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S09.E18: Pardon Our French

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2 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

I didn't catch Erica's sweater but I have a few with holes already in them--and with, like, runs in the threads as part of the design (runs like you get in tights; not sure if the word applies to sweaters?). Anyway, I like them--not that I even need to buy shit with pre-fab holes in it (except to get my head and arms through, hahahhaaa!); give me any long-sleeved sweater and somehow I will have a hole in the &^%#%$#@ elbow in a matter of hours, it seems. 

There are places that specialize in reweaving holes in garments. It wouldn't surprise me that these disposable RHW's might not know that with all their designer wear.

Dorinda might because of John.

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1 minute ago, Yours Truly said:

But it's the trying to get Erica to be mad about it that bothered me. Then seeming to be bothered by Erica for NOT being mad about it. I think it's going to morph into Erica's indifference ='s her cosigning Rinna's rudeness to Kim and I think Erica is sensing that possible shift in narrative.  No she doesn't want to have a beef with Rinna over what Rinna did to Kim using her performance persona. I don't think that means Erica approved, just that she's not jumping into the fight on behalf of the others gripes with Rinna. She's made it clear that she's is cool with Rinna, she doesn't want to scold Rinna and that she doesn't have any ill will towards Rinna. Teddy and especially Kyle don't like that answer and are trying to convince Erica that she should be mad and she should want to scold Rinna and going as far as kinda making Erica feel bad for not using her ownership of the persona as a right to chastise Rinna a bit. They are basically trying to speak for Erica and Erica's not wrong to be annoyed by that. 

Kyle needed to address her feelings toward Rinna head on and not manufacture this whole "How fucked up of you to use Erica Jayne in such a disrespectful way..... tell her Erica!!" Therefore shifting the fight to Erica to finish. No Kyle, this is your fight so go ahead and fight it. Kyle was in the right so shit, why the fuck you looking for someone to lay on the bulk of the scolding?

See, this is what I don't agree with. I don't think that they were bothered by Erika's indifference - at least with Teddi, I honestly think she was just trying to understand.  But I think that Erika and Teddi's relationship is so weirdly fraught that Erika was assuming that Teddi was baiting her and Teddi was reacting to Erika's shift in mood.

I do think that Kyle and Teddi were bothered by Erika's emotional withdrawal at the table. To their mind, I think, they thought they were defending Erika from Rinna's misuse of her EJ persona, and therefore, I think that they were surprised that Erika was actually mad at them for bringing it up.  Now, again, this is a case where I think Teddi and Kyle should have said something to Erika about whether or not she was bothered by it BEFORE they had the conversation with Rinna. So I am not saying that they didn't make some missteps here. (And like you, I think Kyle should have just told Rinna directly she was irritated by what happened).

But I don't think that they were so much upset the Erika was unbothered - they were more upset by the fact that they didn't really get the direction the conversation was going in and that Erika seemed more upset with them for mentioning it than with Rinna for doing it.

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12 hours ago, eleanorofaquitaine said:

No, I don't think that they think Erika should think what they were thinking. IMO, they just didn't understand.

As for the second thing, I don't really understand the argument. Erika doesn't get to dictate how Kyle feels about Rinna's inappropriate behavior. Admittedly, since they shifted it to that discussion, I understand why she might have thought that way but Kyle made it clear that she was bothered by Rinna's behavior. So why should she have to "drop it" just because Erika wants her to?

I am not addressing the LVP stuff because the argument wasn't about LVP. 

I think Erica wants them to leave her out of it tho. Kyle can feel however she wants about it she just can't dictate to Erica how she should feel towards Rinna about it and she's right. 

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Just now, Yours Truly said:

I think Erica wants them to leave her out of it tho. Kyle can feel however she wants about it she just can't dictate to Erica how she should feel towards Rinna about it and she's right. 

This, I do agree with. I don't think Kyle should have to drop the entire incident because Erika says so. But I do think she should leave Erika out of it, since she has made it clear she's not bothered by it.  Kyle can say directly that Rinna acted inappropriately, with or without the EJ persona, at Farrah's party.

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3 hours ago, ChitChat said:

They were concerned for about a minute.  One minute it's 'oh no, all of the houses are burning down.'  The next minute it's 'ooh, look at the shiny bauble over there!'  

Well.  Yes.  But what can they do -- get back on a plane and weed through flames to save Camille, Denise and their homes?  I do think they were concerned and upset.  There's just little to do.  And while they're there, they might as well try to enjoy what Provence has to offer.  

Edited by filmfan2480
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2 hours ago, Jack Terrier said:

Erikas cold aloofness drives me out of my mind.  You're on a TV show.  Show me something other than "I'm so bored" and "I'm so above this" face.  The body language and bitch face do nothing for me.

Look, I get it.  Kyle and Teddi were nagging the subject but Rinna put them in a place to ask questions.  Rinnas "acting" on behalf of Erika was ridiculous in itself.  Just OWN IT Rinna!  And owning it may have you answering questions that you might not enjoy.  If you're cunty (god I hate that word) attitude (while playing a character) gave you the balls to address Kim and move forward with her then maybe her sister has some questions for you.  It's really not that deep Rinna and Erika.  Answer a few questions without being bored and bitchy and the subject would have dropped.

This was Halloween where you get to dress up as slutty nurse, a superhero, a slasher killer. You get to safely lower your inhibitions to a degree. 

I can understand how Lisa Rinna felt freer to express herself to Twitch that night but she still needs to take responsibility for the words, the place and the way Lisa Rinna did it.  She was a guest in someone's home attacking their relative. It was wrong regardless of whether she was dressed as Erika Jayne or Dorothy. It was wrong even if it lead to the supposed truce between herself and Twitch. She owes Kyle an apology for that.

Erica made sense. It doesn't reflect on her because it was LR doing it not her and it just happened to be in EJ costume. I would understand if Erica had a different response had Lisa Rinna had done something far more egregious. Erica also seems to give a pass to her friends such as  Eileen mockingly spreading her legs during pantygate. Even if Erica was secretly miffed at Lisa the ladies should respect her view and her wish to leave her out of it. Likewise Erica should respect that Kyle was upset about what, how and where it was done.  

Kyle was entitled to be offended at Lisa R. attacking her sister and doing it in her home. She can be upset that Rina used a friends alternative persona while attacking but she also must respect that the friend wasn't offended.

They all need to agree and respect that each feels differently and move on, let it drop. We'll see.

Once again Babydoll Cougar doesn't have a dog in this fight, she's inserting herself where she doesn't belong and getting her poor little feelings hurt. No sympathy for the buttinski. She obviously is too thick to learn the lessons from past unwelcomed kibitzing.

The better, truer costume for Rinna would have been to dress in pink, shove her hand up a stuffed dog's ass to use it as a muff, then insult Kim in a English accent and brush it off as English humor.  

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On 6/12/2019 at 8:51 AM, 918lux said:

I don't get why Kyle can't just say, "you came in to my home and insulted my sister at a family event and that is offensive, regardless of if you said it as Lisa Rinna, Erika Jayne or Big Bird."  Oh wait, yes I do, because then we couldn't have a whole scene of Teddi on the verge of tears, Dorit rolling her eyes, Erika looking pissed and Rinna giving us bullshit about how the Erika Jayne persona gave her the confidence to speak up for herself.

As if Rinna has ever foregone any opportunity to run those egregious lips about whatever insulting or nasty subject ever entered her spiteful brain.

Edited by renatae
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36 minutes ago, Giselle said:

Kyle was entitled to be offended at Lisa R. attacking her sister and doing it in her home. She can be upset that Rina used a friends alternative persona while attacking but she also must respect that the friend wasn't offended.

They all need to agree and respect that each feels differently and move on, let it drop. We'll see.

While I agree, Kyle is entitled to her feelings on what Rinna said to Kim...there was plenty of time after the party and before they landed in Provence for Kyle to address it.

Kyle went shopping with Erika. She could have mentioned it then that she thought it was weird, rude and asked are you offended by what Lisa R did?

They all went to dinner after. Lisa Rinna was there, it was the dinner where Dorit talked about her Kitson window/ecom photo shoot and Kyle talked about closing down her store. No need to stew over it and wait till you are all in Provence - I don't think it ends at that dinner but continues with both Kyle and Teddi going at Erika because they don't like how she's responded so far. Looks like they turn it into you don't like hanging out with us.

Rinna didn't call Kim a CUNT she said giving Rinna the bunny was really cunty. My personal opinion currently is that Kim is High As A Georgia Pine cunt. A tiff at RH events is the norm - this was not a back and forth screaming match. Kyle can't be clutching her pearls offended by Rinna's comment when she thought the bunny giving was hilarious by her own admission in interviews.

Kyle is making it bigger than the imaginary balding head she has of herself. I see a beautiful head of healthy hair - I truly believe Kyle sees Benjamin Franklin head.

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6 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

While I agree, Kyle is entitled to her feelings on what Rinna said to Kim...there was plenty of time after the party and before they landed in Provence for Kyle to address it.

Kyle went shopping with Erika. She could have mentioned it then that she thought it was weird, rude and asked are you offended by what Lisa R did?

They all went to dinner after. Lisa Rinna was there, it was the dinner where Dorit talked about her Kitson window/ecom photo shoot and Kyle talked about closing down her store. No need to stew over it and wait till you are all in Provence - I don't think it ends at that dinner but continues with both Kyle and Teddi going at Erika because they don't like how she's responded so far. Looks like they turn it into you don't like hanging out with us.

Rinna didn't call Kim a CUNT she said giving Rinna the bunny was really cunty. My personal opinion currently is that Kim is High As A Georgia Pine cunt. A tiff at RH events is the norm - this was not a back and forth screaming match. Kyle can't be clutching her pearls offended by Rinna's comment when she thought the bunny giving was hilarious by her own admission in interviews.

Kyle is making it bigger than the imaginary balding head she has of herself. I see a beautiful head of healthy hair - I truly believe Kyle sees Benjamin Franklin head.

I suspect Kyle was fine to let it go since it seemed like it did help to bring about some detente between Rinna and Kim.  But Rinna keeps bringing up how much she was impacted by the Erika Jayne persona (which, to my eyes, is its own weird thing. Like, you dressed up as your friend's performance persona for one night. You didn't actually become Erika. Why are you still talking about it as this profound experience weeks later?). And she also keeps bringing it up as if it was this great thing for which she should be complimented. After a while, it gets old.

That being said, I do agree that Kyle should have brought it up to Rinna way before this dinner and if she had concerns about Erika feeling upset about it, she should have also mentioned it to her sooner. 

Edited by eleanorofaquitaine
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4 hours ago, BusyOctober said:

Rinna is going to hustle until she makes Amelia Gray (& the Other One) “happen”, come Hell or high water.  She raised those girls to be vapid, selfish and spoiled.  They watched their mother starve herself and obsess over her weight and looks for years. Like most women and girls in Hollywood/Beverly Hills, the outward appearance is all that matters.  Wear the right designer.  Carry the right bag.  Have a glam squad on retainer for even the most mundane trips out of the house. Eschew serious pursuit of an education; just get into a “prestigious” school thanks to your parents checkbook and/or connections. And above all, keep your face and antics in the public eye CONSTANTLY!  If you aren’t on Instagram or YouTube around the clock, promoting yourself or your ‘cause of the week’ or your favorite brand of 10” long fake eyelashes, then you don’t exist.

As the parent of one of these pretty-pretty outer shell young adults, Rinna now overcompensates for their lack in substance.  She exaggerates any perceived accomplishments.  Her daughter is an “activist” because she wants to study nutrition and psychology? Um...how ‘bout she gets a degree in either first, then puts her knowledge and skills to work?  If Amelia is an activist for talking about her eating disorder or her mom’s tv show, then is she a ‘writer’ because she signed her dad’s birthday card?  

I truly wish the young woman good health and recovery, but I don’t think she is helping anyone at this point in her “journey”.  No one with any type of disorder can make the announcement one week, declare themselves in recovery the next, then take on the role of activist or role model the next.  

Yes to this entire post.  My daughter dealt with female athlete anorexia nearly 5 years ago and "recovered" within a year. I can't imagine her (and neither can she quite frankly) being a role model or in a capacity to help people dealing with anorexia with it being so fresh.  But I am giving Amelia a pass because shes so young, and well, she has Rinna for a mother.  I certainly wish her well in dealing with her disease

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So many good points on this thread. I think you all have it covered. 

No matter how many times, she does it, I still get tickled when Kyle starts trying to buy clothes or accessories.  She's just so bad at it.  My goodness, what did she learn living in Beverly Hills for all these years?  Does good taste every wear onto someone?  I guess not.  She just can't help herself.  lol

And, I can't even remember who ordered the hamburger, but, I do have to agree with Dorit, and I hate saying that.....not a Dorit fan, but, why order a burger in that type of venue?  My dad does that a lot.  If we are in a famous barbeque restaurant, he'll order a chicken salad sandwich! lol Or, if we are in a steak house, he'll order lasagna.  lol  

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20 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

My dad does that a lot.  If we are in a famous barbeque restaurant, he'll order a chicken salad sandwich! lol Or, if we are in a steak house, he'll order lasagna.  lol  

I do things like that, but I don't like the taste of any beef except for burgers, especially since it is pretty  much raw most places.  Usually, I go for the seafood on the menu if I'm forced to go to a steakhouse. But no sushi!  My food must be COOKED!

Edited by izabella
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I don't delight in anyone's misfortune, but, when Kyle was talking about how she never showed hints of issues with body image with her daughters, I disagreed.  Maybe, she wasn't aware of it, but, Kyle's self conscious behavior about her body has been quite obvious to me, since she went on the show. I can't recall how many times that I posted about it. It made me uncomfortable watching her struggle with it.  Well, now that she's attributed it to an eating disorder, I'll have to stop commenting on it.  She can't help that and I do have compassion for anyone who suffers that way. HOWEVER,   she might want to explore it further though, because, even if she avoids strict diets, she STILL seems to be eaten up (pardon the pun) with insecurity about her body. Maybe, she's not over it as much as she claims.    

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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17 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

In the upcoming scene at the dinner table we see Erika without much makeup on. She looks so much better as Erika than she does as Erika Jane with the glam squad. 

Erika has always had amazing skin.  I'm totally jealous of it.

16 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

Of course Kyle is already on Twitter discussing her eating disorder. It’s all about Kyle. 69ABBC25-4D67-44A8-B482-8B30711B932B.thumb.jpeg.9a2ea543009aa7f8c22abcb25c52b422.jpeg

I can't really judge whether or not Kyle had an eating disorder or not.  It's possible she did.  But, Kyle is 5'2" tall.  My BFF is that height and when we were 17, she was lucky to top 95 lbs on a good day, as an athletic person.  It doesn't seem like 99 lbs is that crazy low of a weight for a 17 year old girl who is 5'2".  

15 hours ago, eleanorofaquitaine said:

 I think that part of the reason that the conversation kept going round and round is because Erika then shut down and kept saying she was "fine" when clearly SOMETHING was bothering her. So then they were in the position of having to ferret out what was bothering her. 

Here's the thing, if someone does something that involves me and then my friends ask me how I feel about it, I'll tell them.  Generally that sort of question is like "Are you good with that? I would be pissed if someone did that to me"  I can understand that, and I'd answer.  If I'm good with it, I'd say something like "Yeah, I can see how it was annoying, but John is always kind of a dick, so I don't really get worked up by what he does"  Or, perhaps, "Normally I would be upset, but I know that Sue had a rough week and didn't mean for it to come out the way it did, so it's fine"  All good.  After I've explained it, if you tell me how you wouldn't be able to let it go, that's cool, because you can have a different opinion, if you were in my shoes.  Where it's not good, though, is to keep asking me to explain things like I'll somehow have a different reaction because you've told me how you (not you personally, just the generic person that doesn't understand that John is always a dick), would respond.  Erika clearly did have something bothering her, but the thing that was bothering her wasn't Rinna, it was that Kyle and Teddi wouldn't stop.  They didn't need to ferret anything out, they needed to let it drop.  

13 hours ago, sheetmoss said:

Ir was a hamburger.

I wouldn't eat a hamburger that had any  pink--undercooked, for fear of salmonella.

   Same for raw eggs or an egg w/a runny yolk - it;s not worth being sick for

I like to live dangerously.  Not only do I like a medium rare burger, I like to put a runny egg on top of it!

6 hours ago, psychoticstate said:

Erika had it right when she apologized to the restaurant in advance for their presence.  She should have apologized to France in general.  

I was in France last month and it's a stunningly beautiful country.  These ladies are enjoying a vacay in Provence (while their so-called friends are trying to outrun the fires and/or lose their homes) and they are still bitching about LVP.  LET. IT. GO.

Seeing their shoes, no wonder they all needed so many damn suitcases.  Do they never wear jeans or leggings anywhere?  Why do you need to dress up around each other for breakfast or dinner at the chateau?  Just bizarre.  

Teddi needs an accountability coach to explain why she had her feet on the table at the chateau.  Tacky. Rude.  Classless.  

France is amazing.  I hate that they are ruining it.  

Teddi posted a video in response to her getting backlash for putting her feet on the table.  It has her charming husband sitting with his feet IN SHOES propped up on their dining room table.  I'm a casual person, I have no issues if you have your feet (shoeless) on my couch, my coffee table, etc.  I have been known to sit on my counters.  But don't you DARE put your shoes on my dining room table.  That's just nasty!

  • Love 22
2 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

While I agree, Kyle is entitled to her feelings on what Rinna said to Kim...there was plenty of time after the party and before they landed in Provence for Kyle to address it.

Kyle went shopping with Erika. She could have mentioned it then that she thought it was weird, rude and asked are you offended by what Lisa R did?

They all went to dinner after. Lisa Rinna was there, it was the dinner where Dorit talked about her Kitson window/ecom photo shoot and Kyle talked about closing down her store. No need to stew over it and wait till you are all in Provence - I don't think it ends at that dinner but continues with both Kyle and Teddi going at Erika because they don't like how she's responded so far. Looks like they turn it into you don't like hanging out with us.

Rinna didn't call Kim a CUNT she said giving Rinna the bunny was really cunty. My personal opinion currently is that Kim is High As A Georgia Pine cunt. A tiff at RH events is the norm - this was not a back and forth screaming match. Kyle can't be clutching her pearls offended by Rinna's comment when she thought the bunny giving was hilarious by her own admission in interviews.

Kyle is making it bigger than the imaginary balding head she has of herself. I see a beautiful head of healthy hair - I truly believe Kyle sees Benjamin Franklin head.

Totally agree.

But what percentage of housewives ever pick an appropriate time to discuss something with somebody. It's in the minority with these bitches. We're shocked when they do.

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14 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I don't delight in anyone's misfortune, but, when Kyle was talking about how she never showed hints of issues with body image with her daughters, I disagreed.  Maybe, she wasn't aware of it, but, Kyle's self conscious behavior about her body has been quite obvious to me, since she went on the show. I can't recall how many times that I posted about it. It made me uncomfortable watching her struggle with it.  Well, now that she's attributed it to an eating disorder, I'll have to stop commenting on it.  She can't help that and I do have compassion for anyone who suffers that way. HOWEVER,   she might want to explore it further though, because, even if she avoids strict diets, she STILL seems to be eaten up (pardon the pun) with insecurity about her body. Maybe, she's not over it as much as she claims.    

I thought the same, but she’s only human.   

That’s one reason I didn’t want to hate on her for her Halloween costume. It was refreshing to see her comfortable enough in her body to wear a sexy costume. She is a beautiful woman and won’t look the way she does now forever. If you got it, flaunt it honey! 

As for speaking about her eating disorder in the first place, I’ve been in her shoes struggling between sharing my story or not when other people bring up the subject. I’m not the type to share my problems with just anyone, but you feel like a liar sometimes when you don’t talk about it. It gives the impression you have no idea what it’s like to have an eating disorder when it’s the topic of discussion.  I don’t think Kyle was trying to make it about Kyle, just being honest about her past. 

As for her weight not being that low considering her youth and height, it’s true that it’s not at all unusual for a short teen to weigh that much. I am taller than Kyle and weighed less when I was anorexic. What’s a healthy weight for one person can be an unhealthy weight for another though. If you are more muscular, have larger breasts, or are curvier all around like Kyle, you will weigh more. 

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8 hours ago, smores said:

Erika has always had amazing skin.  I'm totally jealous of it.

I can't really judge whether or not Kyle had an eating disorder or not.  It's possible she did.  But, Kyle is 5'2" tall.  My BFF is that height and when we were 17, she was lucky to top 95 lbs on a good day, as an athletic person.  It doesn't seem like 99 lbs is that crazy low of a weight for a 17 year old girl who is 5'2".  

Here's the thing, if someone does something that involves me and then my friends ask me how I feel about it, I'll tell them.  Generally that sort of question is like "Are you good with that? I would be pissed if someone did that to me"  I can understand that, and I'd answer.  If I'm good with it, I'd say something like "Yeah, I can see how it was annoying, but John is always kind of a dick, so I don't really get worked up by what he does"  Or, perhaps, "Normally I would be upset, but I know that Sue had a rough week and didn't mean for it to come out the way it did, so it's fine"  All good.  After I've explained it, if you tell me how you wouldn't be able to let it go, that's cool, because you can have a different opinion, if you were in my shoes.  Where it's not good, though, is to keep asking me to explain things like I'll somehow have a different reaction because you've told me how you (not you personally, just the generic person that doesn't understand that John is always a dick), would respond.  Erika clearly did have something bothering her, but the thing that was bothering her wasn't Rinna, it was that Kyle and Teddi wouldn't stop.  They didn't need to ferret anything out, they needed to let it drop.  

I like to live dangerously.  Not only do I like a medium rare burger, I like to put a runny egg on top of it!

France is amazing.  I hate that they are ruining it.  

Teddi posted a video in response to her getting backlash for putting her feet on the table.  It has her charming husband sitting with his feet IN SHOES propped up on their dining room table.  I'm a casual person, I have no issues if you have your feet (shoeless) on my couch, my coffee table, etc.  I have been known to sit on my counters.  But don't you DARE put your shoes on my dining room table.  That's just nasty!

I like mine rare. Runny eggs are the best even on a salad.

Drinking out of the garden hose, snatching and eating tomatoes off the vine, allowing my dogs to lick me after sniffing dog butts and licking their own (now it's my cat), eating tamales from a shopping cart, and raw cookie dough and raw stuffing, and raw beef, plus the all important 5 second rule boosted my immunity. 

If it's my time to go it's my time to go.

Edited by Giselle
It's late but I'm clarifying. My dogs did the sniffing and the licking. Not me. And it's licking my face.
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17 hours ago, eleanorofaquitaine said:

I don't understand what was so difficult to understand about what Kyle and Teddi were saying and I don't think Teddi was being Kyle's "henchman." It's not that hard to see why Rinna's using the Erika Jayne persona was confusing AND it's also not so out-of-bounds for them to think Erika might have been insulted by it. 

I don't think that Kyle and Teddi were trying to "bait" Erika - I think that they were genuinely confused about Erika's indifference because, as they both said, if Rinna had used their personae to go after Kim, they would have been annoyed by it. I get that both Rinna and Erika think that Erika Jayne is a performance persona but still, if you aren't an actress or performer, I think that is difficult to understand.

But Erika really wanted to make it all about her when I thought that Kyle made it clear that she was annoyed that Rinna went after Kim - perfectly understandable since Kim is Kyle's sister and it was at Kyle's daughter's party. Rinna's inability to understand that Kyle actually may have more loyalty to her sister, as screwed as she is, and that she should probably apologize to Kyle is annoying. And as for Teddi, I think she honestly was just confused and trying to clarify. 

I understand what you are saying.  I was irritated at Rinna because EJ is't that mean to people.  But once you hear that EG wasn't irritated/mad at Rinna's creative license she should have been left out of the discussion.  Kyle had enough to be irritated about at Rinna going after her sister at her party.  Teddy had no beef and really should have kept her yap shut.  She just has to butt into every single conversation.  She is not some wise old sage.  She is a buttinsky.

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16 hours ago, njbchlover said:

I think that Teddi is sooo impressed with her new "fashionista" persona (I also think she's hired a stylist) that she wants to make sure that all these other women are noticing all the new designer additions to her wardrobe.

It was rude and ill mannered, for sure, though!  That table was probably some kind of antique.  

And Teddi still gets it wrong (IMHO)!  That dressy outfit of a leather skirt was awful.  She needs to find HER style because what she is doing looks like a costume.  

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16 minutes ago, Giselle said:


That's why I like my lettuce cooked extra well done. 😁

My first trip to Paris was during the Mad Cow Disease rage.

I had no qualms ordering all of the beef cooked medium rare. While I don't want to be able to hear the cow still mooing, I like the blood leaking onto the plate while it's resting.

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12 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

My first trip to Paris was during the Mad Cow Disease rage.

I had no qualms ordering all of the beef cooked medium rare. While I don't want to be able to hear the cow still mooing, I like the blood leaking onto the plate while it's resting.

No blood for me, but not over cooked. A firm medium although as long as there’s no blood I will do med-rare. It’s funny because I recently had and liked carpaccio. Yum, with truffle oil. 

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5 hours ago, islandgal140 said:

This whole episode had me going: "Why am I so poor?" I need Chateau Ventoux in my life. 

I loved that they actually went sight seeing and to the local open air market. Too many times these chicks just wind up at the mall in a Chanel shop.

Is she though? Are we really out here calling what Erika does performative art? That Erika Jayne is a performance persona? Really? How are they different? Is it cheap to be Erika Giradi but expensive to be Erika Jayne? Does Erika Girardi give all the fucks while Erika Jayne gives zero and none? Is Erika Jayne a pretty mess but Girardi an organized pile? The only difference I see between the two are catsuits, talk singing and a c#nty necklace. A distinction without a difference.  God bless her for doing what she always dreamed but I just think there is a difference between a true performance persona and just having a freaking stage name. 

PS. When Girardi is mad the gives no fucks comes shining through. 

I absolutely agree about the Teddi is insufferable part. Once Erika said she had no problem with it, Teddi should have STFU but we know she doesn't know how to do that.

Teddi was born and lives to be a minion. 

I had a hardy guffaw when Teddi and Kyle mentioned someone taking on their personas. How does one turn basic bitch into a performance piece? 

Apparently Kyle is in her hat phase.

Erika looks so much better with less makeup but that weave was entirely too much. I can see the weft sometimes. 

Loved Kyle's sparkly tiered skirt. 

I could not with Erika's holey sweater and you just know she probably paid hundreds of dollars for that mess, which wasn't even pretty. 

Erica followed her dream, but is not a dancer.  She struts around, bends down with legs spread, the guys pick her up and she splits her legs.  Her act is more flash, hair, makeup and boots and crazy outfits.  How many years can she keep that up?  When you are on Broadway, you are a dancer.

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32 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

My first trip to Paris was during the Mad Cow Disease rage.

I had no qualms ordering all of the beef cooked medium rare. While I don't want to be able to hear the cow still mooing, I like the blood leaking onto the plate while it's resting.

I don't mind the mooing. I make and order mine bleu to rare. At someone's home I'll suffer through medium rare if that's all there is but I don't really like it and won't eat much of it. Beyond that I'll just give it away.  It is just too dry, tough, crumbly, almost fuzzy in my mouth. Nope.

Edited by Giselle
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8 hours ago, Jel said:

It was a little Marie Antoinette!

Anorexic-style  (Let them not eat cake.)  

Wading into the deep end of the pool: Kyle spent this season behaving like a mean-girl pig; and a ballsy pig at that (a wild boar coming at you kind-of-pig. Nothing timid about attacking LVP in her own home,  Goodbye Kyle, or ignoring the brutality of dumping a dog. You have to have quite the callous heart to pull all that off, imo).  She's been an asshole since jump - chiding LVP for not noticing Kyle's own pain (equal to the loss of a brother by suicide) to bizarrely dragging her own daughter around like a life-sized doll on camera, as if that were a bright badge of motherhood.  And of course,  the unrelenting, gossipy harassment of LVP (a woman Kyle claimed was a dear friend. Hmm).

All of Kyle's masks fell away this season, imo. And the reaction was swift and negative. People hated her behaviour and on-display viciousness. And in the wake of all that, we are now suddenly being treated to a radically different version of Kyle than the one we've actually seen: a delicate Victorian maiden devoted to hearth and home, afflicted with nervous disorders, and once unable to eat but a drop of soup.  Golly. Almost looks like someone's trying desperately to repair her public image by playing one soft belly card after another, doesn't it  (See? I'm not the cold-hearted bitch you've been watching all season!) 

With all I've seen of Kyle this season, on screen and off, I found her (supposedly) spontaneous revelation unsettling.  I know what it is to battle your own body as if it were the enemy (as most women have in one way or another, imo)  and you don't throw that into the mix to repair your image, or buff your tarnished halo. It's too big and too serious for that kind of ego play. You share so others don't feel alone, not so people will leave you alone on social media. 

(Too long didn't read recap:  Fuck Kyle, fuck Rinna - I guess it's all Lois's fault now? -  and god help Amelia Gray.)

Edited by film noire
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14 hours ago, renatae said:

I wish she would. The hats are all ugly. The one time she wasn't wearing one, her hair looked fine.

The topper was the baseball hat she was wearing at home while just hanging out. She can lose them all, please. If this is her new signature look, she needs to refuse to give out autographs.

I wonder if a Chapeaux by Kyle line is looming...

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