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S09.E03: Hurricane


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7 minutes ago, heatherchandler said:


Sorry but Cole is so fucking weird.  He kept saying in his squeaky voice "the baby needs to cook" or whatever.  Then he was like, "that was some of Chelsea's fluids."  OMG!!!  Dude stop.

What rumors about Leah's boyfriend??  

Cole's personality is...interesting. I didn't notice it so much when he first appeared on the show, but now that he's become comfortable on camera his quirks are more obvious. I think the whole trip to the hospital was staged for the cameras anyways. Otherwise they were sitting there filming, what exactly? They've already run the "Adam sucks" storyline into the ground. Aside from that, there isn't much to talk about. 

Regarding Leah's new man, it's rumored he's her former (or maybe current?) drug dealer.

  • Love 9

Well, I’ll start with Kail. A damn cake tasting for a child’s first birthday party? WTF? I understand it for a wedding, when a couple wants everything to be perfect, but a one year old doesn’t give a damn. Calm down, kiddo.  Also, at the end of the segment when she was talking with her friend about Chris, music started playing and I thought it sounded familiar.  It wasn't the song I thought it was, but the beginning part reminded me of “What’s My Age Again?” by Simple Plan. It made me chuckle.

Leah- “I know that when I were… was at the special needs clinic…” At least she’s learning?

I wonder if Jenelle was aware that they were going to air the 911 call. I can't imagine what's going on at the swamp today.

Also, Brianna thinks she is being so sneaky and clever about trying to convince Nova not to want to visit her dad.  It’s so sad to see.

  • Love 9

Yup what rumors about Leah's boyfriend?

And I guess I must have dozed or blinked but I totally missed the cake tasting for Lux's birthday party. Are you freeeekin' kidding me? for a first birthday party? for any birthday party? Are you serious???????


Editing to add- I did not see the 2 posts above mine when I posted. So the rumor is he was her dealer? oh lord.

And glad about someone else reacting about  the cake tasting!

Edited by mayvenne
missed replies
  • Love 2
4 hours ago, kicksave said:

Yes! I've been saying that for awhile. It's a depressed atmosphere. Nova has witnessed a lot of verbal and physical anger in her short life. I have said all along that Brianna should get Nova into some sort of a team sport or any kind of athletic activity where she can make friends and do something healthy instead of just being cooped up in that woefully small apartment. Dance, gymnastics, little kids soccer, softball, basketball...anything would be so much better for her and her self esteem than just hanging around with all these miserable women. Bringing the cameras into the classroom on her first day was a huge mistake...give her a break Brianna.

Nova will never be allowed to do anything on her own! She's part of the coven now, and can never go into the light of day without the others. Welcome to Codependent Cottage, Nova, you poor thing. Though I'm sure the coven would enjoy trashing Devoin because he couldn't take her to lessons. 

  • Love 15

Kail is trying to clean up her thing with Chris by calling it an addiction. No honey - the word you want is “obsession”!

And really, the cake? People do the taste testing because they put out good money to feed a lot of guests. I’m sure Kail didn’t buy more than ONE cake. Probably really fun for the boys though. And they probably needed something to film outside the house.

Of course there has to be a catch with Leah’s boyfriend. I still hope it’s not true though. He’s cute and well spoken. But who the hell goes from Jeremy to that guy? Her taste in guys couldn’t have improved that much. But she does look the best she ever has. 

Barb is a fun gal to watch, but I’ve never thought she was anything but icky and crazy. All that screaming they both did while baby and toddler Jace was in their arms. She gives what she gets. She got a piece of work for a daughter, but did nothing to make it really stop. Now she wants to be Jenelle’s drinking buddy. Did you all hear her stories? Going out with the married neighbor to pick up men. Barb brought a guy home (with children there), and never even asked his name. The neighbor died young of addiction. Just a peek into Jenelle’s childhood that mom thinks is hilarious!

I’d marry weird Cole before any of these other guys. At least he’s kind and pretty cute. The next best catch is Randy!

  • Love 12

I must have been in a super good mood tonight, because nobody annoyed me, and I was actually feeling benevolent towards everybody, even Jenelle and Kail. I've been sick this week, so maybe I'm just glad to be well enough to enjoy a show, lol!

I actually felt some sort of warmth towards Jenelle, which has almost never happened before! I'm just very concerned for her. Even though she's a vile person, I do feel like she has people in her life who care for her...barb, and I really do think MTV. I really think they're setting up this season to get her away from David for her own good. I don't quite know what to make of barb. While the way she's acting annoys me, I also see a scared woman who is so terrified for her daughter that she'll do or say anything to make it better, because she lacks the coping skills to handle it in a reasonable manner. She needs to stop talking about Doris and Nathan, because when she inevitably needs them later, she doesn't want to burn bridges. I felt like Kristin, as much as I can't stand her, does care for Jenelle, and seemed freaked out about that text. Even if this season is boring and kind of frustrating, I'm glad Jenelle is at least in the company of people who do care about her, and would never hurt her. It's sad that she will never appreciate it, or realize who's been there for her all along, but I don't want David to kill her. She sounded so scared on that call, and even though I passionately dislike her, it made me sad. MTV was thinking by placing he call at the end of the episode. Then they can kick off the next episode by replaying it, and get a two for one deal!

It was nice seeing Nova interact with Devoin. I want so badly for him to get some common sense and step up more! I think he's decent deep down, but just incredibly, incredibly lazy and hesitant to confront the coven. I do hate the filming in the school, though. As a teacher, that's like your worst nightmare! What a liability if anything happened on camera. Nova was clearly traumatized, and they just needed to leave!

Chelsea's segments were so cute! I love seeing their family actually doing some things, and letting down their facade a little bit. Nobody says they have to fight to be entertaining, but this segment was more entertaining than watching paint dry, which should be the goal. It was so sweet that it made my poor childless self low key jealous, and motivated me to check my OkCupid for once lol. It's awful to check it because you have to wade through the "ur hot" type messages and exchange small talk with random strangers that you don't care about yet, but it was worth it this once lol.

I like Leah's man so far, and I'm really hoping the rumors aren't true. I can't remember what exactly he said, but he used a fairly intelligent word, and I was like, "whoa!" So above the inane drivel we usually hear. He's also a nice dresser, which is something I appreciate. I also think that Leah seems to come up to his level somewhat, as she seemed decently mature in this episode. I hope that things really are as good as we think, and I'm not getting attached to this dude yet until we're sure that he's not a drug dealer or shady in some other way. I thought he seemed Cole-like in the last episode, but this time I got a different take. I guess it'll take a while to figure him out, but he seems good for Leah so far. Hahahaha how funny that he originally said he wasn't filming. Seems like all of them claim that at first, but I guess money talks, except for TR Dues!

Isaac tasting all the cakes was everything!!! "It's between this one and this one!" Idk how he has such a pure personality around Kail. I was surprised at how self-aware Kail was about her situation with chris, and pleasantly surprised that she could put it so eloquently into words. At the same time, it really disappointed me. Girl! If you KNOW what the problem is, snap out of it!!! It's like she doesn't realize what a huge step back this is. This is Chelsea and adam stuff. Kail has never had a man who wouldn't step up and commit, which is rare in people that young...but now that she's older, she wants this teenage crap?! Whyyyyy exactly?! She should realize that being addicted to the highs and lows is kid stuff, and mature and move on. It's like she's doing everything backwards, and if she didn't realize it, it would be one thing. It's more ridiculous that she knows what's going on, yet won't even try to move on with her life. Girl, at least go on dates, even if you're waiting to see what happens with chris! You are wasting your time right now. Btw I see no problems with taking a break in dating, but if she wants to date, she shouldn't let her "thing" with chris hold her back. 

  • Love 6
6 minutes ago, Gyproselee said:

How prepared are they for doomsday if they dont even have a generator? Going to bath in the pool if there is nuclear fall out? They are nuts.

They have generators. You could hear them when she was posting stuff on Instagram during the hurricane. The kids spent their time playing video games and eating packaged junk food for a couple of days (nothing out of the ordinary there)! Then she started whining about not having gas for the generators and running out of food. They weren't prepared at all. Hell, I live on the west coast and we lose power due to wind storms, usually three or four times a year. We always make sure there's plenty of gas for the generator and have lots of food.

  • Love 7
13 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Is this business of the whole family taking a kid to school on the first day a thing? I can see maybe making a bit of fuss for kindergarten, if that's your jam, but the whole family traveling in a pack to take a kid to school on the first day after that? Seems excessive.

There was a mob of adults in that classroom.  I didn't go to kindergarten, and on my first day of first grade, my mother dropped me off in the car and told me to go find my classroom.  Where I was taught to read.  It's a miracle I've survived.


9 hours ago, kicksave said:

I agree with another poster that Barb put all this aside so she could continue to film and earn a paycheck from MTV...she has thrown Jace to the wolves so that she could make an easy buck. Is anybody looking out for all these children and their lives?

Actually, I think it's worse than opting to make an easy buck.  At least if you do that, you end up with a buck.  All she got from choosing Jenelle over Jace years ago was being whip-sawed by Jenelle and Jace having to be in the middle of that mess.  All that's happening now is that Jace is lying in the bed that Barb made.  The least she can do is have some dough available for his prison commissary account.

  • Love 8

Viewership increased slightly over last week.  I guess people tuned in to hear Jenelle's frantic 911 call.

Jan 28:  1,142,000

Jan 21:  1,134,000

Jan 14:  1,184,000


Jenelle:  "It’s a shame they HAVE to make it a cliffhanger for their own benefit to get ratings… meanwhile my husband and my family get harassed by hundreds of people for a week until it airs.”


Edited by Snarky McSnarky
  • Love 3

I fell asleep watching this on Monday & thought I had only seen a few minutes of the show. Yesterday, I tried watching it on my phone from my DirecTV app & it kept saying the content couldn't be played (but every other show I watched played fine...even my phone hates these girls). When I finally watched last night, turns out I had actually seen over half the show, but it was just that damn boring that I didn't even realize it. Now that I've seen the whole thing, I have nothing to say except that I have not one ounce of sympathy for that trash bag Jenelle & think she deserves any bad thing that comes her way. 

  • Love 16
On 1/29/2019 at 10:59 AM, Pepper Mostly said:

Jenelle was struggling to cover David's ass. "It was the first visit to the pumpkin patch this year!" Is that a thing? I must have failed as a mother, I never took my kid to a pumpkin patch, never mind had an inaugural visit every fall, followed by less important to the family visits. Who are these people? David is over the edge. Who is he going to kill first? Jenelle or someone on the MTV crew?

I thought the exact same thing about Kail. "you want to get rid of negative energy? LEAVE." She is such a downer. Always with that truculent scowl. She is really going to seed, fast. Any youthful attractiveness is gone. Her skin is a mess, her jowls get jowl-ier by the day, and her eyes are disappearing. And if she and Chris have a relationship, I am the Queen of Romania.

Is this business of the whole family taking a kid to school on the first day a thing? I can see maybe making a bit of fuss for kindergarten, if that's your jam, but the whole family traveling in a pack to take a kid to school on the first day after that? Seems excessive. The way they all hover over Nova stresses her out. You'd think someone might notice and try another way of marking the day. But no, the whole bunch of them are selfish cows.

I am not watching, and only follow here, but as to a group taking a kid to school--I am sure most schools would prefer they not do that.  lol.  It is already a big day for them getting through the first day.  In our school district, they purposely have an open house on an evening the week before school so the kids can bring their supplies, the parents can meet the teachers, etc.  All of this so that the first day of school is just the child going to school, not a group of people.

  • Love 9
17 hours ago, EmeraldGirl said:

And really, the cake? People do the taste testing because they put out good money to feed a lot of guests. I’m sure Kail didn’t buy more than ONE cake. Probably really fun for the boys though. And they probably needed something to film outside the house.

Yeah the cake tasting didn’t bother me. If you’re going to spend all that money on a custom cake- believe me I want to know what exact flavor I’m getting and what it is going to taste like. The adults eat the cake not Lux. 

Yes I admit I do custom cakes for my bday parties (not every year though- homeowner life), and I always do a tasting before hand. 

Edited to add- I’m sure Issac and Lincoln had a great time, but Kailyn didn’t do all this because she LOVES throwing parties or loves custom cakes, she did it to impress Chris and his family 😒.

  • Love 8

I wonder why Chelsea's mom didn't stay with Watson when Chelsea and Cole went to get checked out, she was at the house when it all went down.  A toddler at the hospital for who knows how long sounds stressful, especially when you're already worried.  Also, Chelsea glows when she's pregnant. 

Edited by eskimo
  • Love 9
On 1/29/2019 at 10:31 AM, FairyDusted said:

Does the Bri's Moms have a gas leak? These people have less energy than my elderly parents.

I know Roxanne's malaise can be explained by her Lupus, but I am at a loss as to why Briana and Brittany have zero energy.  

Not enough iron? (I had iron-deficiency anemia and was always exhausted.) Depression? (Seems possible, being around the other members of the coven would be depressing.)  Being around/being a member of the coven drains you and you need more rest than a house cat if you spend a few minutes around the coven? Seems plausible, too. 

I don't know, but these women are really lucky that Nova and Stella are low-key, lower energy kids.  My son goes a million miles per minute non-stop (and my daughter isn't exactly lower energy, either) and that would never work in our house.  Maybe when Stella is an older toddler the home will have more energy from her, but who knows. 

Briana seemed to be able to get excited about hitting up randos in the club and plastic surgeries in the past, maybe those are her only passions? Still, Briana, take a Vitamin B12 and have a cup of coffee or something. Brittany, move out (I know it will never happen, since Brittany surely questions if her sister can do the basics of adulting/parenting/existing on her own and helping with the situation with Roxanne's Lupus). 

17 hours ago, Christina87 said:

I was surprised at how self-aware Kail was about her situation with chris, and pleasantly surprised that she could put it so eloquently into words. At the same time, it really disappointed me. Girl! If you KNOW what the problem is, snap out of it!!! It's like she doesn't realize what a huge step back this is. This is Chelsea and adam stuff. Kail has never had a man who wouldn't step up and commit, which is rare in people that young...but now that she's older, she wants this teenage crap?! Whyyyyy exactly?! She should realize that being addicted to the highs and lows is kid stuff, and mature and move on. It's like she's doing everything backwards, and if she didn't realize it, it would be one thing. It's more ridiculous that she knows what's going on, yet won't even try to move on with her life. Girl, at least go on dates, even if you're waiting to see what happens with chris! You are wasting your time right now. Btw I see no problems with taking a break in dating, but if she wants to date, she shouldn't let her "thing" with chris hold her back. 

OMG! This!!! You summed it up perfectly- Kail is moving backwards in maturity in so many ways!

Also, Kail can (rightfully) hate on Suzi for being an addict who disrupted her child's life due to her addicition....but Kail best realize she's also a drama/relationship/guy addict (and her addiction for Chris is especially bad) and she's bringing disruptions to her kids' lives (new male figures every few years, new houses, new half-siblings, drama from divorces/break-ups) through her own addiction.  It's like she's soooo close to almost being self-aware but yet so far away.  You're too old for this, Kail.  You seemed more mature in some ways when you were working a retail job despite being on the show (plus going to school) and living with the Riveras, etc. Yeah, you were grifting, but at least you were being concerned about the future and not letting some guy shamelessly grift off of you. 

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 13
18 hours ago, druzy said:

Besides rumors of him being her dealer, he had a Youtube channel called Meth Man (not sure of the name). He filmed himself acting like he was on meth- it was strange. I think he deleted the videos.

I imagine that the only person who would do that would be someone who is involved in meth.  He definitely gives off a creepy vibe.  


18 hours ago, A-Lo said:

I'm such an idiot.


I am usually barely watching, so when I glanced up and saw the clean house, I knew something was amiss.  SO - I rewound the scene and sure enough, it is listed as her boyfriend's house.

  • Love 4
12 minutes ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

.but Kail best realize she's also a drama/relationship/guy addict (and her addiction for Chris is especially bad) and she's bringing disruptions to her kids' lives (new male figures every few years, new 

I agree and the funny thing is, I think the drama and angst is entirely one-sided. I doubt Chris is making any great proclamations of love or promising a long-term future together. The entire "relationship" is a figment of Kail's imagination. He uses her when he needs something, which makes Kail think they're together and then he ghosts her when he has a better option (her version of breaking-up). Lather, rinse, repeat. She's either completely delusional or unwilling to see the situation for what it really is.

  • Love 12
23 minutes ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

I know Roxanne's malaise can be explained by her Lupus, but I am at a loss as to why Briana and Brittany have zero energy.  

Not enough iron? (I had iron-deficiency anemia and was always exhausted.) Depression? (Seems possible, being around the other members of the coven would be depressing.)  Being around/being a member of the coven drains you and you need more rest than a house cat if you spend a few minutes around the coven? Seems plausible, too. 

I don't know, but these women are really lucky that Nova and Stella are low-key, lower energy kids.  My son goes a million miles per minute non-stop (and my daughter isn't exactly lower energy, either) and that would never work in our house.  Maybe when Stella is an older toddler the home will have more energy from her, but who knows. 

Briana seemed to be able to get excited about hitting up randos in the club and plastic surgeries in the past, maybe those are her only passions? Still, Briana, take a Vitamin B12 and have a cup of coffee or something. Brittany, move out (I know it will never happen, since Brittany surely questions if her sister can do the basics of adulting/parenting/existing on her own and helping with the situation with Roxanne's Lupus). 

OMG! This!!! You summed it up perfectly- Kail is moving backwards in maturity in so many ways!

Also, Kail can (rightfully) hate on Suzi for being an addict who disrupted her child's life due to her addicition....but Kail best realize she's also a drama/relationship/guy addict (and her addiction for Chris is especially bad) and she's bringing disruptions to her kids' lives (new male figures every few years, new houses, new half-siblings, drama from divorces/break-ups) through her own addiction.  It's like she's soooo close to almost being self-aware but yet so far away.  You're too old for this, Kail.  You seemed more mature in some ways when you were working a retail job despite being on the show (plus going to school) and living with the Riveras, etc. Yeah, you were grifting, but at least you were being concerned about the future and not letting some guy shamelessly grift off of you. 


Exactly!!! If Kail couldn't see the pattern, I would feel bad for her, but it bothers me that she does see it, but is like, "oh well. It is what it is!" I think she is the only one who would have been better off without the show, because she would have hustled to finish school / earn an income for her son, and kept in an upward trajectory. It impressed me the first season when she WANTED to move out of Jo's, and WANTED to be independent, because very few young girls would feel the same way IMO. Most would rather stay in the basement room as long as they could to save money. I feel like she would have been motivated to stay in school 2-3 years and then get a nice apartment with a good paying job. Kail is exactly the type of person who doesn't do well staying at home (even if she's married IMO) because she loves drama too much, and will get into trouble with too much time on her hands. Someone like Chelsea, who is less ambitious (which is not a bad thing here, though I wish Chelsea could have a LITTLE more ambition) thrives at home, because she appreciates what she has and isn't constantly spinning her wheels, looking to be entertained. I wish Kail could channel her penchant for drama into something productive if she insists on being a full-time parent. She could do so many cool things, like write a novel with huge amounts of drama! Kail is one that I could see being really happy as a dental hygienist, either single or married, but I could never see her happy being a SAHM with a partner supporting her, no matter if he's the most perfect guy on earth. She may THINKS she likes it better because she feels like she's getting by with less work, but she isn't. 

Edited by Christina87
  • Love 3
20 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Nova will never be allowed to do anything on her own! She's part of the coven now, and can never go into the light of day without the others. Welcome to Codependent Cottage, Nova, you poor thing. Though I'm sure the coven would enjoy trashing Devoin because he couldn't take her to lessons. 

Co-dependent Cottage is the perfect name for that stanky, cramped apartment! I feel so badly for the children being raised there. 


17 hours ago, Gyproselee said:

How prepared are they for doomsday if they dont even have a generator? Going to bath in the pool if there is nuclear fall out? They are nuts.

Right? A generator is essential! Ours broke last spring and we put our spending on lockdown until we could afford another one. 


15 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

Actually, I think it's worse than opting to make an easy buck.  At least if you do that, you end up with a buck.  All she got from choosing Jenelle over Jace years ago was being whip-sawed by Jenelle and Jace having to be in the middle of that mess.  All that's happening now is that Jace is lying in the bed that Barb made.  The least she can do is have some dough available for his prison commissary account.

Yea, I don't think it's about the show or money. She was filming plenty when Jenelle wasn't speaking to her. It's about being back in Jenelle's good graces. And Jace will be the one to suffer - in a myriad of ways. Most concerning, he'll probably be allowed at the Swamp Palace more often. But also, they're going to inevitably fall out over something. Then he will once again be subjected to the yelling and crying. And he'll be confused when he's seeing his junkie aunt and siblings less. 

  • Love 5
28 minutes ago, Christina87 said:

Exactly!!! If Kail couldn't see the pattern, I would feel bad for her, but it bothers me that she does see it, but is like, "oh well. It is what it is!" I think she is the only one who would have been better off without the show, because she would have hustled to finish school / earn an income for her son, and kept in an upward trajectory. It impressed me the first season when she WANTED to move out of Jo's, and WANTED to be independent, because very few young girls would feel the same way IMO. Most would rather stay in the basement room as long as they could to save money. I feel like she would have been motivated to stay in school 2-3 years and then get a nice apartment with a good paying job. Kail is exactly the type of person who doesn't do well staying at home (even if she's married IMO) because she loves drama too much, and will get into trouble with too much time on her hands. Someone like Chelsea, who is less ambitious (which is not a bad thing here, though I wish Chelsea could have a LITTLE more ambition) thrives at home, because she appreciates what she has and isn't constantly spinning her wheels, looking to be entertained. I wish Kail could channel her penchant for drama into something productive if she insists on being a full-time parent. She could do so many cool things, like write a novel with huge amounts of drama! Kail is one that I could see being really happy as a dental hygienist, either single or married, but I could never see her happy being a SAHM with a partner supporting her, no matter if he's the most perfect guy on earth. She may THINKS she likes it better because she feels like she's getting by with less work, but she isn't. 

I agree with you. Kailyn WAS hurt by TM2 and the money they earned. I really believe without the show she would've worked harder on regulating her emotions and "playing nice" with others, because she would've had to, to get by. She would've not have attracted "followers" or an "entourage" that would wanted to use her for her money (CHRIS!!!!!!!!!).

Working a steady job, and raising Issac probably would've kept her too busy to focus on her poor plastic surgery etc. Not that I think she would've been celibate or anything, but she would've been less motivated to have more kids because raising children is WORK. Not that I think Jo would've been less involved, but can you see Kailyn raising Issac (and possibly Lincoln) and having to work a 9-5 on top of that? Having a "regular" life probably would have made her appreciate Javi, or a Javi-type more. Now I am not upset they got divorced, she didn't want him and that was for the best, but many people are not looking for "grand romance" in a life partner- they want someone who will meet their need for partnered sex, share resources, assist with caregiving the children, act as a companion, and with whom they can laugh & have fun. Had Kailyn had the stressors of "normal" life, a man who fit all those boxes AND loved Issac as much as Javi did would've been what she was looking for. 

Kailyn does not have the temperament or inclination to be a stay at home parent. I think if she was a more emotionally healthy or self aware person, she would have partner that would be glad to be a SAHD or have a part time job and she would be the main breadwinner. 

  • Love 6
3 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

I agree with you. Kailyn WAS hurt by TM2 and the money they earned. I really believe without the show she would've worked harder on regulating her emotions and "playing nice" with others, because she would've had to, to get by. She would've not have attracted "followers" or an "entourage" that would wanted to use her for her money (CHRIS!!!!!!!!!).

Working a steady job, and raising Issac probably would've kept her too busy to focus on her poor plastic surgery etc. Not that I think she would've been celibate or anything, but she would've been less motivated to have more kids because raising children is WORK. Not that I think Jo would've been less involved, but can you see Kailyn raising Issac (and possibly Lincoln) and having to work a 9-5 on top of that? Having a "regular" life probably would have made her appreciate Javi, or a Javi-type more. Now I am not upset they got divorced, she didn't want him and that was for the best, but many people are not looking for "grand romance" in a life partner- they want someone who will meet their need for partnered sex, share resources, assist with caregiving the children, act as a companion, and with whom they can laugh & have fun. Had Kailyn had the stressors of "normal" life, a man who fit all those boxes AND loved Issac as much as Javi did would've been what she was looking for. 

Kailyn does not have the temperament or inclination to be a stay at home parent. I think if she was a more emotionally healthy or self aware person, she would have partner that would be glad to be a SAHD or have a part time job and she would be the main breadwinner. 

I literally couldn't agree more with every word of this!!!!!

  • Love 2
15 hours ago, eskimo said:

I wonder why Chelsea's mom didn't stay with Watson when Chelsea and Cole went to get checked out, she was at the house when it all went down.  A toddler at the hospital for who knows how long sounds stressful, especially when you're already worried.  Also, Chelsea glows when she's pregnant. 

I wondered this too ? It seemed silly as Mary was there at their house when it happened 

On 1/29/2019 at 1:06 PM, A-Lo said:

Do the girls all have make up artists at their beck and call?  Well, except for Brianna, who always looks like crap.  When Leah waltzed into the room to place the call to the disability attorney, I was struck by how made-up she looked, false eyelashes and all, for a day at home.  

During contract negotiations Leah asked for a makeup artist.


Leah Messer also had some demands before signing her new contract, which included a professional makeup artist on set. She wanted her makeup done by this professional before the appearing on camera for each of the episodes.

Leah’s demands were shot down, but she signed the contract anyway. 

  • LOL 1
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On ‎1‎/‎28‎/‎2019 at 6:35 PM, BitterApple said:

I'm not feeling Barb this year. I can't believe she sent Jace to the Swamp when a hurricane was imminent, and I don't like that she's ganging up with Jenelle against Doris. 

Kail's new rent-a-friend was giving me major "MTV production assistant" vibes. She looked bored out of her mind as she rolled off the list of pre-set questions the crew gave her. I do feel bad for Kail with regards to Suzie though. Having an addict for a parent is tough.

Wow, Chelsea and Cole are really in the middle of nowhere. I was watching the landscape as they drove to the hospital and there was nothing but fields on either side. 

Leah having an advocate sit in on Ali's IEP meeting is the smartest thing she's done in nine seasons of this show. 

Oh and Jenelle? Fuck you for not telling the 911 operator David had an arsenal of guns in the house.


I'm feeling so vindicated this season.  I've been saying for years that Barb isn't much better than Jenelle and that Jenelle didn't become Jenelle in a vacuum.  Barb supporters were having none of it.   Barb and Jenelle are codependent AF and Barb will ALWAYS put her relationship with Jenelle above the safety of any of her grandchildren, including Jace.   Jace is going to turn out marginally better having been raised by Barbara instead of Jenelle, but it's a painfully small margin.  There's a reason all three of Barb's kids ended up fucked up.  Jace never had a chance.

On ‎1‎/‎28‎/‎2019 at 7:00 PM, Brooklynista said:

I'm just gonna say it and I'll swallow the backlash. Janelle's 911 call sounds fake as fuck to me. I do not believe a single false sob on that call.

But her FUCKING collarbone hurts SO BAD!  She's seeing molecules, dude!

Edited by lezlers
  • Love 10
47 minutes ago, lezlers said:

I'm feeling so vindicated this season.  I've been saying for years that Barb isn't much better than Jenelle and that Jenelle didn't become Jenelle in a vacuum.  Barb supporters were having none of it.   Barb and Jenelle are codependent AF and Barb will ALWAYS put her relationship with Jenelle above the safety of any of her grandchildren, including Jace.  

But remember the constant refrain:  Barb is doing the best she can.  And that was completely true.  My point was always that sometimes that's not enough, but again, supporters were having none of it.  It was lonely out there.



Jace is going to turn out marginally better having been raised by Barbara instead of Jenelle, but it's a painfully small margin.  There's a reason all three of Barb's kids ended up fucked up.  Jace never had a chance.

I'll never defend Barb's parenting, but it seems like all three of her kids started out behind the eight ball, and even in the best of circumstances, were probably destined to struggle.  But then you add to that having Barb captaining the ship?  That's a recipe for disaster that was already obvious when she took over Jace's care. 

And sure, once she did that, it's pretty hard to give him back, so to speak, so what angered me the most with her was that the things she could do, like not fight with Jenelle (never mind while holding a baby between them), she didn't do.  And worse, I think the reason she didn't do them was because, and you pointed out, she thought that job one was having a relationship with Jenelle.  Surely even Barb can't look at her kids and think, "I'm a fine caretaker."

And to be a bit darker, Jace was her primary weapon for keeping Jenelle in the picture, when for Jace's sake, Jenelle should have been completely out of the picture, and then gradually let back in as milestones were met, and if they weren't met, too bad, Jenelle.  But no.  Barb would kick her out and then let her back in, and then be giggly around whatever new beau Jenelle brought around.  Never mind that even when they're getting along, Jace was getting schooled on how families work while watching Jenelle and Barb fight, and when they weren't fighting, watching Jenelle, well, be Jenelle, with all the disrespect and foulness she emanates, especially toward Barb.  See Jace?  That's how you treat people.

And all any of this did, as far as Jace is concerned, is set up what they have now, where Jenelle has "rights" to him, and the other family he spends time with is Jenelle and David.  Whether Barb's kids have mental illness can't be blamed on Barb's actions, but this sure can.



But her FUCKING collarbone hurts SO BAD!  She's seeing molecules, dude!

Citing injuries to one's collarbone seems so odd.

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, druzy said:

Honestly, this may be one of the smartest things that Leah has ever done.

I'd totally want a makeup artist for filming if I was a reality TV "star."  I'd want someone who knows how to do my makeup for the lighting/cameras used in filming and is professional.  No wonder Leah looks good.  That was a smart move, Leah.

  • Love 12
1 hour ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

And to be a bit darker, Jace was her primary weapon for keeping Jenelle in the picture, when for Jace's sake, Jenelle should have been completely out of the picture, and then gradually let back in as milestones were met, and if they weren't met, too bad, Jenelle.  But no.  Barb would kick her out and then let her back in, and then be giggly around whatever new beau Jenelle brought around.  Never mind that even when they're getting along, Jace was getting schooled on how families work while watching Jenelle and Barb fight, and when they weren't fighting, watching Jenelle, well, be Jenelle, with all the disrespect and foulness she emanates, especially toward Barb.  See Jace?  That's how you treat people.

And all any of this did, as far as Jace is concerned, is set up what they have now, where Jenelle has "rights" to him, and the other family he spends time with is Jenelle and David.  Whether Barb's kids have mental illness can't be blamed on Barb's actions, but this sure can.

I agree with what you're saying here- although I have defended Barb in the past. I don't think the difference between Jace's upbringing with Jenelle would be "marginally" better- I think Jace would be 1. dead (at the hands of a boyfriend or Jenelle), 2. in the system, 3. criminally neglected. 

I do wonder how things would be IF Barb had stayed with Mike (or a Mike type man) who could've worked with her to parent Jace and keep Jenelle OUT of the picture unless she straightened up her act 100%. People are quick to blame Barb for how the kids ended up, but I do remember that they did get half of their DNA from their father, AND watched their mother be abused by him for years (although Barb did leave with her life, not every DV victim is so lucky). 

This dynamic is a cycle of DV, mental health issues and emotionally unhealthy relationships, Barb has tried to break the cycle a little bit but fails in these areas- I know she has had Jace in therapy, it would've been helpful for her to go as well, YEARS ago, but I understand why she didn't have the resources or the ability to do so. She could go NOW though. She desperately wants a relationship with her daughter, and I think everyone (both her and Jace) would be better off if Jenelle were to disappear from their lives.  I don't think she will ever straighten up and fly right, and I believe that David is a serious danger to her and all the kids. 

  • Useful 1
  • Love 10
On ‎1‎/‎29‎/‎2019 at 7:59 AM, Pepper Mostly said:

Jenelle was struggling to cover David's ass. "It was the first visit to the pumpkin patch this year!" Is that a thing? I must have failed as a mother, I never took my kid to a pumpkin patch, never mind had an inaugural visit every fall, followed by less important to the family visits. Who are these people? David is over the edge. Who is he going to kill first? Jenelle or someone on the MTV crew?

I thought the exact same thing about Kail. "you want to get rid of negative energy? LEAVE." She is such a downer. Always with that truculent scowl. She is really going to seed, fast. Any youthful attractiveness is gone. Her skin is a mess, her jowls get jowl-ier by the day, and her eyes are disappearing. And if she and Chris have a relationship, I am the Queen of Romania.

Is this business of the whole family taking a kid to school on the first day a thing? I can see maybe making a bit of fuss for kindergarten, if that's your jam, but the whole family traveling in a pack to take a kid to school on the first day after that? Seems excessive. The way they all hover over Nova stresses her out. You'd think someone might notice and try another way of marking the day. But no, the whole bunch of them are selfish cows.

I'm hardly mother of the year, but we always take the kids to the pumpkin patch every year.  Mostly because we're always looking for stuff to do with the kids as they're still too young to entertain themselves for significant periods of time and usually spend the day circling us, bored, or trying to kill one another.

I'm with you on all the other stuff, tho.  Kail is such a killjoy.  Even when she's not angry, she still SOUNDS angry.  Her normal speaking voice is dripping with aggression, begging to be challenged.

And Nova might be one of those kids who doesn't like being the center of attention and cries when she's uncomfortable.  I was like that as a kid.  And The Coven make such a big ass deal out of everything, it's probably making Nova super uncomfortable, hence the tears.  Poor thing.  She's her daddy's twin, too!  That boy has got some strong genes.

  • Love 9
6 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

I do wonder how things would be IF Barb had stayed with Mike (or a Mike type man) who could've worked with her to parent Jace and keep Jenelle OUT of the picture unless she straightened up her act 100%.

Boy, this got my hackles up, but thinking about it, I assume you're saying that Barb, in particular, was unable to follow through every (any) time she kicked Jenelle out, and maybe if she'd had someone else on her team, it might have been different.  Because surely women don't need a man to be an effective parent, even to someone like Jenelle.

And I agree with you that Jenelle won't ever straighten up and fly right--at this point.  But I'm not positive she couldn't have in the past.  But she was never forced to, because before she suffered real consequences, Barb always let her back in.  So she learned that she didn't actually have to change at all, as long as she was willing to endure Barb bitching at her and fighting for a little bit, after which things went back to normal and she could resume playing Jace's live-in aunt.

But then I was thinking it wasn't Barb's job to make Jenelle straighten up.  But then I realized that yes, it was Barb's job to do just that, since she was the parent.  I think Jenelle was entitled to have the hammer come down on her, and choose how to react and have to live with her decision, but it never did. 

To me, Jace have benefited from stern measures when it comes to Jenelle (simply by keeping her away from him), but Jenelle herself would have benefited, as well (by having to change if she wanted to be in her mom's and Jace's lives).  But the only one who actually benefited was Barb, because she got what she wanted--Jenelle in her life.

  • Love 2
6 hours ago, DangerousMinds said:

I believe Barb did go to therapy herself a few years ago and learned at least a few techniques that were useful for being calmer and dealing more rationally with Jenelle. Small victories, maybe. I do know Barb’s son suffers from schizophrenia, and the parent can not be blamed for that.

Yeah, having gone to therapy myself with my daughter, they give you techniques for getting along. I can’t imagine a therapist telling Barb to cut ties with Jenelle when Jenelle is Jace’s bio mom and she has visitation rights.

I am dismayed by Barbs behavior this season and in thee past she hasn’t exactly been perfect, either. However, I law some of the blame on the current situation on MTV and the $$ Jenelle has made. If not for the show (attention, “fans” and money), I do not think Jenelle would have gone to court and gotten visitation with Jace. She would’ve pretty much left him with Barb. Nor do I think she would have had more children without MTV money.

  • Love 9
11 minutes ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

Boy, this got my hackles up, but thinking about it, I assume you're saying that Barb, in particular, was unable to follow through every (any) time she kicked Jenelle out, and maybe if she'd had someone else on her team, it might have been different.  Because surely women don't need a man to be an effective parent, even to someone like Jenelle.

@StatisticalOutlier I am so very sorry I made you mad, and that I was not clear in my post. I’m the very last person to suggest a woman needs a man to do ANYTHING, fish and bicycles etc. I would think you all would know me better than that!🥺

I was speaking of Barb specifically, and seeing what we saw when she was partnered with Mike in the early seasons, how she had someone she trusted who would say things that make sense. Given Barb has portrayed to be heterosexual, and interested in partnering with men (she was married before and then co-habituated with Mike for several years) I suggested that a male partner of a certain level of intelligence, temperament and insight, who was in a position of trust could’ve gotten through to her on some of these issues. Compared to her stumbling around in the dark and running around in circles watching history repeat itself. 

A trusted female loved one (like a sister or BFF, or a female partner) could have also filled that role. 

  • Love 8

When Barb took in Jace, she was older, still working full time and dealing with two other adult children who were complete clusterfucks in addition to Jenelle. She definitely would've benefitted from having another stable adult in the house to share the load. After she met Cole, even Chelsea admitted it felt good to finally have someone back her up when it came to disciplining Aubree. 

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 14

As an elementary teacher, I was so annoyed by the scenes inside Nova's school. Obviously the school allows parents, since there were tons of parents ringing the classroom, but that's awful from a teacher's POV. Young kids are so much harder to deal with when their parents are there, and it's even worse on a strange day like the first day of first grade. I can't believe the teacher allowed herself to be filmed. I never would've signed that release. Also, what kind of crap school is in a strip mall next to the Publix? Is this a private school or a charter school?

  • Love 14
4 hours ago, Norwegian said:

Poor Nova. I feel so bad for her. Stuck in that low-energy hell. I think she’d be better off living with her dad. It was nice to see them at that Monkey place. At least she got out, of the lacksi-dacial (speiling?) environment she lives in.

I don’t think Nova would be better off living with Devion, who has a record, is just NOW working a steady job and has never managed to “adult” a day in his life. Of course I hope he continues to improve for Nova’s sake, but primary caregiver material he is not. I’m speaking just basic physical needs and safety concerns here, Devion has never expressed interest in being Nova’s caregiver. 

  • Love 7
16 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

@StatisticalOutlier I am so very sorry I made you mad, and that I was not clear in my post. I’m the very last person to suggest a woman needs a man to do ANYTHING, fish and bicycles etc. I would think you all would know me better than that!🥺

In my defense, I've been seeing otherwise rational-seeming people cutting Barb all kinds of slack because she was doing the best she could, and that appears to be declining in popularity as a defense, so I was probably on alert for a pivot.  And if the defense went from "she's doing the best she can" to "she didn't have a supportive man to help her," well...

But yeah, speaking about Barb specifically, it's clear that she needs something other than what she has to even have a chance at being a decent parent, and someone in her corner wouldn't hurt.  And maybe we just don't see her moments of quiet despair at fucking up Jace and Jenelle so badly, but I'll have to see something like that to believe she even realizes how bad she is.  But, again, she has Jenelle back so it's all good.

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