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S06.E13: Win, Place, Or Sonja

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I think Bravo lost that last tiny thread of dignity they'd been clinging to with that sex museum.  Why would they approve that?  It wasn't cute, sexy, or even funny.  It was revolting.  All topped off with a side of George threatening to molest Ramona's corpse.  My mom watched with me and I was horrified.


I've never known a woman like Sonja, but on what planet does an unanswered text translate as - "I'm ok.  Leave me behind.  My drunk ass will find some other way to get back to that rented home who's address I don't know"?  As far as they knew, Sonja was in the bushes, in the gutter, in someone's trunk, etc.  I honestly would have been mad too.  Looks like she forgets her panties again when she passes out.  At least she's consistent.


I request that Bravo avoids any further shots of Carole eating.  It really bothers me.


Not surprising that Carole saves her snark for her blog - she's stealth that way.  I don't think she's quick on her feet with her jokes.  She needs a little time, then doles them out in her THs and blogs.

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I think Sonja was just pissed because she didn't win; she proclaimed herself the expert, been to Saratoga many times, etc.  If they had found her she would've still been in a bad mood.  You cannot reason with an angry drunk, just placate them and try to get them to sleep it off.  


I think George is the most vile person in any of the HW shows and that is saying a lot.  Not sure why Bravo thinks airing his disgusting behavior is going to pull in any ratings.   


Dana Cody is one big fake.  She so wants to be on some reality show.  If I understand she was described as a germaphobe on the show on Oxygen.  Wouldn't those nails with the crystals be a breeding ground for germs?  I think they just looked tacky as hell, like an advanced press on nails kit.

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Wait a minute! That curly haired surf board dude was in his late thirties? I thought he was in his early twenties.

Plus Carole is what......about sixty? She had to be twice his age.

The guy was just fortunate that nothing came of it. I hear that Preying Mantises eat their partners after mating.

I don't remember Carole even speaking to the curly haired surfer guy, she was talking to the dark haired Isreali guy with a five o'clock shadow and a receding hairline.

And Carole just turned 50 I believe.


I thought they cut to him rolling his eyes when she was flirting with them. But I could be wrong. I could only watch this stuff once. It is just too cringe worthy.

I understand the countess steals her date in the next episode. That should be fun.

I just rewatched, I didn't see any eye rolling and I didn't even really see any flirting. I saw Carole asking the guy how long he had been surfing and he replied 18-19 years, she asked his age and he stated 33. I don't see anything inappropriate about chatting up a 33 year old man. Plus, he was hot! Edited by shoegal
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If Bravo thinks bringing back George is a way to increase the ratings, they're out of their minds.  This man is disgusting and it's really kind of shocking that the housewives have put up with it.  If he said to me any of the things he's said to them, I'd tell him off and if he ever touched me inappropriately, he'd have a problem.  Show or no show, the man is a pig and no one should put up with it.  It's shameful.


I also think the engagement is a total sham thought up by George and Cody to get some airtime.

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If my father acted like George, I would have him EVALUATED for being senile, not laughing at his jokes.  Seriously, something is wrong with this man.  He may not be a pedophile, but he is a sexual harasser.... and to grab a women's breast, ass, poke her with your erection...IMO is assault.  Not  a joke.


Absolutely!  This is not entertainment IMO, and he really seems to be worse & even more inappropriate every time we see him.  I absolutely detest the way he assaults women or says vulgar things, and then gets that stupid, self-satisfied grin on his face.  And there's that imbecile Aviva, with her "boys will be boys" attitude as she completely enables him.  If you can say, in all seriousness and as a way of defending him that your father is a pervert, something is wrong!  Who thought it was a good idea to have this man make so many appearances on this show, and why is he being rewarded for despicable behavior that could get him arrested if one of the women chose to go that route?  That's what he deserves.  Someone telling him that the way he acts & the way he thinks is NOT okay.  And telling him in a way that might actually get thru to him.  Like jail time.


I can just imagine the Bravo execs trying to figure out why this franchise is dying.  I'm not saying it's the entire reason, but a lot of people are turned off by this pervert/molester - Why can't they see that?

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Honestly, if I were Carole, why would I give two shits what the Radziwill/Kennedy family thought.  They may have maintained their "ladylike" image but they certainly weren't the most moral people.  They also lived in different times where what you said and did weren't captured by cameras and social media.  And the Kennedy family is littered with borish, piggish behavior.  Her comments were flippant and in reference to something gross he said.


I thought so. Then I remembered that it was a call back to what he'd said in Miami last season that caused Mario to do a literal spit take.


I do think that Carole's affiliation with the Kennedys/Radziwill has led her to think she is much hotter than she is, so I think she still sees herself as this Bohemian, friends-with-JFK Jr's-fashionable-wife, do no wrong, always loved woman.


Is it a flaw to like the way one looks? Carole doesn't look like Christy Turlington or Linda Evangelista, and, yet, she continues to smile, showing her imperfect teeth and her overbite, and dress in her bohemian ways. I say good on her. I mean, damn. Is she supposed to whine about how she looks? Play the "Ugh. I can't stand my thighs!" game?


And with the bohemian stuff, I really think that it has more to do with her own upbringing and not some Radziwill (and tenuous Kenndy) connection. In a lot of her blogs from this season and last, Carole speaks about her time growing up in Suffern, New York, and about her grandfather or her grandmother, who are both quite characters, or about her mom had five kids in pretty rapid succession and about how they didn't grow up with money. I think Carole comes by that whole bohemian thing naturally.


On a minor note: Sonja did that "I've been doing such and such since I'm 17 years old" thing. She said it one of her THs when talking about horse betting. Whyyyy?

Edited by Mozelle
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Why, oh why, is Bravo ok with putting all these reality circuit people on their shows? Bethenny (Celebrity Apprentice, on NBC - owner of Bravo); now Dana/Cody (Dana/Pam?) on that Oxygen show (also part of NBCUniversal); all the Millionaire Matchmaker re-treads...

Does Bravo not realize I'm enough of a junkie to notice these things (or read about the "coincidences")? It's hard to come up with any fucks to give for these people when it's so clear they're on these shows solely for self-promotional screen time.

(Disclaimer: I know most people are on these shows precisely for the promotional opportunities. But must it be so obvious??)

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A note on Kristen. I found it interesting that she stopped Heather from approaching Sonja, claiming she wanted to rescue her from a mean drunk.  But she continued to argue with Sonja knowing she wouldn't get anywhere. She seems to enjoy confrontation. Much like the scene earlier this episode with the other girls, she continued to bring up the glass throwing incident to prolong that plotline. Not sure about her...


I'm sure about her.  I think you're right - She does love confrontation, and is intent on keeping herself in the center of drama.  Her friend Brandi likely coached her about that!  And the O-face that was mentioned upthread:  Yes, that got old for me really, really fast!   Her personality and her life are not interesting, and she's annoying, whiny, and boring.  It definitely seems a case to me of someone trying way too hard to be relevant but is far too dull.

Maybe because it wasn't. I think Ramona's twitter claim that it was plastic, not glass, was just post-show damage control.


I'm almost positive I heard her say it on WWHL also, and Andy concurred..  Also - none of the ladies (on Twitter or elsewhere) as far as I know, have disputed it either.   Should she have thrown a plastic glass at someone?  No, of course not.  But I have no problem believing it was actually plastic.

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I'm almost positive I heard her say it on WWHL also, and Andy concurred..  Also - none of the ladies (on Twitter or elsewhere) as far as I know, have disputed it either.   Should she have thrown a plastic glass at someone?  No, of course not.  But I have no problem believing it was actually plastic.

I saw that episode (WWHL), and I also remember Ramona claiming the glass was plastic, but Andy most certainly did NOT concur. After all, how would he know? He wasn't there.

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I saw that episode (WWHL), and I also remember Ramona claiming the glass was plastic, but Andy most certainly did NOT concur. After all, how would he know? He wasn't there.


He's pretty much not anywhere, yet he certainly knows a lot about what goes on.  He often talks about details re what we see on HW episodes, as well as other Bravo shows.  And I'm quite sure this was a topic of conversation at Bravo prior to this, so it doesn't surprise me at all that he would know.   He definitely didn't say, "Wait!  That wasn't a real glass?!", and it certainly seemed to me that he knew it was plastic.  No way would he have let a juicy moment like that pass without grilling her about this "new" revelation.  Because I don't think it was a new revelation.  It definitely seemed to me that he knew it was plastic, and he knew that everyone who was there knew it was plastic too.  He questions HWs on WWHL all the time about what they say, trying to dig deeper, and he absolutely did not do that in this case.  My recollection was that he nodded when she said that, or said something in agreement, but - as I said - I don't remember specifically.  He very definitely didn't call her out on it though, or say or do anything that indicated what she was saying was incorrect or that it was news to him.


In any case, none of the other women have said that the glass was not plastic.  I'm sure they would have been all over Ramona on Twitter if that had been the case.  She's said it several times, and I've never once heard of anyone who was there disputing that.

Edited by DebbieM4
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I'm just saying he (Andy) didn't concur when Ramona made that claim about the glass (plastic vs. glass) on WWHL, as you initially wrote. Ramona was rambling on, he didn't acknowledge the comment, and he moved on. What that means - people can interpret it any way they want. I think he didn't care, because whatever it was cut Kristen's lip, and having anything thrown at you is never ok. Even a cotton ball, as Ramona herself said in her apology on the show.

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I consider myself a pretty liberal, flexible person and I can put up with a lot - especially on my TV screen but pervy, perverted octagenarian George and his wooden gray teeth, um, no.  His "engagement" party at the sex museum - neither edgy nor cute, just reeked of desperation.  Faux-fiancee Cory's diamonique claw/talons .... I just wanted her to take those things to gouge my eyeballs out of my head so I wasn't forced to look at them any more.  The second hand embarrassment of that entire event for me was waaaay too much.  A thousand times NO (face palm).  If George is on RHONYC next season I won't watch.  Bravo needs to get their act together.

Edited by beesknees
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Ok, I'm going to preface this by saying I don't mean to defend Ramona. I actually may have been okish (not really. She was rude as fuck, but considering the abusurdity of the event I'll forgive her a little diarrhea of the mouth) with what she said if she hadn't beaten it into the ground when she tried to apologize to Aviva. Ramona needs to learn to let shit go when she's said her piece (or well before). I think Aviva is gross, but how exactly is she supposed to prevent two adults from getting married. So just let it die already. And if you're going to apologize do it, don't tell people that you're sorry they made you say something rude. BUT, I will say this in regards to the difference between Ramona and George: I can follow Ramona. George is in his own bad Woody Allen movie and I have no idea where he's getting his ideas from. Ramona for the most part (or at least often) says things everyone is thinking, but knows better than to say out loud. And then she says it in the most tactless way possible. If I had walked into an engagement party between and 80 year old pervert and a 25 year old woman at a sex museum and then was immediately berated about not bringing up the girl's dead parents whom I had not even mentioned, well my head would have been full of the same WTF that Ramona's was. I just would have kept my mouth shut. Every awful thing Ramona said was something I thought too. And Sonjia screaming "don't mention her parents" was odd. If she had never said anything Ramona probably never would have brought it up. And why would it have been so shocking anyway? Sad, sure. But was Sonjia really worried she'd have a breakdown if someone asked her if her parents were coming? Had they died the day before or something? Why is Sonjia suddenly so invested in all this? Why are any of them? It seemed like such an odd pearl clutching moment for everyone to be so protective of any mention of George's fiancé's parents being dead...while they are all looking at pictures of animals masturbating...I just can't with that whole party. I probably would have left too.

George on the other hand, he says shit that never even enters my head. Even at my worst moments. He wants to lick Ramona's pussy at her funeral? What. The. Fuck. I mean, what the fuck is that? What does that even mean? How is that a thought that even enters your mind? He's just wrong. I wonder about anybody that wants to marry him too.

Does anyone else think Heather looked a little drunk herself when she was fighting with Sonjia? I thought she looked well into her 3 or so glass of something and in full on finger snapping, telling it like it is, tough love mode. I generally like Heather, but I don't like her when she gets into this telling everybody what's wrong with them, don't back down, nag until they see it your way schtick. She has her moments where I can actually see her as being the type of person that needs her very own intervention banner so she's ready to go whenever anyone needs her sage life advice, ala How I Met Your Mother.

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I believe that torrent of outrage was triggered by Carole's blog for this episode.  Here's a link: 



Thanks.  I read that blog (or skimmed it, really) but didn't remember it having anything that would trigger a response from Cody.  It was hard to get through, though, for me- I like Carole's blogs usually but it annoyed the crap out of me.  


As far as Carole and the surfer being similar to George...on the one hand I don't see it because George is so gross.  On the other hand, that kid was just trying to do a job and Carole came off a little aggressive to me.  It's not the age difference that I can see as similar, but the inappropriateness.


Andy tweeting that "RHONY is hysterical tonight" absolutely flummoxed me.   George assaulted Kristen.  The fact that she felt obligated to accept it as a rite of passage does not make it okay - in fact, it's worse, to imply that women should let men assault them so as not to upset the group dynamic. He threatened to assault Ramona's CORPSE in the most horrible way possible.  And this is supposed to be funny?  I mean, given the huge national dialogue going on right now about #YesAllWomen, I cannot even BELIEVE that Bravo (and Andy) were so incredibly tone deaf, foolish, hateful, and mysogynistic as to think that this would be funny.  I think Andy Cohen must truly hate women  (yes, all women).


Despite its brokenness, until this week, this was still my favorite HW show -  I really do love Heather -- but I'm starting to think maybe it is fundamentally broken.   I used to wish they had truly rebooted, even renaming the show Real Housewives of Manhattan, and started with a totally new cast when they introduced Heather et al.  But it might be that no "real" women in NYC want to do the show and they might be trapped with this current low-rent spectacle they've got going.  And really, if the producers of this show have so little judgment and morals as to think that George is charming or fun to watch, then maybe this franchise really can't be saved.  I can't tell you how sad it makes me to say that.  I love RHONY.  But whatever is happening on my TV right now is something I cannot abide.

Edited by ottergirl
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I saw that episode (WWHL), and I also remember Ramona claiming the glass was plastic, but Andy most certainly did NOT concur. After all, how would he know? He wasn't there.


Maybe because it is more dramatic to believe it was glass than plastic.


IMO it doesn't matter, the fact is that Ramona did something that she shouldn't have done period.

Thanks.  I read that blog (or skimmed it, really) but didn't remember it having anything that would trigger a response from Cody.  It was hard to get through, though, for me- I like Carole's blogs usually but it annoyed the crap out of me.  


As far as Carole and the surfer being similar to George...on the one hand I don't see it because George is so gross.  On the other hand, that kid was just trying to do a job and Carole came off a little aggressive to me.  It's not the age difference that I can see as similar, but the inappropriateness.


IMO Cody's strong reaction is only because she wants the limelights on her, she has to know that everyone is thinking about her as a golddigger but maybe she is doing this just for the exposure and what better exposure than to pick up a fight with a cast member.


OMG, what is Cody actually does marry George just so that next year she can be one of the RHNY? could it be?

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So many of you have already posted my exact thoughts about George the sexual predator and Dana, the nail lady, (oy vey what a hot mess those nails are), the odd skirting the issue of the dead parents, Sonja's drinking and if we can believe it she actually became a parody of herself! 

However if we are bringing up the assault on our senses I have to mention the margarine yellow dress Ramona had on at the en(gag)ment party, bad fit, bad color, does this mean her gay husband approved of that?

Speaking of that party, Aviva rented out the most ridiculous venue, no music, no flowers, no seating or hightops, no food(?) and invited 12 guests?  And why did Sonja need to be hanging on Aviva  when she was toasting the pervert and his fame whore fiancé anyway?

I know I have asked a lot of unanswerable questions.

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I think Sonja didn't really expect the ladies to share the money. I think she felt foolish for going on and on about how she had been there many many times and she knew how it worked. The best line ever was her declaring how old money bet. So she ran off because she was a fool.

As for why the other women have not brought up that the wine glass was plastic, I think they assume it does not matter that it was plastic. Bringing that up would make it seem like they thought it was not as bad because it was plastic. And as we all know it is never OK to throw anything at a person's face. Plastic cups, wine, ores its all wrong, so why qualify it, unless you are trying to down play the nastiness of it, Ramona!

Edited by imjagain
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As far as Carole and the surfer being similar to George...on the one hand I don't see it because George is so gross.  On the other hand, that kid was just trying to do a job and Carole came off a little aggressive to me.  It's not the age difference that I can see as similar, but the inappropriateness.




I rewatched this scene last night wondering if I missed something or misremembered anything, because I didn't see anything aggressive or inappropriate about the interaction.  Turns out, it was pretty much how I remembered it to be.  Carole barely had any actual interaction with the surf instructors that was non surf related, she did discuss how cute they were in her TH's, but that was after the fact.  The "flirting" was a 30 second conversation with one of the men (not a kid, a 33 year old man) that included such banalities as -how long have you been surfing? and did you grow up surfing around here? and oh, you are from Israel, I've been to Tel Aviv


I really don't see what is aggressive or inappropriate about this incident in the least little bit.  Sounds like mountains out of whole mills to me. (tm Ramona)

Edited by shoegal
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I mean, given the huge national dialogue going on right now about #YesAllWomen, I cannot even BELIEVE that Bravo (and Andy) were so incredibly tone deaf, foolish, hateful, and mysogynistic as to think that this would be funny.

What is #YesAllWomen?


I don't like Carole either. There is something pathetic about her trying so hard to be young and cool. It grates on my nerves.

Edited by psychnurse
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I have not really seen nor heard George.  I have TiVo and I just fast forward through George.  I read a big expose on Tivo a couple years ago and it said one of the data sets they collect is what you fast forward through.  So I figure watching RHONY and ff through George will tell them that George is bad.  I don't know if that actually works but the upside is I can watch RHONY without George.  

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I thought so. Then I remembered that it was a call back to what he'd said in Miami last season that caused Mario to do a literal spit take.



Is it a flaw to like the way one looks? Carole doesn't look like Christy Turlington or Linda Evangelista, and, yet, she continues to smile, showing her imperfect teeth and her overbite, and dress in her bohemian ways. I say good on her. I mean, damn. Is she supposed to whine about how she looks? Play the "Ugh. I can't stand my thighs!" game?


And with the bohemian stuff, I really think that it has more to do with her own upbringing and not some Radziwill (and tenuous Kenndy) connection. In a lot of her blogs from this season and last, Carole speaks about her time growing up in Suffern, New York, and about her grandfather or her grandmother, who are both quite characters, or about her mom had five kids in pretty rapid succession and about how they didn't grow up with money. I think Carole comes by that whole bohemian thing naturally.


On a minor note: Sonja did that "I've been doing such and such since I'm 17 years old" thing. She said it one of her THs when talking about horse betting. Whyyyy?


No of course -- I didn't mean to suggest that Carole should not embrace her looks.  I just think that the Kennedy/Radziwill connection is why she was able to date a George Clooney and be besties with Sarandon.  Not that she didn't accomplish much on her own but I don't think we would ever know of a former news producer if it wasn't for her connections.  And so I think it gives her kind of a false sense of importance that you see her bring out on occasion.

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It was so obvious she wanted someone to chase after and beg her to stay. And apparently something of the sort must have happened, because she's still there next week. 


She was in no condition to go anywhere. Sonja was St. Barth's wasted.


I can just imagine the production team being like, "This isn't a documentary. We aren't filming an episode of Intervention where Sonja stomps off in a huff, trips, and ends up spending the night face-down in a ravine." They probably forced her to return to the house.


I can just imagine the production team being like, "This isn't a documentary. We aren't filming an episode of Intervention where Sonja stomps off in a huff, trips, and ends up spending the night face-down in a ravine." They probably forced her to return to the house.


I find this possibility intriguing.


Way back on TWOP in the RHOC thread, we were discussing the infamous 1980s Bunco Party and how Vicki had stormed off in a huff, only to return a couple of minutes later to resume the argument.


A poster at the time suggested that perhaps production had instructed her car to leave and she really had no choice but to go back in and continue the drama.


I could totally see Sonja trying to leave and her car and driver had conveniently disappeared into the night.  Of course, I guess we'll have to wait for next week to see what brings her back into the house.


Personally, I'd have let the drunken fool take off.  Unless she were going to pull a Juicy Joe Guidice and attempt to drive herself somewhere.

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@ottergirl - Andy Cohen is just a disgrace. I wrote about this at TWOP but it's worth repeating. I have been tweeting at Andy and BravoTV since this episode aired. Having a man on TV sexually assaulting women is not entertainment. It is criminal and upsetting, and needs to be called out over and over. Carole asking him about squirting was disgusting and not funny either. This is not OK. 


Please tweet to:




  • Love 5


What is #YesAllWomen?


It started on twitter as a hashtag to protest misogyny and violence against women in the wake of the Santa Barbara shootings, and to raise awareness of how all women have had to deal with sexual objectification. There have been literally millions of tweets with that hashtag, and it's led to national opinion editorials, including in the NYT, about the violence and everyday sexual aggression that women have to endure - yes, all women.  So for Andy Cohen, the Twitter King, to be claiming that George's sexual assault and threats are funny, that's beyond the pale.


Look, none of us watch Housewives to be educated or enlightened.  I am a big believer in mindless entertainment, and I'm pretty laid back about most things.  But I don't want anyone - not Bravo, not Andy Cohen in this case -- to mistake that for acceptance of violence.  George feeling up Kristin and making those horrible threats to Ramona is so far beyond acceptable that I can't even see back that far.  And it makes me sad because any other franchise, I would have left ages ago.  I bailed on Jersey, I might not go back to RHOBH, I never watched OC.  But I always loved RHONY.  It bums me out.


I also admit that I'm asking if I am complicit in this behavior -by watching these shows, am I reinforcing the social norm of such vileness?  I mean, if Ramona weren't rewarded for increasingly escalating lunacy, she probably would not have progressed to throwing wine glasses and bashing swimming women with oars.  If we didn't reward Sonja for being a charming buffoon, maybe she wouldn't have progressed to becoming a drunk and broken buffoon.  And even if those two women were going to act that way regardless, maybe I am contributing to the culture in some negative way by participating in the cycle.  I don't want that to be true, because I find the Housewives so entertaining.  I try to compare it to my husband's love of college hoops:  it's silly and meaningless, but it's just for fun.  (Also, no lie, I'm like, "Tina Fey and Amy Poehler watch housewives!  It must be okay!") But lately - I'm not sure this is as harmless as I want to believe it is.

  • Love 14

I find this possibility intriguing.


Way back on TWOP in the RHOC thread, we were discussing the infamous 1980s Bunco Party and how Vicki had stormed off in a huff, only to return a couple of minutes later to resume the argument.


A poster at the time suggested that perhaps production had instructed her car to leave and she really had no choice but to go back in and continue the drama.


I could totally see Sonja trying to leave and her car and driver had conveniently disappeared into the night.  Of course, I guess we'll have to wait for next week to see what brings her back into the house.


Personally, I'd have let the drunken fool take off.  Unless she were going to pull a Juicy Joe Guidice and attempt to drive herself somewhere.




I don't doubt that Bravo would have been more than happy to oblige, can you imagine the ratings if they could film Sonja getting arrested and charged with a DUI?


Bravo knows no bounds on their quest for ratings.

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Can we talk about something really important? What everybody wore!

Something has been off to me about Sonjia's clothes since her first season and I think I've finally figured it out. Her clothes look expensive, but 15-20 years old. I don't mean they look worn, they look like well maintained clothes from 1998. Like the slip dress she wore to the races. That looked straight up Carrie Bradshaw S1 or 2. I remember in her very first show, she greeted Luanne in a little suit that looked straight out of Ally McBeal. I'm starting to think she has bought very few new things since her divorce.

Carol on the other hand seems to favor trendy, dare I say cheap pieces. Her dress for the races looked very Forever 21. That's the impression I get from most of her clothes. I think she's a big F21, H&M, Top Shop kind of gal.

Loved Heathers black and grey going out outfit! Like a sassy Gal Friday from a 1930s movie.

I was a little disappointed with Luann's clothes. I thought both outfits were cute by way too casual. Like stuff I would wear to kick around the house. I expect more from you, Countess. Although I will say she rocks American sportswear like none other. She has a PHD in pulling off shorts.

Kristen was fine. I remember she looked nice, but didn't leave a huge impression.

Ramona! Stop dressing for Prom! Please, just stop. Step away from the shinny semi-formal cocktail dresses!

Aviva, as always you look completely ready to do my taxes! God you're a boring dresser. Why so much Ann Taylor when you live in NYC?

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So this was kind of the week for drama that really wasn't drama. Ramona was rude (what's new) and no one seemed to really care. They all talked about it sure, but I don't think anyone was that upset. And then Ramona and George got into a fight where Ramona was blatantly horrible but I don't believe either of them were taking it seriously. I call staged drama. I don't think George and Aviva would have really just accepted all the terrible things Ramona said and I don't think Ramona would have stayed to put up with George and she was also really smiley and weird. 


As for the Sonja drama. Yes, she left the group. But it was on them to look for her and make sure she was OK. I'm sorry, but if you really care, you don't just shoot off a text and think that you're done with it. I also think the women's behavior when Sonja returned was kind of gross. Basically, they alternated between acting like she was an alcoholic and then mocking her. You can't have it both ways. Either she has a problem and you're an awful person for making fun of her and not helping her OR she's just a little tipsy and you did leave her and you're trying to belittle her and call her a drunk (it's one step away from calling a woman crazy or emotional) and make her question what she knows is true. They were kind of rushing her out the door to wherever they were going. If she's really in bad shape, make sure she's taken care of or that she stays home. And if she wasn't, it was gross how they were ganging up on her and trying to convince her that they weren't wrong in making a halfhearted attempt to look for her and then just running out of there without making sure she was fine.

  • Love 1

As for the Sonja drama. Yes, she left the group. But it was on them to look for her and make sure she was OK. I'm sorry, but if you really care, you don't just shoot off a text and think that you're done with it. I also think the women's behavior when Sonja returned was kind of gross. Basically, they alternated between acting like she was an alcoholic and then mocking her. You can't have it both ways. Either she has a problem and you're an awful person for making fun of her and not helping her OR she's just a little tipsy and you did leave her and you're trying to belittle her and call her a drunk (it's one step away from calling a woman crazy or emotional) and make her question what she knows is true. They were kind of rushing her out the door to wherever they were going. If she's really in bad shape, make sure she's taken care of or that she stays home. And if she wasn't, it was gross how they were ganging up on her and trying to convince her that they weren't wrong in making a halfhearted attempt to look for her and then just running out of there without making sure she was fine.


So much this! I realize she had the other half of the crew with her and I'm sure she was perfectly safe, but still, you don't leave your friend at a racetrack (or anywhere) just because you texted them once and they didn't reply! She probably had her phone on vibrate and didn't notice it! I was so annoyed that they just left her and then got all pissy when she was mad about it. I realize she was wasted, and I get that it is annoying to have to find your drunk friend but it's still what you do. 

  • Love 2

I think Bravo lost that last tiny thread of dignity they'd been clinging to with that sex museum. Why would they approve that? It wasn't cute, sexy, or even funny. It was revolting.

I thought the museum was okay, in and of itself. I'm perfectly okay with discussion revolving around sex, even find such talk mildly entertaining, but not in the crude and childish manner these Bravo folks and a lot of their players seem to dole it out, with seeming lack of subtlety, wit, intellect, and too much awkward personal information. They've really been pushing the sex and provocation/violence, and further giving platform to the degradation of feminist values lately, all across the franchise board. Are they sinking or aiming for low brow, I wonder. No POC casting that I can recall either, though forgive me if I have it wrong. After a few cast shake-ups, I just figure, on a show that takes place in one of the most multicultural cities in the world, they would cast one. That's a big miss I would think, for a larger audience and more culture on the show.

I keep hanging on and watching, because NY is my favorite franchise, and I want the show to thrive, but I don't want it to thrive on the BS they think I ought to find entertaining. I'll see this season through, not sure on the next. Man, that's such a bummer to say.

I ran across this photo shoot of Kristen's-for all her blather about her face being her living I thought it was interesting the top of the catalogue page has Kristen's face away from camera.  I do think she has a great body and models this type of sportswear well.  I just think she looks every bit of 36 years if not more. http://freshproduceclothes.com/clothes

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