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Lisa Vanderpump: Pink is her Favorite Color

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I see nothing wrong in a husband defending his wife, I actually expect my husband to have my back, as I have his. Had he not, the boards would have lit up blasting him for not doing so. I do not believe it says anything about women being "the weaker sex", it speaks to their marriage and his love/support for his wife.


That he defended Brandi, IMO, was because she had no one, no husband/brother/father/BF, to have her back and he felt she needed it (right or wrong) so acted a  surrogate father would because you have your spouse's/family's back in public then have a talk privately if you think they are wrong.  


Most likely, Lisa allows Ken to do as he pleases, carrying her luggage, because she knows it pleases him, makes him still feel needed and that is important to men as they age. In private, with no cameras on them, Lisa may well insist that a male house staff member do the heavy lifting but on camera she lets Ken to help him save face/pride because it is important to him. JMO


Well, I guess this statement about Brandi really goes to the heart of the matter-- Ken had to stand up for Brandi when she made  accusations about Adrienne, and others criticized her or challenged her actions, because Brandi is just a woman and doesn't have a husband, boyfriend, brother or other man to speak for her and defend her.  Why do women need men to fight their battles?  Why can't women handle their own crap?  Make no mistake--  underlying this  "gentlemanly" behavior is the steadfast belief that women just aren't as smart, strong, capable or worthy as men, and regardless of the age of the man involved,  that is unacceptable. Knowing that  Ken was found by a Court to have hid evidence of sexual harassment of his female employees kinda makes me doubt his good faith when it comes to women... this respect and reverence Ken allegedly has for women doesn't really go very deep or very far at all. So, he can keep his retrograde opinions of women to himself...

The idea that Ken is such a doddering cuckolded old man that he would carry 60 lbs of luggage to the detriment of his health and against his will is more than a little silly to me.


He hasn't gotten where he is by being a pushover; if he REALLY didn't want to carry the luggage I'm sure he'd make Rocio or some other staff member carry it upstairs for him. 


I think you missed my point entirely.  And it wasn't silly, IMO.

  • Love 2

Well, I guess this statement about Brandi really goes to the heart of the matter-- Ken had to stand up for Brandi when she made  accusations about Adrienne, and others criticized her or challenged her actions, because Brandi is just a woman and doesn't have a husband, boyfriend, brother or other man to speak for her and defend her.  Why do women need men to fight their battles?  Why can't women handle their own crap?  Make no mistake--  underlying this  "gentlemanly" behavior is the steadfast belief that women just aren't as smart, strong, capable or worthy as men, and regardless of the age of the man involved,  that is unacceptable. Knowing that  Ken was found by a Court to have hid evidence of sexual harassment of his female employees kinda makes me doubt his good faith when it comes to women... this respect and reverence Ken allegedly has for women doesn't really go very deep or very far at all. So, he can keep his retrograde opinions of women to himself...


I think you missed my point entirely.  And it wasn't silly, IMO.

First, I am still questioning that judgment against Ken. If the jury found the manager not guilty, it basically says he committed no crime. If he did not commit a crime then Ken did not do anything illegal concerning this case. This defies logic IMO.


That said, Yes, Ken defended Brandi based on what Brandi told Him and Lisa. Ken did not interject himself into a conversation that was between just the women, Mauricio added his 2 cents in first and then Ken added his in a room where everyone was talking about it, not just the women. If it is ok for Mauricio then it is ok for Ken, the same with Paul. Had Paul allowed the conversation to be between just Adrienne and Brandi, it is possible that Ken would have kept his opinions to himself. He jumped in when the others had men defending them because Brandi did not and he/they (Ken/Lisa) still believed the BS Brandi was selling them.

  • Love 7

First, I am still questioning that judgment against Ken. If the jury found the manager not guilty, it basically says he committed no crime. If he did not commit a crime then Ken did not do anything illegal concerning this case. This defies logic IMO.


That said, Yes, Ken defended Brandi based on what Brandi told Him and Lisa. Ken did not interject himself into a conversation that was between just the women, Mauricio added his 2 cents in first and then Ken added his in a room where everyone was talking about it, not just the women. If it is ok for Mauricio then it is ok for Ken, the same with Paul. Had Paul allowed the conversation to be between just Adrienne and Brandi, it is possible that Ken would have kept his opinions to himself. He jumped in when the others had men defending them because Brandi did not and he/they (Ken/Lisa) still believed the BS Brandi was selling them.

The Villa Blanca lawsuit involved no crimes it is just basic tort law.  Owners have different responsibilities than managers or co-workers. 


I am of the firm belief, unlike Yolanda, that if you are in mixed company women and men are equal in their contribution to the conversation at hand.  Brandi brought it up-Mauricio weighed in, Ken went after Mauricio, which is fine except Ken's contribution had nothing to do with any type of resolve in the matter, just sympathy towards Brandi and the continuing grudge against the Adrienne and Paul. Once Brandi said, "FU dude," to Mauricio and started carrying on Ken should have washed his hands of Brandi or backed down in her defense.   I know Lisa has said they were wrong to defend Brandi when she was indefensible but Ken and Lisa sanctioned and behaved horribly in their defense of Brandi.  Now that they have seen the light they are kind of holding it over the heads of others to not engage or befriend her.  They have moved forward and need to allow others to do the same after experiencing their own Brandi wrath.

  • Love 5

That's possible, I wasn't replying specifically to you. What was it? 


Actually, it really wasn't a big statement.


My very simple point referenced a scene where Ken was struggling with Lisa's suitcases and complaining about having to carry them and Lisa said "oh, stop it!" which, I said,  made her seem very bratty and spoiled to me,  especially since Ken is significantly older,  has a bum hip, and they already have people to carry her glass of water from one room to another, so why even get him involved?  She's a big girl-- she can handle her own crap.  That was my point.  I said nothing about Ken's actions or intentions. 


But that led to various comments about 90 year old men who never let women carry so much as a bag of donuts,  and that Ken is from the Age of Chivalry (actually, he is from the age of "Swinging London" and sex, drugs and rock and roll, but whatever) and he is the tender protector of Lisa and all women,  because he has such deep respect and reverence for women, which, again,  didn't really address my point.


But, if we are going to paint Ken as this knight in shining armor or one who puts women on a pedestal, as folks were doing, I think  we should not forget that he was found by a court of law to have been complicit in a case of sexual harassment against women,  in that he hid evidence of the harasser's wrongful conduct after the fact.  And this frequent assertion that women like Brandi can verbally attack both men and women,  but she is being victimized if men respond in kind,  because she doesn't have a man to fight for her-- what can I say?  I just hope our daughters grow up with the fortitude to fight their own battles.


So, your remark --that discussion of whether Ken is or isn't capable of carrying Lisa's bags was "more than a little silly"-- seemed directed at me.  I wasn't even  talking about Ken, really.  But I do think, regardless of what he accomplished in the past, age is catching up with him-- mentally and physically-- and his younger wife should be looking out for him. That was my point.

Edited by BluishGreen
  • Love 6

I really like Lisa and I love what she brings to the show. Having said that, there aren't accidents with her. What you see of her on screen is what she wants you to see. That scene with Ken struggling with the bags is all part of her narrative of the spoiled rich women with the long suffering husband. Lisa is smart and has figured out this game long before anyone else. In PR when the narrative was out of her control she high tailed it out of there.

  • Love 14

I really like Lisa and I love what she brings to the show. Having said that, there aren't accidents with her. What you see of her on screen is what she wants you to see. That scene with Ken struggling with the bags is all part of her narrative of the spoiled rich women with the long suffering husband. Lisa is smart and has figured out this game long before anyone else. In PR when the narrative was out of her control she high tailed it out of there.

I think Lisa wants this show to be all about her fabulous life as a wife and mother, ladylike girlfriends, catty little comments made without rebuke, fabulous travel and homes and her other show to be about the debauchery.  Unfortunately, it does always work that way on this show as there are six other strong willed women who would also come out smelling like a rose every episode.

  • Love 2

The Villa Blanca lawsuit involved no crimes it is just basic tort law.  Owners have different responsibilities than managers or co-workers. 


I am of the firm belief, unlike Yolanda, that if you are in mixed company women and men are equal in their contribution to the conversation at hand.  Brandi brought it up-Mauricio weighed in, Ken went after Mauricio, which is fine except Ken's contribution had nothing to do with any type of resolve in the matter, just sympathy towards Brandi and the continuing grudge against the Adrienne and Paul. Once Brandi said, "FU dude," to Mauricio and started carrying on Ken should have washed his hands of Brandi or backed down in her defense.   I know Lisa has said they were wrong to defend Brandi when she was indefensible but Ken and Lisa sanctioned and behaved horribly in their defense of Brandi.  Now that they have seen the light they are kind of holding it over the heads of others to not engage or befriend her.  They have moved forward and need to allow others to do the same after experiencing their own Brandi wrath.

They are allowing other to do the same. They have not told anyone to give her a second chance anymore. As Lisa said, "once bitten"! LOL

  • Love 2



Nice blog from Lisa, and she talks more about Max, when he's wanted to do the show, his early childhood, and this search for identity.


Very touching.


I don't understand what she means by this: 

We had always thought that we would adopt a couple of children.  Ken had adopted one many years ago for his sister, who then became pregnant and now has four boys.


How did Ken adopt a child for his sister?  Adoption isn't like co-signing for loan on a car.  Home studies are done, piles of paperwork - it's a big deal that would have had to be handled directly by Ken's sister.  Unless they do things differently in merry old England.  Very strange.

  • Love 1

A twitter spat between Lisa and blogger Ilana Angel with fans of Brandi joining in

ILANA ANGEL ‏@ILANA_ANGEL 13h13 hours ago
@LisaVanderpump is a fame whore who picked a whore over a friend. @scheanamarie is the whore & @BrandiGlanville was the friend. #PumpRules

Lisa Vanderpump ‏@LisaVanderpump 13h13 hours ago
@ILANA_ANGEL @scheanamarie sorry sooo wrong knew here for five years before bg

ILANA ANGEL ‏@ILANA_ANGEL 13h13 hours ago
@LisaVanderpump @scheanamarie Irrelevant how long you knew her. When you leaned her history with Brandi you should have been more discreet.

Blkd by Jacko Whacko ‏@blkd_by_JackoNJ
@ILANA_ANGEL didnt Lisa try to argue that they were never 'friends' but just an employee - to Brandi once?? & now they're besties for 5yrs??
6:30 PM - 9 Feb 2015

FancyPantaloonies ‏@Nightingalicing 11h11 hours ago
@blkd_by_JackoNJ @ILANA_ANGEL Dozen times ON tv.

FancyPantaloonies ‏@Nightingalicing 1h1 hour ago
@blkd_by_JackoNJ @MumzyIreland @ILANA_ANGEL Lisa Vanderpump forgot her televised lies last night.
Don’t miss any updates from Blkd by Jacko Whacko


ILANA ANGEL ‏@ILANA_ANGEL 13h13 hours ago
@LisaVanderpump is a fame whore who picked a whore over a friend. @scheanamarie is the whore & @BrandiGlanville was the friend. #PumpRules

Lisa Vanderpump ‏@LisaVanderpump 13h13 hours ago
@ILANA_ANGEL @scheanamarie sorry sooo wrong knew here for five years before bg

Dean-o-Saur ‏@Deany_Smith 8h8 hours ago
@LisaVanderpump @ILANA_ANGEL @scheanamarie ignore her Lisa ILANA_anal hates British people attacks us all the time ❤️❤️❤️

Lisa Vanderpump ‏@LisaVanderpump 8h8 hours ago
@Deany_Smith @ILANA_ANGEL @scheanamarie Ooh ok...

@LisaVanderpump You're now engaging with convicted felons. What a bitch you are. Perhaps dementia is sitting in. Bless your heart.
10:43 PM - 9 Feb 2015


Lisa VanderpumpVerified account ‏@LisaVanderpump
@ILANA_ANGEL @HW_Fan15 @Nightingalicing @Dulcebrisa @scheanamarie Go write your journal ...goodbye
6:34 PM - 9 Feb 2015

Gabby ‏@Gabbycrts 12h12 hours ago
Lisa, I strongly advise you to BLOCK @ILANA_ANGEL! She is the nastiest, most mean-spirited woman I've ever come across. @LisaVanderpump

Lisa Vanderpump ‏@LisaVanderpump 12h12 hours ago
@Gabbycrts I did.

As requested by @LisaVanderpump think I'll write a little something in the Journal. Maybe about her unravelling lies?
Embedded image permalink
7:30 PM - 9 Feb 2015


@LisaVanderpump Really Lisa? Engaging with Brandi bashing trolls? You're ridiculous. Enjoy my blog!
8:16 PM - 9 Feb 2015


ILANA ANGEL ‏@ILANA_ANGEL 12h12 hours ago
@LisaVanderpump wrote this then blocked me. Thanks for the plug. #PumpRules pic.twitter.com/rs2bWfGL2E

aSk ‏@akStreeeet 12h12 hours ago
@ILANA_ANGEL @LisaVanderpump she's messy like that.. I knew when you said it she would respond then block you. She DM me then blocked!

@akStreeeet @LisaVanderpump Hilarious. The English lady is a bit of a coward and not too bright. Bless her,
6:43 PM - 9 Feb 2015

Hillbilly Horseface ‏@UglyWewe 12h12 hours ago
@ILANA_ANGEL @akStreeeet @LisaVanderpump She blocked me for asking how she could still be friends w Kyle. Likes to dish but can't take it.

aSk ‏@akStreeeet 12h12 hours ago
@UglyWewe @ILANA_ANGEL @LisaVanderpump blocked for saying she was shady for DMing ppl that hated B. She dm'd me saying ppl luv it.. Then blk

Hillbilly Horseface ‏@UglyWewe 12h12 hours ago
@akStreeeet @ILANA_ANGEL @LisaVanderpump Pathetic. I can't believe I ever thought she was classy. At least B says things to people's faces.


Thank God for the new mute option. @LisaVanderpump has a lot of people blowing smoke up her ass & they're noisy. #PumpRules
6:38 PM - 9 Feb 2015

Donna Taylor ‏@Donnacatherine4 12h12 hours ago
@ILANA_ANGEL @LisaVanderpump She has me blocked and Ive never said a word about her..must be b/c Im #teamBrandi...I dont like her anyway

Hillbilly Horseface ‏@UglyWewe 12h12 hours ago
@ILANA_ANGEL @LisaVanderpump If any of them met Lisa n person, she wouldn't even acknowledge them. She's full of shit abt Scheana & knows it


@LisaVanderpump sure does know how to manipulate stupid people. Mazel Tov! That's something to be proud of.
8:31 PM - 9 Feb 2015


@LisaVanderpump seems unable to keep lies straight & @PandoraVT has forgotten she has an English accent. Oy vey with these two. #PumpRules
6:35 PM - 9 Feb 2015


ILANA ANGEL ‏@ILANA_ANGEL 34m34 minutes ago
It's official: @LisaVanderpump is nasty & vindictive & her fans are painfully stupid. Bless them. They're like a gang of sexless bitches.

Sopey ‏@sopermama 16m16 minutes ago
@ILANA_ANGEL @LisaVanderpump I take offense to this. I adore her, (and you) and I am far from stupid. Just stop.

@sopermama No need to take offense. It's just Twitter. It was a general statement based on my timeline & not about EVERY single fan she has.
6:24 AM - 10 Feb 2015

Edited by quinn

A twitter spat between Lisa and blogger Ilana Angel with fans of Brandi joining in

ILANA ANGEL ‏@ILANA_ANGEL 13h13 hours ago

@LisaVanderpump is a fame whore who picked a whore over a friend. @scheanamarie is the whore & @BrandiGlanville was the friend. #PumpRules

Lisa Vanderpump ‏@LisaVanderpump 13h13 hours ago

@ILANA_ANGEL @scheanamarie sorry sooo wrong knew here for five years before bg

ILANA ANGEL ‏@ILANA_ANGEL 13h13 hours ago

@LisaVanderpump @scheanamarie Irrelevant how long you knew her. When you leaned her history with Brandi you should have been more discreet.

Blkd by Jacko Whacko ‏@blkd_by_JackoNJ

@ILANA_ANGEL didnt Lisa try to argue that they were never 'friends' but just an employee - to Brandi once?? & now they're besties for 5yrs??

6:30 PM - 9 Feb 2015

FancyPantaloonies ‏@Nightingalicing 11h11 hours ago

@blkd_by_JackoNJ @ILANA_ANGEL Dozen times ON tv.

FancyPantaloonies ‏@Nightingalicing 1h1 hour ago

@blkd_by_JackoNJ @MumzyIreland @ILANA_ANGEL Lisa Vanderpump forgot her televised lies last night.

Don’t miss any updates from Blkd by Jacko Whacko




This Ilana person is one strange bird. For whatever reason, she loves all things Brandi.  Funny, when I was watching VPR last night, all I could think of was how pissed Brandi must be about Scheanna's wedding.  All the free booze Lisa was providing, Lisa's nice words at her Rehearsal Dinner, etc. It certainly comes appears that Lisa really cares for Scheanna. Must be driving Brandi nuts. I got on her Twitter this morning because I figured that she would have some nasty to shit to say about it, but I guess Ilana is doing it for her. 


For what it's worth, it is interesting that Lisa is now throwing out the number "5 years" when talking about how long she knew Scheanna before she had met Brandi. In the past she has said 3. If it was 5, that would mean that Brandi would have still been married to Eddie. It would also mean that Scheanna would have been working for Lisa at the time she did the media blitz about her affair, something I find it hard to believe Lisa wouldn't have noticed (I watch too much VPR to believe that Lisa wouldn't be interested if one of her employees was on the news talking about her affair with a married man).  I think that Brandi needs to let this go, because no one really cares at this point and it just makes her look more ridiculous.  I will always believe, however, that Lisa was well aware of the role that Scheanna played in Brandi's marriage right from the beginning. I don't think this had anything to do with her getting close to her ultimately, but I do believe that she knew about it. 

  • Love 6

A twitter spat between Lisa and blogger Ilana Angel with fans of Brandi joining in

ILANA ANGEL ‏@ILANA_ANGEL 13h13 hours ago

@LisaVanderpump is a fame whore who picked a whore over a friend. @scheanamarie is the whore & @BrandiGlanville was the friend. #PumpRules

Lisa Vanderpump ‏@LisaVanderpump 13h13 hours ago

@ILANA_ANGEL @scheanamarie sorry sooo wrong knew here for five years before bg

ILANA ANGEL ‏@ILANA_ANGEL 13h13 hours ago

@LisaVanderpump @scheanamarie Irrelevant how long you knew her. When you leaned her history with Brandi you should have been more discreet.

Blkd by Jacko Whacko ‏@blkd_by_JackoNJ

@ILANA_ANGEL didnt Lisa try to argue that they were never 'friends' but just an employee - to Brandi once?? & now they're besties for 5yrs??

6:30 PM - 9 Feb 2015

FancyPantaloonies ‏@Nightingalicing 11h11 hours ago

@blkd_by_JackoNJ @ILANA_ANGEL Dozen times ON tv.

FancyPantaloonies ‏@Nightingalicing 1h1 hour ago

@blkd_by_JackoNJ @MumzyIreland @ILANA_ANGEL Lisa Vanderpump forgot her televised lies last night.

Don’t miss any updates from Blkd by Jacko Whacko


ILANA ANGEL ‏@ILANA_ANGEL 13h13 hours ago

@LisaVanderpump is a fame whore who picked a whore over a friend. @scheanamarie is the whore & @BrandiGlanville was the friend. #PumpRules

Lisa Vanderpump ‏@LisaVanderpump 13h13 hours ago

@ILANA_ANGEL @scheanamarie sorry sooo wrong knew here for five years before bg

Dean-o-Saur ‏@Deany_Smith 8h8 hours ago

@LisaVanderpump @ILANA_ANGEL @scheanamarie ignore her Lisa ILANA_anal hates British people attacks us all the time ❤️❤️❤️

Lisa Vanderpump ‏@LisaVanderpump 8h8 hours ago

@Deany_Smith @ILANA_ANGEL @scheanamarie Ooh ok...


@LisaVanderpump You're now engaging with convicted felons. What a bitch you are. Perhaps dementia is sitting in. Bless your heart.

10:43 PM - 9 Feb 2015


Lisa VanderpumpVerified account ‏@LisaVanderpump

@ILANA_ANGEL @HW_Fan15 @Nightingalicing @Dulcebrisa @scheanamarie Go write your journal ...goodbye

6:34 PM - 9 Feb 2015

Gabby ‏@Gabbycrts 12h12 hours ago

Lisa, I strongly advise you to BLOCK @ILANA_ANGEL! She is the nastiest, most mean-spirited woman I've ever come across. @LisaVanderpump

Lisa Vanderpump ‏@LisaVanderpump 12h12 hours ago

@Gabbycrts I did.


As requested by @LisaVanderpump think I'll write a little something in the Journal. Maybe about her unravelling lies?

Embedded image permalink


7:30 PM - 9 Feb 2015



@LisaVanderpump Really Lisa? Engaging with Brandi bashing trolls? You're ridiculous. Enjoy my blog!

8:16 PM - 9 Feb 2015


ILANA ANGEL ‏@ILANA_ANGEL 12h12 hours ago

@LisaVanderpump wrote this then blocked me. Thanks for the plug. #PumpRules pic.twitter.com/rs2bWfGL2E

aSk ‏@akStreeeet 12h12 hours ago

@ILANA_ANGEL @LisaVanderpump she's messy like that.. I knew when you said it she would respond then block you. She DM me then blocked!


@akStreeeet @LisaVanderpump Hilarious. The English lady is a bit of a coward and not too bright. Bless her,

6:43 PM - 9 Feb 2015

Hillbilly Horseface ‏@UglyWewe 12h12 hours ago

@ILANA_ANGEL @akStreeeet @LisaVanderpump She blocked me for asking how she could still be friends w Kyle. Likes to dish but can't take it.

aSk ‏@akStreeeet 12h12 hours ago

@UglyWewe @ILANA_ANGEL @LisaVanderpump blocked for saying she was shady for DMing ppl that hated B. She dm'd me saying ppl luv it.. Then blk

Hillbilly Horseface ‏@UglyWewe 12h12 hours ago

@akStreeeet @ILANA_ANGEL @LisaVanderpump Pathetic. I can't believe I ever thought she was classy. At least B says things to people's faces.



Thank God for the new mute option. @LisaVanderpump has a lot of people blowing smoke up her ass & they're noisy. #PumpRules

6:38 PM - 9 Feb 2015

Donna Taylor ‏@Donnacatherine4 12h12 hours ago

@ILANA_ANGEL @LisaVanderpump She has me blocked and Ive never said a word about her..must be b/c Im #teamBrandi...I dont like her anyway

Hillbilly Horseface ‏@UglyWewe 12h12 hours ago

@ILANA_ANGEL @LisaVanderpump If any of them met Lisa n person, she wouldn't even acknowledge them. She's full of shit abt Scheana & knows it



@LisaVanderpump sure does know how to manipulate stupid people. Mazel Tov! That's something to be proud of.

8:31 PM - 9 Feb 2015



@LisaVanderpump seems unable to keep lies straight & @PandoraVT has forgotten she has an English accent. Oy vey with these two. #PumpRules

6:35 PM - 9 Feb 2015


ILANA ANGEL ‏@ILANA_ANGEL 34m34 minutes ago

It's official: @LisaVanderpump is nasty & vindictive & her fans are painfully stupid. Bless them. They're like a gang of sexless bitches.

Sopey ‏@sopermama 16m16 minutes ago

@ILANA_ANGEL @LisaVanderpump I take offense to this. I adore her, (and you) and I am far from stupid. Just stop.


@sopermama No need to take offense. It's just Twitter. It was a general statement based on my timeline & not about EVERY single fan she has.

6:24 AM - 10 Feb 2015


This blogger is a "Ride or Die" fan of Brandi! She never thinks Brandi is wrong, ever! LOL I find it funny that she slams Lisa Vs fans about defending her yet she and other some Brandi fans have stalked Leann, Lisa, Adrienne, Kyle, Kim, Taylor and Kenya big time, attacking them over and over like a pack of hyenas. LOL

  • Love 3

More tweets, these are mostly tweets of the Lisa's and Brandi's camps going at each other over Scheana.

@LisaVanderpump @scheanamarie Irrelevant how long you knew her. When you leaned her history with Brandi you should have been more discreet.
6:10 PM - 9 Feb 2015

FancyPantaloonies ‏@Nightingalicing 12h12 hours ago
@ILANA_ANGEL @LisaVanderpump @HW_Fan15 @Dulcebrisa @scheanamarie Proof she knew about the affair with Cibrian. Brandi Vindicated.

House Wives ‏@HW_Fan15 12h12 hours ago
@Nightingalicing @ILANA_ANGEL @Dulcebrisa @LisaVanderpump @scheanamarie SHE NEVER DENIED PANDORA BEING FRIENDS WITH HER EVER.

AsianPosh♡ ‏@AsianPoshie90 12h12 hours ago
@BeverlyWeeks @ILANA_ANGEL @LisaVanderpump @scheanamarie @BrandiGlanville a great friend who sat across a mistress 4her frd Lisa. #truth

Lisa ‏@LisaKendall18 12h12 hours ago
@LisaVanderpump They've repeated the same diatribe for years now. Clearly they can't move on and are obsessed

B ‏@RavenSmith127 12h12 hours ago
@LisaVanderpump @HW_Fan15 @Nightingalicing @ILANA_ANGEL @Dulcebrisa @scheanamarie horrid 2b so bitter, I'm sure they've never made mistakes

House Wives ‏@HW_Fan15 12h12 hours ago
@Nightingalicing @ILANA_ANGEL @LisaVanderpump @Dulcebrisa @scheanamarie WHO CARES IF SHE KNEW, SHE DIDNT EVEN KNOW BRANDI

Kristi Feaster ‏@Kristi_R_Wright 12h12 hours ago
@ILANA_ANGEL @LisaVanderpump @HW_Fan15 @Nightingalicing @Dulcebrisa @scheanamarie who cares?Friends or foe, it's a show, we only see so much

AsianPosh♡ ‏@AsianPoshie90 12h12 hours ago
@HW_Fan15 @akStreeeet @ILANA_ANGEL @LisaVanderpump @scheanamarie what's that got to do with LVP & Brandi?

FancyPantaloonies ‏@Nightingalicing 12h12 hours ago
@HW_Fan15 @ILANA_ANGEL @LisaVanderpump @Dulcebrisa @scheanamarie BG had a bestseller. Lisa needed a bridge to open her cheap wait staff show

FancyPantaloonies ‏@Nightingalicing 12h12 hours ago
@Kristi_R_Wright @ILANA_ANGEL @LisaVanderpump @HW_Fan15 @Dulcebrisa @scheanamarie Lisa betrayed her OFF the show.

Lisa Vanderpump ‏@LisaVanderpump 12h12 hours ago
@HW_Fan15 @Nightingalicing @ILANA_ANGEL @Dulcebrisa Exaactly ..bg knew she worked for me,knew she was friends with pandy,when she met us.

Sa'Ara ‏@STLUCIANIDOL91 12h12 hours ago
@LisaVanderpump @ILANA_ANGEL @HW_Fan15 @Nightingalicing @Dulcebrisa @scheanamarie I'm sure BG used LVP for a story line. Upon meeting SM she

aSk ‏@akStreeeet 12h12 hours ago
@HW_Fan15 @AsianPoshie90 @ILANA_ANGEL @LisaVanderpump @scheanamarie your logic just went out the window... It's all ignorance now

FancyPantaloonies ‏@Nightingalicing 12h12 hours ago
@STLUCIANIDOL91 @LisaVanderpump @ILANA_ANGEL @HW_Fan15 @Dulcebrisa @scheanamarie BG had a bestseller and headlines every day, she had story.

Sa'Ara ‏@STLUCIANIDOL91 12h12 hours ago
@LisaVanderpump @ILANA_ANGEL @HW_Fan15 @Nightingalicing @Dulcebrisa @scheanamarie could have distanced herself but agreed to film F/T

House Wives ‏@HW_Fan15 12h12 hours ago
@Nightingalicing @ILANA_ANGEL @LisaVanderpump @Dulcebrisa @scheanamarie AND SHE STILL CAN BARELY AFFORD TO BUY A HOUSE...WHAT A SUCCESS

AsianPosh♡ ‏@AsianPoshie90 12h12 hours ago
@akStreeeet @HW_Fan15 @ILANA_ANGEL @LisaVanderpump @scheanamarie lol amen

FancyPantaloonies ‏@Nightingalicing 12h12 hours ago
@LisaVanderpump @HW_Fan15 @ILANA_ANGEL @Dulcebrisa Lisa admitting her daughter had a long standing friendship with whore @scheanamarie SMH

Sa'Ara ‏@STLUCIANIDOL91 12h12 hours ago
@Nightingalicing @LisaVanderpump @ILANA_ANGEL @HW_Fan15 @Dulcebrisa @scheanamarie yes, old stories she reuses to stay relevant


ILANA ANGEL ‏@ILANA_ANGEL 14h14 hours ago
@LisaVanderpump @scheanamarie Irrelevant how long you knew her. When you leaned her history with Brandi you should have been more discreet.

FancyPantaloonies ‏@Nightingalicing 14h14 hours ago
@ILANA_ANGEL @Dulcebrisa @LisaVanderpump @scheanamarie Lisa is lying. Pandora and whore were clearly close friends, it's on tape ;-\

House Wives ‏@HW_Fan15 13h13 hours ago
@Nightingalicing @ILANA_ANGEL @Dulcebrisa @LisaVanderpump @scheanamarie THATS WHAT SHE IS SAYING, THEY WERE FRIENDS B4 BG WAS EVER HEARD OF!

Lisa Vanderpump ‏@LisaVanderpump 13h13 hours ago
@HW_Fan15 @Nightingalicing @ILANA_ANGEL @Dulcebrisa @scheanamarie don't even bother..they don't quite get it.

Gabby ‏@Gabbycrts 12h12 hours ago
.@RavenSmith127 @LisaVanderpump @ILANA_ANGEL is a raging BG fan. She desperately seeks her attention. Afterwards she stalks Josh Mankiewicz.


Lisa VanderpumpVerified account ‏@LisaVanderpump
@ILANA_ANGEL @scheanamarie sorry sooo wrong knew here for five years before bg
6:07 PM - 9 Feb 2015

House Wives ‏@HW_Fan15 13h13 hours ago
@ILANA_ANGEL @LisaVanderpump @Nightingalicing @Dulcebrisa @scheanamarie BG USED HER...SHE WAS IRRELEVANT B4 THE CHEATING.
6:34 PM - 9 Feb 2015

FancyPantaloonies ‏@Nightingalicing 13h13 hours ago
@LisaVanderpump @ILANA_ANGEL @scheanamarie Here we have Lisa admitting she LIED on tv, blocs, and interviews a dozen times. #AboutTime.

FancyPantaloonies ‏@Nightingalicing 13h13 hours ago
@ILANA_ANGEL @LisaVanderpump @HW_Fan15 @Dulcebrisa @scheanamarie Proof she knew about the affair with Cibrian. Brandi Vindicated.

House Wives ‏@HW_Fan15 13h13 hours ago
@Nightingalicing @ILANA_ANGEL @Dulcebrisa @LisaVanderpump @scheanamarie SHE NEVER DENIED PANDORA BEING FRIENDS WITH HER EVER.

AsianPosh♡ ‏@AsianPoshie90 13h13 hours ago
@BeverlyWeeks @ILANA_ANGEL @LisaVanderpump @scheanamarie @BrandiGlanville a great friend who sat across a mistress 4her frd Lisa. #truth


House Wives ‏@HW_Fan15 13h13 hours ago
@Nightingalicing @ILANA_ANGEL @LisaVanderpump @Dulcebrisa @scheanamarie WHO CARES IF SHE KNEW, SHE DIDNT EVEN KNOW BRANDI

Kristi Feaster ‏@Kristi_R_Wright 13h13 hours ago
@ILANA_ANGEL @LisaVanderpump @HW_Fan15 @Nightingalicing @Dulcebrisa @scheanamarie who cares?Friends or foe, it's a show, we only see so much

FancyPantaloonies ‏@Nightingalicing 13h13 hours ago
@HW_Fan15 @ILANA_ANGEL @LisaVanderpump @Dulcebrisa @scheanamarie BG had a bestseller. Lisa needed a bridge to open her cheap wait staff show

FancyPantaloonies ‏@Nightingalicing 13h13 hours ago
@Kristi_R_Wright @ILANA_ANGEL @LisaVanderpump @HW_Fan15 @Dulcebrisa @scheanamarie Lisa betrayed her OFF the show.

Lisa Vanderpump ‏@LisaVanderpump 13h13 hours ago
@HW_Fan15 @Nightingalicing @ILANA_ANGEL @Dulcebrisa Exaactly ..bg knew she worked for me,knew she was friends with pandy,when she met us.

Sa'Ara ‏@STLUCIANIDOL91 13h13 hours ago
@LisaVanderpump @ILANA_ANGEL @HW_Fan15 @Nightingalicing @Dulcebrisa @scheanamarie I'm sure BG used LVP for a story line. Upon meeting SM she

Sa'Ara ‏@STLUCIANIDOL91 13h13 hours ago
@LisaVanderpump @ILANA_ANGEL @HW_Fan15 @Nightingalicing @Dulcebrisa @scheanamarie could have distanced herself but agreed to film F/T

FancyPantaloonies ‏@Nightingalicing 13h13 hours ago
@STLUCIANIDOL91 @LisaVanderpump @ILANA_ANGEL @HW_Fan15 @Dulcebrisa @scheanamarie BG had a bestseller and headlines every day, she had story.

House Wives ‏@HW_Fan15 13h13 hours ago
@Nightingalicing @ILANA_ANGEL @LisaVanderpump @Dulcebrisa @scheanamarie AND SHE STILL CAN BARELY AFFORD TO BUY A HOUSE...WHAT A SUCCESS

FancyPantaloonies ‏@Nightingalicing 13h13 hours ago
@LisaVanderpump @HW_Fan15 @ILANA_ANGEL @Dulcebrisa Lisa admitting her daughter had a long standing friendship with whore @scheanamarie SMH

Sa'Ara ‏@STLUCIANIDOL91 13h13 hours ago
@Nightingalicing @LisaVanderpump @ILANA_ANGEL @HW_Fan15 @Dulcebrisa @scheanamarie yes, old stories she reuses to stay relevant

FancyPantaloonies ‏@Nightingalicing 13h13 hours ago
@STLUCIANIDOL91 @LisaVanderpump @ILANA_ANGEL @HW_Fan15 @Dulcebrisa @scheanamarie I'm watching Brandi on Celebrity Apprentice right now. SMH

Plane Jayne ‏@hillbillyrimes 13h13 hours ago
@samanthajk777 @LisaVanderpump @HW_Fan15 @Nightingalicing @ILANA_ANGEL @Dulcebrisa Why not? LVP is only 70, she doesnt have dementia YET.

HugoBoobzⓂ️ ‏@JUSTGIGI4YA 12h12 hours ago
@ILANA_ANGEL @LisaVanderpump @HW_Fan15 @Nightingalicing @Dulcebrisa @scheanamarie I think it's evident that LVP needs no one 4 a storyline

FancyPantaloonies ‏@Nightingalicing 12h12 hours ago
@JUSTGIGI4YA @ILANA_ANGEL @LisaVanderpump @HW_Fan15 @Dulcebrisa @scheanamarie Evidenced by her talking to or about her dogs every episode.

Rebecca Rizzo ‏@rarizzo24 12h12 hours ago
@LisaKendall18 @LisaVanderpump I can't believe Ickiana is recycling Bobblehead's pathetic excuse for a storyline.

Edited by quinn

That Ilana person is absolutely awful. I can forgive her being disgusting on twitter. I can forgive her ride or die love for Brandi. I don't agree with either of those things, but I can look past them. What I can't forgive is how horrible she is at her job. Seriously, have you ever tried to read any of her recaps? Every other sentence is about how much she hates everyone on the show, or complaining about how much of her life she is wasting on the show. But, even worse, she isn't funny. I don't read recaps of these shows so that the writer can tell me how much they hate the show without imparting any humor or even any real plot points about the show. If the shows aren't fun for her or at least provide her the opportunity to snark, why on earth does she waste her time and ours with her horribly written recaps?


I know why. The whole reason for her recaps is so that she can start twitter wars with people and also to talk about how much she loves Jill Zarin.

  • Love 11

This blogger is a "Ride or Die" fan of Brandi! She never thinks Brandi is wrong, ever! LOL I find it funny that she slams Lisa Vs fans about defending her yet she and other some Brandi fans have stalked Leann, Lisa, Adrienne, Kyle, Kim, Taylor and Kenya big time, attacking them over and over like a pack of hyenas. LOL

This is a woman who got blocked fro going to a LeAnn Rimes concert.  She spent a ton of time bashing made a big deal about going to see LeAnn and security would not let her in.  Alana Angel is just the most spiteful person in the world.

  • Love 4

This Ilana person is one strange bird. For whatever reason, she loves all things Brandi.  Funny, when I was watching VPR last night, all I could think of was how pissed Brandi must be about Scheanna's wedding.  All the free booze Lisa was providing, Lisa's nice words at her Rehearsal Dinner, etc. It certainly comes appears that Lisa really cares for Scheanna. Must be driving Brandi nuts. I got on her Twitter this morning because I figured that she would have some nasty to shit to say about it, but I guess Ilana is doing it for her. 


For what it's worth, it is interesting that Lisa is now throwing out the number "5 years" when talking about how long she knew Scheanna before she had met Brandi. In the past she has said 3. If it was 5, that would mean that Brandi would have still been married to Eddie. It would also mean that Scheanna would have been working for Lisa at the time she did the media blitz about her affair, something I find it hard to believe Lisa wouldn't have noticed (I watch too much VPR to believe that Lisa wouldn't be interested if one of her employees was on the news talking about her affair with a married man).  I think that Brandi needs to let this go, because no one really cares at this point and it just makes her look more ridiculous.  I will always believe, however, that Lisa was well aware of the role that Scheanna played in Brandi's marriage right from the beginning. I don't think this had anything to do with her getting close to her ultimately, but I do believe that she knew about it. 

I have always said that Lisa had to have known about Scheana and Eddie because at the time Scheana was working at Villa Blanca.  Lisa's employees would have been all over Scheana being on TV talking about the affair.  Villa Blanca opened a year before filming began on RHOBH so Lisa would most likely have known Scheana for 5 years.


Lisa can spend her money on whoever she wants.  If she wants to give a waitress a bang up rehearsal dinner let her.   It is her money, her restaurant and her show. 

  • Love 4

This is a woman who got blocked fro going to a LeAnn Rimes concert.  She spent a ton of time bashing made a big deal about going to see LeAnn and security would not let her in.  Alana Angel is just the most spiteful person in the world.

All snarking aside, this Alana woman sounds dangerous and I don't even like Leann. That is some creepy ass above and beyond shit. Yikes.

Edited by Avaleigh
  • Love 4

This Ilana person is one strange bird. For whatever reason, she loves all things Brandi.  Funny, when I was watching VPR last night, all I could think of was how pissed Brandi must be about Scheanna's wedding.  All the free booze Lisa was providing, Lisa's nice words at her Rehearsal Dinner, etc. It certainly comes appears that Lisa really cares for Scheanna. Must be driving Brandi nuts. I got on her Twitter this morning because I figured that she would have some nasty to shit to say about it, but I guess Ilana is doing it for her. 


For what it's worth, it is interesting that Lisa is now throwing out the number "5 years" when talking about how long she knew Scheanna before she had met Brandi. In the past she has said 3. If it was 5, that would mean that Brandi would have still been married to Eddie. It would also mean that Scheanna would have been working for Lisa at the time she did the media blitz about her affair, something I find it hard to believe Lisa wouldn't have noticed (I watch too much VPR to believe that Lisa wouldn't be interested if one of her employees was on the news talking about her affair with a married man).  I think that Brandi needs to let this go, because no one really cares at this point and it just makes her look more ridiculous.  I will always believe, however, that Lisa was well aware of the role that Scheanna played in Brandi's marriage right from the beginning. I don't think this had anything to do with her getting close to her ultimately, but I do believe that she knew about it. 


I believe Pandy knew SM and then she began working for Sur so that might be related to the number fudging. I do recall Lisa saying SM had worked for her for 2 years at Sur's reopening in 2011. That was about 4 years ago now. This storyline has dragged on for a number of seasons so every year the number will increase. I don't think that makes Lisa out to be a liar.


Personally, I got the Eddie/LeeAnn and Tori/Dean affairs totally confused and didn't bother reading about either of them but I do think that Lisa knew about SM. The girl was on TV telling the world, after all. I doubt Lisa is the mastermind behind all of this but I can believe that Bravo approached her with the idea of adding Brandi into the mix in order to fuel the VPR spinoff and she quickly jumps at the chance.


No one on this show is getting a peace prize. It's really a win for both of them. Lisa gets publicity for the bar (she gets way more traffic from RH fans/tourists than locals) and Brandi gets cast as the villain in RHOBH, thereby ensuring her an income to support the boys. Something tells me they're all in on it.


That Ilana person is absolutely awful. I can forgive her being disgusting on twitter. I can forgive her ride or die love for Brandi. I don't agree with either of those things, but I can look past them. What I can't forgive is how horrible she is at her job. Seriously, have you ever tried to read any of her recaps? Every other sentence is about how much she hates everyone on the show, or complaining about how much of her life she is wasting on the show. But, even worse, she isn't funny. I don't read recaps of these shows so that the writer can tell me how much they hate the show without imparting any humor or even any real plot points about the show. If the shows aren't fun for her or at least provide her the opportunity to snark, why on earth does she waste her time and ours with her horribly written recaps?


I know why. The whole reason for her recaps is so that she can start twitter wars with people and also to talk about how much she loves Jill Zarin.


I have never heard of this Ilana person in my life. Sounds like a celebrity in her own mind. But based on her twitter conversation with Lisa (admittedly I stopped reading after about a dozen posts) she certainly does not seem funny, just rude and prosaic. I can't imagine anyone is running to read her blog when her twitter makes her out to be the poor man's Regina George. She makes Perez Hilton look like a respected journalist.

  • Love 3

I will never understand what leads people to fight the battles of folks they've never met before in their lives and wouldn't know them from a can of paint.  What does it get you to be a "ride or die" (That doesn't mean what a lot of folks think it means) fan of Lisa, Brandi or any other Housewife or reality star?  Those folks don't know you!  They aren't your play cousins!  What the actual fuck?  Everybody involved in RHOBH is getting a paycheck.  All of them.  So, however they're portrayed, for good or ill, it ultimately winds up in their favor in the form of a big fat check.  The folks sniping at each other back and forth on Twitter get what?  "The thrill of victory"?  My God.


When I was a kid and would get myself involved in other folks' shenanigans and/or get all twisted up behind things that were none of my concern, my mother would respond, "There has to be something more important you could be doing with your time.  Why don't you go clean your room?"  I want to offer all of those folks the idea that their rooms could use some serious tidying.

  • Love 16

I believe Pandy knew SM and then she began working for Sur so that might be related to the number fudging. I do recall Lisa saying SM had worked for her for 2 years at Sur's reopening in 2011. That was about 4 years ago now. This storyline has dragged on for a number of seasons so every year the number will increase. I don't think that makes Lisa out to be a liar.




But the number of years that Lisa knew SM before Brandi should never change, no matter how much time goes by.  Lisa has always contended she knew SM for 2 or 3 years before Brandi, now it is 5. That is a huge difference.

  • Love 2

I have always said that Lisa had to have known about Scheana and Eddie because at the time Scheana was working at Villa Blanca.  Lisa's employees would have been all over Scheana being on TV talking about the affair.  Villa Blanca opened a year before filming began on RHOBH so Lisa would most likely have known Scheana for 5 years.



No doubt about it, but I have always also thought that at the very least, Pandora would have said something about it, especially in light of the fact that they had to already be chatting at home about the Cedric/Brandi connection. Since Pandy and SM were good friends, does anyone believe that SM wouldn't have reminded Pandy upon Brandi's hiring that she was the gal that use to be married to Eddie? The guy she went on TV bitching about. No way in hell does that even make any sense, and it has never made one iota of sense to me. This is why upon second viewing the party where Lisa asked SM to leave is just nothing but a big huge joke. No way Brandi had been on the show for months at that time, and no one had bothered to discuss the SM/Brandi/Eddie connection.  

  • Love 3

I believe Pandy knew SM and then she began working for Sur so that might be related to the number fudging. I do recall Lisa saying SM had worked for her for 2 years at Sur's reopening in 2011. That was about 4 years ago now. This storyline has dragged on for a number of seasons so every year the number will increase. I don't think that makes Lisa out to be a liar.


Personally, I got the Eddie/LeeAnn and Tori/Dean affairs totally confused and didn't bother reading about either of them but I do think that Lisa knew about SM. The girl was on TV telling the world, after all. I doubt Lisa is the mastermind behind all of this but I can believe that Bravo approached her with the idea of adding Brandi into the mix in order to fuel the VPR spinoff and she quickly jumps at the chance.


No one on this show is getting a peace prize. It's really a win for both of them. Lisa gets publicity for the bar (she gets way more traffic from RH fans/tourists than locals) and Brandi gets cast as the villain in RHOBH, thereby ensuring her an income to support the boys. Something tells me they're all in on it.



I have never heard of this Ilana person in my life. Sounds like a celebrity in her own mind. But based on her twitter conversation with Lisa (admittedly I stopped reading after about a dozen posts) she certainly does not seem funny, just rude and prosaic. I can't imagine anyone is running to read her blog when her twitter makes her out to be the poor man's Regina George. She makes Perez Hilton look like a respected journalist.

I think you are right about the celebrity in her own mind thing. I only discovered her recaps when that whole Jill Zarin Amazon thing blew up. She is a die hard Jill fan and her stance was always that Bethenny lied about everything (she would never clarify what exactly she lied about) and that Jill was unfairly victimized by both Bethenny and Andy Cohen.


I tried to give her recaps of the various shows a chance, but they are all the same thing. She talks about what she is drinking while she is watching and then proceeds to call everyone bitches and talks about how much she hates them. She doesn't even do a good job of hate watching. You would think if she hated the shows so much she would either be really funny when raking them over the coals or she simply wouldn't watch them. Since she writes for the Jewish Journal, I assume is being paid to write the recaps, and if that is the case, she really needs to be better at her job and stop with the name calling on Twitter.

  • Love 4

I think you are right about the celebrity in her own mind thing. I only discovered her recaps when that whole Jill Zarin Amazon thing blew up. She is a die hard Jill fan and her stance was always that Bethenny lied about everything (she would never clarify what exactly she lied about) and that Jill was unfairly victimized by both Bethenny and Andy Cohen.


I tried to give her recaps of the various shows a chance, but they are all the same thing. She talks about what she is drinking while she is watching and then proceeds to call everyone bitches and talks about how much she hates them. She doesn't even do a good job of hate watching. You would think if she hated the shows so much she would either be really funny when raking them over the coals or she simply wouldn't watch them. Since she writes for the Jewish Journal, I assume is being paid to write the recaps, and if that is the case, she really needs to be better at her job and stop with the name calling on Twitter.


Okay, curiosity got the best of me and if I didn't totally agree before, I certainly do now. I looked her up and I didn't realize she was a grown 40+ year old woman. I thought she was like 17 or something calling herself 'angel' and picking fights with people on twitter. That's embarrassing. I tried to read last week's recap and almost fell asleep. It's the driest prose I've ever come across. She may as well bullet point everything that happened in the episode and just add a heart next to anything related to Brandi. Makes me so glad we've got Alex covering RHOBH over here. He did a wonderful job with last weeks' trainwreck of an episode.

  • Love 4

I noticed today that Lisa V is not following Brandi on Twitter anymore.  Does anyone know if this is recent, or has it been going on for a while? I know that she doesn't follow a lot of people, but when I have looked in the past, she has always followed all of her cast members.  She followed Kyle all through their issues.

Eileen and Kyle are not following Brandi either.  The rest of the gals are.

  • Love 2

Do any of the past housewives follow Brandi like Camille, Taylor, Adrienne?


Maybe this is why Brandi is going for Eileen more than LisaR in her blogs if LisaR is still following her. 


I applaud Lisa for the way she's detaching and for the way she's basically refusing to react to any more of Brandi's nonsense.

  • Love 6

Do any of the past housewives follow Brandi like Camille, Taylor, Adrienne?


Maybe this is why Brandi is going for Eileen more than LisaR in her blogs if LisaR is still following her. 


I applaud Lisa for the way she's detaching and for the way she's basically refusing to react to any more of Brandi's nonsense.

I agree and I hope that Kyle can do the same thing. The thing that Lisa needs to remember,  however, is that it took her a long time to get to that place. She was still livid at Brandi last February when they filmed the reunion. She still did lots of interviews and talked about her on social media until they started filming this season, which was in June. So basically, it took her months and months to get to a place where she could remove herself from all that Brandi had done to her. For Kyle, all that we have seen happen has taken place in 3 weeks. Hopefully, she will get to where Lisa is, but it might take her as long as it took Lisa. 

  • Love 5

Watching Lisa on evine (old ShQp network) and she has a jewelry line. Large glass pieces that suit her style but fit their audience too. She's showing multiple ways to wear the items and the prices are in line with other celebrity lines if not a bit less and surprisingly rather affordable. She's doing a great job and their "Eloise in NY" pink set suits her to a T. Not being a fan really but did want to give her a thumbs up.

  • Love 3

I think most of Lisa's current ventures are rather affordable. I've eaten at all of her restaurants and all of them were pricey but well under average for the area, especially VB which is rather large and located on a major corner. Sur is the only one I find overpriced and that's mainly because of the overwhelmingly putrid candles.

  • Love 1

I thought Lisa made a great point in her talk with Kyle where she said the reason Kim treats her s poorly is because she can do so without worrying she will actually lose her, but with Brandi she has to cultivate that. Implicit was that Brandi is never a truly loyal friend and Kim is well aware of what she's doing. Kyle I don't think fully understood or maybe didn't want to.

  • Love 4

Lisa Vanderpump to speak at UN Ebola concert


First, Naomi Campbell pitched in to fight Ebola; now Lisa Vanderpump is joining the cause.

The Beverly Hills “Housewife,” restaurateur, pet-accessories designer and signature sangria slinger will speak at the UN’s “Stop Ebola and Build for the Future” concert Monday before Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.


Her remarks about Africa’s survivors will include, “Instead of being praised and celebrated for overcoming this terrible disease…[they] are being ostracized…from their respective communities.”




  • Love 2

Whoa! Lisa's dress is a bit too tight.

She would have looked much better in it if it was one size larger.

Agreed, but is anyone really looking at the fit of LVP's dress?

What stands out for me is Lisa's boobies have come out to play.

Eileen looks phenomenal, the woman has class. And I don't care what Kim Richards says, I've found plenty to like about Eileen and that includes her hair and her face. Take that, Kim Richards -- you dried up old prune with your scratched up voicebox

Edited by msblossom
  • Love 5

Lisa.  Sigh.  If I were her, this would be The Picture that after seeing it, would force me to take a cold hard look at myself.  Who hasn't seen one of those when you say, for instance:  "I need to lose some weight" "I need to really learn how to do my make-up." "I need to stop wearing mom jeans." And then you are driven to actually take action? This should be that picture for Lisa. Too much ruching going every which way.  Too much bling, too much shine, too much hair and as lovely as they are, too much boob.  It's time, Lisa.  It's time to re-evaluate.

  • Love 4

Satin is never actually a good idea. It's barely cute on wedding dresses.

Satin is horrid unless you are 2 years old! LOL Lisa's makeup/face looks really nice though but that hair bump is Uggghhhhh. What the heck was Camille thinking with that dress? That flower is .......I wonder if it squirts water on people? LOL Shannon looks like the kid that finally got to sit at the grownups table and Kyle is channeling Elvira IMO.

  • Love 8

I am doing the I Dream Of Jeannie arms crossed blink (furiously and continuously, I might add) to make that picture our new dream team for the next season! Oh how I wish Shannon would move over to BH and Camille would come back. There could be so much glamour and sheeshee (ha) and ladies who lunch without Kim and Brandi. Blinkblinkblinkblinkblink


I'd be curious how Shannon would fare among the BH set. She's not a pushover, but I think she might be too earnest for this group.


In general, I find BH to be much more cutthroat than OC. There's always this subtext that the BH really do hate each other off-camera and are playing these constant social media/tabloid wars with one another, whereas even at their most sniping, the Gretchen/Tamra/Vicki/Alexis/etc. feuds always seem slightly more amusing than animosity-filled. Perhaps because they lack the wealth and connections to really wage the kind of behind-the-scenes wars that I tend to associate with the BH crowd.


I'd only want Camille back if it meant a return to S1 form. Which we all know is never going to happen, so I'm fine with PR-filtered Camille only making the occasional guest appearance.


Back on the thread's topic of Lisa. Gosh, that is not a good look for her. Her fashion is always garish in general, and sometimes it kinda works, but that look is just all wrong. And oddly Orange Countyish, in a way. Did she go shopping with Gretchen? Funny how things come full circle in HW land.

  • Love 6

Eileen and LisaR look great in that photo.  Camilee does too but her new "face" takes getting used to.


LisaV and Kyle look like high end call girls out on the town to sell their client lists before retiring.


ETA:  I take that back.  LisaV looks like more like the madam and Kyle just looks awful.  I don't even think that look would work on a high end call girl.  Her magnificent hair isn't saving her in that dress.

Edited by AnnA
  • Love 5

Back on the thread's topic of Lisa. Gosh, that is not a good look for her. Her fashion is always garish in general, and sometimes it kinda works, but that look is just all wrong. And oddly Orange Countyish, in a way.


When I saw that dress I immediately thought it was more Dollywood than Hollywood.


Lisa missed a fashion opportunity - Dolly has earrings that match Lisa's shoes. I hadn't even noticed the shoes before.  Damn, Lisa.  That's a lot.



Edited by ryebread
  • Love 5

Did it sound to anyone else like LisaV was talking about Max? At the table before Lisa R brought up her sister. I deleted the first look, and don't remember if they showed Lisa V actually talking about Max's request or was it the tail end of her story edited out to get to LisaR's sister?

I guess it does not matter. I was thinking the dinner conversation was pretty serious and sad.

Whew whoo! vacation fun time!

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