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Are you kidding? Acne?  I know first hand how embarrassing, painful and frustrating chronic acne can be.  When did Kendall ever have zits?  She's been on tv since she was a little kid.  I don't remember any skin problems.  We've seen her nude, so we know its not buttne.  I'm willing to bet a Kendall skin care line is coming out soon.  

Edited by beagletime
  • Love 9
21 minutes ago, beagletime said:

Are you kidding? Acne?  I know first hand how embarrassing, painful and frustrating chronic acne can be.  When did Kendall ever have zits?  She's been on tv since she was a little kid.  I don't remember any skin problems.  We've seen her nude, so we know its not buttne.  I'm willing to bet a Kendall skin care line is coming out soon.  

Actually she did. She caught all sorts of shit when she showed up at the Golden Globes with zits on her face.


21 minutes ago, iwasish said:

Isn’t Proactive usually hawked by has been actresses, actors and models?

Yes, Proactive and Wen are where careers go to die.

This doesn't surprise me in the least. I have a feeling the others sisters knew the backlash on this was going to be huge and that's why they didn't post any teasers on their social media. Or Proactive wasn't willing to cut them a check. Either way, Kendall and Kris are awful. 

  • Love 8

So, how it is some big secret when she blogged about it in 2016?  I'm still absolutely dumbfounded by Kris saying 'prepare to cry' about Kendall's announcement.  Did Kris know it was about acne?  I know I post here, but I've never actually watched an episode and I dropped my People magazine subscription in part because of their incessant coverage of this family.  The Kardashian belief that they actually deserve to be the center of attention just baffles me.   

Edited by Frost
  • Love 10
10 minutes ago, Frost said:

I'm still absolutely dumbfounded by Kris saying 'prepare to cry' about Kendall's announcement. 

I didn't cry when my own daughter dealt with acne at 13! Neither did she for that matter. I brought her to a dermatologist, she was given something called Aczone and it cleared up within a month.  I realize this family is beyond the norm when it comes to looks and being materialistic but seriously Kris can GFO.

  • Love 8

In a teaser video posted to Instagram on Saturday, January 5, Kris wrote that she is “so proud of my darling @KendallJenner for being so brave and vulnerable.” The momager and recent music video scene-stealer went on to say that Kendall will be sharing a personal story with her fans on January 6, in order to “make a positive impact for so many people and help foster a positive dialogue.” Kris ended her note by telling fans to pay close attention to her daughter’s Twitter account on Sunday evening, promising: “Be prepared to be moved.”

Kendall Jenner Cured Her Cystic Acne With Proactiv

I'm more and more disturbed by this cystic acne stunt.  This story is NOT moving.  I am glad that this privileged rich white child found a remedy for her acne.  That feeling is tempered with her commercialization of her condition and her exploitation of the public  (IMO) by tying this dramatic announcement to an endorsement which will bring her more money. 

THIS is a moving story:



"I want to leave a legacy that motivates people to be advocates. Change only happens when we decide to actually do something about it. At the end of the day, there are generations behind me, as well. If I could motivate them, I would be a happy man." 

Tyler Trent, a 20-year-old Purdue student from Carmel, Indiana, who suffered from a rare form of bone cancer, died Jan. 1 after a five-year battle with the disease. During his time at Purdue, Trent was an eager student, a tireless advocate for giving and an inspiration to many.

Osteosarcoma took parts of Trent’s arm, his hip and his youth. Ultimately, the cancer took his life. All the while, Trent remained unchanged in many ways. He fought, he lived his life and he paid it forward even though his future was always in doubt.

Cancer took and Tyler Trent did nothing but give.

"My spiritual gift is the ability to serve others, and advocacy comes with that. Once you've been through cancer one, two, three times, you develop a passion to be an advocate," Trent said in an interview in spring 2018.

"Our experiences shape who we are, and I wanted to turn my experience into something useful by being an advocate. You can get cancer and be someone who just goes through cancer, but then you're just another number. I want to be more than just a number. I want to get others involved."

Trent was first diagnosed with osteosarcoma at age 15, when cancer was found in his shoulder area. Three years later, in 2017, cancer appeared in his hip and pelvis. Through tumor removal, bone replacement and aggressive treatment, Trent was able to overcome those bouts.

The cancer returned in March 2018, however, this time in an area of his spine where surgical removal wasn’t an option. Trent remained in school through the spring and even did an internship in Chicago over the summer but, despite more treatment, his worsening condition forced him out of school in the fall. Trent was awarded an associate degree from Purdue Polytechnic Institute in early October.

Trent started giving as soon as cancer started taking. At just 15 years old, he saw firsthand the toll cancer took on the families of sufferers and acted on it by creating Teens with a Cause, a student support group. Trent oversaw the 200-person organization, dispatching teams to perform basic household chores for the families of cancer patients and others in need.

Trent's commitment to public service and awareness continued after his second diagnosis. Despite the fact that his replaced hip called for him to use a crutch to get around, Trent promptly became an active member of the Purdue University Dance Marathon club once he got to campus. That student organization raises funds and awareness for Riley Hospital for Children in Indianapolis, where Trent went for treatment.

He also served as the first student member of the Purdue University Center for Cancer Research Director's Advancement Board, as an honorary team captain during the Purdue football team's Hammer Down Cancer game and as the keynote speaker at one of the center's fundraising luncheons.

"Things like the Dance Marathon and the Hammer Down Cancer game are huge because funding is huge and awareness is huge," Trent said. "Something I've learned is to know your 'why.' I'm communicating my 'why' by advocating for cancer awareness and cancer research."

  • Love 7

THIS is a moving story:

5-Year-Old Boy Dances to Michael Jackson During Chemo

and this:

'Dancing Doctor' Busts a Move to Cheer Up Sick Kids

Sorry, Kendall, I think you need a lesson in perspective.  Why don't you donate Pro-active treatment regimes to 1000 young kids who have suffered from acne?  Don't just take the money.  Help others who have the same condition that you have but may not have the money for the cure.  Show that your condition has given you some compassion for others.  Step up.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, Aw my lahgs said:

All over the country people struggle with depression, suicidal thoughts, self-harm, mental illness, being bullied, autism, their sexual identity, eating disorders, poverty, hunger, homelessness but that is NOTHING compared to Kendall’s terrible suffering from... ZITS!

Seriously?  Her big revelation was that she had acne?!?  SMDH.  I didn’t think it was possible for me to loathe this family any more than I already did, but I was wrong. 

  • Love 6

To be fair Kris is the one that portrayed this to be some crisis and got all overly dramatic. Kendall didn't even say a single word on her social media leading up to this. I don't even care that she's doing ads for this if its something that's helping her. Adam Levine uses it, promotes it and sure as hell isn't hurting for money. My annoyance is with Kris for going on about how brave Kendall is. And I'm glad to see she's getting slammed with backlash left and right.

  • Love 9
4 hours ago, howmanywords said:

My annoyance is with Kris for going on about how brave Kendall is. And I'm glad to see she's getting slammed with backlash left and right.

It's a strange mis-step from the person (Kris) who is supposed to be so business-savvy.    She must have been salivating so hard over her 10% cut that she lost all reason.    Or the new shiny thing (Kylie) is taking too much of her time. I really don't understand where she was coming from with "be the change", "share your story" "my daughter inspires me" and "change the conversation" tags.    Acne.   Lots of kids have it.  Exactly how does "be the change" apply, and how is Kendall so inspiring? 


I get that she (Kendall) was trolled on SM for her acne at the GG.  But good grief   -  this is the world's highest paid supermodel and she can't deal with twitter trolling??? Am I supposed to feel sorry for the poor thing who can afford all the  acne medicine she wants and could hire her own personal dermatologist to help her skin and her own personal anxiety coach to help her cope with the traumatic, life altering event of being trolled because of her acne at the Golden Globes?   If Kendall is so freaking sensitive, she shouldn't be in the public eye. Period.


Seriously, I think about all the young people who are real victims of SM shaming - you know, the kids that aren't Kendall Jenner - and how hard it is for them to cope, and what it does to them inside.  And how this somehow trivializes that.  


Kris should be ashamed of herself, but this is a Kardashian, so never mind.

  • Love 15

Sorry, Kendall, I think you need a lesson in perspective.  Why don't you donate Pro-active treatment regimes to 1000 young kids who have suffered from acne?  Don't just take the money.  Help others who have the same condition that you have but may not have the money for the cure.  Show that your condition has given you some compassion for others.  Step up.


Kris should be ashamed of herself, but this is a Kardashian, so never mind.

Shame & compassion is not in the Kardashians vocabulary. 

  • Love 10

Will Kendall take to her bed with an anxiety attack over the fallout from this?  The sisters will all gather at her bedside as if she’s mortally ill and talk among themselves about how she would never intentionally be shallow and insensitive, that she’s the most caring giving sister, that she had nothing to do with the press tease for her twitter reveal. She’ll lay there practically catatonic while they fuss over her. 

  • Love 11
14 minutes ago, iwasish said:

Will Kendall take to her bed with an anxiety attack over the fallout from this?  The sisters will all gather at her bedside as if she’s mortally ill and talk among themselves about how she would never intentionally be shallow and insensitive, that she’s the most caring giving sister, that she had nothing to do with the press tease for her twitter reveal. She’ll lay there practically catatonic while they fuss over her. 

I think you just described next season’s opening episode.

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, iwasish said:

Will Kendall take to her bed with an anxiety attack over the fallout from this?  The sisters will all gather at her bedside as if she’s mortally ill and talk among themselves about how she would never intentionally be shallow and insensitive, that she’s the most caring giving sister, that she had nothing to do with the press tease for her twitter reveal. She’ll lay there practically catatonic while they fuss over her. 

Tune in next season!

  • Love 2
4 hours ago, mwell345 said:

I get that she (Kendall) was trolled on SM for her acne at the GG.  But good grief   -  this is the world's highest paid supermodel and she can't deal with twitter trolling??? Am I supposed to feel sorry for the poor thing who can afford all the  acne medicine she wants and could hire her own personal dermatologist to help her skin and her own personal anxiety coach to help her cope with the traumatic, life altering event of being trolled because of her acne at the Golden Globes?   If Kendall is so freaking sensitive, she shouldn't be in the public eye. Period.

But that's it, they don't even mention the GGs, Kendall does the whole sad face "when I was 14" routine, because back then, she wasn't a famous model with all these followers. It's so stupid. We're supposed to believe that Kris took Kim for her first bikini wax at age 12, but didn't take Kendall at 14 to a dermatologist.

  • Love 6

I really don't understand where she was coming from with "be the change", "share your story" "my daughter inspires me" and "change the conversation" tags.    Acne.   Lots of kids have it.  Exactly how does "be the change" apply, and how is Kendall so inspiring? 

Because Kris didn't come up with that.  An the proactive media team and external agencies did.  The K's signed on.  They will get enough backlash that it will turn into Pepsi v. 2.0, proactive will come out with a statement apologizing to everybody for being so off base in their promotion and apologizing to Miss Kendall and then next season we will see how distraught Kendall was because of the whole ordeal.  

We cut cable a while ago, so I haven't seen or heard a proactive commercial in a while.  Are they as big as they used to be?  Perhaps all of this is around a rebrand effort?  

  • Love 7

I was busy watching other things so now just hearing about this “big announcement”  on The Talk. Uh.. huh?

Honestly, after reading posts here it kind of seems this is more Kris’s problem than Kendall. Kendall didn’t tweet about it, it probably just would have been a proactive ad on tv and people would mention she’s in an ad for them now. She isn’t the first star to be in ads for this company, plently have. Jessica Simpson, Adam Levine, Justin Bieber, Katy Perry, Naya Reveria, Julieanne Hough, etc. 

Its just.. I don’t know. I really have nothing to say. I definitely am not sure if Kendall is to blame for this, though.

3 hours ago, GaT said:

But that's it, they don't even mention the GGs, Kendall does the whole sad face "when I was 14" routine, because back then, she wasn't a famous model with all these followers. It's so stupid. We're supposed to believe that Kris took Kim for her first bikini wax at age 12, but didn't take Kendall at 14 to a dermatologist.

Plus taking unsuspecting Khloe to have her underarms waxed. 

She did take Kendall to the gyno for bc pills,  for cramps, was the reason she gave Caitlyn.


My niece called me to discuss  the big reveal, I asked what her initial reaction was, she said  in her best Ralphie from A Christmas Story voice  “ A crummy commercial?” 

  • Love 4

It’s just ridiculous to me. Not the actual ad/commercial it self, because as I pointed out earlier plently of other celebrities have been in the Proactiv train. But the build up! As I said had we all just seen the commercial and not some cryptic tweet about Kendall revealing some deep and dark truth and that little video of her having struggles, we wouldn’t feel like it’s ridiculous. At least I wouldn’t. I honestly wouldn’t have cared. I mean damn.. at this point what celeb hasn’t done a commercial for this company?

But kris made it like some dark trauma had happened to Kendall.

Edited by WhosThatGirl
  • Love 6
27 minutes ago, twilightzone said:

The backlash, criticism in the media has been BRUTAL - as it rightfully should.  Obviously, this thirsty family didn't learn anything from the Pepsi fiasco.

It's laughable they are trying to piggy back on the Golden Globes.  No-talent Kendall had no business even appearing on that show.

And I think this may be even worse than the Pepsi one because Kris really did make this into being something bigger than what it was and that was all in them. I mean the Pepsi thing was tone deaf but I do feel that was sort of out of their hands and control and this little thing wasn’t. It didn’t even have to be.

Again would anyone have said anything if they saw Kendall on an ad for these acne products? No. But Kris really really made it so bad. 

  • Love 2

Kendall Jenner’s ‘raw,’ personal story ended up being a paid sponsorship with Proactiv


So it came as a shock to many when Kendall surfaced during E!'s red carpet coverage of the “Golden Globes” Sunday night — in a commercial for Proactiv, the acne treatment brand that has had a long line of celebrity endorsers, including Justin Bieber, Jessica Simpson, Katy Perry and Alicia Keys. In the ad, Kendall recalls getting criticism (and support) after she was pictured with visible acne on the Golden Globes red carpet last year.

“For me, I can honestly say that the magic was Proactiv,” Kendall says. “It’s a huge deal that I’m partnering with Proactiv, and I’m hoping that I can help people and show people that this is the way that I got clear and that, hopefully, this is the way that you can get clear.”

That was the big announcement? Yes, Kendall confirmed minutes later, posting a heart emoji as she shared Proactiv’s tweet welcoming her “to the family.”

People were . . . disappointed. “How brave of Kendall to be paid millions to promote a skin care brand,” one Twitter user wrote. “was this the announcement bc if so i want my money back,” riffed another.

So far, neither Kris nor Kendall have addressed the latest controversy.

Though, to be fair, there is nothing more Kardashian than a paid sponsorship.

  • Love 1
10 hours ago, GaT said:

Hey, good news for Kendall! It turns out she isn't part of the worst marketing Proactiv has ever done. 


This isn't Kardashian-related, but is this a real ad? OMG, how horribly awful. When this ad (if real) makes the Kardashians look better, for insinuating that Kendall had gone through some major life trauma, which acne can be, but in her case, it appears it was at one event, on one day, in her life, you know the ad is really, really bad.

  • Love 1
4 hours ago, nkotb said:

This isn't Kardashian-related, but is this a real ad? OMG, how horribly awful. When this ad (if real) makes the Kardashians look better, for insinuating that Kendall had gone through some major life trauma, which acne can be, but in her case, it appears it was at one event, on one day, in her life, you know the ad is really, really bad.

Yep, that's a real ad.

  • Love 1
14 hours ago, GaT said:

I just saw Kendall's commercial. If Kris hadn't posted the stupid video & they just let the commercial run without the big announcement, it would have been fine. There was nothing about her at 14, so I don't know what that was about, but she did talk about the GG & all the people talking about her skin. 


5 hours ago, iwasish said:

Kris was promoting this on nearly the same level as Kim’s “Paris nightmare”.  She’s a savvy business woman, I can’t believe she’d be so tone deaf. Maybe all that hair dye and alcohol has begun to eat into her brain. 

Yup. That’s what I’ve been saying. I don’t get why kris built it up to be like we were going to hear something truly dark that Kendall had happened to her. Or that she was announcing something awful.  

Aren't You Sick Of Being Manipulated By The Kardashians Yet?


Kendall Jenner's latest clickbait stunt took #sponsored content too far

Are there no moral depths the Kardashians will not plunder to sell products that they probably don't even use? Let's find out.

Only four days ago Kim Kardashian was slammed for promoting 130 calorie meal replacement shakes on Instagram (this, from a woman who just marketed a line of perfumes based on her love of 'confident women no matter what shape or size they are'). And Kendall Jenner is now facing backlash for using language usually associated with #metoo or #effyourbeautystandards statements to...sell spot cream?

Well, we say Kendall but really we mean Kris Jenner. It's always Kris. On Friday she uploaded a post on Instagram suggesting that her 23-year-old daughter would be revealing her 'most raw story' on Sunday night.

With hashtags like #bethechange and #shareyourstory, Kendall had the collective eyes of the internet trained on her instagram page by Sunday night. After all, this is the syntax of social media language that capitalizes on stories we've become accustomed to seeing in association with #metoo and #effyourbeauty standards and surrounding the discussion of mental health issues, domestic abuse: the list goes on. So we were all listening to what Kendall Jenner had to say, and her great, soul-searching story turned out to be that she suffered with acne before she discovered proactive solution (and of course $4000 dollar facials. That bit was left out).

This in itself wasn't even the bad part. I have sympathy for Kendall Jenner, I really do, skin problems can deeply affect your self-confidence, we've all been 16 and refused to leave the house because mount Vesuvius has appeared on our foreheads. That is undoubtedly amplified when your face is public property subject to any unfortunate tabloid headline or cruel tweet. Kendall touched briefly on this in the minute long ad for Proactiv solution 'I remember going online and seeing all the horrible things people were saying about me and my skin. I felt so good that I completely forgot I had bad skin.'

But Kendall, we're really confused. And we have questions. For one: why didn't you use this to, I don't know, maybe point out that it's unacceptable to make petty and cruel comments on the internet? For two: exactly what #conversation is being promoted here? That rather than addressing jibes about your skin you should go out and buy the first product marketing itself on the back of your anxieties?

Aside from being the most duplicitous type of clickbait, we're bored to the back teeth of seeing the Kardashians using the same kind of Wonderbra 'Hey Boys' advertising that fuels anxiety about the way that you look to sell a product. Why don't we #changetheconversation to have an industry-wide boycott on letting the Kardashians do sponsored content so we can stop having to endure this nonsense on our feeds?

  • Love 5
5 hours ago, WhosThatGirl said:


Yup. That’s what I’ve been saying. I don’t get why kris built it up to be like we were going to hear something truly dark that Kendall had happened to her. Or that she was announcing something awful.  

Kendall’s had issues with stalkers, that must have been really traumatizing. So she had a few pimples, I can’t imagine the Kardashian glam squad couldn’t cover them up. Or that she hadn’t tried every cure on the market already.  I know several who have used Proactive and said it worked but could dry your skin  I find it hard to believe she never considered it. 

  • Love 2
3 minutes ago, iwasish said:

Kendall’s had issues with stalkers, that must have been really traumatizing. So she had a few pimples, I can’t imagine the Kardashian glam squad couldn’t cover them up. Or that she hadn’t tried every cure on the market already.  I know several who have used Proactive and said it worked but could dry your skin  I find it hard to believe she never considered it. 

Yup but doing it the way they did it this past weekend was ridiculous. 

Kendall Jenner posts snaps promoting Adidas sneakers after her Proactiv acne cream ad continues to draw controversy


The reality star and model shared a series of pictures of herself tying bright white sneakers via her Instagram with the caption: 'adidasSLEEK always @adidasoriginals #adidasSLEEK #adidas_Ambassador #createdwithadidas'

And the reveal comes after the 23-year-old received backlash for touting her new ambassador deal with the skincare company Proactiv as her 'most raw story yet'.



5 minutes ago, WhosThatGirl said:

Yup but doing it the way they did it this past weekend was ridiculous. 

She was mocked at the last years  GG awards, this was GG weekend. ProActive has been around for years, I can’t believe she didn’t try it at 14, 15,16... just as a way to clear her skin, without thinking of endorsing it. But running a promotional tease such as the one Kris did, it’s like ranking acne up there with leprosy. In the day and age of Me Too, Black Lives Matter etc, it’s kind of shallow. But then anything goes when it comes to making money in the Kardashian /Jenner world. 

Kris probably went overboard because it’s one of the few deals she’s made for Kendall. Most of her income comes from modeling endorsements and she has a manager for that .

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, iwasish said:

She was mocked at the last years  GG awards, this was GG weekend. ProActive has been around for years, I can’t believe she didn’t try it at 14, 15,16... just as a way to clear her skin, without thinking of endorsing it. But running a promotional tease such as the one Kris did, it’s like ranking acne up there with leprosy. In the day and age of Me Too, Black Lives Matter etc, it’s kind of shallow. But then anything goes when it comes to making money in the Kardashian /Jenner world. 

Kris probably went overboard because it’s one of the few deals she’s made for Kendall. Most of her income comes from modeling endorsements and she has a manager for that .

I mean yes. This is how I feel. I don’t get why they couldn’t have just run an ad during the eeekend. That would have been fine. The build up with the video is what gets me. This was.. not good. Like I’ve said I don’t give a damn that Kendall is now doing proactive, like I said she isn’t the first celeb and she certainly won’t be the last and she cares if she doesn’t really use it and is just putting her name on it. I’m sure not every celeb who hs been a spokesperson uses proactive all the time or ever. But adding the stupid tweets kris did last week is the issue.

Edited by WhosThatGirl
  • Love 8
1 hour ago, WhosThatGirl said:

I mean yes. This is how I feel. I don’t get why they couldn’t have just run an ad during the eeekend. That would have been fine. The build up with the video is what gets me. This was.. not good. Like I’ve said I don’t give a damn that Kendall is now doing proactive, like I said she isn’t the first celeb and she certainly won’t be the last and she cares if she doesn’t really use it and is just putting her name on it. I’m sure not every celeb who hs been a spokesperson uses proactive all the time or ever. But adding the stupid tweets kris did last week is the issue.

I think that's what most people had an issue with. Kendall's fans were truly worried she experienced a serious trauma, only for the big reveal to be a paid sponsorship. 

I'm not saying acne doesn't undermine one's self-confidence, but it's hardly on the level of something like rape, domestic violence or mental illness. Kris really crossed a line with this one.

  • Love 13

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