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Worst Cooks In America - General Discussion

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Bridget is from the town where I now reside. Finally on Friday there was an article in our local newspaper about her appearance on this show. Seems late to me as this town has fewer than 50k people & I think her dad was the mayor a long time ago. Her mom still lives here. Anyway, I thought her appearance was a Big Deal. Also, Tyler was thru here a few years ago for an episode of Great Food Truck Road Race. I'd like to think he & Bridget would have spoken about this place.

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I laugh at imagining the judgesโ€™ looks of confusion when the two โ€œcelebrityโ€ finalists were finally brought out to meet them.

I hate Johnny Bananas and Iโ€™m glad he lost. Other than the first course, his dishes seemed like fancied up diner food. Meat and potatoes and a slice of cake for dessert.ย 

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5 hours ago, Johnny Dollar said:

I laugh at imagining the judgesโ€™ looks of confusion when the two โ€œcelebrityโ€ finalists were finally brought out to meet them.

I hate Johnny Bananas and Iโ€™m glad he lost. Other than the first course, his dishes seemed like fancied up diner food. Meat and potatoes and a slice of cake for dessert.ย 

He (JB) was disgusting, wiping his hands on his hair and then right back into the food, drinking from a bottle of wine and then using it in the food.ย  Made me want to vomit.ย  Happy Wells won.ย  Still don't know who he is, except the girl from Modern Family is his sweetie.ย  He's famous adjacent.

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4 hours ago, KayVeeTeeVee said:

He (JB) was disgusting, wiping his hands on his hair and then right back into the food, drinking from a bottle of wine and then using it in the food

That really bugged me too.ย  I'm surprised Anne didn't jump all over him for it.

I ended up liking Wells quite a lot and I'm glad he won the money for his animal charity.ย  He made some reference to being in college and also made a rather witty remark about Dostoevsky so he must be brighter than I usually expect reality "stars" to be.ย  I wish him well.

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On 6/9/2020 at 5:26 PM, Superclam said:

You get a choice of "macerate" or "spatchcock." I guess "spatchcock" will be for the new season.ย 

Or in the finale, "kumquat".ย  I don't know why but the way Johnny said it sounded vaguely filthy, LOL.

I'm glad that Wells won because Johnny bugs, but I wonder if his food really should have won.ย  I actually thought Johnny was going to win based on the comments.

Really, show?ย  We don't even get a few weeks of rest before a new season starts already???ย  ย ::Commences head banging::

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ย I think we owe the quick turnaroud to coronavirus.ย  ย The usually do another iteration of Worst Cooks in the fall but I'm assuming they weren't able to film whatever they had planned for Sundays this summer and had to drop in the fall installment to fill the gap.ย  ย I guess we'll know for sure if there are any seasonally-themed challenges that are out of place.ย  Summer used to be for Food Network Star but I don't even remember what they aired in it's place last year.ย 

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6 hours ago, Maverick said:

ย I think we owe the quick turnaroud to coronavirus.ย  ย The usually do another iteration of Worst Cooks in the fall but I'm assuming they weren't able to film whatever they had planned for Sundays this summer and had to drop in the fall installment to fill the gap.ย  ย I guess we'll know for sure if there are any seasonally-themed challenges that are out of place.ย  Summer used to be for Food Network Star but I don't even remember what they aired in it's place last year.ย 

I think they aired "The Great Food Truck Race" in its placeย because I remember watching that because there was no FNS and it was the only thing on.ย  I had never watched it before and didn't really care for it, though.

What are they going to air when they have nothing left to air?ย  Back to back repeats of "Amy Schumer Learns to Cook?"ย  Just shoot me now....

4 hours ago, Gramto6 said:

It kind of seems FNS has faded into the distant memory of the dwindling fans left.

I still miss it!ย  I didn't like the last few seasons too much, though.ย  Once Kermit and Medusa left the network it wasn't the same anymore.

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4 hours ago, Westiepeach said:

Whatever happened to that annoying lady that was the co-winner along with Christian Petroni?

I saw her on FN exactly once after the oh-so-stupid joint win.ย  She showed up as a judge on something - Worst Cooks I think.ย  If she was on anything else, I didn't watchย it.ย  I couldn't stand her so I haven't missed her at all.ย ย 

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16 hours ago, Yeah No said:

Or in the finale, "kumquat".ย  I don't know why but the way Johnny said it sounded vaguely filthy, LOL.

Everything Johnny says sounds filthy. It's why I love him.ย 

16 hours ago, Yeah No said:

ย I wonder if his food really should have won.ย  I actually thought Johnny was going to win based on the comments.

Me too.ย 

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I renew my objection that this is a "best recipe" challenge. It's like the oldschool Dancing with the Stars final, where the best pro choreographer generally won, as long as their star could follow the steps set out for them. I did notice Anne seemed to cater her menu to what she thought Wells could excel at versus Tyler, who just planned the meal he wanted.

Anne's dominance reminds me of the days the Hough twins dominated on Dancing with the Stars -- no matter what celebrity partner they had, they were the superior choreographers and could figure out how to highlight their partner's strengths. In this case, Anne is the better menu planner. But if you wanted to show how much these "celebrities" have progressed, they should plan their own menus.

The show is similar to a Masterchef challenge (your own spin on what you've just learned) for three-quarters of its run, but the final morphs into a garden variety episode of Hell's Kitchen (cook my menu to my standards!) and I don't get that at all.

Edited by Eolivet
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On 6/16/2020 at 8:42 AM, Johnny Dollar said:

I think Food Network Star is done because they have more than enough judges for GGG. They still trot out Melissa for that thing.ย 

I know I've posted about this before but Melissa hasn't appeared on any Food Network program since early 2017, including GGG.ย  Someone (I think) on this board said they heard she said something that pissed off Richard Blais and then suddenly she was gone and I read her make some vague reference in an interview to having lost a job.ย  I did see a photo of her and her familyย with Guy at a local restaurant last year so it appears that they're still friendly.ย  As far as I can tell she isn't currently appearing on any TV shows (she did some Home and Family appearances on Hallmark Channel until 2019) and is currently doing her own weekly cooking videos from her Facebook page.ย  She also wrote a book last year entitled "Tasting Grace" in which she discusses how her journey with food and her faith in God have affected each other.ย  She also appeared on the 700 Club discussing the book.ย  The only reason I know all of this is because I wanted to find the scoop on why she disappeared and did some online research.

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On 6/17/2020 at 7:37 AM, Yeah No said:

Someone (I think) on this board said they heard she said something that pissed off Richard Blais and then suddenly she was gone and I read her make some vague reference in an interview to having lost a job.ย 

She was on Richardโ€™s podcast a year or twoย ago and they seemed to get on great. I doubt both that has the power to get her fired and that he would invite her to be on his podcast if he had done that.

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Okay, I know this show loves to give us people who are just there for fame whoring, but are we really supposed to believe they went from what ever the hell was going on in their initial favorite dish to Alex's whole team perfectly cooking chicken in the first challenge? And I'm really sick of this show giving them whole chickens with heads and feet or dinar fish. Oooo.... funny.... let's watch people freak out and pretty much disrespect the animal. I'm not a member of PETA by any means, and I honestly find chickens to be disgusting animals who are only good for eggs and eating, but damn, there's no reason to allow people to mutilate a dead chicken or a whole fish just to "entertain" people. And dude with the purple lipstick stop crying!

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My husband gave me 3 cooking classes for couples for my birthday one year. One was 3 recipes using chicken. The first includedย learning how to cut up a whole chicken. Granted, it was the typical whole chicken you find inย  the store, but I remember the instructor telling us that the chicken had already experienced the ultimate indignity, and to not be afraid to hack away at it. Gosh, we had so much fun taking those classes. We make a good team.

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I'm glad this show is back on right now because Top Chef is over and there isn't much else to watch other than endless repeats of DDD which I don't like.ย ย 

I'd love to know how much correlation there really is between the occupations they list for the contestants and what they actually do.ย  I have a hard time believing any of those "teachers" really are college graduates who teach in schools.

I'm sure this will change but, so far, I don't mind any of the men.ย  I thought I'd dislike the model based on his intro but he settled down quickly.ย  The only woman who isn't ridiculous is the one with the southern accent.ย  I don't have any names straight yet except Yo.ย  Next they need to get rid of the one with the make up and the one who talks constantly.ย  And all the women need to keep their hands out of their hair.ย  That always bugs me.

So far I'm liking Alex as one of the "mentors."


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Channeling my inner Anne Burrell - every time I see those stupid curtain pull-ties in the ears of the one competitor, I just want to cut them off.ย  Same with the ridiculous sleeves on one of the other "cooks" dangling in her food as she cooks.ย  It's one thing to not know how to cook, but every season (which of course I continue to watch) the lack of common sense is just incomprehensible.ย  Darwin has obviously been busy elsewhere.

Edited by Brookside
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8 hours ago, LexieLily said:

t only took me a few minutes to remember Louisa from Worst Bakers, she was the annoying twat that kept her makeup at her station and kept applying her foundation and lipstick instead of cooking. She hasn't learned anything since then.ย 

Thank you. I was thinking, wasn't this woman (or someone who looks and acts and talks exactly like her) on this show already? Is it her twin? But it was Worst Bakers. Hopefully she'll be offed sooner rather than later. Please!

I kept waiting for the shirt on the woman that did get offed to go up in flames in seconds. Who in their right mind let her go on wearing something so obviously dangerous in a kitchen? WTF? Maybe they were hoping for drama? But she's gone, so good.

I am liking Alex here. I keep thinking being a co-host is a punishment for something, but in her case I think it may be a bargaining chip. I'll do this, if you'll do _____.

Could have done without the "in memoriams" of the worst wackos to appear on the show interspersed throughout. Who are these fakes and why am I watching this?


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10 hours ago, mlp said:

I'm glad this show is back on right now because Top Chef is over and there isn't much else to watch other than endless repeats of DDD which I don't like.ย 

I guess I've lost enough brain cells right now also havingย no more Top Chef to watch and stuck at home more due to the pandemic thatย my standards are lower,ย so this show is actually a welcome bit of fluff and antidote to all the gut wrenching news going on out there.

I too am liking Alex so far in this role.ย  ย She probably drew the short straw this time giving Tyler, Robert, Rachael, Bobby and anyone else so unfortunate as to be in the running a reprieve.ย 

One welcome thing they've changed is that they aren't puttingย the contestant's age after their name when they appear on screen.ย  That was always a thorn in my side, plus it was obvious to me that most of the older women shaved at least 10 years off their lives anyway.ย  Theย woman that went home on Alex's team asked if she had to tell her age and they said "no".ย  Good for them, finally.ย ย Why should age be so important anyway?ย 

That said, I knew the flames woman would go home.ย  She was a disaster waiting to happen.

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22 hours ago, Fostersmom said:

Okay, I know this show loves to give us people who are just there for fame whoring, but are we really supposed to believe they went from what ever the hell was going on in their initial favorite dish to Alex's whole team perfectly cooking chicken in the first challenge? And I'm really sick of this show giving them whole chickens with heads and feet or dinar fish. Oooo.... funny.... let's watch people freak out and pretty much disrespect the animal. I'm not a member of PETA by any means, and I honestly find chickens to be disgusting animals who are only good for eggs and eating, but damn, there's no reason to allow people to mutilate a dead chicken or a whole fish just to "entertain" people. And dude with the purple lipstick stop crying!

Being able to break down a chicken or a whole fish is an important part of being a competent cook. It's not that hard and part of why it's useful is that you can get fresher ingredients at a lower price and butcher them the way you need them.

Edited by ArtFossil
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Thank you, pagan gods, for sending us a Worst Cooks with Anne Burrell and Alex Guarnaschelli. Talented chefs + snark + inept competitors = all I could wish for in reality TV.ย This series just might help save my life. The only way I could improve on the current season is if it were a 3-way with Anne, Alex and Alton Brown.

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4 hours ago, ArtFossil said:

Being able to break down a chicken or a whole fish is an important part of being a competent cook. It's not that hard and part of why it's useful is that you can get fresher ingredients at a lower price and butcher them the way you need them.

I agree with you in theory but that's beside the point.ย  I think the show makes them break down chickens and filet fish just for the shock and humorย value of seeing them mutilate them.ย  And IMO that disrespects the animals who gave their lives for our sustenance, and therefore is not funny.

Also, it is harder for some people than others to learn.ย  I'm a pretty good home cook but it took me years to learn how to do both of these things when I was young just because I'm not one of those people gifted at being "good with my hands".

Edited by Yeah No
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22 hours ago, Gramto6 said:

I think Alton had his fill of this show his season. He seemed truly embarrassed by the experience. I guess it bought him more Good Eats Reloaded/Return.ย ย 

I'll bet you a virtual cocktail of your choice that Alton Brown will be back. Having done it once now, and gotten over the shock, I think his competitive streak will require him to come back. I for oneย will rejoice as he's hilarious.ย 

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I was having trouble sleeping so I gave up and thought I'd free up an hour on my DVR. Some of these people are too much. I've been watching this show for a few years but some of them were pinging my anxiety due to the stupid ass dangerous and unhygienic stuff they were doing. All of the hair touching was grossing me out too.

That Mom who's had her daughter in pageants for forever can't go home soon enough. I don't think much of parents who do that kind of stuff to their kids especially in this day and age. My Mom died a few years ago and I talk to her out loud in the privacy of my own home sometimesย  like I do to my cat who's actually alive. There's no way I'd talk to either of them on TV like that woman who says she's some kind of psychic. I was so glad that psychic lady was one of the two to go home. Not sure if I could have stood listening to her for the whole season.

I'm hoping to learn the names more when watching the next few episodes.

I like Alex and Anne together. I'm one who's always liked Alex so I was looking forward to seeing her on this show.

Edited by Jaded
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Oh. My. God.

I know this show pulls from central casting, but how does this show manage to find the most insufferable women in America? They really have been scraping from the bottom of the barrel. Iย was so annoyed by these contestants, especially the Armenian who wouldn't shut up and the nurse practitioner with the face mask. I don't know if I'll be able to make it through this season.

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12 hours ago, cameron said:

Normally not a fan of Alex G. but she went out of her way to be really understandingย in the sushi challenge to her team members who had never heard of sushi or eaten some. ย Provided them picturesย and told them no shame in their not no knowing the term.

You would also like her on Supermarket Stakeout.ย Sheโ€™s the host and every so often will go over to give one of the contestantsย a little hint or tip to improve their dish. ย It doesnโ€™t happen on every episode so itโ€™s totally organic of her to do it. ย I had seen her on Guyโ€™s Grocery Games in an episode where chefs were paired up with teens. ย She was wonderful with her partner. ย She was so encouraging to the kid, never demeaning, no power trip. ย 

Edited by Koalagirl
Corrected name of show to Supermarket Stakeout.
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I like Alex in this setting too, unlike on Chopped where she constantly looks like sheโ€™s ready to kill someone. Sheโ€™s really hasย a great personality for this and seems to be having fun. Unlike Bobby Flay who always looks like heโ€™s too good for literally every show they put him on.

I went back and rewatched to make sure, but Anne didnโ€™t eat one morsel of the sushi her team made. Not even a grain of rice. Not that I blame her. On the other hand, Alex tasted a little bit of every contestantโ€™s dish, even the nasty looking ones.

i googled some of the contestants. Domaine is transgender and was expelled in college in 2011 for โ€œfraudulentlyโ€ listing her gender as female on her application. She actually lost the case. I tried to post a link to the story but it didnโ€™t work ย 


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20 minutes ago, IndyMischa said:

I have mixed feelings about this one...why would she choose to go to a school whose theology is definitely not in line with hers?ย  If my daughter was gay or transgender I would definitely recommend against going to one of the Baptist universities because I know that it would be an incredibly uncomfortable situation for her.

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