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S08.E15: Finale Reunion

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Luke is a douche, that's the truth about him.


But how are they affording a house when Keith has a low paying job and Kristine said they couldn’t take on the cost and responsibility of even a dog?

Does it matter?  Both of them have lived at home for years, that's a great way to save money.  I have friends who go on Caribbean cruises every year, and I know it's because they don't own homes, have kids or deadbeat relatives.

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2 hours ago, Booger666 said:

AJ saying that Luke was “playing a game of mental warfare” was so on point.  

At the end of the reunion, when everyone of the three couples called Luke out, THAT was when he finally realized, at least for TV, that he'd been awful to Kate.  Kate has her issues, sure, but she never, ever mistreated Luke.  She ended up being the favorite of the two and Luke couldn't have that, so he apologized.  However it was way too late and no one really accepted it.

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11 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Kevin Fraser is the Best. Host. Ever. Calling Puke, AJ and Will out on their shit and not giving up until he got answers, no matter how uncomfortable. 

He was a-maz-ing!  They need him to host My Big Fat Fabulous Life and Sister Wives 'reunion' shows, because all we get on those is softball questions delivered in a way to trick us into thinking they were hard-hitting, and there's no push-back whatsoever.  Kevin kept on pushing, but in a polite way somehow.

1 hour ago, Kareem said:

I've defended Will and was feeling Free Willy! all season but his responses seemed all over the place last night.  I still think she has serious pain in the butt tendencies and that they're not a match but I wish he had articulated his stance better. 

I'm def feeling some kind of way about Will.  I don't at all think he was being mean, but I think he is sorta f*cked up and maybe had an upbringing where being seen as a non-wavemaker trumps all, and that would be why he insanely/idiotically made that dating in two years comment.  I don't think he owned his feels, because I'm not sure he goes much deeper than the surface of what he experiences and thinks.  

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12 hours ago, lids said:

But how are they affording a house when Keith has a low paying job and Kristine said they couldn’t take on the cost and responsibility of even a dog? 

 Krystine is a Real Estate agent. So I assume that means she wouldn't have to pay her *own* commission...? 

And as someone  else said earlier, Krystine probably gets first chance at some really good deals in housing!

Edited by Crazy Bird Lady
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7 minutes ago, LuvMyShows said:

I'm def feeling some kind of way about Will.  I don't at all think he was being mean, but I think he is sorta f*cked up and maybe had an upbringing where being seen as a non-wavemaker trumps all, and that would be why he insanely/idiotically made that dating in two years comment.  I don't think he owned his feels, because I'm not sure he goes much deeper than the surface of what he experiences and thinks.  

I don't think it's that deep.  I just think he wasn't into her.  I think sometimes on this show, people get slammed for saying, "I'm just not attracted to you."  Even if you say that to the experts they say shit like, "give it time."  No assholes, sometimes when you're not attracted it means you're NOT attracted.  

And also, Luke is a jerk, not just a garden variety jerk, but a class A jerk and it makes me wonder why was he chosen for the show and can Kate sue anybody?  I mean, sexuality aside, he came off very smarmy and to me looked like one of those "dude/bro/douchebags who think they're SO fucking cool man."

Edited by Neurochick
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1 minute ago, Neurochick said:

Does it matter?  Both of them have lived at home for years, that's a great way to save money.  I have friends who go on Caribbean cruises every year, and I know it's because they don't own homes, have kids or deadbeat relatives.

I think it matters if the whole storyline all season revolves around Keith suffering from arrested development and being lazy. Let’s say they did buy a fixer-upper. Is Keith the kind of person that you want working on a money pit if he’s been under-motivated and his money will be insecure for the next several years while he’s in school?

I think a few things were going on with that announcement. TPTB know that there is speculation that Kristine is pregnant so they were just teasing about a big announcement when there isn’t any. I noticed Keith said they’re buying a house not they bought a house. That could just mean they plan on looking to buy a house in the near future and since MAFS had nothing else in terms of updates, they went with it.

It’s also possible they did get a check at the end of the experiment and Kristine/Keith put that money on a house.

Or as has been mentioned, Keith was saving his paychecks the whole time he was living with grandma and he and Kris had a nice stash to put towards a house. In which case the whole Keith is a dead-weight storyline was overblown and grandma should at least get dibs on the guestroom anytime she wants to visit those future grandkids.

Maybe they could steal Will’s idea and live on one floor and treat the rest of the house as rental property. Kevin Frasier is not the only one winning this episode!

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12 hours ago, LilaFowler said:

*snort* Nah. He like everyone else was probably wondering why a gay man signed up for this show to be married to a woman and was lying about it all.

I think that people who go after another person's sexuality like AJ did are the very ones who question their own sexuality.  There was no reason for AJ to go after Luke like that, and then slap him on the ass.  I also think that Luke saying that he thought he and AJ had become "friends" was his way of letting AJ know that he was on to him.   

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5 minutes ago, lids said:

Or as has been mentioned, Keith was saving his paychecks the whole time he was living with grandma and he and Kris had a nice stash to put towards a house. In which case the whole Keith is a dead-weight storyline was overblown and grandma should at least get dibs on the guestroom anytime she wants to visit those future grandkids.

That's what I thought.  I think Keith and Kristine's respective families probably told them it was better to live at home and save their money, than move out to live with 489 roommates just to feel "grown."  

And I still didn't like AJ slapping Luke on the ass.  You do that to the wrong guy, AJ and you might wind up seriously injured, or worse.  AJ just pulled that because he knew because there was a camera there, nothing would happen to him.   


I think that people who go after another person's sexuality like AJ did are the very ones who question their own sexuality.  There was no reason for AJ to go after Luke like that, and then slap him on the ass.  I also think that Luke saying that he thought he and AJ had become "friends" was his way of letting AJ know that he was on to him.   

Very true.  Why should AJ care about Luke's sexuality?  I wonder.

Edited by Neurochick
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2 minutes ago, lids said:

I think it matters if the whole storyline all season revolves around Keith suffering from arrested development and being lazy. Let’s say they did buy a fixer-upper. Is Keith the kind of person that you want working on a money pit if he’s been under-motivated and his money will be insecure for the next several years while he’s in school?

I think a few things were going on with that announcement. TPTB know that there is speculation that Kristine is pregnant so they were just teasing about a big announcement when there isn’t any. I noticed Keith said they’re buying a house not they bought a house. That could just mean they plan on looking to buy a house in the near future and since MAFS had nothing else in terms of updates, they went with it.

It’s also possible they did get a check at the end of the experiment and Kristine/Keith put that money on a house.

Or as has been mentioned, Keith was saving his paychecks the whole time he was living with grandma and he and Kris had a nice stash to put towards a house. In which case the whole Keith is a dead-weight storyline was overblown and grandma should at least get dibs on the guestroom anytime she wants to visit those future grandkids.

Maybe they could steal Will’s idea and live on one floor and treat the rest of the house as rental property. Kevin Frasier is not the only one winning this episode!

It is possible that the house will be Kristine's name only. She has probably been saving for a home for a long time. I don't know how it works in Pennsylvania but here in Illinois you can use a quitclaim deed to add a name or remove a name from the title. 

It is also possible they might get something with a rental unit. 

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Let’s see if we get a People magazine spread of Keitine’s new abode... or more likely some nosy Twitter fan just checking public records and looking up the address. Pictures or it didn’t happen MAFS!

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1 hour ago, Kareem said:

LOVE Kevin Frazier.  He was the host of MAFS's first season with Cortney and Jamie and the rest.  Wish these crazy reality shows would look for him more often. 

Yes, Kevin Fraizer made the show! He was also on the Season 2 trainwreck finale. I hope he is back for good now!

They needed bigger couches for the couples. Gosh, there was hardly enough space for them!

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23 hours ago, lids said:

I think it matters if the whole storyline all season revolves around Keith suffering from arrested development and being lazy. Let’s say they did buy a fixer-upper. Is Keith the kind of person that you want working on a money pit...?

...Maybe they could steal Will’s idea and live on one floor and treat the rest of the house as rental property. 

I've never bought into that storyline about Keith being lazy. Of course he "sleeps all the time" during (most of) the day --because he works all night!!  Working the night shift does not make a person "lazy"! 

And neither does not knowing how to cook. In the previous season, half the participants had no idea how to cook!

When you're working night shift like Keith does, you still have to do all the things that can only be done "9 to 5" --and that includes most social occasions. But once Keith has enough seniority at work, he should be able to do day shift. Krystine will probably be happier  then. 

As for "buying a fixer-upper":  if Keith lived with Grandma for all those years (and we all know that his dad is a total loser) --there's a good chance Keith is the one who has been repairing things.   

Edited by Crazy Bird Lady
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Keith lived with Grandma for all those years, so there's a pretty good chance he's the one who fixed things around the house. 

Yes, Grandma spoiled him with her home-made (probably all from 'scratch') food --and Krystine made it clear she's not his Grandma! But Keith is adapting to that, and he started going to the gym because she wants a man with a "six-pack". 

Did anyone notice any changes in Keith's abs during the reunion ep?

I didn't... 

Edited by Crazy Bird Lady
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26 minutes ago, Crazy Bird Lady said:

Krystine is a Real Estate agent. So I assume that means she wouldn't have to pay her *own* commission...? 

Only the sellers pay realtor commissions; K&K would be the buyers.  She would get a commission from the sellers if she acted as her own buyer's agent.

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Hoping the house buying means Keith & Kristine are really committed to each other, & that the lazy Keith was just a story line as I suspected.

I like AJ & Steph together but hope he realizes "not changing" his personality doesn't mean not improving himself personally - everyone can improve somewhere & Steph seems like she is willing to help him. I still feel since AJ's big personality took over their story line we missed out on knowing Steph better. We all seem to like her but she never showed any real personality traits - except a ton of patience, but again that was regarding AJ.

I like both Jasmine & Will but not together as they're not even on different pages in life- more like different books. Glad she stood her ground on no reconciliation & as much as I *think*  I get his dating idea, I do think it's a bit silly.

Luke & Kate - it's OVER - finally! No more of them on my TV & I'm extremely happy about that. 🎆 I also think it's stupid of her to jump into another relationship so fast but that's her problem.

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26 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

I don't think it's that deep.  I just think he wasn't into her. 

That's why I used to think.  I still think he wasn't into her.  But once the show was entirely over, no cameras, nothing, then there would have been no reason to make a suggestion about dating in the future, even going so far as to specify two years.  And it didn't look like either he or Jas said this future dating thing was her idea...they both agreed that it was his idea.  If it was really as simple as him not being into her, then he would have been done with it when they were done...but he didn't.  Which is why there has to be something else.

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2 minutes ago, LuvMyShows said:

That's why I used to think.  I still think he wasn't into her.  But once the show was entirely over, no cameras, nothing, then there would have been no reason to make a suggestion about dating in the future, even going so far as to specify two years.  And it didn't look like either he or Jas said this future dating thing was her idea...they both agreed that it was his idea.  If it was really as simple as him not being into her, then he would have been done with it when they were done...but he didn't.  Which is why there has to be something else.

I think Will just didn't want to get on TV and say, "No way would I ever date YOU again."  So he gave a half ass answer.  He's not into her.  I mean when you say something else, what is that something else?

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I was disappointed in Will’s comment about remaining friends and perhaps dating at some point.  Unless this was producer driven, it’s not considerate putting someone on hold this way.  At least Jasmine got her chance to reject Will - not that he cared.  He is right. They were not compatible.  

I am not convinced that AJ has not gotten “frustrated” since filming stopped. I suspect that he and Stephanie decided to gloss over those moments deciding they were unimportant and not wanting to show AJ in a bad light.   No one is perfect and if Stephanie enjoys AJ’s antics otherwise, good for her.

I definitely hope Kristine and Keith live happily ever after.  Or as happy as life allows.

Edited by Stinamaia
Deleting random preposition and fixing bad punctuation. Feeling OCD
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40 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

I don't think it's that deep.  I just think he wasn't into her.  I think sometimes on this show, people get slammed for saying, "I'm just not attracted to you."  Even if you say that to the experts they say shit like, "give it time."  No assholes, sometimes when you're not attracted it means you're NOT attracted.  

Not deep at all.  Will's problem was that since he knew he'd be on tv, he had to tapdance around the fact that he wasn't attracted to her--whether physically or personality-wise, or both.   His eyes were constantly darting around in his head, trying to figure out how not to come away sounding like an asshole.  He was tense sitting next to Jasmine sitting on that couch. 

I think he mentioned the two year dating crap because he was afraid that if he told Jasmine the truth, that he didn't want to see her anymore, then she would bring it up on the finale and he would look bad.  It sounded stupid though, and he should have just said that he wished her well and left it at that.  Hopefully, they had a final airing out in private.  Just hug it out and go their separate ways.

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7 minutes ago, LuvMyShows said:

That's why I used to think.  I still think he wasn't into her.  But once the show was entirely over, no cameras, nothing, then there would have been no reason to make a suggestion about dating in the future, even going so far as to specify two years.  And it didn't look like either he or Jas said this future dating thing was her idea...they both agreed that it was his idea.  If it was really as simple as him not being into her, then he would have been done with it when they were done...but he didn't.  Which is why there has to be something else.

The whole dating later thing was weird. I think Will is someone who doesn't like to be the bad guy but he is unwilling to be honest and the lack of honesty makes him look bad. He had to know that no woman was going to sit around waiting for them to maybe date at a later time. His eyes are always constantly darting around because he doesn't seem to want to look directly at the person he is speaking with. It is just strange. If I was talking to someone and they did that, I would walk away. 

I think that was why Jasmine said hey really haven't spoken much after decision day. She knows that he isn't into her. I also think that she made him go first so that people can see what she has been dealing with the entire time. 

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15 minutes ago, LuvMyShows said:

That's why I used to think.  I still think he wasn't into her.  But once the show was entirely over, no cameras, nothing, then there would have been no reason to make a suggestion about dating in the future, even going so far as to specify two years.  And it didn't look like either he or Jas said this future dating thing was her idea...they both agreed that it was his idea.  If it was really as simple as him not being into her, then he would have been done with it when they were done...but he didn't.  Which is why there has to be something else.

11 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

I think Will just didn't want to get on TV and say, "No way would I ever date YOU again."  So he gave a half ass answer.  He's not into her.  I mean when you say something else, what is that something else?

He could have simply said something like, "We can be friends" and left it at that. Adding the "maybe we can date a couple of years down the line" especially as they were filing for divorce was doing too much. 

Will comes off as a little...odd when dealing with women.

Edited by discoprincessthe2
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2 hours ago, VedaPierce said:

You’re on a honeymoon with a stranger, shouldn’t your priorities be getting to know your new spouse? I love to dish with my husband but I found him wanting to get the dirt on the other seemingly pleasant ladies, so quickly, off putting. It seemed over the top catty to me, and off kilter. 

I think you're right it was just Luke being a weird  bitch.

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1 hour ago, Crazy Bird Lady said:

 Krystine is a Real Estate agent. So I assume that means she wouldn't have to pay her *own* commission...? 

And as someone  else said earlier, Krystine probably gets first chance at some really good deals in housing!

I think there are many "incentive" mortgage programs for first-time home buyers where you don't even need a down payment.  For the $$$ Kristine pays for her current housing (rental/condo) she could probably transfer that cost onto a mortgage.  Both of them seem very reputable and probably have excellent credit so that will help them get a low, low interest rate.  Also, I'm sure Kristine has numerous contacts in the home remodeling field whom she does business with for her clients, so I suspect they would do work for her maybe on a reciprocal basis.  I think it's a GREAT idea for both of them to put down roots (including financial) at this early stage of their marriage.

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39 minutes ago, Ohwell said:

Not deep at all.  Will's problem was that since he knew he'd be on tv, he had to tapdance around the fact that he wasn't attracted to her--whether physically or personality-wise, or both.   His eyes were constantly darting around in his head, trying to figure out how not to come away sounding like an asshole.  He was tense sitting next to Jasmine sitting on that couch. 

I think he mentioned the two year dating crap because he was afraid that if he told Jasmine the truth, that he didn't want to see her anymore, then she would bring it up on the finale and he would look bad.  It sounded stupid though, and he should have just said that he wished her well and left it at that.  Hopefully, they had a final airing out in private.  Just hug it out and go their separate ways.

I, too, think Will is a "people pleaser" and doesn't like confrontation.  With Jasmine it was constant "confrontation."  This comment is made IN SPITE of Will saying he wanted someone to stimulate him intellectually...LOLOLOL....whatever.

I got the sense that aside from L&K, WILL was the one who was waiting with baited breath for the show to be over and the cameras gone.

Why he ever volunteered for this show is a mystery.

As for Jasmine, I hope she confines her search for a husband to more traditional venues (like her church or professional circles) where people already know her strengths and communication style.

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I had hoped that having her new beau would help Kate up her sartorial game, but boy oh boy was she wearing a terrible dress.  It's not as god-awful in the group photo posted above, because it actually forced the dress to be closer to her body.  But when she first walked out, I wondered why she was wearing her grandmother's housecoat (no insult meant to grandmothers!).  It is frumpy, shapeless, ill-fitting, and a horrible color that makes her look washed out.  Considering how top-of-their-game the other gals looked, I'm surprised she went with that, out of all the other clothes that she owns.

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10 minutes ago, LuvMyShows said:

I had hoped that having her new beau would help Kate up her sartorial game, but boy oh boy was she wearing a terrible dress.  It's not as god-awful in the group photo posted above, because it actually forced the dress to be closer to her body.  But when she first walked out, I wondered why she was wearing her grandmother's housecoat (no insult meant to grandmothers!).  It is frumpy, shapeless, ill-fitting, and a horrible color that makes her look washed out.  Considering how top-of-their-game the other gals looked, I'm surprised she went with that, out of all the other clothes that she owns.

She seems to favor clothes that are baggier. That is her choice. She might not feel comfortable in more fitted clothing, a lot of women don't. 

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14 hours ago, Melig8r said:

Their big news is buying a house - how in the hell is that BIG NEWS that needs to be teased all show?

I think it was BIG NEWS though for them - since they admitted to not using any birth control from day one, it was nice to see that they are planning to have kids down the line a few years!  A house is a good first step in the right direction.

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1 minute ago, MV713 said:

I think it was BIG NEWS though for them - since they admitted to not using any birth control from day one, it was nice to see that they are planning to have kids down the line a few years!  A house is a good first step in the right direction.

They said something different about contraception during the reunion. I said at the time that episode aired that Kristine was probably using a hormonal method and her saying it was probably edited out so that Dr. Pepper could look like the show cared since two couples in previous seasons became pregnant very quickly. 

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Final Thoughts:

I am sincerely happy for K&K, but I really don't care that they bought a house. That is not a major surprise, show. Whatever.

I liked seeing the pics of AJ & Steph's vacation. They do seem happy. I think when he started talking about the production and she muttered "don't say it" or whatever she said, it was almost like they had discussed it beforehand and it was her signal for him to not get into it.

I don't know, but maybe it gave Jasmine closure to be able to turn Will down and save some pride. Will definitely seems happier and more open with other people. When talking to or about Jasmine he kind of just closes up. They are better off apart.

Luke is a sociopath. The only true thing that came out of his mouth was when he said Kate was drinking more during the show to deal with how he was treating her. The convo about Halloween was interesting though. It seems they still hang out? WTF he "put her to bed"??? That sounds like good enough friends that she crashed where they were partying?!? Why would she do that????? What a dummy! Also, her dress was seriously fugly. Mother of the bride all the way. I truly am relieved I don't have to see that asshole and her sad mumble mouth anymore.

I would be totally happy if Kevin Frazier completely replaced all of the experts. He seemed able to break it down and confront people with honesty in a way those jackasses don't/won't.

On to the next season!!!!

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6 minutes ago, Ilovepie said:

On to the next season!!!!

Which is going to be in Charlotte, NC! Yayyyyy, I love NC! I hope there are not as many douchnozzles in my favorite state....

Edited by bichonblitz
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1 hour ago, aphroditewitch said:

The whole dating later thing was weird. I think Will is someone who doesn't like to be the bad guy but he is unwilling to be honest and the lack of honesty makes him look bad. He had to know that no woman was going to sit around waiting for them to maybe date at a later time. His eyes are always constantly darting around because he doesn't seem to want to look directly at the person he is speaking with. It is just strange. If I was talking to someone and they did that, I would walk away. 

I think that was why Jasmine said hey really haven't spoken much after decision day. She knows that he isn't into her. I also think that she made him go first so that people can see what she has been dealing with the entire time. 

I think there is reason for that.  In these times, if Will said, "I'm not attracted to her" people would have hated him and some folk would have even cried "colorism."  So Will stayed quiet.  See, you can't ask for the truth and then get upset when you get it.  

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I think Will could have just said, "You are a lovely lady, but I don't feel any romantic chemistry, but I would be good with being friends".

Not insulting, just being honest that she was not the one for him.

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34 minutes ago, Ohwell said:

I sensed a certain slovenliness about Kate that would turn off most guys.  

Really? We saw her cleaning and tidying a fair amount. I never thought she looked dirty or unkempt.

i didn’t love the color of her dress last night but I thought her hair and makeup looked lovely. I didn’t mind the style of the dress - it was modest but not baggy. I liked the beading.  I didn’t notice last night but in prior episodes, her nails were nicely manicured. 

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12 minutes ago, cinsays said:

I think Will could have just said, "You are a lovely lady, but I don't feel any romantic chemistry, but I would be good with being friends".

Not insulting, just being honest that she was not the one for him.

No matter what Will said, there would have been folks like, "What's wrong with Jasmine, she's beautiful!" and "You probably want a light skinned/biracial woman," and "What's wrong?  Jasmine too much woman for you?"  So the man kept his mouth shut.  

Maybe if we, and I include myself here, would accept that some people just don't have any chemistry and sometimes that's how things go; people would feel better about saying, "I'm just not that into _____."

Edited by Neurochick
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16 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

I think there is reason for that.  In these times, if Will said, "I'm not attracted to her" people would have hated him and some folk would have even cried "colorism."  So Will stayed quiet.  See, you can't ask for the truth and then get upset when you get it.  

Will never said anything about skintone so people claiming colorism would have been out of no where. This is nothing like Tristan who specifically said he didn't want a darker skinned woman. 

Will didn't have to bring up the bs dating at a later time thing. Jasmine was right, it was stupid. 

And people absolutely can be upset about the truth. Telling the truth is not a get out of criticism free card. Lying is always worse. Like I said yesterday, Will dances around things so he can push someone away. And that goes beyond Jasmine, he has probably been doing that for years. And he has probably done that with women he was interested in. 

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4 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

Maybe if we, and I include myself here, would accept that some people just don't have any chemistry and sometimes that's how things go; people would feel better about saying, "I'm just not that into _____."

I think people do accept that. That is why people are criticizing Will's constant dancing around the truth. I think women are sometimes less willing to say that are not interested in a man because there are countless cases of women being attacked or even murdered when they reject someone. 

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2 minutes ago, aphroditewitch said:

Will never said anything about skintone so people claiming colorism would have been out of no where. This is nothing like Tristan who specifically said he didn't want a darker skinned woman. 

My point was this.  Sometimes, especially on social media, it doesn't matter what someone says; it's how someone feels.  Will never said anything about colorism, but doesn't meant someone can't accuse him of it, the old, "if Jasmine looked like Kristine, Will would be interested."  I know because someone said that to me, and I was like, "huh?" But that's how some folks roll.

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^^ ITA  Will is just...strange.  He also said "the switch got turned on" or something like that, and I was like, when??!  If that was turned on Will...ehhh.  I don't think Will was trying to avoid backlash that could come with being honest with Jasmine.  I now just think this is how he is, an avoider who can't articulate what he wants/need, and that's why he is single.

This reunion wasn't nearly as exciting as I hoped it would be.  I actually think Steph/AJ has a better shot than Kristine/Keith in the long run.  I still think Kristine will get tired of Keith.  I'm just glad she wasn't knocked up.

Kate is just as odd as Luke.

Edited by dirtypop90
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Kate's instagram is accessible now. Looks pretty normal with a lot of traveling pics and photos with friends/family. 

One interesting thing I learned is that she plays the guitar and sings! Not too bad either. 

Luke's instagram is still private and is a smart move on his part. They would eat him alive in the comments section. lol

K&K have been living at home for so long and so I think with savings plus money combined from the show,  they should be able to afford a new home.  

I just recently bought a home all based on my one little salary, so it's more than doable. Kristine was glowing last night. They looked so happy together and Keith seems to be sooo smitten. 

And I think as long as AJ controls his outbursts, that his relationship with Stephanie will last. 

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a few comments

Jasmine, he didnt like her.  She pushed sex and wanted him to pay all bills.  I think he offered to date so her "fillings" wouldnt be hurt. ( i know that was not nice)

I would have liked Kristine if she didnt give me the princess vibe.  It never left, and always the tilted head liked she practiced in the mirror to find which way she looked better.  I hope she and K have a good strong relationship.  As a realtor, you do find good bargains.  

as far as Stephanie, didnt she make a motion with her hand and then zipped it?  Kinda like she found a way to slow AJ down

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Maybe an unpopular opinion, but what with everything I've seen & heard about Kate throughout the season, I feel she's probably more of a party girl rather than just a social drinker, & possibly a sloppy drunk. It doesn't trivialize or excuse Luke's treatment of Kate, but I do tend toward believing his 'she gets drunk & horny & comes onto him' story (which would put any guy in his situation in a very awkward position). I also think she came on pretty strong last night as if she'd done nothing to ever make him uncomfortable, & I don't think that's completely true, nor do I believe she was as ready for marriage as she so strongly claimed.

As I mentioned before I think the new boyfriend is a mistake. She has her own issues & needs to take some time to enjoy her promotion & get some distance from relationships for a while, but she is the eternal "hopeless romantic" 🙄.

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3 minutes ago, kanona29 said:

Kate's instagram is accessible now. Looks pretty normal with a lot of traveling pics and photos with friends/family. 

One interesting thing I learned is that she plays the guitar and sings! Not too bad either. 

Luke's instagram is still private and is a smart move on his part. They would eat him alive in the comments section. lol

K&K have been living at home for so long and so I think with savings plus money combined from the show,  they should be able to afford a new home.  

I just recently bought a home all based on my one little salary, so it's more than doable. Kristine was glowing last night. They looked so happy together and Keith seems to be sooo smitten. 

And I think as long as AJ controls his outbursts, that his relationship with Stephanie will last. 

Steph, AJ, and Kate have all opened up their Instagram accounts. Not sure about Jasmine, Will, Ketih, or Kristine.

They mentioned her guitar on the show. She brought it with her to the Airbnb and then she took it with her the night before decision day. We never saw her play because that is not the Kate the show wanted us to see. 

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I thought all the ladies looked fabulous, well rested and more at peace regardless of the results...

I've defended the experts and producers of the show because its very difficult to succeed, its amazing any of the marriages work. I do fault them this occasion for selecting Luke and I blame Luke for going through all the hoops, understanding (or perhaps not) that this involved another human being who was seeking a husband. It appears to me he is struggling with his sexual identity and he actually thought getting married at first sight would some how get him over it. I know the experts can't polygraph or water board someone but they can look at all social media. Didn't anyone notice he was interested in male relationships? He must have poured on the charm offensive during the numerous interviews.

His attitude right from the alter was wrong. He was looking to see if he approved of the person they picked and he condemned it to failure right then and there. About the only genuine Luke moment we have is him at the alter already throwing the towel in. Kate personally isn't my type either shes almost too perfect...but I would be floored with her beauty and would hope she found me handsome enough (in my prime). Why does someone who desires a certain type of woman to be his mate waste everyone's time especially the person they involved. 

I don't think Kate has completely clean hands either. She went into the show claiming she was striking out dating yet only a month after the show lo and behold a new 'handsome' boyfriend and they are hitting it off well. Marriage is a relationship and relationships unlike love is conditional. One minimal condition is you treat each other respectfully. Luke treated Kate with contempt and she should have left. Not divorced maybe date...

Will and Jasmine didn't make it...I believe they were respectful to one another for the most part.

I hope for Stephanie's sake AJ is a good husband.

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3 hours ago, lids said:

I think it matters if the whole storyline all season revolves around Keith suffering from arrested development and being lazy. Let’s say they did buy a fixer-upper. Is Keith the kind of person that you want working on a money pit if he’s been under-motivated and his money will be insecure for the next several years while he’s in school?

I find it very interesting that both Keith and Will have been called lazy throughout this season even though we know Keith has a job and is also a student and we know Will has a job. I've literally never heard anyone even hint of AJ's or Luke's laziness.

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