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S06.E09: The Golden Child

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Lin-Manuel was great! Loved his and Amy's dance off. I was a little disappointed nobody dropped a Hamilton referenc because it would have been hilarious for him to use the "Sorry, I don't follow pop culture" to that.

LOL at the aborted undercover mission, only to find out that Rosa was the real undercover all along. Boyle is smarter than we take him for.

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10 minutes ago, Spartan Girl said:

I was a little disappointed nobody dropped a Hamilton referenc because it would have been hilarious for him to use the "Sorry, I don't follow pop culture" to that.

It's a fun moment to imagine, but I'm glad that the show generally avoids cheap meta-winks of that sort.

This I think will stand as one of their all-round classic episodes. Both plots were meaty, surprising, and funny. The dance-off, which was so featured in all the promos, turned out to be an oddly unrelated intrusion... until, of course, it ended with Amy stylishly giving herself a concussion.

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48 minutes ago, Spartan Girl said:

LOL at the aborted undercover mission, only to find out that Rosa was the real undercover all along. Boyle is smarter than we take him for.

The show's been great at showing us how good a cop Boyle really is since early in the first season. 

Fun and funny episode. L-MM lived up to my expectations. And Jake's amazement at just how good looking (and apparently good-smelling) the Brazilian henchmen were was classic. 

The B-plot was basically an AA plot. Boyle dragging Terry out of the cell every 5 seconds so he can give him notes and Terry's increasingly frustrating and angry reactions were fantastic. Frustrated Terry is worth the price of admission. 

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I'm always impressed when this show makes me think that a plot is dumb and annoying, only to turn it around with an actually surprising twist that works to progress the characters (such as the organized Amy plot being related to Terry's Lieutenant exam a couple of episodes ago). So I loved Boyle's fake plan masking his actual plan, and it worked for Boyle's character. Sometimes, he is treated like a dimwit cop so I'm always happy to see flashes where he can shine. 

Plus, yeah, Rosa being the real undercover plan was awesome.

Oh man, Lin-Manuel Miranda and Melissa Fumero as competitive siblings? Sign me up for more David! Both of them had fantastic sibling chemistry with each other. David was over the top, but not cartoonishly over the top as he could have been. Even though we only got a taste of David, I would absolutely love to see him back next season. I loved David vs Amy, with Jake as the mediator. Once again, a second episode in a row related to Amy with Jake as more of a supporting character. That's actually a rare thing for Jake to not be right in the center of the A Plot. He was part of the A Plot, but not the A Plot center, so that was nice. 

David and Amy joining together at the end was great. I also loved David's little smirk when Jake was going off on Mrs. Santiago. In my head, I'd like to think that David really did agree with Amy about their parents putting too much pressure on all of the Santiago children and him being amused by someone finally going off on one of them. 

Finally, that dance off? Super great to watch.

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I love Rosa. "I'm a great actor. You all know nothing about me." Jake & Amy continue to be the best couple on TV. I love having a romantic pairing that I'm actually interested in and respect. Happens very rarely for me.

Holt talking about his girlfriend's can was everything.

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The quality run continues. The new life in the show is infectious. A little surprised we got the two Jake/Amy plots back-to-back, but it was nice to have an episode with some levity after least week.

The B plot was good too and is helping add some much needed depth to Boyle. I was expecting him to proclaim Jake his actor following the auditions. I'm glad they followed the plot right through the end.

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I just rewatched it -- seriously, it's so good! -- and a couple more things stood out to me this time.

@thuganomics85 beat me to it, Holt's idea of how straight men talk remains, as ever, preposterously wonderful. (Or wonderfully preposterous.) It wouldn't be so funny if he weren't otherwise such an erudite, well-informed, intelligent person.

And throughout Boyle's plot, all the actor/director jargon. (Normally I'm a fervent believer in giving writers credit for the scripts, but surely the actors proposed a few gems from their own experiences?) "Wear clothing you can move in." "This is a safe space." "You know your scripts? Now throw them away!" "You've given me a good range of choices here." "This is one of the hardest choices I've ever had to make." Just one after another.

And Amy DID get her hair blown out before bailing David out, didn't she? She was so fabulously petty throughout those minutes of triumph.

Edited by Rinaldo
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1 hour ago, thuganomics85 said:

And Jake/Amy continue to be the best, with Amy finally putting her ego aside when Jake was in trouble, and Jake going off on Amy's mom, even though it turned out Amy actually was fine at the end.  I just love everything about this couple.

I loved this episode, loved L-MM. As mentioned here, it was another example of what a great couple Jake and Amy are. 

One quibble: I refuse to believe that Raymond Holt would say "unquote" instead of "endquote." All you have to do is hear him say "charades" to know that. 

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Great episode! Both storylines were thoroughly entertaining.


Lin-Miranda Manuel as Amy's brother. Perfect casting.

Amy's glee over her brother being arrested(Oh nooooo) and her disappointment that it was he was framed was hilarious. Their sibling rivalry isn't as severe as Tahani and Kamilah on The Good Place but still hilarious.

Holt's "Elvis Presley impression"!

Jake making references to the Ninja Turtles.

Jake distracted by the attractive Brazillians.

Terry referring to Holt as an "Old robotic nerd"!

Holt continually being bad at pretending to be attracted to women.

Boyle's directing Holt and Terry and driving the latter crazy.

Rosa's undercover persona: "Ricki Sheetz, “DJ by night, smuggler by later night”

Jake going off on Amy's mom at the end and her brother enjoying it!

Edited by VCRTracking
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9 hours ago, Mockingbird said:

I’m going to need a gif of Lin eating bread like popcorn while Jake went off on Mrs. Santiago.

Ask and you shall receive.

ETA: Isn’t working as a GIF. 😐 You can see it on LMM Twitter though, plus many others, including him eating soup.



Edited by Trillium
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Classic cold open. One that does a great job of immediately establishing what this show is, and gives people a pretty good indication of what they're going to see. Probably not a surprise, given the guest star, and the potential for new viewers.

"My parents arrange the photos of their kids by who makes them the proudest." Well, of course they do. And poor Amy for being so above-average-amongst-her-siblings.

Amy's petty, increasingly annoyed facial expressions all episode were so good. And he reaction to David getting arrested was amazing (also, more evidence of Amy picking up Jake's mannerisms). She seems to get overlooked a lot, in favour of other actors in the show, but she's so good at physical comedy.

Their relationship is so well written, and I loved that the final scene was about them and the way they're so supportive and non-judgemental about one another.

David was sickeningly perfect, wasn't he? And Lin Manuel Miranda repeatedly saying "I don't follow pop culture" was very funny. And yeah, we definitely need to see the rest of her brothers. There's so much potential for more great guest stars, yet somehow we've seen more of Boyle's weird cousins than we have of the immediate families of the rest of the cast put together.

The B-plot was completely throwaway, but I don't really care, because the A-plot was so much fun. It still had some great moments though. Holt being bizarrely cruel to Terry is still funny to me, because it's so out of character for him.

I love it when the show sets up jokes as obviously as Boyle's "do you have a girlfriend?" question. Waiting for Holt to talk about "heavy, feminine breasts" was just as much fun as him actually saying it. And then later, when he's apparently been talking about those breasts for hours, to that poor drug dealer. Also, "I pushed a man, just to see him frown" is a fantastic line.

Rosa the Chola was hot. Is there any look that Stephanie Beatriz can't pull off?

I wasn't overly keen on the 'Boyle is really annoying but ends up being completely right and everyone congratulates him' resolution. It felt too much like something written for Gina.

Edited by Danny Franks
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2 hours ago, Danny Franks said:

I wasn't overly keen on the 'Boyle is really annoying but ends up being completely right and everyone congratulates him' resolution. It felt too much like something written for Gina.

The difference being that it wasn't Gina. We know that Boyle is a good cop, so the resolution wasn't a falsification.

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Another awesome episode.  Add me to the list that would love to see David show up again.  As for which Oscar winner David talked down from the bridge, I'm just gonna say it was a Good Place crossover and that it was Kamilah Al-Jamil (I assume she's won an Oscar) for some performance art piece, that she was embodying despair or something.

12 hours ago, thuganomics85 said:

I know almost every thread usually delves into me lavishing praise towards Melissa Fumero, but Amy's drawn out "Oh, no!" while clearly showing joy over David's arrest, was the greatest thing ever. 

Yeah, I'm gonna need a GIF of that.  I also loved Amy's showing joy in all of David's suffering that even prompts Jake to ask: "Are you a bad person?"

And it gives another line to use in everyday life: "I'm fone!"

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My favorite bit, hands down, was Holt's Elvis impression. When they flashed to it . . . I didn't get it. Then: "He's dead now, so I chose to portray him that way." OMG. LOL. And of course his impression of a straight man describing his girlfriend's breasts is never not hilarious.

My second favorite bit was Amy's brother giving Jake the Heimlich maneuver. Not only was it great physical comedy but Andy Samberg excels at making hilarious noises. 

There's nothing not great about this episode but those were my favorite parts. My one quibble is that I knew all along it would turn out Amy's brother was just undercover or being framed.

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I'm probably getting this wrong....

"Of course I knew you were a cop!  You kept going on about how good you were at chicanery!"

And the heavy breasts stuff (each 5 pounds) will never get old.

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1 hour ago, meep.meep said:

"Of course I knew you were a cop!  You kept going on about how good you were at chicanery!"

What I remember is "You keep saying how nefarious you are!"

Brilliant (either way).

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Excellent. Will have to rewatch.

I really loved the Cold Open. Holt and Jake talking about keeping Hitchcock clean as if it's the most dangerous police case was fantastic. Loved that Hitchcock of course ended up getting food on himself, but TWO jars of spaghetti sauce? So many questions.

L-MM was great. And annoying. Or rather, David was annoying. "I don't follow pop culture." It all was so so good.

Loved the Charles/Terry/Holt plot, esp for Holt trying to talk like a straight, tough guy. 

I also liked the little bit where Holt just couldn't talk work in the break room.

I got a big chuckle out of Jake saying to Amy, "Calm down, Littlefinger."

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1 hour ago, peeayebee said:

I really loved the Cold Open. Holt and Jake talking about keeping Hitchcock clean as if it's the most dangerous police case was fantastic.

I was so wrapped up in this, I forgot it was a cold open. I was imagining Jake on Scully-wrangling duty all the way down to the courthouse and through the trial!

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22 hours ago, Rinaldo said:

I just rewatched it -- seriously, it's so good! -- and a couple more things stood out to me this time.

@thuganomics85 beat me to it, Holt's idea of how straight men talk remains, as ever, preposterously wonderful. (Or wonderfully preposterous.) It wouldn't be so funny if he weren't otherwise such an erudite, well-informed, intelligent person.

And throughout Boyle's plot, all the actor/director jargon. (Normally I'm a fervent believer in giving writers credit for the scripts, but surely the actors proposed a few gems from their own experiences?) "Wear clothing you can move in." "This is a safe space." "You know your scripts? Now throw them away!" "You've given me a good range of choices here." "This is one of the hardest choices I've ever had to make." Just one after another.

And Amy DID get her hair blown out before bailing David out, didn't she? She was so fabulously petty throughout those minutes of triumph.

I love petty Amy so very, very much. To quote Rosa, "That's savage, and I love it."

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I loved Jake’s conflicted response to Amy’s jealousy over David. He wanted to be supportive, but was also a little disturbed by it. 

“Are you a bad person?” and the whole “Not where I saw that going but we’re going where I wanted so okay!” cracked me up. Then his going off on Mrs. Santiago at the end. So perfect. 

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On 3/7/2019 at 9:49 PM, Rinaldo said:

It's a fun moment to imagine, but I'm glad that the show generally avoids cheap meta-winks of that sort.

Agreed. I think in practice it’s much funnier to have him say he doesn’t follow pop culture and trust the audience to KNOW that this performer has been at the absolute center of pop culture for years rather than beat the life out of the joke by explicitly referencing Hamilton.  

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"Covered in condiments." That could be the name of Hitchcock's comedy tour.

A "toxic batch of meth"? Is there such a thing as a healthy batch of meth? 🤔

Lol, Holt trying to act straight and failing spectacularly. A "can" isn't supposed to be hard. Yikes.

And another thing

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12 hours ago, bethy said:

“Are you a bad person?” and the whole “Not where I saw that going but we’re going where I wanted so okay!” cracked me up. 

I loved the way he said, "Are you a bad person?" like he didn't even want to think it. All of Jake's reactions to Amy and to David were fantastic.

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18 hours ago, peeayebee said:

L-MM was great. And annoying. Or rather, David was annoying. "I don't follow pop culture." It all was so so good.

I watched the episode, and I loved it, but you guys quoting this part again and again makes me realize that I SOOOOOOOOOO find people like this annoying in real life too!!!!  Because I'm a pop culture freak, so I might make references, and sometimes people respond that way very pretentiously.  I'm my mother's daughter.  If she hears somebody say "I don't watch television" fire comes out of her ears.  I realize that we're incredibly biased and weird about this.  😁

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There's the ones who genuinely don't follow pop culture because they aren't interested (and usually just elements of pop culture.  We're all like that to a degree. Like when people make reference to TV shows or movies and I have no idea what they're talking about) and those that don't follow it to be pretentious.  David is one of the latter.

Reminds me of something years ago on another message board where I think it was Rihanna came up (this was when her fame was just beginning) and someone chimes in with "Who's Rihanna?  I don't follow pop culture..." and was promptly lambasted by everyone else pointing out that they were on a web browser and could easily have opened another window to google Rihanna, but instead chose to come in and act all pretentious and above it all.

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On 3/8/2019 at 11:30 AM, Sandman said:

What I remember is "You keep saying how nefarious you are!"

Brilliant (either way).

I took one for the team, finished my nutrition brick, and rewatched.  You are correct sir/madam.

6 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

"Covered in condiments." That could be the name of Hitchcock's comedy tour.

Or the name of his sex tape.

2 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

I watched the episode, and I loved it, but you guys quoting this part again and again makes me realize that I SOOOOOOOOOO find people like this annoying in real life too!!!!  Because I'm a pop culture freak, so I might make references, and sometimes people respond that way very pretentiously.  I'm my mother's daughter.  If she hears somebody say "I don't watch television" fire comes out of her ears.  I realize that we're incredibly biased and weird about this.  😁

You could stick in the Liz Lemon rejoinder - "What do you point your furniture towards then?"

It's the people who piously say that they "don't have a television" that get me.

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6 hours ago, Lugal said:

There's the ones who genuinely don't follow pop culture because they aren't interested (and usually just elements of pop culture.

That's totally fine!  I've had partners genuinely like that, and I have friends like that, and they always pose innocent questions to me, and I love being useful that way.  I honestly do.  It's like when I'd ask my partners about basketball.  I don't follow it!

But I was at a party recently where I made a crack, and this guy actually said those words to me, "I don't follow pop culture."  It's just such an unnecessary thing to say.  He said it in a certain way that felt judgemental to me.  My friends say things like "What is that?" and they're genuinely excited to know.  This guy was more dismissive.

I had a friend the other day who was trying to describe a meme to me, so that he could ask me what the word "meme" is.  I thought it was adorable.  Like, are you an alien?  But I'm just kidding.  I love that he has other interests outside of social media.  Good for him.  He wasn't pretentious about it, just adorably oblivious.


6 hours ago, meep.meep said:

You could stick in the Liz Lemon rejoinder - "What do you point your furniture towards then?"

It's the people who piously say that they "don't have a television" that get me.

Actually, that Liz Lemon line was stolen from Joey Tribbiani on Friends.

THAT'S how much television I watch.

I once won a contest on a cruise ship for knowing the most Friends trivia on the boat.

THAT'S how much television I watch.  😉  

Person:  I'm sorry.  I don't own a TV.
Joey:  You don't own a TV?  What's all your furniture pointed at?

And that was 2004, so nobody can say that Liz Lemon said it first.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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1 hour ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

It's just such an unnecessary thing to say.  He said it in a certain way that felt judgemental to me.

I'm sure it was meant to. I don't think there's any other way to say that. "Pious" is right.

2 hours ago, meep.meep said:

I took one for the team, finished my nutrition brick, and rewatched.  You are correct sir/madam.

You're kind. 

7 hours ago, peeayebee said:

I loved the way he said, "Are you a bad person?" like he didn't even want to think it.

Absolute horror -- like "Is it possible I've been wrong about you this whole time??!"

Of course, Jake's reaction to David's "I don't own a television" was also nearly existential horror. 😉

2 hours ago, meep.meep said:

Or the name of his sex tape.

Eeeeyah. ::scrubs at brain::

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Interesting.  Because so many people, including huge Hollywood actors, think television is better than movies these days - or even has been ever since the Sopranos and HBO created "prestige television".  Yet, there's still people stuck in the 80s who think that telling everyone they don't have a television is super impressive.

I'm cool with people who have zero interest.  But trust me, my mom hates when she tries to talk Big Bang Theory, America's Got Talent, and all the other Big Mom Shows and someone smugly says "I don't watch tv."  

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I know people who don't own a television, but they still WATCH television. They just watch it on a large computer monitor via streaming services. But yeah, those smug folks are annoying. My response would be "good luck if you ever get on Jeopardy, then."

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17 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Yet, there's still people stuck in the 80s who think that telling everyone they don't have a television is super impressive.

Way before the 80s even -- remember the local rich lady on the Dick Van Dyke Show (played by Maleficent herself, Eleanor Audley) announcing to the TV writers, "I'm afraid I deaun't eaun a television machine."

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Re pop culture - I'm often confused when in a Previously TV forum, someone will decide to refer to a character by their character name from some show which I never saw.  

Back to the show - loved the open with Jake's and Holt's back and forth lightning round.  I wondered how many takes that took, since I couldn't figure out how they did it without laughing.  

I loved Jake taking on Amy's mom at the end.  I think we all have a relative we'd like to do that to:  "and another thing!"

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Generally the reason people find the "I dont even own a TV" or "I dont follow popular culture" stuff to be annoying isnt because they have different taste, its because of the implied "and your an idiot and lesser than me if you do" and thats what raises my heckles. Like or dont like whatever you want, but dont be a dick about it!

Lin-Manuel finally joins his favorite TV show! Being Amy's perfect brother is just such spot on casting, I loved every second of it. Them both doing the same goofy dance in the bar was so great, I could watch it on a never ending loop and never get bored. Plus with Jakes confused commentary. "Those arent the body parts you emphasize!" 

Amy and Jake continue to be the best, and are one of the most well written, lovable couples in television. They just so get each other, and are always trying to be supportive, even if it means roasting their mother in law for like 30 minutes! And they still manage to stay funny as well, its so great!

"You keep saying how nefarious you are!" The Boyle/Terry/Holt plot was a clear side story, but it was a ton of fun, and I liked seeing Boyle get a win. I mean, obviously Rosa is the best fake criminal. Obviously!

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4 hours ago, cleo said:

I enjoyed it except for Boyle. It was just too much and too stupid and I ended up muting half of his scenes.

He's best when Jake reacts to his craziness. He always just lets it pass and moves on. When Terry reacts to it, you FEEL his frustration and annoyance and you become annoyed too.

Edited by VCRTracking
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On ‎3‎/‎10‎/‎2019 at 9:56 PM, tennisgurl said:

I mean, obviously Rosa is the best fake criminal. Obviously!

I want to go back and confirm this (... do I need a reason to re-watch?), but doesn't Rosa have an almost-throwaway line early in the B-plot about how it sucks to manipulate people into giving you what you want?

Pretty savage.

On the other hand, if Maleficent tells me she doesn't deign to own a television, who am I to argue?

Edited by Sandman
The Wicked Queen used the Mirror for reality-tv purposes, though; c'mon!
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On 3/9/2019 at 4:41 PM, Ms Blue Jay said:

That's totally fine!  I've had partners genuinely like that, and I have friends like that, and they always pose innocent questions to me, and I love being useful that way.  I honestly do.  It's like when I'd ask my partners about basketball.  I don't follow it!

But I was at a party recently where I made a crack, and this guy actually said those words to me, "I don't follow pop culture."  It's just such an unnecessary thing to say.  He said it in a certain way that felt judgemental to me.  My friends say things like "What is that?" and they're genuinely excited to know.  This guy was more dismissive.

I had a friend the other day who was trying to describe a meme to me, so that he could ask me what the word "meme" is.  I thought it was adorable.  Like, are you an alien?  But I'm just kidding.  I love that he has other interests outside of social media.  Good for him.  He wasn't pretentious about it, just adorably oblivious.

Actually, that Liz Lemon line was stolen from Joey Tribbiani on Friends.

THAT'S how much television I watch.

I once won a contest on a cruise ship for knowing the most Friends trivia on the boat.

THAT'S how much television I watch.  😉  

Person:  I'm sorry.  I don't own a TV.
Joey:  You don't own a TV?  What's all your furniture pointed at?

And that was 2004, so nobody can say that Liz Lemon said it first.

This seems like the right audience to point out that the Liz line is "what do you sit and look at?"

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