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S09.E13: Home Is Home


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22 minutes ago, druzy said:

Leah does a great job out of confusing the hell out of her kids. Also, I spy Leah's pillses eyes.

Ok first, she’s most definitely back on the pillses. Secondly, she’s so stupid she constantly puts her foot in her own damn mouth... those girlses are not high as fuck like she is and call her out on her shit all the time! Then she feels stupid and has to backtrack exactly what she just said. Last, why does that house look like and oversized trailer? Do all the houses look like that out there? IIRC, Corey’s house looks more stable and doesn’t look like that. I would assume by now she’d have enough money from the show to move her girlses, her hoarding crap, Ali’s willchair that sits in the garage, to a better, more solid home. “Juss dont make no damn sense”

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Addie hs no business being in a booster seat in the car. She was literally out of her seat at one point! She should still be in a five point harness, she’s obviously not booster ready. Improper car seat usage drives me absolutely bonkers! She’s functionally unrestrained in the car 🤬

Edited by Faul McCartney
I swear I can spell
  • Love 4

The escape room was a fun idea! Relieved to see another week where MTV doesn't need to hyper focus on Adumb.

I didn't think there was anything more boring than watching paint dry. Turns out there is. It's Leah and her carpet story. 

Nathan, how you gonna get custody when you're constantly in FL? I'll never understand parents who move that far away from their children, especially when it's not career related. 

I think it was pretty mature of Vee to try to bridge the gap between Jo and Kail. Maybe she could get a job as a mediator. They didn't show the actual meeting, though. Did Chris end up going? Because that was such a dumb idea. 

I feel for the girls,but Brianna gets no sympathy from me. Yup, juggling several baby daddies is gonna suck. Should've thought of that before you got freaky without protection. What I really don't like is how they insist Nova call Devoid, knowing he won't answer. They're just setting her up for disappoint.

Luis can't even properly do a raspberry. He's the most awkward sperm donor ever. 

Brianna, I challenge you to name one Ramones song (I Wanna Be Sedated doesn't count).

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Vee isn't  playing mediator out of the goodness of her own heart,  she's  doing this because she knows what a petty hosebeast Kail is. If Jo was awarded child support,  it would be nothing but strife for the next 10 years. 

Honestly,  Jo's business, if done right will last a hell of a lot longer than a gimmicky over-priced hair company.

  • Love 18
51 minutes ago, Brooklynista said:

Hello!!! Same as the trip to the park to see Louis w her tits hanging out.

And same as her trip to NYC to meet up with Luis and her flavor of the month. Again, how long til this ho is pregnant again and doesn’t know if it’s Devoins, Loooooiiiissss, new fuck, or another rando from a club outing? She should of had that dr miami sew that damn snatch closed while she was getting all that surgery. 

Edited by JuliesMommy
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3 hours ago, druzy said:

I didn't need to know that Kail has a nipple ring.

Of course she does.  Remember the God awful lace see through crop top with no bra to the MTV Awards.  Gag

2 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

Kaiser has to be catching hell in that house. He is Nathan's twin.

Did you see how terrified he looked when Janelle got on to him for eating something “old.”  Then she tried acting nice and he wouldn’t look at her. Poor baby. 

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

The escape room was a fun idea! Relieved to see another week where MTV doesn't need to hyper focus on Adumb.

I didn't think there was anything more boring than watching paint dry. Turns out there is. It's Leah and her carpet story. 

Nathan, how you gonna get custody when you're constantly in FL? I'll never understand parents who move that far away from their children, especially when it's not career related. 

I think it was pretty mature of Vee to try to bridge the gap between Jo and Kail. Maybe she could get a job as a mediator. They didn't show the actual meeting, though. Did Chris end up going? Because that was such a dumb idea. 

I feel for the girls,but Brianna gets no sympathy from me. Yup, juggling several baby daddies is gonna suck. Should've thought of that before you got freaky without protection. What I really don't like is how they insist Nova call Devoid, knowing he won't answer. They're just setting her up for disappoint.

Luis can't even properly do a raspberry. He's the most awkward sperm donor ever. 

Brianna, I challenge you to name one Ramones song (I Wanna Be Sedated doesn't count).

It sounded like Chris going actually helped. Kail said she wouldn’t let Jo talk and kept talking over him and Chris told her to hush and let Jo talk.  

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2 hours ago, nikita said:

Watson is such an a-hole.

Seriously, Watson is annoying as hell. Listening to him cry for the eighty billionth time made me want to stick a fork in my eye. Chelsea needs to get off her ass and deal with him instead of accusing Aubree all the time for making him mad. 

Nova blaming herself for Devoid's absence was so sad. I understand his schedule may not always coincide with hers, but you'd think he could at least manage to see her once a week and call on the days he can't. 

I caught Kaiser's look of fear as well. I wonder if Dave witholds food as punishment. 

Leah's house is so run-down. I wonder if it was like that when she moved in or her lack of attention to maintenance has caused it to look so sad? 

  • Love 10

I so love this forum! I was looking at FB earlier before I watched the show, and I watched the clip with Leah in her car. It's so annoying when people call Leah out for texting and driving and then there is a bunch of people saying stuff like "they all do it!" And "Like y'all don't do the same thing!" So that makes it right? I like how people here can see the real stuff and not just kiss the girls' butts as if they've all "come so far". Lol  

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9 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

Did Briana really go to Devoin's apartment to complain about him not seeing Nova...without  bringing Nova?🤦🏾‍♀️.

Of course. Bringing Nova wouldn't allow them to perpetuate the victim story they've crafted for themselves. 

You bring up a valid point, though. Yes, Devoid should get his shit together and be able to drive himself around. But we are where we are. So if Bri and co. really cared, they could easily take Nova over there more often. 

  • Love 11
11 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

Kaiser has to be catching hell in that house. He is Nathan's twin.

Kaiser looks exactly like Nathan, poor kid, and David hates him for it.

On the hilarious flip side, baby Layne looks just like Randy!

9 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

Hello!!! Same as the trip to the park to see Louis w her tits hanging out.

Shudder. Gives the phrase "mommy's here" a whole new meaning!

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, Linny said:

I couldn't believe my ears when I heard Kail say she was bringing Chris to the meeting with Jo and Vee. It wasn't so long ago that Kail pitched a fit about Vee's involvement in her and Jo's co-parenting of Isaac, and yet now it's cool for Chris to be there, despite the fact that dude will barely commit to being seen on camera with Kail, much less an official relationship. Kail also actively ignores Lauren and her place in Lincoln's life, and there's no doubt in my mind that Kail would revolt if Javi tried to include Lauren in a conversation about child support. It doesn't matter that it sounds like Chris may have actually helped Jo and Vee by reining Kail in; what matters is that once again, there's a rule for Kail and a rule for everyone else, and it's solely up to her discretion as to what's acceptable and what's not. 

The only other thing that captured my attention this week was how somber Kaiser looks when he's with Jenelle. Every other kid on this show looks content in the company of their mom, and then there's Kaiser, who never seems relaxed or at ease. It's like he's always on guard and afraid to step a toe out of line, and it makes me worry about him a lot.

Re bolded: That's one of my pet peeves, not only about Kail, but anyone who does this. 

I remember when Kail wouldn't even meet Vee on stage with Dr. Drew present at first. She stormed off the stage and had to be talked down from the ledge.

Regarding Chris--Someone here or on another site said Kail is so thirsty someone ought to start an IV for her. She is pushing so hard to make them a couple. However, if Chris were to actually commit as a couple, I could see Kail getting dissatisfied in a few years and moving on to someone else. She wants what she can't have.


  • Love 16
2 hours ago, ghoulina said:

You bring up a valid point, though. Yes, Devoid should get his shit together and be able to drive himself around. But we are where we are. So if Bri and co. really cared, they could easily take Nova over there more often.

I agree, having to go through the coven and that dismal apartment would suck. It's just a matter of time before they run off Devoid. Luis isn't going to be around anymore than he was when he lived in NY.

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, Adiba said:

Regarding Chris--Someone here or on another site said Kail is so thirsty someone ought to start an IV for her. She is pushing so hard to make them a couple. However, if Chris were to actually commit as a couple, I could see Kail getting dissatisfied in a few years and moving on to someone else. She wants what she can't have.

Exactly. She only wants Chris because he doesn't want her. She'd toss him aside like a used Kleenex once she was sure of him. She's transparent as glass.

In other news, looks like Kail's producer has just had a fresh round of botox. Shiny!

Edited by Pepper Mostly
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I just don’t get Kail’s thirst for this guy, she tries so fucking hard to make it look like they’re a couple and I think he puts her back in her place, she feels stupid and tells the producers that she’s not “pushing for anything”. Anyone can see from his SM that even when he’s at her house it’s because he just got laid and most likely paid. He can’t fucking stand her! Irritated, annoyed, and ashamed is the attitude I get from him when he has to be around her ass. What’s worst, is that she seems to think he “cares” about her because he can talk her down from being a bitch to her other baby daddy. It’s beyond obvious to me and I’m sure the rest of the viewers, that he high fives Jo anytime he gets and tells him what a bullet he dodge by getting away from hulk. 

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Kail writing Joe a check is not her giving him money.  It is his money.  Reimbursement!

sorry....but, Kail keeps having kids so that is taking a lot of her money!

If I remember Javi does not pay child support. 

I doubt Chris is paying anything at all!  

Does  Vee work?  She needs to be working because they have another kid, too.

Kail does make a lot more than Joe.  She should offer him a small amount.....to take care of the extras Joe is talking about.

Sign a child support contract for a year.

Give him $300 a month to help with bills.

That is $3600.  I am sure her lawyer fees will be a lot more than $3600.

That with the $7,000 (cannot remember the exact)  amount.......should give Joe a lot of breathing room. 

I think if Kail offered something....even small...... Vee will talk Joe into settling.

I think Vee doesn’t want to fight this case......because, they cannot afford a decent lawyer.

Plus, there is a chance the court will tell Joe he won’t be getting any child support.

  • Love 6

Did I miss something or did Leah have just one scene in this episode?

I found this episode pretty boring tbh. The description used the word “surprising” twice, but it was really just more of the same ? Definitely no surprising twist 😂

I agree that Kail has one rule for herself and a different rule for everyone else. But I can see why she would want somebody going to the “meeting” with her for support, & I guess Chris would be her number one choice. Just trying to see it from the perspective of a single mom vs a couple. 

  • Love 3

Leah’s twin that does not have MD.....her name is Aleah???

She is hardly ever engaging on the show...cameras, etc.

She is also not close with her twin and even seems to ignore her.

I think the girls enjoyed themselves at Jason’s house.  They cannot stop talking about his house.  They were excited to live there....and, even wanted to bring all their things.

I guess he played fun games with the girls and probably cooked them awesome meals.

Just now, Dance4Life said:
Edited by Dance4Life
  • Love 3
5 hours ago, SnarkEnthusiast said:

Watson is crying in nearly every scene and C&C just sit around and point out he's crying. Do they never soothe that poor child? 

I’ve seen this many times with kids spaced so close together...the older one almost always gets ignored for the younger one. Remember last season how much attention Watson got? Now he gets very little and when he does get attention it’s negative attention.  Might be nice if Cole “best husband/father” in the world would take Watson to the park and then for ice cream or something else and give the boy some one on one father/son attention. 

  • Useful 1
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Briana could have just called Devoin to talk about Nova and then later, brought Nova over to hang out. Dum dum. I didn't get a booty call vibe. They have so little chemistry, I'm surprised they made a kid.

Something was up with Leah. She was slurring a bit and other times her words seemed out of order. She seemed confused.

Poor Kaiser. Just let Nathan's mom raise him, jeez. Janelle sees her kids as her property and no one can take them away, well except the one that actually got taken away.

I don't really get what's going on with Kail and Jo. It kind of sounded like Jo sunk all his money into a business that isn't going well. If that's the case, perhaps he should have gone to work for someone and learned the business like a normal person before going all in with his cash. Vee saying she didn't want Kail's money was smart. There would be so many strings attached, it's not worth it.

Chelsea and Cole are outnumbered.

Edited by Soobs
  • Love 5
1 hour ago, Dance4Life said:

Kail writing Joe a check is not her giving him money.  It is his money.  Reimbursement!

sorry....but, Kail keeps having kids so that is taking a lot of her money!

If I remember Javi does not pay child support. 

I doubt Chris is paying anything at all!  

Does  Vee work?  She needs to be working because they have another kid, too.

Kail does make a lot more than Joe.  She should offer him a small amount.....to take care of the extras Joe is talking about.

Sign a child support contract for a year.

Give him $300 a month to help with bills.

That is $3600.  I am sure her lawyer fees will be a lot more than $3600.

That with the $7,000 (cannot remember the exact)  amount.......should give Joe a lot of breathing room. 

I think if Kail offered something....even small...... Vee will talk Joe into settling.

I think Vee doesn’t want to fight this case......because, they cannot afford a decent lawyer.

Plus, there is a chance the court will tell Joe he won’t be getting any child support.

V is a real estate agent and something else.  They way she tweeted last night I don’t think she’s just an agent for Jo’s houses. She actually works at a company.  I could be wrong, though.  

  • Love 5
38 minutes ago, Soobs said:

Briana could have just called Devoin to talk about Nova and then later, brought Nova over to hang out. Dum dum. I didn't get a booty call vibe. They have so little chemistry, I'm surprised they made a kid.

Something was up with Leah. She was slurring a bit and other times her words seemed out of order. She seemed confused.

Poor Kaiser. Just let Nathan's mom raise him, jeez. Janelle sees her kids as her property and no one can take them away, well except the one that actually got taken away.

I don't really get what's going on with Kail and Jo. It kind of sounded like Jo sunk all his money into a business that isn't going well. If that's the case, perhaps he should have gone to work for someone and learned the business like a normal person before going all in with his cash. Vee saying she didn't want Kail's money was smart. There would be so many strings attached, it's not worth it.

Chelsea and Cole are outnumbered.

What “business” does Jo have?

1 hour ago, lovesnark said:

Jo has been buying rentals and flipping homes since he moved to Delaware. He's gotten more into general real estate sales lately. He and Vee are both realtors.  

Didn't know they were realtors. Good for them! Still, you can lose your shirt if you aren't careful especially if they're doing commercial real estate, or so I've heard.

11 hours ago, Linny said:

I couldn't believe my ears when I heard Kail say she was bringing Chris to the meeting with Jo and Vee. It wasn't so long ago that Kail pitched a fit about Vee's involvement in her and Jo's co-parenting of Isaac, and yet now it's cool for Chris to be there, despite the fact that dude will barely commit to being seen on camera with Kail, much less an official relationship. Kail also actively ignores Lauren and her place in Lincoln's life, and there's no doubt in my mind that Kail would revolt if Javi tried to include Lauren in a conversation about child support. It doesn't matter that it sounds like Chris may have actually helped Jo and Vee by reining Kail in; what matters is that once again, there's a rule for Kail and a rule for everyone else, and it's solely up to her discretion as to what's acceptable and what's not. 

The only other thing that captured my attention this week was how somber Kaiser looks when he's with Jenelle. Every other kid on this show looks content in the company of their mom, and then there's Kaiser, who never seems relaxed or at ease. It's like he's always on guard and afraid to step a toe out of line, and it makes me worry about him a lot.

If Javi showed up to a meeting with Lauren in tow, it would be DEFCON 1. Kail would immediately storm out and go on some tirade about Lauren's presence  and how the child support issue has nothing to do with her, how Javi brought Lauren there to agitate her, yada, yada, yada!

  • Love 19
6 hours ago, Soobs said:

Briana could have just called Devoin to talk about Nova and then later, brought Nova over to hang out. Dum dum. I didn't get a booty call vibe. They have so little chemistry, I'm surprised they made a kid.

Something was up with Leah. She was slurring a bit and other times her words seemed out of order. She seemed confused.

Poor Kaiser. Just let Nathan's mom raise him, jeez. Janelle sees her kids as her property and no one can take them away, well except the one that actually got taken away.

I don't really get what's going on with Kail and Jo. It kind of sounded like Jo sunk all his money into a business that isn't going well. If that's the case, perhaps he should have gone to work for someone and learned the business like a normal person before going all in with his cash. Vee saying she didn't want Kail's money was smart. There would be so many strings attached, it's not worth it.

Chelsea and Cole are outnumbered.

So true about Jo...he never went past high school and has no training or experience in real estate or business. What happened to his career as a rapper? He's another loser baby daddy. If Kail didn't have three baby daddies to complain about and take to court on a revolving basis I don't know what she would do with all her spare time.

24 minutes ago, Mkay said:

I just googled and found this: 


Also this:


LOL!!!!!!!!!  Matt Baier is on the page...you know Amber's ex...another loser.

Edited by kicksave
  • Love 2
9 minutes ago, Brooklynista said:

Will Jo ever be able to live down wanting to be a rapper??  That was 10yrs ago! The man has gotten married, bought a home, started a business (not a successful one yet) and he's still getting grief for a childhood dream.  And if memory serves me, he was working at his parents copier service while he was playing at rapping.

For my money, Jo is one of the better dads of the series.  Way better than this new deadbeat Kail is mooning over now. Chris has nothing going on.  I would be more impressed if he was pretending to be a rapper.  He's not even doing that.

This is a solid lesson, youngsters: if you want to live something down, don't put it on YouTube or television. It's there forever! Now granted, his dalliance in rap was pretty harmless, for sure, and let's be honest, it was also hilarious. If I recall, it not only featured Vee, some gauzy walking in the park shit, and I think his brother, but it ALSO featured a rhyme brought to you by the Avocado Council, which I believe was something like "Girl, you so fresh like a avocado from Mexico." UNprecedented! 

Just as a dude, my friends and I never let anyone live ANYTHING down. I've known a guy for fifteen years who 11 years ago said he was considering taking guitar lessons. JUST THAT turned into us mocking him about it for a decade and making up stories about his never-had career as a folk singer, his adventures as a rocker, and basically his entire life reimagined through the lens of him being a guitarist. THE MAN NEVER TOUCHED A GUITAR. Or if he did, he was very careful not to tell anyone about it because he'd been so mercilessly flayed over it forever. It validates my decision in never telling my friends I wished I was a writer, or sharing anything I've ever written with anyone :). Sometimes dreams aren't worth it, kids. As long as it's good natured, though, no, he just has to accept that he'll always have that to be made fun of. 

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39 minutes ago, Uncle JUICE said:

Just as a dude, my friends and I never let anyone live ANYTHING down. I've known a guy for fifteen years who 11 years ago said he was considering taking guitar lessons. JUST THAT turned into us mocking him about it for a decade and making up stories about his never-had career as a folk singer, his adventures as a rocker, and basically his entire life reimagined through the lens of him being a guitarist. THE MAN NEVER TOUCHED A GUITAR.

lol! That's also how nicknames are born, did your buddy get a nickname out of this?

  • LOL 1
1 hour ago, Mr. Minor said:

lol! That's also how nicknames are born, did your buddy get a nickname out of this?

No, but for about four years there, if he was having like a hard day at work, every couple of months someone would make a comment along the lines of "That sucks. You know what might help? Writing a song about it with a sick riff you could shred on your git-fiddle." 

If he would come to work late, as he did often, we would make up stories where he had done as much drugs as a Motley Crue roadie and was neglecting his step son, it was fun. Waking up, not knowing what day it was, american flag bandana half on, a nipple ring he didn't remember getting, coke bowl flipped over on the nightstand, sleeping on a mattress on the floor with no box spring, stepson covered in a mess after having to make himself an instant mac and cheese because his mom and stepdad just went on a vicious bender, that sort of thing. I miss that job! 

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