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S08.E09: One Month Down, Forever To Go

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"Now I can help you in the kitchen" is not as good as "Now we can cook together" or "Now we can share the cooking duties." 

I thought he said "now I can get in there with you and I also want to do some of my own things" - or something to that effect. I also was glad to see him make the effort - plus that meal looked delicious (and I don't eat red meat). 

I will say, though, that the meals we have seen them eat are all pretty fancy. I think they both need a more realistic concept of an ordinary weeknight meal. Cooking is much less stressful if you don't expect beautifully plated, gourmet food every night. One thing Kate and Luke have right is the pasta and salad for dinner. Come to think of it, that's pretty much the only thing they have right.

Add me to the Fuck You Luke chorus. I'm a soprano.

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Ok, I'mma just lay it out there.  Jasmine honey:  You're no Halle Berry.  Also, I doubt that Halle Berry is as much of a snob as you are.

I'm rooting for Stephanie and AJ, and Kristine and Keith to make it.  I think Kristine is cute as a button.

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I concur with pretty much everyone's opinion that Luke is a gaslighting, POS. But I was asking myself: What IS the appropriate way to handle this type of situation if you pretty much know it isn't going to work out? I remember a previous female cast member named Sam who was married to Neil, and she was almost as bad as Luke. Almost. Her personality was all over the place and very hard to watch. Some of these cast members decide from the very start it isn't going to work out, but I won't fault them for it. I have been set up on a couple dates, and even though the person was nice, I already knew there was no romantic connection. Sometimes it can grow, but sometimes it is just dead in the water from the jump. 

Personally, I think Will is doing the only thing one CAN do when faced with the knowledge it isn't going anywhere. He knows he isn't into Jasmine. But he is being very respectful by keeping his distance and biding his time until it is over. I give him credit for not forcing sexual intimacy when there isn't an emotional connection. Looking at YOU Jephte. 

Obviously marrying a stranger is a gamble, but I think Will has a gentlemanly manner with the way he is approaching his obvious disinterest in Jasmine. I don't blame him one iota, as I find her unappealing as well. 

Luke could take a page from Will's playbook, if he was a normal human with emotions. I hope future cast members also take notes on Will's method of handling this awkward situation. It could be a train wreck, but Will's patience and attitude are keeping it from turning into a dumpster fire, culminating with Jasmine crying her heart out in the bathroom like poor Kate. Will is the true hero of this show imo 

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Ever since someone on this board said that Stephanie looks like Beavis from Beavis and Butthead, I can't get it out of my head every time I look at her. 

Stephanie and AJ do seem very happy together , but AJ is a ticking time bomb. His moods go from 0 to 60 and his over the top happy personality comes off a little fake. Stephanie seems awesome to hang out with and very down to earth. She surely can find negatives in AJ's personality, but she's embraced him as a whole since day 1. 

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Luke is one of the most manipulative, disgusting people I have ever seen on this show (and that says A LOT) - - if not THE most manipulative and disgusting.  He is gaslighting Kate and it's pissing me off to watch.   She gave him an easy out, by suggesting to him that she simply didn't do it for him and it's okay, and he just sat there with that stupid look on his face and then denied it.  

I was hoping that one of the camera or production crew, after seeing Kate's breakdown on their 1 month anniversary , would notify one of the "experts" and call an end to this fuckery.  Kate was so clearly miserable at that meet up where they all rated themselves and the fact that she would rate herself a 6.5 (while that fuckwad Luke would rate himself a 7.5) is screaming that she's drowning in this marital cesspool and needs to be rescued.  She is blaming herself, which is doing untold damage to her emotionally and mentally.  Enough is enough.  

Jasmine is an ass.  WHY would you ask your partner on your 1 month anniversary how they rate you?  That's asking for trouble, especially when the relationship isn't where you think it should be.  They were having a good time, according to both Jasmine and Will.  And Jasmine, Will didn't ruin it, YOU DID.   I hope Will throws in the towel because she's bossy, judgmental and materialistic.  Maybe she should hook up with Luke.

I'm glad that Keith made an effort to learn to cook.  It was a sweet gesture, especially on their anniversary.  At least he's trying.

I never would have thought at the beginning of the season that the two people I found most annoying would be my favorites but here we are.  Stephanie and AJ seem perfectly matched and very happy.  I hope that preview was teaser bullshit because I really want them to make it.   Their personalities absolutely complement each other and they seem to be on the same page.  

Edited by psychoticstate
because "while" and "what" are not the same.
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2 hours ago, Drogo said:

Fuck you, Luke.   Fuck you, Luke.   Fuck you, Luke.   Fuck you, Luke.   Fuck you, Luke.   Fuck you, Luke.   Fuck you, Luke.   Fuck you, Luke.   Fuck you, Luke.   Fuck you, Luke.   Fuck you, Luke.   Fuck you, Luke.   Fuck you, Luke.   Fuck you, Luke.   Fuck you, Luke.   Fuck you, Luke.   Fuck you, Luke.   Fuck you, Luke.   Fuck you, Luke.   Fuck you, Luke.   Fuck you, Luke.   Fuck you, Luke.   Fuck you, Luke.   Fuck you, Luke.   Fuck you, Luke.   Fuck you, Luke.   Fuck you, Luke.   Fuck you, Luke.   Fuck you, Luke.   Fuck you, Luke.   Fuck you, Luke.   Fuck you, Luke. 


I'd offer to add my voice to the chorus but I can't sing, so --I'll just say, I couldn't agree more!

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What IS the appropriate way to handle this type of situation if you pretty much know it isn't going to work out?

I think when Kate basically said it for him - "if I just don't do it for you, that's ok" he could have answered honestly. Actually - I think if he could answer a direct question, honestly, it would go a long way. Jaime asks him "what was up with telling Kate you felt repulsed and dead inside after kissing her" and he rambles on about "I wouldn't want to put two people in a situation where they were uncomfortable, blah, blah, blah" - just total obfuscation. Be polite, but honest. Own your shit. Be kind. Think about how you would want to be treated and treat the other person accordingly.


I never would have thought at the beginning of the season that the two people I found most annoying would be my favorites but here we are.

Me too - sort of. I always liked Stephanie and still do but A.J. is cringey. But I do root for them. Also Kristine and Keith - I LOVE Kristine. She tells it like it is. She should be put in charge of confronting Luke.

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1 minute ago, Elizzikra said:

I think when Kate basically said it for him - "if I just don't do it for you, that's ok" he could have answered honestly. Actually - I think if he could answer a direct question, honestly, it would go a long way. Jaime asks him "what was up with telling Kate you felt repulsed and dead inside after kissing her" and he rambles on about "I wouldn't want to put two people in a situation where they were uncomfortable, blah, blah, blah" - just total obfuscation. Be polite, but honest. Own your shit. Be kind. Think about how you would want to be treated and treat the other person accordingly.

Me too - sort of. I always liked Stephanie and still do but A.J. is cringey. But I do root for them. Also Kristine and Keith - I LOVE Kristine. She tells it like it is. She should be put in charge of confronting Luke.

Luke reminds me of those men that kill their wives instead of simply asking for a divorce, because they couldn't face their wives being "mad at them". Sociopaths 

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This shit show between Puke and Kate has gone on long enough.   WTF is it going to take for the "experts" to pull their heads out of their collective asses and deal with the reality that this particular experiment needs to end?   Experts my aching ass.  Where's the insight?

I wouldn't let someone pull the wings off a fly, let alone watch them torture their new wife and then comfort HIM by telling him he's no villain.   WTH??  Puke is the dirtiest villain I've seen in a very long time and I'm older than dirt.  

If something isn't done and soon to help Kate, I may never watch this show again.  I'm not into sadism. 

 AJ and Stephanie concern me also.  He's too volatile for me and it always seems to come out of nowhere for the most inane of reasons.  He makes me not trust him.  

Jasmine needs to stop scratching her wig.  Another nasty bitch who irritates me no end.  She's a nasty thing. 

K & K...yawn. 

Edited by Claire Voyant
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59 minutes ago, Claire Voyant said:

This shit show between Puke and Kate has gone on long enough.   WTF is it going to take for the "experts" to pull their heads out of their collective asses and deal with the reality that this particular experiment needs to end?  Where's the insight?

I wouldn't let someone pull the wings off a fly, let alone watch them torture their new wife and then comfort HIM by telling him he's no villain.    If something isn't done and soon to help Kate, I may never watch this show again.  I'm not into sadism. 


1 hour ago, Drogo said:

Jasmine:  "Tonight may be the night when we can finally be intimate with each other.  Let me ask him an ill-advised no-chance-of-success question real quick."

...And this...!

1 hour ago, Cammi said:

Luke reminds me of those men that kill their wives instead of simply asking for a divorce, because they couldn't face their wives being "mad at them". Sociopaths 

...And that!

Edited by Crazy Bird Lady
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33 minutes ago, psychoticstate said:

Luke is one of the most manipulative, disgusting people I have ever seen on this show (and that says A LOT) - - if not THE most manipulative and disgusting.  He is gaslighting Kate and it's pissing me off to watch.   She gave him an easy out, by suggesting to him that she simply didn't do it for him and it's okay, and he just sat there with that stupid look on his face and then denied it.  

I was hoping that one of the camera or production crew, after seeing Kate's breakdown on their 1 month anniversary , would notify one of the "experts" and call an end to this fuckery.  Kate was so clearly miserable at that meet up where they all rated themselves and the fact that she would rate herself a 6.5 (while that fuckwad Luke would rate himself a 7.5) is screaming that she's drowning in this marital cesspool and needs to be rescued.  She is blaming herself, which is doing untold damage to her emotionally and mentally.  Enough is enough.  

Jasmine is an ass.  WHY would you ask your partner on your 1 month anniversary how they rate you?  That's asking for trouble, especially when the relationship isn't where you think it should be.  They were having a good time, according to both Jasmine and Will.  And Jasmine, Will didn't ruin it, YOU DID.   I hope Will throws in the towel because she's bossy, judgmental and materialistic.  Maybe she should hook up with Luke.

I'm glad that Keith made an effort to learn to cook.  It was a sweet gesture, especially on their anniversary.  At least he's trying.

I never would have thought at the beginning of the season that the two people I found most annoying would be my favorites but here we are.  Stephanie and AJ seem perfectly matched and very happy.  I hope that preview was teaser bullshit because I really want them to make it.   Their personalities absolutely complement each other and they seem to be on the same page.  

Yes to all of this!  This is exactly what I was trying to convey with my post last night, but you said it better. I think I was too angry and tired and just vomited out my venting.

There have been other people on this show that have been done dirty by their (fake) spouse, but for some reason this is absolutely the worst to watch because he is so maliciously manipulative and worse, she is buying it. I hope the “experts” read this stuff and see all the calls to step in and end it. It seems they took a step back from the rating game by having people rate themselves (although Jas ruined that); I can only hope they will end things in the future when it’s a damaging situation. 

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1 hour ago, psychoticstate said:

Luke is gaslighting Kate and it's pissing me off to watch. She gave him an easy out, by suggesting to him that she simply didn't do it for him and it's okay, and he just sat there and denied it. I was hoping one of the crew, after seeing Kate's breakdown, would notify the "experts" and call an end to this fuckery. Kate was so miserable and the fact that she would rate herself a 6.5 is screaming that she's drowning in this marital cesspool and needs to be rescued. She is blaming herself, which is doing damage to her emotionally and mentally. Enough is enough. 

...And this, too!! 

Edited by Crazy Bird Lady
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8 hours ago, silverspoons said:

I think it is because Dr. Jessica has not visited Philly much this season. Have no idea why since she lives in MA and Dr. Pepper lives in WA and has visited more?

She was probably too busy doing the horizontal mambo with Jon to bother to visit.

4 hours ago, becauseIsaidso said:

After he snows her into saying she wants to stay married, he'll either dump her or wait until after that first reunion so he can collect more bucks. The only smart thing she's done since the wedding is making public his nasty behavior and lies. By doing so she has presented herself as a doormat, but has also maneuvered herself out of the sort of potentially nasty edit other women have had to deal with.

That's true.  If Kate wasn't careful she could end up getting the worse edit.  Better to look somewhat like a doormat than in any way to blame for Puke's behavior.

3 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

Puke is just a giant fragile ego, inarticulate, devoid of actual feelings because he is an empty hipster shell and the biggest fraud MAFS has let on the show...

Puke duped "the experts" and especially Kate...but he couldn't hoodwink the audience and the crew who sees him as a faking faker.

I still can't believe the "experts" were duped by this fraud.  I spotted him for the pretentious "empty hipster shell" he is from day one and that's without any interviews or other information.  Hearing him speak would have only made it worse.  The way Pepper has sheepishly defended thinking he was a good candidate makes me suspicious.  I doubt the experts had anything to do with him being chosen for the show but they are probably bound by nondisclosure agreements and can't admit that.

Edited by Yeah No
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54 minutes ago, Cammi said:

I concur with pretty much everyone's opinion that Luke is a gaslighting, POS. But I was asking myself: What IS the appropriate way to handle this type of situation if you pretty much know it isn't going to work out? I remember a previous female cast member named Sam who was married to Neil, and she was almost as bad as Luke. Almost. Her personality was all over the place and very hard to watch. Some of these cast members decide from the very start it isn't going to work out, but I won't fault them for it. I have been set up on a couple dates, and even though the person was nice, I already knew there was no romantic connection. Sometimes it can grow, but sometimes it is just dead in the water from the jump. 

Personally, I think Will is doing the only thing one CAN do when faced with the knowledge it isn't going anywhere. He knows he isn't into Jasmine. But he is being very respectful by keeping his distance and biding his time until it is over. I give him credit for not forcing sexual intimacy when there isn't an emotional connection. Looking at YOU Jephte. 

Obviously marrying a stranger is a gamble, but I think Will has a gentlemanly manner with the way he is approaching his obvious disinterest in Jasmine. I don't blame him one iota, as I find her unappealing as well. 

Luke could take a page from Will's playbook, if he was a normal human with emotions. I hope future cast members also take notes on Will's method of handling this awkward situation. It could be a train wreck, but Will's patience and attitude are keeping it from turning into a dumpster fire, culminating with Jasmine crying her heart out in the bathroom like poor Kate. Will is the true hero of this show imo 

I feel like Danielle handled it pretty well with Cody in Season 5. She clearly wasn't into him and his whiny behavior but she was never mean to him from what was shown. I think she would have chosen to divorce him on decision day had it truly been an option, I just don't think it was. Something changed about decision day in the contract after Season 3 or 4. I don't know the specifics but it is clear that something had to have changed or we would have seen several more couples choose divorce. 

I don't have a strong opinion on Jasmine and Will. I feel like most of their conversations have been fake or forced. The weird focus on financial issues screams fake to me. 

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36 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

What Luke is doing to Kate is borderline mental abuse. She needs to be taken out of that situation immediately. These coaches need to get their heads out of their asses. 

No borderline about it, this is straight up emotional abuse, period.  That the "experts" don't call it out and step in to save Kate from this form of terrorism makes them no better than Luke.

And the gall of Blondie, when she tries to say there are wrongs on both sides (or however she worded it)?  The only "wrongs" of Kate's were (1) trusting the "experts", and (2) staying with that abusive prick, Luke.

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3 minutes ago, aphroditewitch said:

I feel like Danielle handled it pretty well with Cody in Season 5. She clearly wasn't into him and his whiny behavior but she was never mean to him from what was shown. I think she would have chosen to divorce him on decision day had it truly been an option, I just don't think it was. Something changed about decision day in the contract after Season 3 or 4. I don't know the specifics but it is clear that something had to have changed or we would have seen several more couples choose divorce. 

I don't have a strong opinion on Jasmine and Will. I feel like most of their conversations have been fake or forced. The weird focus on financial issues screams fake to me. 

Oh yeah I forgot about them. Yes she did an ok job of handling it, except for belittling his lack of "manliness" or whatever she called it. Still a much better job than Luke, though the bar is ground level with that guy 

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1 hour ago, Jaclyn88 said:

Ever since someone on this board said that Stephanie looks like Beavis from Beavis and Butthead, I can't get it out of my head every time I look at her. 

Stephanie and AJ do seem very happy together , but AJ is a ticking time bomb. His moods go from 0 to 60 and his over the top happy personality comes off a little fake. Stephanie seems awesome to hang out with and very down to earth. She surely can find negatives in AJ's personality, but she's embraced him as a whole since day 1. 

I feel like things about A.J have been exaggerated in some ways. Some of the so-called blow ups were more him poking at or getting mad at production. The fake moving scene being the most obvious of those. 

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2 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

I will say, though, that the meals we have seen them eat are all pretty fancy. I think they both need a more realistic concept of an ordinary weeknight meal. Cooking is much less stressful if you don't expect beautifully plated, gourmet food every night. One thing Kate and Luke have right is the pasta and salad for dinner. Come to think of it, that's pretty much the only thing they have right.

Yes to this!  Keith doesn't have to learn how to cook gourmet meals every night.  He can open a can, pop frozen food in the microwave or bring home take-home food or any combination of all three.  It doesn't take much skill these days to put a meal on the table.  Just follow directions and put it on the freaking plate.  The problem with him is he's lazy and making excuses for not being responsible for some of the meals.   We have more convenience foods available than ever before, so he has no excuse.  The point is he needs to get off his ass and just do the work.

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2 hours ago, Gem 10 said:

If you notice, Kate’s head is always down now,like a beaten dog.  Pathetic what he is doing to her,and more pathetic that the experts and production is allowing this. I don’t get it.  Is this for real or fake?

Last night I got a weird vibe, particularly when Kate had that rather strange episode of loud, but dry sounding (she conveniently & quickly left the room), weeping. We also had to endure watching her sullenly wipe down the countertops for what seemed like an eternity. My feeling is they're settling into roles at this point (if not from the beginning if I want to be very cynical, as I often do) - cruel villain husband vs. sad, abused wife. When she said she "has feelings for him" my face contorted (thankfully the kids weren't there it was probably disturbing to see) - c'mon, really?!  Then he comes in with food & acts like she's the problem in their sham of a 'marriage'. It's all bordering on a little too exaggerated at this point & I wonder if production is running amok in a psychotic sort of way. Whatever is happening it should stop immediately 'cuz it sucks.

Edited by gonecrackers
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One minute it feels like Kate is finally getting that this "marriage" is not going to work, even if it makes her sad. Then the next she is still waking up hopeful that he will want to celebrate a fake milestone with her and runs crying when he doesn't. But, the worst part, for me, was when she said she has feelings for him. Now I can hope those feelings are anger, contempt, and hatred, but I don't think so. I still see her face light up in a pretty smile as soon as she sees him come in the room. I don't get it. I am glad we saw her come back at Puke a little bit when he said what he said about her drinking. I hope there is more of that happening that we, for the sake of the show, are not seeing. I don't think she can fake the sadness and beaten down look on her face, even if that is the role she has been assigned.

It seems like the couples might be agreeing to stay "married" on Decision Day because they are now having this 90 day reunion? This is only the second (and probably last) season I have watched and they all agreed to stay married last time, even though we knew it wasn't going to work for all except Ricky Bobby and Danielle (who just had their baby). Maybe the couples get more money if they make it until then and since the cameras are gone, they can essentially live their separate lives. But, I hope the Kate can not give in to that and just want out. What I REALLY hope is that Puke doesn't decide to be nice to her to give her hope to continue the "experiment." And, please, please, please, don't let him suddenly decide to consummate this sham so she stays.

Same with Will. I really like how he is handling Jasmine. And I loved his math logic when she asked him that stupid rating question.

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13 hours ago, Kiss my mutt said:

Jasmine has no hopes of getting laid being such a snit.  Maybe instead of being offended find out what you can do to improve.  Sure washing his clothes is nice but treating him like an imbecile. I’m not surprised she is single and will likely stay so with that attitude. 

It was so odd how there seemed to be such a giant lack of specifics being mentioned, either by her asking or Will voluntarily providing.  Love how he referenced her own rating, though!

13 hours ago, LakeGal said:

I wanted Dr. Pepper to rate herself as an expert. She wanted everyone else to rate themselves. 

What a f*ing bad idea of hers for what should have been a fun 1-month dinner, to have anything involving ratings at a time like that, which should have been relaxing rather than stress-inducing.

14 hours ago, ECM1231 said:

Puke gets up early on their 1 month anniversary to hang out with his friends? WTF? Kate is devastated b/c she has feelings for him and wanted to spend time with him. 

I was very disappointed that she didn't press him further on it, because she definitely ended up validating what he did with her lack of push-back.

14 hours ago, endure said:

OMG Luke says Kate has a bad attitude about their marriage.

13 hours ago, Soup333 said:

And that her attitude is unproductive.  

He really is just the worst.  And again we didn't see any pushback in the form of her calling him out on how inane and bass-ackwards his statement was, so now in his mind it is legit and accurate.  I was pleased on how she called him out on his drinking, but maybe that was easier because it was a concrete example.  She just speaks so mumbly, flat that it just encourages him to blow it off.  I really hope that she finds her voice in time for a nice, reasoned, logical smack-down at decision time....a girl can dream, right?

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19 minutes ago, gonecrackers said:

Last night I got a weird vibe, particularly when Kate had that rather strange episode of loud, but dry sounding (she conveniently & quickly left the room), weeping. We also had to endure watching her sullenly wipe down the countertops for what seemed like an eternity. My feeling is they're settling into roles at this point (if not from the beginning if I want to be very cynical, as I often do) - cruel villain husband vs. sad, abused wife. When she said she "has feelings for him" my face contorted (thankfully the kids weren't there it was probably disturbing to see) - c'mon, really?!  Then he comes in with food & acts like she's the problem in their sham of a 'marriage'. It's all bordering on a little too exaggerated at this point & I wonder if production is running amok in a psychotic sort of way. Whatever is happening it should stop immediately 'cuz it sucks.

But if you look at  when she said the "I have feelings for him" statement, it was all voice-over. So who knows when she said it and whether that was her actual statement. Something tells me it was frankenbiting to make her sound more weak and pathetic. 

Edited by aphroditewitch
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Puke gets up early on their 1 month anniversary to hang out with his friends? WTF? Kate is devastated b/c she has feelings for him and wanted to spend time with him. 


I was very disappointed that she didn't press him further on it, because she definitely ended up validating what he did with her lack of push-back.

And once again he totally gaslights her by saying "I wasn't sure how we left things" - like his abandoning her on their anniversary was for her comfort instead of his. Dickwad.

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25 minutes ago, LuvMyShows said:

He really is just the worst.  And again we didn't see any pushback in the form of her calling him out on how inane and bass-ackwards his statement was, so now in his mind it is legit and accurate.  I was pleased on how she called him out on his drinking, but maybe that was easier because it was a concrete example.  She just speaks so mumbly, flat that it just encourages him to blow it off.  I really hope that she finds her voice in time for a nice, reasoned, logical smack-down at decision time....a girl can dream, right?

This. I really am just waiting for her to give him a much needed smack down. I mean come on, aren't you angry that he keeps lying to people telling them you're an alcoholic? (especially behind your back). Aren't you pissed off that he said he feels repulsed by you and dead inside after he kissed you? Aren't you frustrated by everything he does? Why is she so sweet to him after he treats her horribly? Like I said in another post, I can see if they've been together for a long time and they've had a bunch of good memories to look back on and cloud your judgment... but you have been together a month with no history together, and he's been nothing but rude and downright mean to you from the day you met him and he just keeps going with it. Why not tell him off?  Watching her look so sad makes me feel so bad for her but then he does something bad , and she just sits there and smiles and doesn't defend herself. Just tell him off already! Both of them know there's no chance of staying together in the end so who cares at this point? And honestly if I were in Kate's shoes, even in the 1 % chance that Luke improved, I'd still never be with him after what he's said and done already. Damage is done.

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15 hours ago, Straycat80 said:

It’s painful to watch Kate and Luke. It’s sad that she has such low self esteem that she can’t see he doesn’t like her and he’s verbally abusive.  I would love to see her bitch slap that smug look off his face when he’s trying to convince her she has a drinking problem (which I doubt she has). 

Jasmine and Will aren’t going to make it either. I have a feeling if she gets fed up with him she’ll won’t be a wimp about it. 

I agree.  What I thought was interesting was the voice over from Dr. Jessica; contradicting what Luke was saying.  He said to the cameras that he didn't want to be around Kate because "she's bringing him down."  But Dr. Jessica said that Luke's ACTIONS show that he does NOT want to be with Kate.  On Unfiltered, he simply left the room.  Nothing you could do about that.  Luke wasn't about to talk.  Kristine gave him a death look and I think Luke realized nothing he said could save him, so he stayed silent.

For me, watching Kate cry is NOT entertainment.  I felt SO bad for her when she was crying.  

But, my issue with Kate is that she wants to be MARRIED.  She wants to be a WIFE.  No Kate, you don't deserve to be married to someone who doesn't want you.  No one deserves that.  Get a divorce, leave the fool and move on.

Now, I like Keith and I believe that he does know how to cook, he's probably been watching his grandmother, mother and aunts for years.  But when he wanted to go into the kitchen, he probably got shooed out, so now he's scared to cook anything.  

I don't think Jasmine wants to be married.  I think she might feel some pressure, maybe from her family, but she is not acting like a person who wants marriage.  She wants things only her way, she doesn't want to compromise; if she wants a marriage like the one her parents have, I seriously doubt that's what she saw growing up, if her home was considered traditional.  

Edited by Neurochick
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6 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

For me, watching Kate cry is NOT entertainment.  I felt SO bad for her when she was crying.

Me too.  It was some really real crying, like she was trying to just get that one sentence out and couldn't.  And worse, she was ashamed of herself for doing it and ran out of the room like a little girl who was embarrassed.  She needed a big hug.  

I think Kate knows Luke's no good, but she's holding out hope.  I don't agree that the experts need to go in and save her, since she's a grown woman, they've offered her an out before, and she's not in any immediate danger... but I do wish her friends/family/self-esteem could convince her to save herself.

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3 hours ago, Cammi said:

I concur with pretty much everyone's opinion that Luke is a gaslighting, POS. But I was asking myself: What IS the appropriate way to handle this type of situation if you pretty much know it isn't going to work out? I remember a previous female cast member named Sam who was married to Neil, and she was almost as bad as Luke. Almost. Her personality was all over the place and very hard to watch. Some of these cast members decide from the very start it isn't going to work out, but I won't fault them for it. I have been set up on a couple dates, and even though the person was nice, I already knew there was no romantic connection. Sometimes it can grow, but sometimes it is just dead in the water from the jump. 

Personally, I think Will is doing the only thing one CAN do when faced with the knowledge it isn't going anywhere. He knows he isn't into Jasmine. But he is being very respectful by keeping his distance and biding his time until it is over. I give him credit for not forcing sexual intimacy when there isn't an emotional connection. Looking at YOU Jephte. 

Obviously marrying a stranger is a gamble, but I think Will has a gentlemanly manner with the way he is approaching his obvious disinterest in Jasmine. I don't blame him one iota, as I find her unappealing as well. 

Luke could take a page from Will's playbook, if he was a normal human with emotions. I hope future cast members also take notes on Will's method of handling this awkward situation. It could be a train wreck, but Will's patience and attitude are keeping it from turning into a dumpster fire, culminating with Jasmine crying her heart out in the bathroom like poor Kate. Will is the true hero of this show imo 

I remember Sam also and we never had a clue all season until decision day that she was totally in love with Neil.  Remember her saying she didn’t think Neil wanted to stay married but she did.  She fell for him. She then very believably ran off crying and Dr.  Pepper consoled her.  Nothing fake about that. 

They have story lines to keep us on pins and needles. So anything can happen I guess.  But truly Luke is an assh**e.   And “bubbly” Kate reflects a verbally abused woman. That first comment “repulsed and dead” was it for me. I hope Luke’s mom sees this and finally realizes her son isn’t the perfect person she obviously thinks he is. 

I think there had had to be signs that Luke had issues at the very beginning. From what we saw, he didn’t know what he wanted.  But who really knows.  

Kristine and Keith play together.  Games. They are making their time together getting to know one another so too AJ and Steph.  Why don’t docs make suggestions about how to build a relationship?  You never see the other couples bonding by finding things to do and making plans. 

Finally,  no remote advising so far.  Why not?  Maybe whole show a faux reality game that only a few people take seriously. 

Edited by Ms.C.
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1 hour ago, gonecrackers said:

Last night I got a weird vibe, particularly when Kate had that rather strange episode of loud, but dry sounding (she conveniently & quickly left the room), weeping. We also had to endure watching her sullenly wipe down the countertops for what seemed like an eternity. My feeling is they're settling into roles at this point (if not from the beginning if I want to be very cynical, as I often do) - cruel villain husband vs. sad, abused wife. When she said she "has feelings for him" my face contorted (thankfully the kids weren't there it was probably disturbing to see) - c'mon, really?!  Then he comes in with food & acts like she's the problem in their sham of a 'marriage'. It's all bordering on a little too exaggerated at this point & I wonder if production is running amok in a psychotic sort of way. Whatever is happening it should stop immediately 'cuz it sucks.

You are so right.  That crying was fake.  In fact, the whole show has become fake, except for the few that actually stay married to make the show look real.  Luke’s Mother was thrown in for drama with the hand holding bit.  BTW, where is Kate’s Mother during all this?  Nowhere to be found, because she didn’t want to get mixed up in this farce.  We see you production.  A few “Columbo’s” on the case.  That’s why no experts are questioning Luke and Kate.  They in turn are not giving answers, especially Luke, who by the way is a BAD actor.  Case solved.

Edited by Gem 10
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2 hours ago, Ilovepie said:

Yes to all of this!  This is exactly what I was trying to convey with my post last night, but you said it better. I think I was too angry and tired and just vomited out my venting.

There have been other people on this show that have been done dirty by their (fake) spouse, but for some reason this is absolutely the worst to watch because he is so maliciously manipulative and worse, she is buying it. I hope the “experts” read this stuff and see all the calls to step in and end it. It seems they took a step back from the rating game by having people rate themselves (although Jas ruined that); I can only hope they will end things in the future when it’s a damaging situation. 

I don't see it as Kate buying it so much as so she desperately wants to believe it because she wanted to be married.  I think she knows deep down; she's said herself they really don't have a marriage.  

She's like a Stockholm Syndrome victim or someone with PTSD, or even codependent.  She's trying to find the slightest thing, no matter how minute, to grasp on to in order to justify staying and continuing to try to make it work.  

Her "husband" is avoiding her, avoiding conversations with her, and not taking the out she has given him at least once, if not twice.  He denies he wants out,  he denies that she simply doesn't do it for him but then continues to act in ways that support both those assumptions (and facts.)  He is a horrible human being and I absolutely despise him for the outright damage he's doing to her.

If he truly cared about her, he would realize he's hurting her and stop it.  

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Continuation of my last post.

Thats why Dr. Jessica was blatantly picking on A.J.and Stephanie’s marriage when there is nothing going on.  She was actually insinuating that there might be trouble ahead for them two when there is none it seems.  She put a bug in their head which was not merited.  Not a nice thing to do.  That conversation was to take the heat off Puke and Kate.

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25 minutes ago, Gem 10 said:

You are so right.  That crying was fake.  In fact, the whole show has become fake, except for the few that actually stay married to make the show look real.  Luke’s Mother was thrown in for drama with the hand holding bit.  BTW, where is Kate’s Mother during all this?  Nowhere to be found, because she didn’t want to get mixed up in this farce.  We see you production.  A few “Columbo’s” on the case.  That’s why no experts are questioning Luke and Kate.  They in turn are not giving answers, especially Luke, who by the way is a BAD actor.  Case solved.

Luke's mother went on the record as saying that this whole thing is making a "mockery" of marriage. How meta would it be for her to say that and yet perpetuate the farce.

32 minutes ago, Ms.C. said:

Finally,  no remote advising so far.  Why not?  Maybe whole show a faux reality game that only a few people take seriously. 

Pastor Cal did counsel Kristine and Keith by phone when Kristine found the nude photos of Keith's ex.

54 minutes ago, Drogo said:

I think Kate knows Luke's no good, but she's holding out hope.  I don't agree that the experts need to go in and save her, since she's a grown woman, they've offered her an out before, and she's not in any immediate danger... but I do wish her friends/family/self-esteem could convince her to save herself.

Kate also tried to give Luke an out by getting him to admit that he just wasn't feeling her. (Side note: I thought she had communicated that effectively even though Dr. Pepper said that both Kate and Luke needed to work on communication. 🤨) Even though he knew, and she knew, and EVERYONE else knows it's true, he just refused to go along for reasons that baffle me.

2 hours ago, aphroditewitch said:

I feel like Danielle handled it pretty well with Cody in Season 5. She clearly wasn't into him and his whiny behavior but she was never mean to him from what was shown. I think she would have chosen to divorce him on decision day had it truly been an option, I just don't think it was. Something changed about decision day in the contract after Season 3 or 4. I don't know the specifics but it is clear that something had to have changed or we would have seen several more couples choose divorce. 

I wonder whether Danielle had a conversation with Cody off-camera explaining how things were. "I'm not ready for intimacy right now. Maybe one day, but not now. I will let you know." Aside from Cody's whining about not getting laid, we didn't hear Danielle complain about Cody pressuring her for sex or for any other physical intimacy. Shrug

Edited by discoprincessthe2
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5 hours ago, Jaclyn88 said:

Luke really is a disgrace. What a narcissistic bully. But did I hear right, that Kate has FEELINGS for him? I sure hope those feelings are hatred and anger and nothing positive. I feel so sad for her and the look on her face is heartbreaking, but for goodness sake girl, end that marriage. The experts claim you have an out. Whether or not that's true, I don't know.. but they told her she did. She walks around like a puppy dog trying to figure out what she did wrong. She gave herself a 6.8 for her effort in the marriage? She deserves a 50 out of 10 as she's the only person I can imagine that would still stay with him after all of this. I almost feel like she enjoys feeling sorry for herself. It's not like she's known him for years and he used to be different. She JUST met him a month ago and he's been treating her like shit from day 1. Her calm demeanor after he keeps saying she's an alcoholic (yet he drinks more), told her he's repulsed by her and he felt dead inside, is actually making me think that if he physically abused her, she'd still say. They have no history. The only thing keeping them together must be the paycheck if you stay together until the end.

Besides giving Kate her regular salary, they probably gave her an extra 200 hundred bucks to put her head down and look sad.  Maybe an extra 100 to say she still wants him. Pfitt.

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Poor SexyAF...Her head was going to explode right off as she sat there listening AJ deny, deny, deny he has any temper tantrum problems...why Blondie and Steph did not burst out laughing...guffawing...knee slapping... dry heave laughing at AJ...it was a master class in self control...

AJ is totally delusional but SexyAF is willing to put up with his nonsense because she see there is more good about AJ than bad....

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Jasmine should've swallowed her pride & asked him why he gave her that rating. Perhaps it was edited out, but if she really wants to build something with Will she needed to ask for an explanation, rather than shutdown & pout. He said in the TH she has issues with communication, & that is what she displayed in the scene (not to mention immaturity). Communication is huge & Will needs a mental connection with her & (at least from what we're seeing) she's not even trying.

I thought it was a good laugh when, after being offended by his rating, she passive aggressively gave him a 5 in her TH. Then she acted like pulling sex off the table was punishment when he's clearly still not interested, so it was more of a reward in his favor.  She's completely out of touch with this guy & doing everything to successfully cockblock him.  Too funny...

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Now that I’m on a roll, haha, I’ll bet Will would spark up if he could have either Kristene or Stephanie.  They are both smiling, cute, playful and FUN .. not talking money all the time.  Honeymoons are for fun and getting to know one another, not talking nickels and dimes and who gets what.  Jasmine is a downer, let’s admit it.  Will looks to be a good guy.  He can’t help it if he grew up with less than Jasmine.  Her Aunt with the chicken even made a remark about Jasmine that wasn’t so nice.  She knows her well.

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17 minutes ago, Gem 10 said:

Besides giving Kate her regular salary, they probably gave her an extra 200 hundred bucks to put her head down and look sad.  Maybe an extra 100 to say she still wants him. Pfitt.

Honestly, it was beyond pathetic. Then her face lighting up right away when Puke walks in, only to be confronted with his cold, uncaring attitude yet again, down goes the head once more...  showcasing abuse is a horrible form of "entertainment".

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4 hours ago, Ohwell said:

Ok, I'mma just lay it out there.  Jasmine honey:  You're no Halle Berry.  Also, I doubt that Halle Berry is as much of a snob as you are.

I'm rooting for Stephanie and AJ, and Kristine and Keith to make it.  I think Kristine is cute as a button.

Jasmine and Kate both need a couple of B-12 shots.  They walk around like old farts.

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Kate just has this learned helplessness vibe about her now, but puke throws her a bone every once in awhile so she hangs on to that. 

I have more respect for Jamie this season after watching her ask the tough questions that should have been asked all along. Maybe she should have a hand in picking the matches. She couldn’t do any worse. 

I kept hoping Kristine would have said “this is bullshit,” on Unfiltered when Luke got a pass on being an asshole. 

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Just now, Kiss my mutt said:

I have more respect for Jamie this season after watching her ask the tough questions that should have been asked all along. Maybe she should have a hand in picking the matches. She couldn’t do any worse. 

I've said it before and I'll say it again: A monkey throwing darts at random pictures of applicants couldn't do any worse. The experts are tv hacks. Zero respect.

I think Jamie over emotes, but I do like her interaction with everyone. I kept wondering what she was thinking when they were showing the footage of Keith's dad flaking on lunch. I kept thinking that must have hit a little too close to home with her experience with her own mother. It had to be hard to watch that for her too......

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4 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

I think when Kate basically said it for him - "if I just don't do it for you, that's ok" he could have answered honestly. Actually - I think if he could answer a direct question, honestly, it would go a long way. Jaime asks him "what was up with telling Kate you felt repulsed and dead inside after kissing her" and he rambles on about "I wouldn't want to put two people in a situation where they were uncomfortable, blah, blah, blah" - just total obfuscation. Be polite, but honest. Own your shit. Be kind. Think about how you would want to be treated and treat the other person accordingly.

Me too - sort of. I always liked Stephanie and still do but A.J. is cringey. But I do root for them. Also Kristine and Keith - I LOVE Kristine. She tells it like it is. She should be put in charge of confronting Luke.

@Elizzikra: This, sooooo this.  You summed my thoughts on this perfectly, thank you!!  Luke, if you want to repair your "villian" image: just answer a question DIRECTLY and HONESTLY.  Works a lot better than crying in a manipulative fashion.  I do wish Kristine was able to tell Luke exactly how she felt about his treatment of Kate and his marriage.  I would pay money to see that.

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During Unfiltered, Luke just got up and walked away.  He did that on purpose.  What can anybody do when a guest on a TV show does that?  You can't force anybody to respond.  All that could be done was to go to the next topic and I think Luke knew that.  But I could tell Kristine wasn't happy.  We all want people to "call Luke on his behavior."  That only works if the other person has some kind of response, but Luke just clammed up, walked away, said nothing.  

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Luke hasn't handled his not being attracted to Kate well, and that's an understatement. 

Kate, on the other hand, reminds me of someone you'd ask to leave your home and she'd just stand there with a blank stare until you had to call the police to get her out.  There's something behind those eyes that leads me to think that something is just not right with her.  

The problem is, Luke can't just walk away right now until the eight weeks are up, amiright?  If so, he's stuck with her and he's being an ass about it.  He better sleep with one eye open until this thing ends.

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6 hours ago, Gem 10 said:

If you notice, Kate’s head is always down now,like a beaten dog.  Pathetic what he is doing to her,and more pathetic that the experts and production is allowing this. I don’t get it.  Is this for real or fake?

It's all fake and we are all buying it.  They are all playing their roles.  Kate is probably out having drinks with her friends and Luke is probably on the golf course.

Reality tv my arse!

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Jasmine lacks what Kristine has tons of:  femininity.

Kristine really brings it.  She's adorable and incredibly sexy at the same time, plus she cooks, wanting to feed her guy.

It's like Kristine really wants to fill Keith up, emotionally, sexually, and physically with food.  Plus, she looks him in the eyes when she talks to him and gives him cute smiles.

Kristine tries to understand Keith, and really be his partner.

Jasmine sits there and judges and looks like a wooden statue.  I felt so bad when he was showing her his playground, and she sat there with that glum look, judging, as in how dare he bring her to this part of town.  Will deserves better.  He seems like a really good guy.

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