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Jenelle: Birther Of 3, Mother To None


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I have a cousin like Jenelle who just had her fifth kid by her drug dealer. Her previous four children were all dumped on relatives and she could care less about getting them back. With these types of girls it's all about the here and now. The current boyfriend, the current baby etc. It's like someone who ditches their old dog at a shelter because they got a new puppy. Jace is yesterday's news and Kaiser will eventually be that as well.

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That certainly strengthens Barbara's case for custody of Jace. She can truthfully say Jenelle doesn't pay her a dime in child support. It will be interesting to see how Jenelle fares after the show is over and the MTV money stops. She seems to blow through it as fast as she gets it. Moving like 164 times since the show started, those first and lasts and security deposits add up. Plus all that money blown on fancy cars (that yellow Hummer alone is an $80K vehicle) vacations, diamond rings, and of course her cigarettes and weed habit. And wait till she finds out she can't get a job because of her past drug history. Reality is gonna finally be real for her. Hope she winds up slinging burgers with the high school kids. 


ETA: And her lawyer bills! How could I forget that. She's probably paid the equivalent of the gross national product of a small foreign country in lawyer's fees to keep her and her screwed up boyfriend out of jail.

Edited by Miss Chevious
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Jenelle has stated more than ever about wanting Jace back. When she was with Kieffer, she rarely mentioned it. If she did, it wasn't with the same kind of attitude that she says it now. The difference now is Nips is in the picture. He is the one who has put that idea in her head. Jenelle has given way too many excuses for not wanting to get custody. When she had that abortion, her reason was because it wasn't fair to Jace to bring another child into her life without getting custody of Jace first. Then, she needed to get herself settled first with a new place, that was the priority. Jenelle uses that word "priority" a lot.  The next excuse was Jace was in his first year of school. When that happened, Jenelle was just too tired and stressed from the pregnancy. The next excuse was Barb would be lonely.  Then, it was because Jenelle needed to focus on herself before she could focus on getting custody. Then, it became school. Then, it became Jenelle is planning to be an astronaut so she could be the first druggie to fly into space. Yeah, just threw that in there only because it sounds just as fucking ridiculous as her other excuses.


Here is an article from 2014 that mentions Jenelle's excuses for not getting Jace back:http://www.realitytea.com/2014/09/24/jenelle-evans-shes-not-pursuing-custody-jace-mom-lonely/

Edited by GreatKazu
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Here's a link to an article confirming that Jenelle's whopping $130 a month in child support was suspended in 2013. 



My God.  That's outrageous!

For that to be even remotely justifiable, Barbs must be receiving a decent amount of money for her appearances on the show - and from whatever other sources she receives income. 

Edited by StayingAfterSunday
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As far as I know, Barb still works at Walmart. She puts in her 8 hours a day, picks Jace up from school, makes dinner, does homework and gets him into bed. Something Jenelle has no idea what it's like to do.  I'd bet on the weekends Jenelle isn't too exhausted to have Jace, Barb probably tries to carve out a little time for herself. I hope she treats herself to a pedicure, then goes home to sit in a nice, hot bubble bath with a bigass glass of wine and just zones out. I know she's not June Cleaver but, I think I'm about the same age as her and I can't imagine working a full time job and caring for a 5 or 6 year old. I'd last for about a week before I was insane. An entire day with my great nieces and nephews wipes me out and that's when their parents are with them!

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Something tells me Jenelle isn't the type to get her security deposit back...

I concur :) I have two rentals and if any of the landlords where she lives watches this show, I bet they'd be like me and would toss that rental application into the garbage. You just know that Nipples punches holes in the walls when he's raging out and I can't imagine Jenelle being real meticulous about keeping her cat's litter box clean. We know they lock the dogs in crates most of the time but going by how well we know them, I bet the dogs have no training and trash things when they're loose in the house or garage or yard. And, that doesn't even touch on them disturbing the peaceful enjoyment of their neighbors which we know happens on a regular basis.

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: I totally believe that she has an anxiety disorder. Her panicked ranting and meltdowns are classic anxiety, or at least anxiety as it manifests in someone with very poor coping skills and a lot of other issues. She's been self-medicating (poorly) for years, and the flat affect others have commented on suggests that there's another disorder at work, but I wish she could somehow get into effective treatment and actually be receptive to it. 



they are also symptoms of bipolar illness.  Along with that goes anxiety, poor decision making, erratic behavior, etc.  Add that to an unpleasant personality and you get Jennelle. 


She did go to that treatment center in California.  I would bet that she didn't continue to take the proper medication and proper follow up care and she's right back to where she started, a big mess who's out of control. 


It can't all be blamed on illness, however.  She refuses to take responsibility for any of her actions.  She blames the world for her poor choices and the situations she gets herself into.  She puts men before her child and treats her mother like crap.  That's not due to illness, that's due to being a sucky person.

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they are also symptoms of bipolar illness.  Along with that goes anxiety, poor decision making, erratic behavior, etc.  Add that to an unpleasant personality and you get Jennelle. 


She did go to that treatment center in California.  I would bet that she didn't continue to take the proper medication and proper follow up care and she's right back to where she started, a big mess who's out of control. 


It can't all be blamed on illness, however.  She refuses to take responsibility for any of her actions.  She blames the world for her poor choices and the situations she gets herself into.  She puts men before her child and treats her mother like crap.  That's not due to illness, that's due to being a sucky person.

Yep.  But you want crazy?   Do you remember the last episode of one of the first seasons (maybe season 3 or so) when Barb makes a startling confession?  She says that she was exactly like Jenelle when she was young!  And look at her now.  While she's not perfect (who is?), She's a respectable, responsible person --  a little "mouthy," yes.  But a few decades has certainly settled her down if what she says is true about Jenelle being the young version of herself. 

The strangest thing about all of this is that in the end -  after a few dozen more "relationships" and a couple more divorces -- Jenelle and Barb will probably end up living together, coparenting, and continuing their dysfunctional, acrimonious style of relating.   I'm willing to bet, though, that Jenelle will become somewhat more stable as she matures.  I have faith in her because at the core she is not stupid -- nor is her mother. Sooner or later it would be nice to see Jenelle dominated by common sense and love rather than hormones.   As for her various vices, as my father used to say, "We don't leave our vices, they leave us."  In Jenelle's case, let's hope that includes men.

Edited by StayingAfterSunday
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they are also symptoms of bipolar illness. Along with that goes anxiety, poor decision making, erratic behavior, etc. Add that to an unpleasant personality and you get Jennelle.

She did go to that treatment center in California. I would bet that she didn't continue to take the proper medication and proper follow up care and she's right back to where she started, a big mess who's out of control.

It can't all be blamed on illness, however. She refuses to take responsibility for any of her actions. She blames the world for her poor choices and the situations she gets herself into. She puts men before her child and treats her mother like crap. That's not due to illness, that's due to being a sucky person.

You clipped the part of my comment where I already acknowledged that.

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I hope she treats herself to a pedicure, then goes home to sit in a nice, hot bubble bath with a bigass glass of wine and just zones out.

I believe she is also taking care of Jace's cousin now isn't she?  No zoning out for Barb. :(

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I believe she is also taking care of Jace's cousin now isn't she?  No zoning out for Barb. :(

Yeah, Gabriel. Apparently Jenelle and her older sister (brother, too) are equally irresponsible for their shitty life choices. Seems like that whole family is a mess. Do we even know where Jenelle's own father is? We've only ever seen Barb with Mike, who left her for the Hootah's waitress.

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Yeah, Gabriel. Apparently Jenelle and her older sister (brother, too) are equally irresponsible for their shitty life choices. Seems like that whole family is a mess. Do we even know where Jenelle's own father is? We've only ever seen Barb with Mike, who left her for the Hootah's waitress.


Does she have Gabriel full time?  Sure seems like it based on what we see, but I was just curious.


I feel like she, and all of them really, are trapped in this really bad cycle and I keep wondering if and when someone can/will break it.

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I have faith in her because at the core she is not stupid -- nor is her mother.

I have to disagree. Jenelle is plenty stupid.  Barb has some faults, but being stupid is certainly not one of them. For her age and what she has to go through on a daily basis, she sure handles it better than Jenelle, a girl in her 20s.  Barb works at Wal-Mart and has been for quite a long time and likely knows what her limits are and what kind of jobs she is qualified for. Jenelle IS stupid because she thinks she will get a job at a reputable and decent medical office. I could go on with a list of what makes Jenelle stupid, but I haven't got the patience right now, nor the time.


I don't have faith in Jenelle because she had her opportunity to get her shit together and has the money to get her shit together. Unlike some people who want help, but can't afford it. Unlike some people who need meds to live a normal, healthy-minded life but they can't afford it, here is Jenelle who has the means to live a stable, mentally healthy life but instead, she pisses on it and would rather blame others for her failure in life.


When it comes to Jenelle, faith is not in my vocabulary. Common sense is the word I use. My common sense tells me to believe what I see and hear, and I see and hear that Jenelle chooses to live this fucked up life.

Edited by GreatKazu
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When it comes to Jenelle, faith is not in my vocabulary. Common sense is the word I use. My common sense tells me to believe what I see and hear, and I see and hear that Jenelle chooses to live this fucked up life.


I can't say enough mean things about Jenelle. She is just a horrible person. And if Barb made any glaring errors that contributed to Jenelle's behavior problems (I am talking abuse or extreme neglect, not the fact that she shouts and curses when annoyed) when Jenelle was young, then I doubly blame Jenelle for essentially dropping off fresh meat for her mother when her mother in fact begged her to consider adoption. Jace could have been with a version of Brandon and Teresa, where he knew he was clearly wanted, like any kid deserves to be, instead of knowing that he is basically his exhausted grandmother's cross to bear because his mother cares far more about every Tom, Dick, and Harry to come into her life than him, and his father couldn't be bothered to see him or even ask about him. He could have have had a much better life, and Jenelle wrecked that for him because she is a selfish, spiteful little bitch. She will never be redeemable to me.

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I can't say enough mean things about Jenelle. She is just a horrible person. And if Barb made any glaring errors that contributed to Jenelle's behavior problems (I am talking abuse or extreme neglect, not the fact that she shouts and curses when annoyed) when Jenelle was young, then I doubly blame Jenelle for essentially dropping off fresh meat for her mother when her mother in fact begged her to consider adoption.

This right here. It kills me to hear Jenelle claim Barb is some evil mother who is abusive and yet, Jenelle signed over Jace to her. This crazy bitch had the audacity to later make the claim that Barb forced her to release custody of Jace. I know I have menopause memory, but I sure don't recall Barb putting a gun to Jenelle's head when they sat in the lawyer's office.

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This crazy bitch had the audacity to later make the claim that Barb forced her to release custody of Jace. I know I have menopause memory, but I sure don't recall Barb putting a gun to Jenelle's head when they sat in the lawyer's office.


Jenelle tried to play it off like she was forced to because she had no lawyer and was steamrolled by Barb. To hear her talk, you'd think she was Tom Joad and Barb was one of the big farming corporations, taking advantage of the little people. Never mind the fact that Barb was covering 100% of Jace's financial needs (including daycare, because Barb had to work and Jenelle couldn't be assed to watch her own kid) and Jenelle wasn't even coming home at nights because even though she chose to have a child and keep him, she still "needed to be a kid" (her words exactly).


I think Jenelle is delusional enough to actually believe some of the bullshit she regularly spews. I just despise her. Kailyn and Leah aren't prizes, but I seriously wish bad things upon Jenelle.

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ETA: And her lawyer bills! How could I forget that. She's probably paid the equivalent of the gross national product of a small foreign country in lawyer's fees to keep her and her screwed up boyfriend out of jail.


I wouldn't be surprised if her lawyer is doing it for free or very reduced rates because a reputation that you're the one who keeps people like Jenelle out of prison?  That's advertising that a million back covers of the Yellow Pages couldn't deliver.

Edited by StatisticalOutlier
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I know! Loved that as well. It appears next week Jenelle tries to put her foot down about that, that SHE'S the only one to be called "mom". Ha, bitch, apparently Jace already made that call. 

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I know! Loved that as well. It appears next week Jenelle tries to put her foot down about that, that SHE'S the only one to be called "mom". Ha, bitch, apparently Jace already made that call.


Can someone please chain Jenelle to a chair and force her to watch all of the seasons of Teen Mom 2? She has never been a mother to Jace--more like a big sister or aunt.  For all intents and purposes, Barbara is Jace's "mom."  Not "mother," but "mom."  Poor kid sees kids at school every day who have moms that pick them up.  He knows what a mom is and for him, Barbara is in that role.  Jenelle has always chosen drugs and guys over her baby.  This is the result. 

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I actually feel kind of bad that she did all that schooling without realizing no one will hire her

Even if someone pointed out to her that choosing a different field would result in a much higher chance of finding employment, can you see her listening to them? I can't. I can see her going off on them and telling them none of those arrests were her fault, so they don't count.

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I'm thinking it may be a good idea to remove pharmacy tech from her career aspiration list. Not only would she likely be sampling the goods, can you imagine her dealing with customers in a long line at Walgreens? Grumpy sick people that get snappy about prices and insurance? Yikes!

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Can someone please chain Jenelle to a chair and force her to watch all of the seasons of Teen Mom 2? She has never been a mother to Jace--more like a big sister or aunt.  For all intents and purposes, Barbara is Jace's "mom."  Not "mother," but "mom."  Poor kid sees kids at school every day who have moms that pick them up.  He knows what a mom is and for him, Barbara is in that role.  Jenelle has always chosen drugs and guys over her baby.  This is the result. 

You are so right.He is not confused and knows perfectly well that Jenelle is his mother but Barb is his mom. Great point.

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I know! Loved that as well. It appears next week Jenelle tries to put her foot down about that, that SHE'S the only one to be called "mom". Ha, bitch, apparently Jace already made that call.

Apparently Jenelle doesn't realize a mom is more than giving birth.

All that money wasted. Whose gonna hire a drug addict and convicted felon.

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On top of being the spitting image of Nipples, the Roll appears to be developing an infant obesity problem under Jenelle's care. It's probably his sedentary lifestyle. He's a bouncy-chair potato.

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If anyone finds this post offensive, I'll gladly delete it.

My husband and I were sitting on the sofa and I was looking at the photo of the Roll on my phone. DH peeked of my shoulder and said, "He looks like a fat little German Nazi baby." I replied, "His name is KAISER!! I'm on the level!"

We looked at one another and just doubled over laughing.

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Well, I hate saying anything good about Jenelle, but good for her for sticking with an education program from start to finish and graduating. I'm honestly kind of shocked, not cause I think she's dumb, but because Jenelle just doesn't seem to have a lot of follow through and it seems like her constant vacations, constant drama and fighting, and laziness resulting from her constant toking up (cause whatever, we all know she still does), she still finished the program. So, good for you Jenelle!

Now, I second what you all here have said about the fact that this program was a waste of money, especially for someone with Jenelle's record. But still, Jenelle, good for you for showing up to school and studying enough to pass and for sticking with the program through graduation. I think besides Farrah's culinary arts program that she completed in Iowa, Kail's dental assisting program, and Chelsea's aesthetician school, Jenelle is one of the few who has completed some sort of career training/school from TM and 16&P (I think the only girl to have completed a four year degree is Ashley Salazar, who placed her daughter Callie for adoption with her aunt & uncle). So good for you, Jenelle.*

*Please note this doesn't mean I think Jenelle should be trusted to be the primary caregiver for Jace, Kaiser, or even her dogs & cats. It also doesn't mean I think she's a good person or that she'll find and keep a job. It doesn't mean that I think the money she spent on this program was well-spent. It also doesn't mean I want to see her working at my doctor's office.

P.S. Maci from TMOG who is on her 6th year of her associate's degree- please note that JENELLE has managed to complete a nearly two year program and please get your act together.

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Given that in this week's episode, Nathan was ragging on Jenelle at the restaurant for chowing down on carbs, Kasiser better get a workout program going and some protein shakes fast before his dad starts calling him out. /snark

I know he looks like Nathan, but I think Nathan's looks are so much cuter on little Kaiser because 1) he's got so much adorable chubby baby fat (okay, maybe a little too much); 2) he's an innocent baby and I think a lot of what I think about Nathan's looks stem more from what I know about his personality; 3) Kaiser isn't being dressed in baby versions of Nathan's gross, nipple-exposing cut slevelees tees; and 4) he's lacking the orange hue, condescending attitude, & rage of his father.

I do kinda love that he's a cute lil chubster, but my guess is it is unhealthy or bordering on unhealthy for him to be that chubby. I'd assume his pediatrician doesn't think it's so cute and I would be concerned if I was his mom. It also is cute to be chubby or fat when you're a baby, not so much when you're a kid and an adult. My guess is any peep he makes is silenced by Jenelle sticking a bottle full of juice in his mouth. I also love that Kaiser basically has the look of "da fuq?" at Jenelle in this pic (and a lot of times on the show when he looks at Jenelle). The kid already has her number.

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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If anyone finds this post offensive, I'll gladly delete it.

My husband and I were sitting on the sofa and I was looking at the photo of the Roll on my phone. DH peeked of my shoulder and said, "He looks like a fat little German Nazi baby." I replied, "His name is KAISER!! I'm on the level!"

We looked at one another and just doubled over laughing.


Well it made me laugh. And as fat as he is now, he can just as easily grow out of it. But for internet speculation bitchiness fun, I wonder if they're overfeeding him to keep him quiet (every time he cries, shoving a bottle in his mouth -- or worse, giving him some solid foods he just shouldn't be having yet, like ice cream).

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Both my kids were chunky toddlers, hubby called them fire hydrants. Pediatrician kept an eye on it and gave suggestions like 2% milk, healthy snacks, lots of physical activity etc and neither were overweight as school age children or now as young adults. Some babies are more placid than others, but I, too am afraid the minute the Roll peeps, they stick something in his mouth and do not interact physically with him.

Edited by jacksgirl
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Quick question regarding Janelle. Is it possible that her degree would lead to one of those medical transcription/billing jobs that I hear about where you can work from home? Maybe employment outside of MTV is possible.

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This may make me sound selfish but ...I hate the fact that my husband and I struggle with infertility but Jenelle seems to be able to get pregnant and have have kids whenever she wants. It doesn't seem fair that two people who want kids, and take care of and love the one we have, can't have more, but she can have all the kids she wants and either ignores them or gives them away. Makes my blood boil! Poor Jace! OK, rant over.

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That doesn't sound selfish at all. I totally understand. I had my first child at 19 and found out that my chances of having another child was slim to none. About a million miscarriages and 7 years later? I was staring at my OB in disbelief. I named my second child, Alex. Maybe you will get that surprise, too. :)

Forgot to add: at the time, I knew two Jennelle type girls. Treated abortion like birth control. or had back to back babies and handed them off to the father's families like it was nothing. Pissed me off and broke my heart.

Edited by MissMel
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Quick question regarding Janelle. Is it possible that her degree would lead to one of those medical transcription/billing jobs that I hear about where you can work from home? Maybe employment outside of MTV is possible.

Maybe, but medical transcription is usually it's own program. She could potentially take what she's presumably learned in her medical assisting program and use it to help get into a medical transcription program. Though there are plenty of those that are scams, so it takes some research and discernment to find a worthwhile program. If she did, she could possibly work from her couch/bed though, so...

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This may make me sound selfish but ...I hate the fact that my husband and I struggle with infertility but Jenelle seems to be able to get pregnant and have have kids whenever she wants. It doesn't seem fair that two people who want kids, and take care of and love the one we have, can't have more, but she can have all the kids she wants and either ignores them or gives them away. Makes my blood boil! Poor Jace! OK, rant over.


I think that's a normal reaction for anyone who has trouble getting pregnant. My sister is struggling with infertility and her friends keep getting pregnant, and they're in good marriages where they're financially and emotionally ready to have kids, and it's still hard. So when it's someone like Jenelle or other people who shouldn't be having kids, it's even worse. 

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