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Jenelle: Birther Of 3, Mother To None


Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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If Jenelle/UBT were smarter they'd pull a "we choose not to post pictures of our kids on SM/to do so sparingly in order to respect our kids' privacy." I guess they have no positive "brand," though, besides desperately trying to sell the "cute young family" thing. But they're the opposite of a "cute young family." Their "brand" is being headed for a special on the ID Channel.

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3 hours ago, lilmarysunshine said:

I am all for Randy going after their trifling asses.  He's an educated, seasoned professional/businessman.  He will certainly win any contest of wit and intellect.

Isn’t that what makes it pointless for him to go after them? They have no wit or intellect. You might as well talk to a brick wall. I see no point in engaging with them. He should just come on this board.

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On 12/1/2017 at 1:21 PM, druzy said:


Get your filthy fingers out of her mouth!  She’s breaking her gums for teeth to come in, basically her soft tissue is totally vulnerable to germs and bacteria.  You never put dirty fingers in a teething baby’s mouth you fucking moron!!!!

Edited by heatherchandler
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Apparently Jenelle is a fan of the show Live PD, she posted some clips from it on Snapchat laughing her ass off because some dude was dancing on it. Said she was “bought” (I think she meant ‘bout for about...what an idiot) to go bail him out. He was from SC so lucky for her she’ll probably be on that show before long, so she’ll still be on tv after this show ends...

Edited by Rebecca
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11 hours ago, Rebecca said:

Isn’t that what makes it pointless for him to go after them? They have no wit or intellect. You might as well talk to a brick wall. I see no point in engaging with them. He should just come on this board.

It might be wasted on them but not on everyone else. And it definitely gets under their collective skin, which is reason enough to do it, imo.

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13 minutes ago, lilmarysunshine said:

It might be wasted on them but not on everyone else. And it definitely gets under their collective skin, which is reason enough to do it, imo.

And, most of the time, he’s not tagging them or talking to them directly while still saying what we’re all thinking. I don’t get the hate for Twitter Randy. SM is basically for snarking and telling jokes and his are hilarious and I’m here for it. 

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1 hour ago, JocelynCavanaugh said:

Everyone calm down. Maybe Ensley is just fine, and just happens to be an ancient Peruvian


You are on the same page as me and @CofCinci as we had posted similar images several pages back. 

After hearing UBT utter his disdain for birth control devices being inserted in women's bodies, it makes sense that he sees his child's head is not going to be wearing any sort of helmet to help with the shape of her head. 

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11 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

Poor Ensley. For those of you in the know, at what age is she past the point of no return in regards to her misshapen head? Can they give her a helmet now or is it too late?

Good question. I did some Googling and some information mentions it is too late by the age of 2 years due to the skull bones no longer being malleable. A lot of sites mention a baby's misshapen head will be resolved on its own, assuming the parent follows through with daily repositioning. Some parents on various sites mention being told by their doctors that the head shape of their infant would be be resolved without the need for a helmet, only to discover their child's head remains misshapen after the age of 3 years and after making sure their child's sleep position was changed each time they went to sleep. 

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1 hour ago, GreatKazu said:

You are on the same page as me and @CofCinci as we had posted similar images several pages back. 

After hearing UBT utter his disdain for birth control devices being inserted in women's bodies, it makes sense that he sees his child's head is not going to be wearing any sort of helmet to help with the shape of her head. 

Not sure how I missed that! Great minds, etc. 

David is probably one of those geniuses who only "believes in" "natural" things, unless it's his own body that needs help. 

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22 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

Good question. I did some Googling and some information mentions it is too late by the age of 2 years due to the skull bones no longer being malleable. A lot of sites mention a baby's misshapen head will be resolved on its own, assuming the parent follows through with daily repositioning. Some parents on various sites mention being told by their doctors that the head shape of their infant would be be resolved without the need for a helmet, only to discover their child's head remains misshapen after the age of 3 years and after making sure their child's sleep position was changed each time they went to sleep. 

Thanks for the info. For Ensley's sake, I hope Jenelle is addressing the problem (wishful thinking, I know). The poor kid already has so many strikes against her without having to go through life with a giant egg head. 

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5 hours ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

You have to be on drugs to look at that head and think that's ok!

This is where Jenelle and Barb need a better relationship. I was young when my daughter was born and my Mom was so helpful about things like this. She educated me on vaccination schedules and fevers and such. I called her first before I called the Dr to get advice. I wish Jenelle had an older "Mom" figure to rely on. At least for those kid's sake. Maybe a little support from someone she trusts.

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47 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

Good question. I did some Googling and some information mentions it is too late by the age of 2 years due to the skull bones no longer being malleable. A lot of sites mention a baby's misshapen head will be resolved on its own, assuming the parent follows through with daily repositioning. Some parents on various sites mention being told by their doctors that the head shape of their infant would be be resolved without the need for a helmet, only to discover their child's head remains misshapen after the age of 3 years and after making sure their child's sleep position was changed each time they went to sleep. 

My info is a bit dated as my kiddo is about to turn 13. But he was 2.5 months early and had a bit of a misshapen head as an infant as a result. (You think for 2 or three months he had his head on something instead of floating around in a womb, ya know, when he wasn't supposed to.)   At that time, in a major metropolitan area, there was one doctor who saw kids like that who was NOT connected to a helmet-making facility. (Meaning I didn't want there to be some profit motive for him to recommend it and our pediatrician recommended him, too.)  He said my son's was very mild and the helmet only would get 75% or so better and pretty much nobody would notice it except for a doctor. So we skipped it.  He was under a year when we took him and it seems like most babies I see are not yet one before they start.

I'm not sure how much parents can do about sleep position after babies start rolling over?  Once mine started around 4 or so months, I just left them alone - still didn't have bulky blankets or pillows in their cribs, though, because I was paranoid about SIDS.

Topic?  This child's head is waaay funky to me.  She needs to at least see a doctor!

22 minutes ago, AmyFarrahFowler said:

This is where Jenelle and Barb need a better relationship. I was young when my daughter was born and my Mom was so helpful about things like this. She educated me on vaccination schedules and fevers and such. I called her first before I called the Dr to get advice. I wish Jenelle had an older "Mom" figure to rely on. At least for those kid's sake. Maybe a little support from someone she trusts.

Jenelle and David were too worried about planning their Olive Garden wedding at the swamp to have their kid see a doctor.  I'll say this about Leah - she noticed problems with Ali's legs and sought help.

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1 hour ago, AmyFarrahFowler said:

This is where Jenelle and Barb need a better relationship. I was young when my daughter was born and my Mom was so helpful about things like this. She educated me on vaccination schedules and fevers and such. I called her first before I called the Dr to get advice. I wish Jenelle had an older "Mom" figure to rely on. At least for those kid's sake. Maybe a little support from someone she trusts.

I don't think it's a question of Jenelle not having anyone to ask for advice. People have been expressing concerns about Ensley's head on SM for months. Even if they don't want to acknowledge being shitty parents publicly, they could at least take the child to a doctor privately (which they should be doing anyway). If they were different, more dignified, people, I might give them the benefit of the doubt and believe that they had consulted a doctor, but they refused to be baited into discussing their daughter's medical issues with strangers. It being them, I find it hard to believe that they wouldn't post, "We've taken Ensley to the doctor and her head is fine, so STFU please." I think they either haven't taken her to the doctor in months (possibly to avoid the possibility of her being drug tested or drug-/neglect-related health problems being found), or a doctor has talked to them about her head and they've chosen not to do anything about it (quite possibly because they didn't want to give the hatters the satisfaction of being right).

I actually can't imagine Jenelle (or UBT) asking anyone for parenting advice or being appreciative of anyone giving them any. They seem to be mostly defensive about parenting and hellbent on proving that they are great parents who don't need any help or advice. It's part of the narrative they are both invested in in which they have always been great parents, but 3 of their children were removed from their custody at some point only because other people/the system were wrong. I would assume that parenting classes/counseling of some sort were required when they were reported for Ensley having THC in her system, but, apparently, it didn't do much good. Imagine that your baby is born with drugs in her system, CPS opens an investigation on you, then you leave the baby to go on vacation less than a week later. That's what they did. They're not "concerned parents," not by a long shot.

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46 minutes ago, TheRealT said:

Imagine that your baby is born with drugs in her system, CPS opens an investigation on you, then you leave the baby to go on vacation less than a week later. That's what they did.

I hadn't even put those two things together.  It was strange enough that they left a newborn so quickly but nobody knew then that the baby had tested positive.  Wow.

Edited by MissMel
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21 hours ago, heatherchandler said:


Get your filthy fingers out of her mouth!  She’s breaking her gums for teeth to come in, basically her soft tissue is totally vulnerable to germs and bacteria.  You never put dirty fingers in a teething baby’s mouth you fucking moron!!!!

She’s basically a dr, dude.  She saves lives.  She knows what she’s doing. 

Hahahahahahahaha Her fingernails look nasty and I totally agree with you. 

21 hours ago, Rebecca said:

Apparently Jenelle is a fan of the show Live PD, she posted some clips from it on Snapchat laughing her ass off because some dude was dancing on it. Said she was “bought” (I think she meant ‘bout for about...what an idiot) to go bail him out. He was from SC so lucky for her she’ll probably be on that show before long, so she’ll still be on tv after this show ends...

I watch every weekend and I hope that some day we see David and Jenelle on there. She also claimed to have made the guy famous now that he is in her Snapchat. No jenelle, Live PD has more viewers than your Snapchat. ? He didn’t get arrested and he continued to dance.  

Edited by Mkay
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5 hours ago, JocelynCavanaugh said:

Not sure how I missed that! Great minds, etc. 

David is probably one of those geniuses who only "believes in" "natural" things, unless it's his own body that needs help. 

He needs to get rid of his Invisalign.  It’s unnatural. ? He’s unnatural.  Let’s just get rid of him completely.  That would be great. Haha

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12 minutes ago, Mkay said:

He needs to get rid of his Invisalign.  It’s unnatural. ? He’s unnatural.  Let’s just get rid of him completely.  That would be great. Haha

I didn't realize he had Invisalign! (I barely look at him if I can help it.) So, he gets straight teeth, but his own daughter can't have a normal-shaped head? What a guy...

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1 hour ago, JocelynCavanaugh said:

I didn't realize he had Invisalign! (I barely look at him if I can help it.) So, he gets straight teeth, but his own daughter can't have a normal-shaped head? What a guy...

I’m sorry that I even know that.  There was a picture of someone’s Invisalign on the table in a snapshot. Then in another pic I zoomed in to try and see how huge their pupils were and I saw it on his freaky yellow teeth.  Ugh nightmares tonight. 

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The other thing that concerns me about Ensley's apparent lack of adequate medical care is that she often has a very vacant affect (though I've seen a couple of more animated photos of her lately). Considering that she was born stoned (basically), that's not so surprising, but it is concerning. I wouldn't be surprised at all if Jenelle and UBT smoked out around her, possibly giving her a contact high, or even if they intentionally gave her cannabis in the form of edibles/oil or other drugs in order to keep her quiet.

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I think her head looks a little better than when she was younger but it still looks like what a newborn's head looks like right after coming out the birth canal! My daughter's head was that exact shape right after birth. That's really scary. I do hope her head will just get better on its own over time. I did read that helmets may not help anyway. Jenelle should've been on top of this from the beginning. If this was anyone else's baby, I wouldn't judge and would just assume the parents were taking care of it but we know that's not the case here.

I think Ensley's head is like that from being laid too long in one position after being born like most of you already mentioned. My daughter just turned 17, so maybe things have changed since then, but I remember either the dr or a nurse or my mom telling me to make sure I was turning her when she was lying in the bassinet because I needed to make sure her head didn't get misshapen. I was constantly turning her I was so paranoid. lol  She never had a misshapen head though. Actually I might have read it in a book. I was always reading some book or article on child development back then unlike our dear Jenelle. 

@AmyFarrahFowler I agree that it would come in handy in times like these for Jenelle to be close to her mother but this is Jenelle we're talking about. If Barb tried to give her any advice, Jenelle would go off on her. Jenelle takes advice like it's criticism, and people with borderline personality disorder cannot handle any kind of criticism, even the most gentle constructive kind. They take it as an attack or a put down and get very upset. And then combine Jenelle with UBT, they'd probably do the exact opposite of what was adviced just out of spite. Poor Ensley. 

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4 hours ago, AmandaUnbidden said:




@AmyFarrahFowler I agree that it would come in handy in times like these for Jenelle to be close to her mother but this is Jenelle we're talking about. If Barb tried to give her any advice, Jenelle would go off on her. Jenelle takes advice like it's criticism, and people with borderline personality disorder cannot handle any kind of criticism, even the most gentle constructive kind. They take it as an attack or a put down and get very upset. And then combine Jenelle with UBT, they'd probably do the exact opposite of what was adviced just out of spite. Poor Ensley. 

I definitely agree. More than Barb (although I will always keep hoping their relationship will change in a positive way) I was hoping at least someone like UBT's Mom would step in with an offer of help or advice. I agree that that they would even turn her away because their egos won't allow them to admit there might be something they don't know.

There was a time many years ago that fans of the Gossselin kids called DSHS and reported Kate's cruelty an neglect. I wonder if anyone has done that with Endsley?

Edited by AmyFarrahFowler
Incorrect capitalization!!!
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12 hours ago, Rebecca said:

From Snapchat, Maryssa got a pet owl....this will end well. Ugh. 

Definitely a puppet owl she got in orlando. Some Harry Potter thing. Thank goodness.  

4 hours ago, druzy said:

That girl is all hugged up on Jenelle. I’m surprised David allowed a picture.  Doesn’t Jenelle tell fans it’s against her contract to take pics with fans. 

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I'm glad the owl thing was cleared up and it's a puppet. Federal law prohibits anyone not of Native American decent from possessing even feathers from eagles, owls, hawks, etc. The Harry Potter books and movies ignited a slew of people wanting to have a snowy owl as a pet. Thankfully, for owls everywhere, they're not easily obtainable. Too bad the same can't be said for dalmatians, chihuahuas and all the other poor creatures that had the misfortune of being in movies and becoming the latest trendy pet.

So, the Swampthings were on another vacation? 

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22 hours ago, JocelynCavanaugh said:

Not sure how I missed that! Great minds, etc. 

David is probably one of those geniuses who only "believes in" "natural" things, unless it's his own body that needs help. 

Or unless it's his wife's breast implants....

15 hours ago, Rebecca said:

From Snapchat, Maryssa got a pet owl....this will end well. Ugh. 

Are pet owls even a thing? Like can you legally own an owl as a pet? Not that legality means anything to these people....

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1 hour ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

Or unless it's his wife's breast implants....

Are pet owls even a thing? Like can you legally own an owl as a pet? Not that legality means anything to these people....

Yep. Fake boobies are a-okay! But, an IUD or a helmet for your baby's giant, misshapen head isn't. I posted upthread about the owl. No, you cannot legally have an owl or even it's feathers. Every spring, a barn owl takes up residence in my barn and shits all over everything until summer is over. I'm pretty sure it's a male because a female would be busy sitting on a nest and caring for it's young. The massive glops of shit aren't pleasant but, I let it hang out because they eat rodents. Birds are always shedding feathers here and there and I find them on the barn floor all the time. The feds say I'm not supposed to, but I pick them up when I find them and save them for my vet's daughter. I also save the pellets for her (owls can't digest bones and hair and puke it up in a tidy, little package. Schools actually buy them and have students dissect them to see what the owls have been dining on). She's a really cool little kid and, like her mom, is way into the biology of critters. 

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24 minutes ago, MaggieG said:

I just saw on Twitter that she posted a pic of herself wearing a Gryffindor sweater. No way in hell would Jenelle belong in Gryffindor!!

She sure as hell isn't welcome at Ravenclaw either! I'm tempted to say Slytherin, but I just can't bring myself to do that to those kids. 

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39 minutes ago, Birdee said:

She sure as hell isn't welcome at Ravenclaw either! I'm tempted to say Slytherin, but I just can't bring myself to do that to those kids. 

The Sorting Hat would have a massive anxiety attack, then commit suicide, rather than subject anyone at Hogwarts to Janelle. 

Edited by ElderPrice
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41 minutes ago, Birdee said:

She sure as hell isn't welcome at Ravenclaw either! I'm tempted to say Slytherin, but I just can't bring myself to do that to those kids. 

Nope, Salazar Slytherin would roll over in his grave if Jenelle was sorted into his house.

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5 minutes ago, Maharincess said:

I have no clue what any of this means. 

They're references to Harry Potter. Jenelle was at Universal Studios and posted pics of Harry Potter related things because they went to the Harry Potter portion of the theme park.

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5 minutes ago, lovesnark said:

They're references to Harry Potter. Jenelle was at Universal Studios and posted pics of Harry Potter related things because they went to the Harry Potter portion of the theme park.

That explains it. I'm a 50 year old woman, I know nothing about Harry Potter. 

Thanks for the explanation. 

Edited by Maharincess
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2 minutes ago, Maharincess said:

That explains it. I'm a 50 year old woman, I know nothing about Harry Potter. 

Thanks for the explanation. 

I'm a 60 year old woman and the only reason I know anything about Harry Potter is because my daughter is a teacher and her students are really into it. At least Maryssa is getting to have some kid style fun in between being Endtable's mother and going to school. I wonder if they took Jace with them? Aren't the kids supposed to be in school right now? Christmas break hasn't started yet.

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17 hours ago, guilfoyleatpp said:

Others are saying the owl is a puppet. 

I wouldn't put it past them to get a real owl (and kill it) however. 

Yeah I looked again and now that you said puppet it’s obvious...this being Jenelle I totally didn’t question it when she labeled it “Maryssa got a pet owl.” In my defense, it was moving! lol ? 

11 hours ago, druzy said:

That’s a creepy way for a fan to pose with someone they don’t know. I don’t pose like that with my BFF even, generally.

7 hours ago, Mkay said:

Definitely a puppet owl she got in orlando. Some Harry Potter thing. Thank goodness.  

That girl is all hugged up on Jenelle. I’m surprised David allowed a picture.  Doesn’t Jenelle tell fans it’s against her contract to take pics with fans. 

I don’t know owls, haha. I’m so glad it’s fake!! That pose is creepy...makes me wonder, maybe the chick gave drugs to her, hah. I would expect Jenelle and or David to be a bitch if someone was all on her like that.

1 hour ago, Maharincess said:

That explains it. I'm a 50 year old woman, I know nothing about Harry Potter. 

Thanks for the explanation. 

In my thirties, but ditto. I’ve never understood the allure, at all. ? 

Edited by Rebecca
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Here is ryans certified letter.  We have a lawyers name now. 
1 hour ago, Maharincess said:

I have no clue what any of this means. 

Same.  I never read or watched Harry Potter. 

Edited by Mkay
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11 minutes ago, Pixiebomb said:

I googled that law firm. Apparently they specialize in Criminal Defense. Strange, since The Swampthings' (fake) lawsuit would be a civil matter. Something is fishy in NC. 

The probably have someone in their firm that does family law and civil law, too. Unless, as someone upthread pointed out, the Swampthings just went with this group because they offer online stuff like cease and desist letters.

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