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S04.E08: Nowhere To Run

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Colt and Larissa face legal issues again; Jay's sister confronts him about the truth; Chantel faces off with Pedro's sister; Elizabeth's baby shower has an unwanted guest; Pao's mom rejects her birth plan. 

Is there something weird going on with TLC? Because this is the 2nd or 3rd week now that an episode is available on demand before it even airs. Maybe I am missing something and it did air....and I am just an airhead. Anyway, if anyone has watched/is watching this episode, chime in. It is of course, as always, a total dumpster fire of snark. 

Edited by Drogo
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8 minutes ago, Hannah94 said:

Colt and Larissa face legal issues again; Jay's sister confronts him about the truth; Chantel faces off with Pedro's sister; Elizabeth's baby shower has an unwanted guest; Pao's mom rejects her birth plan. 

Is there something weird going on with TLC? Because this is the 2nd or 3rd week now that an episode is available on demand before it even airs. Maybe I am missing something and it did air....and I am just an airhead. Anyway, if anyone has watched/is watching this episode, chime in. It is of course, as always, a total dumpster fire of snark. 

Thank you, Drogo. I noticed that right away and tried to edit the hyphen to a colon but I am not tech savvy and couldn't figure out how to do it. 

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3 minutes ago, Spike said:

The Coltie shittie hittie the fannie.

Oh shut-uppy! (Totally kidding, but I laughed my ass off when she said that and I use it several times a day now, much to the dismay of my friends, coworkers, and family!)

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1 hour ago, Neurochick said:

This episode was a hot mess (kind of like Pedro's sister's outfit...what was that anyway...slutty milkmaid?) and I loved it.

All that was missing were Mouse Ears and she could have passed as Slutty Minnie. 

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13 minutes ago, itsadryheat said:

Chantel continues to lose points with me. Because of HER mouth and shitty, entitled attitude I have no empathy for her and the situation she finds herself in. I'm rooting against her.

First of all; why do we need anybody to root for on a TV show?  Is this a sporting event?

Second, why is Chantel any more entitled than Pedro's mama and ugly sister?  They expect Pedro to pay their rent.  The man is married, how fucked up is that.  Is the mama disabled?  Is the sister disabled?   Can either of these women work?  Why don't they?  Oh, that's right, why work when they have their very own welfare check via Pedro.

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I watched this like 3 times, because of interruptions and such. This episode seems very scripted. Both Chantel and Pedro's sister (in her dumb ass polka dot onesie thing - what the shit is she wearing, for real?) seem to be on the verge of laughter while they are "fighting".  

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17 hours ago, RealReality said:

I know that if this behavior mattered to me as much as it matters to chantal, I would probably do a little research on the culture or ask a few questions before I got married.

But on the other hand, Pedro too knew that he was marrying an American and that in Chantel's culture adult sons don't have to support a parent who is able to work.

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3 hours ago, Neurochick said:

But on the other hand, Pedro too knew that he was marrying an American and that in Chantel's culture adult sons don't have to support a parent who is able to work.

But the only person pressed is Chantal, so if this behavior and cultural difference was going to bother her this much...which it is now...she should have asked.  

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In my life of watching reality TV, I have yet to encounter anyone as terrible as Pedro's sister. She is so jealous of Chantel that she's literally consumed with getting Pedro away from her. I think Pedro's sister thinks that if he spends time with his friends and has fun he will leave Chantel, and she and her mom and putting major pressure on him to dump her. Seriously, if Chantel's family and Pedro's family left them alone, they would probably break up. The only thing keeping them together is the excitement and attention they get from their family in this drama of forbidden love. 

I don't see any love between them. 

Andrei and the wife are pretty much exactly the same. They are both spoiled. They are both irritable. Neither seem very friendly or happy. They both yell at each other and have grumpy unhappy personalities. Either of them is always complaining or unhappy about something. The way Andrei treats her is exactly  how she talks to her family. They are a match!

I think they are a good couple actually. I've never seen two people who were so equal in sour pussnes get together.

I like that Andrei wants to get away from the dad. But the daughter is so dependent on her family, I don't see that happening. Andrei will end up being in the family business, hating it, complaining, and they will bitch about it for their entire lives. but they will bitch about anything and everything their entire lives so it doesn't really matter.

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I’m still laughing at the poster who long ago named Nicole, “Pedro’s piranha-mouthed sister.” LOL! When she showed up to meet Chantal in that outfit, my mind immediately went to those red and white polka dot piranha plants from Super Mario Brothers. 

Edited by charmed1
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The bright pink lipstick and braces finished the outfit! I had to laugh when Chantal commented in her TH about Nicole's outfit, she's been known to wear some provocative clothing herself. When she and Pedro were walking around the city together, I was distracted by her jiggly boobs and skin tight pants which showed off her wide thighs and possible cameltoe. 

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7 hours ago, magemaud said:

The bright pink lipstick and braces finished the outfit! I had to laugh when Chantal commented in her TH about Nicole's outfit, she's been known to wear some provocative clothing herself. When she and Pedro were walking around the city together, I was distracted by her jiggly boobs and skin tight pants which showed off her wide thighs and possible cameltoe. 

 Battle of the mean girls!! I’m betting both of them were brutal in school to anyone they considered less attractive.  

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3 hours ago, Mrs. Hanson said:
4 hours ago, Neurochick said:

And "wide thighs" are bad because....

Girl, if those are wide thighs......please don't look at mine.

Okay, I didn't describe her figure accurately. What I meant was the tops of her legs widening into her hips are very angular but she's not fat, just muscular. I'm sure she's athletic and toned, being a cheer coach and all, but I don't think those pants were flattering. 

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I don't disagree with a lot of what you have written regarding Andrei and Libby and how SHE keeps throwing fuel on the dumpster fire of their lives . . . but . . . 

No matter who he is talking to, Andrei comes across as smug and "in charge."  Who shows up at a job interview - for which he had an appointment and knew where he was going - in a pair of shorts?  Even here in Arizona, where people wear shorts EVERYWHERE, I felt his clothes and demeanor did NOT communicate, "I want a job, and I respect the process enough to dress/behave appropriately."  He didn't say anything about "My wife is pregnant . . . would there be a problem with me not accepting long hauls close to her due date?"  He just said, "Can I turn down jobs?"  He reminded me of those interviews we see on Facebook and youtube as an example of how NOT to get hired.

And even if he did want to stop Libby from texting with her sisters at that exact moment, it might have been more effective if he had pulled over to the side of the road, turned to her and said, "Libby - you are obviously upset, and continuing to text with your sisters is not a good idea for you, or for the baby.  Please put away your phone."  And then he should have stayed parked until she did.  His aggressive grabbing of the phone - especially while he was driving - just wasn't okay.

And I agree that Libby's father maybe should have talked to Andrei about the yard work at their free rental.  But she works with her father, and they were probably already together.  And he's maybe not used to having to pussyfoot around the feelings of grown men.

No tomatoes being thrown from here . . . just a different view.

(Oh, and regarding your problem with text being in strike-out mode - you must have had that button pushed in at the top of the window where you type.  I've been known to accidentally push in one of those buttons.)

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2 hours ago, TwirlyGirly said:

Yesterday I had the rebroadcast of this episode on in the background while I was doing other things.

I was taking a break when the scene with Elizabeth and Andrei in the car aired, and so I watched it again.

Then I started thinking about all we've been shown with the two of them in the current season, and I have some thoughts about their situation different from what the majority of posters here have said - in this, and previous episode threads.

First I want to address the issue with Andrei and truck driving:

When I lived in North Texas, I had a friend who went through truck driving school. He is Muslim, and before he enrolled, he stipulated he wouldn't be able to haul alcoholic beverages as cargo. The school assured him that would be okay; companies would allow him to refuse those runs.

He paid his tuition (several thousand dollars, IIRC), completed the course, got his license, and applied to all the companies in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area. Those companies told him no, he could NOT refuse any cargo (no religious exemptions were allowed). So he was out thousands of dollars AND he couldn't get a job. 

I suspect something similar happened with Andrei. Libby's pregnant, and he wants to make sure he can be there for the birth, if any issues crop up with the pregnancy, or after the baby is born. The school probably told him he'd be able to refuse runs, or only accept short ones, even as a new hire. Then, once Andrei went through the program, got his license, and began job hunting, he discovered he wouldn't be allowed to do that (that is what we heard at the interview we saw in one of the episodes). If that's the case, I can't fault Andrei. I can just imagine how Libby - not to mention her father and sisters - would react if Libby went into labor (or had a medical emergency related to her pregnancy or the birth) when  Andrei was in the middle of a 26-day run and told Libby "Sorry, babe. See you in two weeks."

Now, onto the rest:

When the season began, we learned Libby and Andrei were living in a house owned by Libby's dad; rent free in exchange for work on the house and property tasked to Andrei.

Andrei wasn't keeping up with the work, which upset Libby's dad. He complained to Libby, who then told Andrei.

That created the problem which led Andrei wanting to move:

If Andrei was supposed to do the work, Libby's dad should have spoken directly to Andrei. A parent who has an issue with their son or daughter-in-law should not put their child in the middle to resolve that issue. If there were mitigating circumstances affecting Andrei's ability to perform the work in a timely manner (and I'm not saying there were), had Libby's dad gone directly to Andrei, they could have discussed it and possibly come up with a plan to complete the work in a timeframe agreeable to them both. If not, they would have hashed it out. 

Instead, Libby relayed the issue to Andrei. Andrei became upset, and told Libby they would move out immediately. Libby knew they didn't have enough money to do so, so she went behind Andrei's back, borrowed money from her father, then lied to Andrei about how she got the money. 

That's what created the problem with their current living situation (not being able to afford the rent on Libby's salary alone):

Libby said, at one point, Andrei didn't know how much the upfront costs (security deposit/first and last month's rent?) were to rent another place. Instead of going to her father for the money, Libby should have said to Andrei "Okay, let's go look at some places." Then, at each place they visited, made sure the total amount they would need to sign a lease was clearly communicated to Andrei by whomever was showing them the property.

Unless Libby keeps their bank balance a secret from Andrei (which I doubt), he'd KNOW they didn't have enough money to make the move. That would have forced him to suck up whatever issues he had with Libby's dad, continue staying in the house and doing the work on the house and property in exchange for free rent, and if moving was really that important to him - getting a job and saving enough money to do so.

Libby also bears most of the responsibility for the scene in the car:

Her sisters, once again, inserted themselves in Andrei and Libby's marriage when they were ostensibly helping her with her baby shower registry. We've seen them do this before. Not surprisingly, Libby got angry with them and left.

She hadn't driven herself to her sister's house, so she had to call Andrei to pick her up early. The first thing she did after getting into the car was to start venting to Andrei about what had happened to make her leave.

If this had been a one-off situation with her sisters, fine. But it wasn't. Her sisters have been doing this since before Andrei set foot on American soil, and Andrei's had to listen to it, over and over again, for a year and a half now.

Libby has had dozens of opportunities to shut them down, but she hasn't done it. All she had to do was to say "I'm not discussing this with you. Do you think we can talk about something else? If not, I'm leaving." And then, if they'd continued, LEAVE.

If Libby had done this from the very beginning, it would have stopped a long time ago. But she didn't. 

She explains. She defends. She argues. 

She shares information with them about their relationship, which only serves to provide them with more ammunition to use against her.

It's not until she gets completely fed up she'll try and put a stop to it, but by then it's too late. Libby has done a great job at teaching them just how much they can get away with in regards to their opinions/advice of her relationship with Andrei - and anything beyond "If I want your input I'll ask for it, and if you refuse to honor that, I will leave" is too much. 

So, I don't blame Andrei for getting upset at Libby's "venting", because he's heard it all before. He knows Libby can put a stop to it, could have done so a long time ago - but she won't. And then she tries to put the responsibility to fix the relationship between Andrei and her family on Andrei - a relationship she had a hand in poisoning by sharing their relationship issues with them!

Like Chantel and Pedro - if there are problems in your marriage, go see a marriage therapist. Your family cannot and will not be objective - especially if they've indicated they didn't like/haven't trusted your spouse from the beginning.

The straw that broke the camel's back that day, in the car, was Andrei's discovery Libby was continuing the conflict by texting with her sisters on the way home.

Wait a minute. She called Andrei to pick her up early because her sisters were going on and on about Andrei and Libby's marriage, she couldn't take it anymore, and she wouldn't shut it down. She subjected Andrei to a rehash of what happened as soon as she got in the car. And then instead of ignoring her sister's texts which were a continuation of the exact same conflict she just left, she responded to them? Just a few minutes after she told them she didn't want to hear it and was leaving, and she told her husband she couldn't deal with them anymore? Was she kidding? If Libby was going to do that, she should have just stayed and left Andrei out of it.

I would have snatched that phone away from Libby, too! (I was surprised he didn't chuck it out the window. I thought he was going to). 

I've been trying to figure out what Libby gets out of creating and escalating these conflicts. The only thing I can think of is perhaps because she's the youngest in the family, she feels (rightly or wrongly) she didn't get enough attention growing up. But due to her relationship with Andrei and the conflicts that have arisen from it (conflicts which she activity participates in escalating, through oversharing with her family, refusing to set - and enforce - boundaries with them, and relaying all her conflicts with her family involving her marriage and Andrei to Andrei), she's now the center of attention in her family and with Andrei. 


<Ducks to avoid the rotten tomatoes I suspect will soon be thrown in my direction>

I've always maintained that Libby enjoys shit stirring and I think she enjoys being a victim.  I have no idea why she continues to do it in spite of the fact that it blows up in her face, especially with Andrei.

It's telling that Libby didn't get in a huff and puff with her sisters until one of them said or suggested that it was Libby's fault for taking advantage of their dad.  Had they just shittalked Andrei I suspect Libby would have been fine, it's when you suggest that Libby may not be a victim is when it becomes an issue.

The easiest way to avoid that conflict would have been to just put the crib on the registry.  But that wouldn't have fed Libby's neverending need to be the victim.

And I don't blame the sister for getting annoyed. Suggesting that the dad ought to again pay for a house because they are too good to raise a child in an apartment when they don't have a pot to piss in it a window to throw it out of is annoying.

I get that Andrei wants to be there for the birth of his child.  I don't remember him saying that, and maybe miss Joyce would have understood.  But even if she didn't, he has a family to provide for, and for years men weren't allowed anywhere near childbirth and men in the service miss childbirth all the time.  It's nice for him to be there, but not as necessary as supporting his family.

I also don't blame Libby's dad for not wanting to talk to Andrei about the fact that his expectations about the house aren't being met.  As stank as Libby's attitude was, Andrei's would have been worse.  Libby should have been grateful enough to her father to apologize and calmly approached it with Andrei, which may have resulted in it getting done.  Instead Libby again shittalked with the hope of being the victim and it went too far and Andrei insisted they move out.

The father has been calm with Andrei, but if it were me, and Andrei came at me with his attitude ....I would have immediately gotten angry and kicked them out of the house and good luck finding a place with no income.

And Andrei is that guy who would be proud enough to have he and Libby living out of a car or in a shelter.  

I can't agree that snatching a phone out of someone's hand is okay, especially when done in anger and to enforce some directive.  I really think it's a hop, skip and a jump away from a shove, a push, or a slap.  If he had pulled the car over and refused to move an inch until she put her phone in the trunk would have been fine.  Neither of them have anything to do, so he could have sat there all night.

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No tomatoes from here either, Twirly, because I agree that so many of Elizabeth’s problems seem self-induced.  Andrei has much to learn as well. 

Problem resolution is a thing.  It’s one of the reasons I question the wisdom in MAFS’s inclusion of Deonna who “dated herself” for 10 years.  Elizabeth and Chantel are not very good at it.

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23 hours ago, iwasish said:

Battle of the mean girls!! I’m betting both of them were brutal in school to anyone they considered less attractive.  

Well that would mean Pedro's sister was not brutal at all because there cannot be anyone less attractive than her. 

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Yeah, Chantel and Nicole are very jealous of one another, and they are both fighting over Pedro. I'm sure Pedro is loving it. Nicole is definitely a mean girl, but she seems like someone that has been picked on a lot. Personally, I wouldn't want to mess with Chantel. If she won't get you, her family will is the vibe I get. 

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7 minutes ago, bravofan27 said:

Yeah, Chantel and Nicole are very jealous of one another, and they are both fighting over Pedro. I'm sure Pedro is loving it. Nicole is definitely a mean girl, but she seems like someone that has been picked on a lot. Personally, I wouldn't want to mess with Chantel. If she won't get you, her family will is the vibe I get. 

I'm wondering whether you can get through DR customs with a stun gun in your suitcase. 

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43 minutes ago, Pasha Kitty said:

Chantal is comfortable walking around Santo Domingo (or wherever they are) in that dress?????  It's unbuttoned to the nth degree, and so damn tight. Ridiculous!

Chantel is not in any danger.  After all, she is being followed by a camera crew. 

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Larissa should have known better than to ask Colt Tea for a $240 hairdo. This MF thinks he's actual hot shit!! The way he's telling this story with the haircut and what he thinks is sexy stubble. Smirking about the cops coming with their guns drawn because "people online" called the police. It's not adding up. If Larissa locked herself in the bathroom, he should have left her ass there! Instead he deactivates her phone? Now he's so concerned with her well being🙄 I'm sure she acted a whole fool in front of the cops while Country Crock Colt calmly explained himself. That's why they uncuffed him and charged her. He didn't have $1000? Not buying that either. 

Chantel has been in the DR for a day and she's starting to think it was a bad idea..... 😆 These people are so bullheaded. 

I think Paola just has hormonal pregnancy issues in addition to being Paola.

Undddrrrthei has become the stereotypical lazy American glued to his couch/bed/phone. 

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Coltee said that Debbie was “on holiday.” I’ve never heard an American refer to vacation as “holiday.” Weird.

How the hell was Chantal able to keep those buttons fastened? I don’t even bother with anything with buttons because my bazooms will send them flying like bullets. Chantal’s buttons didn’t even have gaps.

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On 6/14/2019 at 10:34 PM, magemaud said:

No words! 


What the hell kind of chair is that? It looks like a haystack. Yet Larissa was concerned about a slot machine in the kitchen? Hell, get rid of the ugly-ass chair (and the ugly ass in it) first!

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15 minutes ago, happy hobo said:

What the hell kind of chair is that? It looks like a haystack. Yet Larissa was concerned about a slot machine in the kitchen? Hell, get rid of the ugly-ass chair (and the ugly ass in it) first!

And the flock of seagulls hair!

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