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Season 2 Live Feed Discussion: Grab Your Popcorn

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5:11 p.m. BB time -- Natalie didn't use the Veto (as we expected).      Joey and Kandi are still on the block.  

Ricky is trying to pretend (to Tom and Kato) that he didn't know Natalie was going to do that.  He feigned surprise, asking what happened, and if the plan was changed behind his back.   Ricky is enjoying fooling Tom and Kato.   Ricky pretended that he wanted Natalie to use the Veto so that Tamar could go up and they could find out if she had the power (not revealing that Tamar is part of his new alliance).

Ricky said that he wants to get Kandi out (he didn't tell them it's because he formed a new alliance with Joey).  Tom seemed vaguely surprised.

Ricky asked why Kato and Tom didn't talk to Natalie and Lolo.   Tom and Kato said that they (the women) had many opportunities to talk to them, and they didn't.

Tom and Kato think that Ricky is lying to them, but they're playing along with him.

Tom said something to Natalie like "Good job" or he told her she did a good job with her speech at the Ceremony, and that annoyed her.  She was complaining about it to Lolo and Ricky.

Tamar was also annoyed at Tom for some new reason (not sure why).

Joey was annoyed with Tom for some new reason (not sure why).

Tom suggested that he and Kato pretend that they have had a fight and split up, so that Kato can get info from other people in the house.  Kato was a bit hesitant, but I think he might do it -- or do a version of it.

Tom, Kato, Ricky, Lolo and Natalie are talking and still pretending they have this bogus alliance.  Lolo, Natalie and Ricky are getting a hoot out of pretending to be in this alliance, because they think they are fooling Tom and Kato.

Natalie is saying that she doesn't think Kandi has the power, and she doesn't think that Joey has it.   They still don't know exactly what the power is, and are speculating on what it could be.

Natalie is letting Tom and Kato think that she just decided to stick with Tom's original plan to keep Joey and Kandi on the block (not revealing that she has an alliance with Joey).

Natalie says that whoever has the power is a pretty good liar.


Tamar, Kandi and Dina are talking (not about anything interesting, from what I can gather) and now playing cards.


5:34 p.m. -- Natalie left Tom and Kato, and they are now talking about knowing that Lolo, Ricky and Natalie were putting on a performance.  They think Natalie is a better actor, but the other 2 are not good actors.

Tom wants to publicly end their alliance by putting on a stupid fake fight in front of the house.  (Dumb idea -- it will only backfire on them.)

Tom says that if it blows up in his face, that's fine too.

Tom wants to talk to Joey to let him know that they want to keep him in the house (little does he know that's what his alliance wants too! lol).

Edited by TVFan17
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Lolo really getting on Tom ( and actually, i cant blame her). His delivery is so dry and dull and he speaks as if he is the authority of everything. Girls were relating how Season 20 Sam's power was not used and the evicted person ( Kaitlin) was able to come back in the house. He mentions how these girls really watched a lot. Lolo says I saw first CBB and season 20. Don't rag on us for watching DVR's in the hotel. You watched the same. Kind of liked her snapping back at him/

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5 minutes ago, missyb said:

Lolo really getting on Tom ( and actually, i cant blame her). His delivery is so dry and dull and he speaks as if he is the authority of everything. Girls were relating how Season 20 Sam's power was not used and the evicted person ( Kaitlin) was able to come back in the house. He mentions how these girls really watched a lot. Lolo says I saw first CBB and season 20. Don't rag on us for watching DVR's in the hotel. You watched the same. Kind of liked her snapping back at him/

She always snaps back at him, and at anyone else who annoys her!   That's nothing new for Lolo.  lol

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21 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Oh god, Tom wants to out the alliance and bring out the pots and pans.

I'd rather a Rockstar style "Brett is my best friend!" pots and pans routine than a Josh "If you do the circus song one more time, I'mma throw a frying pan at your head" pots and pans routine.

Also RIP to that orange frying pan that had been in the BB house for about ten years at that point. It left us too soon.

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2 hours ago, TVFan17 said:

  I know I would crumble under pressure and not be able to handle it.   lol   

 After the first week I would be curled up in the fetal position in some corner hugging a "bankie" and sucking my thumb.  Maybe it's like.....   Those who can, do. Those who can't, snark.

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14 minutes ago, Skycatcher said:

 After the first week I would be curled up in the fetal position in some corner hugging a "bankie" and sucking my thumb.  Maybe it's like.....   Those who can, do. Those who can't, snark.

What if you think you can and you snark? I didn't put in an application for this next season of BBCAN, though. I had meant to but I kinda forgot until it was too late. 

ETA: I'm 35, though. Does that make me the token oldie first evicted HG at this point?

Edited by Callaphera
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I’ve always been in the camp that I know damn well I could not do this for even a week, but have gotten pretty good over the years at snarking the shit out of these people. It’s never going to get me $500k, but it sure is fun!

Boo at Kandi leaving. Boo at Joey staying. But the next HOH could be fun.

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1 hour ago, Skycatcher said:

 After the first week I would be curled up in the fetal position in some corner hugging a "bankie" and sucking my thumb.  Maybe it's like.....   Those who can, do. Those who can't, snark.

lol   So true!   Every year I watch this show -- in whatever version it is presented (including BBOTT from a few years ago) -- and I always get so annoyed with some of the HGs, thinking that they are making completely idiotic moves, and/or are just being jerks, or dumb, or paranoid, or forming alliances with the wrong people, or making big moves too soon or too late, etc.   I always think that I know what they should and should not be doing. 

But the reality is that I would not be able to handle any of it, and would probably also be hugging a blankie, or hiding under it with my sunglasses on and a hoodie pulled over my entire face.    I couldn't handle the fighting and conflicts.  I would also hate having all of those people around and needing to socialize when I might just want peace and quiet, needing to wait to use the shower or using the shower when other people are in the bathroom, etc.  I know I would end up aligning with the wrong people and would then get booted out.  I would also be terrible at all of the physical comps. 

I think that there is something about being in that house -- even for just a short season -- that really amplifies and enhances everyone's flaws and bad behavior.     So many of the HGs become super paranoid and focused on getting the wrong people out at the wrong times, or they are completely clueless about the actual threats and they get blindsided because of it.   So many of them get fixated on one HG as being the root of all evil, even if that person is harmless, and they obsess over them every day.    Some people talk too much, and some not enough.   Some people are fake to each other and pretend to be friends, while others just clash from the beginning.  Some of them are just immature.

It would be way too much for me to deal with!  Too intense.   It's easier to criticize their bad game play and annoying personalities from afar!

Edited by TVFan17
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10 hours ago, Vixenstud said:

I don't get it....does Talking Tina wear granny panties or something?

Something in that vein; basically, Kandi was implying Lolo’s personal fashion sense was so bad that whatever Lolo was wearing would scare a guy off before he ever got near that thang.


13 minutes ago, TVFan17 said:

It would be way too much for me to deal with!  Too intense.   It's easier to criticize their bad game play and annoying personalities from afar!

Of course - that’s most of the fun!  :>

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29 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Oh man. I'm reading about Tom trying to throw his own HOH party and it sounds incredibly awkward.

From my understanding, he (or he and Kato) stole the wine and took it up to the HoH to force everyone to go up there... and it didn't work. 


27 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Something in that vein; basically, Kandi was implying Lolo’s personal fashion sense was so bad that whatever Lolo was wearing would scare a guy off before he ever got near that thang.

According to Cosmo, women should wear sexy underwear not just for their partners but because it makes the wearer feel more self-confident. So there could be a nugget of truth in there. Of course, Cosmo also told me the top 10 ways to get my man off and #3, 5, 7, and 10 were bullshit. On the other hand, if you're not on a date and don't need the confidence boost, period panties on a non-period day could just mean that you skipped laundry day. 

I already scammed someone into marrying me so it doesn't really matter for me anymore. 

ETA: Maybe the stylist that Lolo hired to put together all of the CBB2 outfits didn't also match the underwear to the outerwear? 

Edited by Callaphera
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Did anyone catch what Kato said around 11pm BB time? He was talking to Tom, it seems Kato is sick, like might be something serious like cancer. I can't flashback on my TV that I am viewing on tonight.  Tom and Kato were in the backyard and Kato says he has not told anyone but he is in a lot of pain. Tom seemed to understand his pain (Tom had cancer years ago) so it seemed like Kato might have said cancer before I changed to their feed. 

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11:07 p.m. BBT -- Tom and Kato are waiting to talk to Dina.  Dina is a bit tipsy after Tom's party earlier.  They are going to try to get her on their side.   They also want to talk to Kandi to tell her that she was never their real target.

Earlier, Tom had everyone up in his room for his "party."   Everyone was laughing, discussing TV shows, listening to Tom's music, and listening to Ricky explain what it's like to take Ayahuasca.  A few people were drinking.   Natalie and Lolo looked so uncomfortable to be there, but they played along.   Tamar was being funny.

When the party broke up, Joey was complaining about the phoniness of it all to Tamar and possibly someone else too.

Tom and Kato decided to explain everything to Joey about how he was never their target, and that they wanted to backdoor Ricky.   Joey pretended not to know any of it, and he pretended to be shocked (of course, he already knew what was going on when he formed his alliance with Lolo, Natalie, Tamar and Ricky).  He said he appreciated knowing, because he felt that he was by himself and was being kept in the dark.

Joey is still in the HoH room right now, taking a shower.


While Ricky was in the pool/hot tub nearby, tipsy Dina went to talk to Ricky, and I didn't hear all of what  they were saying, but I think she was trying to say that she sees everything that is going on in the house.  I think she told him not to trust at least one of the women, but I could be wrong about that.

Tom and Kato were talking outside at some point,   They decided to fill in Kandi and Dina on what had been going on, but then they had to interrupt their conversation with Dina because Kato was getting loud with Ricky nearby.  Tom didn't want Ricky to hear, obviously.  They have not talked to Kandi yet either.


Kato started to tell Tom that he has a health issue of some sort.  He can't say it on camera, but he was trying to hint to Tom as to what it could be.  He spelled out "3 letters" (possibly the first 3 letters of a word?) on the table in front of them, and Tom said he understood what Kato was trying to say.   Kato said he is in a lot of pain, but his recent physical went well.  Tom said he is sorry that Kato is going through it.  Kato said he is angry (I think because of this health issue putting things in perspective for him), and he is getting fed up with the other people in the house and their lies.  (He and Tom suspect that everyone is lying to them and secretly working against them.)


Tom and Kato expect that Joey might blab their conversation to the other people in the house, and that Dina and Kandi might say something too (when they finally talk to them).  I don't think Tom cares if they blab, because he thinks it will make good TV.


Right now, Tom is in the DR, and Kato is finally trying to talk to tipsy Dina.  He told her she is being loud, which is funny because he was the one being loud earlier.  lol   I don't think he wants to talk to her while she is tipsy, but he is.

Natalie and Lolo are in the kitchen, complaining about Tom, as usual.   Lolo is saying that Natalie gave Kato the one HoH win he had -- which is basically true, although he still hung in longer than everyone else but Natalie.

However, Tom won 2 things on his own, without anyone giving them to him.

Meanwhile, Lolo has won..... what now?  Um... Nothing.

Anyway, I think that Natalie and Lolo are planning to talk to Joey, so it will be interesting to see how long it takes for Joey to spill the beans about his chat with Tom and Kato.


11:40 p.m. -- Kandi -- in her pajamas -- just joined Kato and Dina, but Tom is still in the DR.  Somehow, this has turned into Dina and Kandi hashing out some sort of issue, as Kato stands by and watches.  Kandi is raising her voice.  Kato has lost control.   Tipsy Dina is making Kandi mad.

Kato finally spoke up.  He is trying to explain to Dina that she doesn't need to worry (about going on the block, I guess?).  She kept interrupting.  Kato yelled.

Now Kato is going back to asking who has the power.

Kandi wants to know why Kato and Tom are stressing about a power when they don't know what it is.   Kandi said that they made everyone upset.

Kato walked out and said "This is too much," and then walked back in.

Kandi asked Dina why she is letting Kato getting her all riled up.


This is not the conversation that Tom was hoping to have with Dina and Kandi, but Tom has been stuck in the DR, with Kato having to take the reins.  lol

Kato said to Dina that he can't trust her.  He said everything has a plan.  He told her to not put him on the spot.

Kato told Kandi that he will talk to her separately.  Kandi doesn't want to talk.  She walked out. 

Kato is trying to get Dina to listen to him.  he said he made a mistake by telling her anything.


Now Kandi told Ricky that Kato and Dina are together, and that they (I guess Kato and Dina) "have to talk it through."  Kandi thinks it's stupid.  Ricky said "He's lost it."


Kato told Dina she talks too much.   He told her to go to Tom's room to wait.


Now Kandi is back in the room with Lolo, Natalie, Tamar and Dina.  She is saying to Dina in front of all of them that Kato is trying to turn them against each other, or turn Dina against her.

Edited by TVFan17
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7 minutes ago, missyb said:

TVFN17 , thank you for great play by plays. I feel like I am losing IQ points listening to Dina and Kato. 

lol   It was hard to follow them!    I know that Kato was not expecting to talk to Dina or Kandi without Tom, and somehow it spiraled out of control and went in another direction as far as Kandi and Dina snapping at each other.    I don't even really know what the issue is.

Tom will get an earful from Kato when he gets out of the DR.  

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6 minutes ago, missyb said:

TVFN17 , thank you for great play by plays. I feel like I am losing IQ points listening to Dina and Kato. 

Why wont Kato just say what is going on? Now drunk Dina in the girls room. I hope we get one last Tom show tonight to make me sane.

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I had to step away from the feeds for a minute, but right now it looks like Tom and Kato have Dina up in the HoH.

Lolo suspects that Kato and Tom are trying to get Joey/Kandi or Joey/Dina on their side.

Ricky just told Lolo and Natalie that Joey told him about his chat with Tom and Kato (why wasn't that chat between Joey and Ricky on the feeds?  I didn't see it?).

Ricky thinks that Kato is worse than Tom, but he says that they're both stupid.  He thinks that Kato is smarter than Tom but acting dumb, whereas Tom is just dumb.

Lolo and Natalie agree that Tom messed up his whole HoH.

Natalie said she isn't even going to act cool to them now.

Lolo said God is on their side.


Meanwhile, Tamar is talking to someone (can't see who), and Tamar thinks that Tom and Kato are preying on Kandi (and possibly Dina).

Now Kandi is filling Ricky in on more of the Kato and Dina chat.


I have to listen to the Dina-Tom-Kato chat going on.


Kato and Tom are telling Dina that she has to be sure to vote Kandi out.   Dina does not totally trust Joey.

Tom is trying to tell Dina that if the power is used to save Kandi or Joey, he will put Lolo up on the block, in which case he wants Dina to vote Lolo out.

Dina is mumbling and muttering -- not sure what she is trying to say...

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11 minutes ago, missyb said:

TVFN17 , thank you for great play by plays. I feel like I am losing IQ points listening to Dina and Kato. 


  • Kato’s initial attempt at a “discussion” with Dina;
  • The Discussion Phase II trainwreck after Kandi enters the room;
  • Kato’s second discussion attempt with Dina after Kandi took off;

... I swear to god they make monkey shit fights at the zoo look like Robert’s Rules of Order.


3 minutes ago, silverspoons said:

Why wont Kato just say what is going on? Now drunk Dina in the girls room. I hope we get one last Tom show tonight to make me sane.

It don’t mean dick what Kato or Kandi or Jesus on the Sermon Mount says, because Dina ain’t hearing it - she has a force field over her ears which keep her from hearing the words coming out of anybody else’s mouth.  Trying to carry on a coherent conversation with Dina is like trying to juggle water; she actually made me feel somewhat sorry for Kato, and believe me that’s a helluva trick.

Tom expressly told Kato NOT to say anything to Dina yet - and with good reason.  Kato sure as fuck is regretting not taking THAT particular piece of advice right about now.  Good lord, that was painful to watch.


2 minutes ago, TVFan17 said:

Lolo said God is on their side.

If Yoyo thinks God actually gives a shit about who wins Celebrity Big Brother, then she’s dumber than I thought.

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10 minutes ago, Nashville said:
11 minutes ago, TVFan17 said:

Lolo said God is on their side.

If Yoyo thinks God actually gives a shit about who wins Celebrity Big Brother, then she’s dumber than I thought.

Obligatory "God is in the tub" comment?

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12:32 a.m. BB -- Now Joey is talking to Ricky, Lolo and Natalie about his whole chat with Tom and Kato.  

Ricky left, but Tamar is apparently there too (she just popped out from under the covers).

Joey said "They're nuts."

Natalie and Joey agree that Tom and Kato are psychotic.

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1:23 a.m. BB time -- I just laughed out loud for a good minute.

Dina was up in Tom's HoH room for a long time, which everyone knew about.   She was saying she doesn't like how Natalie and Lolo play the game, and they can't be trusted, etc.

Tom's body language indicated that he was tired of Dina and was hoping she would leave.  But she kept talking.  A couple of times she whispered to him, and he didn't seem all that interested in whatever she was saying.

Tom had an eagle eye on the cameras the whole time, trying to see if anyone was heading up to the HoH.  Dina said that if anyone came upstairs, she would go into the workout room.   Tom told her that there was no way she could get to the workout room without being seen by whoever was coming upstairs.

Sure enough, Ricky started heading upstairs.  Tom spotted him.  Dina bolted out of the HoH room and into the gym.  She got on the elliptical and started working out.  Keep in mind, this was after 1:00 a.m.!

Ricky went into the gym and asked if Dina was okay.  She was acting as though she had been working out for a while.  But she started huffing and puffing after a minute and said she had to stop.   Dina and Ricky walked downstairs.  Ricky went back to his room and told Natalie, Lolo and Tamar that he saw Dina running out of Tom's door and into the gym.  They all started laughing.

Ricky said that what Dina said wasn't making any sense (he's right!).   He doesn't believe she could have gotten buzzed from whatever she drank.

Ricky thinks that he saved Dina from Tom when he saw her running out of the HoH and found her pretending to work out in the gym.  (What he doesn't realize is that he actually saved Tom from Dina!!  Dina would have stayed there for hours if Ricky hadn't gone up there.)

Edited by TVFan17
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3 hours ago, silverspoons said:

Did anyone catch what Kato said around 11pm BB time? He was talking to Tom, it seems Kato is sick, like might be something serious like cancer. I can't flashback on my TV that I am viewing on tonight.  Tom and Kato were in the backyard and Kato says he has not told anyone but he is in a lot of pain. Tom seemed to understand his pain (Tom had cancer years ago) so it seemed like Kato might have said cancer before I changed to their feed. 

Kato said it had to do with his body. I am sure after the show ends, it will be revealed. 

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I’m very confused. Even drunk Dina is saying she wants to vote Kandi to stay. Kato is telling her they must keep Joey and he will protect them. Kato realizes the girls are playing him and while playing them their plan was to keep Joey. Shouldn’t that tell him something now that the alliance is over? They were playing you and wanted you to keep Joey and that’s what you’re doing lol. There’s a better chance Joey will win HOH than Kandi as well so it seems like a bad move to let her go.

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3 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Obligatory "God is in the tub" comment?

And thank you for THAT flashback to a nightmare long past.  ;)


5 hours ago, silverspoons said:

Did anyone catch what Kato said around 11pm BB time? He was talking to Tom, it seems Kato is sick, like might be something serious like cancer. I can't flashback on my TV that I am viewing on tonight.  Tom and Kato were in the backyard and Kato says he has not told anyone but he is in a lot of pain. Tom seemed to understand his pain (Tom had cancer years ago) so it seemed like Kato might have said cancer before I changed to their feed. 

Kato was being cagey about his condition on camera, but few points he did communicate:

  1. Whatever disease/condition Kato has is serious - as in no-reprieve, death-sentence, terminal serious.
  2. Kato’s disease/condition will get progressively worse, but was detected in its earliest stages - or before any overt signs/symptoms started manifesting themselves, at least.
  3. Production had to have a doctor’s clearance of Kato’s physical condition/capacities before Kato could participate in CBB2.
  4. Kato’s condition is something pretty readily discernible from three letters - whether as initials or the first three letters of a word, I don’t know

Could be cancer, leukemia - anything along that vein; my personal guess would be either ALS or NHL (non-Hodgkin lymphoma).  Poor schmuck.

Edited by Nashville
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6 hours ago, TVFan17 said:

Lolo said God is on their side.

Bye, bitch.

I really need Kato's dumb ass to win HOH. I want Lolo/Natalie/Ricky to actually feel some heat for once. I think they'd lose it, all in different ways, and it could be really fun to watch.

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4 hours ago, TVFan17 said:

1:23 a.m. BB time -- I just laughed out loud for a good minute.

Dina was up in Tom's HoH room for a long time, which everyone knew about.   She was saying she doesn't like how Natalie and Lolo play the game, and they can't be trusted, etc.

Tom's body language indicated that he was tired of Dina and was hoping she would leave.  But she kept talking.  A couple of times she whispered to him, and he didn't seem all that interested in whatever she was saying.

Tom had an eagle eye on the cameras the whole time, trying to see if anyone was heading up to the HoH.  Dina said that if anyone came upstairs, she would go into the workout room.   Tom told her that there was no way she could get to the workout room without being seen by whoever was coming upstairs.

Sure enough, Ricky started heading upstairs.  Tom spotted him.  Dina bolted out of the HoH room and into the gym.  She got on the elliptical and started working out.  Keep in mind, this was after 1:00 a.m.!

Ricky went into the gym and asked if Dina was okay.  She was acting as though she had been working out for a while.  But she started huffing and puffing after a minute and said she had to stop.   Dina and Ricky walked downstairs.  Ricky went back to his room and told Natalie, Lolo and Tamar that he saw Dina running out of Tom's door and into the gym.  They all started laughing.

Ricky said that what Dina said wasn't making any sense (he's right!).   He doesn't believe she could have gotten buzzed from whatever she drank.

Ricky thinks that he saved Dina from Tom when he saw her running out of the HoH and found her pretending to work out in the gym.  (What he doesn't realize is that he actually saved Tom from Dina!!  Dina would have stayed there for hours if Ricky hadn't gone up there.)

Omg! This made me laugh so hard.  Dina ‘pretending’ she is talking game and running away.


Love Ricky’s messiness.  He is such a huge snitch! Lol!

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3 hours ago, Nashville said:
7 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Obligatory "God is in the tub" comment?

And thank you for THAT flashback to a nightmare long past.  ;)

Even Miss Alli (who I didn't like, not just from the boards but from some personal interactions with her), herself said while still at TWoP that she was sorry she made that joke, because she was sick of it being repeated ad nauseam.

I'm actually kinda concerned about Kato, and whatever illness he may have. I like the guy. He seems like a harmless jerk. A friendly one.

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Kato was talking and I think he said ( ugh I hate when they speak in low voice).......he would not marry his girlfriend because he is a bachelor for life!


Then said she is here on a temporary visa.


Tom asked....you won’t marry her so she can get her green card and stay here? Kato was like Nope!


ahhhh, the things loved ones find out watching BBAD and the feeds.  Hahahahahaha!

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26 minutes ago, mikewho said:


I'm actually kinda concerned about Kato, and whatever illness he may have. I like the guy. He seems like a harmless jerk. A friendly one.

I read somewhere that he traced 3 initials. IBS ????

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A fairly normal conversation going on between Tom and Khandi. Tom's matter of fact, I know everything , so and so will do want I want, attitude is funny. He is so wrong. 

But, he is talking quietly with Khandi, trying to get her to have whoever has the power to use it on Khandi so Tom can backdoor Ricky. 

She does tell him that he antagonize people by interrogating them about the power. He said I thought that would be fun for the show. 

It annoys when contestants try to produce the show.

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Reading the feeds makes me miss season 1 more. Metta trying to escape, Shannon self-destructing, Marissa talking too much, Brandi and James hating each other, Omarosa knowing how to make the feeds interesting while keeping her game intact.

Everyone on this season fails in comparison.

I'm still rooting for Tom and Kandi, but the latter is most likely leaving tonight while the former looks like they're going soon too.

it's stupid too, because Joey is a strong competitor and Kandi won win anything. Keeping her helps your game more instead of keeping someone else who is physical.

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37 minutes ago, missyb said:

She does tell him that he antagonize people by interrogating them about the power. He said I thought that would be fun for the show. 

It annoys when contestants try to produce the show.

Doesn't that happen every season, though? There's always someone who's all about 'ME! ME! ME! I want camera time!'

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Hmmm, after a major blow up , Kato comes into Lolo's room. She says get him out of my room. I am not going to talk to you know. Get out ! Get him out. Ricky, get him out. Ricky practically shoves him out and closes the door. Goes to music.But its more about producing and arranging events than me me me. 

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8 hours ago, Nashville said:

And thank you for THAT flashback to a nightmare long past.  ;)

Hey, if I went there, I was bringing the rest of you with me. Safety in numbers, eh?


2 hours ago, missyb said:

She [Kandi] does tell him that he [Tom] antagonize people by interrogating them about the power. He said I thought that would be fun for the show. 

He's been doing it since the beginning, talking about setting up a shot when he starts a conversation. The worst was when he and Kato went to go talk to Lolo and Natalie Eva Marie Guadalupe Rosa Daniela in the gym to try and convince them to get on board with the backdoor Ricky plan and Tom told Lolo where to sit and explained that he was going to stand where he was because it would be a "good shot". But he's funny, right? Cereal Box Osprey! Singing about coffee! Giving us house tours at 2 am! So funny!

Sorry, you can't see me but I think I just sprained an eyeball from rolling it so hard. 

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3 hours ago, Dance4Life said:

Kato was talking and I think he said ( ugh I hate when they speak in low voice).......he would not marry his girlfriend because he is a bachelor for life!


Then said she is here on a temporary visa.


Tom asked....you won’t marry her so she can get her green card and stay here? Kato was like Nope!


ahhhh, the things loved ones find out watching BBAD and the feeds.  Hahahahahaha!

Maybe, maybe not - even if Kato did intend to participate in a green card marriage, the last thing on earth he would ever do is admit it on national TV.  INS would be all over that like a duck on a junebug.

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12 hours ago, TVFan17 said:

Kato and Tom are telling Dina that she has to be sure to vote Kandi out.   Dina does not totally trust Joey.

Tom is trying to tell Dina that if the power is used to save Kandi or Joey, he will put Lolo up on the block, in which case he wants Dina to vote Lolo out.

Dina is mumbling and muttering -- not sure what she is trying to say...

She SHOULD be saying that once the noms are in and the veto ceremony is over that a HOH has diddly left for power anymore so shut up.

Why is it that so many HOH people think they also control the vote as well?  They don't.  They are totally clawless and toothless post-veto stuff barring any "twists."


3 hours ago, missyb said:

I read somewhere that he traced 3 initials. IBS ????

What is that?

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2 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Maybe, maybe not - even if Kato did intend to participate in a green card marriage, the last thing on earth he would ever do is admit it on national TV.  INS would be all over that like a duck on a junebug.

Maybe because it's my reality TV worlds colliding but I wonder if Kato is trying to get a spot on the next season of 90 Day Fiancé. Ugh, he totally would ruin one of my favourite new crack shows, wouldn't he?

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23 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

He's been doing it since the beginning, talking about setting up a shot when he starts a conversation. The worst was when he and Kato went to go talk to Lolo and Natalie Eva Marie Guadalupe Rosa Daniela in the gym to try and convince them to get on board with the backdoor Ricky plan and Tom told Lolo where to sit and explained that he was going to stand where he was because it would be a "good shot". But he's funny, right? Cereal Box Osprey! Singing about coffee! Giving us house tours at 2 am! So funny!

Sorry, you can't see me but I think I just sprained an eyeball from rolling it so hard. 

I agree he has been doing that all the time. And Kato is into the "acting" aspects of the show as well. 

When he ordered Lolo to sit in a certain spot, after interrupting her heavy squats, I thought it was terrible stupid and dangerous for him to interrupt like that.

He annoys me in every way. Down to the sound of his speech.

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Just a few samples of this morning’s fun - from Joker’s:

Fri 11:45 AM PT Ricky suggests everyone gives Tomato the silent treatment, just nobody talk to them.

Fri 11:43 AM PT Feeds return. Things have calmed down. Tom says coffee is good in the house, but he has coffee jitters. Tom says things are cray cray around here, and he wants to stay out of it, not yell back.

Fri 11:36 AM PT Tom, Nat & Joey in kitchen when loud yelling heard in background. Joey & Nat move toward sounds. I believe I heard Ricky’s voice & a female, then feeds cut.

Fri 11:35 AM PT Kato enters bedroom, Lolo tells Ricky to get him out of the room that she's not ready to talk to him. Raises voice asking production to get him out of her room. Feeds cut.


Let’s see: screaming fits, shunning, ostracism....

Yep, the absence of all this histrionic bullshit is exactly WHY I liked CBB1 so well.  

So far as I’m concerned - CBB2, meet toilet.

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53 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Maybe, maybe not - even if Kato did intend to participate in a green card marriage, the last thing on earth he would ever do is admit it on national TV.  INS would be all over that like a duck on a junebug.

He is not participating in green card marriage.  That is his girlfriend and she is already here in USA having a legit relationship with Kato.  If he wants to be with her (stay in America) he has to marry her.


Or, else she goes home and has to apply for visa all over again.


Do you watch 90 Day Fiance???  Once the American applies for that green card application.....it is pretty hard to get the foreigner deported.  They cheat, divorce the American,  go to jail for domestic violence.....Some Americans don’t even qualify for the financial part of it and get sponsors and set up Go Fund Me. 


This season there were 3 couples that divorce soon after the show was over.  I think like 6 months of marriage.....and, the foreigners are staying in USA.


It is not like the movies.  No, immigrant official doing home visits to make sure marriage is legit.


The show just finished but you should join us on the 90 Day Fiance board for next season.  Good times!

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5 hours ago, missyb said:

I read somewhere that he traced 3 initials. IBS ????

IBS isn't fatal though. But he does apparently have stomach issues, so he possibly has that in addition to something else.

I'm sad I missed the fights. That's the only reason I watch lol. I prefer to watch them on the show anyway though. It somehow gives me less second-hand embarrassment.

I still hope Kato wins HOH just so I can see how Natalie/Lolo/Ricky deal with not having everything go their way.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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47 minutes ago, Dance4Life said:

He is not participating in green card marriage.  That is his girlfriend and she is already here in USA having a legit relationship with Kato.  If he wants to be with her (stay in America) he has to marry her.

Purely for clarification- I didn’t say Kato was; I very specifically said even if he was.



It is not like the movies.  No, immigrant official doing home visits to make sure marriage is legit.

It’s not necessarily like TV, either.  I’ve had very close non-citizen friends who have gotten married and suddenly experienced the thrill of feeling Immigration break out and apply the hobnailed boots - accusing them of getting married purely to gain citizenship, disputing the validity/legality of the marriage, claiming the marriage was invalid because the citizen partner of the marriage didn’t make enough to support the non-citizen (even if the non-citizen made more than the citizen), harassing them AND their employer with phone calls threatening deportation at work and at home, etc.  One marriage I personally know was “actual” (and not some kind of citizenship dodge) was eventually torn apart by the persecution, and the resultant stress.

So if Kato and his gf ever considered marriage for any reason (including true love), the absolute LAST thing Kato would - or should - EVER do in ANY kind of public forum is even nod at the suggestion her potential citizenship might even be a consideration.  Tom should’ve never asked that question.  :( 

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I’m so confused! When is the next episode on tv? I thought it was tonight, but it doesn’t show up on the guide.


Never mind - finally found the schedule!

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