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Season 21 Live Feed Discussion

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2 minutes ago, BK1978 said:

I think he had that look in the house as well, because I remember thinking, "Is he on Rumspringa?"


3 minutes ago, BK1978 said:

Not thrilled that Jackson won, but to quote the late great Macho Man Randy Savage, naturally it was a coke fueled promo, "It is, what it is.  Oh yeah dig it.  Snap into a Slim Jim."

And then I resurrected myself and... dead again.

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1 hour ago, vb68 said:

bet he never gets the time of day from Kat again either.

She looked utterly embarrassed.

I'm sure it wasn't just the realization that Nick wasn't popular. Julie was calling Nick out for his actions with Kat. Kat was probably terrified Julie was going to ask her why she would be with someone who supposedly had a girlfriend. Fortunately for Kat, she didn't. 

I have a feeling that part of the reason everyone was sitting there with a deer-in-the-headlights look near the end was because they had literally no clue what Julie was going to bring up next, or who was going to be named and raked over the coals. The ones who escaped looked very relieved. 

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I was starting to think Holly might win after all because of the showmance angle, and that the vote would come down 5-4 with the men voting for Snackson and the women voting for Holly.  All the men voted for Jackson, as well as lesbian Christine and Anal Lice who voted just like her man.  I actually feel sorry for Rambo Head.  As people have commented, he was a very unhappy winner.  I fear this will be a pattern with him that riches will only make worse.  There's a disconnect between his superior game play and his "social game."  He doesn't own his own game.  He should call Nick the Therapist and set up a professional meeting.

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1 minute ago, hhawks said:

There's a disconnect between his superior game play and his "social game."  He doesn't own his own game.  He should call Nick the Therapist and set up a professional meeting.

Manifest the TRUTH, Bro!

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2 hours ago, Dmarie019 said:

So now we know that Jackson wasn’t told everything in the DR 

Yes the look in his eyes when the Chenbot brough up his hand in creating Camp Minorities was a great BB moment.

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2 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

Ok....so unpopular opinion time. I know Jackson sucks. But....I think he was more ignorant than racist. 

He definitely treated women terribly and I'm glad he was called out for that. But I don't think Jackson was ever racist like Jack was; Jackson had his biases, like David said. Jackson has a lot to answer for. But I don't think he's a racist, so I do kind of feel a TINY bit bad that he had to tell his parents that as the first thing he says to them after 99 days. 

As a human, I can feel a tiny bit bad that Jackson couldn't enjoy his win at all because he was so wrapped up in what people think about him. Jackson's going to be messed up about this. He's definitely going to grab onto Holly, I think. I was convinced he'd break things off but after what Julie just put him through (mostly deserved), he's definitely holding onto Holly now, especially if she latches on to him. He'll take whoever likes him. 

I do remember that Jackson talked about how messed up he was before the show. And winning this money isn't going to change his mental health stuff. I mean, he definitely is a shitty person, and he's definitely caring a lot about his image right now, but I do actually hope that Jackson gets a really good therapist AND support system because, my god, he's going to need it for the next few months.

Ok, unpopular opinion time over.

I agree for the most part.  I hope Snackson gets an opportunity to prove he's not racist. and gets help on his more obvious mental health issues.

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17 minutes ago, missyb said:

Before we go:

Nicole looks really pretty here.  I love the look on her face when she realizes that she won.  

Also, I noticed during the live show Ovi crying when he heard Nicole won.  Not washing his hands aside, that was cool to see (Yes I am a bit of a sap) and it shows me that Ovi is a real person.  Not one of the fake people we often see on shows like this.  He seemed to be actually happy that his friend won.

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2 hours ago, nickp1991 said:

This show has less than a year to fix itself It needs a complete overhaul from Grodner production and casting at the top

Yes. I think a lot of what went down tonight was CBS' attempt at damage control for choosing and not vetting such a despicable bunch of Americans.  They cast the shit show of BB21.

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On second view, I love seeing how Kemi melted into the back of the crowd when it came time to congratulate Jackson and Holly. She skirted the outside, gave Holly a quick hug, and then continued to hide in the background to nope the fuck out of hugging Jackson. Jackson, for his part, didn't even look in her direction. 

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9 hours ago, Rbonnie said:

Does Tim’s mean Tim Horton’s? Girl, I love that place so much I bought stock in the parent company (they also own Popeye’s chicken and Burger King). But what is a double double? I love maple flavored anything and I was recently driving through Pennsylvania and saw a Tim Horton’s and we really overdid the maple donuts, glazed ones and filled ones too.  Best day of my life! 

I didn't see anyone answer this. A double double is a coffee with 2 cream and 2 sugar. Or double cream double sugar. Hence double double.

You can say triple triple, but no one says single single 

9 hours ago, Rbonnie said:

Does Tim’s mean Tim Horton’s? Girl, I love that place so much I bought stock in the parent company (they also own Popeye’s chicken and Burger King). But what is a double double? I love maple flavored anything and I was recently driving through Pennsylvania and saw a Tim Horton’s and we really overdid the maple donuts, glazed ones and filled ones too.  Best day of my life! 

I didn't see anyone answer this. A double double is a coffee with 2 cream and 2 sugar. Or double cream double sugar. Hence double double.

You can say triple triple, but no one says single single 

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Ugh I do not know even where to post this. Every year I bitch and moan about the show and when it ends I feel a riot of emotions. I miss these hateful assholes every year after show ends. I experience "loss" and withdrawal symptoms. And for over 90 days I despised Michie and on finale night after he was announced as the winner, I felt sorry for him. What the hell?

I must be mentally ill. Maybe I need meds. 

Edited by DakotaLavender
added content (withdrawal symptoms)
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1 hour ago, hhawks said:

I actually feel sorry for Rambo Head. . . . He should call Nick the Therapist and set up a professional meeting.

Oh, man. I thought I disliked Jackson enough to wish *anything* on him, but -- apparently I have a limit. 🙂

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Before the thread got locked (I can never recall when that usually happens) I just wanted to thank all of the Live Feed posters, the mods, and everyone else who has posted in this thread.  You folks made a shitty season worth watching and I always enjoy reading what everyone has to say.

I would thank people individually but that list would be far too long and I might come across as being a little too much like Tommy. "I love you all.  I am so obsessed with you."

But I would like to especially thank the mods in this thread.  I often have this feeling that I should not post in this thread because I am not a Live Feed viewer and therefore cannot really comment on what is going on.  That is why I often go off-topic so much.

The mods have always been cool with the fact that most of my posts do not have anything to directly do with what is going on (Or maybe I just feel that way and my posts are not as off-topic as I think they are).  For that I am, and I hate to use this word, grateful to the mods for not yelling at me to keep it on topic.  If this was TWOP, I probably would have been banned from posting by now.😄

Once again thank you all for making this enjoyable to watch and I am sure I will see some of you in the Survivor and Challenge threads (Though I tend to not post much in either thread or not compared to what I post here).  If not then I hope everyone has a happy and safe year and I will hopefully see you all next summer.

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44 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

It seems like Jackson's mom successfully talked him off of the ledge as he seemed a lot happier later on...

I noticed he looked happier, too. But he also got pretty softball question.

Also I have been a lurker on here for quit some time and forgot that I set up an account on here years ago. But you all are super funny.

I hesitated to open up my account for a few reasons, but I figured, meh, why not? 

First Nicole does not need to be concerned about the food going to waste. I used to work on the lot like 10 years ago (not on BB) and when the show is done they ask other shows on the lot if they want to come to the storage unit and take things. I wish I had been on that lot this season cause I love watermelon almost as much as Michie.

I was the one sent over to get the items and being as the show was over I asked it I could look at the house and it was a resounding no. I guess I understand cause it's still considered a closed set. I just wanted to see it.

On a personal note, I don't know if they were prepping a comp or playing a comp but I got nailed by a tennis ball that came flying over the backyard wall. It was pleasant.

And I have like zero idea how this site works so if someone could link me to the Survivor forum you use I shall proceed to lurk over there.

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3 minutes ago, grandmabegum said:

And I have like zero idea how this site works so if someone could link me to the Survivor forum you use I shall proceed to lurk over there.


But for a quick "how to" on the site, just look at the bottom of this thread (image attached).

See how it says TV Shows > Competitive Reality & Game Shows > Big Brother > Season 21 Live Feed Discussion?

So if you were to click on "Competitive Reality & Game Shows," it would take you to a list of all of Primetimer's forums for Competitive Reality & Game Shows (like Big Brother and Survivor).

If you clicked on TV Shows, it would take you to a list of shows divided by Drama/Comedy/Genre Television (fantasy, Sci-Fi, superheroes, that sort of thing)/Candid Reality/Competitive Reality & Game Shows and some other smaller categories (like Soap Operas). 


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4 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:


But for a quick "how to" on the site, just look at the bottom of this thread (image attached).

See how it says TV Shows > Competitive Reality & Game Shows > Big Brother > Season 21 Live Feed Discussion?

So if you were to click on "Competitive Reality & Game Shows," it would take you to a list of all of Primetimer's forums for Competitive Reality & Game Shows (like Big Brother and Survivor).

If you clicked on TV Shows, it would take you to a list of shows divided by Drama/Comedy/Genre Television (fantasy, Sci-Fi, superheroes, that sort of thing)/Candid Reality/Competitive Reality & Game Shows and some other smaller categories (like Soap Operas). 


Thanks! Now I just have to figure out his quoting business and how to just simply reply without going all the way to the top to reply that would be amazing.

I'd blame this on the fact that it's very late/early, but I'm really just not good with the internet.

Also it's very late/early

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7 minutes ago, grandmabegum said:

Thanks! Now I just have to figure out his quoting business and how to just simply reply without going all the way to the top to reply that would be amazing.

I'd blame this on the fact that it's very late/early, but I'm really just not good with the internet.

Also it's very late/early

Just scroll down, there's a reply space on the bottom (image attached).

Also, if you click on the " button at the bottom of a comment, it will automatically open up a comment for you, along with the quote. 


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7 hours ago, zorak said:

I love how Analyse keeps going on about people’s gameplay and questioning it.  I’m dying to know if she had made it to the end how she would have explained her own gameplay this season.  

I don’t know.  I’m so confused.  

Jack, help me explain my position during our gameplay.  ummm ... we played our games together

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11 minutes ago, Ellee said:

I don’t know.  I’m so confused.  

Jack, help me explain my position during our gameplay.  ummm ... we played our games together

Man, few things epitomize the concept of unearned confidence as much as Analyse criticizing other people's game play. 

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4 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

I still love Christie's "Nicole would play people against each other and make people turn on each other." What the fuck game was Christie watching?

The one which manifested a camera pointed in her direction.

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So while I get BB producers wanted to give the audience what they wanted.... I think asking Christie, Jack and Jackson about how they feel about things they said about Kemi was a little stupid since they obviously have no idea what they said. Like Kemi said, you can't apologize for something if you don't know what you're apologizing for. At the very least they should have added in some clips if they wanted to go down that road. What else were those 3 suppose to say other than "if i offended you I apologize and I love you has a person".  I'm not surprised none of them remember what they said.  A little refresher would have been nice! 

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Only Bella and Sam would have been able to actually watch back and see what they did, regarding Nicole—I would have liked for them to be confronted and have to answer for their part in the hateful exclusion, and hear about their perspective on it outside of the fishbowl.  Especially Bella!  What she did to Nicole stands out as one of the worst if not the worst thing I saw on BB this year.  I’m not a live feeds watcher so I was not privy to the other behavior first hand, but Bella’s confrontation with Nicole just riled me up and made me so angry that I could barely stand to see her face last night.  How did she get away with not having to apologize to Nicole, and why did they give her a sympathy nod in regard to Nick’s behavior toward her?  Ugh!

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7 minutes ago, Dmarie019 said:

So while I get BB producers wanted to give the audience what they wanted.... I think asking Christie, Jack and Jackson about how they feel about things they said about Kemi was a little stupid since they obviously have no idea what they said. Like Kemi said, you can't apologize for something if you don't know what you're apologizing for. At the very least they should have added in some clips if they wanted to go down that road. What else were those 3 suppose to say other than "if i offended you I apologize and I love you has a person".  I'm not surprised none of them remember what they said.  A little refresher would have been nice! 

Well, Jack already got his clips of what he did wrong, so he knew pretty much exactly what he was supposed to be apologizing for.

Christie and Jackson were definitely taken by surprise and obviously they couldn't really apologize to the extent that was needed. 

But what they said didn't help matters:

Christie: I don't know what I said, but I was PMS'ing! (Me: That's not how PMS'ing works, Christie. It's not a Get Out Of Free Bitch Card)

Jackson: Sorry if I offended you. (Me: So many people don't realize that this is a non-apology).

Jack: I can't apologize enough....sorry won't do any good (Me: Well, maybe....still say sorry anyway instead of not even saying the fucking word)

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4 minutes ago, Concrtslt said:

Only Bella and Sam would have been able to actually watch back and see what they did, regarding Nicole—I would have liked for them to be confronted and have to answer for their part in the hateful exclusion, and hear about their perspective on it outside of the fishbowl.  Especially Bella!  What she did to Nicole stands out as one of the worst if not the worst thing I saw on BB this year.  I’m not a live feeds watcher so I was not privy to the other behavior first hand, but Bella’s confrontation with Nicole just riled me up and made me so angry that I could barely stand to see her face last night.  How did she get away with not having to apologize to Nicole, and why did they give her a sympathy nod in regard to Nick’s behavior toward her?  Ugh!

Oh, Bella won't ever apologize for anything about her behaviour. I really don't think she's apologized since getting out of the house. Sam has, especially with his stuff with Kemi, which is why they seem to get along better. So I think I can see Sam going to have a genuine conversation with Nicole about that stuff. Sam seems like a good guy who just made some really bad mistakes. 

Bella...seems like an awful person to be around, as she got to play "victim" with the Nick stuff while not being confronted on her own role in the Bullying of Nicole. 

Nick also, for the record, needs to really apologize to Nicole. He did a bit in the house, but it's not enough, especially after what he did say to her that week. At least he had the decency to look a little bit mortified last night when Julie brought it up. At least, I think he looked a bit mortified. Better than Tommy's "sympathetic nod" while he was a huge culprit in what went down that week. 

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2 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Sam seems like a good guy who just made some really bad mistakes. 

I have a hard time with Sam. There's that social media stuff that came out from him that I guess may or may not truly be him (seems like it is though) and also was awhile ago that was really bad. I could go either way with him either getting caught up in the environment and being genuinely sorry for that or he's an asshole that's better at pretending he's sorry than the rest of them lol.

Another shitty season with a shitty ending. On the plus side, I really do think I may have finally broken my habit. Granted, I said this after BB8 and then still watched for another 13 years so. I mean, I haven't genuinely enjoyed this show in so long. It's literally just an addiction now. The only real enjoyment I get out of it is coming here.

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21 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Well, Jack already got his clips of what he did wrong, so he knew pretty much exactly what he was supposed to be apologizing for.

Christie and Jackson were definitely taken by surprise and obviously they couldn't really apologize to the extent that was needed. 

But what they said didn't help matters:

Christie: I don't know what I said, but I was PMS'ing! (Me: That's not how PMS'ing works, Christie. It's not a Get Out Of Free Bitch Card)

Jackson: Sorry if I offended you. (Me: So many people don't realize that this is a non-apology).

Jack: I can't apologize enough....sorry won't do any good (Me: Well, maybe....still say sorry anyway instead of not even saying the fucking word)

I did think Jack had the best apology - I forgot that he was shown clips. To me he seemed sincere. Will he change? I have my doubts but we can hope. 

Obviously the other two didn't because they don't know what they're needing to apologize for. 

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4 minutes ago, slasherboy said:

Is Nicole's choker a tattoo or a real piece of jewelry?

I don't feel the least bit bad for Jackson.  

If it's the type I remember from high school - it's a stretchy plastic piece of jewelry. Basically one size fits all. Weird to seem them making a comeback. 

Edited by Dmarie019
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9 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I have a hard time with Sam. There's that social media stuff that came out from him that I guess may or may not truly be him (seems like it is though) and also was awhile ago that was really bad. I could go either way with him either getting caught up in the environment and being genuinely sorry for that or he's an asshole that's better at pretending he's sorry than the rest of them lol.

Another shitty season with a shitty ending. On the plus side, I really do think I may have finally broken my habit. Granted, I said this after BB8 and then still watched for another 13 years so. I mean, I haven't genuinely enjoyed this show in so long. It's literally just an addiction now. The only real enjoyment I get out of it is coming here.

The stuff about him blocking Kemi stans or something? Is that the social media stuff that is being said? Because if it is, for the record, I HAVE seen Sam like pro-Kemi tweets as well. 

If there's something else that I am missing about Sam, though, please let me know because I am clearly forgetting about something!

I think that I lean toward the direction that Sam is a good guy. I haven't seen evidence that he's a spiteful person. 

Just now, Dmarie019 said:

I did think Jack had the best apology - I forgot that he was shown clips. To me he seemed sincere. Will he change? I have my doubts but we can hope. 

Meanwhile, I felt like Jack wasn't sincere at all. He sounded totally scripted and rehearsed (well, yeah, because he had the most time to come up with something so of course he had the best apology). I think I need to see Jack in the real world now and see what happens with him over the next few months, similarly to Jackson. 

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Well summer family, it's been fun.  I liked the new format of the finale, but I wish they hadn't wasted so much time on letting people apologize for something they didn't understand they had done.  Kemi was right, you can't apologize if you don't know what you did was wrong (or remember).  That sucked all the air out of the finale.  I enjoyed Jackson's face walking through the confetti, and his mother's reassurances to enjoy himself as the credits rolled, telling him they would talk about it later. 

See ya'll next year!  

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45 minutes ago, Concrtslt said:

Only Bella and Sam would have been able to actually watch back and see what they did, regarding Nicole—I would have liked for them to be confronted and have to answer for their part in the hateful exclusion, and hear about their perspective on it outside of the fishbowl.  Especially Bella!  What she did to Nicole stands out as one of the worst if not the worst thing I saw on BB this year.  I’m not a live feeds watcher so I was not privy to the other behavior first hand, but Bella’s confrontation with Nicole just riled me up and made me so angry that I could barely stand to see her face last night.  How did she get away with not having to apologize to Nicole, and why did they give her a sympathy nod in regard to Nick’s behavior toward her?  Ugh!

The worst part of bella going after nicole was that nicole was revealing to her what the others were doing, leaving nick and bella out of an alliance while pretending to include them. Bella screamed at nicole that she was lying. 

I hope that all of the houseguests involved, understand that nicole being voted the favorite, means that we saw what they did, and "America " was on Nicole's side from that day forward.

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1 hour ago, Lady Calypso said:

Well, Jack already got his clips of what he did wrong, so he knew pretty much exactly what he was supposed to be apologizing for.

Christie and Jackson were definitely taken by surprise and obviously they couldn't really apologize to the extent that was needed. 

It is interesting that Jack didn't prepare the rest of the jury that those types of questions could very well be coming their way.  At the very least I would had thought he would have talked and talked and whined about how Julie roasted him on the way out of the House.

I also wanted to thank everyone who regularly post and make the thread great. I'll probably see a lot of you in The Survivor thread.  Also, if any of you happen to catch any of SNL, please join us over in that thread. It's fun in that thread, too.     

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Firstly I too would like to thank everyone who posted here... the live feed watchers especially for what they had to stomach while doing so. Thank you also for the education surrounding this show. And mostly for the "fall off the recliner" laughs! 🤣

A few thoughts before I switch over to lurking on the Survivor thread...

1. I don't know whether Jackson is a "Jack-level" racist... I suspect probably unconcious bias at least. However I do know without a doubt that he is card-carrying SEXIST! Ugh.

2. I'm so happy Nicole won AFP. I think she'll do well moving forward.

3. I personally did not get the sense that Jack's apology was sincere.

4. "Cum dumpster" is the most vulgar and offensive thing I have ever read here.

Look forward to seeing/reading you guys again next year.

Thanks so much! 🥰

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2 hours ago, Dmarie019 said:

So while I get BB producers wanted to give the audience what they wanted.... I think asking Christie, Jack and Jackson about how they feel about things they said about Kemi was a little stupid since they obviously have no idea what they said. Like Kemi said, you can't apologize for something if you don't know what you're apologizing for. At the very least they should have added in some clips if they wanted to go down that road. What else were those 3 suppose to say other than "if i offended you I apologize and I love you has a person".  I'm not surprised none of them remember what they said.  A little refresher would have been nice! 

What do you mean they have no idea about what they said?  

They were all present in the convos.  Obsessing over Kemi....especially.   Contributing.   It wasn’t gossip....etc.

Jacks was shown clips.  So, he knows the scenes.

They have been in Jury House together and I am sure Jack told them all about it. 

I can only imagine the conversations they were having about Kemi, David and Ovi in the Jury House without the cameras.

They probably knew they were going to be ask about their racist comments, etc. 

I am sure Jack was like......’don’t be surprise is the comments come up.....and, they do y’all like they did me.’

This is why Jack had his answer ready. This was Round 2 for him. 

I am sure Jack was probably a little happy it was brought to the other HGs.....so, that he was not the only one being called out by Julie.

When Kemi was talking they were all there smirking with ‘Ugh, whatever’ faces. 

Christie will forever use the PMS excuse.  

That witch must bleed the devil’s own blood every single month! 

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I will miss the daily snark here.  I'm not a big Survivor or TAR fan, so I guess I'll have to rely on the Commercials forums to entertain me.

I'm sure most of the Hamsters have handlers and PR people now and they've already negotiated appearances on several other reality shows.  Lawt knows we've seen other BB alums on MTV competitive shows, "Love Island" and other "looking for love/lust" shows.

Till next summer, in the words of Lesley Ann Warren in Victor/Victoria:  "...And don't kid yourself! You ain't seen the last of me yet!"

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2 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

Another shitty season with a shitty ending. On the plus side, I really do think I may have finally broken my habit. Granted, I said this after BB8 and then still watched for another 13 years so. I mean, I haven't genuinely enjoyed this show in so long. It's literally just an addiction now. The only real enjoyment I get out of it is coming here.

I barely even watch the feeds anymore. Just reading the updates is enough to make my skin crawl most days. Actually hearing these people was starting to give me agita.  

I've had people tell me that maybe just watching the episodes and not following spoilers would make it a more enjoyable experience. And it might but I don't see myself ever going that route. 

I'd like to say my habit is being broken but I think my real addiction is following along here and enjoying the banter. Although I don't contribute nearly as much as I used to. 

I'm sure I'll be back next season. I just hope we get a better cast and a more fair game. There were way too many physical competitions this season for my liking. At least it seemed that way. 

Edited by Cutty
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41 minutes ago, vb68 said:

It is interesting that Jack didn't prepare the rest of the jury that those types of questions could very well be coming their way.  At the very least I would had thought he would have talked and talked and whined about how Julie roasted him on the way out of the House.

I didn't watch his exit interview with julie - the clips he was shown, was he the only one shown doing something? I wonder if he did tell them what happened but may have only thought he was the one getting beef from it.  Or he was told not to talk about it in the jury house because BB wanted this moment for the finale. 

There are rumors that they aren't allowed to speak much in the jury house. I've never really believed that but who knows.

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