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S07.E15: Training Day

Lady Calypso
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TEAM ARROW ATTEMPTS TO WORK WITH SCPD — Team Arrow attempts to work with the Star City Police Department but much to Oliver’s (Stephen Amell) frustration, things don’t go as planned. Meanwhile, Dinah (Juliana Harkavy) gets some life-changing news. Ruba Nadda directed the episode written by Emilio Ortega Aldrich & Rebecca Rosenberg (#715). Original airdate 3/11/2019.

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Yay! The stupid SCPD storyline is over!!

I really like the Flash Forwards when it's William and Mia.

Diaz is most sincerely dead! Happy Dance!

BS vs Emiko...I'm giving it to Emiko she may be evil but she freed me from Diaz!

The Olicity, OTA and, Dilicity scenes were on point. Loved all of them

Edited by Morrigan2575
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Did I write that episode myself? Because I freaking loved it. I will think of coherent things to say later, but I have so many Olicity/OTA/Delicity/Queen Sib feels. I'm beside myself right now.

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Most importantly, Oliver and Felicity were so adorable. Felicity was so cute. Oliver's just going to nod and go along with everything Felicity says for the entire pregnancy, isn't he? (And I'm going to love every second of it.)

LOVED the Olicity and OTA scenes. 

Also really like that Dinah and Rene aren't kept in the loop. 

Liking the dynamic between Mia and William. 

Wow, the SCPD is the worst. The mayor is the worst. So glad that's over.

The whole Emiko vs. Laurel thing ... I don't really care? 

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This episode just had to many plots that certain moments couldnt breathe properly. Majority of the future scene could've been cut and just leave us with the last part, expand on the Dinah plot (sure, even she's annoyed me this season but the one plot that should've gotten somewhat decent screen time was her recovering and dealing with her cry, or at least have her crossover to The Flash to do so) or the Slabside plot or TA not fitting in well with SCPD. 

Putting TA with SCPD wasnt a wise choice when all you do is making the cops look like utter idiots who might as well be new at their job because they cant even do their jobs. There should be at least a co-captain since Dinah is playing Black Canary again...like...your squad sucks so hanging out with the cool kids isnt going to help the cops that will be around forever get any better. 

Nice to Bronze Tiger back and getting to interact with Laurel who in turns also gets to interact with Emiko! She knows how to spy so it would've been nice to see her at least somewhat confirming her suspicions that Emiko cooked the "dragon" though I was disappointed that it wasnt Laurel who did the deed. 

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Are William and Mia supposed to be the Luke and Leia of the Arrowverse?  The two do work pretty well, though.

It also really, really sucks to know that all of Oliver's talk of making the city a better place for his family is leading to an epic failure and his own absence from their lives.  All of his hopes and dreams are about to come crashing down.

One downside  - if you introduce the Highlander as your big bad then don't have him just disappear in the very next episode.  There aren't too many left, you know.

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I would have laughed if Diggle complained about wearing the SCPD uniform. Anything is better than the ARGUS crap he had on.

It's amazing how they couldn't be team players for one mission with the SCPD.

How will Diggle end up adopting Connor? I'm guessing Bronze Tiger and the mother will be murdered.

What's the point of Slabside saying Diaz was "stabbed" instead of being "toasted". Dead is dead! They'll be scrutinized either way.

Edited by mxc90
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7 minutes ago, mxc90 said:

I would have laughed if Diggle complained about wearing the SCPD uniform. Anything is better than the ARGUS crap he had on.

It's amazing how they couldn't be team players for one mission with the SCPD.

How will Diggle end up adopting Connor? I'm guessing Bronze Tiger and the mother will be murdered.

Good guess! Connor will be BTs son!

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I loved this. The SCPD stuff was stupid and annoying but the characters thouht so too so it worked. I love that Diggle is fully back. I'm not sure how I feel about Mia being even sort of named after Moira both because she and Felicity didn't like each other (although I think this might have changed, at least on Moira's end, had she lived to see Oliver and Felicity together) and it seems like an iffy choice while trying to bond with the sister she encouraged/forced your father to abandon. 

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You better not be playing coy with Diaz being dead, show! I want him gone, and his body salted so he can never come back! And I haven't been a huge Emiko fan, but if she did finally kill him, she has now become the shows true hero. The fruit basket is on the way, Emiko!

The SCPD stuff is so stupid, but I think that was kind of the point of the episode. Team Arrow working together apart from the SCPD, but with their blessing and sharing resources, sounds like its the best way this could have gone. Now I choose to totally ignore the SCPD stuff until I absolutely must acknowledge it. 

Oliver and Felicity are so flippin cute I cant even! Oliver is practically glowing more than she has, he is just so excited to have a baby with Felicity, and just wants so much to raise their kids together in a better Star City than the one he grew up in. Felicity was in top adorable form, joking around with the SCPD, bouncing around with excitement when she and Oliver told Diggle about the baby, being cute with Oliver, I love it so much! And they told uncle Diggle! 

Of course, all of that is dampened knowing that Oliver's dreams will never come true, he is going to die before he can really raise his kids and even enjoy more than a year with his wife, his reputation will be ruined, his former friends and kids will all hate or not care about him, and his city will be worse than it ever was. Its really fucking depressing, even by this shows standards. 

Still not loving the flashforwards, but I do love William and Mia together, they're already giving off such great sibling vibes, I love their scenes already. It seems like Mia is more like Oliver, while William is more like Felicity, although its not a perfect comparison. If we could have just had flashforwards of them on an adventure, maybe looking to save mom and dad, that would have been way better than this doom and gloom and spending forever with even more dickish than usual Rene and Dinah. 

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Why...why did Oliver think the confession over a vat of acid was going to be admissible? I'm glad the storyline has at least shifted to a "task force." It makes more sense. Also, what was the point of deputized vigilantes if they were just gonna act like cops anyway? Like, if they had wanted to be cops, wouldn't they have just been cops? 

As much as I enjoy the flashforwards with Mia and William, I'm still hoping this future gets erased, because the idea of William and Mia not growing up together and with their parents makes me very sad. So, if Barry or the Legends want to screw up the timeline, I would consider it for the better this time. 

Diggle, Felicity and Oliver! With candy!

Seriously, why can't they just have one Black Canary actually have the Canary Cry? It can't be an expensive effect. 

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Ack!  I completely spaced and missed doing the live thread!  It feels so wrong!  Thank goodness for the DVR cause this was one of my favs in recent memory.  Oliver and Felicity were so dang cute.  And Diggle was supportive and there was Delicity and it wasn't anything to do with Oliver even.  Loved how similar Felicity and Oliver were in their feelings about the SCPD.  So ready to just go do it themselves.  

And the ADventures of Mia and William was terribly charming and fun.  Still, that tape just about broke my heart (as did the promo for next week)  Come on Barry, break time just one more time.  

I didn't even mind Laurel's side story.  To bad they telegraphed the death of Bronze Tiger.  I'd be happy to have him replace Rene.  

DInah's story didn't make a lot of sense.  Nor did the Mayor constantly walking into the SCPD and acting like she was in charge.  And Dinah claiming she got to decide about the team staying or not is in direct opposition of what Dianah claimed when she initially deputized them over the Mayor's objections.  

Ugh.  If I never have to hear a vigilante say "You have the right to remain silent" it will be too soon.  I'm still cringing.  

Felicity's nesting instincts kicked in early.  She got the Bunker in ship shape extremely fast.  Guess we know what she's been doing with her days.  

Oh, the married Olicity in this episode was so much of what I've been craving.  They were just adorable but knowing the future it was all so bittersweet.  I need my hope back.  It's really a pity they didn't just decide to move away from Star City right away.  

Edited by BkWurm1
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I love how Oliver went from looking like he was totally over it for a bunch of episodes to walking around like he's  constantly trying not to squee about the baby.

He's got this "See that girl? I got her to marry me and I knocked her up! That's right! My baby! Baby baby baby. Squeeeee"

Pregnant Olicity are just so so so so so cute!

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10 minutes ago, bettername2come said:

Why...why did Oliver think the confession over a vat of acid was going to be admissible?

You're not wrong but at the same time there's never been any indication that any previous Arrow/Green Arrow captures have gone free because of similiar methods so I can sort of see it just not occurring to him that it might not fly in an official capacity.

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24 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

Good guess! Connor will be BTs son!

They pretty much flat out said it in the episode.  His name is Connor and BT called him his little Hawk.  Amazing how much he grows up to look like Diggle's Biological child.  Could Diggle have had a fling with Bronze Tiger's lady before getting back with Lyla?  (I know, the answer is no, but the hoops they have jumped through already, they might as well add a few more to make it make a bit more sense)

12 minutes ago, tennisgurl said:

The SCPD stuff is so stupid, but I think that was kind of the point of the episode. Team Arrow working together apart from the SCPD, but with their blessing and sharing resources, sounds like its the best way this could have gone. Now I choose to totally ignore the SCPD stuff until I absolutely must acknowledge it. 

Oliver and Felicity are so flippin cute I cant even! Oliver is practically glowing more than she has, he is just so excited to have a baby with Felicity, and just wants so much to raise their kids together in a better Star City than the one he grew up in. Felicity was in top adorable form, joking around with the SCPD, bouncing around with excitement when she and Oliver told Diggle about the baby, being cute with Oliver, I love it so much! And they told uncle Diggle! 

It was AMAZING how much more enjoyable the SCPD sections were with the addition of Felicity.  Amazing but not at all surprising since she's the not so secret ingredient that IMO makes even the plotty and incidental scenes entertaining.  Just EBR's expressions elevated the experience.  And her trying to lighten the mood after the first operation was a bust was delightfully adorkable as was Oliver having her just move it along.  I have desperately missed that team dynamic.  

Nitpick and of course it's a Dinah thing or rather a Rene/Dinah thing.  When he said DInah did the right thing no matter the cost to her personally.  Um.  That's not how I remember it AT ALL.  Pretty sure that Dinah making it all about herself and putting her feelings and concerns above the needs of the team and the city is what first broke it up and then stopped them from stopping Cayden James' mini cabal before Diaz took over.  No one in the NTA can claim that moral high ground and HELL no to saying they are the ones that made the big sacrifices to do the right thing. DInah least of them all.  

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Bronze Kitten AKA Conner is super cute, but I dont want Bronze Tiger to die, which is probably what is going to go down. God, a future where Bronze Tiger is dead and Rene is the mayor. The future suuuuuuuuuucks!

I shall ignore that, and focus on Olicity being adorable, and them bouncing around all excited when they talk about their baby. Just focusing on that, no sad future stuff!

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What's the point of Slabside saying Diaz was "stabbed" instead of being "toasted". Dead is dead! They'll be scrutinized either way.

A prisoner stabbed?  Typical shenanigans in a place like Slabside.  It's believable that someone could craft a makeshift shiv and do the deed in the shower or mess hall.  A prisoner burnt to a crisp?  Where are theyto get the flammable liquid and the opportunity to douse the victim without any witnesses?

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2 minutes ago, cambridgeguy said:

Where are theyto get the flammable liquid and the opportunity to douse the victim without any witnesses?

Seriously, HOW was someone able to put flammable liquid IN THE SPRINKLER LINE without anyone noticing? Ugh. 

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29 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

DInah's story didn't make a lot of sense.  Nor did the Mayor constantly walking into the SCPD and acting like she was in charge.  And Dinah claiming she got to decide about the team staying or not is in direct opposition of what Dianah claimed when she initially deputized them over the Mayor's objections.  

Agreed. I feel whiplashed between characters pivoting from “let’s make this work” to “my way is the only way” and the mayor being anti-vigilante until it was no longer convenient. At least the needle landed on “everything returns to normal” in the end. 

Adorable baby stuff - the OTA scene was so well played. The bronze kitten reveal took me pleasantly by surprise.

The future stuff was amusing this week - paper money and sriracha still exist but Amazon must not, given the flea market trip - but the cassette playback at the end was difficult. I thought there would be some twisty way out of this, but no, Oliver and Felicity decided to keep the kids a secret from one another (I guess google doesn’t exist either?). The rationale is going to have to be super compelling and hopefully reversible.

I think about when writers say they are choosing to write to what people need than to what they want. I can’t believe viewers in our current environment need a tragic, heroic ending - that is the theme for the majority of the show - instead of hard work and sacrifice finally  leading to mutual personal and communal reward. I need onesies being held to stomachs, cooing over tiny baby firsts, Oliver and family retiring to Aruba and a city, while likely challenged from time to time, resilient and protected by those inspired by the Green Arrow.  I definitely feel this future will be discarded in favour of a more triumphant one next season.

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Anyone else amused that NearFutureTapedFelicity sounds a lot like the current version?

So, basically, Team Arrow goes through SCPD protocols, and then they basically "do them." Seems about right. Meanwhile, Diaz is still assumed to be a briquette, which  I can live with. Probably took a whole week to get the smell of arrogance out of his cell.

The William/Mia stuff was also nice. Something tells me that will go south really soon . . . but I like that they're amicable now.

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The Smoak Queen siblings are perfection. Excellent casting and excellent sibling chemistry. I could watch episodes of them going on various adventures while bickering. I reckon sibling chemistry is tricky. You have to be fond of each other and have chemistry but it can't veer into anything "weird" so well done to Kat and Ben!

I LOVE LOVE LOVE how the big bad Green Arrow is all "Yes M'am" when it comes to anything Felicity asks for. That the angry, dark guy we saw in S1 is now discussing baby names with Felicity in his baby voice 😍😍😍

The Olicity is just so so so cute and everything I've ever wanted (I'll always want more!!!!!!). I hope they keep it up with these moments! 

I will just keep repeating myself but damn Pregnant Olicity is top notch Olicity! Possibly better than S3 pining Olicity.

YAY to Delicity and OTA being back! Dig I am a cheap woman!!!!! I welcome you back with open arms and hand wave all dodgy-ness!!!!!

Oh Future Felicity! After a lifetime with Oliver did you think your kids with his genes were going to listen to you when you tell them to stay away while you could potentially be in danger? Bahahahahahahahaha


Please someone put me out of my misery and tell me what a Tart tain is?

ETA: Olicity winked at each other!!!!! I almost died of happiness!!!!! Seriously those dorks!!!!!!!!

Edited by Mellowyellow
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1 minute ago, lemotomato said:

It's a tarte tatin. Often a dessert, but there are savory options too.

Ahh thanks! I thought that might be it (couldn't quite get the audio).

It just sounded like such a fancy fan fic thing for him to offer her 😂

Fight crime and come back home to bake the pregnant wife a tarte tatin. He's quite the man Felicity's Oliver 😍

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March Madness, indeed!  I watched way more than I ff, that hasn't happened in ages.  The Olicity was adorable and I really appreciate having a recognizable Diggle back onscreen.  I like the kids, even if the future is the worst.  I don't care even remotely about the crossover (last year's or next year's or any year's) so whatever they have to do to fix the future, go for it.

It sounded like both Oliver and Felicity said tartine (open-faced sandwich).

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2 hours ago, JamieLynn832002 said:

I'm not sure how I feel about Mia being even sort of named after Moira both because she and Felicity didn't like each other (although I think this might have changed, at least on Moira's end, had she lived to see Oliver and Felicity together) and it seems like an iffy choice while trying to bond with the sister she encouraged/forced your father to abandon. 

Yeah, considering that they both just acknowledged in 710 how shady Moira was, I was mildly surprised that Oliver suggested naming the baby after her. But, regardless of all her faults, Moira loved her children more than anything. It makes sense that Oliver would want to honor her by giving his daughter a variation of her name. And I buy that Felicity, knowing how much it means to Oliver, would acquiesce.

I'll go to my grave thinking that if Moira had lived, she and Felicity would have such an awesome, complicated relationship. As much as Moira didn't want Felicity to tell Oliver the secret about Thea, I think she probably respected that Felicity (a) had the balls to confront her, and (b) told Oliver the truth even at the risk of having him hate her. I think she would love that Felicity is the one person who's always had Oliver's back and that she would go to any lengths to protect him. And with the benefit of these past few years, I think Felicity is in a better position to understand Moira protecting Oliver (and Thea) at all costs. I think they'd butt heads frequently about the best way to protect Oliver, but they'd also team up when their goals aligned and be the most formidable team in the world.  I will always cry that we were robbed of watching them together as Olicity's relationship evolved.

1 hour ago, BkWurm1 said:

It was AMAZING how much more enjoyable the SCPD sections were with the addition of Felicity.  Amazing but not at all surprising since she's the not so secret ingredient that IMO makes even the plotty and incidental scenes entertaining.  Just EBR's expressions elevated the experience.  And her trying to lighten the mood after the first operation was a bust was delightfully adorkable as was Oliver having her just move it along.  I have desperately missed that team dynamic. 

Here's a great tweet from Rebecca Rosenberg, who co-wrote tonight's episode.

Also, I can't get over how much I love William and Mia together. Ben Lewis and Kat McNamara so great together. They're so believable as siblings and as mini-versions of their parents. I really wish the flash forwards had been the two of them rescuing their parents from some dastardly organization in the future, instead of this dystopian nightmare. But, even with the terrible future, I'm loving all their scenes. I will be a mess when they eventually find Felicity. Seeing her with her kids is going to kill me.

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I really liked this episode.  I even liked Rene and Dinah.  I appreciated the show making it clear that Dinah is the only BC at this point and reiterated that Not!Laurel is Black Siren. 

I loved all the Olicity and Delicity and OTA. 

I enjoyed it.

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So, I watched this episode with caution. I am still not on board with the siblings at all but I’m not at extreme dislike anymore.  I enjoyed the small amount of DD and if they keep it like this going forward, I can deal with it. I’m glad the SCPD thing is done because it was one of the stupidest SLs this show has ever done and that’s saying something considering the past few seasons. 

That said, it was so refreshing to see how effortlessly OTA worked together and dammit, the Olicity scenes were absolutely fantastic. Also, FINALLY, Delicity scenes. I mean, it’s been far too long. Glad to have Diggle back. 

I’m curious about JJ now since Connor is Digg’s adopted son. I also am glad that Emiko finished Diaz. Throw her a parade. 

Overall, it was a decent episode for the most part. 

Edited by KillahBee007
Added some stuff about Diggle
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Imagine stealing another woman's life and job and then telling someone else, "You're lying about who you really are." Can Laurel ear the words that come out of her mouth? And just last week, Felicity was asking her to help kill Diaz, so why does she think Oliver and Felicity would be upset about Emiko killing him? Felicity simply chose not to kill Diaz herself; I feel confident that she wouldn't lose a wink of sleep knowing that someone else killed him. Hell, she'll probably make Emiko Mia's godmother as a thank you. 

I assume it's through Dante, but I'm interested to find out how Emiko knows that Laurel is BS.

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1 hour ago, catrox14 said:

I really liked this episode.  I even liked Rene and Dinah.  I appreciated the show making it clear that Dinah is the only BC at this point and reiterated that Not!Laurel is Black Siren. 

Yeah, they really hammered home who is the BC on this show.

I can't say I liked Rene or Dinah, not sure that's possible for me anymore, but I did buy that they believed what they were saying to each other (even if I find them deluded) and they seem to have a very close relationship.  I have to admit to being curious about how they end up adversaries.  Mia said the Dinah was in part to blame for how Star City is.  And Rene clearly ditched Star City to save the Glades at some point.  Did the SCPD once again forget about the Glades in some HUGE way?  I'm not looking forward to sympathizing with either of them.  

Edited by BkWurm1
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I’m going to watch the episode later, but the clips and gifs on Twitter really got me pumped. Ben Lewis is such a great find, I only saw one of his scenes so far, the one in which William and Mia listen to Felicity’s recording. That short moment when William just melts as Felicity starts to ramble is everything. It’s so Oliver and young William it almost made me tear up.

Dig is back to being Felicity’s friend! *insert the Titanic 87 years gif* But what is this with Connor being BT’s kid? I don’t mind it in and of itself, but I am once again insenced that baby Sara got erased for nothing. Not even going into the nonsense of Dig’s bio kid growing into him in a possible future timeline.

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Finally managed to watch. Pretty solid episode but had way too much Dinah for my liking. I don't like her, I don't feel any sympathy. I don't care about her Captain/Vigilante conflict which she didn't have a problem with before. And her whining about her job being on the line...well, you decided that, Dinah, so just deal with it. But man they were not subtle about all the one true BC talk. 🙄

I loved all of the Olicity moments but I'm finding that I can't enjoy them as much as I want to because of the flashforwards. It's taking the shine off. And even though I really like Mia and William together, I really hate the future. So I'm just not really feeling this as much as I probably would. Also it very much feels like they're scrambling to fit in all the key moments like baby name choosing because we're running out of time and IDK, I don't get a good feeling about that and where things are heading.

I'd love to know whose idea the SCPD storyline was because that was awful. I want to hope it's over but clearly something happens because in the future the SCPD are out for Vigilante blood so IDK. I feel like it's not quite as wrapped up as they're making us believe here. 

Oh and finally, I did not expect that Connor/Bronze Tiger twist but I liked it! Also the kid Connor is the cutest kid I've ever seen omg. I wanna squish him. 😍

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Move over Malcolm, Damien, Slade, Chase, and every other villain to appear on this show, because Team Arrow deals with their biggest threat yet: Police Bureaucracy!  Everything involving the mayor and the SCPD was perfectly frustrating.  I was even loving Rene for a bit due to how over he was with all of that dumb shit.  Granted, Oliver really didn't help things by thinking "confession by holding someone over a barrel of acid" would stick, but since the SCPD is probably only behind the GCPD on Gotham when it comes to incompetency and corruption, I really don't blame anyone on Team Arrow for not being down with following their rules.  Of course, it all ends with a "compromise", but when you really look at things, it seems like they pretty much come out ahead, so I'm glad all of that is behind them now.

Despite all of my issues with Diggle this season, I'm glad he already knows about Felicity's pregnancy and is being supportive.  Yay, Real Diggle is officially back!

Fun seeing Bronze Tiger again, but if it is true that his son will end up being Connor from the flash-forwards, I have a bad feeling his fate isn't going to be a good one.

William and Mia are showing themselves to be a fun team, even if I'm still not wild about the flash-forwards.

So, everyone certainly thinks Diaz is dead (not being a body still worries me though..), and Laurel believes that Emiko was the one to kill him.  She tries to start something over it, only for Emiko all "Well, I know you are the Black Siren, so you really want to play this game?"  Heh, sorry, Laurel, but she's got you there!

I laughed when someone (I think Dinah?) said how great is was for everyone to be back, because that is technically not true since Curtis isn't there, but I guess they all forgot about him.  Or they're just pretending like he doesn't exist anymore.

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This crazy, post-apocalyptic(ish?) future Star City is getting dumber all the time. Now the only place anyone can acquire a mini-cassette tape player is some dirty black market backwater populated with conniving gangs who employ pickpockets to "re-acquire" cheap gadgets so they can sell them back for a few hundred bucks a pop? No vintage stores or ebay or secondhand electronics shops left in town (much less in nearby municipalities)? Oy.

I'm getting increasingly convinced these dumb "flash forwards" are an alternate future Earth. Or maybe the remnants of pre-Flashpoint Earth One. Dammit Barry!!

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I really liked the episode. It put Oliver and Felicity back at the heart of the show. There were several wonderful Olicity and OTA scenes, they remembered Delicity were friends and Pod Diggle has been banished and replaced with real Diggle. 

I wasn’t even that bothered by Dinah, which feels strange to type because I can’t stand Dinah 99.9% of the time. I must admit her life changing news might’ve gone in one ear and out the other but...anyway. 

The SCPD story continues to be the least interesting setting for show about vigilantes. Did I laugh a little everytime a costumed vigilante told a villain they were under arrest or had the right to remain silent? Yes, yes I did. 

I really like and enjoy the Olicity kids in scenes together even though they’re stuck in a grim future timeline. I think I would’ve been a lot more patient with the flash forwards if they’d paired them up from the start to solve the mystery of the missing Felicity. 

Edited by kes0704
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If they weren't siblings, William and Mia would make a cute couple.  Which I suppose makes sense, since posters are pointing out they resemble Felicity and Oliver.  I'm sure someone is going to write some Rule 34 fanfic based on that.

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That episode had way more Dinah than I expected given that no one was talking about her on Twitter, so there was quite a bit of fast-forwarding involved (which is hard to do on the app) and the whole thing with the SCPD is still dumb as rocks even with the separate task force. "There's no reason I can't be captain and the Black Canary ..." That is just stupid shit. You know what would fix it? If you just drop this tiresome character.

If I ignore all that then yeah, it was a decent episode. Although I still wanted to smack Oliver over his insistence that working with the SCPD is their best bet. I get the desperation. He really wants his family to be safe but this is so not the way to do it. This show painted itself into a corner it couldn't get out of and the way out is stupid AF but I'll handwave it.  

Felicity is adorable. This is the first time I've actually seen Oliver (Stephen, really) seem engaged in what's happening. For a while there's he's looked like he was just going through the motions, although I guess it can be translated to Oliver feeling beaten down. I enjoyed Felicity's cravings, Emily had the perfect line delivery for "I want mint chip." I love that she called out Oliver over being zen over the SCPD thing. 

Hello, Diggle, welcome back! Got you out of your ARGUS prison and you got your personality back. I love the Delicity moment at the end, brief as it is. And my first laugh out loud moment of the episode was him asleep during training. 

Mia and William are fun to watch although I think McNamara is overdoing the tough girl schtick. Still won't be interested in a spinoff, though. I can't wait for next week with the Olicity birth but I kinda dread seeing old Felicity. 

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It’s so dumb that this training class takes place in the middle of the precinct. I’m sure they could find a warehouse somewhere...

This whole vigilante cop thing 🙄I dont get it. This whole outing Oliver thing is the worst. 

Dinah is not capable of walking like a normal person. Speaking of walking, it’s the Black Siren drunk walk! 

It physically pains me looking at Oliver in this wardrobe. I’m going to need someone to address this at the next Con. Felicity’s wardrobe is also questionable. She’s lucky she’s adorable.  

I genuinely do not care about Dinah’s crisis. 

Baby Connor is cute but what about JJ? I like Bronze Tiger. I don’t want him to die (again). 

I’m glad the Bunker is back and they are separate sorta from the SPCD, but I hope they never talk about that so I can pretend that relationship doesn’t exist. 

William and Mia make the FFs watchable. I’m so happy with the casting here and this sibling bonding. That said, it better get rewritten so that they grow up together. I still love that William takes after Felicity and Mia is Oliver. 

What was Laurel trying to accomplish by pulling in Emiko? It read like she’s trying to blackmail Emiko, but I’m not sure that was how it was supposed to sound. And I know that Emiko knowing about Black Siren is supposed to be a ‘moment’ but all the characters know who she is and they don’t really care. I know the threat could have been exposing Laurel to the public but they were talking about the Queen family. It should have ended with Laurel grabbing her neck and slamming her against something, demanding how she knows who she is. 

I love the Olicity. The team-within-a-team is awesome. Oliver being proud daddy already. Felicity already checking her stomach. It’s adorable fanfic and I love it. I like OTA ness of only telling Diggle but I’m not sure I really understand them not telling Dinah and Rene. I’m also going to laugh that Siren knew from eating chocolate and not drinking champagne in the morning but Rene and Dinah won’t pick up on anything. 

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Rene and Dinah are the most self absorbed little pricks so I'm not surprised they missed all the clues pointing to Felicity being pregnant. 

Dinah especially has never cared (go back to witness protection remember) so I can imagine her thinking Felicity just grew a pot belly when she hits 9 months. 

BS may be a psycho but it has been shown that she pays attention to Felicity.

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