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S02.E05: Head of Household #2; Nominations #2

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Thanks, Newfoundland and Labrador, for needing to be special and be in a different time zone and letting me watch the show an hour earlier than normal so I don't miss any of the SAG Awards. 

Natalie Eva Marie Laura Rachel Danielle who apparently believes in voting with the house, paraphrased: "How dare Diana Dina not vote with us!"

Did... did any of you talk to Dina? Dina who isn't part of your alliance? Did anyone go up to Dina and explain how you were going to vote? Tell her that you were going to vote to evict Jonathan, the guy who just stuck his neck out to protect Dina and the reason why you broke up your original 75% of the house alliance? Or was she just supposed to pick it up by osmosis? 

Seriously, Dina is precious and too good for this game and if you ever told me that I was going to be rooting for a Lohan to do anything other than make headlines of TMZ, I would have laughed until I threw my back out but here I am, rooting for Mama Lohan. 

I need Kato to shut up and I need Joey to stop wearing that odd toque and glasses combo because he looked like an overaged boybander that didn't want to give up the dream. And I definitely need Tamar to keep things interesting in the house. 

  • Love 5

No Lolo, Ryan didn't "try" and backdoor you.  He had the power and didn't do it.

The Dina bashing was silly.  She had no clue what was going on and voted for her friend.  So what!  Kato purposely didn't tell her.

Fun with the wall!  BB is blasting them really good.  Tamar is over the top.  It's only 2 feet down!

Kandi was funny "Drowning in the shallow end.  Just stand up!"

Good deal making by Kato - even though his DRs are annoying as hell - and She of Many Names can play next time.

Did we really need that whole piece about his colon?  TMI.

Joey looks like the creepy old dude hanging out with the teenagers at the arcade.

Tamar finally pushes LoLo over the edge.  She is exhausting with that attitude and then some. 

Please evict her.  That voice gets to me like the proverbial nails on the chalkboard.

Good move by LoLo to make peace.  That will last about.......lol

Kato's speech was interesting.  I think he's overreacting to Dina's cheering, but whatever, it's as good an excuse as anything else.

  • Love 7

"I slipped on some shrimp today" just shot up to the number one position in the hall of fame for reasons given during a nomination speech.

Hey, I got nothing against Kato personally-nothing that happened in June of 1995 was his fault in any way yet the inescapable fact remains two people had to brutally die for him to be in the house tonight instead of him being in the sea of anonymity the rest of us are swimming in. I can't seem to look at him without thinking that.

Ricky working up a sweat to get Kato's GI track moving...thy name is filler...filler we absolutely did not need to see capped off by a completely scripted "comedy routine" of him fleeing the Diary Room. That's another thing....everything is so scripted in the DR at this point that Big Brother is nearly as fake as wrestling....stop...just stop with feeding them lines to make them sound funny...you're only showing Allison Grodner's maturity level.

Oh and when Tamar is the voice of reason in the house you know the combined IQs couldn't break above room temperature.

The square table threw me off....I'm probably overthinking this but were they shooting for a riff on "Hollywood Squares"....yeah, you're overthinking this...Grodner and crew aren't that clever.

  • Love 10
6 minutes ago, Lamima said:

Yeah, seems Joey is this year's Metta....he is a bit odd. 

What was with his using the hairdrier? Was he drying himself with it? Then he shot it into his shoes? Someone else mentioned something about his hair dryer as well. He really gives off a weird vibe.

Agreed that we had about 5 minutes TMI with the whole colon thing. Are these HGs that uninteresting we had to show that whole thing?

I don't blame Lolo for even a tenth of a second for not being able to deal with Tamar. She really is tiring, and seemingly always needs assuring as well. Listen, people were up late hanging out. It's a social game. You chose to stay in your room instead. Don't crucify others for having a social game beside pissing people off. She really needs to go home. And what was with wearing a welder's mask and expecting others to have a serious conversation with you??

I am a bit bummed that Kato isn't going home this week as he's kind of dancing around on my last nerve with his... umm... exuberance? "Kato won the Veto!! Kato won HoH!!" Everyone chant and dance with me, ahhh no. I'll take a pass.

Ryan may be the worst DR cue card reader ever.

7 minutes ago, North of Eden said:

That's another thing....everything is so scripted in the DR at this point that Big Brother is nearly as fake as wrestling....stop...just stop with feeding them lines to make them sound funny...you're only showing Allison Grodner's maturity level.

Exactly. Soooo much this. I think part of it is as I mentioned these HG are horrrrrible at reading them and breathing any life into them. Though at the same time Tom's "Is that even a sentance?" response to what he had just read is the highlight of the season for me.

  • Love 6

Well I still like Ricky and that is about it at this point.  Kandi didn't do anything and was quiet and Purple Hair wasn't too bad so they can hang around for awhile.  The rest can go right now.

Hope Screechy Bald Lady goes if they can't backdoor Ryan.  Wish Bald Whoa Guy would go out the door with Bald Gal in a kind of Double Bald eviction night special.

Lolo is freaking and Kato couldn't shut up so they move to my "just leave already" list too.  And I still hate the Unfunny Comedian.

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, North of Eden said:

"I slipped on some shrimp today" just shot up to the number one position in the hall of fame for reasons given during a nomination speech.

Hey, I got nothing against Kato personally-nothing that happened in June of 1995 was his fault in any way yet the inescapable fact remains two people had to brutally die for him to be in the house tonight instead of him being in the sea of anonymity the rest of us are swimming in. I can't seem to look at him without thinking that.

Ricky working up a sweat to get Kato's GI track moving...thy name is filler...filler we absolutely did not need to see capped off by a completely scripted "comedy routine" of him fleeing the Diary Room. That's another thing....everything is so scripted in the DR at this point that Big Brother is nearly as fake as wrestling....stop...just stop with feeding them lines to make them sound funny...you're only showing Allison Grodner's maturity level.

Oh and when Tamar is the voice of reason in the house you know the combined IQs couldn't break above room temperature.

The square table threw me off....I'm probably overthinking this but were they shooting for a riff on "Hollywood Squares"....yeah, you're overthinking this...Grodner and crew aren't that clever.

Do you watch Real Housewives of Beverly Hills? Faye Resnick is on there every season. She is Kyle’s  Gayle King.


The only people that had enough sense to become private citizens were Nicole’s kids. 

  • Love 1

I'm not sure what the group dynamics are in regards to the house, but why was Tamar acting like she was being ordered to be everyone's maid? Didn't they simply ask her to clean up after herself, like I assume most of them are expected to do? She seems to have many chips on her shoulder and it's exhausting to watch.

Edited by SHD
  • Love 15
4 minutes ago, SHD said:

I'm not sure what the group dynamics are in regards to the house, but why was Tamar acting like was being ordered to be everyone's maid? Didn't they simply ask her to clean up after herself, like I assume most of them are expected to do? she seems to have many chips on her shoulder and it's exhausting to watch.

Let’s see - in order now : neither are they, Tamar likes to play the victim, yes they did, yes they are (and do, mostly), no shit, and No Shit - the Sequel.  ;)

  • Love 7
5 minutes ago, SHD said:

I'm not sure what the group dynamics are in regards to the house, but why was Tamar acting like was being ordered to be everyone's maid? Didn't they simply ask her to clean up after herself, like I assume most of them are expected to do? she seems to have many chips on her shoulder and it's exhausting to watch.

She said something to the affect of 'I don't clean'.  I'm very serious, besides the family reality show, is she known for anything else? I cannot imagine that screechy voice carrying a tune. 

Did she Kato was going to change his nomination by her c interrupting him after every word? 

  • Love 5

See, I don’t mind Tamar that much but I find LoLo absolutely exhausting. She’s just as dramatic and annoying and I’d love to see her and Natalie Marie Eva Susan Josephine be the next two out the door.

I agree that the DRs sound even more scripted than usual this time. You’d think actors would be better at reading their lines. They’re all much more entertaining when they’re being themselves. For example, I don’t find Tom’s DRs particularly amusing but his off the cuff remarks in the house often crack me up. I’m still chuckling over “How are the grapes?”

It’s crazy how much Dina and Lindsay look alike. And seeing how Lindsay looks pretty rough for her age, Dina could totally pass for her older sister.

I don’t get why Kato thinks Ryan is the biggest threat in the house. He had one person he was close to and now that person is gone so he has nobody. He’s literally the least biggest threat in the house right now.  I can’t believe I’m rooting for Ryan Lochte...what has happened to me?

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, Rachel RSL said:

For example, I don’t find Tom’s DRs particularly amusing but his off the cuff remarks in the house often crack me up. I’m still chuckling over “How are the grapes?”

After his “wait, is that even a sentence?” crack I’m betting Tom has the DR cue card scriptwriters paranoid as fuck - because you just KNOW (a) that embarrassed the writers in front of their bosses (yaknow, the producers?), and (b) selfsame producers cackled like hell and insisted it be in the aired show, when the writers would just as well have rather left it out.  

So expect Tom’s DR cue cards to be milquetoast as shit and a paean to the Grammar Gods from here on out.  :>


1 hour ago, Rachel RSL said:

I don’t get why Kato thinks Ryan is the biggest threat in the house. He had one person he was close to and now that person is gone so he has nobody. He’s literally the least biggest threat in the house right now.

Kato is thinking purely in terms of Ryan as a physical comp threat - which is surprisingly limited thinking, Kato-wise.

  • Love 3

Something weird was going on with CBS and the internet so I couldn't watch the show live. But I had a bunch of my other websites going just fine.

I wonder if it's different for Tamar to have adults standing up to her and giving her crap back.  I agree that the colon segment wasn't necessary. There really isn't enough stuff going on in the house so they chose that segment?

The HOH comp was great. I wish it hadn't started so late in the evening (central time late anyway) so I could have watched it on the live feeds. Maybe I'll go back and watch it anyway on the feeds. It's 6:12 am pacific time so there's no action going on anyway.

57 minutes ago, Lamima said:

Well, he isn't wrong. Ryan kind of is a threat. But so is Lolo as she is in a big alliance and a potential comp beast. He should be backdooring her. And since Ryan is a floater right now, get him to promise loyalty to you if you keep him around. 

Don’t know if you heard, but Lolo’s not into that sort of thing - not yet, anyway.  ;)


(I know!  I know, but I couldn’t resist!  I’m sawry...!!!)

  • Love 6
13 hours ago, PaperTree said:

Tamar finally pushes LoLo over the edge.

Lolo was already at the edge....though Tamar makes me want to slap someone, Lolo is a muhfuckin’ LOON!  Goddamn, the way she snapped on Tamar was unnecessary and if I were Tamar I’d keep my distance from here on out.  Can’t wait for her plastic doll face and Natalie Eva Marie Saint Largepepperonipizzawithextracheese to be on the block

Keep it up with the jokes, Nashville....I do feel for the man (or woman) that gets to deflower the Hulkstress.

13 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

Ryan may be the worst DR cue card reader ever.

Bless his heart, a 'Reading for Dummies' book is coming his way soon.

UO - I liked Joey in that hat/glasses.

I'll see myself out.

  • Love 3

What was up with Tamar packing to leave and telling Tom she was leaving, but then going on about she isn't a quitter? Huh?! I think Tamar didnt know what to do when Lolo gave shit right back. I also noticed there was no apology from Tamar when Lolo was being the better person and apologizing.  Yes, Lolo is dramatic too, but I don't think she was wrong in this instance.  

Edited by Cherry Cola
  • Love 11
8 minutes ago, Cherry Cola said:

What was up with Tamar packing to leave and telling Tom she was leaving, but then going on about she isn't a quitter? Huh?! I think Tamar didnt know what to do when Lolo gave shit right back. I also noticed there was no apology from Tamar when Lolo was being the better person and apologizing.  Yes, Lolo is dramatic too, but I don't think she was wrong in this instance.  

On another thread I ventured the guess Tamar is the ‘baby’ of her family, and behavior like this is exactly why:

  • Given to attention-getting behavior - OTT emotional outbreaks, grandstanding, histrionics, etc.
  • Feels her opinion is superior to others; she feels no discussion is ‘correct’ unless she has had the opportunity to completely and fully expound upon her personal views, but pays little attention and/or gives scant regard to the views of others.  Seems to regard other people’s conversations as little more than unwelcome interruptions in her own conversational flow.
  • In a related vein: hypersensitive to interruptions when she speaks, but has zero problems with repeatedly interrupting others to interject her own thoughts - and (I suspect) is totally unaware she is doing this, or of the hypocrisy inherent in such behavior.

...all of which indicates (to me, anyway) Tamar was a severely coddled youngest child whose inappropriate behavior was tolerated/excused within her family, simply because she was the ‘baby’.

  • Love 7
15 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Thanks, Newfoundland and Labrador, for needing to be special and be in a different time zone and letting me watch the show an hour earlier than normal so I don't miss any of the SAG Awards.  

My Global station also aired it an hour earlier than CBS, and since I don't have cable, all I ended up seeing was the last couple minutes. 😟  

Is tonight live, and another eviction?

3 hours ago, Nashville said:

Don’t know if you heard, but Lolo’s not into that sort of thing - not yet, anyway.  ;)


(I know!  I know, but I couldn’t resist!  I’m sawry...!!!)

So glad it's not just me making this joke at every possible opportunity. 

1 hour ago, Cherry Cola said:

What was up with Tamar packing to leave and telling Tom she was leaving, but then going on about she isn't a quitter? Huh?! I think Tamar didnt know what to do when Lolo gave shit right back. I also noticed there was no apology from Tamar when Lolo was being the better person and apologizing.  Yes, Lolo is dramatic too, but I don't think she was wrong in this instance.  

This. So much. They both looked like asses in the argument itself, but Tamar is a jackass for not returning the apology. 

Between that, the INSANE wall freakout, and the utterly ridiculous "not the maid!!!!" crap, she had one helluvan episode. 

  • Love 6
12 minutes ago, IndyMischa said:

This. So much. They both looked like asses in the argument itself, but Tamar is a jackass for not returning the apology. 

Tamar appears to lack any measurable awareness of how her actions may be seen/received by others.


12 minutes ago, IndyMischa said:

Between that, the INSANE wall freakout, and the utterly ridiculous "not the maid!!!!" crap, she had one helluvan episode. 

Sounds like a new model for 2019 - the Dodge Helluvan!  :)

  • Love 2

I'm beginning to understand why Lolo is single and supposedly still a virgin.  Wow.  Nobody wants to take on that bag of crazy!  She's just so....quick to take righteous anger.  Now, Tamar is giving her plenty of reasons to be frustrated and strike back, I'm not going to try and pretend that ain't happening.  But Lolo was also the bigger person and made a really nice apology to Tamar.  I think Lolo just has quick emotions, and she seesaws back and forth too easily.  Her coaches must use that for her training, so have encouraged her in that way.  Otherwise, I'd imagine, friends, family, acquaintances, random strangers etc. would have conditioned that behavior out of her.

I am really hoping that Tamar's "I don't clean" comment was relative to her cooking a meal for the group, because that's a general rule: if one cooks for others, then others clean up.  Otherwise, if she just flat out doesn't pick up after herself--ever--then that's going to get old.  "I slipped on a shrimp today" can become code.

I have to say, Kato nominating Dina based on her not rooting for him during his time on the HoH competition wall was a little messed up.  I think Dina was encouraging everyone still on the wall, not any one person over the other.  I think it was Tamar who said what Kato heard as negative to him coming from Dina.  Both Dina and Tamar have kind of raspy voices, and when Kato said that Dina was rooting for other people at the HoH competition during his nomination speech, Dina looked kind of confused and looked like she was about to protest, then gave up--realizing that the person who really had said those things was already nominated.  She wasn't going to change anything.  I hope she had a private convo with Kato about it later.  Or I could be totally wrong about all that--I just can't be arsed to re-watch the episode!

  • Love 1
5 minutes ago, green said:

Huh?  That was only because he quit -- and he did quit, it wasn't some "twist" -- and they had to have another nom then another POV.  Unless someone else on the block quits before tonight's live show then no.

For some reason I thought they said that the twist was that they were going to have 2 shots at the veto until the end.  I'm usually multitasking when I watch so I must have misunderstood.  

20 minutes ago, HurricaneVal said:

I am really hoping that Tamar's "I don't clean" comment was relative to her cooking a meal for the group, because that's a general rule: if one cooks for others, then others clean up.  Otherwise, if she just flat out doesn't pick up after herself--ever--then that's going to get old.  "I slipped on a shrimp today" can become code.

Even if that's where she was going with it - and I'm not sure she's given us much reason to give her the benefit of the doubt - she still sucks. I've always applied that rule as no setting / clearing the table, no washing dishes, etc. But dropping food, not just a tiny cracker or something, but a wet piece of protein (?!), and NOT immediately picking it up to chuck in the trash? Nope. Hard nope, do not pass go. 

  • Love 3

I am really hoping that Tamar's "I don't clean" comment was relative to her cooking a meal for the group, because that's a general rule: if one cooks for others, then others clean up.  Otherwise, if she just flat out doesn't pick up after herself--ever--then that's going to get old.  "I slipped on a shrimp today" can become code.

That was the issue, though, which was shown on the broadcast episode: Tamar cooking - and making something of a mess on the KT floor in the process - which Kato then felt compelled to clean up because it was enough to start posing a hazard.  

Now it’s entirely possible Tamar might have cleaned up after she finished her cooking, and Kato simply jumped in before she finished.  Kato looked to be dumping an entire dustpanload of foodstuffs gathered from off the floor, though - so if the mess was THAT bad, Tamar probably should’ve made an effort to do some mid-course cleaning before she or someone else had an accident on it.

That being said - I could easily see “shrimp slippage” becoming our code term for “fucking messy kitchen”.  :>



I have to say, Kato nominating Dina based on her not rooting for him during his time on the HoH competition wall was a little messed up.  I think Dina was encouraging everyone still on the wall, not any one person over the other.  I think it was Tamar who said what Kato heard as negative to him coming from Dina. 

No, it was Dina - you can see/hear her saying it at the very beginning of this YouTube clip:

Kato: Joey - Joey, drop.  Drop and I’ll protect you.

Dina: No, stay up there! Stay! No one drop! 

Kato: Oh, that told me a lot right there!


Whether it was Dina’s intention or not, there’s no denying her remarks were directly challenging Kato’s attempts to work a deal with Joey.


Edited by Nashville
Slippage. Heh. Also - added vid.
  • Love 3
17 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:
17 hours ago, Lamima said:


What was with his using the hairdrier? Was he drying himself with it? Then he shot it into his shoes? Someone else mentioned something about his hair dryer as well. He really gives off a weird vibe.

Hehehehehe... It made me think of the scene in The Mask movie when Jim Carrey's character is using the drier on his shiny, green baldness.

1 minute ago, Drogo said:

Joey has to be one of the most annoying people to listen to, from any BB season, ever.  The fantasies of 30- and 40-something women are being destroyed all over.

...or they’re not, which might be even worse.  ;)

1 minute ago, zoltana said:

Did anyone else see Dina take her hand down from the rock fist when she was wiping away sugar?  DQ!

IIRC there were multiple instances of HGs letting go with at least one hand to shake out their arms, so I don’t think it was expressly prohibited - but definitely not recommended, especially when the wall was tipped forward at an angle.one of those “do it at your own risk” thingies.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Nashville said:

No, it was Dina - you can see/hear her saying it at the very beginning of this YouTube clip:

Kato: Joey - Joey, drop.  Drop and I’ll protect you.

Dina: No, stay up there! Stay! No one drop! 

Kato: Oh, that told me a lot right there!


Whether it was Dina’s intention or not, there’s no denying her remarks were directly challenging Kato’s attempts to work a deal with Joey.

Thank you for finding those details!  I still don't see that as an anti-Kato statement, I just see that as an anti-quitting statement or at the most an anti-deal statement.  I just think that she wanted them to play the game out.  I usually feel the same way, since protection deals can be dicey and backfire on either the deal maker or the deal taker. 


That said, Kato had to come up with a reason to put Mama-Lohan on the block, other than "she's a girl, and girls are icky", so he picked that.  He should have gone with "you voted against the house" except that's a reason to keep someone when it is so lopsided, not get rid of them.  Why he is wasting his HoH on this nomination is a mystery.  Perhaps he has thinner skin than Tamar, but hides it better?

  • Love 3
4 hours ago, Nashville said:

In a related vein: hypersensitive to interruptions when she speaks, but has zero problems with repeatedly interrupting others to interject her own thoughts - and (I suspect) is totally unaware she is doing this, or of the hypocrisy inherent in such behavior.

Oh, I absolutely believe she knows she's doing it. I've known people like her. Last Word! Last Word! Shut them Down! Wave them off then walk out!

She may not have worked in the White House, but she lives in Omarosa-Land.

As long as they get the last word, they 'won'.

  • Love 5

Was Tom’s DR “not a sentence” from this episode? How did I miss that?

As good as it is to know Ricky’s talents, surely there’s some game stuff that could have been shown. We didn’t get to see Kato planning for noms (aside from Ryan’s pitch.) It felt weird. 

I have no idea what that dwarf comment means. 

3 hours ago, Peper81 said:

For some reason I thought they said that the twist was that they were going to have 2 shots at the veto until the end.  I'm usually multitasking when I watch so I must have misunderstood.  

Julie did say that there would be more 'Breaking News' twists, which is what the Anthony thing was, so maybe that's what you're remembering. Now, whether or not that's true, who knows. There's not much time for that. They may do one more in an effort to curb all the "Anthony quit and the twist was to cover it" stuff going around, but I doubt they do more that that.

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