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S07.E17: Cillas' Story

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1 hour ago, kicotan said:

How weird is it that he has this huge arm tattoo of Neveah and goes on and on about her...and the other two kids are footnotes.

I can’t personally imagine being one of those chicks that finds incarcerated/incapacitated men attractive.  I mean, to each their own and all that but yeah, no thanks.

Pretty routine storyline so far.  I completely agree with your first paragraph.  He obviously favors Neveah over his two step-daughters.  Pretty sad.

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Sorry, but I do not understand the attraction of being with a guy who is extremely morbidly obese, and immobile. It's not even like Cilla had an effervescent personality. He personality was very 'blah' to me. I nearly died a little when he proposed by reading off his phone, Meanwhile Jessica is making love to that whipped cream dream on her plate. 

I'm not fond of grown men who main mode of dress is an upturned ball cap, short pants and baggy t-shirt. It looks like something a little kid would wear. He may still be big, but he could have found a nicer shirt, and a long pair of black sweat pants to wear out to dinner. 

Random observations:

Thank goodness. No Lola this week. 

Cilla's Mom looked like a cross between fat Axel Rose, and Momma from the movie "Throw Momma from the Train." 

It took 8 EMT's to move that guy. How embarrassing.  It's also such a waste of their time. I wonder why he wasn't transported by ambulance since his condition was so deteriorated at that point. 

Dr. Now said he couldn't do surgery if Cilla was still on oxygen, but he still did  surgery on him anyway. Hmmmm. I wonder if was just  a matter of Cilla still being dependant on it at that point, and needed to be weaned off of it. 

Jessica came back to move to Houston, and was just throwing clothes and whatever crap is on the floor into bags and boxes. The place looked absolutely filthy. No damage deposit for you. 

It sounded like Dr. Now was calling Cilla "Celeste" at one point. 

Metamucil and Cilla were very bonded. The big tattoo of her name was rather odd. You'd think Jessica would make prime real estate on his bod. Let's hope the tattoo of her isn't somewhere else we couldn't see.  😳

Edited by Barbara Please
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So Jessica broke up with her boyfriend when she met Cillas. There was a picture of the happy new couple with an infant so I wonder if she was pregnant with Neveah when they met, and maybe he feels like her biodad if he was around for the birth. 

He and the other two girls also seem to love each other 

jessica keeps wearing a necklace that is a gun hanging off a chain  

He is going to ask his fiancée to marry him. WTF. 

I actually liked him pretty well throughout. At least he wasn’t dickish to people. 

Jessica had best improve everyone’s eating habit or we will see some backsliding, and/or Cillas will be the thinnest family member. D’oh!

ETA: “Metamucil”??🤣

Edited by Tabbygirl521
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I've never heard of this name before.  Before it started, I assumed "Cilla" was a nickname for Priscilla, then was surprised Cilla was a man. 

Where did they live before coming to Houston?  There were some clothing references to Detroit, but there's no way they would have made it from Detroit to Houston with just one overnight. 

All the EMT transfers in and out of vehicles was getting monotonous.  I was thinking how useless it all was just for him to get to the office and get weighed and told to lose "X" amount before coming back.  But then, he got admitted to the hospital and it all seemed worthwhile after that. 

I didn't understand why he was still having difficulty walking after losing so much weight, but I guess the muscle strength takes a while to get back.  I wonder if some seated leg presses would have helped. 

It seems that most of the caregivers have this skewed sense of their own obesity, since they see that they're not THAT morbidly obese.  They probably feel quite slim in comparison.  I wish Dr. Now would have more family inclusion in his program. 

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4 minutes ago, suzeecat said:

I didn't understand why he was still having difficulty walking after losing so much weight, but I guess the muscle strength takes a while to get back.  I wonder if some seated leg presses would have helped. 

I'm sure that is the case. He was bed bound for so long. It might also be he is afraid of falling as he isn't quite steady and strong on his feet.  I was happy to see he was up though. 

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I still haven't figured out what the deal was with Jessica and Cillis.  There is something we weren't told. Not sure what it is, but, imo, there's a backstory.  

I don't think that Jessica left her job to be with Cillis.  He said in the beginning that she spent all day bringing him food and that she was a student.  So, I guess she wasn't the bread winner. I take it that she was glad to move with Cillis to Houston due to this. 

I do think that his feelings of abandonment at an early age may make him overly affectionate  with his new "proclaimed" family, but, still.....his profuse references to the youngest child was troublesome. It just seemed unnatural.  

I really suspect that Jessica will not support a good eating plan for their family. She seems very enthused with food and borderline obese herself.  Of course, Cillis can't see that.  I hope he's not one of those who is back bedridden in a couple of years with Jessica not far behind him.  And, the kids being their caretakers. 

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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He mentioned that being away from Neveah was the hardest part of being alone in Houston. I was hoping that was just funky editing but it seemed like a weird statement. Although (I just thought of this) maybe the other two girls were still with their grandparents at that time so he wouldn’t have been with them anyway. 

His VO said the other two live with their grandparents “several months” out of the year. So he may not know them as well or be as bonded. I dunno. He did seem to love them and vice versa. We may have only heard him gush about Neveah due to editing. I hope. 

I also hope it was editing monkeys who made it look like Jessica was unhappy when Cillas first began making progrsss. RBF perhaps, but I thought Uh-oh, shouldn’t she be smiling? At the end she did seem happy. 

Edited by Tabbygirl521
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8 hours ago, Tabbygirl521 said:

So Jessica broke up with her boyfriend when she met Cillas. There was a picture of the happy new couple with an infant so I wonder if she was pregnant with Neveah when they met, and maybe he feels like her biodad if he was around for the birth. 

He and the other two girls also seem to love each other 

jessica keeps wearing a necklace that is a gun hanging off a chain  

He is going to ask his fiancée to marry him. WTF. 

I actually liked him pretty well throughout. At least he wasn’t dickish to people. 

Jessica had best improve everyone’s eating habit or we will see some backsliding, and/or Cillas will be the thinnest family member. D’oh!

ETA: “Metamucil”??🤣

Yes and no Oh My legs through out

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They were from Fairview, Oklahoma.    It's northwest of Oklahoma City.

Interesting about the 'nursing' school.     There is a vocational-technical campus there, that teaches practical nursing, and leads to an L.P.N., after completing a one-year program.   This is at the Alva campus, not Fairview.  

The girlfriend claims she's back in Nursing school again, and that's a good thing.     Especially since being in Houston will give her a lot of BRN programs to choose from, and where they lived in Oklahoma would probably be a long commute.  

Jessica says she's dieting, on her page, and that's a great thing.     Being healthier is a great thing for someone with so many responsibilities.    

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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A hot mess story, three kids by different fathers  their unmarried  mother involved with a bedridden obese man,who has family issues ... meanwhile the girlfriend grew larger during the episode she said she would remove carbs from the house..... ,the baseball cap and her stuffing her face during "Will you marry me" speaks volumes  where they are headed,,,, Dr Now is truly a saint ...Where was Lola ?

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13 minutes ago, AVM said:

A hot mess story, three kids by different fathers  their unmarried  mother involved with a bedridden obese man,who has family issues ... meanwhile the girlfriend grew larger during the episode she said she would remove carbs from the house..... ,the baseball cap and her stuffing her face during "Will you marry me" speaks volumes  where they are headed,,,, Dr Now is truly a saint ...Where was Lola ?

I think Cillas didn’t get sent to therapy because he didn’t seem delusional or oppositional and was, for the most part, following the program. I imagine it would still be a good idea so he can figure out why he ate himself into bed after acquiring everything he thought he wanted in life. I don’t think he was bedridden until quite awhile after they met. I MIGHT rewatch to listen again to the backstory. MAYBE. 

I do hope Jessica figures out her own issues and that they can have a happy life that’s also good for her kids. 

I actually missed the visuals during the proposal. I might have been stuffing my own face...

Edited by Tabbygirl521
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Most of the time, to me, the enabler(s) are perhaps more damaged or dysfunctional than the patient.  Part of me wonders if they are just delusional, demented or just plain evil to do that to a person.  (I say this since the patient is bed ridden and only able to get the enormous amounts of food via the enabler.)  What would make you hell bent on making a person weigh over 700 pounds?  And, I don't buy the story that they just don't want to hear flack about it or anger the patient. I just don't buy that excuse, though, we hear it a lot.  I suspect it's more sinister. 

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Cillas/whatever seems to be on his way down to 300 lbs; he's going to meet Jessica going in the opposite direction, I think.

Jessica had a beautiful face and hair, and was very subtly and carefully made-up, in sharp contrast to her tourniquet-tight tee and tacky leggings wardrobe. From behind, she looked like Pumpkin from 'Mama June Not to Hot', except Pumpkin dresses better for her Michelin Man figure type.

Cillas actually seems like a nice person; for the sake of the daughters, I wish him well.

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13 hours ago, kicotan said:

How weird is it that he has this huge arm tattoo of Neveah and goes on and on about her...and the other two kids are footnotes.

I can’t personally imagine being one of those chicks that finds incarcerated/incapacitated men attractive.  I mean, to each their own and all that but yeah, no thanks.

I found that tattoo odd as well. If anything, Jessica's name would have been more appropriate.

10 hours ago, Barbara Please said:

[1] Sorry, but I do not understand the attraction of being with a guy who is extremely morbidly obese, and immobile. It's not even like Cilla had an effervescent personality. He personality was very 'blah' to me. I nearly died a little when he proposed by reading off his phone, Meanwhile Jessica is making love to that whipped cream dream on her plate.

[. . .]

[2] It took 8 EMT's to move that guy. How embarrassing.  It's also such a waste of their time. I wonder why he wasn't transported by ambulance since his condition was so deteriorated at that point. 

[3] Dr. Now said he couldn't do surgery if Cilla was still on oxygen, but he still did  surgery on him anyway. Hmmmm. I wonder if was just  a matter of Cilla still being dependant on it at that point, and needed to be weaned off of it.

1) It could be a fetish on Jessica's part, although we usually see this with the roles reversed, where a man prefers large women. Or, depending on Jessica's history, Cillas may have provided her the best option for a safe and stable home for her children. Especially since Cillas had his own home health aid and they would not need to do the more unpleasant things for him such as the bed baths.

2) Agree with all of this. Even Robert from New Jersey was able to get himself between the van and the hotel rooms using a walker and a wheel chair -- they only had to call for EMTs when he fell and could not get back up. Cillas really should have had a medical transport.

3) I've only watched once so far, but I believe Dr. Now's voice over said that Cillas came off the oxygen shortly before his weight loss surgery.

9 hours ago, newyawk said:

Well, I think we all needed to see a success story, with nice people for a change. So thankfully we got that.

I agree. Most of the success stories this season -- with one notable exception of Justin -- have not been such nice or likeable people. With Cillas there was no lying, arguing, or making excuses. He seemed to be nice to people, with no obviously shady behaviors. But Cillas' story was rather dull, I must admit -- at least as it was presented. There may have been more drama to his and Jessica's back stories, and even current life, that was not presented. It seemed they just wanted to focus on his dramatic weight loss, which at over 400 pounds in one year may indeed be Dr. Now's greatest success so far. But I don't think the dramatic weight loss by itself was enough to make for an interesting show. We didn't get to know Cillas very well, so as a viewer although I was happy for him, I had no real emotional involvement with his 'journey'.

9 hours ago, Tabbygirl521 said:

He is going to ask his fiancée to marry him. WTF.

Yes, that was odd. Since he already referred to Jessica as his fiancée that must mean one of them had already proposed. But perhaps since he is transforming to a very different life, Cillas felt it important to renew the proposal. Hmmm.

2 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

Jennifer (I guess Jennifer) needs to stop putting away so much food, before she's on the family plan at Dr. Now. She also needs to get her rear back to school, since Cillas is going to take a very long time to regain his physical strength, and he'll have a long time off with skin surgeries, and other procedures.   

And I may be old fashioned, but when you have three kids by various dads, and have been shacking up for years with someone, your dream wedding needs to be either City Hall, or a quick, tiny wedding at the church some afternoon.        

Agree about Jessica. I found the way she kept eating her dessert during Cillas' proposal was rather dismissive and even offensive. Even if she didn't know it was a marriage proposal, it was obvious he had something important to say to her, especially since he was using prepared notes.

About not marrying as yet, sometime couples have financial reasons for not becoming legally married -- although as has been noted here before I believe, Texas is a state that still has common law marriage. I know of a couple who have been living together in a marriage-like relationship for several years without marrying legally. Some speculate it's because of the five children she has from her previous marriage: because her own income is so low, she is able to get them free health insurance through Medicaid. If she married her boyfriend, his income would disqualify them. Just one possibility.

1 hour ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

Interesting about the 'nursing' school. There is a vocational-technical campus there, that teaches practical nursing, and leads to an L.P.N., after completing a one-year program. This is at the Alva campus, not Fairview.  

Thanks for that info; it makes sense. I do hope Jessica will transfer to a similar program in Houston, so she can complete her training.

One note about Dr. Now during this episode; he seemed to be particularly charmed by the little girl Nevaeh. I thought that was cute.

Here's a photo of the family I found online, from earlier this month. They appear to be at a church, probably for an Easter service. I wish them all well.


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10 hours ago, Tabbygirl521 said:

So Jessica broke up with her boyfriend when she met Cillas. There was a picture of the happy new couple with an infant so I wonder if she was pregnant with Neveah when they met, and maybe he feels like her biodad if he was around for the birth.

Yes, this kind of reminds me of the movie "Blue Valentine". The female lead was pregnant by another man, was thinking of abortion but couldn't go through with it. So the male lead marries her while she is still pregnant and raises the little girl with her like his own daughter. [Highly recommended film for those who have not seen it.]

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2 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I really suspect that Jessica will not support a good eating plan for their family. She seems very enthused with food and borderline obese herself.  

Unfortunately, it's not borderline...

1 hour ago, sempervivum said:

Jessica had a beautiful face and hair, and was very subtly and carefully made-up, in sharp contrast to her tourniquet-tight tee and tacky leggings wardrobe.

For her day-to-day look, I totally agree.  But for some reason, she put all sorts of dark goop on her face for the 'fancy dinner', and she looked awful.

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If she really wants to complete her LPN, they do have them in Texas.     Maybe she could transfer hours from her course in Oklahoma, and with a lot of states recognizing the training from other states, she could transfer her license back to Oklahoma, if they move back there.    I'm sure all three girls are in school all day, so she would just have to worry about day care when Cillas needs care after skin surgery or something else.   

Actually, eventually Cillas might want to train for something like LPN, instead of working in the oil fields the way he was before.     

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My feeling about the proposal scene was that it was fakey-fake, scripted by producers, and Jessica was uncomfortable about acting out this intimate moment for the cameras. I thought she kept eating because she felt so dang awkward she didn't know what else to do. I believe Cillas proposed but I don't think this scene was the real deal.

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Cillas is one of the weirdest names for a man I have ever heard. I think I'll call this baby boy Cillas? Wha?

The usual reasons that people wind up bedridden may not have applied to Cillas. Most of them we have seen secretly enjoy lying there and having everything done for them. It annoyed me there was no mention of how he uses the bathroom. Are we supposed to believe he poops 3x a week when the health aide comes? Who was dumping his urinal and poo? 

I still don't understand how one day they don't get out of bed and suddenly can't walk anymore. I do not think we have seen any bedridden patients on this show get up and walk. James K, did you see this? This guy was out of bed and walking! it IS possible! 

Also Jessica was one of those who liked this situation because she could also stuff her face and still be the skinny one. She looked bigger as the year went on. 

Edited by calpurnia99
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4 hours ago, Tabbygirl521 said:

I wish I knew why his mom called him Silas and if she really thinks it’s spelled “Cillas” or if she was just being cre8ive. Everyone else pronounced it as it reads. 

I bet you're right.  Best I could come up with was short for Marcellus.
Jessica should have come back with her children, while he was in the hospital and then rehab, in Houston.
It sounded like she stayed there.  Wouldn't be my priorities.

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1 hour ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

If she really wants to complete her LPN, they do have them in Texas. Maybe she could transfer hours from her course in Oklahoma, and with a lot of states recognizing the training from other states, she could transfer her license back to Oklahoma, if they move back there. I'm sure all three girls are in school all day, so she would just have to worry about day care when Cillas needs care after skin surgery or something else.   

Actually, eventually Cillas might want to train for something like LPN, instead of working in the oil fields the way he was before.     

According to her FB page, Jessica is back in nursing school.

Her page is under the name Jessica Erin Givens, and has some good info and photos.

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2 hours ago, calpurnia99 said:

I still don't understand how one day they don't get out of bed and suddenly can't walk anymore. I do not think we have seen any bedridden patients on this show get up and walk. James K, did you see this? This guy was out of bed and walking! it IS possible! 

You are being so unfair to James and his laygs. It's not his fault that his body doesn't burn calories!

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1 hour ago, ProTourist said:

According to her FB page, Jessica is back in nursing school.

Her page is under the name Jessica Erin Givens, and has some good info and photos.

I looked at her FB page, and I wish I hadn't. Nothing terrible, but cringeworthy for someone who must be in her late twenties or early thirties. Now I know why she was pretty quiet through most of the episode. When she opens her mouth to say something, it's not very impressive.

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As he lost weight, Cillas started to look more and more like a 60-year old woman. Jessica seemed like she was losing for a while -- but not towards the end. Hopefully these kids can make it work. Hopefully, also, they have no more kids. 

He was nice. Took him a while to get on course with losing. Took him a while to get moving. He moved. He got surgery. He lost more. And there were kids and a messy house.

ETA shorter recap: Cillas lost weight. Jessica found it.

Edited by DropTheSoap
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47 minutes ago, zengirl1215 said:

This season hasn't had many success stories, so it's always nice to see a person try and do very well.  He seemed like a genuinely good-hearted guy, who really wanted to lose the weight and be healthy.  Kudos to him.  

Side note:  whether the participant succeeds or fails, this show doesn't need to be 2-hours long.  

I think the only thing that would justify a 2-hr show would be 1 hour leading up to the surgery and the next hour with a follow-up with how the participant is faring in the year (or more) after.

If the sequencing of this type show posed a problem, it would be great if the show followed up with prior pounders in the tradition of the "Where Are they Now" shows.

Of course, any follow-up show presupposes that there are enough success stories to justify filming, because if success doesn't occur there might be resistance to having the cameras around.

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9 hours ago, momofsquid said:

My feeling about the proposal scene was that it was fakey-fake, scripted by producers, and Jessica was uncomfortable about acting out this intimate moment for the cameras. I thought she kept eating because she felt so dang awkward she didn't know what else to do. I believe Cillas proposed but I don't think this scene was the real deal.

Absolutely.  All you have to do is look at her face the minute he says he has something to talk to her about, and keep watching her.  It's so obvious.

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The fact that the previews called this episode “the most dramatic transformation this season” when this season also included Justin...I am not buying it. I wasn’t that impressed. The only time he actually achieved a weight goal when living at home was when he had to lose another 25 lbs by surgery day and he beat it by 2 lbs. Oversold and under delivered on this episode.

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58 minutes ago, gardendiva said:

The fact that the previews called this episode “the most dramatic transformation this season” when this season also included Justin...I am not buying it. I wasn’t that impressed. The only time he actually achieved a weight goal when living at home was when he had to lose another 25 lbs by surgery day and he beat it by 2 lbs. Oversold and under delivered on this episode.

A 413 pound weight loss in 12 months, along with transition from bed-bound to up and walking in the same 12 months. That is the most that any of the poundticipants has achieved in one year so far in this whole series. Kudos to Cillas for working so hard. Not even Justin achieved this much in his first year -- it's hard to imagine that anyone could manage more.

Edited by ProTourist
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