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S07.E13: Star City Slayer

Lady Calypso
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This episode was okay. Lots of cringe worthy moments but Stan is good. Really good. Bring him back, writers. You took Prommy from me. Give me Stabby Stan. Kthx. 

Honestly, I am glad William is gone. I never liked the idea of a kid of this show and I still don’t. The writers haven’t done right by Felicity in years. They do not have the range. That said, I only like that Mia/Maya has no time for DD and her shit. That’s the only thing she has going for me.  I’m also glad Curtis is gone. I just...it was time. I am curious to see how the show actually works in Felicity’s company because again, they haven’t shown the range so I guess we will have to see. I’m hoping that this doesn’t sideline her more than she already is but stranger things have happen. 

Overall, it was okay but the cringe worthy moments outweighed a lot for me. 

This show is now Law and Order: Arrow and I just need Olivia Benson to make a cameo. Heh. 

Edited by KillahBee007
Needed to add something else.
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22 minutes ago, Chaser said:

I was really hoping Stan would get a couple episodes of terror. I know that technically he started in 7x11 but we didn’t get to enjoy his performance. 

I need him to come back and cause all kinds of mayhem. He's just such a good, entertaining villain. It makes the Diaz fiasco look even worse in comparison.

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I appreciate the old timey approach Stan used for his stalking - photo film, typed messages on loose leaf, yet another murder board. However, i’d Love to see a modern take next time - a tasteful Pinterest murderboard with digital pictures using a cute filter and screen captured snapchats. 

On the big reveal - can’t wait to see the heart eye level on the next episode - and the ongoing mystery of the fast forwards, I wonder if this ties into the next crossover. We’re supposed to think that Oliver is on borrowed time, but what if the Monitor decides to take away Mia as the “price” for his last intervention? Maybe they only connect later in life, long after team Arrow has gone its separate ways and William is no longer around? It’s needlessly tragic and therefore well within the lane of this show. 

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5 hours ago, Morrigan2575 said:

Stanley is super creepy and I'm happy (crazy, right?) That they didn't kill him. I want him to come back and be creepy again

Stanley is now appearing on the TV show "Siren".

5 hours ago, cambridgeguy said:

Felicity must be off her game if her fancy new security system doesn't have a backup power generator and doesn't have some sort of automatic lockdown protocol.

The security system said there was an unknown person at the door, when in fact there were 2 people at the door.

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When you get to the end of an episode of television you should probably remember what happened in said episode, right? 

Oh, right. Pregnancy! I remember that.

The flash forward plot line makes zero sense to me. ZERO. To the point that I'm not sure if it's the show, me, or the empty gin bottle. Or possibly all three.

7 hours ago, cambridgeguy said:

Felicity must be off her game if her fancy new security system doesn't have a backup power generator and doesn't have some sort of automatic lockdown protocol.

Also, it has no camera to LOOK and see who's at the door. You have to open it to see them. Which defeats the entire purpose of a security system.

And she didn't programme in Williams' grandparents but that may have just been passive aggressiveness.

6 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Why didn't he tell Oliver that he wanted a normal life instead of lying all the time? Why did he call his grandparents instead of being honest?

In his defence, he did kind of try. And he said Oliver wasn't listening to him and only responded with monologues. And then Oliver responded by yelling at him and monologuing about responsibility.  

5 hours ago, Mellowyellow said:

I don't really understand the annoyance that everyone seems to have towards William for doing what he did. I can totally understand him wanting a normal life but feeling like he has to stick around in the sinking ship with Oliver and Felicity because they are his parents. Plus add that to Oliver going public and not giving up Vigilante work, I can see why William would feel like they abandoned him, that he wasn't enough for them to move to Ivy Town and be normal parents and how he would carry that resentment into adulthood. My kid banned my husband from overnight business trips! 

I also get why he beat around the bush and called his grandparents too. My kid (who has had a storybook life so far) beats around the bush to ask for shrimp pasta for dinner. So if you look at William's life: Dead mother, vigilante father, had to go in hiding with new stepmum. He's a hot mess and he's probably too scared/unsure to go about things directly.

Anyways William gets a full pass from me!

I agree. William was just behaving like a teenager. 

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Ok. I need to calm down. I mean even though we knew she was their child. It's nice to get a confirmation.

She made me proud tonight. She punched both Zoe and WIlliam and topped it off by kicking Dinah's ass. It was awesome. 

Anyways, I really liked this episode. Stanley is the villain Diaz wishes he was. And, I had a flashback to earlier times when Felicity and Curtis were saying goodbye. Unlike the other 2, I really liked Curtis back in the day. It is a shame to see what they done to his character. 

All in all, this was a great episode. 

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Heeee I headed into this week ready to b@tch that it was Valentine's week and Arrow is not going to do squat diddly for us but NOW WE ARE EXPECTING AN OLICITOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH *squeals in delight*

I'm gonna dedicate my next jewellery purchase to Mia Smoak! I did abstain for an entire month as a sacrifice to the universe after all!!!!!!!

And it's going to be something jade and green which is so fitting! 

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7 hours ago, KenyaJ said:

Casey is one of my favorite people in this fandom, so I love that this happened. And I love Stephen's acknowledgment that he's had zero chill about this. Also, I'm cracking up imagining him scrolling through the OlicityBaby hashtag tonight. 

That dude should not play poker he has a major tell

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7 hours ago, KenyaJ said:

Casey is one of my favorite people in this fandom, so I love that this happened. And I love Stephen's acknowledgment that he's had zero chill about this. Also, I'm cracking up imagining him scrolling through the OlicityBaby hashtag tonight. 

Oh my gosh, his face! I legit laughed out loud. 

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6 hours ago, calliope1975 said:

I'm going to coast during the hiatus on the hope/assumption that since Mia dislikes/distrusts Dinah that that means Felicity does, too. Give me this, Show!

I'm kinda wanting flashbacks of Mia telling her parents as shes growin that Rene and Dinah ARE NOT THEIR FRIENDS cause Mia gets info of their civil War and other activities. Remind them of how they turned their backs on them How Rene came at Oliver with an Ax. Almost Shot Felicity, Curtis hurt Uncle Diggle Etc. But that wont happen though.

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1 minute ago, Mellowyellow said:

The cast REALLY well for the siblings! In the scenes between Mia and Adult William, Kat and Ben looked soooo similar! The lower half of their faces have super similar features!

I know! Whoever Casted for Adult William and Mia really did a fantastic job cause from the episodes in which both Ben and Kat made their debuts as William and Mia it was talked about how much they looked like they were related to Oliver/Young William for Ben and like EBR for Kat. I love that Mia is a great blend of her daddy and Momma

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3 hours ago, AudienceofOne said:

Also, it has no camera to LOOK and see who's at the door. You have to open it to see them. Which defeats the entire purpose of a security system.

Yeah, unless there's some additional screening we didn't see then apparently the best way to kill Oliver Queen is to just walk up to his front door.  He'll open it without even asking who's there.

There's still about half a season left but doesn't it seem like Roy is nothing but a glorified extra?  Removing him from the future scenes wouldn't really change anything and we haven't learned a thing about why he was living as a self-imposed hermit on Lian Yu.

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Never cared for young William.. So I'm hood with him being gone.. The whole episode I kept thinking... Boy your daddy is the green arrow.. I'd watch my mouth and attitude... You know he can snap.. I'm not running that risk... I didn't actively hate Curtis... And compared to Wally and Jax he was at least given an opportunity to shine a bit as a character... Just didn't seem to catch on.. So as I've said before I like the actor but ima need Arrow to spell it out that Connor Hawke isn't Lyla's kid and by extension where she and JJ are.. Cruz that young man while charismatic and fun to watch.. Ain't the offspring of brown skin John Diggle and Lyla... I figure he's the same age as Mia and they just introduced her in utero.. So unless Lyla dies soon and Diggle grief-bangs a siesta in the next few months ima be confused 

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/wetblanket I just hope that the same people who were complaining that FS has been sidelined will absolutely have that same energy going forward. The writers have yet to show that they can handle a decent SL for the character.I fear most fans are going to ignore the glaring issues with her SL. /wet blanket

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Videos courtesy of Olicity Source...

Arrow - Oliver, Felicity and William 7x13 Scenes part 6 (Felicity is pregnant)

Arrow - 7x13 Flashforwards Scenes Part 2 ("My name is Mia Smoak" - Oliver & Felicity's daughter)

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What I Loved

Felicity is pregnant!

Future Felicity is alive! (Or at least Mia believes so.)

Mia is Olicity's kid!  

Curtis is leaving!

Also, Oliver, Felicity and William working together to take down Stan was a treat to watch. I loved how they all understood each other with just looks and without words.

What I Hated

They are really making it seem like Oliver died while Mia was still an infant and that Felicity took Mia and went underground, even not contacting William. I don't know how they're going to write themselves out of this gloomy future.

Team Arrow working legally with the SCPD is just boring. 

Ugh, the grandparents! I see that Samantha inherited her reasoning genes from these two.  Mr. Clayton's blaming Oliver for being absent from most of William's life ignores the fact that it was his daughter Samantha who kept William a secret from Oliver for 10 years.

Mrs. Clayton's saying that neither Oliver nor Felicity is fit to be William's guardian was unfair and unwarranted, especially when it comes to Felicity.

Also, as @Bkwurm1 noted upthread, Mrs. Clayton saying that Samantha would've wanted William to live with his grandparents ignores the fact that the dying Samantha made Oliver promise to be William's parent. (601 - Samantha: “William needs a parent. Promise me that you will be his father.” Oliver: “I promise.”)


Dinah's getting her throat cut could mean that she loses her meta canary cry. If so, then this could mean one of at least two things: (1) It's part of Black Siren's redemption arc, so Dinah gives up being the Black Canary and E2 Laurel assumes the Black Canary mantle at the end of this season; or (2) it's part of Arrow returning to its grounded roots by removing all metahumans from the show, so Dinah remains Black Canary but uses an electronic sonic cry (E1 Laurel's sonic collar or Sara's sonic device) and, in a twist, E2 Laurel is not redeemed but returns to being evil and ends up locked up in ARGUS prison at the end of this season.

P.S. Oliver's new voiceover is the same as the Barry-as-Oliver voiceover in the 709 crossover episode.

Edited by tv echo
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1 minute ago, tv echo said:


Dinah's getting her throat cut could mean that she loses her meta canary cry. If so, then this could mean one of two things: (1) It's part of Black Siren's redemption arc, so Dinah gives up being the Black Canary and E2 Laurel assumes the Black Canary mantle at the end of this season; or (2) it's part of Arrow returning to its grounded roots by removing all metahuman abilities on the show, so Dinah remains Black Canary but uses the electronic sonic cry (E1 Laurel's sonic collar or Sara's sonic device) and, in a twist, E2 Laurel is not redeemed but returns to evil and is locked up in ARGUS prison at the end of this season.

I don't know - Dinah's still one of a million Black Canaries in the future, and having the meta cry isn't a prerequisite for the position given that the two before her didn't have that power either. Then again Laurel taking over the mantle without any real reason to would be par for the course for this show, so...maybe they both keep the name and this is the beginning of the Canary Network, LOL.

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I'm not convinced Dinah lost the cry but, if she did there's a few thoughts on that.  Dinah Drake (pre nu52) didn't have a Canary Cry, so they could just be returning the character to her roots.  Or, they could have given Dinah Drake the Dinah Lance story of getting tortured and losing her Cry.  Hell, they already have LPs on Arrow and Dinah Lance got her cry back from snuggling up to Ra's Al Ghul.

Personally, I think they're going to follow a story of what makes someone a hero?  Is Dinah the Black Canary because she has a cry or because of who she is and what she does.  Plus they already had Dinah being Captain and even in this episode she was dealing with emotional fallout of Cop vs BC (now that she was outed).  I also think that Dinah will use her Cry again before the end of S7, not sure if it will be in 2019 or 2040 but, i think she still has it.  Might be weaker or painful to use but, it's a pretty standard Comic trope.

Given that she's the Black Canary in 2040 and running a BC network with Zoe as her apprentice (giving her the Canary pin in 2018) I don't think there's any intention of making BS into BC 5.5 (Sara, Laurel, Evelyn, Dinah, 2040 Zoe, BS).   

ETA: I was watching the fight clip on my computer...did Dinah use Laurel's Tonfa?

Edited by Morrigan2575
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21 minutes ago, tv echo said:

They are really making it seem like Oliver died while Mia was still an infant and that Felicity took Mia and went underground, even not contacting William. I don't know how they're going to write themselves out of this gloomy future.

Nora's still over on Flash, changing the timeline.  Team Legends is fighting magical thingies, also changing the timeline. I know what Beth Schwartz is saying, but the setup for these shows now ensures that nothing is set in stone.

Not to mention that all of this heavy handed "OLIVER IS GOING TO SACRIFICE HIMSELF FOR EVERYONE IN CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS" is convincing me that Oliver is going to do no such thing. 

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12 minutes ago, quarks said:

Nora's still over on Flash, changing the timeline.  Team Legends is fighting magical thingies, also changing the timeline. I know what Beth Schwartz is saying, but the setup for these shows now ensures that nothing is set in stone.

Not to mention that all of this heavy handed "OLIVER IS GOING TO SACRIFICE HIMSELF FOR EVERYONE IN CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS" is convincing me that Oliver is going to do no such thing. 

I'd also argue that Beth and the Cast/Crew are LYING to us in interviews to hide spoilers.  So yeah, i think this whole fixed future timeline is kind of full of shit.  

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2 hours ago, UNOSEZ said:

So as I've said before I like the actor but ima need Arrow to spell it out that Connor Hawke isn't Lyla's kid and by extension where she and JJ are.. Cruz that young man while charismatic and fun to watch.. Ain't the offspring of brown skin John Diggle and Lyla... I figure he's the same age as Mia and they just introduced her in utero.. So unless Lyla dies soon and Diggle grief-bangs a siesta in the next few months ima be confused 

Connor IS JJ.  He just goes by another name for some reason. Lyla is his mom.  

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I suppose if you're an Olicity fan you will love this episode, but I thought it was pretty mediocre (like most of the season so far), with the exception of Stanley's monologue and a few Oliver/William scenes. Jack Moore is so much better at the calm stuff though. Stephen Amell seemed a bit less bored.

Still got no idea how the overall storyline is progressing.

I did laugh when the machine said that the Green Arrow had entered the building and future William getting pushed away by Dinah. Frankly, I think all these flashforwards should be scrapped and isn't doing the show any favours. 

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40 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

I'd also argue that Beth and the Cast/Crew are LYING to us in interviews to hide spoilers.  So yeah, i think this whole fixed future timeline is kind of full of shit.  

It pretty much has to be.  Star City is a craphole, William and Mia seem to have massive issues with their parents, etc.  So that means Oliver and Felicity failed big time on both a professional and personal level.  Even if there's some sort of Disney style happy ending where everyone forgives everybody else that's still decades of misery.  That's a lousy note to end a show on.

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I really hope the flash forwards aren't fixed. Normally I would be against it, because I think huge curveballs like that are a waste of the audience's time and makes it harder to get invested knowing that things can be rewritten and changed so easily. I could not be more in favor of it here - every facet of this future absolutely sucks. 

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Yeah, I'm sure the worst we are imagining for the characters will be somewhat mitigated but Star City was a character on the show and Star City's future probably right now is worse than we are even imagining.  With this future, the best we can hope for in regards Star City' is that it gets proved it not Oliver and co's fault it went to absolute crapola.  Very cold comfort.

Hard to root for Oliver's mission or any of the sacrifices he and Felicity make when you know it's a failure.  

Edited by BkWurm1
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1 hour ago, BkWurm1 said:

Connor IS JJ.  He just goes by another name for some reason. Lyla is his mom.  

If that's the case its really hard to swallow.. And it kinda pulls me out of focus a little bit.. Cuz he is so much darker than diggle.. And of course lyla... I mean there has to have been somebody in the casting process who at least asked how those two could've created him... That said from his performance on legends and the little I saw here I do enjoy so maybe I'll be able to power thru

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I have to give SA kudos in those scenes with William where the kid tells him he wants to live in Central City; he did a really good job of showing Oliver's pain even as he let William go. Even Jack looked like he was conflicted in the last scene. (I'm still not forgiving him for calling the Claytons behind Oliver's back to take him away.)

They're deliberately teasing us about whether Dinah lost the canary cry or not otherwise she would have used it on Mia when she was fighting her in the future scene.

13 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

This is the point that bugs me so.  The point of Oliver having a secret identity was not merely to keep from being arrested, it was ALWAYS to protect the ones he loved from the danger of that part of his life.  Now everyone knows he's the Arrow and anyone with a beef against him can go after his fam and now his son that the public has seen on TV is living unguarded just six hours away.

It wouldn't surprise me if William's first day of school, all the other kids go up to him and ask him what it's like being the son of the Green Arrow, and does he know The Flash.

I know William wants to live a normal life but I'd send him to the nosy neighbour in Ivy Town before I'd let him live with terrible people like the Clayton's appear to be.

12 hours ago, KillahBee007 said:

This show is now Law and Order: Arrow and I just need Olivia Benson to make a cameo. Heh. 

I know. It's the most boring thing, and it takes Arrow away from being a superhero show. Now he's just a guy who gives up his kid so that he can be a pseudo-cop.  If I have to take this, at least give me Philip Winchester.

8 minutes ago, UNOSEZ said:

If that's the case its really hard to swallow.. And it kinda pulls me out of focus a little bit.. Cuz he is so much darker than diggle.. And of course lyla... I mean there has to have been somebody in the casting process who at least asked how those two could've created him...

Genetics work in crazy ways though. There are recessive genes and multiple genes for colour. It's not unheard of for a child to be darker skinned than either parent.

Edited by statsgirl
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17 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

I know. It's the most boring thing, and it takes Arrow away from being a superhero show. Now he's just a guy who gives up his kid so that he can be a pseudo-cop.  If I have to take this, at least give me Philip Winchester.

You have my attention. 😆

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4 hours ago, KillahBee007 said:

/wetblanket I just hope that the same people who were complaining that FS has been sidelined will absolutely have that same energy going forward. The writers have yet to show that they can handle a decent SL for the character.I fear most fans are going to ignore the glaring issues with her SL. /wet blanket

I saw a lot of of talk on my Twitter TL last night about Felicity being sidelined even more by the pregnancy (mostly by people who don't watch anymore and were hating on Olicity fans for only liking her character as a love interest and an "incubator" - ugh), but I thought it was very deliberate on the show's part to have her regain control of Helix and discuss her purpose in the scene just before the pregnancy reveal. Let's face it; this show never does a good job of juggling storylines for ANY character, but I think I reacted so well to the baby news because that scene immediately preceded it. Plus, we know that Smoak Tech and her Archer program play a big part in the future. 

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4 minutes ago, Trisha said:

I saw a lot of of talk on my Twitter TL last night about Felicity being sidelined even more by the pregnancy (mostly by people who don't watch anymore and were hating on Olicity fans for only liking her character as a love interest and an "incubator" - ugh), but I thought it was very deliberate on the show's part to have her regain control of Helix and discuss her purpose in the scene just before the pregnancy reveal. Let's face it; this show never does a good job of juggling storylines for ANY character, but I think I reacted so well to the baby news because that scene immediately preceded it. Plus, we know that Smoak Tech and her Archer program play a big part in the future. 

I hope you’re right but I’m going by the eye test. If I’m wrong, then bless up. 🙂

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8 minutes ago, Trisha said:

I saw a lot of of talk on my Twitter TL last night about Felicity being sidelined even more by the pregnancy (mostly by people who don't watch anymore and were hating on Olicity fans for only liking her character as a love interest and an "incubator" - ugh), but I thought it was very deliberate on the show's part to have her regain control of Helix and discuss her purpose in the scene just before the pregnancy reveal. Let's face it; this show never does a good job of juggling storylines for ANY character, but I think I reacted so well to the baby news because that scene immediately preceded it. Plus, we know that Smoak Tech and her Archer program play a big part in the future. 

I also think that once the team stops operating out of SCPD and goes back to the lair, she'll be more involved with team storylines. I thought they were just being sloppy and exclusionary (because...well, it's Arrow), but given that Mia goes by Smoak instead of Queen in the future because it's "safer," seems like the writers intentionally excluded Felicity from Law & Order: Star City and didn't connect her to any public vigilante stuff because of whatever they're doing in the future.

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1 hour ago, statsgirl said:

I have to give SA kudos in those scenes with William where the kid tells him he wants to live in Central City; he did a really good job of showing Oliver's pain even as he let William go. Even Jack looked like he was conflicted in the last scene.

Yeah, his face in the beginning of this moment nearly broke me. Jack and his family obviously adore Emily IRL, so I imagine that had to be pretty emotional for him if this is the last we see of little Will. (Ugh, I'm so depressed by that thought.)

24 minutes ago, Trisha said:

I saw a lot of of talk on my Twitter TL last night about Felicity being sidelined even more by the pregnancy (mostly by people who don't watch anymore and were hating on Olicity fans for only liking her character as a love interest and an "incubator" - ugh), but I thought it was very deliberate on the show's part to have her regain control of Helix and discuss her purpose in the scene just before the pregnancy reveal. Let's face it; this show never does a good job of juggling storylines for ANY character, but I think I reacted so well to the baby news because that scene immediately preceded it. Plus, we know that Smoak Tech and her Archer program play a big part in the future. 

I was so surprised that they acknowledged that Felicity's essentially been spinning her wheels since Oliver got out of prison. I thought it was just due to the writers' incompetence, so I'm slightly relieved that they think so too and it's apparently been deliberate. I've been fooled by this show too many times to put my faith into the writers, but I'm hopeful that this really is the starting point for the launch of Smoak Tech and the big role that it sounds like the Archer program is playing in the flash forwards.

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22 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

I also think that once the team stops operating out of SCPD and goes back to the lair, she'll be more involved with team storylines. I thought they were just being sloppy and exclusionary (because...well, it's Arrow), but given that Mia goes by Smoak instead of Queen in the future because it's "safer," seems like the writers intentionally excluded Felicity from Law & Order: Star City and didn't connect her to any public vigilante stuff because of whatever they're doing in the future.

Up until the KM interview i figured Felicity was isolated from the team because they were still pushing the OMG Felicity is Evil and trying to blow up SC!  So keeping her Evil FF Island made sense in that we're supposed to view Felicity as "other" and see why Dinah/Rene/Zoe (team) would believe it in the Future. 

After the KM interview i can to the same conclusion, Felicity wasn't outed because of the future storyline and how Queen paints a target but, Smoak doesn't.

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Awww, Stanley in his weird psychotic way was trying to defend Oliver`s honour against the numbskulls who were pretty okay with letting him rot in prison while going about their perky litttle lives. Well, I wanted them called out on their shit and if a demented serial killer is the only representation I can get, I`m firmly on his side in the matter. 

So much scarier than Diaz.

Why does adult!William feel abandoned if this was a mutual parting with no hard feelings? 

I`m happy about an Olicity baby but I sure hope those stupid flash forwards get overwritten somehow. It`s ridiculous that apparently Star City is this dystopian society build around the Golden Glades now. And Oliver and Felicity and even their unborn baby have shitty lives forever while Mullet!Rene thrives. Come.on. 

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1 hour ago, Morrigan2575 said:

After the KM interview i can to the same conclusion, Felicity wasn't outed because of the future storyline and how Queen paints a target but, Smoak doesn't.

Which makes no sense.  Mia Queen would be a walking target but being the daughter of Felicity Smoak (you know, Oliver's wife) is A-OK because there's no way she's a Queen?  Are they going to spread some lie about how Felicity cheated on Oliver while he was in prison?  Will there be a divorce to throw off the baddies?

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6 minutes ago, cambridgeguy said:

Which makes no sense.  Mia Queen would be a walking target but being the daughter of Felicity Smoak (you know, Oliver's wife) is A-OK because there's no way she's a Queen?  Are they going to spread some lie about how Felicity cheated on Oliver while he was in prison?  Will there be a divorce to throw off the baddies?

I mean, that's the flat-out stated reason in show post-mortems, that being a Queen puts a target on her back and that's why she uses Smoak. It doesn't make a whole lot of sense, but I'm guessing it's possible that Felicity gets a pass by a) not actually being a vigilante as far as the public knows and b) doing something with Smoak Tech that has a great positive impact on the city that makes her heroic to them.

Edited by apinknightmare
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1 hour ago, insomniadreams88 said:

I just noticed that Connor tells Dinah and Roy, "I already know everything I need to know about you."

I'm assuming that says something about the team's relationship in the future, no matter what the Mark of Four supposedly represents. 

Yeah and of course the scene with Dinah asking Roy if they could trust William being Oliver Queens son makes me think something happened between them maybe a Civil war again? Which would make Roy look bad if he sided with Dinah.

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8 hours ago, UNOSEZ said:

If that's the case its really hard to swallow.. And it kinda pulls me out of focus a little bit.. Cuz he is so much darker than diggle.. And of course lyla... I mean there has to have been somebody in the casting process who at least asked how those two could've created him... That said from his performance on legends and the little I saw here I do enjoy so maybe I'll be able to power thru


Genetics work in crazy ways though. There are recessive genes and multiple genes for colour. It's not unheard of for a child to be darker skinned than either parent.

There are even documented cases of fraternal twins where one is black and one is fair skinned.  Genetics in regards to skin color isn't  just like pouring milk into coffee.   

7 hours ago, insomniadreams88 said:

I just noticed that Connor tells Dinah and Roy, "I already know everything I need to know about you."

I'm assuming that says something about the team's relationship in the future, no matter what the Mark of Four supposedly represents. 

Maybe Roy gets lumped in with the rest because he was off brooding for a decade by himself rather than being there when they needed him while Dinah seems to be the actual cause of the mess to some extent. 


6 hours ago, cambridgeguy said:

Which makes no sense.  Mia Queen would be a walking target but being the daughter of Felicity Smoak (you know, Oliver's wife) is A-OK because there's no way she's a Queen?  Are they going to spread some lie about how Felicity cheated on Oliver while he was in prison?  Will there be a divorce to throw off the baddies?

The last part that I bolded wouldn't surprise me.  Though at this point I'm leaning more to them faking his death or going underground and thus keeping their relationship a secret.  I can imagine them even making it seem publically like he has abandoned his family, something that would just KILL Oliver to have people think about him, but something he'd do if it meant keeping them safe.  

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54 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

There are even documented cases of fraternal twins where one is black and one is fair skinned.  Genetics in regards to skin color isn't  just like pouring milk into coffee.   

 Yup! I can attest to that.  Not just skin colour but facial features too. Hubs and I are both full Asian but the kid looks mixed so if he's only with one parent someone will ask if his other parent is white. Sometimes people even go so far as to suggest we have a white relative we don't know about😂

That said JJ is JJ right? I'm kinda confused now that a few people are debating it. He's the little dude who ate all the cookies yes????

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34 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

That said JJ is JJ right? I'm kinda confused now that a few people are debating it. He's the little dude who ate all the cookies yes????

Yes or least when the actor appeared on the Star City 2046 episode of LoT he was John Diggle Jr going by Connor Hawke but since JJ was still Baby Sara back then it's all pretty confusing. 

ETA: Or maybe not since the WB press release calls him Diggle's adopted son. They couldn't make this more confusing if they tried.

Edited by JamieLynn832002
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40 minutes ago, JamieLynn832002 said:

Yes or least when the actor appeared on the Star City 2046 episode of LoT he was John Diggle Jr going by Connor Hawke but since JJ was still Baby Sara back then it's all pretty confusing. 

ETA: Or maybe not since the WB press release calls him Diggle's adopted son. They couldn't make this more confusing if they tried.

Once again, I blame Barry Allen.

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8 hours ago, Trisha said:

I saw a lot of of talk on my Twitter TL last night about Felicity being sidelined even more by the pregnancy (mostly by people who don't watch anymore and were hating on Olicity fans for only liking her character as a love interest and an "incubator" - ugh), but I thought it was very deliberate on the show's part to have her regain control of Helix and discuss her purpose in the scene just before the pregnancy reveal. Let's face it; this show never does a good job of juggling storylines for ANY character, but I think I reacted so well to the baby news because that scene immediately preceded it. Plus, we know that Smoak Tech and her Archer program play a big part in the future. 

And Curtis just left town, so Team Arrow needs a tech support/science person again. I'm guessing that since those people didn't actually watch the episode, they missed that part.

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I would worry about her being sidelined two seasons ago but she didn't have a baby in 6B and they didn't write much for her either so I don't think a baby is going to be an issue regardless. 

As much as I loathe NTA and Dinah's terrible acting, Curtis's infringement on Felicity's turf offended me the most so I'm glad he's gone. 

It was lovely the way they wrote him out and his speech to Felicity and the handing over of the company to her was nice. I took it as meta that my girl was getting back what was hers.


I've seen some less than stellar reactions from certain ex members of the fandom. I get being angry at the show (hehe I'm angry like every  other week) but I almost feel like they're angrier when something nice does happen these days cuz it proves them wrong. 

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