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Jenelle: Birther Of 3, Mother To None


Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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He admits to killing Nugget on his Instagram account along with a video of Egghead all in Nugget's face until he bites her. There is a second pic of Ensley's face post "bite" that just looks like a red mark.  Nothing in the video justified murdering Nugget. All he did was  basically incriminate himself by posting the video.

Edited by FlowerofCarnage
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9 minutes ago, monicageller said:

This whole thing is making me sick. I've cried actual tears. I can't even describe it.

Where is the angry emoji? Because that post makes us sound like Nugget died of natural causes. The only illness that caused that poor dog’s untimely death is the mental illness of her piece of trash husband. 

Get those kids, give up those animals, and get the fuck away from him.

  • Love 14
1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

What depressing news to wake up to. We have a beagle. He has snapped at my kids a few times. We absolutely teach them not to do certain things. A big one is not going up to him and just petting him if he's in his bed sleeping. But kids forget. And animals are animals. I would never consider putting our dog down when he was just trying to defend himself. We just keep working on rules and behavior.

David is just itching to shoot SOMETHING. To hurt ANYTHING. To prove how manly he is. But, of course, he's no real man. So his victim had to be something smaller and unable to defend itself. I seriously hope the children did not witness this. It's bad enough that Ensley will probably harbor guilt over it forever.

This punk ass bitch David. If I believed in hell, it wouldn't be full until he and Jenelle were in it. The reason I quoted this is in bold, because it's perspicacious: he has guns and wanted to shoot something. I didn't even realize it was a french bulldog and not a larger more dangerous dog. It's pretty plain he didn't like this dog for one reason or another and baited it to react. I had a 3 year old daughter and a 1 year old son in the house with a four year old lab shepherd mix. Dogs are extremely tolerant of babies if you teach the dog it's part of the same family, but yeah, every dog at some point reacts on instinct (when it's sleeping, when it just has had enough) and 'snaps' which means exactly that. I promise you this dog did not ATTACK, which is totally different. Dogs make a calculated bark with an audible and osmtimes miscalculated quick snap with their jaw. Yep, sometimes kids get bit, but it doesn't condemn the dog as vicious and nasty and murderous. It means you're not doing a good enough job with your dog OR YOUR KIDS teaching both the boundaries. People who hurt animals for fun are a special kind of evil, and people who hurt the animals they've committed to caring for are the worst people on earth, irredeemable. 

How MTV continues to fund this shit is reprehensible. 

5 minutes ago, JerseyGirl said:

I know I can't even watch the video. I'm just so sick over this.  That poor dog, I bet they just left his little body in the woods.  I'm so upset right now, thinking of the terror in Nuggets eyes moments before he died.  I just can't today...

It wouldn't be terror, it'd be more heartbreaking: confusion. I can't even take my dog to a kennel for vacations now because the first time I did it, I worried she'd think we were abandoning her and I was anxious the whole three days (!!!). Now we leave her with people she knows, at the house she knows. I can't even imagine what this dog looked like as this angry ham hock of a useless piece of a shit person dragged it outside by the collar. Like WTF, what is happening, what did I do, then lights out. Fucking assholes these two. 

Edited by Uncle JUICE
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I can't even today.  I can't concentrate at work, I'm heartbroken.  And fuck you, Jenelle, always a victim.  Poor, poor baby.  

44 minutes ago, JerseyGirl said:

I've never signed something so fast in my life.  Thank you for posting this.  I was like, "here's my credit card, my first born, everything I own, I'll give it to you petition site to sign this!"

I will cry tears of joy if this bitch is fired.  

  • Love 12

Who was the "panicked male" who made the call. Someone in the Ashley Reality comments stated that Jace was "allegedly" not there. I can believe that Doris has taught Kai how to dial 911 but would a 911 operator tell a panicked baby (practically) to call a non-emergency number?

I also totally believe Ragin' Asshole shot poor Nugget in front of the children and, if this is true, those children should be removed from their custody and placed into foster care. Even if they were in the Mold Hovel at the time they should be removed from their custody and placed in foster care because you know at least Eggsley saw what happened leading up to Nugget's murder and anyone there would have heard the psycho doing what he did. I almost typed Animals but that would be an insult to animals. Scum. MTV had better fire her flabby tattooed ass.  

  • Love 10
1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

David is just itching to shoot SOMETHING. To hurt ANYTHING. To prove how manly he is. But, of course, he's no real man. So his victim had to be something smaller and unable to defend itself. I seriously hope the children did not witness this. It's bad enough that Ensley will probably harbor guilt over it forever.

This is exactly it.  He enjoys the pain of others - watching it and inflicting it.  Those kids, dogs, pigs, chickens, etc. on the land are all at the mercy of a psychopath.  This is horrifying.

  • Love 17

I think he's been waiting for an opportunity to do this because he's jealous of the attention Jenelle gave Nugget. While I don't believe Jenelle is capable of really loving anyone/anything, Nugget seemed to have liked to be near her and probably provided comfort when UBT was raging about something. Can't have that! He needs 100% of her attention 24/7. Letting Enchilada get in the dog's face  and not correcting her was the problem, not poor Nugget. I predict she'll be making excuses for him any minute now and  is already making up some ridiculous lie to try to justify the vindictive asshole's latest psychotic action.

  • Love 11
3 hours ago, ShaNaeNae said:

I read about this 12 hours ago and I'm still seething with anger.  I've never felt like I've wanted to kill someone before but congrats David, you're my first.  Something tells me they have never taught their kids how to handle animals.  You bet Hoenelle will back her man.  Then on the episode it'll be "the dog attacked the kids so David had to put him down and now he's receiving a lot of hate online and it's not fair".  


This was my first thought. I have spent countless hours trying to teach my toddler (she's about 6 months younger than Ensley) how to handle our dog (same breed as Nugget). I doubt that these two numbfucks even bother to teach them how to respect anything.

  • Love 14
4 minutes ago, ilovebeaarthur said:

This was my first thought. I have spent countless hours trying to teach my toddler (she's about 6 months younger than Ensley) how to handle our dog (same breed as Nugget). I doubt that these two numbfucks even bother to teach them how to respect anything.

This brings up a question for me when I read it. If you have both a toddler and a dog (really any pet) and you're NOT doing this, then what the fuck do you have a pet for? I get that people who don't have kids might get pets for companionship, etc., and on the surface that's what we all get pets for (we called ours the practice baby). But that changes pretty quick. We got our dog literally the week before we found out my wife was pregnant. Just how it worked out. But I found that teaching the child that the dog is just a different sort of family member, deserving of respect and love and care because that's what you commit to when you take in a pet, that it teaches the kid to sort of look at the world in a bigger way. If you're NOT teaching the kid that they're not inherently SUPERIOR to the dog, I feel like it's easier for them to see themselves as part of a bigger world of living things, that it gives them an appreciation for why the world needs to be taken care of, because it's not just us here. If you're NOT doing that, you're letting a major teaching opportunity pass you by. I get the feeling this fucking stain is one of those "We have dominion over all the land and creatures!" dickwads. I hope one of those snakes bites his tiny dick off. Dogs want NOTHING but to provide you with truly unconditional love. Their companionship is the purest form of companionship: all they want is to be your friend, to love you more than you love them, without ever feeling resentful for doing so. Yep, my dog tried to slap my baby son's face with its paw while I had my son on my lap on the floor once. Know what I did? Yelled at the dog and calmed down my kid. Then we were right back to being friends again and the dog has never tried to physically harm any kid ever after that: she has growled, she has barked when tiny visitors started going near her crate when she was in it, but for the most part, she just finds a place now that tiny visitors can't go to relax in. She's 14 now and can take a while to stand up, and maybe doesn't have the same patience she used to as a result, but seriously, the thought of anyone harming a dog intentionally? I swear it's enough to make me want to burn everything they own to the ground. Go ahead and keep filming though, MTV. 

  • Love 22

I'm confused by the stories. I've read that Jenelle has Kai and Ensley with her, but she says she wasnt on the Land yesterday and doesn't know about the cops coming. Ensley would have to still be there right? 

Edited to add: well now TMZ is reporting there was welfare check on the Land for Ensley last night, so she must have forgotten her baby when she fled....

Edited by waitwhat
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3 hours ago, ClassyCourtHeels said:

That video is sickening. What it tells me is David was just looking for a reason. It wasn't some sort of spur of the moment thing (not like that would justify it anyway). David ADMITS that this has happened before, but there he is. Filming Ensley getting all up in the dog's face. A dog that has snipped at her before. He says ABSOLUTELY nothing. Doesn't tell Ensley to sit back. Doesn't stop filming to walk over there to assist in the potential situation. He just keeps filming because he know he needs this "evidence" for later. He waits until the dog snips again than finally stops filming and then takes the dog to the woods and shoots it. Then he goes and puts it online for "justification" and to play the protective parent role.

A protective parent wouldn't have let it get to that situation in the first damn place. So many other proactive things could have been done beforehand if Nugget had a history of this.

Agree, 100%.  The first thing I thought upon hearing this was that killing Nugget was a way for David to control/terrorize everyone else in the house.  He is The Man, and don't you forget it.

He's such a scary fucking person, and Jenelle and the kids need to get away from him.

  • Love 11
16 minutes ago, waitwhat said:

I'm confused by the stories. I've read that Jenelle has Kai and Ensley with her, but she says she wasnt on the Land yesterday and doesn't know about the cops coming. Ensley would have to still be there right? 

Edited to add: well now TMZ is reporting there was welfare check on the Land for Ensley last night, so she must have forgotten her baby when she fled....

The welfare check was for Kaiser.  PEOPLE is reporting that the "male caller" was Nathan:


According to the Columbus County Sheriff’s department, Evan’s ex-Nathan Griffith called the police on April 30 to request a welfare check on his son Kaiser.

“The male caller referenced making sure his son was safe because his ex-fiancée’s husband shot a dog in front of him,” the public information officer told PEOPLE.

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Because the call only requested the welfare check, they did not further investigate the claim that Eason shot a dog, the PIO said.

Because, of course.

Also, this allegedly all happened yesterday but Jenelle's ode to her "beloved pet" makes it sounds like it happened at least 2 days ago.  "Every day" means more than one, skank.

  • Love 19
7 minutes ago, Mkay said:

If you watched this video, you can see the dog getting that cornered look on its face. He's such an asshole, anyone with any sense at all would have stopped filming and went and picked that child up. She was clearly crowding the dog who VERY clearly didn't appreciate it. Just go pick her up and separate them and there's no situation at all. Instead, he filmed his kid NOT getting bitten by a dog who was clearly uncomfortable and had no escape route. What a tough guy, David, you dragged a twelve pound dog into the woods and shot it, I guess vengeance is yours. Also, what lesson does this teach to anyone? The other dogs don't understand "Wow, that other dog got shot for doing that."

  • Love 13

This is all so messed up. That’s straight up sociopath behavior. That poor dog. Those poor kids. If the authorities won’t remove the children from the home, can’t they at least remove the other animals? Surely someone who shoots a small dog in order to assert his masculinity to his wife and young children is not someone who should have any living creature in his care.  

Doesnt surprise me that he might have done this in front of Kaiser. You know that sick fuck loves to terrorize that precious little boy and punish him for being Nathan’s son. I bet this was more about trying to scare Kaiser than protecting Ensley from a non-existent dog bite. 

Most parents know never to leave a family pet and a child unattended because one might hurt the other. This dumb fuck was present and filming the baby and dog interact and instead of stopping any potentially aggressive behavior, just jumped at any excuse to shoot. I hate him so much. 

And if true, good for Nathan for calling the cops but how did he know David shot the dog? Does Kaiser have a way of getting in touch with his father while on the land? I can’t see David allowing that. Did Janel reach out to Nathan in an attempt to further rile up her unhinged violent gun-happy sociopath of a husband? I’m sure that’ll be their next excuse...Nathan or whoever made the call is just hating on them! 

  • Love 20

I really want to know where Barb goes from here. Let's face it, we all know Jenelle will be back on the Land in no time. If Barb continues to allow Jace to visit after David murdered a dog in front of a pre-schooler, then I'm officially done with her. I don't care what visitation is in place. Clever lawyers know how to throw up roadblocks.

How did Nathan find out about the dog?

David won't be charged unless Jenelle reports him:


Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 11
2 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

I really want to know where Barb goes from here. Let's face it, we all know Jenelle will be back on the Land in no time. If Barb continues to allow Jace to visit after David murdered a dog in front of a pre-schooler, then I'm officially done with her. I don't care what visitation is in place. Clever lawyers know how to throw up roadblocks.

How did Nathan find out about the dog?

All this crap with Barb boozing it up with Jenelle and her drunk threat of "killing Kail" was bad enough for me...Barb has become complicit with them. I no longer feel she has Jace's best interests at heart. She is there for the MTV money and the fame that she has earned...period.

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How could any of the producers ever step foot on the land again?  I would be terrified and sickened, I would be like no fucking way can you expect me to go out there to work.

I’m afraid MTV won’t take any action.  They didn’t give a fuck when Nathan’s dog was locked up in a cage and neglected in the garage in JULY in NC.   I am beginning to wonder if MTV would even draw the line if David shot a human. Because let’s be real folks, that’s what’s next.  

  • Love 16

From a vet behaviorist I follow on FB:

Reisner Veterinary Behavior Services, LLC

11 mins ·

In today's dog bite news, an infuriating story involving a French Bulldog, a 2 year old child, and a peerless jerk (with video).

Readers of this page know that, as part of the educational purpose of sharing dog bite stories, I often point out that bites are accidental and are no one's "fault", including the dog, because so little is understood about dog behavior and about the meaning of provocation. In this case, though, anger overrides understanding because the father's own violence has led to the death of the dog and emotional trauma for the children.

I had to Google Jenelle Evans, who apparently is a star of a reality show about teenage mothers. Her husband was recording an interaction between the 2 year old girl and the dog, which you can see in the article. After the bite, the model husband shot and killed the dog, in front of their 4 year old son.

I had to Google Jenelle Evans, who apparently is a star of a reality show about teenage mothers. Her husband was recording an interaction between the 2 year old girl and the dog, which you can see in the article. After the bite, the model husband shot and killed the dog, in front of their 4 year old son.

First, watch the interaction. It is a well-established fact that a child is likely to be bitten by a family dog when the dog is:

1. On furniture and is approached, or the child climbs onto the furniture.
2. Resting/settled in any location, including the floor, and is approached for any interaction.
3. Resting or not, furniture or floor, and is bent over, hugged or kissed. This is why toddlers are so commonly bitten on the face or head.

These interactions are not "painful" or overtly "annoying" in the eyes of parents, who are usually (>66% of the time) nearby when the bite occurs. Please remember that, to the dog, the "gentle" interactions listed above are just as provocative as being poked or pulled.

The poor dog's head-averting, ears back and lowering posture indicates discomfort, fear and efforts to avoid the child. Children cannot speak "dog" but parents should educate themselves about body language and, critically, about avoiding the triggers listed above.

This is, sadly, a classic case of the family dog biting a young child. Luckily, she was only bruised. The violence triggered in the idiot husband is another matter -- he is clearly very, very dangerous. In my opinion he should be charged with a crime. What a deep-dish moron.

If you choose to share the above comments, you may need to manually copy/paste onto your shared post. Please include attribution to FB.com/ReisnerVetBehavior

#vetbehaviordog #vetbehavior #dogbitesafety

[Thank you, Robyn Metcalf Horth]

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11 minutes ago, geauxaway said:

How could any of the producers ever step foot on the land again?  I would be terrified and sickened, I would be like no fucking way can you expect me to go out there to work.

I’m afraid MTV won’t take any action.  They didn’t give a fuck when Nathan’s dog was locked up in a cage and neglected in the garage in JULY in NC.   I am beginning to wonder if MTV would even draw the line if David shot a human. Because let’s be real folks, that’s what’s next.  

You really wonder, what will it take? You have producers and cameramen who won't film on the Land because they don't feel safe. Castmembers who won't appear with Jenelle at reunions because they don't feel safe. Dozens of visits from CPS. Jenelle pulling a gun while filming. A murdered dog. Where does it end?

Maybe MTV sleeps at night figuring "Hey, we booted David off the show, our hands our clean," but I disagree. David's drama is still very much part of the show, and he and Jenelle benefit financially from that. They need to fire her immediately.

  • Love 24
8 minutes ago, blondiek237 said:

She can get in anyones face she wants--good parenting.  So what will happen if they are out and she pulls this on a big dog--This is all on UBT

Yep--they have an unneutered male pitbull wandering around the place.  She gets in that dog's face, she's likely to wind up with more than a little red mark as a result.  I'll bet UBT would be jumping to get her out of that dog's way, if necessary. 

I agree with the people who said that he killed that dog as a message to Jenelle, and that he was jealous of her affection for the dog.

  • Love 19
27 minutes ago, geauxaway said:

How could any of the producers ever step foot on the land again?  I would be terrified and sickened, I would be like no fucking way can you expect me to go out there to work.

I would make exactly one trip back and get as many of the other animals on the #homestead out.  Then I'd never look back. 

  • Love 11

9:45 AM PT -- Police went to Jenelle and David's house Tuesday night to perform a welfare check on Ensley. Officers found everyone, including Ensley, was okay. 

David told cops Nugget was alive, although he would not let them see the dog. We're told cops have no evidence showing anything happened to the dog.

The Columbus County Sheriff's Dept. says it's contacted Animal Control, but as far as any further investigation from cops ... our source says Jenelle would need to make a report on her own. We're told officers won't act on "sensationalized media reports or social media posts." The source said it's irrelevant to cops what Jenelle says on IG.

Meanwhile, PETA says it hopes charges are filed against Eason if it's true he shot Nugget. They say, "People who abuse animals typically don't stop there." 


Edited by JerseyGirl
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PETA has made a statement:

“David Eason has a long history of violent behavior and was caught on camera, just weeks ago, forcefully dragging a pig by his or her legs, so alarm bells should be sounding,” the statement read. “People who abuse animals typically don't stop there. Domestic abusers commonly begin by threatening, torturing, or killing animals, and if reports that he shot Nugget are true, it's time to worry about the safety of the humans and remaining animals at the house.”

“PETA hopes charges will be filed against Eason and that he'll be banned from owning animals.”


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Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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