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David T. Cole
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D'oh -- ! Dave was right -- "Der Wienerschnitzel" dropped the "Der"-- but the one I used to go to in high school kept it around forever (too cheap to change the sign, I guess.) But weirdly they had an ad campaign that still referenced the "Der." (Congrats Sarah - !)

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3 hours ago, PatternRec said:

I can't remember the exact combo, but there was one I thought was difficult because it dropped the "The" from The Tonight Show or some other late night show...

yeah... LipTonight Show. Chik-Fil-A Team was also fuzzy about "The" ... d'oh.

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There's a few minutes during the Canon where my audio cuts out. Not sure what happened during the export of the episode to make that happen but I've re-exported it with the missing audio now in there. It is now ehg-133b.mp3.

To get this audio file if you've downloaded the old one (from before 12:15pm or Tuesday Oct 25), delete it, refresh the feed and redownload. The audio in question was 1:19:10 to 1:21:45.

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As the Author of Game Time, I accept Daniel's apology! (Just happy it went well. It's been in the queue for a while.)

Aside: Do I remember right that Canadian Smarties are different than US Smarties, which are sour sugar candies seen only at Halloween?

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Canadian Smarties are like a really shitty version of plain M&Ms. There's also UK Smarties which in theory are the same thing as Canadian Smarties but are in fact better tasting (but still not as good as M&Ms). All those that disagree are wrong.

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Would totally listen to a podcast where David T. Cole figures out the logistics and economics of living forever under different scenarios. Singularity! Brain transplants! Vampires! Cyborgs! You could call it "Spend An Eternity with David T. Cole".

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To get "Eternal Care" in some Virtual world, you'd only really need to submit an amount that ensured the capital payment was enough to generate an annual return equal to the running costs (which is the sort of calculation pension companies make all the time, except for the eternal part) - the real problem would be in ensuring your bank/investment company doesn't go bust in the meantime. Whether you'd really WANT to live forever in some virtual afterlife is another matter. But I would be fascinated to hear discussions on the relative merits of becoming a vampire (probably even worse - you occupy far more "Meatspace" so need more resources), brain transplants (even MORE expensive to live, plus medically risky) and cyborgs (which would probably fall somewhere between vampirism & brain transplants, depending on technology). If it's specifically FOREVER that you want, becoming a ghost might seem the best option, though you might discover it becomes a living hell (with no prospect of an end, depending on your mythos).

...I may have thought about this too much!

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As far as living forever in the singularity... fuck that. I have enough issues with the god of this world not being held accountable, let alone having to worry about what happens when some 13 year old on adderal decides to inject some code into the server I'm in. 

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I watched Degrassi Junior High back in 1983 and haven't seen it since.

I never saw any of the follow ups but of course I'm familiar with Degrassi's most famous alum so I have to ask... even though I know Danny is not talking about Degrassi TNG am I a horrible person for picturing Drake every time he refers to the character "Wheels?" 


edit: turning off podcast for now because I'm a little buzzed and you guys don't need five consecutive posts from me about the cast. 

Edited by PatternRec
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@David T. Cole totally agree on TWD. I gave up on the show because I'd already read the comic enough to know there was no endgame :( 


edit: still buzzed, but hopefully charming enough to get away with it ;) 


edit 2: Sarah D Shunting :D 

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By the way, here for your viewing pleasure (?) is the most surreally horrifying kids TV show I came across in looking at things for this Game Time (and because it was on the Nick, Jr. site that my 4 year old was watching anyway). I should've made this a True or False question, but it got lost in the shuffle.  

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David T. Cole: "Warlords get shit done."
Tara: "Thank you!"
That was the best laugh of the day.

Also, Tara and Sarah's defense of raisins was the same point, so technically it was two arguments for raisins, one (repeated) against.

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8 hours ago, Fukui San said:

By the way, here for your viewing pleasure (?) is the most surreally horrifying kids TV show I came across in looking at things for this Game Time (and because it was on the Nick, Jr. site that my 4 year old was watching anyway). I should've made this a True or False question, but it got lost in the shuffle.  

That's like low-level horrifying compared to some of the shit that passes for children's television in Australia.

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I was able to watch the canon episode in its entirety on YouTube. I remember in junior high, our homeroom teacher showed the Degrassi episode where Spike (is that her name? She had spikey hair) is pregnant. This was my first intro to Degrassi as an American.

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I am so glad I was not the only one who thought Degrassi was a documentary. It was so cheap AND inexpensive! And sometimes episodes ended mid-sentence! So few resolutions! I mean, who does that? Canadians, I guess.

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As soon as you said "Spider-Man, Spider-Man" I immediately starting singing the Moxy Fruvous version. I literally did a little cheer when you mentioned them. I'm American so it's pretty rare for me to encounter someone who knows them. Though they're somewhat tainted by Jian at this point, unfortunately

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It's taken me a while to work out that by 'raisins', you mean what we in Australia call 'sultanas'. Your antipathy towards them is mystifying. Here in Oz you can buy small boxes of sultanas as a snack, and these boxes are a popular inclusion in kids' school lunchboxes. Also, toasted raisin bread (which usually contains raisins, sultanas and currants) with butter is one of the best snacks ever.


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Raisins aren't the same as Sultanas... here in the UK, you can buy "raisins" "currants" and "sultanas". They're all various varieties of dried grape (I think), but it varies according to whether they're white or red grapes and... some other stuff (OK, I could Google it before posting!).

ETA: The font of all knowledge gives the answer here: Wiki on raisins

Edited by John Potts
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39 minutes ago, John Potts said:

Raisins aren't the same as Sultanas... here in the UK, you can buy "raisins" "currants" and "sultanas".

Yes, I know. But what Australians call sultanas, Americans call raisins. (My post also linked to the Wikipedia entry.)

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I would say this is what most Americans think of as raisins (pictured below).  And yes, they come in snack packs for lunches, too.    Then we have golden raisins (which might be what you're calling sultanas?) - also sold in variety of sizes, including snack packs; and currants, and so on.

The "problem" with raisins is in baked goods.  When you think you have a chocolate chip something or other and then bite into and find out there is no chocolate!  It's raisins, instead.  

raisins.jpg   golden_raisins.jpg

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9 hours ago, purist said:

Thanks, @aquarian1. Yes, US golden raisins = Australian sultanas. So is it just our podcast hosts who hate them? Or does everyone hate them? Personally, I quite like them.

I like them. I even like them better than chocolate chips. I'm a monster! 

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I can't do raisins on their own, but I am not mad to find them in baked goods. And yet, almost every other alternative you could use would be better. My go-to replacement is dried cherries, but apricots, chocolate chips, fresh fruit...almost everything is better than a raisin, which makes them useless.

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Some of my favorite SNL sketches:

Bill Hader's Alien Sportscaster sketch. I love Hader, and they did 2-3 of these and they're all just bonkers in the best way. This is the only clip I could find:


Z-Shirt: This one needs an explanation. The first half of this sketch aired early in the show, and the second half aired like an hour later, completely taking everyone by surprise.


Darrell's House: Another one that only makes sense in total. Again, the first half aired early on, and is just weird as fuck. Then the second part airs later and it all becomes brilliant.

Part One:

Part Two:

Lastly, I'm still shocked this one, from the Richard Pryor show, ever aired:


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I'm guessing the person that grew the extra arm donated it to the person that lost one, so everyone is back to two each?

Loved Game Time (even if I was terrible at it), but to Nitpick: On Happy Days, an even better answer than Joanie would be "Chuck Cunningham", Richie's vanished older brother (thanks, TVTropes!). And to be super picky, Clark is only the Kents' adopted son (Lara & Jor-El are his biological parents, who were mentioned at various points in Smallville).

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I thought Justin Timberlake would at least get an honorable mention as favorite host. He brings it! D*** in a Box, Barry Gibb talk show, whatever you call the mascot dudes who bring on down to wherever. He always seems up for anything!

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Great Canon submission. I'd seen this episode a month or so ago, and David's comment about the episode using its gimmick to have BoJack deal with a character flaw rather than just be "hey I'm a gimmick!" was interesting. Made me think that, intentional or not, the theme of the episode is that sometimes we need to get away from dialog to overcome a character flaw, or more specifically to BoJack, to get away from dialog in order to figure out what it is he's really trying to say to someone else.


edit: one could argue the punchline of the episode implies that as soon as BoJack learns there was an easier way his reaction is "You've got to be kidding..." 


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I'd forgotten how good that Phil Hartman "Reagan as mastermind" sketch was.  But I'd still give the nod to Hartman's Clinton, especially the early McDonald's sketch, as best president. 

In fact, a lot of my top SNL moments are Hartman. "The Sinatra Group" is a strong contender for favourite sketch ever, especially among strictly "live" pieces (there are a lot of times my favourite bits are pre-tapes, from Albert Brooks to TV Funhouse to Lonely Island).  I also irrationally loved "Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer".

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Political Impression:  Dan Ackroyd as Jimmy Carter at Three Mile Island

Favorite Sketch:  I just can't narrow it down but there was one in which Gilda Radner played a breast cancer victim (I know) at a party and everyone offered heartfelt support... to her husband that was very sly.

Baffling Sketch:  During that weird season without Lorne Michaels there was a sketch in which a frightened child visited a bitter woman in her kitchen (trick or treating?  selling girl scout cookies?) and the woman was unloading all her problems on the kid who was desperately trying to sidle out.  It was as unfunny as it was freaky. 

Commercial Parody:  Bass-O-Matic original recipe

Update Anchor: Jane Curtin

Host:  Christopher Walken

Why yes, I did stop watching SNL about 20 years ago.  Why do you ask?  As far as I'm concerned it stopped being a daring show when they needed eleventy-billion cast members to pull off one show.  The original cast was seven strong.

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