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Which Podcasts Fuel Your Listening Pleasure?


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I listen regularly to many of the podcasts mentioned here, including that of our esteemed hosts, but I want to give a shout out to Jason Isaacs, uh, I mean to Kermode and Mayo's Film Reviews. It's not as scholarly as Filmspotting but is very entertaining wittertainment. The hosts bicker and banter, they have more in the way of interviews with directors and actors, and there's always hope for a fine Kermodian rant.

Hello to Jason Isaacs!

In Canada, we get a year of mat leave, so for my own personal sanity, I took my son on a lot of walks and listened to podcasts so I could hear other adults talk.

Ones I enjoy:

Extra Hot Great (Obviously!)
You Made It Weird with Pete Holmes (Comedians chatting)
Pop My Culture (Pop culture based celebrity interviews)
The Indoor Kids (a video game podcast)
Risk (Story-telling podcast hosted by Kevin Allison of The State)
Doug Loves Movies
The Dana Gould Hour
The Dead Authors Podcast (Paul F. Tompkins hosts as H.G. Wells and interviews other famous dead authors as voiced by other comedians - very funny!)
It's That Episode with Craig Rowin (Craig invites a guest to his place and they watch and talk about an episode of tv)
Wham Bam Pow (Action movie podcast)
Pop Culture Happy Hour (Similar to EHG)
Movie BS with Bayer and Snyder (Movie reviews and chat)
One Bad Mother (Parenting podcast - pretty good straight talk about motherhood if that is your jam)
Greg Proops Film Club (Specific movie discussions)

Will have to try some of the other recommendations on this thread!

Like a lot of people in this thread, I'm a fan of The Thrilling Adventure Hour and Welcome to Night Vale. I'd love to hear any recommendations people have for podcasts in a similar "audio drama" format (as opposed to someone reading/telling a written story into a microphone).

My other two regular podcasts are both by artist/author/Internet darling Ursula Vernon. The Hidden Almanac is a short (five minutes, posted three times a week) "this day in history" update (plus gardening tips) for a fictional and bizarre community, inspired by all the inaccurate comparisons made between WTNV and Garrison Keillor. Kevin And Ursula Eat Cheap is the only nonfiction podcast I listen to, and it is, as the name suggests, a show in which Ursula and her husband Kevin eat, discuss, and rate packaged food, sometimes for a nebulous value of 'food.' Funny as all hell, and frequently educational on topics you would not have expected to come up.


Like a lot of people in this thread, I'm a fan of The Thrilling Adventure Hour and Welcome to Night Vale. I'd love to hear any recommendations people have for podcasts in a similar "audio drama" format (as opposed to someone reading/telling a written story into a microphone).

Well, there was Earwolf's very silly Mike Detective from a few years ago: http://www.earwolf.com/show/mike-detective/

They had planned a second season, but I think they became too busy with the Comedy Bang! Bang! TV series.

I know the BBC do a lot of radio sitcoms and such, but they're usually not available as podcasts.

Edited by ApathyMonger
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In case you are interested, the Welcome to Night Vale / Thrilling Adventure Hour crossover show at Emerald City Comicon was fantastic.

Do you know if this is going to be on one/both of the podcasts / for sale / something? I want to listen to this more than basically anything else ever.

(I did get to go to a plain-old Welcome to Night Vale live show a few days ago, which was delightful.)

I'm just now getting into podcasts, so most of what I listen to is courtesy of Slate: Culture Gabfest, Political Gabfest, Double X, and Spoiler Special. I'll listen to the Spoiler special even if I have no interest in watching the movie or reading the book. I just like hearing the discussions.

This thread, however, has me adding some podcasts to my list.

Podcasts have become basically 90% of my entertainment intake, for reasons too varied to get into.  I watch few movies and TV but listen to plenty of podcasts about movies and TV.  Thus, my list is quite long.

So just listing out my weekly Must Listens. Most of them have had multiple mentions, but I'll elaborate on the ones I think need more publicity.

Stop Podcasting Yourself

Extra Hot Great


Funemployment Radio - Daily show out of Portland, OR started by two laid off radio personalities.  Light and breezy.  Good interviews with comedians passing through Portland.

Wait Wait Don't Tell Me

99% Invisible

Caustic Soda - Canadian Scientific/Historical comedy show. The subject is usually something horrifying or unsettling.  Serial murderers, Trench Warfare, people who got stuck at sea for long periods of time.  Then they make jokes about it and trace the impact in pop culture of the subject. More mentions than you might imagine of The Real Ghostbusters TV series.

You're the Expert - Originating from Cambridge, MA.  An expert in an obscure field is quizzed by a panel of 3 comedians who have no idea about the science. Sometimes they have to guess what the field is 20 questions style. Sometimes they know the title, but that gives little to no help like in the "Bayesian Statistics" episodes.

The Bugle

The Cracked Podcast - More sober and analytical than you'd expect. 

How Did This Get Made?/The Flop House

/Filmcast / Filmspotting - The first one is "Slash Filmcast", not a typo.  Great movie discussion site.  I appreciate the format of non spoilery review followed by an alert followed by a spoilery review.  Just skip whenever they have Armond White on, however.

Trash, Art, & The Movies - One male host and one of two rotating female hosts compare an "art" movie and a "trash" movie with something in common and declare a winner.  Like Jonathan Demme at his awards-baitiest in "Beloved" against his mainstream comedy "Married to the Mob".  For some reason I think very few people know about this great podcast.  I'm still waiting for them to take me up on my suggestion of Tampopo vs. Harold & Kumar Go To White Castle.

Throwing Shade

Radio Lab

Honorable Mention: Totally Laime, Judge John Hodgman, My Brother, My Brother, & Me, This American Life, The Steve Austin Show (dragged me back into wrestling after 10 years away), KCRW The Business, The Long Shot Podcast, Comic Geek Speak, The Sporkful

I listen to a lot of the podcasts above, including Pop Culture Happy Hour, Nerdist and The Bugle.  I just started listening to Judge John Hodgman.  I also listen to the Alton Browncast.  One of my favorite podcasts right now is The Dinner Party Download.  Two guys in Los Angeles do stories on food,  do celebrity interviews, give a "history lesson with booze" and a variety of other fun stuff. 

I feel like we could have EHG and PCHH subforums given the fan intensity. I concur with those who feel like the podcasters are familiar friends. Out of all the people I tried to recruit into PCHH fandom, my mother is the only one I've been able to snag, which is about the last person I would have guessed. But now we regularly discuss the latest episodes and she has been seeking out some of the things they discuss/recommend (just read Eleanor & Park, for example). We were both pretty upset about Trey leaving, and considered sending Glen a congratulatory card for his wedding.

Short podcasts I haven't seen mentioned yet:

- The Writers Almanac, with Garrison Keillor. A daily 5 minutes of (mostly) literary history, often based on whose birthday it is, and then a poem. I am really NOT a Prairie Home Companion fan, but this format suits him so much better and it is such a peaceful way to start a day.

- Storycorps podcast - also about 5-10 minutes and DAMN YOU STORYCORPS, stop making me cry on my way to work!

Other podcasts I don't think I've seen mentioned:

- Q, a CBC show - discovered it when my local NPR station picked it up. Now listen via podcast when I can. Interviews from politics to art, but often with some kind of creative slant, and often a live musical set.

- State of the Re:Union from NPR, all kinds of stories from specific places around the U.S. Somewhat similar to This American Life.

- Savage Lovecast - come on, it's Dan Savage telling people what to do with their lives!

Nthing 99% Invisible, Radiolab, On the Media, This American Life, etc.

Niche podcasts that some few of you out there may like:

Longest Shortest Time: an exploration of parenthood, especially pregnancy/birth/newborn period, by a former This American Life contributor. I've been working I this field for 10 years and always wished there could be a TAL about it...now there's a whole podcast! I love how nuanced it is.

Klartext: super niche - news in simple Swedish for those who want to learn/practice. Like I said, super niche but I just discovered it and am a little too excited.

I feel like we could have EHG and PCHH subforums given the fan intensity.

You may be interested in this, then!




- Storycorps podcast - also about 5-10 minutes and DAMN YOU STORYCORPS, stop making me cry on my way to work!

I used to listen to this; it's one of the few podcasts that have ever sent me into straight-up tears. I stopped listening though because I started feeling like they were picking/editing/whatever the stories in a kind of emotionally manipulative way, and got kind of tired of it. Maybe I should pick it back up.

Podcasts help me not to go either insane or homicidal in Los Angeles traffic. 


I'm currently listening to:


House To Astonish (2 Scottish lads discuss comics. I enjoy their dry wit and their accents just make it even better.)

How Did This Get Made? (I'm late to this party, so I'm listening from the beginning.)

The Indoor Kids (video games, yay!)

The Nerdist (Like everyone else, depends on the guest)

Fat Man on Batman (For all my Kevin Smith fanboying on Batman needs. I also really enjoy the guests he gets.)

Smodcast (My first podcast way back when. Always love when they talk about Canada.)

No mention of Rob Has A Podacst? I love his Survivor coverage.

Matt Paxton from Hoarders had a podcast (hasn't been updated since December), but I loved listening to it. He can sure tell a story. It's not all about hoarders, mostly about his interesting life. It's called Five Decisions Away. There were some duds later in the series, but still worth a listen.

Glad for everyone's suggestions, keep them coming.

I will also recommend the Thrilling Adventure Hour.  And because I am a backer, I should also promote their BTS webseries that was a stretch goal.  It's available on the Nerdist YouTube channel.  And it does explain why Ben Blacker calls TAH a "live-action Muppet Show".


And I also recommend No Such Thing As a Fish, the podcast run by the QI Elves.  Every episode, the 4 elves each present the best fact they learned in the last week.  And much like the parent program, they riff and joke off of each others' facts and often present related or semi-related facts to the primary.  And they post links to almost everything they talk about in an episode on the website.  Very funny and very informative, and only about half an hour each episode.


You can't go wrong with anything NPR but here are two others I love:


Game Night Guys:  two gay guys in Arizona play board games and chat about their week.  I have a voice crush on host Brian and their incredibly poor math skills make me cry with laughter.


Linoleum Knife:  two gay guys in Los Angeles review movies and chat about their week.  Their podcasts sometime run too far over an hour but the letters from listeners section at the end is generally a waste of time so feel free to skip.


I'm pretty much over The Sporkful and The Splendid Table so I'm the market for a new show about cooking/eating beyond NPR food.  I just started listening to the Grantland pop culture selections but so far the only one I kind of enjoy is Girls in Hoodies.  I prefer Chick Chat from The Mesh as they are much less invested in seeming cool but they haven't issued a new program lately.

Edited by Qoass

My people!  I'm always looking for new podcasts.  In addition to my favorites that have already been mentioned in the thread - How Did This Get Made, Doug Loves Movies, Nerdist- I have a few others in constant rotation:


-Literary Disco: It's mainly a podcast about books, and one of the hosts is Rider Strong (from Boy Meets World).  It always beefs up my reading list, and they're very enjoyable to listen to.

-Radio Diaries: So fascinating.  I could listen to hours of these.

-U Talkin U2 Me?: Scott Aukerman and Adam Scott talking U2 albums?  SOLD.

Edited by Princess Sparkle

The thing that's missing in my life is that I have no one to properly snicker with about the Slate Culture Gabfest describing The Obvious Child, a film about abortion, as a "slice of life" movie. Am I the only one to find that darkly and unintentionally funny?


How about single episodes of podcasts that are worthy of recommendation as either good starting points or "if you only hear one episode" episodes. Here are some that come to mind for me:


Stop Podcasting Yourself: Colt Cabana.  Just after the aftermath of one of the hosts for real almost got shot by a random lunatic. 

How Did This Get Made?: Street Fighter. "What exactly is a 'Street Fighter'?"

Flop House: Food Fight.  A damn surreally bad film brought epic silliness out.

Comedy Bang! Bang!: Paul F. Tompkins & Bobby Moynihan.  The Time Bobby series is surreal fun.

Extra Hot Great: I forget the title of this Mark 1 episode, but the time when Tara got so mad at a season deciding Game Time that she couldn't speak.

Edited by Fukui San

I used to only listen to tv/book series podcasts (simple enough, since I knew I'd like the topic) but after discovering The Read earlier this year, I've decided to expand my horizons. Unfortunately, I'm not quite sure what I'm looking for but I'm working on it.


What I'm listening to now:


The Read (general topics/discussion, pop culture... super funny)
Game Night Guys (started listening thanks to @Qoass for mentioning it in this thread... who knew I'd enjoy a podcast about board games?)
Acting's Cool (two 20-something year old actors [Atticus Mitchell and Adam DiMarco] talk about the acting business... 80% silly, 20% useful tips. Probably appeals mostly to those familiar with the hosts.)


Nightlock Podcast (The Hunger Games series... thoughtful, fun discussion of the series)
Tatiana is Everyone (Orphan Black... just discovered this, very intelligent, relaxed and fun)
Ahoy Mateys (Veronica Mars... I don't listen anymore but I enjoyed it when I got into the series earlier this year)


And I listen to old episodes of Pottercast and Mugglecast (Harry Potter series) to help me go to sleep... not that they're boring, I've just heard them a dozen times now.

I don't normally drop fanfic recs unless asked (or unless there's a thread for that purpose), but I'm guessing that I'm not the only one here who'll get a kick out of this Thrilling Adventure Hour/Welcome to Night Vale crossover (that has nothing to do with the official one): Child of Science (or, Scientifically Deduce Who's Coming to Dinner). Carlos brings Cecil home to meet his family, who happen to be Science Aliens. Charming absurdity ensues.

The Slate podcasts are great, my favorite being the Political Gabfest. There is a separate podcast called Slate's Daily Podcast that gives you all of them so you don't have to subscribe to each Slate podcast individually.

I also really like Airline Pilot Guy, which is a commercial pilot talking about aviation issues.

I am a US Supreme Court junkie so I like the Supreme Podcast which discusses the Court's decisions.

Freakonomics Radio is another favorite.

I know this is just a thread to make people aware of awesome podcasts, but since I don't know anywhere else to put this on the internet, I just have to say that the second half of Welcome to Night Vale's anniversary show that went live today was just...delightful.


I mostly enjoyed it, but I felt it was a bit too sincere. It doesn't suit them. At least they seemed to be dipping the audio on the far-too-enthusiastic audience this time around.

This is probably a UO, but I don't get why people like to listen to podcasts. I've tried a few & found them to be like eavesdropping on someone else's boring conversation, even on subjects I'm really interested in. I find reading posts about something more interesting that listening to someone talk about it. Maybe because when someone posts a comment they have to think about what they're saying as they type & can change it before they post it, but when people talk the words are out & you can't do anything about it. I just don't enjoy them.

This is probably a UO, but I don't get why people like to listen to podcasts. I've tried a few & found them to be like eavesdropping on someone else's boring conversation, even on subjects I'm really interested in.

Ahh, the podcasting trope that YouTuber C.G.P Grey called (on his own podcast) Two* Dudes** Talking.  It is a very common category of podcast.  From what little I've heard (thus far) this own's site's Extra Hot Great podcast falls into this category.   In fact Grey's podcast falls into it as well, since his cast is a series of conversations between him and fellow YouTuber Brady Haran.


The "listening in on someone's conversation" aspect of the Two Dudes Talking format is actually part of the appeal to some people, but I can understand how it can turn others away.  I think a lot of it has to do with how you feel about the Dudes, and some to do with their "professionalism". 

For example, the Nerdist podcast started by Chris Hardwick was originally a side project for him to do when a pilot he pitched failed, and it got started when he, his co-hosts Matt and Jonah, and their first guest Tom Lennon were figuring out what to do on a Super Bowl Sunday (all 4 being nerds and not fans of the sportsball).  But Chris treated the podcast like any of his paying gigs that have come up since, like Talking Dead or @midnight.  He was serious about it, even if it was something he was doing for fun.  And the chemistry between the Three Dudes helps.

Another example (currently on somewhat of a hiatus) is Slice of Sci-Fi.  This one was originally born out of radio (and the Save Enterprise campaign back in the day), and is not only available as a podcast, but has also appeared on satellite radio as well.  It's really a sci-fi news program, but it becomes TDT with the group of Dudes commenting and opining about the news stories after they are read.



But not all podcasts are in the TDT format.  The aforementioned Thrilling Adventure Hour and Welcome to Night Vale (apparently; I haven't listened to Night Vale...yet.) are like the serials of the golden age of radio; fully scripted and staged shows with people playing roles.  Although there are a handful of TAH episodes that are Q&A's that are done Two Dudes Talking style, and a few recordings of their panels at conventions, so those go into talk show style, edging towards TDT.


For an example in another style of radio, there's Coverville.  This is a music podcast where the host plays only cover songs.  So he's like the traditional DJ; introducing some songs, back-intro-ing others, and talking about trivia and minutiae of the songs and/or artists in-between.



* Number of dudes may vary, but must be at least 2 for there to be a conversation instead of a monologue.

** Dude in the gender-neutral sense, as said dudes may be of any gender orientation and/or identification.

  • Love 1
But not all podcasts are in the TDT format.  The aforementioned Thrilling Adventure Hour and Welcome to Night Vale (apparently; I haven't listened to Night Vale...yet.) are like the serials of the golden age of radio; fully scripted and staged shows with people playing roles. 


Night Vale's slightly different, aside from the most recent anniversary special, all of its episodes are pre-recorded in a studio, rather than staged. It's mostly just one person (Cecil Baldwin) performing it too, but they've used other actors much more over the last year.


They've started to do live shows in the same format as Thrilling Adventure Hour, but they're usually not released as regular episodes of the podcast.

Just listened to the final episode of "You Talking U2 To Me?" and can't stop laughing. It's a silly show. Plus, it actually made me want to listen to some U2.

Loved that show. I initially tried to listen to the albums before listening to the episodes discussing them, but eventually gave up on that, because (this may be a UO) I find them so boring. But even the concept of the final episode is such a great idea, Staind Glass is maybe my favorite thing ever, and overall this was just such an excellent podcast.

Based on overwhelming recommendation both here and throughout the Interwebs, I've finally started listening to NightVale.  Yeah, it's some awesome creepypasta.  I'm a fan.  Cecil rocks.  And I do try to avoid listening before sleeping...just in case.


I'm still playing catch up on NightVale (at around episode 38 or so, of the mid 50 as of now, so getting close), so I haven't got to any of their live events yet, the Crossover event in particular.  But I do know this.  According to the creators of both shows, the Crossover is canonFor both shows.  Those events happened in both show's timelines and will likely be brought up again in the future...probably in future crossovers.  Once I learned that, I started looking forward to the Crossover even more.

Edited by SVNBob

Podcast update!


Listened to the Thrilling / Night Vale crossover in the car tonight; loved it. Then I listened to this week's TAH (Sparks Nevada - The Once and Future Thing) and loved it even more. TAH has been so great lately.


I've dropped a bunch since my big post in January: Doug Loves Movies, Nerd Poker, and Todd Glass have all lost me, at least for a while. (Not as many shows on the list as it feels like, since Todd's show is sooooo long.) I'm also way, way behind on All Songs Considered, Radiolab, the Moth (though I'm still going to live shows), MBMBAM, and This American Life at this point, but not planning to formally give up on them just yet.


Things I've added:

  • The Andy Daly Podcast Pilot Project started and ended since then and was wonderful.
  • U Talkin' U2 To Me started, went on a long hiatus, and sort of came back since then, and was even more wonderful.
  • StartUp is really way more interesting than I expected it to be; also great.
  • Affirmation Nation with Bob Ducca is back! With a different format. Only one new episode so far, which was enjoyable.

Has anyone listened to the first couple episodes of "Serial"? It is a new "spinoff" of TAL, but they are telling one story over the course of a whole season. This season, they are looking at the 1999 murder of a girl in Maryland, and the potential problems with the conviction in the case. Apparently, they don't even know what they may discover in the course of their investigation, as it is unfolding throughout the season. The first episode was riveting.

I can't believe I haven't read one mention so far of "Answer Me This", a must-listen podcast for anyone who loves witty, British-type comedy/banter.


Helen, Olly and Soundman Martin (always heard in an echo) will answer any question of any type, from the Dear Abby-sort ("what do I do about a creepy neighbor who insists on washing my car without my permission?") to General Information ("is there such a thing as a 'Mile High Club', but for underground tunnels?") to giving our their considered opinions ("What's the best movie ever made?"). The questions cover a mix of both British and American pop culture, so there's something for everyone. In fact, both Olly and Helen are big fans of American culture, pop and/or not.


The most recent podcast was their 300th Show Special, so you might want to start with some of their older shows from this year. Really, this one is a winner.

Edited by A Boston Gal
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Has anyone listened to the first couple episodes of "Serial"? It is a new "spinoff" of TAL, but they are telling one story over the course of a whole season. This season, they are looking at the 1999 murder of a girl in Maryland, and the potential problems with the conviction in the case. Apparently, they don't even know what they may discover in the course of their investigation, as it is unfolding throughout the season. The first episode was riveting.

I just started listening and I'm all caught up. It's riveting. Not sure how it's going to end.


Has anyone listened to the first couple episodes of "Serial"? It is a new "spinoff" of TAL, but they are telling one story over the course of a whole season. This season, they are looking at the 1999 murder of a girl in Maryland, and the potential problems with the conviction in the case. Apparently, they don't even know what they may discover in the course of their investigation, as it is unfolding throughout the season. The first episode was riveting.

I just started listening and I'm all caught up. It's riveting. Not sure how it's going to end.


I finally got around to starting Serial today and am hooked... it certainly made being stuck at the office on the weekend fly by!  I'm not sure how its going to end either, we've got 7 (I think?) episodes to go so there are bound to be more twists and turns in there.


Spoilery question for those listening to it (and I'm not quite done with the 5th episode so this could resolve itself)

other than Jay's timeline and the 2:36 cell phone call, is there any other evidence I'm missing that proves she was killed right after school and was dead by the time of the call? I remember she was supposed to pick up her cousin and that not happening was a tip-off to this being a problem, but I'm not sure what time that was supposed to be.

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