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Extra Hot Great

David T. Cole
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I was going to listen to this after work but then I saw that Dave would be talking about "Man in the High Castle" and I decided to be unproductive and listen to it because omg I love that book. I read it as part of an unintentional alternate history/alternate universe marathon (this, "Mirage" and "1Q84" all in a month) and absolutely adored it. And listening to Dave talk about it made me excited to re-read it and see the pilot, although when I actually think about it, it probably won't be that great, so maybe Dave should run the production?

I know this is a beloved Friends episode, but this episode and that trifle are the reason I dislike the show. NO ONE would make that mistake in real life. Not even the way it all comes together can redeem it for me. I know that I am in the minority on this, and I am basically posting in the hopes that there is some other lost soul out there who agrees with me.

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You guys all dissolving into giggles when Tara did that bit about Rev. was hilarious and made ME dissolve into giggles. Thank you!


In Game Time, I thought the killer called 'Ripper' was going to be Stefan Salvatore from The Vampire Diaries. Did Giles' 'Ripper' character ever actually kill anyone?

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Just finished watching this. It's pretty good and they are much more economical with the plotting. Seems to get to the good stuff stuff pretty quick. I like the changes and additions they made to the story to adapt it to series. Looks great too.

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Dave, since you're into "what if" history, and recently have taken up more comics may I suggest Superman: Red Son, where Kal-El's ship lands in the Ukraine instead of Kansas. There's actually a whole Elseworlds imprint from DC that does this sort of thing, including the first one where Batman is in Victorian England hunting Jack the Ripper. 

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The first two minutes of this podcast make me really wish I could get in on one of your recording sessions. :)

On topic (or at least topic-adjacent), I'd love to see ABC put out a mini-series set in the MCU starring Jeremy Renner and Scarlett Johansson titled "Budapest", showing how Hawkeye and Black Widow met. Since they're playing the same characters, though, that probably doesn't count, so I'm gonna go with a show produced by the BBC starring Sir Ian McKellan and Sir Patrick Stewart as two retired MI6 agents who move to a small retirement community where all sorts of shady doings are transpiring.

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There's really little I like more than Dave's helpless cackle when he's gone completely round the bend.

"You broke Dave" = awesome.

Also, Tara's muttered "You're the worst, I hate your guts" makes me so very happy.

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I am such a sucker for people breaking into hysterical laughter.  It probably explains why I like the Pete Holmes podcast so much.  But really, that just made my day.  And I have not been so glad to work from home in a long while, because I lost my composure completely.

My suggested movie duo redux - Gary Oldman and Benedict Cumberbatch.  I loved their interactions in Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy.  I think I would want to turn the mentor/mentee relationship from that movie on its head, though.  Perhaps Oldman as a man dealing with senility and Cumberbatch the long estranged next of kin who is brought back into his life because of the illness?  I would imagine this would do best in a BBC series context, with just a handful of long shows.

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Hannibal should spend time in the islands. Just because it's tone is dark, doesn't mean that the cinematography has to be nearly impenetrable as last season could be at times.  Plus, being on an finite amount of land mass should help the regular F.B.I. in finding him. Plus? Mads Mikkelsen in loose-fitting linen around his island hide-out manse?


PS: ITA with cassandle  on the A-Team/Magnum x-over! Zeus and Apollo!!

Edited by Actionmage
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Hey cool! Been having computer troubles (plus Christmas) so to discover that the first game time I hear in weeks is the one where I set the questions was extra special (and even I had trouble with some of the answers, at least at the 2 point level).


ETA: Yeah Rupert "Ripper" Giles killed Ben/Glory - however, I realise that Robert "Sideshow Bob" Terlwigger (no idea if that's spelt right) has never actually killed anyone, despite MANY attempts (though at least it was an easily answered question). As I've never seen Vampire Diaries, I can't say if there was a Ripper on that. And yes, Buffy was a perfectly good answer for The Master.

Edited by John Potts
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"had a very famous show finale" - actually the next eponymous show down the line for this actor had a very famous show finale. Also: the one with the theme song you played actually kind of holds up now, while OMG the one with the famous finale is generally torturous. Thanks to my DVR and the several rerun-only channels I get on it, which have allowed me to (within the past few months) firm up these distinctions.

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