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Jenelle: Birther Of 3, Mother To None


Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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Notice Kail didn’t say a word about how she was worried about the kid’s safety or Janelle’s well being staying with David. No, she was only concerned about the show’s ratings and if the show would continue. Once again, Kail is all about Kail and how the world effects her! Can’t get involved or have any real opinion if it doesn’t involve HER life directly. Hell, even Janelle’s fans have turned on her and are being verbal about what a POS she is for choosing David over her kids.

Edited by hoosiermom
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I don’t know why TMZ or anyone is surprised Janelle chooses UBT over her kids.  I remember when she first started with him Jace had a hard time being honest with Janelle that he didn’t feel comfortable around UBT and I was so proud of him for trying to tell her that.  Janelle just forced “You like him, right? You like us fishing together, right?” on poor Jace.  

Janelle has made it clear for years that her kids come after her man, drugs, and partying.  I’m not surprised she is standing by UBT because as awful as he is, he enables and emboldens her and she loves feeling powerful.  I don’t think the Janelle who got into a fist fight over a hoodie is the Janelle of today who is always showing off her guns and chasing down a guy in a car with her kid right beside her in the front seat.  In all honesty, I hope she doesn’t leave UBT because she would get her kids back and while I don’t think she would beat a dog to death, I 100% believe that she would put her kids in the same dangerous situation she did with Jace in the car and not think twice about it.  

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1 hour ago, hoosiermom said:

Notice Kail didn’t say a word about how she was worried about the kid’s safety or Janelle’s well being staying with David. No, she was only concerned about the show’s ratings and if the show would continue. Once again, Kail is all about Kail and how the world effects her! Can’t get involved or have any real opinion if it doesn’t involve HER life directly. Hell, even Janelle’s fans have turned on her and are being verbal about what a POS she is for choosing David over her kids

Yes, she did  - it's a hard bit to transcribe because Lindsie jumps in at one point and they talk over one another a bit but Kail turned aside the ridiculous question about whether she'd consider taking Ensley by saying she's not considering it but that she "hopes the children are, you know,"  (here, Lindsie interjects "they're safe, right now") and they talk at the same time for a moment & Kail finishes "yeah, and that they are happy and healthy overall." That doesn't look smooth in print but it's because of the interruption - it sounded fine to me.

It seemed to me the main takeaway was that she doesn't want to get drawn into it but hopes the kids are ok.  Yes of course she talks about the impact on the franchise, too - because the reporter asked her about it.

Edited by akr
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6 hours ago, monicageller said:

Unlike Kail, I am hoping for the sake of all the young children on this show that this franchise is put to rest soon. It's enough...the kids are getting older and their privacy and childhoods are being exploited. Time for all of these women, they ARE NOT TEENS anymore, to go out into the world, get real jobs and allow their kids to enjoy what's left of their childhoods.

  • Love 20
1 hour ago, Booger666 said:

I hope she doesn’t leave UBT because she would get her kids back and while I don’t think she would beat a dog to death, I 100% believe that she would put her kids in the same dangerous situation she did with Jace in the car and not think twice about it.  

I'm right there with you. UBT is the talk of the town, but let's not forget all the horrible situations Jenelle has put her kids in over the years. I do not believe she's capable of fostering a safe, loving, nurturing environment. Single or otherwise. 

I'd leave my kids with a wet dishrag before I'd leave them with Jenelle. 

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I'm going to make a prediction about how I think this might go down. 

CPS will put some reunification plan in place and part of that will likely be the removal of the guns from The Land. I can't see UBT complying. He will cry about his rights, but his guns are more important than his kids. 

Regardless I don't see Jenelle ever getting primary custody of the Roll back. 

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Jenelle Evans‘ husband David Eason has made it no secret that he carries a gun with him almost wherever he goes– and that appears to be the case, even if he’s going to court to fight to get his kids back! 

Several eagle-eyed Twitter users were the first to notice that there was a gun sitting on the Easons’ car dashboard when the couple got into their car on Thursday during the lunch break for their custody court case. (TMZ tried to claim that it was the first to report about the gun, but this is not the case.)

The gun was noticeable in a video posted by TMZ, but at no time did Jenelle or David reach for the weapon. (You can see the gun in question around the 19 second mark of the video below.)

(By the way, The Ashley did not write about the gun because she was not able to confirm that the object was, indeed, a gun, despite how much it appeared to be one.)

On Monday, a rep for the banished-from-‘Teen Mom 2’-couple confirmed via a statement to Us Weekly that the object was, in fact, a gun. The “rep” also stated that it was not illegal for David to have the gun in his car.

“In the state of North Carolina, if you aren’t a felon you can have a gun with no permit,” the statement reads. “The gun has to be in ‘plain sight’ if you do not have a concealed carry permit. This is so when the cops pull you over or you’re out in public you cannot even have your shirt over the holster or you will be charged with a felony.”

How is this legal? For starters, David has never been convicted of a felony. While he has spent considerable time behind bars in the state of North Carolina, he was only convicted of misdemeanors. (Jenelle has also never been convicted of a felony.)

The Ashley also looked up North Carolina’s laws about carrying a firearm to a courthouse. It appears that it was lawful for the Easons to have the gun because it was left in their car in the court parking lot. Had David or Jenelle brought the gun inside the courthouse, it would have been against the law in North Carolina.

According to the National Center for State Courts‘ website, “It shall be unlawful for any person to possess, or carry, whether openly or concealed, any deadly weapon, not used solely for instructional or officially sanctioned ceremonial purposes in the State Capitol Building, the Executive Mansion, the Western Residence of the Governor, or on the grounds of any of these buildings, and in any building housing any court of the General Court of Justice.”

During his recent child support court hearing, David admitted in court to owning “many weapons, including handguns, shotguns and semi-automatic weapons,” and about “2,000 rounds of ammunition.” Over the past year, David has frequently bragged about his extensive weapon collection on social media. His videos and social media posts even prompted a visit from the Secret Service back in December 2018.

David got into more gun-related trouble earlier this month, when he admitted to shooting and killing Jenelle’s dog Nugget. That caused big problems for the Easons, with MTV using the incident to finally cut ties with Jenelle and fire her from ‘Teen Mom 2.’ Immediately after that, the Columbus County Sheriff’s Office and the Columbus County Animal Control launched a joint investigation into Nugget’s death. CPS also began an investigation into the Easons’ home life, which eventually led to all of their children being taken away.

As The Ashley previously told you, Jenelle and David are due back in court on Wednesday to continue fighting to get their kids back into their care. 

Edited by druzy
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On 5/19/2019 at 1:51 PM, galaxychaser said:

It’s big enough to make all his progeny... and gets girls so I dunno.

Even micropenises shoot out sperm. He “got” Jenelle and we know how hard she is to “get,” what with all the fabulously successful, law-abiding and educated men she has lining up to date her. 

On 5/19/2019 at 2:28 PM, TimeToCancelTM said:

She’s so disgusting... I’m at a loss of words for this piece of shit. What mother who loses 3 kids is sitting around posting ANYTHING on SM? The fact that she doesn’t think this affects her case in a negative way is what blows my mind! 

A sociopath. 

On 5/19/2019 at 7:14 PM, kicksave said:

You’re setting the bar pretty low aren’t you?

Kieffer still wins the Jenelle Evans Best Soulmate of the Millennium Award, drug convictions and all. I’m not even sure who the runner up would be - anyone want to navigate that minefield? Yikes.

9 hours ago, druzy said:

Wow...I mean...wow. I didn’t think they were even this dumb. Are they going to build a wall around The Land?

3 hours ago, AdorkableWitch said:

I'm going to make a prediction about how I think this might go down. 

CPS will put some reunification plan in place and part of that will likely be the removal of the guns from The Land. I can't see UBT complying. He will cry about his rights, but his guns are more important than his kids. 

Regardless I don't see Jenelle ever getting primary custody of the Roll back. 

I think Ensley is most likely going back to The Land. She’s the only one who is the biological child of both of them, there’s no one but the state to fight to keep her away and the state is all about eventual reunification with the parents. Maryssa is most likely going back too. Unless David really is incapable of keeping his shit together, which is entirely possible, IMO. He got removed from the very first visit! I agree that Kaiser is probably never living with Jenelle full time again. 

2 hours ago, Farmfam said:

I bet they are at Lowe’s buying supplies to finish Jaces room. He told that he hasn’t had a bedroom since they moved to the Land. Maybe the judge ordered they finish that? 

**correct me If it’s known they already finished it. 

I would think that wouldn’t even be a thought in the judge’s mind at this time. Jace doesn’t even live there and there’s little chance he’s going to be needing a room there any time soon. I also don’t see why it would be required that he have his own room.

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I wonder how much David and Jenelle are going to end up paying in child support to all the various current (and hopefully long term or permanent) caregivers? I have to think her social media sponsors have mostly dropped (their feelings for) her and she lost her “job” on the show...but if they don’t have custody of the kids for potentially months they’re going to have to pay a large chunk of whatever they have left in support. Lol. Maybe they’re just going to spend it all before anyone else can claim it...why the fuck else would they be spending ANYTHING right now? To show us they’re unbothered? 😆 I know...there’s no logic to be found in the minds of the delusional and insane.

What do you think it’s like right now on The Land? Are they fighting openly? Doesn’t seem like it from the shopping pictures. Are they tersely sitting there pissed at each other and barely holding on to their relationship? Are they riling each other up over how they’ve been mistreated and it’s not their fault and fuck The Man? Or are they going on as normal, thinking it’ll all be fine and even secretly happy for the break? Or something else? I really don’t even know what to think about what they could be doing. Everything they do “don’t make no sense” and I can’t even pretend to understand any choice they’ve made. 

10 minutes ago, TheRealT said:

I was thinking that maybe they went to Lowes to get supplies to build some kind of hidden bomb shelter/panic room to which they can retreat to hide from authorities if anyone comes to The Land to try to take the kids again.

David’s style is more a wall. 😬 I totally think they’re trying to “fortify” their “compound.”

Edited by Rebecca
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I actually think they might not get the kids back, and this is coming from someone who has seen her nephew returned to his meth addicted, neglectful mother more times than I care to count.

I think David will be unwilling to make any concessions for the return of his daughters- no drug counseling, no anger management training, no home inspections- I don't see how the courts can return the girls if David won't even put up a half assed front to look like he's trying.

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15 minutes ago, Tatum said:

I actually think they might not get the kids back, and this is coming from someone who has seen her nephew returned to his meth addicted, neglectful mother more times than I care to count.

I think David will be unwilling to make any concessions for the return of his daughters- no drug counseling, no anger management training, no home inspections- I don't see how the courts can return the girls if David won't even put up a half assed front to look like he's trying.

I agree with you. I think the only child that will possibly be sent back to  the swamp of doom is Enchilada. Nathan has been quietly working to get Kaiser out of there for the last year and they have a hearing about it on the 30th of this month. Considering what has gone down in the past few weeks, I honestly believe Kaiser will stay with him and Jenelle will be granted supervised visits which she'll probably skip out on because she can't bring her huzzbin.

Maryssa  has been having regular visitation with her mom for a while now. And, from the little bits of info out there, it sounds like the only reason the bearded leech was able to get custody of her is because he had Jenelle's $$$$ to keep bombarding her with motions. He said she was in an abusive relationship - pot, meet kettle much? If she can prove she's able to provide a stable home for Maryssa, I can totally see a judge letting her stay with her mom and offering UBT supervised visits.

Enchilada is the wild card because she doesn't have a parent fighting for her well being. I have a feeling they will give her back to the swamp monsters with a laundry list of things they have to do to meet the requirements. They'll refuse to do the work and the poor kid will be taken away again and again.

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13 minutes ago, lovesnark said:

Enchilada is the wild card because she doesn't have a parent fighting for her well being. I have a feeling they will give her back to the swamp monsters with a laundry list of things they have to do to meet the requirements. They'll refuse to do the work and the poor kid will be taken away again and again.

The thing is though, I don't even think it will get that far, because I can't see David even pretending like he'll complete the list of requirements. I think in his eyes, as Ensley and Maryssa are walking around with half of his DNA, they are his and he doesn't have to agree to do jack shit for anyone to get them back. And if it's a question of being separated from them indefinitely vs. "staying true to himself"- well then, they can stay with CPS.

If CPS says, we'll return the girls to your custody provided that you sign up for anger management classes, submit to drug and alcohol testing daily or weekly, allow us to inspect your house weekly, whatever, I think David would tell them to fuck off, he's not doing anything on their say so. The loser couldn't even swallow his pride enough to apologize on Twitter for his comments that got him fired- he's not going to let someone else tell him when to piss in a cup and to lock his guns away.

And if CPS gets told to fuck off, no matter what the state of foster care is, and how little other options they might have for Ensley, I can't see that they'd let her go back.

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They don’t give a shit about those kids.   They are just possessions for the 2 dirt bags to hold over other people.  She claims she has been fighting to kaiser roll back.  She doesn’t care about that precious little boy.    At least her reps didn’t try to lie about him bringing a gun on court day.   My question is it has to be in plain sight since he doesn’t have a conceal and carry permit ..  why doesn’t he ?   

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2 hours ago, dariafan said:

My question is it has to be in plain sight since he doesn’t have a conceal and carry permit ..  why doesn’t he ?   

Good question. He may not be a felon, but for concealed carry you also can't have a drug problem, or convictions for misdemeanor domestic violence: 

The sheriff shall deny a permit to an  applicant who (among other things): 

 - Is an unlawful user of or addicted to marijuana, alcohol, or any depressant, stimulant, or narcotic drug or other controlled substance;

  - Is or has been adjudicated guilty of or received a prayer for judgment continued or suspended sentence for one or more specified crimes of violence constituting a misdemeanor within three years of the date of application (See N.C. Gen. Stat.§ 14‑415.12(b)(8).);

  - Is or has been adjudicated guilty of or received a prayer for judgment continued or suspended sentence for one or more crimes of violence constituting a misdemeanor for certain types of assault and battery, stalking, child abuse, and domestic criminal trespass crimes, and a violation of a protective order;

  - Is prohibited from possessing a firearm pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 922(g) as a result of a conviction of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence;

There are also provisions about mental illness etc but there's probably no official finding on  that and it doesn't look like they check for it beyond making sure there are no involuntary commitments or adjudications of mental illness that would raise concerns. "He's obviously nuts" isn't enough. 

etc. https://lawcenter.giffords.org/concealed-weapons-permitting-in-north-carolina/

And, he'd have to take an  8-hour class and get fingerprinted.

Somewhere there was something about felonies that haven't been  resolved - not sure if the car towing thing was just a misdemeanor - and DUIs within a certain time frame (3 years?). 

Elsewhere in my quest to figure this out, I discovered that it would have been perfectly legal for them to have left the gun in a locked glove compartment or console rather than on the dashboard.  So, either they were trying to be in your face about it, or they don't have anywhere they can lock it up in  the car, which seems pretty stupid for somebody with so many guns. Of course, David doesn't care about rules and it might require effort,  so . . . 

Here's another, more succinct, source:  https://www.criminaldefenselawyer.com/resources/open-and-concealed-gun-carry-laws-north-carolina.htm

Edited by akr
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The worst part of all of this and the reason I hate Jenelle just as much, maybe even more than David, is because Jenelle could have custody of Kaiser and Ensley again right now if she would kick David to the curb. Inexplicably Jenelle isn’t the one being investigated here at all, just David is. If David were not in the home Jenelle would easily get them back. He’s been identified as the problem, not her or them both. She couldn’t even take Kaiser alone for one night, it’s pretty clear why she’s not going the route of caring for the kids herself. What kind of sociopathic monsters choose to keep he husband in the house instead of the kids? If David were truly innocent or even actually cared about the kids he would have volunteered to leave himself and done anything to keep the kids out of this situation and at home with Jenelle. Instead they both say, fuck the kids, David is more important. 

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In the pics of them at Lowes, I notice he's not carrying his hip penis - credit to Ms Anon Mafioso😂 - There are pics of him at Home Depot with his gun on his hip, maybe Lowes doesn't allow armed people to enter their store? He's always been crazy paranoid and with him being one of the most hated people on the planet now, it seems strange to me that he's out and about gunless. If I was a man and saw him unarmed in a parking lot, I'd go to jail and have assault on my record for the opportunity to beat the living shit out of him. 

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3 hours ago, dariafan said:

They don’t give a shit about those kids.   They are just possessions for the 2 dirt bags to hold over other people.  She claims she has been fighting to kaiser roll back.  She doesn’t care about that precious little boy.    At least her reps didn’t try to lie about him bringing a gun on court day.   My question is it has to be in plain sight since he doesn’t have a conceal and carry permit ..  why doesn’t he ?   

It doesn’t have to be on your dash to be in plain site.  I live in TX and our laws are the same. Yet I don’t drive around with my weapon on my dash. He was making it known he had it. Very intentional. 

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On 5/18/2019 at 1:41 PM, Mkay said:

Her go to is stomach and anxiety.  Always. 🙄

Both excellent excuses to sit around in her underwear and get baked out of her f*&%ing mind, man. 

On 5/18/2019 at 2:30 PM, lovesnark said:

You're right. I could see her getting a job stripping the day shift at sleazy joint. She's too old and beat up to work in one of the 'better' strip clubs. Especially at night or on the weekends when the tips would be good. She's strictly day shift material. Probably at a joint near the airport.

Ehhh, she's better looking than the girls who work Scratch and Dent night by me.  Don't discount the power of dim lighting and alcohol.

On 5/18/2019 at 2:31 PM, Jennifersdc said:

Wolves love their children way more than Jenelle.

Thank you for defending their lupin honor.  It's gerbils that eat their young. 

On 5/18/2019 at 2:37 PM, lovesnark said:

Wonder if she's been able to con her new set of doctors for a xanax prescription? Can you imagine the sob story she gave them during this?

Didn't she have to go to NYC in 2016 to see a doctor about her anxiety because no NC doctors could legally write her for any Class IV narcotics?  I could have sworn that happened.

On 5/19/2019 at 7:30 AM, KittyKat133 said:

Oh Xanax is definitely in her arsenal of prescriptions. David collects guns and weapons she collects pills.  I’m sure sge has diazepam and Percocet too 

Don't forget the klonopin!

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4 minutes ago, Lemur said:

Both excellent excuses to sit around in her underwear and get baked out of her f*&%ing mind, man. 

Ehhh, she's better looking than the girls who work Scratch and Dent night by me.  Don't discount the power of dim lighting and alcohol.

Thank you for defending their lupin honor.  It's gerbils that eat their young. 

Didn't she have to go to NYC in 2016 to see a doctor about her anxiety because no NC doctors could legally write her for any Class IV narcotics?  I could have sworn that happened.

Don't forget the klonopin!

But, it has to be pronounced Jenelle style - cull-on-o-peng🤣

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24 minutes ago, Rebecca said:

The worst part of all of this and the reason I hate Jenelle just as much, maybe even more than David, is because Jenelle could have custody of Kaiser and Ensley again right now if she would kick David to the curb. Inexplicably Jenelle isn’t the one being investigated here at all, just David is. If David were not in the home Jenelle would easily get them back. He’s been identified as the problem, not her or them both. She couldn’t even take Kaiser alone for one night, it’s pretty clear why she’s not going the route of caring for the kids herself. What kind of sociopathic monsters choose to keep he husband in the house instead of the kids? If David were truly innocent or even actually cared about the kids he would have volunteered to leave himself and done anything to keep the kids out of this situation and at home with Jenelle. Instead they both say, fuck the kids, David is more important. 

Jenelle doesn't care about those kids. We all saw her treatment of Kaiser as a baby, before the dogkiller was ever in the picture.  She had no maternal instincts at all. 

She's an empty shell. I feel so bad for her kids and her mother.

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5 minutes ago, blubld43 said:

Jenelle doesn't care about those kids. We all saw her treatment of Kaiser as a baby, before the dogkiller was ever in the picture.  She had no maternal instincts at all. 

She's an empty shell. I feel so bad for her kids and her mother.

Agree. The only time I ever saw any warmth from her for any of her kids was once, when Nathan and Jenelle went out to dinner with baby Kaiser and Nathan pulled Kaiser out of his carseat carrier and handed him to Jenelle, and Jenelle actually made a funny face at him and smiled and seemed genuinely happy to hold him. Looking back, Nathan was affectionate to Kaiser, and Jenelle was likely merely mimicking that. She has no sincere feelings for any of her kids. 

ETA: I don't think not having maternal instincts is necessarily bad, but Jenelle intentionally got pregnant with all three of her kids and made the choice each time to keep the child. And never because she thought she actually wanted a child! She just wanted whatever leverage the child brought her- a weapon against Barb in Jace's case, holding onto her boyfriend in Kaiser and Ensley's cases.

Edited by Tatum
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14 hours ago, Rebecca said:

I wonder how much David and Jenelle are going to end up paying in child support to all the various current (and hopefully long term or permanent) caregivers? I have to think her social media sponsors have mostly dropped (their feelings for) her and she lost her “job” on the show...but if they don’t have custody of the kids for potentially months they’re going to have to pay a large chunk of whatever they have left in support. Lol. Maybe they’re just going to spend it all before anyone else can claim it...why the fuck else would they be spending ANYTHING right now? To show us they’re unbothered? 😆 I know...there’s no logic to be found in the minds of the delusional and insane.

What do you think it’s like right now on The Land? Are they fighting openly? Doesn’t seem like it from the shopping pictures. Are they tersely sitting there pissed at each other and barely holding on to their relationship? Are they riling each other up over how they’ve been mistreated and it’s not their fault and fuck The Man? Or are they going on as normal, thinking it’ll all be fine and even secretly happy for the break? Or something else? I really don’t even know what to think about what they could be doing. Everything they do “don’t make no sense” and I can’t even pretend to understand any choice they’ve made. 

David’s style is more a wall. 😬 I totally think they’re trying to “fortify” their “compound.”

I think there's a whole lot of "Babe, we need to clean the house up some so them CPS bitches can see what good parents we are", "Babe, maybe we should go to Lowes and get some new doors and spackle to fix all the holes you made when you was mad at Nathan and the hatters", "Babe, do you know where the combination is to the gun safe I gave you for father's day? Maybe we should put them away when CPS is fixin to come over and I ain't got the combination" "Babe, is there another case of Coronas on the back porch"?

I really think it's pretty much status quo at the swamp. Of course, without those pesky kids to interrupt the beer swilling, pot smoking, pill popping and who knows what else. I'm sure they're both having non stop pity parties over how unfair it all is and telling each other they're the best parents that ever parented.

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19 hours ago, Rebecca said:
On ‎5‎/‎19‎/‎2019 at 2:51 PM, galaxychaser said:

It’s big enough to make all his progeny... and gets girls so I dunno.

Even micropenises shoot out sperm. He “got” Jenelle and we know how hard she is to “get,” what with all the fabulously successful, law-abiding and educated men she has lining up to date her. 

He only "got" Jenelle after Farrah turned him down. 

Edited by TresGatos
To say that was Matt Baer and Amber from Teen Mom OG. They are beginning to blend together. David became aware of Jenelle because he was Coutland's prison bitch, right?)
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4 hours ago, blubld43 said:

Jenelle doesn't care about those kids. We all saw her treatment of Kaiser as a baby, before the dogkiller was ever in the picture.  She had no maternal instincts at all. 

She's an empty shell. I feel so bad for her kids and her mother.

I hate how she treated Baby Kaiser.  It made my heart hurt.  She'd give him a bottle and toss him in his crib.  It didn't seem to bother her.   When I first let my son cry it out (btw, he was over 2 and just wanted to play instead of sleep) I sat in bed crying right along with him.  Luckily it was only one night, but it killed me.  He's 13 now and when he's hurting. I'm hurting!  

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Jennelle Evans‘ daughter is officially a resident of Casa de Barb!

The Ashley can exclusively reveal that Ensley, the daughter the former Teen Mom 2 star shares with her husband David Eason, was placed with Jenelle’s mother Barbara Evans on Friday, after a judge ordered the move.

As The Ashley has previously reported, all of the children belonging to Jenelle and David have been out of the couple’s care since last week, when they were removed by CPS. Last week, The Ashley was unable to 100 percent confirm where Ensley and David’s older daughter Maryssa had been staying since they were removed from the couple’s care, but The Ashley’s sources now tell her that both girls had been with Maryssa’s maternal grandmother…until Friday.

While many outlets have reported that both girls have been with David’s mother Laura Jo Easonsince they were removed, The Ashley’s sources tell her that’s not the case. 

Currently, Barbara has Ensley, as well as Jenelle’s oldest son Jace, whom Barb has full custody of. Jenelle’s younger son Kaiser is currently with his father, Nathan Griffith, and has been since he was removed from Jenelle’s care two weeks ago. (Nathan’s mom Doris Davidson picked the boy up from his daycare on May 10 after getting the OK from CPS, but Kaiser has been with Nathan since then.)

Maryssa is still being cared for by her maternal grandma. As The Ashley told you, Maryssa’s mother Whitney Johnson appeared in court last week.

“It made sense to the judge why Maryssa was with [her mother] Whitney’s mom, but it did not make sense that Ensley was there too, as Ensley is not related to Maryssa’s grandma in any way, so the judge ordered Ensley be moved to a family member’s care.”

Edited by druzy
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9 minutes ago, lovesnark said:

Oh, hell! Poor Barb. I'm a little younger than her and I can't imagine having to care for a 2 year old full time. Enchilada is in diapers, still drinks a bottle and is barely verbal. That's too much for a Grandma to have to handle. I also legitimately worry about Barb's safety because of what UBT could do to her. He hates Barb and now that hate is amplified because she has what he considers his possession. I guess the judge feels like I do and thinks Ma Eason is just like her piece of garbage son and would violate every rule the court put in place. I hope Barb was given a protective order along with the CPS paperwork.

Oh god, poor Barbara. Poor Ensley. 

I'm just in disbelief that things have gotten this bad, but neither Jenelle nor David have budged an inch. What money can they be spending? I don't believe they had a nickel of savings.

Edited by blubld43
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I hope Barb notices like the rest of us have, that something isn't  right with Ensley.  I hope the first order of business  for Barb is to have her evaluated  by a developmental pediatrician.

Jesus! I know Barb is no saint   but I tend to cut her some slack because she was women trapped in an abusive marriage with very few avenues of escape . She's made many mistakes  but none of them warrant her having to spend her twilight years raising her grandkids, especially from infancy or toddler stage.

Edited by FlowerofCarnage
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3 minutes ago, blubld43 said:

Oh god, poor Barbara. Poor Ensley. 

I'm just in disbelief that things have gotten this bad, but neither Jenelle nor David have budged an inch. What money can they be spending? I don't believe they had a nickel of savings.

I believe they get paid quarterly for the episodes they appear in. Since this season is over, maybe she got her last MTV check recently. Of course, she never thought they'd finally get fed up and fire her, so she bought a brand new ride and is still spending like she has money coming in. With the animals they've accumulated, their feed bill is probably close to $500 a month. 

10 minutes ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

I hope Barb notices like the rest of us have, that something isn't  right with Ensley.  I hope the first order of business  for Barb is to have her evaluated  by a developmental pediatrician.

Jesus! I know Barb is no saint and I tend to cut her some slack because she was a woman with very little education and stuck in an abusive marriage. She doesn't  deserve to have to spend her twilight years raising her grandkids

From what I've read since the kids were taken away, this has probably already happened and recommendations have been made to address any developmental problems. Just what Barb needs. Taking Jace to therapy and the doctor that treats his ADD wasn't enough. Now, she gets to spend her time changing diapers and taking her granddaughter to appointments to address the consequences  of her neglectful, fuck up parents.

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22 minutes ago, Rebecca said:

On a lighter note, I’ll just leave these old pictures here...



Ah, to be young, cracked out and in love again. 🤣 Yikes...the brows especially.

She gets a pass on the brows.  This was before brows were a thing and she got handed some truly awful brows.  No pass on being an asshole or drug addict.

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From Radar 

JENELLE EVANS’ HUSBAND DAVID EASON EXPLODED IN ANGER & MARYSSA SOBBED IN COURT AFTER KIDS TAKEN AWAY Maryssa sobbed after seeing dad for the first time since all the kids were removed.


Jenelle Evans’ husband David Eason’s notorious temper was on display in court as he exploded in anger amid their custody battle and his daughter Maryssasobbed after their face to face meeting RadarOnline.com exclusively learned.

The shocking details emerged from an insider after child protective services took all of the reality show star’s children from her after David Eason killed their dog.

On May 17 Jenelle and David appeared for a second day in court where they begged a judge to return their children, Maryssa, 11, Jace, 9, Kaiser, 4 and Ensley, 2, to them, a request the judge ultimately denied.

The fired Teen Mom 2 star and her husband lost the children after CPS investigated the dog’s murder and removed the children from their custody.

The insider revealed to Radar that Ensley had been staying with Maryssa and her maternal grandmother, but she was given to Jenelle’s mom Barbara Evans in court prior to the weekend.

“David flipped out in court,” an insider told Radar about Jenelle’s husband who left a handgun in the car while the couple tried to win their children back.

“He was sitting in the courtroom and he pulled Jenelle over and was saying very mean things about everything that was going on,” the source revealed to Radar.

Jenelle and David were allowed to spend an hour with the children in a supervised situation, the source told Radar.

David’s daughter Maryssa was sobbing after her meeting with her dad and Jenelle, the insider explained.

“It was supervised with the Sheriff and social services was in the room and Maryssa ran out hysterical crying into her grandmother’s arms,” the source told Radar.

“David was yelling: ‘What did you do to my child? Why won’t she talk to me?’” after Maryssa’s time with him the insider revealed to Radar.

“Maryssa looked petrified to see her dad,” the insider told Radar. “She was crying the whole time she was in the room with him.”

According to the source, Jenelle's son Kaiser seemed happy with his father Nathan Griffith since he was taken away from her. “Little Kaiser was bearing the brunt of them,” the source said about David’s poor treatment of the toddler. “Now he’s so happy with Nathan.”

The insider told Radar that Jenelle and David asked for the judge to dismiss the order of taking their children away from them, but he refused. “They’re trying to fight to get rid of it.
David thinks he’s above the law.”

Edited by druzy
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Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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