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S01.E16: Estimated Time of Departure


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3 hours ago, Notwisconsin said:

The tombstones are already there as there was a funeral and they were dead for five years. 

That's a good question -- have they even removed the tombstones from the cemetery yet ?

Or did they save a little money and just chisel off the date of death ?

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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I'm guessing this episode will be more pointless chasing of a new Drawing by Cal/Calling (maybe a superthreat like someone is going to kill every 828 passenger and their family members so they all need to go on the run), and everything will hinge on a "surprise twist" aka super duper gamechanger at the very very end.  If it's cool enough, it will be enough of a distractor for people to return.  If it's lame, goodbye Season 3.

There are a few things they've been teasing which they might have been saving for the finale:
- Who is Zeke's mother and where does she fits into the puzzle?
(many have speculated it's the Major, though knowing this show, it could be a new character introduced via flashback - we will probably find out something happened on Flight 828 that "changes everything")
- Where did the Pilot and Professor Fiona go?  
(they could have them return at the very end and that could be the "twist")
- Who was Saanvi going to travel with?
(they've been mentioning that the last 2-3 episodes, so it could be the twist... she was going to travel with Zeke, or the Major, or a new character)

Other possibilities, from other shows' playbooks:
- Loudres comes back pregnant 
(because we no doubt will need a complication for the love triangle)
- A character is evil and in cahoots with the bad guys.  Maybe a body double
(eg. Danny?  Loudres?  Zeke?)
- Shocking character death in the last 30 seconds
- Shocking character return
(Vance is not dead and he has discovered something really really big which he will not reveal so we would watch Season 2)

  • Love 5

I suppose finding out that they will die after living the same amount of time they were missing can be considered an answer of some kind.

Griffin throwing up the water and dying was definitely karma. 

I like Jared, but he is an idiot. Zeke also. Who points a gun at a cop?

I wasn't surprised the Major is Saanvi's therapist, but it was a nice set up. 

I hope the baby is Ben's and not Danny's. This should reduce the chance of Lourdes turning up pregnant.

  • Love 9

They went a little darker than I expected.    Although I can't imagine the series finale will be all the remaining passengers on the plane dying.  

For a show that has not exactly been stellar with their special effects, Griffin's death was pretty well done.

The actor playing Jared really nailed the possessive boyfriend who can't say no for an answer and has no problem abusing his authority and getting phonically violent when denied the object of his obsession.  They were probably trying to go for the concerned boyfriend who will go to no ends for his love, but it came off more as the abusive stalker that normally shows up in a Lifetime movie.  Jared also seems older than Michalea in their scenes, which adds a bit to the controlling older man thinking he knows what is best for the younger woman.

I am hoping when they do their plots this summer, they decide not to revisit the Danny element and make the baby Ben's.  

I know there is not a lot of love for this show on this board, but I thought it was a decent episode, except for Jared, unless they actually follow-up with that next year and address his possessiveness and not write it off as - isn't romantic how much he cares for his true love.

  • Love 14

As silly as this show can be, and as cheap as its effects often are, Griffin throwing up basically a whole lake of water and drowning in the middle of the street looked really good, and was actually quite creepy. Well played, show. 

Oh God, could the baby just be Ben's, and we never have to hear about Danny ever again? Dont we have enough going on at this point, and now with the ticking clock on the lives of all of the passengers, can we just focus on stuff that actually might be interesting? Not a love triangle and baby daddy drama? I did have a very mean moment when Ben said that he and Cal might be on borrowed time, and thought "well, at least Grace can go back to her boyfriend and will no longer be inconvenienced by her dead husband and son!"

Michalea might have dodged a bullet with Jared*, because he is showing a seriously nasty and controlling side, that abuses his power as a police officer, and wants to have control over his ex girlfriends life, even as she asks him to back off. He has really become a major league asshole ever since Zeke showed up, stalking him, searching Michaleas house, trying to force him to leave (and go where, exactly?), starting a fight with him, what a freaking creep. It was like watching an abusive stalker lifetime movie or something! And I am sure Lourdes would be thrilled to hear her husband say how his ex is "the most important person in the world" to him. I was right there with Zeke when he was yelling at Zeke about how he "has a job, and a broken marriage, and now has to deal with him" and he was like "then why are you here?!?" No one wants you there, you are clearly violating your former girlfriends privacy, and are abusing your authority to threaten a civilian, all because your jealous! What a dick. 

Did not see the Major being Saanvi's therapist coming! Poor Saanvi, she really does need counseling, and she finally talks to someone, and its an evil mastermind.

Well, we did get SOME answers, so thats something at least. Kind of, sort of. I did enjoy the episode, the parts that didnt involve Jared being a creeper, so at least I can go into the next batch of episodes a bit more invested than if they had gone hard on the triangles. 

*But did she dodge that bullet from the gun the guys were fighting over?!*

Edited by tennisgurl
  • Love 16

I felt Michaela spent most of the episode appeasing Jared.  He kept pushing past her boundaries and her response was to bleat, "It's not like that!" or "Zeke and I are just friends!"  You don't owe Jared an explanation for who you spend time with Michaela!  Even if there were no Callings, you're free to spend as much time with Zeke or any other guy as you want.  Jared blaming Zeke for his broken marriage?  Jared needs to jump off a cliff.  I don't want him to be shot - that would just make him a martyr or something to Michaela and add more angst to Zeke.  I want the shot to go into the wall  and Michaela to come to her senses and throw him out.

I also hope the baby is Ben's.  Finally there was an episode that seemed to have moved past the stupid love triangle and I enjoyed the Stone family.  Although I could have done with less of Cal moping in his bedroom.  I liked Olive and Grace commiserating that they felt kind of left out of the special 828 club.  And then the writer's had to throw in the 'whose baby is it?' twist.  Just don't.

  • Useful 1
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So their expiration date is June 2, 2024? I think the ratings monster will claim them before then. Cal needs to learn to stop running away and just show the stupid drawings to his family. 

My husband and I had fun creating one-liners about what happened to Griffin. Lol

”Say it, don’t spray it!”

”He’s no longer retaining water.”

”Griffin is going to be a bit dehydrated after this.” 

“That’s what happens when you drink your weight in water.” 

Of course Grace is pregnant. I’m sure the “who’s the daddy?” question will be dragged  out through the next season. It will mean that Danny (the 3rd man with dark hair and a beard on this show) will appear more often. Just what the show needed. 

The fight at the end with Jared and Zeke was so stupid. I thought Zeke was the caveman, but Jared was the one trying to club his rival over the head to protect his woman. 

  • LOL 9
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1 hour ago, SimoneS said:

I hope the baby is Ben's and not Danny's. This should reduce the chance of Lourdes turning up pregnant.

Can't be Ben's.  He's only been back like what?  Two weeks maybe.  It isn't even December yet.  And God forbid we escape the stupid, insipid soap operaville junk.

25 minutes ago, Angeleyes said:

So their expiration date is June 2, 2024?

Well the writer said he had a 5 year plot line.  Everything is to build until that date when the fate of whoever is all determined. Unless the show is cancelled first which I can but hope.

And the "cliffhanger" season ending is stupid.  Only lousy shows written by lazy writers go out on season ending cliff hangers.  Watch Vikings on how to end a season right.  They don't need no stinking stupid silly cliffhanger crap.  Oh well I can use that lame ending to pretend Jerrod was written off the show I guess.

  • Love 5
30 minutes ago, green said:

And the "cliffhanger" season ending is stupid.  Only lousy shows written by lazy writers go out on season ending cliff hangers.  Watch Vikings on how to end a season right.  They don't need no stinking stupid silly cliffhanger crap.  Oh well I can use that lame ending to pretend Jerrod was written off the show I guess.

I used to think the same, that a show that is written well doesn't need to have to rely on a cliffhanger. I still think that but I also read last year that shows are using cliffhangers as an incentive for the network to renew. (Unfortunately, I have no recollection of who said it or where I read it, I just remember it because I thought that TPTB probably don't give a damn and that it's not fair for the fans especially if they know that this could be the end).

2024 is definitely ambitious and very optimistic. I'd wonder how they plan to resolve that considering that their ratings are already not the best ones but they probably haven't considered that.

  • Love 1
6 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

Oh God, could the baby just be Ben's, and we never have to hear about Danny ever again?


I hope the baby is Ben's and not Danny's. 


Can't be Ben's. He's only been back like what? Two weeks maybe. 

Ben (with a PhD in mathematics) figured that she got pregnant right around the time they got back or just before--and then his face got that crushed look, so . . .
HOWEVER, if Grace got pregnant right before they left Jamaica, then the baby just started growing again when they came back.
That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.


6 hours ago, Angeleyes said:

My husband and I had fun creating one-liners about what happened to Griffin. Lol
. . . 
”He’s no longer retaining water.”



I hope Saanvi buys a vowel with regards to her erstwhile shrink, Dr. Major, and feeds her false info to manipulate her.

Edited by shapeshifter
  • Love 5

They threw in just enough decent twists to make me want a second season.  Griffin's drowning delay was quite a visual.  The reveal that everyone on the plane had an "expiration date" was reasonably moving and well done.  I actually felt sad for this formerly mess of a family, even Grace.

They also threw in many of their usual clunkers.  Jared was so hateable with his over-the-top jealousy and attack on Zeke.  If they're still trying to make us root for Michaela choosing Jared, the Writers are way off.  I find Zeke really boring as a character, though.  As horrible as Jared was, I wouldn't mind it if Zeke died and the new storyline is Michaela can't forgive him and he has to grovel for a season.

The ultra-ambiguous "Stop him" Calling was the usual annoying M.O. of this show.  Why would Saanvi and Ben also hear that Calling, if it meant stopping Jared from shooting Zeke?  Why did the Callings stop for everyone except Michaela?  If the Callings was telling everyone to stop Jared, then why did Zeke get it?  Huh?  I seriously doubt this will ever be answered.

The Major being the "discreet therapist" was obvious from the moment that "kind" co-worker gave the card to Saanvi.  That's too bad... I liked that doctor guy.  Good job on the people who guessed he was shady.  But I hate storylines where the protagonists are duped by the villain impersonating a good person, so I expect to be irritated by this storyline.

So instead of being Zeke's mother, The Major turned out to be Saanvi's therapist.  Instead of Loudres being pregnant, it was Grace (I had to groan the moment she mentioned feeling sick to her stomach at the start of the episode).

Why was the lab tech running Griffin's blood results against people in the cancer drug study?  Wouldn't that information be confidential?  If he was working on the cancer drug study, then why would he have access to Griffin's blood results?

Ben didn't feel like using the calculator on his phone because he just loved long division that much? I also laughed at Olive expecting her mom (or anyone) to know "the year of the Chinese wood dragon" was 24. 

Maybe the show will eventually shift to the passengers trying to find a way to live past their expiration dates.

Edited by Camera One
  • Love 10

Interview with Show Creator with a bunch of non-answers:

He was surprised how everyone hated Grace in the first half of the season and it was never his intention, LOL. 

So we can safely assume he never intended for us to hate Jared in the last few episodes.

Since he likes writing "shades of gray", and that presumably doesn't mean writing in a gray fog where he can't see what's right in front of him.

Here's another interview:

Where you can expect "teasers" like this:


In Season 2, you can expect to meet more passengers from the plane, other people who are experiencing the Calling, others who are not experiencing the Calling but are still inherent to our story in different ways. 

That's how you construct an entire sentence that basically tells you nothing.

Edited by Camera One
  • Useful 1
  • LOL 6
  • Love 7

Griffin killed his own 2 henchmen, but they only tased the armored car guards. So why do they keep saying that Griffin killed two armed guards ?

Wow, Saanvi goes to the dark side quickly, discussing killing Griffin if he decides to all evil with the callings.

I don't know if Griffin dying while ejecting gallons of water was supposed to be funny, but it was.  
It was like he was hooked up to a hose compared compared to the 5 or 6 quarts of water the average human lungs can hold.  Did you see how big that pool of water was ?

Did Griffin die exactly 82 hours and 8 minutes after he was pulled out of the river ?  Apparently so.  
From last episode, the van was in the river from Wed. 11:06am to Saturday 9:14pm -- which is exactly 82 hours and 8 minutes.  
Add an additional 82 hours and 8 minutes and Griffin should have died on Wed morning at 7:22am.  But the coroner's report indicated that Griffin died at 10:49 am on Tuesday Dec. 11, 2018, which is 61 hours and 35 minutes after Griffin was pulled from the river.  I'm beginning to think that the writers are incapable of doing basic date math.

So we finally know some specific dates -- if all the returnees are going to die on June 2, 2024, and they were gone for 2037 days, that means that the date that Flight 828 returned was Nov. 4, 2018.  Which also means that Flight 828 disappeared on April 3, 2013.

Add a couple of days for Saanvi to get the coroner's report, and that puts the current date of the end of the season finale to be around the December 13/14/15, 2018.  Still no sign of Xmas festivities anywhere.  In New York City.

Does this mean that Zeke will be dead in a year anyway ?

My money is on the bullet hitting Michaela.

With that ticking clock at the end, I thought this was a crossover with '24'. But no such luck.

My bet on who Grace's baby daddy is -- <spins 'Wheel of Paternity'> -- Griffin ? </sarcasm>

Let's take a look at all the dangling plot lines that were left either unacknowledged or unresolved after Season 1:
-- why did the Flight 828 disappear ?
-- what was the bright light that Cal saw during the flight ?
-- why did the plane with the Capt. Daly and Fiona Clarke disappear ?
-- what is causing all the dark lightning ?
-- is Vance really dead ?
-- is Lourdes pregnant ?
-- what happened to Autumn ?
-- what happened to all the 828ers rescued from Unified Dynamics mobile research lab of evil ?  
-- Is Cal still connected to Marko ?
-- what happened to the 828 haters (82haters ?) ?  Did they run out of red paint and rocks ?
-- why did the plane blow up ?
-- is Adrian still grifting people with the Church of Flight 828 ?
-- what happened to the 828 podcaster ?

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
  • Love 19

I GROANED when Grace got pregant cause of fucking course we just cant get rid of the family drama and we just have to have Danny back next season with Baby Daddy Drama. I bet the baby is Danny's. Also I wont be surprised If Michalea is the one who ends up shot so we can get more Jared/Zeke fighting. I do hate when shows end the season on Cliffhangers when they haven't been renewed yet. That tactic of doing that to get renewed is so dumb cause it's no guarantee at all. Could be a Quantum leap like situation where they are so sure to get renewed but get Cancelled and have to end on a bad note like That shows bad Cliffhanger ending 

  • Love 2
5 hours ago, Camera One said:

The Major being the "discreet therapist" was obvious from the moment that "kind" co-worker gave the card to Saanvi.  That's too bad... I liked that doctor guy.

This plot point trope (evil therapist) bugs me because it adds onto all the real-life useless therapists out there who discourage people with PTSD from getting effective counseling.

  • Love 4
5 hours ago, Camera One said:

Interview with Show Creator with a bunch of non-answers:

He was surprised how everyone hated Grace in the first half of the season and it was never his intention, LOL. 

So we can safely assume he never intended for us to hate Jared in the last few episodes.

Since he likes writing "shades of gray", and that presumably doesn't mean writing in a gray fog where he can't see what's right in front of him.

Here's another interview:

Where you can expect "teasers" like this:

  Hide contents

In Season 2, you can expect to meet more passengers from the plane, other people who are experiencing the Calling, others who are not experiencing the Calling but are still inherent to our story in different ways. 

That's how you construct an entire sentence that basically tells you nothing.

This guy clearly went to the Kitsis and Horowitz School of Showrunning. That is neither a compliment nor a good thing.

  • Love 6
6 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

Ben (with a PhD in mathematics) figured that she got pregnant right around the time they got back or just before--and then his face got that crushed look, so . . .

I know not everyone likes Ben, but I thought that Dallas did some nice acting with the change in his facial expressions as he realized he might not be the father.

  • Love 19
6 hours ago, Camera One said:

Interview with Show Creator with a bunch of non-answers:

He was surprised how everyone hated Grace in the first half of the season and it was never his intention, LOL. 

So we can safely assume he never intended for us to hate Jared in the last few episodes.

Since he likes writing "shades of gray", and that presumably doesn't mean writing in a gray fog where he can't see what's right in front of him.

Here's another interview:

Where you can expect "teasers" like this:

  Reveal spoiler

In Season 2, you can expect to meet more passengers from the plane, other people who are experiencing the Calling, others who are not experiencing the Calling but are still inherent to our story in different ways. 

That's how you construct an entire sentence that basically tells you nothing.

Haha! There's no need to spoiler-tag that, it says nothing! 

I'm going to be a big jerk and spoil it for everyone: next season, stuff will happen. Or will it??? 

  • LOL 15
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1 hour ago, CCTC said:
7 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

Ben (with a PhD in mathematics) figured that she got pregnant right around the time they got back or just before--and then his face got that crushed look, so . . .

I know not everyone likes Ben, but I thought that Dallas did some nice acting with the change in his facial expressions as he realized he might not be the father.

Yes, but shouldn't it have been a little more nuanced look? --You know, like attempting to convey flashes of wonder, anger, hope, and Worry when Ben PhD-in-mathematics Stone  realizes that either the baby is his or Grace and Danny were boinking before the trip to Jamaica (or maybe Danny was in Jamaica), and, given the newly discovered 828 Expiration Date, the newest little Salamander Stone will croak at around age 5.

  • Love 1
10 hours ago, CCTC said:

The actor playing Jared really nailed the possessive boyfriend who can't say no for an answer and has no problem abusing his authority and getting phonically violent when denied the object of his obsession.  They were probably trying to go for the concerned boyfriend who will go to no ends for his love, but it came off more as the abusive stalker that normally shows up in a Lifetime movie.  Jared also seems older than Michalea in their scenes, which adds a bit to the controlling older man thinking he knows what is best for the younger woman.

I had grown less fond of Jared over the season, and this one just made me hate him. Not that I don't think Michaela is weirdly naive, given that she's a cop.

7 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

Did Griffin die exactly 828 minutes after he was pulled out of the river ?  Apparently so.  

From last episode, the van was in the river from Wed. 11:06am to Saturday 9:14pm -- which is exactly 82 hours and 8 minutes.  
Add an additional 82 hours and 8 minutes and Griffin should have died on Wed morning at 7:22am.  But the coroner's report indicated that Griffin died at 10:49 am on Tuesday Dec. 11, 2018, which is 61 hours and 35 minutes after Griffin was pulled from the river.  I'm beginning to think that the writers are incapable of doing basic date math.

Thanks for doing the math! That 10:49 was so prominent, it's pretty weird that they got it wrong.

That being said, I kind of like the expiration date idea.

  • Love 5
15 hours ago, Clanstarling said:
23 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

Did Griffin die exactly 828 minutes after he was pulled out of the river ?  Apparently so.  

From last episode, the van was in the river from Wed. 11:06am to Saturday 9:14pm -- which is exactly 82 hours and 8 minutes.  
Add an additional 82 hours and 8 minutes and Griffin should have died on Wed morning at 7:22am.  But the coroner's report indicated that Griffin died at 10:49 am on Tuesday Dec. 11, 2018, which is 61 hours and 35 minutes after Griffin was pulled from the river.  I'm beginning to think that the writers are incapable of doing basic date math.

Thanks for doing the math! That 10:49 was so prominent, it's pretty weird that they got it wrong.

That being said, I kind of like the expiration date idea.

Cororner's report, shmoroner's report. Right? I mean, how can a coroner determine time of death accurately for someone whose body obeys laws of physics different from those taught in Coroners School?
Anyway, if Griffin survived 828 minutes (13 hours and 48 minutes?) after he was revived,
and assuming the revival clock started ticking when he emerged from the van,
I guess he didn't really die until 13 hours and 48 minutes before he emerged from the van,
subtracted from "Saturday 9:14pm"
would be 7:26am Saturday. <--please Check My Math. It could be wrong.
So maybe he was in a really big air pocket from Wednesday morning until Saturday morning eating leftover junk food? I dunno.

ETA: Or maybe it wasn't 828 minutes that he survived? The captioning script isn't up yet. 

ETAA: From captioning:
   BEN:     According to the police report,
               Griffin was underwater for 82 hours and 8 minutes.
   OLIVE: 8-2-8.
   . . . 
   BEN:     According to the Medical Examiner's report,
               his death was exactly 82 hours and 8 minutes later.

So, @ottoDbusdriver, where is 828 minutes from?

Edited by shapeshifter
  • Love 1

Did Griffin die exactly 828 minutes after he was pulled out of the river ?  Apparently so.  
From last episode, the van was in the river from Wed. 11:06am to Saturday 9:14pm -- which is exactly 82 hours and 8 minutes.  
Add an additional 82 hours and 8 minutes and Griffin should have died on Wed morning at 7:22am.  But the coroner's report indicated that Griffin died at 10:49 am on Tuesday Dec. 11, 2018, which is 61 hours and 35 minutes after Griffin was pulled from the river.  I'm beginning to think that the writers are incapable of doing basic date math.

So we finally know some specific dates -- if all the returnees are going to die on June 2, 2024, and they were gone for 2037 days, that means that the date that Flight 828 returned was Nov. 4, 2018.  Which also means that Flight 828 disappeared on April 3, 2013.

Add a couple of days for Saanvi to get the coroner's report, and that puts the current date of the end of the season finale to be around the December 13/14/15, 2018.  Still no sign of Xmas festivities anywhere.  In New York City.

Thank you for the math-this is outstanding. I didnt come close to this in my head. But based on Michala's ever present NYPD hat (that can be purchased on every corner in NYC), I knew it was winter and was impressed with the attempt at continuity, but thank you for pointing out that somehow they completely skipped Christmas!

Yes, I too saw the Major turning up as the therapist, but I am not sure that Saanvi's friend threw her under the bus-the Major may have just been one step ahead.

And I still cant get over the fact that all this happened in SIX WEEKS after they got back. They saved the twins who were kidnapped, helped the stow-away get away, freed the 828ers that were the subject of the experimets, got a job, lost a job,  befriended and got Vance killed, found and hung out in the cabin with Zeke, met the idiots who were being scammed by the Church of the 828ers, and I am missing ALL KINDS of things. All this in SIX WEEKS, which, in real life, is how long it would have taken to run all the medical tests, get your drivers license back,, deal with the life insurance company and otherwise deal with all the paperwork of being brought back to life.


That being said, I kind of like the expiration date idea.

I thought there were some really interesting plot ideas set up in this episode and this was clearly the best and could have lead to some interesting storylines....but then why did the pilot and some others die before 2024?


HOWEVER, if Grace got pregnant right before they left Jamaica, then the baby just started growing again when they came back.
That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.

BWAHHHHH-hysterical and would be A LOT more interesting than the "who's the daddy" drama that this show does NOT  need. The best part of the last few episodes was the complete lack of this triangle drama from Danny and Lourdes.....neither of whom did anything wrong, but neither of whom were at all interesting.

Edited by AriAu
  • Love 11

Seriously?   Can you say, predictable, banal, boring and unsurprising?   All these cliffhangers were just too obvious:

Saavni - as soon as the other doctor gave her the therapist card, I immediately thought, yep,m it will be the Major.  

Grace vomiting in the bathroom.  I hoped - please, don't let her say she's pregnant and sure enough, she's preggers!!!.   Obviously, it SHOULD be Danny's (especially if she's 6-8 weeks) as Ben hasn't been back long enough; maybe she'll miscarry. 

As soon as Griffin started "drowning", you knew this should have been his death in the van, but I'll admit, I didn't tie it, directly or immediately, to the 82 hours, 8 minutes.    I'm glad some poster included the pic of Cal's graveyard drawing as I did't think there was a date on the tombstones at first either; then mysteriously, at the end, there was (probably added it later after he too, figured it out.)    

Mic/Jared/Zeke - the bullet should ricochet and kill them all as far as I'm concerned.   It's a stupid,unnecessary triangle.   BTW, what's happened to Lourdes?   Has she and Jared separated or still married just living apart?   Mic is giving Jared mixed signals, e.g., "I love you, I want to be with you, blah, blah, blah but not until I can figure out what's going on with Zeke, Griffin or whoever, give me some space/time"!    What a show!

  • Love 3

Grace has got to be in her late 30's or early 40's. She has two children around 15 or 16 years old. She was clearly having a relationship with Danny before 828 returned. Why wasn't she on birth control? It might be believable for a teenager to get preggers. (Whoops) but it really annoys me when its the older mom trope of  "accidentally"  getting pregnant. 

  • Love 7

Heh, heh, heh, Show, I see what you did there -- giving us an end date of five years, which, just coincidentally, is the duration of your wished-for end line.  My my, we sure have an inflated sense of our value to the network.

As soon as Saanvi's colleague referred his therapist to her and said SHE helped him, I knew it was the major.  And when Grace got sick, I knew she was preggers.  AM I EXPERIENCING CALLINGS?  Callings which, n fact, are as nebulous as those emanating from Craphole Island!

  • Love 5

Griffin's 'reverse drowning' was pretty startling, but I was hoping they'd zoom in on the spew and there would be small fish flopping around. 

Yeah, for a mathematician, Ben is sure devoted to pencil and paper. Those missing 5 years must have made a difference, technology-wise? I laughed when I saw the long division. 

  • LOL 4
  • Love 2
3 hours ago, CCTC said:

I know not everyone likes Ben, but I thought that Dallas did some nice acting with the change in his facial expressions as he realized he might not be the father.

As that was happening, those of us watching in my household (me, my husband, and our son) burst out laughing so hard we had to pause the show to recover. It was so corny and so awful that it completely destroyed us! We could not stop laughing for quite a long time, thank goodness for the DVR. For the rest of the night, we continued laughing about that moment. I'm still laughing about it as I type this. And I like Ben, for the most part, but that was just comical.

Griffin's water spewing was like a direct shout-out to the way the characters on 'Family Guy' usually vomit - just a long, uninterrupted stream. Totally gross, but also hilarious. See the episode when Brian founds out that Ida, with whom he had sex, is actually Quagmire's father.

Agree with all the criticism/hate of Jared. Wow - he has really gone around the bend. When he and Zeke were fighting, all I could think of was, "Hey, Michaela just moved in and just furnished that place, and now you're trashing it!" I felt bad when Zeke's mother learned what had really happened to Zeke.  I hope the two of them can make amends. 

  • LOL 4
  • Love 1
4 hours ago, CCTC said:

I know not everyone likes Ben, but I thought that Dallas did some nice acting with the change in his facial expressions as he realized he might not be the father.

46 minutes ago, Biggie B said:

As that was happening, those of us watching in my household (me, my husband, and our son) burst out laughing so hard we had to pause the show to recover. It was so corny and so awful that it completely destroyed us! We could not stop laughing for quite a long time, thank goodness for the DVR. For the rest of the night, we continued laughing about that moment. I'm still laughing about it as I type this. And I like Ben, for the most part, but that was just comical.

LOL, I want to watch TV with your family, @Biggie B!

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, basiltherat said:

Heh, heh, heh, Show, I see what you did there -- giving us an end date of five years, which, just coincidentally, is the duration of your wished-for end line.  My my, we sure have an inflated sense of our value to the network.

As soon as Saanvi's colleague referred his therapist to her and said SHE helped him, I knew it was the major.  And when Grace got sick, I knew she was preggers.  AM I EXPERIENCING CALLINGS?  Callings which, n fact, are as nebulous as those emanating from Craphole Island!

Nope, just TV deja Vu.

2 hours ago, AriAu said:

Thank you for the math-this is outstanding. I didnt come close to this in my head. But based on Michala's ever present NYPD hat (that can be purchased on every corner in NYC), I knew it was winter and was impressed with the attempt at continuity, but thank you for pointing out that somehow they completely skipped Christmas!

Yes, I too saw the Major turning up as the therapist, but I am not sure that Saanvi's friend threw her under the bus-the Major may have just been one step ahead.

And I still cant get over the fact that all this happened in SIX WEEKS after they got back. They saved the twins who were kidnapped, helped the stow-away get away, freed the 828ers that were the subject of the experimets, got a job, lost a job,  befriended and got Vance killed, found and hung out in the cabin with Zeke, met the idiots who were being scammed by the Church of the 828ers, and I am missing ALL KINDS of things. All this in SIX WEEKS, which, in real life, is how long it would have taken to run all the medical tests, get your drivers license back,, deal with the life insurance company and otherwise deal with all the paperwork of being brought back to life.

I thought there were some really interesting plot ideas set up in this episode and this was clearly the best and could have lead to some interesting storylines....but then why did the pilot and some others die before 2024

We don't know for sure the pilot is dead, but the ones who have died were either murdered or killed themselves, unlike Griffin, whose switch was just awesomely turned off. (So would the gang just splat and tear apart on the ground? That would be a gruesome ending.)

  • Love 7
4 hours ago, Superclam said:

Haha! There's no need to spoiler-tag that, it says nothing! 

I'm going to be a big jerk and spoil it for everyone: next season, stuff will happen. Or will it??? 

And the writer doesn't know the meaning of the word "inherent"

It's over!  I don't care whether Jared or Zeke got hit.  I don't care whose baby it is.  I don't care about "the callings."  I don't have to watch the bad acting anymore!  I don't have to wonder why Cal looks like a turtle.  And I'm sure as shit not watching this dreck  until June freaking 2024 just to find the answers to their mysteries.

  • LOL 4
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On 2/19/2019 at 12:52 PM, meep.meep said:

It's over!  I don't care whether Jared or Zeke got hit.  I don't care whose baby it is.  I don't care about "the callings."  I don't have to watch the bad acting anymore!  I don't have to wonder why Cal looks like a turtle.  And I'm sure as shit not watching this dreck  until June freaking 2024 just to find the answers to their mysteries.

The thing is, I enjoy watching the show for reasons I can't quite express. But I know, if it continues for another 4 seasons, it'll just be various plot dead ends, characters leaving, characters coming back and pseudo-scientific nonsense. I don't know if I have the strength. 

Edited by Superclam
  • Love 14

I really liked this episode. The expiration date adds a cool twist. Although, I assume the series long arc will be to avoid that fate. At least for the Stones and maybe Saanvi and Zekd (if he survives).

Jared is THE Worse! Seriously, he busted into Michaela'a house, tore it up looking for drugs and would have no doubt planted drugs on Zeke just because he was a jealous asshat. I really hope he was the one shot or Mich kicks him to the curb.

I knew Zeke bought a guy and not drugs, it was obvious from the minute he showed up at the Studio.

I really hope that kid is Danny's, sorry Grace is almost as annoying as Jared. However, I will give her this, there was a nice bonding moment between Olive and Grace.

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, meep.meep said:

And the writer doesn't know the meaning of the word "inherent"

It's over!  I don't care whether Jared or Zeke got hit.  I don't care whose baby it is.  I don't care about "the callings."  I don't have to watch the bad acting anymore!  I don't have to wonder why Cal looks like a turtle.  And I'm sure as shit not watching this dreck  until June freaking 2024 just to find the answers to their mysteries.

How did I not notice this before?  Damn now I will have to watch to see Olive try to figure out how turtles figure into all of this.  Does this mean Mitch McConnell is Cal's real father?

  • LOL 9
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