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S09.E09: A Wolf In Camille’s Clothing

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D’oh!rit’s talking head with the Disney princess hair, and fluorescent coral prom dress over black fishnet tank. What the what. 

I kind of liked the outfit. The pink part was not my favorite thing (definitely an '80s prom dress vibe, but considering I went to 3 proms in the actual '80s, I've certainly seen worse) but I did dig the accent of the fishnet combined with something it typically wouldn't be paired with. Maybe it's just my aging gothiness rearing its old head, haha!

And there! I sort of said something nice about Dorit!


On a random note, did anyone else notice that Rinna forgot to do the back of her hair when she was at the restaurant talking to Teddi? They panned behind Rinna and wow, it was flat. 

Speaking of the '80s, there were so many girls in my high school with this very issue, haha! They spent so much time (and Aqua Net) on the front/bangs and sides (seriously, some of the "out-then-down" sides didn't even fit into the yearbook photos) that the back was just apparently neglected.

Edited by TattleTeeny
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At this point this could get Canceled and it wouldn't bother me in the least... the show isn't fun anymore ... Why do they think that middle aged women fighting like they are in middle school is what we all want to see constantly? None of these woman are friends and you can tell... I miss when they actually wanted to be around each other and have a good time now it all seems so forced and staged... for the love of god just scrap the WHOLE cast (yes everyone) and start new or just end this for the love of all things good in the world 

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5 hours ago, film noire said:

5) Tell Camille  (quote me, please, Denise): You bitch, I fell for it. And I never (x100, Rinna style) fall for it. I praised you - ON THIS VERY BOARD, MADAM! - but now I know you're still a nasty bitch with a mean-girl mouth (oh, and if we're talking about teeth?  Lady, go look in the mirror. Cuz if you bought those chompers o'yours?  Robbed.)

camille teeth.jpg

Holy Chiclets! Quel Prosthodontic Superstructure!!

Good find, FILM NOIRE 👍. With that toofy grill, Real Camille should indeed keep her catty mouth shut about other people's dental work! 

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I feel like Kyle is too much of people pleaser which is sad. I can imagine (as weird as this might sound) that she still hears Big Kathy's voice in her ear after all these years saying. "Kyle, marry rich and have babies", "Kyle you're going to go on this audition", "Make me look good"! Yada, yada, yada.

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15 minutes ago, Hockey Addict said:

I feel like Kyle is too much of people pleaser which is sad.

I have this problem and it really does suck... trying to make everyone around you happy and keep the peace while making yourself feel  like crap... I have had to learn that it doesn't matter if they are happy if it stresses me out and makes me unhappy...

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12 hours ago, bosawks said:

Not talking to people you’re pissed at isn’t really all that unheard off.

Those people not wanting to re-establish contact with you after you process through your feelings is the risk you take.

But for the love of god BRAVO watching dueling cold shoulders is not entertaining. If I wanted to watch that I’d go to my next family reunion.

But they could have a Shrug Off. My bet is on Season 1 Camille


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I watch all these Howives shows and take every bit of them with a grain of salt. I'm not on anyone's side. It's pure entertainment and y'all keep me entertained with your comments, but it's really not that serious. There is so much edited content that none of us really know the truth. Just sayin.

Party on Garth! 🤩🥂💟

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12 hours ago, ParadoxLost said:

I don't understand what was up with LvP and Denise plan to have drinks?

Something didn't seem right.

LvP invited her after the fight with Kyle.

LvP forgot that they were meeting

Denise covered like she just popped by to drop off a present. She didn't have anything on her did she?

Denise didn't relate any this to the others afterward.

It was weird.

How  long has this drama been going on?  The Radar online article was 3 days before LvPs Birthday.  Was everyone uninvited or never invited in the first place?

LVP's party at TomTom's was set up in advance. Bravo knew they were going to "film" there as did the cast and guests that were "micced up"

I think they were all invited minus Teddi, and then most likely dis-invited and production told them to stay away and have a different gathering where they could be filmed.

I'm not buying that Grumpy Cat and the Udder One planned her party/guest list

PS: Grumpy Cat and Prancercise Lady sighting



Whoops...my bad..that was just John Sessa

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12 hours ago, ChitChat said:

Seriously.  I have family members with both types of diabetes.  I had a WTF moment when Dorit was talking (as I usually do.)   I'm shocked that there has been no mention of it until now.  Maybe she wants us to see how "concerned" she is just in case something happens to him (heaven forbid,) that way she's off the hook.  She's just as concerned about him as she was about Lucy.  

Dorit said she is desperately trying to get PK to keep a healthier diet/lifestyle.

I think Dorit is desperately trying to keep him alive until he reveals to her the off shore bank account info she needs. If that were ever to happen, Dorit will be feeding PK dark greens and everything high in potassium to let him stroke out.

However, I don't think that will ever happen, PK most likely hasn't stopped his habits and is probably with a new side piece.

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6 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

What's wrong with the teeth in that photo? I don't see it.

Aesthetics are, of course, a matter of opinion. IMO, Camille's teeth look obviously unnatural. The overjet is too pronounced and not in harmony with her feminine, pretty features. For years, the trend in cosmetic dentistry has been to exaggerate the overjet so the top lip looks fuller, thereby providing a more au courant appearance. I think LVP's new dental work is also overly obvious. I noticed the longer/larger teeth immediately. I think LVP is a classic beauty and would do well to have them redone using a photo of her season 1 teeth as inspiration. Full disclosure: Due to an accident necessitating a full prosthodontic rehab of my upper teeth, I'm probably overly "dentally aware" 😁.  

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Interesting, TY. Still, I see none of it; they look like normal teeth to me--and not unlike my own, which have had zero work outside of the braces I had from age 12 to 16.

ETA: I just looked up "overjet" to make sure I knew what you were referring to; I don't see an exaggerated one--at least not in that particular photo of Camille a few posts back--just the normal overlap of the top teeth "resting" on the bottom (or whatever is the proper term). 

Edited by TattleTeeny
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Kyle repeating that story is a wonderful example of why I never give most people the full impact of a reaction when I hear just their side of the story. Kyle repeated that story to the women in a way that made it seem (at least from that little bit we saw and the way she described it in her TH) that she was the picture of calmness and sensibility and they went off the rails. Both sides raised their voices and got angry. Neither side handled the situation well.

LVP, you’re already getting your kitchen. Associating the demolition of the kitchen to the bad memory of Kyle standing in the space is just being extra. I get that the BH women tend to have mean girl/bully-ish tendencies but LVP, if you aren’t going to admit that you aren’t blameless, at least stop it with the over-the-top delicate flower routine.

And I’m pretty sure Kyle is in the situation not because she wouldn’t say LVP would never sell the story, she’s in this situation because she decided what she believed and inserted herself into the situation trying to get LVP to admit to something, not to first listen and work with her to figure out how to address the situation.

I don't understand why anyone, especially Dorit, would be shocked that they wouldn't be invited to the birthday and that LVP would not be speaking with them. Kyle threw all of them under the bus and made it known that Dorit said LVP sold the story and they all believe it. Yeah, even that is not going to earn fake pleasantries and meaningless invites.

Good call by Denise that she didn't talk about the drinks mix up (if that's what it was) and that she didn't really try to get into a full conversation with LVP about the situation. The women looked thoroughly disappointed that Denise didn't even try to have that conversation with her and bring back information to the group. If they're so bothered, by not just reach out to LVP yourself to talk? If she declines your invite, then at least you can say you tried. But accusing a friend (Dorit, Kyle) of something and then thinking that they will be the first to call you doesn't seem like a typical expectation. If I had a conversation with a friend that went south and absolutely not how I intended it for it to go, I would be the one reaching out and saying that I'd really like to talk and see if we can sort things out because I hadn't expected nor wanted that conversation to go the way it did and maybe there was a better way for both of us to have handled things. 

Meh, Camille's comments about her teeth weren't that bad. She had a few drinks in her and said something out loud that I know many people have probably had thoughts about but thought better than to say it out loud at the moment. It's not like she was piling on LVP, it's something, in her drunken state, made sense to share as part of the conversation of her dental background. 

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I had a few thoughts while watching the show last night. Couldn’t post as I only could watch on my iPad which I need to participate with y’all. 

I think Dorit has selected Erika as some sort of role model. They both are sporting the white blond hair color. You rarely see the same hairstyle twice on either of them. They both wear some ridiculous outfits although I don’t think that Dorit spends as much as Erica does. Neither of them look natural, especially when it comes to Doritos chest. That outfit looked like she was a high end hooker. Worse yet she was proud to show it off. 

Although cute, Camille’s dress was too short. She went to reach something on the table and the dress wasn’t covering her bottom. Sitting on a public couch, I hope she had panties on. She really dug into LVP and I expect that will draw some fireworks at the reunion hence why she has begun her apology tour on SM. 

Now I’m very self conscious about my teeth. Due to an injury I had to get a bridge in front and yes, it does show how my gums have receded. Last year I asked the dentist what it would cost to get a new one. 15k. That is just for two missing teeth and two capped on either side to hold it in place. Cosmetic dentistry is nice Camille, but not all of us have your access to the money it takes to look good. Even more than disparaging LVPs teeth, I didn’t care for the comment about her having bad breath. Low blow. 

I don’t blame Denise for leaving LVPs birthday celebration. How awkward that she came, waited quite awhile and had nobody she knew to chat with. (Weird chit chat with random guy) I think she was a good sport about that. 

Rinna has no filter. Then she blows it off as in “I didn’t know”. Yes, she knew. She was waiting to see if she got away with it. She can’t be trusted. Stop with doing things that show details where ladies should not be showing them. The camera didn’t zoom in on the other ladies bits. 

Kyle is so scarred from her childhood that she can’t fathom how to have a real friendship. I just need to see her with her dogs. That’s pleasant entertainment. 

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7 minutes ago, RHJunkie said:

Kyle repeated that story to the women in a way that made it seem (at least from that little bit we saw and the way she described it in her TH) that she was the picture of calmness and sensibility and they went off the rails

Yes, Ken did not use the F word as many times as Kyle said that he did. I think he only used it once. 

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13 hours ago, ChitChat said:

A recent article stated that Camille and LVP are friends.  I wonder if LVP knew about her making fun of her teeth?  She may not be her friend anymore if this is the first time LVP sees or hears of that insulting conversation.  Yikes, Camille!  Not a good move. 

Or like a true Sniper From The Side move, Camille has been sent in to infiltrate the group and gather intel


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1 hour ago, KungFuBunny said:

LVP's party at TomTom's was set up in advance. Bravo knew they were going to "film" there as did the cast and guests that were "micced up"

I think they were all invited minus Teddi, and then most likely dis-invited and production told them to stay away and have a different gathering where they could be filmed.

I'm not buying that Grumpy Cat and the Udder One planned her party/guest list

PS: Grumpy Cat and Prancercise Lady sighting



Whoops...my bad..that was just John Sessa

I'm sick of both Johns. Booooooring as fuuuuuuuuck.

They've had their 15 minutes and it's 15 minutes too much. 


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13 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

Woah I can enjoy Camille and see sweetness in her at times. I thought she was going to have LVP's back this season, despite feeling manipulated by her in the past. That whole scene was classic mean girl. I would be so hurt if a so-called friend made fun of my teeth or anything to do with my appearance on national television. It also makes me extra sad for Lisa because Lisa's said Camille's always been sweet to her in an interview. Um, NO! I don't like the cheap shots about Kelsey either. Yes, he did her wrong. But I think talking about their sex life, his privates, his kissing, all of it is inappropriate and embarrassing. She does have kids with this man. 

I have my criticisms of LVP and at times thought she overreacted to the other cast members. But whether they realize it or not, the group has become a gang. 

I do choose to give Rinna benefit of the doubt she didn't know LVP's brother died of a suicide. There is a difference between making light of being teased for popping pills and making fun of losing a sibling like that.

Since Dorit implied Rinna was a drug user (along with PK) - LVP has joined in on joking about the bag of pills.

She did it with Ken and PK, she joked about it when they went on a trip and Dorit was nauseous, LVP also brought it up that time Kyle had her allergic reaction to the horses (I think in Germany) asking Rinna if she had anything for Kyle's eyes in that bag of pills of hers.

As for joking about drug adddiction, LVP has done it plenty of times to the cast of VPR - mainly Jax and DJ Muppet Baby uses Molly along with his drinking

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1 hour ago, Jel said:

From Teddi's blog:

Once the rest of the women arrive at Beauty & Essex, it’s not long before Camille is on a roll. Half a cocktail and out of nowhere she goes too far about LVP (you don’t even see the worst of it). As I say in my talking head, it was next level. I don’t know how you can go back from that. I would just say let’s remember this dinner for when Camille starts coming after someone else for being a mean girl (as we saw in the season trailer).

Thanks, but I can watch the show and form opinions without your help, Teddi. I know you have an agenda about what you want the viewers to think, but I don't think your attempts at manipulation are going to be very successful with many adults.  😉

She doesn't know how you can go back from that, everyone! As shitty a thing as it was to say, I think Camille is good. Considering all the low down and dirty things these women have said and done, and still appear on the show, yeah, I think Camille will be okay. Sure hope she apologizes to Lisa though.

I agree. It wasn’t a very nice thing to say, but it wasn’t on the order of, I don’t know, saying  someone definitely sold a story because it “sounded like them” and they’ve been guilty of being manipulative in the past. 

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10 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

What were Kyle and Mauricio eating? Cheese shredded like spaghetti with shaved truffles?

D’oh!rit’s talking head with the Disney princess hair, and fluorescent coral prom dress over black fishnet tank. What the what. 

Rinna laughs at anything.

PK ate all that junk at one breakfast. He and his mom don’t eat vegetables.

D’oh!rit is trying to help PK eat more healthfully.

Jagger: What’s that? 

D’oh!rit: It’s dill. You can take it off.

I kind of liked it.  Definitely better than the stupid "CHA" "NEL" earring look.  Or the Powerline look, as I call it:


9 hours ago, MrsWitter said:

One positive from this episode: I did love Max and Pandora showing concern for LVP at her party. Max particularly warmed my heart when he said, “I heard you’ve been having trouble with your friends... If you need anything, I’m here for you, Mom.” It was very sweet and seemed completely genuine. 

See, I felt it came off as very scripted.  "The doting children, who are so invested in the goings on of Mum's friendship circle..."  I had to rewind it, because LVP asks Max "Who told you that?" and I didn't understand him the first time, when he replied that "Pandy" told him.  After watching the scene twice, it really came off scripted to me.  Maybe I'm just cynical with these reality shows.

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47 minutes ago, RHJunkie said:

Meh, Camille's comments about her teeth weren't that bad. She had a few drinks in her and said something out loud that I know many people have probably had thoughts about but thought better than to say it out loud at the moment. It's not like she was piling on LVP, it's something, in her drunken state, made sense to share as part of the conversation of her dental background. 


5 minutes ago, Lady of nod said:

Camille - wtf with the LVP gums take down? Low blow bitch. Better go back to that publicist who rehabilitated you after season 1.

It was no worse and no better than LVP going on about Dorit earlier in the season. We might see some proof of Camille's claim with all the pictures of LVP available. 

FYI Clark Gable was notorious for having REALLY bad breath.

Edited by Giselle
I'm out of arugula.
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1 minute ago, KungFuBunny said:

Since Dorit implied Rinna was a drug user (along with PK) - LVP has joined in on joking about the bag of pills.

She did it with Ken and PK, she joked about it when they went on a trip and Dorit was nauseous, LVP also brought it up that time Kyle had her allergic reaction to the horses (I think in Germany) asking Rinna if she had anything for Kyle's eyes in that bag of pills of hers.

As for joking about drug adddiction, LVP has done it plenty of times to the cast of VPR - mainly Jax and DJ Muppet Baby uses Molly along with his drinking

Thank you for posting this. I gave Dorit benefit of the doubt with the dog, LVP benefit of the doubt with Radar, and I give Rinna benefit of the doubt that she wouldn’t make fun of how LVP’s brother died. If someone else did what she did, I would be like WTH? But like you said, there have been jokes about Rinna and her pills for awhile, it’s nothing new. 

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PK and Dorit should really try to stay on Lisa's good side.  They may need Lisa to hire them at one of her many successful restaurants when they are flat broke.   I can picture it now, PK baking fabulous sweets while licking the bowls, and Dorit can use her expertise on the blender and make some wonderful cocktails.  

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13 hours ago, njbchlover said:

When Dorit was walking into that restaurant, she looked like a hooker strutting for her next john (well, maybe she was searching for a replacement for PK - he has diabetes, after all-you know - the kind of Type 2 diabetes than can change to Type 1).  

Not that this excuses that hot mess of a trashy, whorish outfit, but I think they were meeting for dinner.  

Did you see the rage in Dorit's coked out eyes when Camille got a warmer reception?

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8 minutes ago, Giselle said:


It was no worse and no better than LVP going on about Dorit earlier in the season. We might see some proof of Camille's claim with all the pictures of LVP available. 

FYI Clark Gable was notorious for having REALLY bad breath.

I personally didn’t like what either woman said. 

Teasing can be funny and harmless. But making fun of a friend’s teeth, gums, breath, alleged gas and snoring, none of that is funny to joke about on TV imo. Most women want to come across somewhat ladylike. 

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39 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

Yes, Ken did not use the F word as many times as Kyle said that he did. I think he only used it once. 

Well, I honestly didn't count so I can't say if she exaggerated with the language but I'm certain all three of them were swearing at some point or another and that definitely wasn't reflect in the way we heard her retelling the story.

34 minutes ago, izabella said:

Dorit spent all kinds of time trying to paint it as "Lisa does this.  When she's mad at you, she punishes you by staying away from you.  She'll call when she's ready."

It's not punishment, Dorit.  She can't stand to talk with you or be around you because she's pissed about what you said or did.  See how that's different?

She's not entirely wrong. LVP does have her own way of punishing or making her friends aware that she is upset with them and that includes icing them out in group situations or taking jabs at them while pretending that things are good between them. However, in this particular case, I don't think it's surprising or at all baffling why she wouldn't want to be the one to reach out first. Dorit and Kyle are the ones that are both making the accusations and also saying they want to work things out with LVP - well then it makes sense why you would be the one to reach out first. It would be nice if LVP did reach out but don't complain that she isn't reaching out when you haven't tried yourself either. 

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13 hours ago, dbell1 said:

That was a fast forward snorefest. It's like the lunch tables in high school where the mean girls hang at one table and everyone walks by hoping to not get picked on. But, LVP isn't there to care. She's transferred to a better school.

Camille, shut up. I guess she's really after a diamond this year. Viper.

Is Dorit making extra money on the corner? Might explain the outfit.

My thoughts exactly!   And what is up with her hair?    I really think she is trying to be like Erika right down to the glam squad, clothes picked by someone else who doesn't have her best interest at heart, and hair designed to make a statement even though it's horribly unflattering.  They don't seem to get the whole notion of clothes, hair and jewelry to complement your body and face, not overwhelm it. 
And then, after the way she keeps flip flopping about Lisa to actually play victim again about not being invited to the party?  Strange. 
PK is another thing all together.  His comments about all the birthday stuff doesn't make sense.  They are mad at her for the ROL stuff, yet want to get invited.  They got pissy about her comment a couple of episodes ago during dinner yet upset cause they hear from her.    Maybe they are worried about not getting enough exposure.

Just a thought:  PK is a "manager/agent" whatever with Boy G.  Now Dorit is sucking up to Erika.  Do you think maybe PK is trying to get a contract with Erika?    Never, ever gonna happen.

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47 minutes ago, Miss Bones said:

I kind of liked it.  Definitely better than the stupid "CHA" "NEL" earring look.  Or the Powerline look, as I call it:


See, I felt it came off as very scripted.  "The doting children, who are so invested in the goings on of Mum's friendship circle..."  I had to rewind it, because LVP asks Max "Who told you that?" and I didn't understand him the first time, when he replied that "Pandy" told him.  After watching the scene twice, it really came off scripted to me.  Maybe I'm just cynical with these reality shows.

LVP has been trying to make Grumpy Cat and the Udder One "happen" for years. Bravo doesn't seem to want to give either one of them a lead role on RHOBH or VPR.

Maybe they'll have more luck with their Web Series VPD

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How is it that Dorit has two young kids and hardly any actual food in her refrigerator?! Containers of cut up fruit are great, as is yogurt, but what do her kids eat for meals? Wonder if they order food for every meal and throw away all the leftovers ? 

Camille’s comments about LVP were mean, but messy Camille is hysterical! I don’t care for LVP’s new teeth- she looks like Matt Dillon’s character in Something About Mary. 

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2 minutes ago, Juliegirlj said:

How is it that Dorit has two young kids and hardly any actual food in her refrigerator?! Containers of cut up fruit are great, as is yogurt, but what do her kids eat for meals? Wonder if they order food for every meal and throw away all the leftovers ? 

Leftovers?  With PK around, there aren't any leftovers.

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49 minutes ago, watcherwoman said:

PK and Dorit should really try to stay on Lisa's good side.  They may need Lisa to hire them at one of her many successful restaurants when they are flat broke.   I can picture it now, PK baking fabulous sweets while licking the bowls, and Dorit can use her expertise on the blender and make some wonderful cocktails.  

She can’t be any worse than Jax! 

And maybe we’ll be treated to Dorit’s Dinner Party. Monday nights at SUR! Get ready for dilly sushi, Lucy Lucy Apple Juice Martinis, and DJ Boy George on the ones and twos.

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Did anyone catch the other comments Camille made? The main thing they showed was Camille making fun of LVP's teeth, but she also made a comment about LVP's breath.

I still don't understand why Humungusschlongberg was at that 24 hours later gathering when Mauricio, Edwin, or any of the other significant others weren't there.

When was the Denise just got married gathering planned? I  love Rinna, but Rinna you can't question why you didn't get an invite to LVP's party when no one is claiming any of you invited LVP to Denise's post wedding celebration.

I do hope all of the ladies took pictures of their gifts and cards they sent to LVP so they have their receipts when LVP chastises the items/cards for not being good enough.

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