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Jenelle: Birther Of 3, Mother To None


Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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15 hours ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

Is anyone the least bit surprised? It's only natural that Jenelle's current husband did a stint in jail with her former husband given her dating pool is  limited  to trash like herself.

It's almost like it's a pre-requisite to date her.

Speaking of which, I cannot recall where Nathan was jailed and/or who his cellmates might/might not have been pre-Jenelle. Anyone out there know the answer to this? Many thanks in advance for your research! (WiFi is a bit spotty today)

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7 hours ago, EmeraldGirl said:

I’m surprised that Jenelle didn’t go with the name Easton Eason. 

At this point, I can't even recall what Eggsley's real name is anymore unless I Googled it, which I don't feel like doing.

What is her full name? 

On ‎11‎/‎12‎/‎2017 at 4:00 PM, Maharincess said:

Case and Easton? Please tell me that those are typos and not the names of actual children. 

@Sprockets, I've seen you propose to @GreatKazu and also call her your fiance. I hate to break it you you and I know you're kind of new here, but SHE'S MINE.  She has been mine for a very long time (years) so back off. I may be in a wheelchair but I am able to stand up and I will.fight.you.   

I don't remember which thread it was posted in but I want to thank whoever it was who recommended the book Something Real.  I bought it for my kindle and read it in one night. Great book so thank you. I just wish I could remember who recommended it. 


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12 minutes ago, DangerousMinds said:

Since when is she religious in any way?

Yeah. I think she said Kaiser was going to a Christian school, but, still, GMAFB. Every. Single. Thing. about her and UBT's "normal, happy family" charade is laughable. The harder they try to push it, the more plainly ridiculous it is.

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On 11/7/2017 at 9:25 PM, CaliforniaLove said:

You know the episode of Roseanne where Roseanne, Dan & Aunt Jackie smoke weed & hideout in the bathroom when DJ comes to the door? Roseanne freaks out & makes her voice go 5 octaves higher in an attempt to sound "normal"...that is all of Jenelle & UBT's "nice" interactions with their kids.

ETA: Is this the sink? Am I shrinking?!...


What do you want, DJ????  Deeee jayyyyy deee jayyyyy



On 11/12/2017 at 8:22 AM, druzy said:


Are they having a children's party in a jail?  Doesn't it look like a cellblock?



50 minutes ago, CofCinci said:

Kaiser probably knows what a Bible is by watching his dirtbag parents swear on one in court. 

Hahahaha!!!  OMG please tweet this at/to her!

Edited by heatherchandler
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3 minutes ago, AmyFarrahFowler said:

Endsley Jolie?

You win the prize of a having a life and not Googling - I will gladly take one for the team! :)

Jace Vahn Evans

Kaiser Orion Griffith

Ensley Jolie Eason

21 minutes ago, heatherchandler said:






Are they having a children's party in a jail?  Doesn't it look like a cellblock?



I am thinking it might resemble the Drunk Tank more than anything, but that's just a guess as I've never been arrested.

At a second glance, those white walls COULD be padded too...ahem ahem...nudge, nudge, wink, wink....

Edited by Bridget
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1 hour ago, CofCinci said:

Kaiser probably knows what a Bible is by watching his dirtbag parents swear on one in court. 

And watching his mother being hit upside the head with it by UBT. 

24 minutes ago, Bridget said:

You win the prize of a having a life and not Googling - I will gladly take one for the team! :)

Jace Vahn Evans

Kaiser Orion Griffith

Ensley Jolie Eason


Thank you! 

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3 hours ago, Bridget said:

You win the prize of a having a life and not Googling - I will gladly take one for the team! :)

Jace Vahn Evans

Kaiser Orion Griffith

Ensley Jolie Eason

I am thinking it might resemble the Drunk Tank more than anything, but that's just a guess as I've never been arrested.

At a second glance, those white walls COULD be padded too...ahem ahem...nudge, nudge, wink, wink....

OMG at first glance I thought Kai's name was Kaiser ONION Griffith. I laughed so hard!

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On 11/12/2017 at 7:00 PM, Maharincess said:

Case and Easton? Please tell me that those are typos and not the names of actual children. 

@Sprockets, I've seen you propose to @GreatKazu and also call her your fiance. I hate to break it you you and I know you're kind of new here, but SHE'S MINE.  She has been mine for a very long time (years) so back off. I may be in a wheelchair but I am able to stand up and I will.fight.you.   


You guys, this is TM. Faithfulness is not required. Just turn off the deer cam. 

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1 hour ago, Lm2162 said:

You guys, this is TM. Faithfulness is not required. Just turn off the deer cam. 

I am now extremely confused.  I could maybe share Kazu, but arrangements will need to be made.  And step away from my deer cam.  Fair warning.  

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3 minutes ago, CofCinci said:

Yeah, protect his family by calling people fa****.  Gotta protect from fa****s like Dr. Drew, Nathan and Jace when he whines. 

David is a little too obsessed with homosexuality, know what I mean?  

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12 hours ago, Bridget said:

Jace Vahn Evans

Kaiser Orion Griffith

Ensley Jolie Eason

I'm printing this out so the next time my youngest, a teenager, bitches about his middle name?  It could be worse.  Just sayin'.

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On 11/11/2017 at 5:50 PM, galaxychaser said:

Thank you.  I'm alone. I'm an only child.  Reading these boards makes me feel okay for a few minutes 

It's ok.  Quite a few of us are here for the same reason.  A few minutes can turn into one step.  Big hugs.  

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17 hours ago, crazychicken said:

Hands up all that have been parenting wrong all these years, all horrors are erased if your child thinks all books are bibles or it  could just be he can't read yet.


All this tells me is that she's not actually reading him any other books (and doubtful she's reading him the Bible). Otherwise he would know right away that there's a difference. He's three, not a moron. 

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1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

All this tells me is that she's not actually reading him any other books (and doubtful she's reading him the Bible). Otherwise he would know right away that there's a difference. He's three, not a moron. 

This was exactly my thought.  

6 hours ago, druzy said:


So apparently Dr. Drew did something kind of responsible and "therapist-y" by suggesting Maryssa see a therapist (probably just to deal with all the recent changes in her life, plus having Jenelle as a step-mom) and that's why David and Jenelle threw fits and left? Well, no wonder MTV isn't pushing Dr. Drew to go after these girls harder at reunions... 

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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I'm glad Miracle Story screen shot all those tweets because Jenelle deleted all of them.   Do they not realize that everything on the internet can be saved? Just because you delete doesn't mean it went away.   Just because I shut my eyes at the piles of work I have on my desk doesn't mean they disappeared.    JesusGodLeah.   

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7 hours ago, druzy said:

Witnesses did not need to testify, Jenelle. First of all, you are right. A judge didn't decide the visitation. However, my feeling is a judge DID DECIDE Barb was to retain custody and ordered you two to mediate the visitation. Second, there are things called DECLARATIONS. Declarations are pleadings. They are written statements made by parties, such as a witness, who declare under the penalty of perjury that their written statements are true. Those declarations can be admitted to the courts as evidence in place of anyone having to testify. For example, a therapist will submit a declaration stating Barb should retain custody based on their professional opinion and other factors. Another example would be, Doris declaring Barb is a great parent to Jace and she has not witnessed any sort of behavior from Barb - such as being inebriated - that would render her an unfit custodial parent. Also, Jenelle, your criminal court records, a show called Teen Mom, CPS declarations and records, any drug tests, and your social media can also be admitted as evidence, if need be. 

It is all semantics Jenelle. You can't tell a story straight without all the bullshit. You and Kail have a way to revising history. 

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1 hour ago, GreatKazu said:

Witnesses did not need to testify, Jenelle. First of all, you are right. A judge didn't decide the visitation. However, my feeling is a judge DID DECIDE Barb was to retain custody and ordered you two to mediate the visitation. Second, there are things called DECLARATIONS. Declarations are pleadings. They are written statements made by parties, such as a witness, who declare under the penalty of perjury that their written statements are true. Those declarations can be admitted to the courts as evidence in place of anyone having to testify. For example, a therapist will submit a declaration stating Barb should retain custody based on their professional opinion and other factors. Another example would be, Doris declaring Barb is a great parent to Jace and she has not witnessed any sort of behavior from Barb - such as being inebriated - that would render her an unfit custodial parent. Also, Jenelle, your criminal court records, a show called Teen Mom, CPS declarations and records, any drug tests, and your social media can also be admitted as evidence, if need be. 

It is all semantics Jenelle. You can't tell a story straight without all the bullshit. You and Kail have a way to revising history. 

Exactly. As both Barb and Jenelle have pretty much attested, they went to mediation in hopes of working out an agreement there before they went before a judge (in which case one/both of them would have less say in the matter). In mediation, both sides presented their evidence to the mediator and the mediator informed them that, in all likelihood, if they went before the judge, the judge would award permanent custody to Barb and Jenelle would get visitation, so they should just agree to that. I think that Jenelle was also informed that if they went before the judge, various skeletons in her closet (Ensley testing positive for marijuana, UBT's criminal record, Jenelle's criminal record, various incidents that were reported about Jenelle's and UBT's neglect/abuse of their kids, etc., etc.) would become part of the public record. For her part, Barb conceded that Jenelle was currently a fit enough parent for visitation (despite her past failings) and didn't object to Jenelle having regular visitation. That's what Jenelle was talking about with her "Barb can't bring up stuff from the past anymore" thing. All that means is that if, in the future, Barb wanted to eliminate or curtail Jenelle's parental rights, she can't use things that happened prior to this court case as evidence.

The court decided (based on the mediator's assessment) that Barb should have permanent custody, meaning Jenelle can only re-petition for custody if she can prove that Barb is an unfit parent (as she even admitted on the show). So, in theory, Jenelle could still "get Jace back," but she would have to prove that Barb is unfit (a bar so high/low that it couldn't be proven about Jenelle). In theory, anyone's kids could be taken away if it was proven that they were unfit parents; that "possibility" doesn't really mean anything.

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5 hours ago, Sprockets said:

Also, fag only has one G.  Why can't any of these bitches spell?  


LOL! As someone under the greater "fag" umbrella - certainly as Jenelle and UBT would see it - I'm kinda liking the double-G. But don't tell them that!!!

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In a statement to PEOPLE, Evans denies these claims, saying, “I doubt my husband would punch a kid in his face.”


He abuses everyone, but makes sure not to hit them in the face where bruises and marks will be hard to explain away. 



She continues, “For weeks I asked Doris every time Kaiser came home and if there was marks she always got super offensive in texts when I would ask her what happened to my son.”


In other words, Jenelle reported nothing because Kaiser never had any marks on him upon his return home from Doris' home. Any and all marks on Kaiser were the result of Jenelle and David's abuse. 



As for Eason’s reaction onstage during the reunion, Evans tells PEOPLE that he felt the need to protect her.


He felt the need to get her stupid ass off the stage because she wasn't doing a good job of defending him from Drew's remarks about David. 


David is super protective over me and gets very upset if anyone makes me cry,” she says. “So for Dr. Drew to ask me stupid questions about David is ridiculous because the real problem is Nathan here.

David gets upset any time anyone refers to him in a negative light and talks the truth about his behavior.  Drew asking questions about David is stupid because that requires Jenelle to be honest and truthful and that isn't going to happen. Remember how Matt from TMOG was upset with Amber because she wasn't doing a good job of representing him and defending him from the negativity? That is exactly how David is with Jenelle. Her job is to ensure no one ever questions him or his behavior. If she fails, it is time to get her ass away from people, take her away to a secluded place and remind her who the boss is in this relationship. 

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18 hours ago, CofCinci said:

“God forbid David is protective.”

Yeah, protect his family by calling people fa****.  Gotta protect from fa****s like Dr. Drew, Nathan and Jace when he whines. 

David Eason should be fired for his continued use of homophobic remarks and violent threats. 

Simon was fired for claiming that the producer gave Ryan drugs, so there is precedent to firing a hanger-on, but they probably won't because they think Jenelle is a ratings magnet. If David does get fired, Jenelle will have to quit too, because he will make her, so please all that is Holy make it happen. And Santa, it's my only Christmas wish.

Jenelle and David were a big reason I quit watching this season. I decided I didn't like any of them, so it was easy to walk away, but felt I had to because I didn't want to see David kill Kaiser, and feel it is coming. Hopefully, the custody suit from Doris will get him to knock off the physical punishment, since he knows someone is keeping track. I don't have much hope for that, though, because of his manhandling of Kaiser during the engagement shoot.

Before the custody hearing, the evidence would have been filed with the Court. Before they walked through the doors, the judge would have read everything submitted, and I'm sure Barb's attorney included evidence of Egglsy being born with THC in her system and a report from the therapist stating that Jace was afraid of UBT and should stay in the primary care of Barb. If Barb said the judge talked to the therapist on the phone, it was probably about her report and conclusions. So, they probably walked into the courtroom and the Judge said custody was going to remain with Barb and to try and attempt a visitation schedule at mediation. My first three years as a paralegal was in a Domestic Relations firm, and I worked on the more complex cases, usually because of assets not child custody, because most people agreed and didn't fight the 50/50 split. Child support was a different issue, with people wanting to fight the formula, typically losing. I never walked into a courtroom for a custody matter or (civil matter later) where the judge wasn't prepared and hadn't read everything that was filed before that day. There was one judge who wouldn't make a ruling for many months, in one case years, and it resulted in a complaint to the State Supreme Court, but he oversaw civil cases and as complex as that was, it wasn't harming anyone to not have an immediate decision. As an aside, no one have joint wills with their spouse; they very rarely hold up in court.

I lost the other post I quoted, again, even those it said "2 Posts Quoted" but agree with the person who said that David was too much of a narcissist to kill himself. I've always suspected that they would kill each other during a fight, probably stabbing each other to death. They are so toxic and they feed off each other, getting sicker by the day. Both of them are horrible people on their own, but together they have found the bottom and dug a hole deeper. 

Edited by Christina
Spelling like a Judge Judy litigant
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3 hours ago, Mkay said:

Not funny Jenelle. 


This is in...extremely poor taste. I’m Southern, so I get it. People still want to whoop their kids down here and will fight tooth and nail against any and all evidence that physical punishment is counterproductive but how fucking tonedeaf can you be to share a meme like that when you are currently under investigation from CPS? How sway?

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