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David T. Cole
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I have a 19 month old little boy and I have to say Batman: The Brave and the Bold is kind of fantastic. It is so aware of how ridiculous its history is and how lame some of its villains are and openly makes fun of itself.

For example - Kiteman's origins:

Also, the Batman in this version is made of snark which I enjoy and the supporting characters are pretty funny. John Dimaggio (the voice of Bender) does the voice of Aquaman and his pomposity is hysterical. The episode where he goes on vacation with his family across America to see things like The World Biggest Ball of Yarn and is bored out of his mind is kind of amazing.

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girlonthepark, the moment when Aquaman looks over and sees his nemesis, Black Manta, in a car next to him also bored out his mind on a family vacation and they share a look of commiseration just slays me. It's, dare I say, OUTRAGEOUS!

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I'm probably Domer than all for knowing this, but Melanie (f/k/a Drownsie) *does* name her hometown when recognizing the obelisk. It's Zenith. I double checked in the "previously on..." this week. I will now punish myself accordingly for paying that close attention and retaining the information.

Also, PICCI 3000 is a jerk sometimes, eh?

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Is it weird that I immediately thought of Oliver Threadson's house from American Horror Story: Asylum? I mean, without all the human skin lampshades and skull candy dishes. That basement could be the best rumpus room ever! That furniture, that fireplace!

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I loooove the Girardis' house.  So pretty.  A house I used to envy a lot as a kid was the house from Webster because of the secret passageways.

Edited by smrou
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"The Good Wife" has always struck me as an idiotic show title. Alternate title, because of all the sex on the show: "Legal Briefs." It may be just as idiotic, but it's at least on topic. "The Good Wife" makes the show sound like you're going to see a lot of dreamy shots of meadows, and at least one sunbonnet.

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I would have cleaned up in that Game Time! Thanks to years of moderating TV forums/reading Tumblr, I knew almost all of those, whether I'd watched the show or not. I call shenanigans on "BroTP," though. Nobody gets to have that as a shipper name; that's the generic combination of "bros" and "One True Pairing" and can apply to any friend-couple (Scrubs' J.D. and Turk could be your BroTP, for example).

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Question: if you could kickstart a new season of Clone High into existence under real world assumptions (creator's labor of love side project between Lego Movies) would you? Or would you be too gun shy after the examples of Arrested Development and the Veronica Mars movie?

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Maybe the stuff they've done since "Clone High" hasn't been as pure, but I still thought "LEGO Movie," "Jump Street," etc. were pretty freakin' hysterical and it sounds like they're still game for it. Plus Will Forte kinda blew up since then. TOTALLY VIABLE, GET BILL LAWRENCE ON THE HORN TOO.

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Ever since Olivia introduced me to Face Off, I've been spoiled for reality shows that keep the 'drama' to a minimum. Jim Henson's Creature Shop Challenge had a pretty good focus on just the work as well. The last episode of Skin Wars was just on the side of too much personal b.s. for my liking, and I think it's going to get worse.

Ashamed at how well I would have done in that game time.

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I'm really glad I'm not the only one who would've cleaned up on that Game Time despite not watching 2/3rds of the shows mentioned. It's little things like that that make me really love this site and the forums here.

On the other hand, I've had that "Makeover, makeover" song stuck in my head for almost 2 full days now, and that I'm not crazy about.

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I loved Jessica as the guest host; when my Internet/podcasting worlds collide, it brings me great joy : )

Something I'm just curious about - can the East/West coast constituencies see each other while y'all are recording, or can they only hear what's going on?

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2 instances of coarse language most certainly is a deserved boot. Please please please find another age-appropriate show for Olivia to cover when Face Off is between seasons.

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Seconded on Reign. It's the only show I've ever been unable to watch based solely on the bad costuming, and I will usually watch anything that involves period costumes and yearning. Seriously, I've watched every BBC costume drama I've ever found. I watched The Tudors. My standards are not high. So the terrible costumes on Reign make me even more furious, because they're coming between me and old-timey good/badness.

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The reference to 'Cosby sweaters' made me laugh, as I work with two guys who I have definitely called 'Bill Cosby 1' and 'Bill Cosby 2' behind their backs. Its possible their sweaters have simply held up that long, as we live in the south, but seems more likely they have found some store that continues to sell those monstrosities.

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