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S04.E16: The House of L


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I think they're trying to make me remember how much I used to like James by constantly wounding him now. Lex tortured Jimmy Olsen? He went too far! And poisoning the judge was an excellent move. Man, they are making me wish we had a traditional Superman show right now. Get Tyler Hoechlin on the phone!

I'm so happy Otis(?) didn't really kill the kid. I respect bad guys who don't kill kids. Have standards, villains!

I never made the Lex/Alex connection before and I liked it here.  Linda Lee reference!

  • Love 9

Looks like Otis is the Luthor minion who has something resembling a conscience. 

It is kind of funny that Lex has spent all this time prepping Kaznian Kara to replace original recipe Kara and then gives her a very different looking suit.  Here's this new outfit you shouldn't wear in public for a while!

If Lex is clever enough to figure out Kara is Supergirl then how the hell did he never figure out Clark Kent is Superman?  Kara is just fortunate Lex doesn't have a seething hatred for her or he'd have Alex and Eliza murdered out of spite.

  • Love 7

This was really good! We got to see what Lex has been doing all this time!!! I love it!!!! I love at his trial, that he said Superman made him do it! ROFL! How did Lex make everyone sick?

Lex: No he isn't Lex!!! He is really Ducky!!! After he got rejected from Andie at the dance when she chose Blane, he lost it! He thinks he is Lex!!! 🙂 (Pretty in pink joke)  No but seriously, Jon Cryer is doing a great job as Lex!!! I wonder how many episodes he is going to do. Can he be a regular? 🙂

Lex and Fake supergirl: I love their scenes. The wigs they wore, was hysterical! Hahahahaha! Has Lex fallin in love with Fake Supergirl?

 Tessmacher: I love how she learned NOT to flinch! Hahahaha!

  • Love 4

I remember every week someone would ask “Where’s Kasnian Supergirl? When are they going to follow through on the Kasnian Supergirl storyline?” I liked that the show didn’t just pick up the storyline, but went back and filled in all the gaps leading up to the present.

 When Kasnian Supergirl (or Red Daughter per the closed captioning) came out in the black wig I thought “It’d be funny if her name was Linda.” I should’ve known the show would make that reference. I’d have an easier time believing that people couldn’t recognize Kara as Supergirl if Linda was her human persona.

Since Lex knows Kara is Supergirl I hope doesn’t reveal it to Lena. It was dumb on Arrow and it’d be even dumber here.

ETA: I loved Eve’s reference to The Americans and Phillip Jennings because that’s exactly what I was thinking when Red Daughter became enamored with the US.

Edited by BaggythePanther
Needed to acknowledge another reference
  • Love 5

Idea for an episode: Lex Luthor being a magnificent bastard for an entire hour, as we learn how he's been shaping things behind the scenes. This was Lionel Luthor in first few seasons of Smallville magnificent.

And, at long last, we get Red Daughter (truth: I don't remember her actual "name"). And that has Melissa doing a cheesy accent, make goofy faces (especially while eating the Oreos Chocos), and playing someone trying her best to play as Kara, while the people around her nod, smile and accept that she is Kara. It's cute, and Melissa is great at playing that. Pity that the actual Kara got wrecked by Lex. BTW, did they go to Metropolis for that scene? Or is there a Daily Planet building in National City? Great visual . . . and Lex gets his battle suit that doesn't look like an Iron Man knock off.

Seriously: "I have an idea, but you're not going to like it." "Way ahead of you, Ms. Tessmacher. I'm going to give myself cancer!!" Also, Otis telling Mikhail to play dead around any bald men he might see. Fun shit.

  • Love 9

So, Miss Tessmacher started out as just a Lex Luthor groupie.  And was full on ok with being evil from the get go.
Lex just murdered at least 15 people, but somehow that turned Eve's crank.  Because she likes bad boys or something.

How does someone with 31 murder convictions (soon to be at least 46) get conjugal visits with someone that he does not know ?
Shouldn't Lex be in a Supermax prison ?  He did turn the sun red, that has to be worse than the Unabomber.

And the prison warden was ok that Lex has a shiv in his cell.  And the prison does NOT monitor phone calls.  Where the hell is this prison ?
Lex should be in the SHU just based on the veiled threat to the warden's mother.

And Lex strolls around prison so much he has ongoing games with prisoners who are also in their cells.

Interesting that in the S3 finale, the captions said that the Supergirl doppelganger was 'Near the Siberian border', but in this episode, some 9 months ago it just says Kaznia.
And I guess we are still never going to figure out where Kaznian Supergirl (KS) got that blanket.  Or even how she knew that she needed a blanket (because I'm pretty sure Kyrptonians don't get cold based on the trips to the Fortress of Solitude).  If the only English word she retained during the duplication process was 'Alex', how can she use that English-to-Russian dictionary  ?  Since Kaznia is apparently a breakaway Russian republic near Irkutsk, which is a real city (and was on the map the general showed KS), and there is no 'sea' bordering on Kaznia (only Lake Baikal).  The closest sea to Irkutsk would be the Sea of Japan, and that's about 1500 miles away.

And it only took a month or so before she accidentally killed people, and another month before murdering 3 people.
Hold on -- they taught her a 'little' English, and they used that as her basis for using the language translation dictionary.

How does Eve know more about the black kryptonite than even Supergirl ?  Or Supergirl's mom ?

Oh come on, Lex backed Ben Lockwood too ?  FFS !!  Is he responsible for Elseworlds too ?

No one else on the US Navy destroyer noticed a missile launch ?  Seriously ?  No extra security and a lockdown of fire control afterwards ? 
So how many sailors did Kasnian Supergirl kill just to get to the fire control room ?  Everyone ?
Someone had to have seen the laser beam attack to cut the hole in the side of the ship.

If Kasnian Supergirl discovers that an Ameritek missile destroyed the cabin, and she only heard the missile seconds before the explosion, how did she know it came from that destroyer ?

Excellent re-use of stock navy destroyer footage -- you can see the exact same patterns in the water behind the destroyer before the missile launch and after the missile launch.

How exactly did Lex manage to project an interactive hologram into Lena's office ?

2 hours ago, BaggythePanther said:

I remember every week someone would ask “Where’s Kasnian Supergirl? When are they going to follow through on the Kasnian Supergirl storyline?” I liked that the show didn’t just pick up the storyline, but went back and filled in all the gaps leading up to the present.

That was probably me posing that question.  It took 15 episodes before we got more than a glimpse of KS's story. 
And at least they filled in the gaps since KS was created, but it was pretty weak filler.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
  • Love 5

I know I should hope for the good guys especially Supergirl to defeat Lex with all their goodness and hope and all that stuff, but Lex is so entertaining and so damned clever and such a magnificent bastard, I would like him to stick beyond this season.

So Lex knows Kara is Supergirl but hasn't figured out the connection between Clark and Superman.

  • Love 5
44 minutes ago, nilyank said:

So Lex knows Kara is Supergirl but hasn't figured out the connection between Clark and Superman.

And Supergirl knows James Olsen, who used to work in Metropolis with a reporter that looks a bit like Superman.  It is a bit ridiculous that Lex doesn't know Supes true identity.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
  • Love 3

God, I don't want Kasnian Kara/Red Daughter to die. She's so pure and innocent!

Melissa Benoist did a fantastic job this episode. I thought her Russian accent was good(and adorable).

On 3/24/2019 at 6:59 PM, BaggythePanther said:

ETA: I loved Eve’s reference to The Americans and Phillip Jennings because that’s exactly what I was thinking when Red Daughter became enamored with the US.

Yeah, I loved that!

Jon Cryer continues to kill it as Lex Luthor. Also great use of Sinatra's "My Way".

Not really surprised Eve was a Lex groupie.

Loved RD in the Margot Kidder wig as "Linda Lee".

Really happy Otis saved the kid.

I'm actually glad Lex knows Kara's secret.

Edited by VCRTracking
  • Love 2

So, the entire idea of the Children of Liberty was part of Lex's grand plan from the start, including picking Ben Lockwood as the face of it.  Ha!  Lockwood totally is just Lex's puppet in the end.  I would almost feel bad for him if he wasn't, well, Ben Lockwood.

Not too surprisingly, Kasnian Supergirl is also part of Lex's plan, although she doesn't realize that she is actually working for the biggest force of evil on this planet.  Melissa Benoist was having fun with the role and I enjoyed how she and Jon Cryer play off one another.

Eve continues to be drinking the Luthor Kool-Aid, but Otis actually has something resembling a conscious?  I do think he won't be around for too long, if Lex ever finds out he has something resembling a heart.

Lex knows Kara is Supergirl.  Damn, that is really making Lena look clueless on that front.

I was already really liking him last week, but I'm 100% sold on Jon Cryer as Lex now.  Truly a case of "outside the box" casting actually working out spectacularly.  Gold star to whoever thought of him of all people to play Lex Freaking Luthor.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

So, Miss Tessmacher started out as just a Lex Luthor groupie.  And was full on ok with being evil from the get go.
Lex just murdered at least 15 people, but somehow that turned Eve's crank.  Because she likes bad boys or something

When Lex was walked out the front of the court (which was hard to believe), was Otis there to just find followers for him? Captain Obvious gave Lex a wink/approval for Eve (it was an easy decision, she was the only one in the crowd supporting him)

Those extras behind Eve didn't look convincing with their hatred for Lex.

Am I to believe Lex didn't do anything more and just talked to Eve in the room?

  • Love 3

My favorite scene was when "CommieGirl" was pretending to be Kara in Kara's apartment with Lex. Lex stares at Kara's apartment and says "look at everything she has... and with a reporter's salary!" Kara probably only has 3 rooms, a living room/kitchen, bedroom and bathroom.

I liked the symbol on "CommieGirl's" superhero costume. I wish that circle thing surrounding the Hammer had been made to look like a sickle by putting a handle on it, then it would have been perfect.

I also wish the exploded cabin was in a crater, the ground seemed a little scorched, but perfectly flat.

So if Lex Luthor can figure out that Kara is Supergirl, why can't Lena, who hangs out with Kara and Supergirl, figure it out?

Otis deciding to save the little kid and warn said kid against bald men was great, though. As was Lex's solution to an apparently insolvable problem: "You're right! I have to give myself cancer!" Not to mention his nonchalant decision to poison the entire courtroom. 

This is the sort of over the top villainy these shows need.

Edited by quarks
  • Love 4
2 minutes ago, nilyank said:

Wait, I just realized that Otis is Ned Beatty's character from Superman films. Why didn't I make that connection before?

I don't know! The only time I've ever heard the name was in regards to elevators and to Ned Beatty in Supergirl!

56 minutes ago, AnimeMania said:

My favorite scene was when "CommieGirl" was pretending to be Kara in Kara's apartment with Lex. Lex stares at Kara's apartment and says "look at everything she has... and with a reporter's salary!" Kara probably only has 3 rooms, a living room/kitchen, bedroom and bathroom.

I liked the symbol on "CommieGirl's" superhero costume. I wish that circle thing surrounding the Hammer had been made to look like a sickle by putting a handle on it, then it would have been perfect.

I also wish the exploded cabin was in a crater, the ground seemed a little scorched, but perfectly flat.

Some people online have been calling her "Linda" from her alias. I prefer it. She's too sweet for "Commiegirl".

Also some theorize Kara's going to reabsorb her like Evil Captain Kirk in that old Star Trek episode. I hope she gets to live. Maybe see Kara's mom on Argo.

  • Love 1
44 minutes ago, quarks said:

So if Lex Luthor can figure out that Kara is Supergirl, why can't Lena, who hangs out with Kara and Supergirl, figure it out?

Is it possible that Lillian just told Lex Kara is Supergirl? I can’t remember if Lex and Lillian were in contact. 

I didn’t get a good look at the children’s book they were using to teach Kara Russian but for a second I thought it was The Runaway Dinosaur.

Anyone speak Russian? I’m curious about how well Melissa did. Spent years watching The Americans and I still can’t tell when Russian is spoken well. 

  • Love 1

So, Otis is going to get the spot of the Luthor minion that turns against Lex, and helps out the heroes?  Nice.

Also, Kaznian Supergirl is without a doubt turning against Lex, when she finds out that he lied to her about Alex, and that he was the one who ordered the death of Mikhail.  The question becomes, does she get arrested and become part of this Earth's Suicide Squad, or does she go to another Earth and become their Supergirl?

And, yeah, since Lex knows that Kara is Supergirl, no doubt that he knows that Clark is Superman.  He just doesn't care, because he wants to destroy Superman.  Destroying Clark Kent does nothing for him.  It's like Joker and Batman, Joker knows that Bruce Wayne is Batman, but he doesn't give a shit, he doesn't want to go against Bruce.

  • Love 1

So - does Lex know that Clark Kent is Superman? Does Ms. Tessmacher know that Kara is Supergirl? Lex knows that Kara is Supergirl, and just strolls around her apartment???

Another ridiculous thing: how would Red Daughter even know how to imitate Kara so well?

Linda Lee - ha! Nice.

40 minutes ago, BaggythePanther said:

I didn’t get a good look at the children’s book they were using to teach Kara Russian but for a second I thought it was The Runaway Dinosaur. 

It was!

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Jediknight said:

Also, Kaznian Supergirl is without a doubt turning against Lex, when she finds out that he lied to her about Alex, and that he was the one who ordered the death of Mikhail.  The question becomes, does she get arrested and become part of this Earth's Suicide Squad, or does she go to another Earth and become their Supergirl?

I figured when Lena shows "Commiegirl" disguised as our beloved Kara, the pictures and videos of the 5 mansions with servants that Lena and Lex would rotate between while they were growing up, will destroy Lex's image as a defender of the "common" man.

3 hours ago, Jediknight said:

And, yeah, since Lex knows that Kara is Supergirl, no doubt that he knows that Clark is Superman.  He just doesn't care, because he wants to destroy Superman.  Destroying Clark Kent does nothing for him.  It's like Joker and Batman, Joker knows that Bruce Wayne is Batman, but he doesn't give a shit, he doesn't want to go against Bruce.

Lex is not the Joker.  If he knows that Clark is Superman then he goes after Ma Kent and Lois as leverage.  This Lex is also petty (there was no reason for him to kill the people in the courtroom aside from showing off) so he would have done something with that information.  At the very least he would taunt him by calling him Clark, just to freak him out. 

I've gotta say, for someone who can't gain weight and will always be in perfect health Kara's fridge was stuffed with some surprisingly healthy food.  It was also surprisingly full for someone who was planning to be out of town long enough to need her plants watered but that's a different story.

  • Love 4

I'm still trying to figure out how KS pulled off that perfect American accent when talking with Alex Danvers, complete with Kara's mannerisms.

Sure, she spent some time working in a bar to help get rid of her heavy Kaznian accented English, but that wouldn't have helped her how to act like Kara and talk like Kara.
If they showed KS watching recordings of Kara, maybe.

  • Love 2
5 hours ago, Perfect Xero said:

I'm surprised that Otis saved the kid considering that in the episode where he and Mercy "died" he took some kid's Beebo toy and smashed it just to be mean. He's one of the last villains this season who I'd expect to stick their neck out to save a kid.

I think there's a big difference between being mean to a small kid and being willing to let a small kid get killed by a missile, though.

4 hours ago, cambridgeguy said:

I've gotta say, for someone who can't gain weight and will always be in perfect health Kara's fridge was stuffed with some surprisingly healthy food.  It was also surprisingly full for someone who was planning to be out of town long enough to need her plants watered but that's a different story.

Maybe Supergirl's groceries are as invulnerable to destruction/decay as she is?

  • LOL 1
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4 hours ago, cambridgeguy said:

I've gotta say, for someone who can't gain weight and will always be in perfect health Kara's fridge was stuffed with some surprisingly healthy food.  It was also surprisingly full for someone who was planning to be out of town long enough to need her plants watered but that's a different story.

We don't know how much Kara has to eat to maintain her super strength. If she is anything like anime characters, that was one meal's worth.

  • LOL 2

Linda Lee! Oh, I see what you did there, show. I see what you did. Maybe I will start calling Kaznian Supergirl Linda, Kaznian Supergirl feels kind of impersonal now that we know her better. I am so glad we finally got to her plot, and I thought that Melissa did a good job of making her feel different than Kara. Her accent even sounded pretty decent, especially by Arrowverse standards. She was just so sweet, I really hope that Kara can convince her that Lex is the real bad guy. 

Jon Cryer as Lex Luthor is the kind of out of left field casting that actually works out surprisingly well. He really balances the evil cold bloodlessness with hammy over the top villain hijinks. I mean, gassing his whole courtroom while he announces new years added to his multiple lifetime sentences? Thats the kind of supervillain stuff I can get behind!

Lex really is awful though, torturing poor James at some point in the past, manipulating sweet innocent Linda to make her a weapon, and even trying to blow up a little kid! I didnt see Otis actually having something of a conscious coming, but I am glad he saved the kid. Maybe he will be the henchman who turns against Lex at the climax when he sees how far he is willing to go? 

So Agent Liberty and his band of idiots have been pawns of Lex, and he is using Ben Lockwood as a patsy? That just tickles me to death. Oh yeah, now thats how a real villain works, dickheads! 

  • Love 3
6 hours ago, quarks said:

I think there's a big difference between being mean to a small kid and being willing to let a small kid get killed by a missile, though.

Sure, but Otis has just been a major asshole every time we've seen him with no hints that he has any depth or redeeming qualities that I can recall, and he's never been shown to have any sort of soft spot for kids any other times they were being put in danger by the plans he was part of.

This isn't just saving a random kid from getting hit by a car or whatever, this is making a trip all the way to Kaznia and risking the wrath of mass murdering Sociopath Lex Luthor to save a kid.

Edited by Perfect Xero
1 hour ago, Perfect Xero said:

This isn't just saving a random kid from getting hit by a car or whatever, this is making a trip all the way to Kaznia and risking the wrath of mass murdering Sociopath Lex Luthor to save a kid.

He had to be there anyway to set up the red blinking thing (I assume to give the missile something to home in on).

I didn't watch The Americans; could someone please explain the reference?

When Eve got mad at KS for going to L-Corp, she called her Privet. I don't know if that's a Russian word, or a name they gave her.

I'm guessing that the scene in Kara's apartment, when she was away in Smallville, was supposed to be during the crossover. Because after that Clark and Lois went to Argo for baby birthin'.

  • Love 1

Damn, Lex doesn't do things by halves.  Okay, put me in prison, I will just poison this entire courtroom.  I need the Harun-El but Lena won't work with me, hold on for a quick second while I just GIVE MYSELF CANCER.  OMG, I love it!  I also loved the fabulously-wealthy Lex presenting himself to Kaznian Supergirl as an enemy of capitalism, having her read The Great Gatsby to show her the corrupting decay of decadence, ha!

Seriously, though, their scenes together were great.  I loved the way that, despite her training/conditioning, Kaznian Supergirl's innate Kara-ness kept shining through:  quick to defend the innocent, not immediately prepared to believe the worst in people, going against "orders" to follow her own gut/hunch etc.  I would think she'll ultimately be someone to bring around, not someone to defeat.

I hadn't thought of the Alex-Lex connection until they brought it up.  I'll admit, my mind briefly flashed to the infamous "Martha" moment in Batman vs. Superman, but it works a lot better here with someone whose only memory is of someone important to her named Alex and along comes somebody with that name.

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, angora said:

I hadn't thought of the Alex-Lex connection until they brought it up.  I'll admit, my mind briefly flashed to the infamous "Martha" moment in Batman vs. Superman, but it works a lot better here with someone whose only memory is of someone important to her named Alex and along comes somebody with that name.

I have mixed feelings about the Alex/Lex thing. it works for what they want to do, and it is sweet that she remembered her sister. BUT since this Kara is a blank slate, I thought it would make more sense for her to remember something Kryptonian.

Edited by Trini
  • Love 1
2 hours ago, angora said:

I hadn't thought of the Alex-Lex connection until they brought it up.  I'll admit, my mind briefly flashed to the infamous "Martha" moment in Batman vs. Superman, but it works a lot better here with someone whose only memory is of someone important to her named Alex and along comes somebody with that name.

Why did you say that name ?

  • Love 4
6 hours ago, MarkHB said:

I didn't watch The Americans; could someone please explain the reference?

The Americans was set in the 80s and it was about two Soviet spies living undercover as an American couple. One of the spies, Phillip Jennings, enjoyed living in the US despite the fact that he was actively working against it. In Supergirl, Eve warns Red Kara about becoming a “Phillip Jennings” when Red Kara sneaks off to spend more time pretending to be Kara and hanging out in America.

  • Useful 1
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I'm just realizing that they made the Arrowverse version of Lex "Evil Tony Stark"! Even with the goatee, even after he put on his suit "Iron Man" style on Sunday it didn't click. Eve is evil Pepper, Otis is evil Happy Hogan. Also Molly Ringwald wanted RDJ to play "Duckie" in Pretty in Pink. If he had they probably would have stuck with the original ending where he and Andie got together.

Between that truth-teller alien and the mind-wiping and this episode I'm confused by who knows and doesn't know that Kara Danvers = Supergirl. I hope this gets cleared up by the end of the season because it distracts from the episodes.

I also want to know when they decided that Eve Tessmacher was gonna go evil. Maybe I missed hints along the way this season, but this does seem like a complete 180 on this character, who has been pretty cheerily a background 3rd stringer til now, suddenly being a big name player with a long list of usefully evil skills. (steering that ship? come on.)

35 minutes ago, shantown said:

I also want to know when they decided that Eve Tessmacher was gonna go evil.

I think they always intended her to at least be revealed as a grey character.  If they hadn't been given the ok to use Lex then I think she'd have remained as Lena's associate/potential henchwoman and we'd have seen her being supportive as Lena flirts with going evil at different times.  But they got the ok to use Lex and Eve was already in place to be revealed as being with him all along. 

  • Love 3

There are two potential sources for Lex to know that Kara is Supergirl, other than his own genius.

Lillian Luthor knows, thanks to having had Kara's adoptive dad as a prisoner, and therefore could have told him.

Cat Grant knows. And it's therefore possible that Eve as her right-hand woman found out through Cat knowing, either directly or indirectly, and told Lex.


Between that truth-teller alien and the mind-wiping and this episode I'm confused by who knows and doesn't know that Kara Danvers = Supergirl. I hope this gets cleared up by the end of the season because it distracts from the episodes.

Other people who canonically know Kara Danvers=Supergirl off the top of my head 

J'onn, Jimmy, Brainy, Winn, Nia, Kara's adoptive mom, Clark, Lois, real Hank Henshaw, Barry, Ollie and their respective crews, Mon-El and the rest of the Legion

Other people who formerly knew Kara Danvers=Supergirl but who have been mindwiped

Alex, Haley, the five or so DEO agents, the rando person who went to high school with Kara and Alex and kidnapped Alex to force Kara to break his dad out of prison.

Edited by Chicago Redshirt
  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

Other people who canonically know Kara Danvers=Supergirl off the top of my head.

J'onn, Jimmy, Brainy, Winn, Nia, Kara's adoptive mom, Clark, Lois, real Hank Henshaw, Barry, Ollie and their respective crews, Mon-El and the rest of the Legion.

Like most of the Arrowverse, you forgot about the Legends. 😋

Edited by BaggythePanther
ETA the full quote.
  • LOL 4
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Wait, what? So, Lex Luthor, a man, who is supposed to be serving time for ecoterrorism, murder and crimes against humanity, not to mention for the fact that he has poisoned whole of the court room, for the rest of his life (31 life sentences), is somehow given free reign in a prison facility, which does not look remotely like maximum security prison? Not only that, but no one has frozen his assets, and he has free reign over-them, and can buy his way out of prison for short-time vacations for trips to Kaznia to over-see the Kara's clone, and has the prison warden in his pocket just in case? This is some new height of bullshit that this show has done in its life! Other than that, this was probably the best episode this season, because, let's face it, this season is blah...

Edit: so, now I have a good feeling how Alex memory loss will play-out. It will be related to the Red Daughter somehow (like Alex will somehow help Kara No. 2 to see that Lex is the bad guy and in the process will remember that Kara No. 1 is Supergirl. This will be in the last two episodes I bet, or even in the last one).

P.S. So, Lex knows that Kara, who he never met, is Supergirl? But not Lena? Oh, come on!


Anyone speak Russian? I’m curious about how well Melissa did. Spent years watching The Americans and I still can’t tell when Russian is spoken well. 

Eh, close enough for a person, who probably reads from a card-board with phonetics written.

Edited by Rushmoras
  • Love 2
13 minutes ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

I am actually not sure that any of the Legends have interacted with Supergirl as Kara Danvers, been told that she is Kara Danvers or been to Supergirl's Earth. 

During the Invasion crossover Barry introduced everyone to "my friend, Kara Danvers, or as she's know on her Earth - Supergirl." So Sara, Ray, and Mick at least know who she is.

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