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Jenelle: Birther Of 3, Mother To None


Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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What are the guidelines for using a generator? I have gotten the impression you're not supposed to run them indoors, because of the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning (in fact, two of the fatalities from Florence so far were due to carbon monoxide poisoning from a generator), but you're also not supposed to put them out in the rain (electrocution risk) (one of the other fatalities was related to this).  Obviously, people who are running generators during a hurricane are running afoul of one or the other of these rules, so this must be an oversimplification or something. 

Just wondering what the right way to do it is - aside from, perhaps, just waiting until the rain clears to use it and getting by on battery-powered stuff until then.  

Edited by akr
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44 minutes ago, badhaggis said:

At Ensley's age she should not be eating the hot dogs without quartering them. That is a huge choking risk.

Hot dogs are the only thing Jenelle seems capable of feeding children under 4. I remember watching scenes of Kaiser chowing down on chunks of hot dog in his high chair and being a nervous wreck that he would choke.

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9 minutes ago, TeeMo said:

Hot dogs are the only thing Jenelle seems capable of feeding children under 4. I remember watching scenes of Kaiser chowing down on chunks of hot dog in his high chair and being a nervous wreck that he would choke.

It terrifies me. Those poor kids.

My niece inhaled peanuts as a child. Thank God the doctors were able to remove them without complications. We could have done without the doctor saying "congratulations you almost killed your child". This was 30 years ago we honestly had no idea little ones could not eat these items. We never made that mistake again. I don't think Jenelle would learn. It's too bloody easy to nuke hot dogs to shut the kids up.

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I don’t know anything about generators but don’t they run on gas which theoretically will eventually run out (like a car)? Why are they using so much power for things like video games when they are relying on the generator? Wouldn’t you want to limit it to powering the basics like lights, heating the water tank and cooking? 

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2 minutes ago, TeeMo said:

I don’t know anything about generators but don’t they run on gas which theoretically will eventually run out (like a car)? Why are they using so much power for things like video games when they are relying on the generator? Wouldn’t you want to limit it to powering the basics like lights, heating the water tank and cooking? 

They would have to entertain kids without the video games. Plus, they are stupid. 

I am so disappointed in Barb. 

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On ‎9‎/‎14‎/‎2018 at 6:22 PM, Christina87 said:

That change is so dramatic! Look at the bags under his eyes! I think drugs, PLUS living with Jenelle ages you in dog years. No one has managed to do it for very long! Look how all her partners have thrived when away from her! She attracts awful people but then brings out the worst in them, and they are better when they leave. 

Really?? Who would that be?

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Not Keiffer , not Courtland , not Gary, and not Nathan 

Every single one has had major legal problems for various crimes ranging from drugs/dui and domestic violence.

Edited by Witchz
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1 hour ago, TeeMo said:

I don’t know anything about generators but don’t they run on gas which theoretically will eventually run out (like a car)? Why are they using so much power for things like video games when they are relying on the generator? Wouldn’t you want to limit it to powering the basics like lights, heating the water tank and cooking? 

Yes, they run on gas, preferably high octane. When we have to use it, we leave ours in the barn so it's out of the weather and well ventilated. Then run an extension cord to one of the outdoor outlets on the wall where the kitchen is. It will power a few outlets in the kitchen so we can keep the fridge running. I then run an extension cord to the TV ? We have a gas stove and hot water heater so we can cook and take showers. And, we have a woodstove in the sunroom for heat. It's warm at the swamp now, so heating the house isn't dependant on a generator. Before we hooked up to public water, we had to run a cord to the well so the pump would work. The swamp things have a well, so if they're using water, they have to power the pump with a generator. They may have a bigass generator or may be running a few smaller ones. Ours runs for about 7 hours on a tank of gas.

ETA: You MUST switch off the main breaker in your house before you use a generator to power anything. If you don't, the electricity produced by the generator can flow back to the main line and potentially kill a lineman working to restore power. Hope the dumb fuck knew that before he even put gas in the generator.

Edited by lovesnark
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The swamp things saying everything is great, the kids are just the happiest little things in the world, THE LAND is great is cracking me up. First of all, it's not even close to being over yet. And, the real burning question is, how much water is now under the sinking house and how fast is it rising?

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I hate defending these idiots but I think the kids were eating Vienna Sausage which are really mushy (and disgusting). I know she's given them regular hot dogs before but I don't think she did this time. 

I hope the kids are ok during the storm, couldn't care less about their parents. I don't know what Barb is thinking by leaving Jace there. 

@FairyDusted. PPP. 

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Even worse problems can occur with a hot dog diet:  When I was doing claims work in a specialized unit that handled bodily injury, medical malpractice and so on; we had a sad claim come in regarding the death of a three year old girl out east. 

Seems she wouldnt eat any thing but hot dogs and would scream and cry till she got them, breakfast, lunch and dinner. The mom left them in the bottem of the fridge and the child could just grab them, uncooked. Well the hot dogs have alot of nitrite and other chemicals in(like most sausage type lunch meats) which locks in the red/pink color by binding with the blood of the meat, plus other chemicals doing stuff. Her blood coagulated causing her death.

That  plus choking, plus letting the dogs lick them and who knows if they are even cooked ...just one more reason why these kids should be out of there.

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Re: generators, it depends on what kind of generator you get. You can have a small basic one that runs on gas, which you have to go out and start yourself and will handle a couple of appliances if you run electric cords, like a poster described. Or you can have a more powerful one that starts itself when you lose power and runs on propane. I have the latter one, I am not going out in a blizzard to try and start the generator. Those pictures she posted look so dark, I stand by my theory that they don’t have a generator at all and are living in the dark. A person who doesn’t fence their pool doesn’t have a generator. 

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2 hours ago, ElderPrice said:

Re: generators, it depends on what kind of generator you get. You can have a small basic one that runs on gas, which you have to go out and start yourself and will handle a couple of appliances if you run electric cords, like a poster described. Or you can have a more powerful one that starts itself when you lose power and runs on propane. I have the latter one, I am not going out in a blizzard to try and start the generator. Those pictures she posted look so dark, I stand by my theory that they don’t have a generator at all and are living in the dark. A person who doesn’t fence their pool doesn’t have a generator. 

They do have one. You can hear it running.  I recognize the sound. Also the power is out but David is playing video games. 

Edited by Mkay
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So, she bought into the phony shark on the highway pic that pops up on Twitter during every hurricane of the last 10 years, I see.  A very discerning Twitter user, that Jenelle. I'm skeptical of the dolphin story, too, but the rest seems to be true. I think the tornado warning for her area lifted this a.m., so that's good, at least. 

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1 hour ago, druzy said:

Since when do you care Jenelle?

Bitch, please. Remember, Barb isn't you mom anymore and you've wished her dead more than once ON CAMERA. Jenelle, the world knows you're incapable of feeling anything for anyone but yourself. Now, crawl back to your flooded drug shed and shut the fuck up.

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9 hours ago, Maharincess said:

I hate defending these idiots but I think the kids were eating Vienna Sausage which are really mushy (and disgusting). I know she's given them regular hot dogs before but I don't think she did this time. 

I hope the kids are ok during the storm, couldn't care less about their parents. I don't know what Barb is thinking by leaving Jace there. 

@FairyDusted. PPP. 

Ahhhh Thank you @Maharincess We need that PPP. Janelle and company are forcing us to smoke up;) Dreadful and delightful. @Jennifersdc you are up. Roll a fatty.

Vienna links yuck!

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2 hours ago, druzy said:

Since when do you care Jenelle?

I think we can take the second tweet as proof that we were correct in assuming they'd ride out the storm on drugs.

High! High! They're both high!

Edited by SweetieDarling
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@SweetieDarling High AF! That is scary sober. I can't imagine being on whatever the hell they are doing. It sure isn't just weed anymore. 

@CaliforniaLove Noooooooooo! I don't want Jace on the land any more than legally bound. I might be out of luck if Bab's can't get back up to get him. It sucks that this happened while she had her visitation weekend. That had to kill her to leave Jace there. I don't think she did it by choice.

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15 hours ago, akr said:

What are the guidelines for using a generator? I have gotten the impression you're not supposed to run them indoors, because of the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning (in fact, two of the fatalities from Florence so far were due to carbon monoxide poisoning from a generator), but you're also not supposed to put them out in the rain (electrocution risk) (one of the other fatalities was related to this).  Obviously, people who are running generators during a hurricane are running afoul of one or the other of these rules, so this must be an oversimplification or something. 

Just wondering what the right way to do it is - aside from, perhaps, just waiting until the rain clears to use it and getting by on battery-powered stuff until then.  

We have used our generator when the power has gone out before. We NEVER run it inside. We run it outside, under the covered porch (that was at our old house; haven't had to use it here yet and we now have a garage), and ran extension cords in through the door. This was in the winter, so we used the generator to power space heaters and the stove/coffee pot....whatever we needed at the time. They can be SUPER loud, even with the doors shut. I wouldn't put it past The Dumbfucks to run one in the house, but just because you can hear it, that doesn't mean it's not outside. 

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1 minute ago, ghoulina said:

We have used our generator when the power has gone out before. We NEVER run it inside. We run it outside, under the covered porch (that was at our old house; haven't had to use it here yet and we now have a garage), and ran extension cords in through the door. This was in the winter, so we used the generator to power space heaters and the stove/coffee pot....whatever we needed at the time. They can be SUPER loud, even with the doors shut. I wouldn't put it past The Dumbfucks to run one in the house, but just because you can hear it, that doesn't mean it's not outside. 

They are loud! We live in the country and most of the parcels are 5-10 acres, some bigger. During an extended power outage, it's a veritable symphony of generators around here when you walk outside. If the swamp things have theirs right next to the house, it'll be quite noisy. They probably have it on the front porch, I don't think they have a covered porch in the back, just steps leading out to the unfenced pool.

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Just saw parts of their county has major flooding, guess that is closer to the one river.  But there are also pictures of sink holes, which I would think could happen on The Land.   The ground everywhere in the region has to be saturated, whether it's just ponding or major flooding by you.  

I doubt there was a shark or dolphin, but snakes and other critters are very likely.  Plus, is there's the danger of the toxins in the flooding waters.  

And if The Land starts to flood, hopefully they have the generator on something - not the ground.  I read that you can get little tents or shelters for the generators.  Then, you'd also have to make sure any extension cords were not in any water.  

Her last posts have her seemingly taking this more seriously.   If there is a next time, maybe they'd consider evacuating?  Go to a nice hotel with a pool and all sorts of stuff to keep busy.  There's a whole motel/water park (inside) up in this area, so I'd think those are around closer to her.  Or go to some place with an arcade or something else to do.  She has some money, still.  Make a vacation out of it.  

The way the little girl grabbed the food, made me think - has she not been fed in a while?  She certainly grabbed that hot dog/Vienna sausage - whatever it was, and started to maw on it within seconds.  

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UBT thinks that the downed power line is gonna be fixed in two or three days?  Bwahahahahaaaaaaaa!  They'll be lucky if the power company gets to then in two or three weeks.  These yahoos don't seem to realize that they're not in town anymore, and that with 700,000+ people out of power they are dead last on the list.  And with more flooding to come, that will put it off even more.  I wonder if the road is clear enough for them to leave if they wanted too; probably not.

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On 8/30/2018 at 8:35 PM, ghoulina said:

I also bet that Maryssa is likely doing an online program of some sort. I certainly hope so. 

Most of you know I homeschool and am a huge advocate for home education. I get so tired of the stereotypes about homeschooled kids not being "socialized". But in this case? I worry for Maryssa. School was probably the only place she got to be around sane people. 

Bullying is such a huge problem in schools these days; but, sadly, her bullies are at home. 

I wonder what the actual reason was? I bet David has some big dream of "homeschooling" all the kids, but can't with the others because the other custodial parents wouldn't agree. Isolating is a classic abuser trait. 

In fact, and this may be waaaaaay paranoid, but I almost wonder if he's abusing her and worried about teachers finding out. He's keeping her home to protect HIMSELF.

There are blind items that UBT is abusing the kids, and not just beating them or fucking with their brains.

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14 hours ago, ElderPrice said:

Re: generators, it depends on what kind of generator you get. You can have a small basic one that runs on gas, which you have to go out and start yourself and will handle a couple of appliances if you run electric cords, like a poster described. Or you can have a more powerful one that starts itself when you lose power and runs on propane. I have the latter one, I am not going out in a blizzard to try and start the generator. Those pictures she posted look so dark, I stand by my theory that they don’t have a generator at all and are living in the dark. A person who doesn’t fence their pool doesn’t have a generator. 

What is that black fence behind their house then, if it's not fencing in the pool?  You can see it in Kaisers "kung fu" photo.

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57 minutes ago, Eater of Worlds said:

What is that black fence behind their house then, if it's not fencing in the pool?  You can see it in Kaisers "kung fu" photo.

The back yard is fenced, but the pool doesn't have a fence around it. Jenelle said they have an alarm on the back door so the kids can't go out to the pool without the alarm going off. What if one of the kids opens the side gate and enters the back yard that way? 

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5 hours ago, Fosca said:

I wonder if the road is clear enough for them to leave if they wanted too; probably not.

Nope.  I just checked the NCDOT road closure site.  All the major roads around them are flooded/closed, so they can't get out.  Knuckleheads.  Tempers must be getting short by now.  Those poor kids.

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13 hours ago, lovesnark said:

The back yard is fenced, but the pool doesn't have a fence around it. Jenelle said they have an alarm on the back door so the kids can't go out to the pool without the alarm going off. What if one of the kids opens the side gate and enters the back yard that way? 

Oh, meaning that the pool isn't fenced off within the yard?  So strangers can't get into the pool and drown unless they hop the fence but the kids can just run out the door and drown?

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14 hours ago, OldButHappy said:

Nope.  I just checked the NCDOT road closure site.  All the major roads around them are flooded/closed, so they can't get out.  Knuckleheads.  Tempers must be getting short by now.  Those poor kids.

Maybe the Cajun Navy can go rescue the kids?

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I’ll post this in the small talk thread- but if you’d like to help the victims of Hurricane Florence (not these bozos), this is a good organization. They provide baby diapers, adult diapers and other incontience supplies as well as feminine hygenine products to those in need. 




Im thinking of UBT being stuck with the kids in and having no more diapers and I shudder. 

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