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S11.E09: Tears of a Clown

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On ‎5‎/‎2‎/‎2019 at 7:36 AM, Keywestclubkid said:

Re Dale and Tinsley,

I don’t think Dale is intentionally trying to hurt or shade Tinsley (she does truly love both her daughters) you have to look at it from her perspective she is a Rich wasp who herself was raised to believe that her only goal in life was to marry wealthy and make babies, and no matter what keep the marriage together even if you are unhappy.(they were on dr Phil a looooong time ago and was trying to get her back together with topper and she just kept saying just think what everyone is thinking think about your reputation and she should stay with this man) this is all she’s ever known in her wasp bubble.  She wasn’t raised to think independently or that a woman’s worth was not somehow connected to a rich husband and her kids. So she raised her two daughters the same way. So yes it is Horrible the way she is pushing Tinsley and putting so much emphasis on being married and having kids shes not doing it out of spite its all she knows its all she was really taught to want and need.. Does she need to back off? Hell yea but at the end of the day I think she is only trying (even if in her own head ) to make her daughter happy... Sorry I dated a guy from very Wasp OLD CT family and i have seen this kinda behavior in person and its not cute but isnt being done in a malicious way...

I can't forgive Dale.  My mother was extremely traditional.  She married at 18, and let my father have the last word, etc.  She raised me to be an independent woman and to not rely on a man.  She wanted me to be a brain surgeon not a socialite, and thank God for that!  

Dale has given Tinsley crippling insecurities, and as someone who's suffered from long-term depression, she can go fuck herself with the "stop being negative" and "stop cursing" bullshit.  She needs to go back to sobbing over Tinsely's eggs.

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20 hours ago, Sweet-tea said:

Traveling is no excuse for not attending AA meetings. They are everywhere. 

it Is for the Canary.  She is special.

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12 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

I can't forgive Dale.  My mother was extremely traditional.  She married at 18, and let my father have the last word, etc.  She raised me to be an independent woman and to not rely on a man.  She wanted me to be a brain surgeon not a socialite, and thank God for that!  

Dale has given Tinsley crippling insecurities, and as someone who's suffered from long-term depression, she can go fuck herself with the "stop being negative" and "stop cursing" bullshit.  She needs to go back to sobbing over Tinsely's eggs.

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On 5/2/2019 at 8:25 PM, Gem 10 said:

Yes, Tins is depressed.  She thought she was going to marry Scott and live happily ever after.  She had hopes and asked him to come to N.Y.  and he said no.   She had hopes and thought he loved her.  I’d be depressed too.  It will take a long time to get over him.  How could Dale tell her to get over it?  She needs time to get over this love affair.  Her heart is broken.

Her mother is codependent...and also very passive aggressive...Tinsley should move to the West Coast and start fresh. Guaranteed Mama would never visit her there...she’d be better off without all that toxicity.

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On 5/2/2019 at 7:38 PM, sasha206 said:

I'm right there with you sista.  As I posted above, "Because she probably has been through this discussion multiple times with Tins crying over this relationship.  It's not their first break-up.  At some point, the best thing to do is tell your daughter to move on and get over it.  And in my view, she's exactly right.  This relationship clearly isn't healthy for her.  Patting her on the back and hugging her is nice, but we've already seen everyone on this cast basically tell Tins she needs to move on.  I'm sure they've had this song and dance multiple times with her already and at some point the person needs to be told to move on."

Absolutely agree with both of you re: Tinsley's mother for everything already mentioned, but I also thought Dale seemed panicky and startled by her daughter's reaction. I was wondering how much of her "snap-out-of-it-ness" had to do with Tins spiraling in clown makeup and a big bow on national television. My own mother is a southern WASP on par with Dale, so maybe that's why I feel protective of her and understand where she's coming from, and I can tell you with absolute certainty that she would be worried about another Page Six story and breakdown in front of those cameras. Who knows how she handles things in private.

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On 5/2/2019 at 6:21 PM, bichonblitz said:

Babs probably has a lot of extensions. New Jersey style. She needs to definitely have some of those things removed. Also, stop with the nude/white lipstick. No female over the age of 10 should ever wear that awful color lipstick, I don't care how much Ulta and Sephora tell us we should ! 

As someone who was born and raised in Jersey in the height of the mall loving 80s, I have to defend my homeland.  Most of the state really doesn't look like that.  I promise.  While I don't live there now, I grew up very near where another reality show was filmed and no one I knew every looked (or really acted), like the people on the show.  

On 5/2/2019 at 9:25 PM, Sweet-tea said:

And less alcohol.

Has she done something to her nose or is she just wearing excessive contour? It has looked a little odd in some of her scenes. I noticed it the last few weeks too.

Tinsley's nose seems to have gotten smaller over the years. 

On 5/2/2019 at 10:15 PM, Sterling said:

Has it ever been explained why Tinsley keeps Topper's last name?  I'd understand if they had kids together, but I find it odd.

I imagine that it's a combination of being a better society name and also being the name she was known as when she was the society "it" girl.  I have some professional certifications in my married name and because of that, I likely will never change my name from what it is now (at least professionally).  I have a friend who goes by her maiden name at work for the same reason.  So I kind of get it. 

14 hours ago, iloveit said:

So true and it seemed like this was part of the part with Scott. Even though he probably is very rich now, she said he was insecure with her social status and fame.  I am sure lots of guys want to date her but then can't handle actually being with her. 

I think she has said that Scott didn't want all of his life on tv, and that's a fair enough thing.  Tinsley lives a very public life, her ideal career is being in the public eye.  That's not something that is going to be for everyone.  She shouldn't have to give it up, but the other person also shouldn't have to put their life on display either.  A few people are able to make it work, like Dolly Parton, she's super public and I don't know if anyone would recognize her husband if he was standing next to her.  But, for the most part, it's not really an ideal situation.

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5 hours ago, kicksave said:

Tinsley should move to the West Coast and start fresh. Guaranteed Mama would never visit her there...

I dunno, Kicksave - I mean, you'd hope so? - but I'm pretty sure Tinsley's mother would move to Cali rather than surrender Tinsley. I can totally see Dale diving right into the Coppertone and floaty caftans and Royal Beagle happy hour, scouting men for Tins ("He works for some bigwig named Xenu and he knows John Travolta personally!!") while camping out at GOOP ("My daughter's vagina is haunted & needs two jade eggs, Gwyneth") and becoming increasingly more bizarre ("I just cut a three picture deal for your frozen eggs, Tins!") as she tries to put together a life for Tinsley.

Edited by film noire
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On 5/2/2019 at 4:00 PM, islandgal140 said:


And it went on for so damn long comparing characters nobody knows in a film yet to be released to cast members. Lunacy!

I was cringing when the ladies were sexually inappropriate with the talent at the circus. It is a family show and tons of kids were present. 

B's is too busy? Its too much? I don't feel a drop sorry for Bethenny dealing with issues of her own making. I believe she self-sabotages with entirely too much on her plate because if she stopped for a minute she realized how damaged yet empty she is and deep down I don't think she like her own company. 

Tinsley? Now that is a pretty mess (tm Erika Jayne) and shows you what happens when a trophy can't attach itself to a wallet/awardee. People go on about how accomplished Tinsley is, how she went to college and can play tennis well. Yeah, but that was all grooming for the purpose of being a rich man's wife. I mean she majored in Art History and tennis for centuries was a rich person's game and to some extent still is, nothwithstanding the Williams Sisters. 

Jeez, I wonder what Dale's advice to Tinsley was during the throes of that abusive relationship?

I realize NYC has nearly 9 million people. If we assume half (4.5 million) of that are men, and half of that are dateable (2.25m) and half of that are in Ramona's age range (1.125m) and speaking generous 2% of that are monied and "sophisticated" enough to squire Ramona around town, I still have trouble believing she dates as avidly as she likes to portray. 

Speaking about Tinsley and her college education, I wonder if Dale paid for her to get in Columbia like some are doing now.

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On 5/2/2019 at 7:14 PM, sasha206 said:

Why is the requirement that the guy be a millionaire?  I know that's what Tins and the rest of them seem to desire, but maybe just a nice guy, with an average income?  If she's as wealthy as everyone says she is, why does she need a rich guy?  Not to mention, wealthy men are likely going to want something younger than a 43 year-old -- like Tins when she was considered the "It" girl.  I think Tins is shooting way too high and could find a nice, normal guy that would appreciate her if she wouldn't go with wealth as her #1 quality she desires in a man. 

I don’t think Tinsley cares if the guy is homeless ... it’s Dale who wants her to marry rich.  Tinsley just wants someone to love, get married and have a child.  It’s hard enough to find a decent guy anywhere, especially at 43.  If she would consider a blue collar worker, and there are plenty in New York, she would have a chance, BUT Dale would have a fit.  She has to loosen the strings with Dale a bit and have a mind of her own or else she will wind up with nothing and be miserable.  She’s beautiful, sweet, and has a good heart.  Plenty of nice guys around if she would set her standards a little lower.  It’s all up to her, not Dale.

Edited by Gem 10
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41 minutes ago, Gem 10 said:

I don’t think Tinsley cares if the guy is homeless ... it’s Dale who wants her to marry rich.  Tinsley just wants someone to love, get married and have a child.  It’s hard enough to find a decent guy anywhere, especially at 43.  If she would consider a blue collar worker, and there are plenty in New York, she would have a chance, BUT Dale would have a fit.  She has to loosen the strings with Dale a bit and have a mind of her own or else she will wind up with nothing and be miserable.  She’s beautiful, sweet, and has a good heart.  Plenty of nice guys around if she would set her standards a little lower.  It’s all up to her, not Dale.

Honestly, I think Tins wants a wealthy man.  She's sweet, but I think status is very important to her.  If it wasn't, she wouldn't be so concerned with getting back on the NYC social scene.  She could easily take her money, go somewhere other than NYC, be out of the limelight and find that regular guy.  Her mom may be an ass, but Tins is not some wallflower that can't make decisions for herself at 43 years of age.  I think she likes to play it like she's some young ingenue; that gets old when you are approaching mid-forties.

Edited by sasha206
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9 minutes ago, sasha206 said:

Honestly, I think Tins wants a wealthy man.  She's sweet, but I think status is very important to her.  If it wasn't, she wouldn't be so concerned with getting back on the NYC social scene.  She could easily take her money, go somewhere other than NYC, be out of the limelight and find that regular guy.  Her mom may be an ass, but she's not some wallflower that can't make decisions for herself.  

Tinsley only knows wealth .. she was born and married to Topper who was wealthy.  She should give a regular guy a shot.  She might like having to watch pennies for a change.  Look at all the other housewives who married and divorced rich.  They all have money and are miserable, everyone of them. That’s where rich got them.  Drinking, going out making fools of themselves at their age.  Pathetic.  Give me the simple life.  It’s great.

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On 5/1/2019 at 10:24 PM, njbchlover said:

I agree - Ramona's clothing choices looked excellent on Barbara.  The clothes were gorgeous and really complimented Barbara's body shape.

I don't know that Moaner actually picked those items, so much as commented on them.  I thought the stylist picked them, because isn't that what she does, and said she would do when they got there?  

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17 minutes ago, Gem 10 said:

Tinsley only knows wealth .. she was born and married to Topper who was wealthy.  She should give a regular guy a shot.  She might like having to watch pennies for a change.  Look at all the other housewives who married and divorced rich.  They all have money and are miserable, everyone of them. That’s where rich got them.  Drinking, going out making fools of themselves at their age.  Pathetic.  Give me the simple life.  It’s great.

Totally agree!  Although one poster did mention that there are men in this world that don't like women making more $$ than they do!  

I also think it needs to happen organically for her -- like meeting someone through her rescue league volunteerism that shares her passion. 

I do like her, but I think her goal of getting back into NYC society isn't the best.  Enjoy her resurgence on RHONY but realize that there are a lot of good men that wouldn't be thrilled having their lives as fodder for the show.  I wouldn't be surprised if Scott at first enjoyed being with her, loved her, loved the initial publicity and then had a hard time with her trying on wedding dresses, crying over frozen eggs on TV.

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26 minutes ago, sasha206 said:

Totally agree!  Although one poster did mention that there are men in this world that don't like women making more $$ than they do!  

I also think it needs to happen organically for her -- like meeting someone through her rescue league volunteerism that shares her passion. 

I do like her, but I think her goal of getting back into NYC society isn't the best.  Enjoy her resurgence on RHONY but realize that there are a lot of good men that wouldn't be thrilled having their lives as fodder for the show.  I wouldn't be surprised if Scott at first enjoyed being with her, loved her, loved the initial publicity and then had a hard time with her trying on wedding dresses, crying over frozen eggs on TV.

Agreed. imo, she should set a less shallow goal that will help her mix the socialite circles, since that's so important to her. Surely, they must do something with their time? Charity work, fashion magazine contributor, committees of some sort,..help me out here, they can't Lunch with the Ladies and shop every day, can they? (please say "no, of course not. don't be silly")  

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I feel so bad for Tinsley. She's not in a good and is obviously depressed. Her mother invalidates her feelings telling her that other people have it worse and that she shouldn't be sad of her current situation. 

That's the worst thing to tell someone, that their feelings don't matter because there is always someone worse off than you. 

I hope Tinsley gets better and that she gets to a place where she is happy again. 

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Tinsley needs to grow up and realize that she is never getting back into high society.   That social circle wouldn't be caught dead associating with a Bravo HW.

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36 minutes ago, Hero said:

I feel so bad for Tinsley. She's not in a good and is obviously depressed. Her mother invalidates her feelings telling her that other people have it worse and that she shouldn't be sad of her current situation. 

Yeah, her Mom sucks in the "giving comfort" department.  She would've been better off just hugging her and keeping her mouth shut.  Sometimes that the best that a person can do, especially if they don't know what to say.  

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4 hours ago, Gem 10 said:

She should give a regular guy a shot.

Here is the problem with a regular guy for Tinsley, his time is not his own, he has a job, Monday thru Friday, vacation time is 2 weeks a year, being able to have a nice long (expensive) lunch on a work day may not be realistic, going to what ever fundraiser and making a donation might not be budget friendly for the regular guy.  Tinsley would not be able to function in a relationship where Netflix and take out food or sharing a house at the shore for the summer is the norm...Tinsley needs someone with a flexible schedule, to be given nice things, flown at least business class to exotic locations, be taken to all the balls, charity events, openings...

I married a regular guy, we do nice things but we go to work everyday. 

Tinsley would not be happy waiting for the weekend to do anything.

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13 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Here is the problem with a regular guy for Tinsley, his time is not his own, he has a job, Monday thru Friday, vacation time is 2 weeks a year, being able to have a nice long (expensive) lunch on a work day may not be realistic, going to what ever fundraiser and making a donation might not be budget friendly for the regular guy.  Tinsley would not be able to function in a relationship where Netflix and take out food or sharing a house at the shore for the summer is the norm...Tinsley needs someone with a flexible schedule, to be given nice things, flown at least business class to exotic locations, be taken to all the balls, charity events, openings...

I married a regular guy, we do nice things but we go to work everyday. 

Tinsley would not be happy waiting for the weekend to do anything.

But Tinsley was perfectly fine waiting for a guy who lives in Chicago.  How often was he coming up?  But I guess if he sends up Bentley's, the wait is okay until she finally realizes the relationship is not going anywhere.

Not to mention that unless your guys is a trust fund baby, most wealthy men/entrepreneurs are more married to their jobs and may not have that much flexibility working lengthy hours.

But I don't think she wants a regular guy.  I think she wants a very wealthy guy but doesn't yet realize that at 43, she may not find one that wants to commit, would rather have a younger model of Tins, or is one marriage 2 or 3 and doesn't want kids.

Edited by sasha206
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53 minutes ago, sasha206 said:

But Tinsley was perfectly fine waiting for a guy who lives in Chicago.  How often was he coming up?  But I guess if he sends up Bentley's, the wait is okay until she finally realizes the relationship is not going anywhere.

Not to mention that unless your guys is a trust fund baby, most wealthy men/entrepreneurs are more married to their jobs and may not have that much flexibility working lengthy hours.

But I don't think she wants a regular guy.  I think she wants a very wealthy guy but doesn't yet realize that at 43, she may not find one that wants to commit, would rather have a younger model of Tins, or is one marriage 2 or 3 and doesn't want kids.

I agree, TIns was fine waiting around for Scott but the waiting was a bit more berable with a Bentley and nice digs to live in...43 is not old but sadly in the wealthy single man world she is the crypt keeper. 

At 43 I married a regular guy (second marriage for both of us), no private planes or Bentley's but it is pretty damn good!

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15 hours ago, film noire said:

I dunno, Kicksave - I mean, you'd hope so? - but I'm pretty sure Tinsley's mother would move to Cali rather than surrender Tinsley. I can totally see Dale diving right into the Coppertone and floaty caftans and Royal Beagle happy hour, scouting men for Tins ("He works for some bigwig named Xenu and he knows John Travolta personally!!") while camping out at GOOP ("My daughter's vagina is haunted & needs two jade eggs, Gwyneth") and becoming increasingly more bizarre ("I just cut a three picture deal for your frozen eggs, Tins!") as she tries to put together a life for Tinsley.

Maybe...but I know Southern women in their 60's and beyond...I live in Virginia (not too far from where Tinsley grew up)...and these debutante Southern belle old money ladies have their "places"...winters in Palm Beach, trips to Manhattan for shopping and cosmetic work, home for seasonal social/charity events and summers abroad or somewhere cooler by the sea. California just isn't their cup of tea...but...she would definitely go visit there but not stay long. 

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22 hours ago, Gem 10 said:

Get Dale off the show.

I don't know. I think Dale could be the shit-stirrer extraordinaire that would keep this franchise in perpetual motion.  

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13 minutes ago, kicksave said:

Maybe...but I know Southern women in their 60's and beyond...I live in Virginia (not too far from where Tinsley grew up)...and these debutante Southern belle old money ladies have their "places"...winters in Palm Beach, trips to Manhattan for shopping and cosmetic work, home for seasonal social/charity events and summers abroad or somewhere cooler by the sea. California just isn't their cup of tea...but...she would definitely go visit there but not stay long. 

Tinsley seems like she'd do great in Los Angeles, to me.  She wouldn't have to worry about some "socialite set" and could do all the shopping she wants, and meet lots of people of all kinds out there, many with money because it is expensive to live there.  She could hook up with a producer or something on his second wife and even have children if she wanted (I am not convinced she wants children for her own sake).  Tinsley has plenty of money.  She would have no problem in LA getting in with whatever crowd she wants.  No one would give a shit about her having been in the tabloids with a mug shot because:  LA.

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1 hour ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Here is the problem with a regular guy for Tinsley, his time is not his own, he has a job, Monday thru Friday, vacation time is 2 weeks a year, being able to have a nice long (expensive) lunch on a work day may not be realistic, going to what ever fundraiser and making a donation might not be budget friendly for the regular guy.  Tinsley would not be able to function in a relationship where Netflix and take out food or sharing a house at the shore for the summer is the norm...Tinsley needs someone with a flexible schedule, to be given nice things, flown at least business class to exotic locations, be taken to all the balls, charity events, openings...

I married a regular guy, we do nice things but we go to work everyday. 

Tinsley would not be happy waiting for the weekend to do anything.

You are probably right about that.  She’d be bored with the normal way of life that many have.  I can’t picture her pushing a baby carriage and going to the supermarket.  She doesn’t even cook now, but rings for room service at her hotel.  Completely different way of life.  She doesn’t know any other way.  Oh well.

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3 hours ago, sasha206 said:

But Tinsley was perfectly fine waiting for a guy who lives in Chicago.  How often was he coming up?  But I guess if he sends up Bentley's, the wait is okay until she finally realizes the relationship is not going anywhere.

Not to mention that unless your guys is a trust fund baby, most wealthy men/entrepreneurs are more married to their jobs and may not have that much flexibility working lengthy hours.

But I don't think she wants a regular guy.  I think she wants a very wealthy guy but doesn't yet realize that at 43, she may not find one that wants to commit, would rather have a younger model of Tins, or is one marriage 2 or 3 and doesn't want kids.

Yes, but exposing herself in a bad way with crying and hanging out with these maniacs on the show is not doing her any favors in getting a society guy.

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I think Tinsley needs to find a guy like Caroline Stanbury's (Ladies of London) husband, Cem. He's Turkish, Jewish, a financier, and he gives Stanbury a wide berth to be herself.

The bigger issue is that Tinsley isn't really self possessed and doesn't really have an abiding passion for anything. I wish she found something she really wants to do. 

Edited by HunterHunted
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On 5/4/2019 at 1:46 AM, smores said:

So true and it seemed like this was part of the part with Scott. Even though he probably is very rich now, she said he was insecure with her social status and fame.  I am sure lots of guys want to date her but then can't handle actually being with her. 

That is so true.  When I worked for a big Company with lots of guys and beautiful girls, I found the guys drooled over the pretty girls, but were fearful of asking them out.  They wound up with the ordinary girls.  They feared the pretty ones were out of their league.  I always thought Scott thought Tinsley would be too much for him all the way around.  Good point.

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I was really surprised to see that some of you think Tinsley might have been too much for Scott, I.e. her social status, fame, good looks.   I don't think so at all.   I think Scott was turned off by how desperate Tinsley actually is.    Her social status is Bravo TV HW.   Her father squandered his fortune so there's not a lot of money left. She's 43 years old, insecure, childish and very high maintenance.

I also don't think she would do well in LA.  There are too many 20 somethings.

Edited by AnnA
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1 hour ago, AnnA said:

I was really surprised to see that some of you think Tinsley might have been too much for Scott, I.e. her social status, fame, good looks.   I don't think so at all.   I think Scott was turned off by how desperate Tinsley actually is.    Her social status is Bravo TV HW.   Her father squandered his fortune so there's not a lot of money left. She's 43 years old, insecure, childish and very high maintenance.

I also don't think she would do well in LA.  There are too many 20 somethings.

Exactly!  I do think there's a sweetness to her, but she is those things that you mentioned.  I also don't see the beauty that others on this board sees in her.  I think she's just a skinny bottled blonde who wears far too much makeup, overly botoxed eyebrows, whittled down nose.  She's attractive, but not a beauty in my view.

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38 minutes ago, sasha206 said:

Exactly!  I do think there's a sweetness to her, but she is those things that you mentioned.  I also don't see the beauty that others on this board sees in her.  I think she's just a skinny bottled blonde who wears far too much makeup, overly botoxed eyebrows, whittled down nose.  She's attractive, but not a beauty in my view.

You forgot jailbird.

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And, it’s all Carole’s fault.  Anyhow, what girl meets a guy for the first time, jumps on his lap and gives him a big smooch on the lips?  Classy.

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On ‎5‎/‎3‎/‎2019 at 5:19 PM, AnnA said:

I'm not sure that Tinsley is as wealthy as people think she is.   Didn't Tinsley's father squander his fortune?   She may be comfortable but I doubt she is super rich.  

I also doubt her ability to regain her socialite status.   I don't think the "high society" social scene in NYC or anywhere else would associate with Bravo's HWs.   

She seems like she has an awesome trust fund-- maybe her dad spent his.

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9 minutes ago, bravofan27 said:

She seems like she has an awesome trust fund-- maybe her dad spent his.

Maybe she does........maybe she does not.    Personally, I'm leaning towards not. Why would anyone with an awesome trust fund become a Bravo Housewife?    It won't help her regain her high society status.   They think these HWs are trash.  

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17 minutes ago, bravofan27 said:

She seems like she has an awesome trust fund-- maybe her dad spent his.

She has to have plenty.  Who stays in a hotel, gets room service and has her hair and makeup done regularly, and no job of any kind.  Where’s the money coming from. Plus, she’s hanging out with the wrong people.  Does she need that Bravo check?  Does Dale need that Bravo check?  What are they doing on a reality show in the first place?  They should be in a Country Club somewhere lunching with the rich and famous.  BTW, Tiger Woods parked his yacht on Long Island waiting for a big golf championship in two weeks.  He’ll be in the city and available, LOL.  There you go Tins.

Edited by Gem 10
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38 minutes ago, Gem 10 said:

She has to have plenty.  Who stays in a hotel, gets room service and has her hair and makeup done regularly, and no job of any kind.  Where’s the money coming from. Plus, she’s hanging out with the wrong people.  Does she need that Bravo check?  Does Dale need that Bravo check?  What are they doing on a reality show in the first place?  They should be in a Country Club somewhere lunching with the rich and famous.  BTW, Tiger Woods parked his yacht on Long Island waiting for a big golf championship in two weeks.  He’ll be in the city and available, LOL.  There you go Tins.

She has a job.   She's a Bravo housewife.  Didn't Sonja say Scott was paying for the hotel?

Since Tinsley's fall from grace and her current stint as a HW, I can't see her being accepted in any country club catering to the rich and famous.  Most of the really rich society types don't want to be "famous." They intentionally keep a low profile.

Edited by AnnA
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Well, Tiger Woods likes his blondes! I just posted a response in the Tinsley thread that more or less says just what Gem10 posted about how Tinsley behave the night she met Scott.  So, I won't repeat it here. 

I kind of remember the youngish guy Tinsley was seeing right before she met Scott, the one she went bowling with. I kind of liked him and she seemed to have more fun with him than she ever did with Scott. I'm sure the other guy's pedigree wasn't suitable by UES and Dale's standards.

Is the Red Baron guy still around? Since Bethenny is spoken for (I guess) then maybe he's up for grabs. 

We could probably come up with a dozen eligibles for Tinsley just amongst ourselves. Bravo should have a contest to Find a "Match" for Tinsley!  Winner gets to attend a future sleepover episode in the Berzerkshires in the fish room.

Edited by CharlizeCat
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1 hour ago, Gem 10 said:

And, it’s all Carole’s fault.  Anyhow, what girl meets a guy for the first time, jumps on his lap and gives him a big smooch on the lips?  Classy.


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24 minutes ago, AnnA said:

She has a job.   She's a Bravo housewife.  Didn't Sonja say Scott was paying for the hotel?

Since Tinsley's fall from grace and her current stint as a HW, I can't see her being accepted in any country club catering to the rich and famous.  Most of the really rich society types don't want to be "famous." They intentionally keep a low profile.

If she continues to be a Bravo housewife, cry endlessley, get drunk and hang out with these women, she better be satisfied with a regular guy as she is not low profile, especially with that mug shot.  What is Dale thinking?  Her and her uppity ways too.  Go back to Florida and let your daughter grow up.  It’s time.

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1 hour ago, CharlizeCat said:

We could probably come up with a dozen eligibles for Tinsley just amongst ourselves. Bravo should have a contest to Find a "Match" for Tinsley!  Winner gets to attend a future sleepover episode in the Berzerkshires in the fish room.

Brilliant 👍

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2 hours ago, CharlizeCat said:

Well, Tiger Woods likes his blondes! I just posted a response in the Tinsley thread that more or less says just what Gem10 posted about how Tinsley behave the night she met Scott.  So, I won't repeat it here. 

I kind of remember the youngish guy Tinsley was seeing right before she met Scott, the one she went bowling with. I kind of liked him and she seemed to have more fun with him than she ever did with Scott. I'm sure the other guy's pedigree wasn't suitable by UES and Dale's standards.

Is the Red Baron guy still around? Since Bethenny is spoken for (I guess) then maybe he's up for grabs. 

We could probably come up with a dozen eligibles for Tinsley just amongst ourselves. Bravo should have a contest to Find a "Match" for Tinsley!  Winner gets to attend a future sleepover episode in the Berzerkshires in the fish room.

Red Scarf guy looks like a player.  Another Tom so to speak.  Besides, Ramoaner has her sights on him from last season.  I wouldn’t be surprised that’s where she is always disappearing to .. looking for him, lol.

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Even though he's a big old fame whore (Millionaire Matchmaker and Below Deck: Med), Jason Ziegler might not be too bad for Tinsley in the short run. Tinsley is 43. She's got to face facts. She's not going to get a wealthy WASP who isn't at least 20 years older than she is and likely already has his own kids.

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19 hours ago, AnnA said:

I was really surprised to see that some of you think Tinsley might have been too much for Scott, I.e. her social status, fame, good looks.   I don't think so at all.   I think Scott was turned off by how desperate Tinsley actually is.    Her social status is Bravo TV HW.   Her father squandered his fortune so there's not a lot of money left. She's 43 years old, insecure, childish and very high maintenance.

I also don't think she would do well in LA.  There are too many 20 somethings.

It depends where in LA.  Tinz in Weho--oh hell no!  She would not mesh well with those atrocious people on Vanderpump Rules BUT Tinz in Orange County--hell yas!  I think she would fit in with those gals =D

Someone up thread put the idea in my head of Tinz on Southern Charm--I would LUV that! 

Edited by Dirtybubble
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50 minutes ago, Dirtybubble said:

It depends where in LA.  Tinz in Weho--oh hell no!  She would not mesh well with those atrocious people on Vanderpump Rules BUT Tinz in Orange County--hell yas!  I think she would fit in with those gals =D

Someone up thread put the idea in my head of Tinz on Southern Charm--I would LUV that! 

OK.  I'll take your word for it.   I hate the OC and I don't watch Southern Charm.

Edited by AnnA
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1 hour ago, Dirtybubble said:

It depends where in LA.  Tinz in Weho--oh hell no!  She would not mesh well with those atrocious people on Vanderpump Rules BUT Tinz in Orange County--hell yas!  I think she would fit in with those gals =D

Someone up thread put the idea in my head of Tinz on Southern Charm--I would LUV that! 

Well, she did write a book called Southern Charm.

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 I think Tiger Woods is out of the running for Tinsley, if for no other reason than he's had a (brunette) girlfriend for about two years now.  She runs one of his restaurants in Florida, and she seeems really good with his kids.  I'm glad he's finding stability, so let's not jinx it lol!

I haven't commented on this episode because I thought it was kind of disturbing, and I didn't know what to say.  I guess I think Tinsley and Bethenny are FUBAR (fucked up beyond all recognition).  Like, they are both so damaged in their own ways, and I'm not going to say it's not fun to watch, but these are some really crazy unhappy women.

I never thought I'd be saying this because I really don't agree with 12 Step group methodology, but I would actually like to see Tinsely join Al-Anon, so that she can take a searching and fearless moral inventory of herself.  I don't think that men can fix Bethenny and Tinsley.  I'm not even sure therapy can do it.  They both need to completely stop whatever it is they're doing and change their lives.  Someone upthread suggested Eat, Pray, Love and I thought that was perfect.

Luann, who is I think is actually the third most fucked-up, has something in her, some kind of fortitude, where I think she would survive (any maybe even thrive) in jail eating baloney sandwiches and packages of mustard.  She would come out of it with an endorsement deal from Oscar Mayer or something and be happy about it (are you listening, Bethenny?).

I guess if I'm rounding the list out, I think Dorinda is the fourth most fucked-up, and then Sonja, and then Ramona is least fucked up.  This is not a judgment on what kind of people they are morally, but rather how they seem to perceive themselves and where they are in life.  Like, when they wake up in the morning, who wants to put a bullet in their skull, and who is willing to face the day?  Tinsley seems the most unhappy, if only for the fact the Bethenny has Brynn (which, I don't think kids make people happy Carte Blanche, or I would have had kids by now, but I think Bethenny in particular finds satisfaction in that relationship, whereas Tinsely has little satisfaction in a relationship with anyone). 

I do think this is the least happy franchise.  Jill didn't even seem that happy when she was on screen.  Jill does this weird smile where her actual smile is huge, but her eyes look like they're in pain.  I think losing Bobby may have knocked her off her axis.  Perhaps for good.  Even though I said I think Sonja and Ramona are the happiest, pick any other franchise, and I'll show you at least two Housewives who are happier than both of them.

I guess this is why I found myself liking posts in support of Dale and posts where people say "Dale is the worst."  Dale is the worst, and I'm sure Bernadette was the worst for Bethenny, but at some point we have to put on our grown-up britches and take a hold of our lives, in spite of what our moms say or don't say.  

(I am far from perfect, and I let voices from the past dictate shoulds and shouldn't to me, and I'm sure I'd be a great candidate for therapy too, but I don't think I'm more fucked-up than Dorinda, so I would still probably win with this group lol)

I think if we get another season with this cast, Bethenny and Tinsley will wind up close friends, because misery loves company.  

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On 5/2/2019 at 12:08 PM, Gem 10 said:

And a new hair color so she doesn’t look orange all the way through.

And for the love of God, ditch the nude lipstick!

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On 5/1/2019 at 9:34 PM, QQQQ said:

Dale better hope her other daughter is willing to provide care in her old age, 'cuz Baby Tins is losing it.


Tinley has a sister? Or half sister?   

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7 hours ago, Dirtybubble said:

It depends where in LA.  Tinz in Weho--oh hell no!  She would not mesh well with those atrocious people on Vanderpump Rules BUT Tinz in Orange County--hell yas!  I think she would fit in with those gals =D

Someone up thread put the idea in my head of Tinz on Southern Charm--I would LUV that! 

Yes.. Southern Charm.  Perfect.  Then Patricia can show her the ropes.  What about Shep & Tinsley?  Or,maybe Cameron can fix her up with a Doctor.  The choices are endless.  She could get along with any of the girls.  I love it.

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