power?

I think you might be thinking of Ovi's power that allowed him to remove both nominees from the block after the nom ceremony and force the HOH to nom 2 new people.


Actually, I think having that "No Stars!!!" guy yelling at Jack or Son would be comedy gold.  

That 'No Stars!' guy is playing the alien that's torturing Jack now!

1 hour ago, Growsonwalls said:

I don’t know when Cliff became such a bitch but I approve. 

Maybe he really is the Donny of this season!

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1 minute ago, zorak said:

She said she's trying to think of something she can say to Kat that basically would cash in on the fact that Kat owes her one.

I know just how she'll do it. "When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to tell another people that they owe them one...." 

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