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S10.E02: Please Try This At Home

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A Food Network Star must be able to teach home viewers how to prepare great meals. In the Mentor Challenge, Alton Brown challenges the finalists to teach him a recipe. Then for the Star Challenge, the finalists must create a video demonstrating one of their own dishes for the home viewer. What they don't know is that Chef Alex Guarnaschelli will be playing along, trying to make the dish. After Alex is revealed to the finalists, she helps the Selection Committee decide who will be sent home.


Luca acts like he's right off the immigrant boat.  He was almost a caricature of the charming Italian. 


Kenny is a little snot, and that stove snit left me less than impressed.  He doesn't know how to make a gravy?  He has food trucks, so obviously he's learned a few dishes by rote memorization and knows zero about the basics.  That "apology" thing he did was crap. 


Pageant girl is still super annoying.  There is literally nothing she can do to make me want to see her on my screen.  She reminds me of Busy Phillips.


Christopher is "supremely" egotistical.  He needs to check that shit at the door and get over himself.  He's not a "cook with me" guy, he's a "watch me" guy.


Reuben seems like a hipster ass.  He can go. He's a notJakeGyllenhal, with that stupid beard & glasses.  


Loreal is good, I want to keep watching her.  Emma needs a Red Bull or twelve, but she's got the basics and is cool under pressure.  Lenny is good. 

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Good-bye, Luca.  Can't say I blame their choice this time.


Maybe it's just because I'm not a fan of hers, but it really seems like Sarah gets more than an average share of confessional time.  And no, Sarah, this is not like the Hunger Games, though it'd be much more interesting if it were.  And Alton would make a damn good Gamemaker.


Lenny made me laugh when he whispered to Alex, "Don't worry, I'm sure you did fine."  If that's typical of his sense of humor, I'd watch his show.


None of the rest of them impressed me this week.

I like Lenny. I would like him a whole lot more if he toned down his wardrobe. I find it hard to take him seriously with the Rhinestone Cowboy gear on, but he's charming and can cook. I don't find him to be like the pie guy at all. Pie guy couldn't cook his way out of a paper bag and what they found charming about him I found incredibly smarmy.

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So glad Luca is gone, did he do the show on a dare or something? I got the impression that not only did he not want to be there during the show that he didn't want to be there in the first place. Why are you even on the show?


And I'm So over Lenny, the cowboy affectation is just too much, too, too much. And the lady adjusting herself outside, actually the whole thing. First of all I do not believe you are heterosexual, maybe you are, that is between you and your lady but I'm not buying what you are selling so just don't. And I have zero skill in the kitchen, I don't cook so I'm not even sure why I watch so much Food Network but you are not some sort of kitchen Jesus because you figured out to put the flour in the onions to save it, that was my first thought. Actually when Reuben told him to put the flour in the onions after they made such a big deal about him screwing up I thought that was Reuben fixing the mistake. Actually I still think that is what happened so I don't know why it got stretched into such a thing.

Edited by John M
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Sarah needs to go and yes, she is getting way more camera time than any of the others.  She grates on my nerves,


Lenny is a hoot.  He is someone I would watch,  Emma seems nice, but of course they say she is too low key.  And they thought that other lady was too, the one who mentioned listening in the kitchen.  I am drawing a total blank on her name. She was good.  Not everyone has to scream at the camera.


I like Christopher.  He seems to have the poise and knowledge.


And the hair product company girl needs to go.  She is awful!!

Edited by smiley13

I actually liked about half of them in the little bits of the demos we got to see.  And, I love Alex Guaranschelli so it was cool to see her.


I also don't get why pageant girl is their key narrator, but it makes me concerned that she'll be around for awhile.


I'm shocked they got rid of Luca, and also very glad.  It's my sincerest hope that next season they bring on a gorgeous female with an attractive-sounding accent and make repeated remarks about how good she is to look at.  I'd love to see the reactions that would get, 'cause the objectification of this guy seemed pretty acceptable, given how it was his entire storyline.


Next week's preview...ugh.  But this week's episode...I kinda feel like they have some good prospects.  Enough to make me tolerate Lenny, who I can't stand (truthfully, part of that is the people on-screen telling me he's funny- if he's funny, I'll draw that conclusion myself).

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I agree FN needs some more asian representation but I can't pull for Kenny. I can't even vouch for his asian-ness because a typical decent asian home cook knows their way around the various uses of corn starch in asian cuisine. Baffling.

Bye Luca! The objectification was amusing since it's a staple of all reality shows. Big boobs, blonde hair, white teeth, big muscles, ripped abs...women and men don't really escape it either way. I'm pretty sure people who are cast in the object role....know it.

If Aryen went back in line and thanked Lenny for helping her out, would FN show it?

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I told ya Luca would never make it! LOL!! To me, he is hard to understand, doesn't know what the hell he is doing. I think they brought him on for the eye candy factor (Giada, yes, I'm talking to you) then Bobby and Alton overruled her once they realized he's clueless.

In my opinion, if this show is going to survive, they need to stop casting people who they think have eye appeal, and find people who really know how to cook who could teach those of us who want to learn.

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I like Lenny. I would like him a whole lot more if he toned down his wardrobe. I find it hard to take him seriously with the Rhinestone Cowboy gear on, but he's charming and can cook.

I agree. I like his personality & he seems to know his stuff cooking wise, but he needs to tone down the schtick. I also hope that he realizes helping your competitors is stupid, when he gave what's-her-name the idea, I just wanted to scream RAAAAAACE!


Poor Giada, her almost boyfriend is gone. I find it hard to believe that 2 people didn't get any food on the plate & neither one got eliminated. I realize that being able to interact with the camera is part of the job, but I think that would be easier to learn than the cooking/teaching aspect. Damaris had the same problem last year as Luca, & she won.



Why on Earth don't they get rid of that vagina table?

They have to know what people are calling it, why is it still there?

I just have some random thoughts on some of the more hapless contestants this year.  Kenny reminds me of an Asian Where's Waldo...lost in a world of cornstarch.  The Pagent Girl must have a very lackluster date night if Turkey Burgers and Mashed Potatoes are supposed to be some kind of aphrodisiac food.  Humorless Aryen comes across as Sunny 2.0, a slightly bitchier version..she looks like she would cut you.  The New Orleans chef Chris comes off as conceited, and I hate when he name-dropped famous chefs he's worked with/for.  I'd never watch a show of his.  Emma/The Girl Next Door seems nice, but I'd only put her show on if I had Insomnia and needed something profoundly boring to get me back to sleep.  Lenny is a hoot, he just has to win.  I need to see just how big a belt buckle can be...the one he had on last night needs its own zip code, or maybe even its own show.    I want to see him every week get more and more wild, and then maybe even come out one week and do a type of Brokeback Kitchen show.  Loreal looks like she'd have a lit joint on the counter as she smiled and drawled her way through a show. Luca was great..I so hoped he'd win, and then we'd see our first Food network subtitles. Nicole is a non-entity...forgettable, and reminds me too much of the nutjob Danielle Staub from NJ Housewives appearance-wise.  Reuben is a cross between Fidel Castro and Jake Gyllenhaal, and I don't know how many people want a show on the foods of Miami.  I know I don't.  Giada's first dress last night was something out of Sister Wives, but then she brought out the girls BIG TIME at the end.  Utterly ridiculous.  Udderly.  Her two rows of shark's teeth glistened blindingly.  Can't  ....  take....her.   It's a fun season, totally snark-worthy.  

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I thought Kenny should have gone home.  He acted like a brat, angry because the stove didn't work and expecting a free pass, then pouting when he didn't get it.  I could hear the five-year-old in him shouting, "That's not fair!!!!"  Lenny did a great job.  I don't mind his schtick so much because he can deliver - I thought he did the best job of anyone.  I liked Emma, too, I'd want her teaching me something because she is so calm and clear.  I liked Nicole, too, with her listening in the kitchen comment.  I don't understand what's so great about tossing in comments about your grandmother.  If I'm watching a show trying to figure out how to do something, I would find grandmother comments and other stuff distracting when all I want to do is learn something.  I would like to see someone make a comment, "I'll just pop this on the anti-griddle just like my grandmother showed me" or "Here's a tip from my grandmother: always use the vacuum sealer to infuse great flavors into your food" or "You know what my grandma did when her ice cream wouldn't freeze?  She'd just whip out the old liquid nitrogen tank she kept next to her big Sunbeam mixer..."


I thought this was a great challenge to test the contestants.  And I like Alton as the enforcer.

Edited by Lamb18
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There were only two or three preparations that I wanted to dine upon: Lenny's crab cakes and Chris's wedge salad.  Maybe the shrimp spinach pasta dish, too.


I really am not enjoying the Pageant Queen at all.  Why can't turkey burgers and mashed be date food?  I've dated more than I like to admit and I've never had a man be disappointed with turkey or potatoes at a restaurant or my house.   The couscous arugula salad looked horrible, but Nicole got praised for her performance.


I would have sent home one of the two that didn't put food on the plate, but instead, Luca, who made a decent dish, got sent home.  I would have sent Kenny home - no food and he screwed up gravy.  How is that a star?

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Luca?  So soon?  I'm so sad.  He was the eye candy that made up for us having to put up with Sarah.  I didn't expect him to win but a couple of weeks of looking at him would have been nice.


Cowboy didn't annoy me this week..in fact I kind of liked  him.  Christopher is really good looking but so condescending..I don't think I can root for him.  I guess I will continue with butcher girl.

Lenny, durn ya, you force me to praise you. You are boots and hat above the rest at this point. Have you been on tv previously? You have a Willard Scott weatherman vibe to me.


I love sweet Emma, but can she juice up her personality without losing that nice-person quality she has?


I predict Loreal will learn fast and get better and better every week, but even she is going to have to race to catch up with Lenny now.


For my personal Jersey girl reasons I am loving Nicole.  Normal sized hair, normal manicure, normal makeup, utter lack of a "Joisey" accent, tacky jewelry and animal prints - she's like the NJ people I actually live with!  Go Nicole!


(Although, sweetheart, chicken fried steak is not a complete unknown here.  Still love ya though.  :-))


We were shocked that Luca was the one sent packing.  My husband was convinced it would be Kenny because he copped such an attitude with the judges.  I knew it wouldn't be when he came back with his lame, "Oh, I thought about it and I should have heated up the pan first, sorry."  So I picked Chris.  I think this is the first time in the history of the show that both of us were wrong.  Although to be fair, even now I can't remember what Luca made during the Alex challenge.  So I guess his food wasn't all that memorable. 


I like Emma too.  But I am also wondering if she can amp it up, and she needs to.


"You brought up a grandmother!  GOOD!" - this Alton quote pretty much sums up the competition though, doesn't it??

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I was also annoyed at the praise for a "Grandma"  reference.  This show assumes that if you know how to cook, it's because of your ethnic heritage and learning in the kitchen from the women in your family.  There's no other way.   If you learn it from books or websites, it's somehow less "authentic." 


By contrast, a contestant on Masterchef came on and said something like "My mama can't cook, my grandma can't cook, and my aunt can't boil water."   I liked that much better.

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Has Giada added more teeth? Weird.

I wanted Kenny to go home. I dont like crybabies. Can't stand em.

Did Alex say why she didnt want to try Orions (sp?) dish? Was it the heavy cream that turned her off? Was the beef not done?


Omg, you guys, the thread is more fun than the show. hee.


Giada's teeth downright scare me.


Doesn't any doofus know not to put cornstarch in hot liquid? I'm  a doofus and I knew that.


"Busy Philips" made me LOL.


Cowboy Lenny, who I keep calling Rodney, should not have helped Aryan or however she spelled that name which I keep wanting to type as, "Orion." What did he expect her to do? Say, "Um, Lenny totally told me what to do."  If she beats him he's gonna kick himself.


What happened to the stove? This is a competition; Shouldn't the stove be in working order for everyone? Or give the person a do-over. I realize you don't get do-overs in real shows and you have to wing it, but it seems unfair in a competition unless everyone had to deal with a stove not working right. I don't really want to defend Kenny because he strikes me as kind of a douche.


Totally agree Giada wants Luca.

Edited by ari333
I realize you don't get do-overs in real shows and you have to wing it, but it seems unfair in a competition unless everyone had to deal with a stove not working right.


See, this has always annoyed me about this show.  Because the kind of show that the winners get, you DO get do-overs.  They're called takes.  So why all the insistence that the world can fall down around you and you just have to keep going? 



I'm guessing you two have stumbled onto the story arc for the season.  Have you been in the writer's room?


Busted!  LOL. 

See, this has always annoyed me about this show.  Because the kind of show that the winners get, you DO get do-overs.  They're called takes.  So why all the insistence that the world can fall down around you and you just have to keep going? 


That's even better. TAKES! Of course. It seems a little crazy to me too. Kenny's stove situation reminded me of the fire alarm thing they had to deal with one time here (or on some show;) But I think it applied to everyone and it was setup that way IIRC.  But if the stove isn't working right for one person that does seem unfair.  


Is that Loreal woman trying to do do Lucy Ricardo look or something?


What ladies adjust themselves after they ring a doorbell for a date?


Lenny just wanted to prove that Lenny Knows Best when he gave what's-her-name that advice. He wasn't pissed afterwards about helping her, he was pissed because she didn't give him credit. Which, please. She may have known what to do all along and was ignoring his bigmouth belt.


I was also annoyed at the praise for a "Grandma"  reference.  This show assumes that if you know how to cook, it's because of your ethnic heritage and learning in the kitchen from the women in your family. There's no other way. If you learn it from books or websites, it's somehow less "authentic."


I took that comment to be not so much "your heritage," but "you have to say something" while cooking. You can't simply stand there and narrate what viewers are seeing, or we might as well just read the danged recipe. The network's emphasis on family stories is super ridiculous, but anything would work -- a tip about shopping for a particular ingredient, or its growing season, or how to use it in other recipes, or a memorable previous time they made the dish. The "star" has to be able to relate to people and make his/her show interesting.

Edited by lordonia
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What ladies adjust themselves after they ring a doorbell for a date?


Ones that date Rhinestone Cowboys, I reckon.


And yes, you are correct, they did have a "live tv" challenge where each contestant was thrown a curveball like a stove not working, to see if they could handle it.  But that was clearly a live tv challenge, so it was sort of relevant, and it happened to every contestant, even if the differences in the challenges were sort of unfair.



Omg I was looking at the table from the front and I didn't understand. From the top camera view however.... yikes... vagina table. Now I cannot unsee it heh


Yeah, you'll never unsee it!


The best part is that in my house, if one of us is out of the room when the judging starts, the other will yell, "Hon!  The Glowing Vulva of Culinary Knowledge!"  Hee.  This show is so much fun to snark on.

Edited by Aquarius

The difference between Damaris and Luca, to me, is that I can understand what Damaris is saying. Anyone can be taught how to tone it down, but if you can't speak clear English, you ain't gonna make it on TV 'round here in these parts. :)


Well, when Wolfgang Puck first started out he was pretty hard to understand... still is at times.  And Pah Stahl guy took his mumbling to the finals.


I didn't have too many feelings one way or the other about Luca, but he didn't seem to have any real issues up until the "cook and talk" segment.  I was surprised the judges made a big deal about "who comes on this show and doesn't practice in front of a camera?"  I guess that's a bigger sin than coming on the show with no real POV or the inability to articulate it or even a lack of culinary knowledge. 


I thought for sure either of the guys who didn't put a dish on the table were gone.  Kenny may have saved his ass by coming out and saying he should have done things differently (like actually heat a pan before the last 15 seconds), but he was a mess on camera too.  I thought Luca had made very good food all along (I think he made the Ahi tuna and the judges all liked it).  I do think it's easier to help Luca look at the camera than it is to improve Kenny's cooking skills/knowledge, but what do I know? 


They have got to stop with letting Pageant Girl narrate the entire show and I don't need to see a reaction shot of her for every. single. thing. that. happens!  No more!!  My mom was a pageant girl and a model in the 40's/50's and she always did that "finger in the mouth" thing that PG does and I hate it... hated it with my mother, but thought for sure, by 2014, this would no longer been seen as "cute" or "sexy."  Drives me batty!  Be gone with you, please. 


And I must come clean about Lenny... I like him now.  He was funny, didn't sound overly scripted and he appears to have cooking chops.  If only he'd tone down the wardrobe, I'd ride that train all the way to the final stop.  And I don't see anything in common between Lenny and Pah Stahl at all... PS couldn't cook and was full of a bunch of catchphrases that meant nothing and taught us nothing.  Lenny is funny and so far seems to have cooking smarts.  Yeah, he's got his "cowboy code" lingo, but it seemed less pronounced this week and hopefully it will slowly ride off into the sunset.


Personally, I think if Ruben ditched the hipster beard, he'd be the biggest eye candy there.  I still like Loreal and hope to see her go far.  The rest of the ladies are just too monotone for me (it's why I couldn't watch Ina's shows, but lived for her cookbooks), and the other guys are "meh" to "blah" for me... So my Week 2 final desire is Loreal versus Lenny.  But I reserve the right to change my mind quickly...

I think the no do-overs thing is a natural extension of the whole "anything can happen in cooking" concept.


 Food Network folks don't just stay in the studio, they go out live to demos, festivals, etc.  They need to have a whole bag of magic tricks at their disposal to compensate for disasters.  And for that particular demo with Kenny, why was that huge pot of boiling water there anyway, blocking the shot of the skillet he was actually working in?  He made fish.  Did his side need boiling water?


And as far as Sarah, and her "Date Night" thing, why didn't she just say "You make the Turkey Burgers & Mash for your kids to eat while you & your huggy do Date Night"?  Even if her POV is "Date Night", it's a logical extension that folks with kids need to feed them something while they're out.  What she cooked fits that.


And one last gripe about Sarah.  She ditched Christopher's chopped onions and went with sliced, for the topping.   What did she do with them at that point?  Didn't she put them in a bowl in the oven?  I don't remember hearing anything about deep frying them for the crispy top.  


Obviously I don't like either Sarah or Kenny, so I can't be objective about anything they do....*LOL*

Is that Loreal woman trying to do do Lucy Ricardo look or something?



THAT's who she reminds me of!  I knew that bandana thing reminded me of something.  It's a cute look, in a quirky, old-fashioned way, but it can get old fast.  I was glad to see her without it during the elimination scene, even if her hair without it made me go 'yikes'.


The difference between Damaris and Luca, to me, is that I can understand what Damaris is saying.



The difference to me was that I always felt like Damaris wanted to be there.  Luca, eh, he seemed like he had nothing else going on so why not try to be a star?

I didn't get the whole 'OMG, I just made a turkey burger for date night' fiasco. For one, I like turkey burgers, even dry, and I do not understand the look of dismay that crosses the faces of many TV cooks when confronted with ground turkey. It's a total blank canvass and will pick up any spices you want.

Anyway, easy peasy to make a milkshake or soda with that meal, plop two straws in it, and voila, you have a "modern twist" on a 50s diner date. Serve it on roller skates and you'll be irresistable, if your date is into the "retro rad" thing. I must confess, I wouldn't walk away from a date that offered me a turkey burger, but I'd run screaming from any retro rad get up. I have yet to see a retro rad contestant (on any food gameshow) who I haven't disliked to the point of wanting to take some "mother's little helpers" myself when they're onscreen.

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 . . . if your date is into the "retro rad" thing. I must confess, I wouldn't walk away from a date that offered me a turkey burger, but I'd run screaming from any retro rad get up. I have yet to see a retro rad contestant (on any food gameshow) who I haven't disliked to the point of wanting to take some "mother's little helpers" myself when they're onscreen.


Agree with you on the turkey burgers.  I didn't understand why that was such an awful date night meal.  Sometimes romance is about comfort.


And you reminded me of why I just cannot warm up to Loreal, although she's a lady butcher and I should be all over that.  She reminds me too much of Emily Ellyn or whatever "Retro Rad!"'s real name was.  Hated. Her.  Mother's little helpers indeed.

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I think they might have addressed Kenny's broken burners if they weren't essentially irrelevant- he didn't turn them on until, what, the last 3 minutes?


With Chris- he may be arrogant but there's a place for that on the network (Alton walks that line, imho).  I'm a little confused about what his show would be, though.  I thought they had a Secrets of a Restaurant Chef show with Anne Burrell.  And really, if I'm going to be invited into that world, as Giada says, I'd want him to act like a restaurant chef.  Keep the jargon, it gives him authenticity, but maybe toss in a measurement or two.  Or do that with a pop-up on-screen, or an app that syncs with his show (some networks love that crap).  Point is, I think there'd be other ways to work around his particular problem that make more sense if his schtick is Real Chef.

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emcXwj1.jpg  With no disrespect to all the lovely kitties out there.... I really think Giada has grown more teeth since the last season!!! Toooooo many teeth.  Skirts toooooo short.  Plunging necklines toooooooo low.   Cleavage tooooooooo much.  She certainly still seems full of herself, too!!

Picked up on the judge's love of "granny " references.  How many times did we hear the need for a storyline connected to the cooking demos?!  Bonus points if it involves an illness, abandonment, demise, divorce, deportation.... well, you get my drift! 

Have the judges started harping on the "POV"s yet???  "Saaaaaay, Cowboy.... What's yer point of view?"

My own personal nit-pik... Straggly hair, long beards leaning over food being prepared. Astonished that the judges aren't picking hairs out of their food/mouths during the taste-testing..... (especially Giada)..... UGH!!!!

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Part of my reluctance to liking Loreal is sadly based on my absolute white-hot hate for Sara Johannes, a contestant on the recent "Top Chef: New Orleans". The have the same look to me, the same retro thing going. I know it's not fair, but the disgust is still so fresh....

And I don't get the appeal of Luca. Greasy, unshapen hair, yellow teeth and a giant forehead. Just not attractive to me. He can't change the size of his forehead, but the other items can definitely be improved on.

Edited by leighdear
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My husband and I call it The Glowing Vulva of Culinary Knowlege.

This is the most perfect name I've ever heard LOL



See, this has always annoyed me about this show.  Because the kind of show that the winners get, you DO get do-overs.  They're called takes.

This would probably make a great challenge, have things go wrong over & over so that they have to keep doing takes & see who crumbles & who keeps it fresh.



And as far as Sarah, and her "Date Night" thing, why didn't she just say "You make the Turkey Burgers & Mash for your kids to eat while you & your huggy do Date Night"?  Even if her POV is "Date Night", it's a logical extension that folks with kids need to feed them something while they're out.  What she cooked fits that.

This is actually what I thought she was going to do, make turkey burgers for the kids because it was quick & easy so that the adults could have a different meal (or go out) for date night. I was kind of confused when she made that meal for the actual date.

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This episode bored me. There was so much bland. It was a hour long turkey burger that didn't have any seasoning. Cowboy annoys me with his golly, shucks, gee willikers crap. I don't care what you cook because I have to hear you speak.

The group is still to big for me to figure out who is who, but I fully expect pageant queen to put the crown back on at some point so they can drive that point into the ground.

I finally figured out who hipster bread dude reminds me of. If anyone is a Farscape fan, do you remember Jeremiah Crichton? The episode where he grows his depression beard on the non-electric planet after he's left by the crew. Crichton's beard was so distracting that it was hard to look at his pretty face. It was almost a separate character. Hipster dude is veering into that territory IMO.

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