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S05.E09: Elseworlds Part 1


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That was a crappy Flash episode. The best thing about it was seeing Clark and Lois, which realistically should have taken place on the Supergirl installment. I feel like she forgot to tell her cousin that the shows were trading time-slots. Writers, you have failed this series!

Edited by CletusMusashi
  • Love 6

Part 1 definitely had its moments and when I totally turn my brain off it was very fun. But when I think with my brain on....it wasnt the strongest start to a crossover.

They did a poor job of bringing Supergirl, the fact that TF had to be MASSIVELY dumbed down was not a good look. 2 people that you've known for years come to saying "we've switched bodies" and your immediate reaction is to A. Not believe them and B. to LOCK THEM UP as if they were criminals? That makes zero sense!?! And then Barry wants Oliver to talk to iris to try to convince her? Was she supposed to be refusing to speak to "Oliver" that Barry couldnt go over there and tell her exactly the same thing he says to her later on?

The Smallville music probably was the highlight, it just hit me with the nostalgia real hard and it was great. Not sure how I feel about this actress playing Lois, I dont hate her in the role but it isnt an automatic "WOW" to me. 

Amazo was nice to see even though he was defeated in 5 minutes and Team Flash forgot that there were a bunch of heroes in Star City that they've worked with throughout the years that could help them.

Not sure why we had to be subjected to Sherloque who is the worst Flash character to ever exist.

  • Love 8

It wasn't awful but it's the weakest crossover for me so far. Too much going on, I think. It feels like they only created this first part of the crossover for the jokes about Barry and Oliver as each other, with a touch of Superman and Lois Lane. That big fight at the end was ridiculously easy. I mean, it's cool to see all four powerful superheroes fighting and I guess it is cool to see them beat a villain when they should be able to do that as quickly as they should but....I was still disappointed. 

Some moments were decent. I've never watched Smallville, but I did recognize the theme song. I did enjoy Barry's payback. Some lines were funny enough for me to laugh. But overall? A big fat meh. I like WestAllen a lot, but I cringed hard at "don't turn into Oliver Queen." Not just because of the shitting on Oliver and his darkness yet again, but more because it made no sense. So....Barry utters Oliver's infamous line and suddenly that'll turn him into Oliver Queen? I mean, maybe they're setting up Oliver and Barry actually turning into each other but they haven't really shown that happening. Plus, Team Flash has been brain dead for most of the episode so it was disappointing for Iris to utter that warning at the end. 

  • Love 10

I get the feeling that the best way to treat the crossover will be like a Treehouse of Horror episode - ignore a lot of the usual rules and go with the flow or too many things will be perplexing/infuriating.

For example, why in the hell didn't Barry just start talking about all of the stuff only he would know instead of trying to get Oliver to bring up the lightning rod stuff?  Since when does STAR labs lock two prisoners in the same cell?  And I guess all of that weird lightning outside wasn't noticed by anyone until after Cisco started running scans?

  • Love 12

Damn it, so this is where the Livethread was!

This was kind of meh as far as big crossover events go, and I am really struggling with the pacing and character choices they made here (unlike last season, where I was super engaged the whole time), but I freaking died when they played the Smallville theme when they got to the Kent Farm! That was almost worth the price of admission!

  • Love 12

Things I liked: 

1. Clark!!! 

2. Saaaaave meeeee!I

3. Kent Farm.

4. Seeing Lois.

5. Grant seems to be having fun as Green Arrow.

6. The way Amazo showed all the logos he's absorbed switching like they usually do for crossover.

7. Green Arrow jumping through a breach on a motorcycle.

8. Barry's revenge.

9. Loved seeing Clark fight with our usual trio. Can anyone guess who my favorite superhero is?I

10. Toilet reveal. And "it's not a secret prison. Ok, it's a prison."

Things I didn't like:

1. The way they discussed Oliver and Barry channeling their abilities. Especially because it could have worked. Instead of saying it was anger and darkness, say something like Oliver channels his pain into strength and determination. Instead of saying Barry's best when he's happy, talk about his powers being connected to his hope and his love for his family and friends.

2. Bad Team Flash. Listen to your people.

3. Lois. I'm giving the actress worse than Bosworth status. I don't like her.

4. No Felicity. No Joe.

5. Come on, show, you could've brought in some serious angst with the guys upset their children don't remember them as their fathers. Or Oliver trying to be a cool dad since he knows The Flash is William's favorite.

6. They never lock prisoners together! Why now?! Plot contrivance.

Edited by bettername2come
  • Love 6

I've decided not to watch the Flash anymore after tonight's epi. I have been debating it for a while, but Iris's behavior sealed the deal for me. The Flash writers really love to trash Oliver's character. Wow.

Did Iris forget that her husband also went into the speedforce for months without discussing it with her? He blindsided her. How is Barry any different from Oliver in that regard. There is no point in being upset with the writers nonsensical writing, I'm just done with the show and their judgemental characters.

  • Love 8

Glad I kept my expectations low; that was a lot better than I thought it would be!

Loved the callbacks, and how they did the intro to Smallville!  There were a lot of genuinely funny moments.

The team up fight at the end was well done, I think.

Pleasantly surprised that Iris had more to do and more screentime than I thought they would give her.

Ralph and Sherloque and Killer Frost continue to be useless.

Grant and Stephen do really well as scene partners. I wish we had more Grant/Melissa, though.

The Monitor seems appropriately intimidating.

Lowering expectations for the next two Guggenheim eps.

Edited by Trini
  • Love 3

Blech. The episode was mediocre as I find most of these crossover events to be. I did enjoy Barry getting payback on Oliver with the arrows in the back.

I have no problem with Iris telling Barry not to come back with Oliver's persona. Not sure why the big deal with this. 

I really hope that Sherloque won't be around for the whole season. I really want us to get Harry back.

Edited by SimoneS
  • Love 9
2 minutes ago, GigiM said:

I've decided not to watch the Flash anymore after tonight's epi. I have been debating it for a while, but Iris's behavior sealed the deal for me.

You'll at least be able to take about a month's break. This episode is also the Winter Finale, according to Danielle Panabaker.  The show is now on hiatus until January.

3 minutes ago, cambridgeguy said:

  And I guess all of that weird lightning outside wasn't noticed by anyone until after Cisco started running scans?

All I could think of was 'Red Skies' and why no one on Team Flash went to the Timevault to find out what Gideon knew about it.
And where was Nora ?

I'm still trying out how ARGUS built a robot that could not only steal powers from metas but non-metas ?
Let alone how that robot knew immediately how to use those powers -- even Oliver was having some issues sorting out the Flash powers.

Glad that Supes is finally back from Argo City.

  • Love 8
2 minutes ago, Trini said:

Glad I kept my expectations low; that was a lot better than I thought it would be!

Loved the callbacks, and how they did the intro to Smallville!  There were a lot of genuinely funny moments.

The team up fight at the end was well done, I think.

Pleasantly surprised that Iris had more to do and more screentime than i thought they would give her.

Ralph and Sherloque and Killer Frost continue to be useless.

Grant and Stephen do really well as scene partners. I wish we had more Grant/Melissa, though.

The Monitor seem appropriately intimidating.

Lowering expectations for the next two Guggenheim eps.

Well Mg only did teleplay for Arrow, he only wrote super girl. Not sure he could have done worse than flash writers 

  • Love 2

Episode was weak.

Of course! Oliver's first thought is Barry screwed up something for this to happen.

I thought Cisco needed to to touch an item to get a vibe?

The Wacky doctor was chosen because he has the best "vision"? OK!

When was Oliver's motorcycle picked up?

No Nora!

Caitlynn and Ralph couldn't go back in action?

Once it was determined Supergirl couldn't solve the problem, Barry and Olivier stayed on the Kent farm for a little vacation. I don't fault them for not being in a hurry to return.

SA didn't look right in the Flash suit.





1 minute ago, cambridgeguy said:

Since when does STAR labs lock two prisoners in the same cell? 

Ha!  So much else was off I didn't even think about this but yeah, has it EVER happened before?  And then as much as I love Oliver, why was he the one that figured out how to break out of Barry's prison?  

This episode was all about ticking off boxes without it making sense. 

Monitor hands weird creepy guy book to rewrite world.  Why?  We many never know. FIrst thing creepy doc does is swap Oliver and Barry.  Why?  We may never know.  BOTH Barry and Oliver say they have had their lives swapped.  Not one.  BOTH.  But no one on TF believes them.  Why?  We may never know.  Barry wants' OLIVER to convince Iris they are telling the truth instead of him, actual Barry who actually knows stuff.  Why?  We may never know.  And it keeps going. 

Why knock them out and lock them up in the same cell? 

How did Barry and Oliver know where to find Kara?

Why suddenly are Barry and Oliver's ability to handle their abilities tied now to emotion as if only if Barry pretends to be Oliver and vice versa they are in control?  Huh??? And somehow now Iris is afraid Barry will channel Oliver sooo well he'll never stop dabbling in the darkness?  But he hasn't had the same experiences.  He is NOT Oliver and he's not being tortured now so why is she suddenly so worried? 


  • Love 21

These brain trusts decide to go fight a power replicating robot and choose to bring, not just Supergirl and the Flash, but Superman, one of the most overpowered superheroes in all the Earths? That was by far one of the most idiotic things I’ve ever seen on the DCTV shows and that’s saying something. That red cloud really must be dumbing everyone down.

Smallville theme was cool though. 

Edited by InsertWordHere
  • Love 13
3 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

Monitor hands weird creepy guy book to rewrite world.  Why?  We many never know. FIrst thing creepy doc does is swap Oliver and Barry.  Why?  We may never know.  BOTH Barry and Oliver say they have had their lives swapped.  Not one.  BOTH.  But no one on TF believes them.  Why?  We may never know.  Barry wants' OLIVER to convince Iris they are telling the truth instead of him, actual Barry who actually knows stuff.  Why?  We may never know.  And it keeps going. 

And it's not like they swapped consciousness, but their entire history has been re-written.  Like when Barry exclaims "I was mayor ?"
So why can Oliver and Barry still remember their other lives ?

8 minutes ago, Trini said:

Loved the callbacks, and how they did the intro to Smallville!  There were a lot of genuinely funny moments.

That was pretty awesome.  As soon as I heard the music, I had to laugh.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
  • Love 1

Everything about this was so dumb and contrived. The things everyone had to do and not do to move the story along to the next plot point were nonsensical. The reasoning for going to see Kara was beyond weak. And when Oliver and Team Flash were trying to figure out what to do at the end, I'm glad no one remembered Oliver is married to a genius. That would've been inconvenient.

The two things I really liked were SA's comedic performance and Tyler Hoechin. More TH is always a good thing.

Finally, I don't know why The Flash writers always feel like they have to shit all over Oliver. But it feels like they think no one will believe that Barry's The Bestest Superhero! unless they tell us over and over and over again. We get it, already. Let's throw a parade.

  • Love 16

My biggest problem with Iris and Oliver's conversation about Felicity calling Iris while he was in prison was that Oliver seemed surprised that Felicity thought all this stuff. Oliver, what do you think happened seven months ago? Because that was a pretty accurate description. I didn't have a problem with Iris telling Barry not to come back with Oliver's personality because I don't think she hates Oliver or anything she just loves Barry. I assume Felicity would react much the same way even though Barry has a much more outwardly pleasant personality.

Edited by JamieLynn832002
  • Love 10

I didn't like Iris freaking out Barry would be tainted by being the GA but I did like the moment where Iris was ranting to Oliver when she thought he was Barry about the horrible thing he did to Felicity (though the notion she never mentioned it before to Barry is weird).  I agree that Barry has done his share of crappy choices that didn't include Iris as well but Oliver still needs to realize how deeply he messed up and even after last week I'm still not sure he does so I welcomed him getting that emotional insight (even thought it should have been super obvious and something he already knew).

  • Love 9

This seems like a weird way to start our big Red Skies crossover this year. The main story seemed to be so far away from the stuff with our actual Big Bad, and the actual character dynamics we had seemed pretty off. Maybe because of the whole power/identity switch thing, but it all seemed so off. I dont buy that Iris and Team Flash would jump so quickly to dumping them into cells (and the same cell? what?) and not just be like "well this is weird, but whatever, shit happens" like they are about most weird things. And even the Oliver and Barry stuff was weird, and I normally love their scenes together! It was like they felt like they needed to add some conflict in the first act, because the real conflict can begin, or that the writers just dont get either of their characters on a fundamental level. There was all this exposition dropping that felt awkward and out of place, and a lot of the line reading felt stilted, like even the actors didnt buy what they were selling. 

Like, why do Flash characters always have to talk shit and Oliver and his family? What the hell did Oliver do to them? Beside shooting Barry with an arrow a time or two, I guess. Yeah, Oliver has a lot of darkness, but why do they act like Oliver is still season one Oliver? Oliver gets his strength through his desire for justice, not because of "darkness" or whatever. And Barry isnt powered just by his happy personality, dude has some serious angst already. Its like they only knew one character trait of each character (Oliver is angsty, Barry is happy) and thats all they wrote. 

I did enjoy Oliver's assumption that Barry must have fucked things up somehow! And the new bad guy and his squirley lackey are interesting already (and if they go the way they did in the comics, they're about to get even more interesting) and there were some funny lines and moments. And it is always nice to see the different characters teaming up from the different worlds, but it wasn't anywhere as cool as last seasons big fight scene at the wedding. Really, thats probably my biggest problem with the episode. It just felt pretty meh, for an episode that is supposed ti get us pumped about this big crossover, that is ALSO an intro to the Bat Mythos. I expected more. 

  • Love 13
3 minutes ago, tennisgurl said:

why do they act like Oliver is still season one Oliver? Oliver gets his strength through his desire for justice, not because of "darkness" or whatever. And Barry isnt powered just by his happy personality, dude has some serious angst already. Its like they only knew one character trait of each character (Oliver is angsty, Barry is happy) and thats all they wrote. 

They need to stop letting one show write the whole episode.  They need current writers from all the shows to collaborate to make sure these people are acting in character.  

  • Love 21

I'm not a demanding fellow, so hearing the Smallville theme song and all the meta jokes made my day. I just about died when everyone tried following them into the hallway, plus Oliver's reaction to WestAllen's sappy lines and Barry's dependency on sappy speeches.

This was also the best Superman/Supergirl interaction we've seen in Arrowverse.

Edited by Diapason Untuned
  • Love 6
10 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:


What “peeps”? I KNOW you don’t mean the NOOBS.🤨

5 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

Gave me a short lived panic attack, lol.  

Even though you knew we’d see the Farm? I LOVED IT! Was hoping to see Bo Kent or Martha, actually. Or Shelby.🤪😄😄

4 minutes ago, legaleagle53 said:

Since Smallville is now Berlantiverse canon, does that mean that now that we've met Lois Lane, we can eventually expect Lana Lang to show up as well?


There were a LOT of problems with this, but I shrugged them off and just enjoyed Stephen’s comedic acting here and seeing him and Grant together. Though a big giant 😒😒 at Oliver making NO ATTEMPT to call Felicity.

And those that watched Justice League/Justice League Unlimited will understand why I HATED this rendition of AMAZO. Because the original wasn’t this Evuhl Robot who was easily defeated. And though he could replicate the powers of those that had powers, he wasn’t Parasite, where the heroes LOST their powers. So DUMB. And they didn’t let him have fun with it. Then again, this is Barry and not Michael Rosenbaum’s Wally West/Flash. 

I’m disappointed that Wesley Ship’s Flash didn’t come to warn them or help.

But par for the course with this universe.

So, for all these years where X, Y, and Z said NOTHING of Smallville would be part of their shows, despite having some of their writers and directors, AND casting actors from that show, they use the Kent Farm? ASSHOLES. 

  • Love 2
45 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

The Smallville music probably was the highlight, it just hit me with the nostalgia real hard and it was great. Not sure how I feel about this actress playing Lois, I dont hate her in the role but it isnt an automatic "WOW" to me. 

I miss Smallville. That was my Clark & Lois.


31 minutes ago, mxc90 said:

SA didn't look right in the Flash suit.

No he did not.

Can someone remind me why old Flash looks like Barry's dad?

Edited by Writing Wrongs
  • Love 7
5 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

So, for all these years where X, Y, and Z said NOTHING of Smallville would be part of their shows, despite having some of their writers and directors, AND casting actors from that show, they use the Kent Farm? ASSHOLES. 

I've never heard this. But parts of Smallville became canon last season on Supergirl.

  • Love 1
30 minutes ago, Diapason Untuned said:

I'm not a demanding fellow, so hearing the Smallville theme song and all the meta jokes made my day. I just about died when everyone tried following them into the hallway, plus Oliver's reaction to WestAllen's sappy lines and Barry's dependency on sappy speeches.

This was also the best Superman/Supergirl interaction we've seen in Arrowverse.

I did really love Team Flash being extra touch feely and just freaking the hell out of Oliver.  I would have loved it if they'd played up the contrasts between the two teams but we only got it on the Flash's side. Diggle yelled at Barry/Oliver  but otherwise Barry wasn't exposed to anything intrinsic to TA

22 minutes ago, Writing Wrongs said:

I miss Smallville. That was my Clark & Lois.


No he did not.

Can someone remind me why old Flash looks like Barry's dad?


  • Love 4

I don't have a lot of time to go over my thoughts but:

-It was ok, I did think it was funny and had charming moments but I didn't love it. Something felt wrong with all the characters. Lots of weird writing and I dislike how in crossovers they always have to boil thing down to simple I'm this and you're that when things are more nuanced than that.

-I'm actually surprised some think Iris was being against Oliver. The conversation with Iris and Oliver on the balcony seemed clearly to be about giving Oliver more insight into what Felicity was going through and how his behavior has affected her. Of course, it didn't make sense, since he should already know since Felicity already told him. I'm not sure why it's trashing him when Iris tells him the same thing. They'll deal more with Oliver and Felicity's relationship in the next hour so it was a set up of sorts.

The balcony scene with Barry and Iris was to me more about reiterating that she loves Barry not Oliver (after some of the imo weird behavior in the episode). If it wasn't this it would have been something like I'm so glad you're Barry, not Oliver. Not because she hates Oliver, but because of course she's glad that her husband is like her husband and not like someone else. Hanging it on Oliver's supposed darkness, I agree, does seem weird. Especially with what Oliver is currently going through on his own show.

-It doesn't make sense that Felicity is not in this episode. Or that no one called especially her, but also Diggle. And I still don't get why Iris will be nowhere to be found when they get back to Central City. I wonder if it's a budget issue. They brought in so much guest stars that there wasn't enough left to have everyone cross over even if it would have served the story?

Anywho, I'l try to take my own advice and not take it too seriously. There were some nice moments and I laughed quite a bit, I liked Lois and Clark even though we haven't really seen enough Lois yet to really get a feel for the character and despite some of the weirdness Barry and Iris did hit me in the feels in the second half. I just love their chemistry.

 I'll probably enjoy it more after I've seen it again or when I've seen the full story.

  • Love 8
8 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

I would have loved it if they'd played up the contrasts between the two teams but we only got it on the Flash's side. Diggle yelled at Barry/Oliver  but otherwise Barry wasn't exposed to anything intrinsic to TA

That sounds cool, but it would also mean more screen time to NTA. And I can only take so much NTA without wanting to toss my TV out the window...

  • Love 8
18 minutes ago, KillahBee007 said:

I haven’t watched an episode of Flash since the last crossover and I see trashing Oliver hasn’t changed. I really enjoyed Clark and I’m far from a Supes fan. Overall, meh. Oliver may not be the best dude at times but the trashing of his character is old. 

They always do this whenever there's a crossover. Arrow has a darker tone than Flash, Supergirl or Legends, so they create drama via contrast by playing up the differences a lot. It's not trashing per say.

  • Love 2
9 minutes ago, Cthulhudrew said:

Is it just me, or does Candice Patton have more chemistry with Stephen Amell in 5 minutes than she has with Grant Gustin in 5 seasons?

No, but I do think Candice is a good actress who has chemistry with most people. Now* i'm just upset they never let her have more scenes (crossovers) with Amell/Oliver/Team Arrow in the all the seasons before.

*Actually, I've been upset, not just 'now'.


7 minutes ago, RedVitC said:

-It doesn't make sense that Felicity is not in this episode. Or that no one called especially her, but also Diggle. And I still don't get why Iris will be nowhere to be found when they get back to Central City. I wonder if it's a budget issue. They brought in so much guest stars that there wasn't enough left to have everyone cross over even if it would have served the story?

It's not a budget issue.

Edited by Trini
  • Love 7
1 minute ago, Trini said:

No, but I do think Candice is a good actress who has chemistry with most people. Now i'm just upset they never let her have more scenes (crossovers) with Amell/Oliver/Team Arrow in the all the seasons before.

This I agree with. IMO, Candice is the strongest actress on all these DC tv shows. She has been wasted by not being given more to do in these crossovers.

  • Love 13
33 minutes ago, Writing Wrongs said:

Can someone remind me why old Flash looks like Barry's dad?

Because John Wesley Shipp played Barry/Flash in 1991 -hence the nerf costume.

17 minutes ago, JamieLynn832002 said:

I believe Jay Garrick was Henry Allen's Earth-2 doppelganger, I assume Earth-90 Flash is too. Also because John Wesley Shipp played The Flash in the 90s tv show.

No. Jay Garrick is Earth-19’s Flash and Henry’s Doppelgänger. I believe Earth-90 Flash is Barry Allen. But who knows with these writers?

  • Love 1
3 minutes ago, Diapason Untuned said:

They always do this whenever there's a crossover. Arrow has a darker tone than Flash, Supergirl or Legends, so they create drama via contrast by playing up the differences a lot. It's not trashing per say.

They don't just play up the difference, they exaggerate it and demean Oliver to the point where it's outright lies.

To me, it's moved beyond funny and into bullying. It turns me off from watching The Flash which is not what they are going for with the crossovers.

  • Love 8
8 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Because John Wesley Shipp played Barry/Flash in 1991 -hence the nerf costume.

No. Jay Garrick is Earth-19’s Flash and Henry’s Doppelgänger. I believe Earth-90 Flash is Barry Allen. But who knows with these writers?

Yeah E90 is Barry Allen, but since we know that dopplegangers can have different names or not even exist at all....it works.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, BkWurm1 said:

I did like the moment where Iris was ranting to Oliver when she thought he was Barry about the horrible thing he did to Felicity (though the notion she never mentioned it before to Barry is weird).  I agree that Barry has done his share of crappy choices that didn't include Iris as well but Oliver still needs to realize how deeply he messed up and even after last week I'm still not sure he does so I welcomed him getting that emotional insight (even thought it should have been super obvious and something he already knew).

I'm not going to watch this garbage esp with no Felicity so can you pretty please help a girl out and tell me what face he was sporting when he heard this. 

Kicked puppy? Stupid goldfish? 

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