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Future of Movie Stars: Who Will Shine? Who Will Fade Away?

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Because Emma Watson is conventionally beautiful, and Daniel Radcliffe is not. It's harsh but Daniel seems like he's working well without having that advantage.


I have an online friend who says she thinks Daniel Radcliffe has suddenly gotten hot, and she wishes he'd stop doing it because he's Harry Potter. :-P

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Maybe it's their looks but most likely it goes deeper than that. 


"(Interviewer) You're kind of becoming a sex symbol, which, for some of your fans, is kind of weird because we've seen you growing up on screen and now here you are."

 “(Daniel Radcliffe) Around the time of What If, the rom-com, a lot of people were saying ‘You’re a really unconventional romantic lead. Eventually I got bored of hearing that, so I kind of picked someone up on that, so I was like, ‘What about me is unconventional? Tell me.’ She said, ‘Well, I think it’s probably the fact that we associated you with playing Harry as a young boy for so long.’”

Instead of taking that reaction lightly, Radcliffe replied, “’The male population has had no problem sexualizing Emma Watson immediately.’”

Radcliffe’s comments come a month after his Potter costar, 24, gave a powerful and touching speech at the United Nations Headquarters in New York in favor of gender equality. During the discussion, the U.N. Goodwill Ambassador noted that she started being sexualized at age 14.

“The countdown that Emma’s birthday was to when she turned 18, or 17, or whatnot, it was insane.” Seeing that happen at a young age gave him “perspective” and “awareness,” he wrote. 

Edited by sum

What does the latest British invasion say About the State of American Acting?


When they went on about this point:



. In a Hollywood that feeds on young stars—many of which are groomed as kids on television—early success can stunt artistic growth. “The kids that start out as stars when they’re 19 or 20, they never had a chance to learn their craft, and because they become stars, there’s never a chance to catch up,” says Lipton.


I thought instantly of Katie Holmes. She really did have potential, but she got in a protective cocoon on Dawson's Creek, and then later as Mrs. Tom Cruise, and she just never grew artistically. Michelle Williams cut her teeth on a lot of training in edgy indie movies, and it served her well in the end.


Speaking of British talent, Rosamund Pike is listed at 1 on IMDB Starmeter this week. Pretty damn cool. I really hope she does a lot with this. We need more women that can prove you can become a leading lady after age 30.

Edited by methodwriter85
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I thought instantly of Katie Holmes. She really did have potential, but she got in a protective cocoon on Dawson's Creek, and then later as Mrs. Tom Cruise, and she just never grew artistically. Michelle Williams cut her teeth on a lot of training in edgy indie movies, and it served her well in the end.

Even near the end of Dawson's Creek, Katie still had some critically acclaimed work like Pieces of April. The whole Tom Cruise debacle really crushed her career though. I think Katie wanted to be a movie star, but instead the overexposure shot her in the foot. Sure, Maggie Gyllenhaal was pretty forgettable in The Dark Knight, and the character of Rachel Dawes was an uninteresting wet rag, but damn, that was a dumb franchise to walk away from. I think Katie Holmes' biggest issue is that the roles she is largely known for and was most successful at is the "aw, shucks, boys like me?" ingenue, and that doesn't carry over to a woman in her 30's.

Even near the end of Dawson's Creek, Katie still had some critically acclaimed work like Pieces of April. The whole Tom Cruise debacle really crushed her career though. I think Katie wanted to be a movie star, but instead the overexposure shot her in the foot. Sure, Maggie Gyllenhaal was pretty forgettable in The Dark Knight, and the character of Rachel Dawes was an uninteresting wet rag, but damn, that was a dumb franchise to walk away from. I think Katie Holmes' biggest issue is that the roles she is largely known for and was most successful at is the "aw, shucks, boys like me?" ingenue, and that doesn't carry over to a woman in her 30's.

I agree.  I think Katie is really working on changing that since her divorce.  She seems to be going after more traditional adult roles.  She just signed on for a season long arc on Ray Donovan.  It is unfortunate because I do find Katie to be a good actress. Pieces of April, Wonder Boys, The Gift, The Romantics were all really strong interesting performances. When Katie is good, she is really good. I do think that there is a section of people who will always try and downplay her, but I hope she gets something great to do on Ray Donovan.

Edited by JBC344
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I'll never understand this idea that Katie Holmes isn't a good actress, she actually has a really great CV, in addition to the ones JBC344 mentioned she was also great in The Ice Storm, Go, and Thank You for Smoking. It was really marrying Cruise that A-bombed her career, and one of the first choices she made after escaping TomKat Miss Meadows got a nice review from The Dissolve, my favorite review site on the web. A lot of young actresses wish they picked movie scripts as well as Katie Holmes does.

  • Love 3

I'll never understand this idea that Katie Holmes isn't a good actress, she actually has a really great CV, in addition to the ones JBC344 mentioned she was also great in The Ice Storm, Go, and Thank You for Smoking. It was really marrying Cruise that A-bombed her career, and one of the first choices she made after escaping TomKat Miss Meadows got a nice review from The Dissolve, my favorite review site on the web. A lot of young actresses wish they picked movie scripts as well as Katie Holmes does.

She really does tend to work with the best that Hollywood has to offer.  I find that while her popularity with the mainstream tends to ebb and flow, that the Hollywood community really does have a great fondness and respect for her.  Her co-stars always speak highly of her.  I think unfortunately what is missing for her is a very high "Q" score.  She is not the most bankable actress but she stays working.

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I was thinking that Jessica Chastain is a good example of that.  Maybe more a character actress, but damn she's good. 


After watching Zero Dark Thirty, I would fight anyone who said Jessica Chastain isn't a leading woman. She is fantastic in that movie. And she's great in Interstellar too, where she's really the lead in all her scenes.

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I'll never understand this idea that Katie Holmes isn't a good actress, she actually has a really great CV

I completely agree with you. I am always baffled when people are unduly harsh on her acting. I've loved most of the work she's done, including Dawson's Creek, and she has a very eclectic resume that shows a variety of work. I hope to see her receive more work. Plus, she seems like a very nice person from the interviews I've read. 

Hell, the fact she managed to stealth divorce Crazy Tom Cruise using burner phones and such tells me she's an excellent actor. Or possibly that she missed her true calling as a spy.

I couldn't agree more.  Tom usually tends to come out on top or at least unscathed in his previous divorces/break ups. But for Katie to have put in the months of work and secrecy to plan an escape from him and still manage to pull the publics favor says a lot about how smart she is and how she was never really Tom's puppet.  I think she gained a lot of respect from the general public when she left him and took complete control of the situation.


But for Katie to have put in the months of work and secrecy to plan an escape from him and still manage to pull the publics favor says a lot about how smart she is and how she was never really Tom's puppet.

Well, at that point Tom Cruise had long fallen out of favour with the public, and I'm pretty sure lots of people were rooting for Katie to "escape" a long time before she actually did. That said, good for her.


I have to admit though, I've never seen her as a brilliant actress. I think she's talented and she can be good in the right roles, but I haven't seen too much range from her.

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I have to admit though, I've never seen her as a brilliant actress. I think she's talented and she can be good in the right roles, but I haven't seen too much range from her.


That's my viewpoint of her. The problem is, she got comfortable being America's Teen Dream and then Mrs. Tom Cruise, and she didn't challenge herself anymore, which allowed her contemporaries like Michelle Williams and Anne Hathaway to gallop ahead of her. If she had taken more risky roles like The Gift, she could've have had a much better career than she does right now.

Edited by methodwriter85

Apparently Me & Earl & the Dying Girl is burning up Sundance. I'm sure whoever bought the rights to it figured it'd be a Fault in Our Stars all over again. I read the book last year, I had no idea they were making a movie on it and am pleasantly surprised by all the reviews. Beyond sick kid(s), it's really nothing like TFiOS. They cast the main kid as Thomas Mann, who played one of the nerds in Project X, that party movie from a few years ago. Nothing really to comment on that, he doesn't really match the description the book gave, he was a chubby kid, I think. Olivia Cooke is good, I believe she was on Bates Motel? And I liked her, but she may be far too pretty for the role. The point was neither of these kids was beautiful or smooth, and they didn't fall in love, they just came to know and understand each other. Casting for Earl looks spot on, though. Can't wait!


I read Tye Sheridan, of Joe and Mud, got cast as young Cyclops. I have to say, I like the casting. Tye was a cute kid and he's navigating those awkward teen years pretty well, not to mention I think he's a good actor. Think he'll pull it off. They cast some Game of Thrones chick as Jean, which I don't watch but everyone seems to be poaching from that show nowadays. I heard a rumor Natalie Dormer may be Captain Marvel? Eh. And apparently they got the girl who played Aaliyah to be Storm, which, hey. Can't be worse than Halle. Funny they cast Tye Sheridan as the leader of the X Men when not months ago I fan casted him in my head as Jake, the leader of the Animorphs. Now THAT should be rebooted. 

Speaking of Sundance, apparently Saoirse Ronan is getting some raves for Brooklyn, which makes me happy. I've always thought she was so talented.


They cast some Game of Thrones chick as Jean, which I don't watch but everyone seems to be poaching from that show nowadays. I heard a rumor Natalie Dormer may be Captain Marvel?

Sophie Turner is excellent on Game of Thrones, and seems to be getting cast in a bunch of things these days. I'm curious to see how she'll do in such a different role. I hope her equally talented onscreen sister will get some chances outside of the show too.


As for Natalie Dormer, I thought that was more of a fan suggestion thing? I really like her though and I'd be glad to see her get that kind of break out opportunity. Emily Blunt seems to be another popular suggestion, and she'd be great as well. That one would make a lot of sense too, given that she was almost cast as Black Widow before having to drop out for scheduling reasons.

Alex Pettyfer should serve as a cautionary tale for young up and coming actors.

He really blew it, big time.

To be left out of All the press/print promotion for MM, spoke volumes.

Then written out the sequel, final nail in the coffin.



The new promo for the sequel made me think about this again. I mean, seriously, Alex Pettyfer just BLEW it. That kid basically had everything handed to him on a silver platter, and he blew it. To be 24/25 and to have racked up the kind of reputation he has in just 4 years of being in Hollywood is pretty damn crazy.

The new promo for the sequel made me think about this again. I mean, seriously, Alex Pettyfer just BLEW it. That kid basically had everything handed to him on a silver platter, and he blew it. To be 24/25 and to have racked up the kind of reputation he has in just 4 years of being in Hollywood is pretty damn crazy.

I think this is part of the movie business that most people don't pay attention to.  Your on set behavior, attitude, relationship with co-workers and production does matter a lot.  As famous as you think you are no one wants to put up with bad behavior especially on a movie/tv set, its cancerous. 


Most actors and production crews would rather work with a "competent" actor who everyone enjoys being around than a troublemaker who is a "star".

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I have to admit though, I've never seen her as a brilliant actress. I think she's talented and she can be good in the right roles, but I haven't seen too much range from her.

That's how I view Katie Holms too, which doesn't mean she couldn't have been a major star. Lots of actors of questionable talent go on to have very big, critically acclaimed careers. Look at someone like Sean Connery. He's got a pretty limited range and doesn't act so much as show up and be SC in a movie (the Scottish accent in The Hunt For Red October still kills me), but he managed his career well and some how convinced the world he was an important actor. Hollywood is a funny place and lots of things besides just talent go into careers. I think KH could have been a major actress (why not? She has as much ability as Kate Hudson or Jennifer Aniston or a dozen other actresses that get the same girl next door parts), but had some bad management decisions. Bad parts, bad PR, so on. She's still young. She could come back.

Katie Holmes's best bet is to go the edgy cable/Netflix drama route. That can be a good training ground for her. Her stint on Ray Donovan sounds like a promising direction for her.


I will say that she seems to be taking a lot of supporting parts in movies with good actors, instead of trying to revive her career as the lead in crappy t.v./direct-to-Redbox movies or heaven forbid, the reality show route. Thank god her divorce settlement is allowing her to be smart.

Katie Holmes's best bet is to go the edgy cable/Netflix drama route. That can be a good training ground for her. Her stint on Ray Donovan sounds like a promising direction for her.

Wasn't she the first choice for Piper in Orange is the New Black, but turned it down? She has to be kicking herself for that.

Wasn't she the first choice for Piper in Orange is the New Black, but turned it down? She has to be kicking herself for that.

She did turn it down, but Jenji Kohan admitted that when she brought it to Katie it was the early stages and she didn't have the show worked out to what it is now. Basically the show Katie said no to isn't the current Orange is the New Black.  Jenji has said she looks forward to working with Katie in the future on something.

I am seriously shocked that Laura Prepon has a post-That 70's Show career. Even when the show was going gangbusters, no one was really signaling her out as anything special. If she can get a second wind, so can Katie Holmes.


I'm kind of not shocked that Topher Grace went nowhere, though. I get the feeling he pisses people off, and with his quirky looks, he really needed to be versatile and knock-out good to counterbalance that in order to make it to the leading man league, and I kinda felt like that guy just smirked in everything.

Edited by methodwriter85
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I'm kind of not shocked that Topher Grace went nowhere, though. I get the feeling he pisses people off, and with his quirky looks, he really needed to be versatile and knock-out good to counterbalance that in order to make it to the leading man league, and I kinda felt like that guy just smirked in everything.

I wonder if part of his lack of success has been some kind of fallout for how crappy Spider-man 3 was?

Topher is around, though.  He had a part in Interstellar.  Sure, he's not the lead, but I think he can be good in character parts. He also has a part in Robert Redford's movie about Dan Rather, so he is working in quality projects.  I also think it's possible he gets a second wind too.  If Katie Holmes can, he can as well.

Edited by vb68

Topher Grace has two films in the can and two more currently filming, including Truth, where he's fourth-billed behind Cate Blanchett, Robert Redford and Elisabeth Moss.  Redford plays Dan Rather.

He's in American Ultra with Kristen Stewart (hm), Walton Goggins, Jesse Eisenberg, Connie Britton, John Leguizamo and Bill Pullman.

I have such a soft spot for Topher Grace.  He was always my favorite of the That 70s Show cast, and I didn't blame him for wanting to get out before the end (the writing for his character was atrocious by the final seasons).  I heard him on Doug Loves Movies (a podcast) last week, and he is pretty self-deprecating about Spider-Man 3 (a movie, that in hindsight, I really don't think is that bad - I liked it better than the Andrew Garfield Spider-Mans).  I will say, I think his scene in the beginning of Ocean's 12 is probably my favorite thing about that whole movie.

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I always wonder about the dynamics of that 70s show set. Topher and Mila were the only ones who weren't in a cult by the end of the show. 1/2 were scientologists and the other 1/2 were kaballists. It sounds like Topher was the odd one out on the set.

I do think Topher's career has been disappointing though. People thought he'd be the big star off that 70s show and he used to get leading roles or supporting roles in big movies. Now he is reduced to 3rd/4th billed on indie movies. That is a big comedown.

I have to say I am surprised that Mila has ended up with such a huge career and that Laura is working at all. She is a horrible actress and quite odd looking for Hollywood. I expected her career to end up more like Kristen Johnsten's (woman from 3rd rock from the sun).

Laura Prepon was gorgeous on the show. But since then she's done something to her face, so she now looks kind of weird. And neither the bottle blonde look she had for a while, nor the black OITNB look do her any favours.


Mila improved leaps and bounds on the show, she was really weak at first but one of the better actors for dramatic scenes towards the end. That said, I don't find her all that talented. She doesn't have a lot of range.

I do think Topher's career has been disappointing though. People thought he'd be the big star off that 70s show and he used to get leading roles or supporting roles in big movies. Now he is reduced to 3rd/4th billed on indie movies. That is a big comedown.

I have to say I am surprised that Mila has ended up with such a huge career and that Laura is working at all. She is a horrible actress and quite odd looking for Hollywood. I expected her career to end up more like Kristen Johnsten's (woman from 3rd rock from the sun).



Laura Prepon was gorgeous on the show. But since then she's done something to her face, so she now looks kind of weird. And neither the bottle blonde look she had for a while, nor the black OITNB look do her any favours.


Mila improved leaps and bounds on the show, she was really weak at first but one of the better actors for dramatic scenes towards the end. That said, I don't find her all that talented. She doesn't have a lot of range.


Topher was the oldest one from the cast and that probably set him apart right away. I think Mila was another outcast at the beginning. She was 14 when she was cast and everyone else was 18+. The other guys bonded more and I remember Laura and Wilmer were BFFs on set. I'm disappointed too because Topher does have some talent (decent comic timing), but I think he has an unconventional look for Hollywood and there aren't many roles suited to that. He's not exactly the type to become a leading man in romantic sense. I do think he works well in ensembles. I'm hoping he gets more work as he ages into a character actor.


I'm not surprised by Mila's success because having watched the show from the beginning, she did improve a lot. She was far better than Prepon on the show. I think Mila is charming and beautiful. She comes off well in interviews, but has been grounded enough not to get overexposed. She's managed to keep her life private and doesn't seem to play the street style/paparazzi PR game. I don't think she has a huge amount of range either, but for me, she can act well in certain circumstances. She's one of those that I'll tip me into watching a movie. I'll probably watch Jupister Ascending down the line.


Now he is reduced to 3rd/4th billed on indie movies. That is a big comedown.


I still have to disagree there.  Interstellar was not some indie movie.  I don't think the Dan Rather one is either.  Sure, they are supporting parts.  But he is working on big films with prestigious directors and co-stars.  I just don't consider it the worst thing.  I bet Danny Masterson or Wilmer Valderrama would trade places with him in a heartbeat. 

Edited by vb68
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Topher was the oldest one from the cast and that probably set him apart right away. I think Mila was another outcast at the beginning. She was 14 when she was cast and everyone else was 18+. The other guys bonded more and I remember Laura and Wilmer were BFFs on set. I'm disappointed too because Topher does have some talent (decent comic timing), but I think he has an unconventional look for Hollywood and there aren't many roles suited to that. He's not exactly the type to become a leading man in romantic sense. I do think he works well in ensembles. I'm hoping he gets more work as he ages into a character actor.



Topher isn't the oldest; Ashton Kutcher is a few months older (though, I know there's rumors that he's lied about his age for years), and Danny Masterson is two years older.  I think he was more of an outcast because he considered the role more of a job, whereas the other guys went out and partied more, and then Laura started dating Danny's brother, so they all got close.  That being said, I think you're right that Mila was an outcast for being young too - I don't think it's a coincidence that apparently, while on set, Mila and Topher were closest with each other, and the rest of the kids had their own clique.  


Laura Prepon was gorgeous on the show. But since then she's done something to her face, so she now looks kind of weird. And neither the bottle blonde look she had for a while, nor the black OITNB look do her any favours.



I think the other thing that has aged her horribly is that she's a pretty heavy smoker.  I've been watching reruns of That 70s Show, and it's amazing how pretty she was on the show - lovely skin, and the red hair is so flattering on her.  I wish she'd go back to red between OITNB seasons.  

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Yeah, Laura Prepon seemed like the weakest. Her Lucille Ball impression was painful to watch.


Of 90's teen t.v. shows, it seems like Dawson's Creek had the best cast- they're all working pretty steadily, while Michelle is the bonafide movie star, and no one has turned into a trainwreck. Katie Holmes was kind of a punchline, but she even managed to redeem herself, while James seems like he's having fun poking fun at his old image. I do wish Joshua Jackson had more fame, but it is great that he managed to have a cult hit t.v. show that ran for 5 years with Fringe.


Meredith works steadily in t.v. movies, while Kerr seems to be on his way to becoming an "Hey, It's That Guy" for t.v. shows.

Edited by methodwriter85

Yeah, Laura Prepon seemed like the weakest. Her Lucille Ball impression was painful to watch.


Of 90's teen t.v. shows, it seems like Dawson's Creek had the best cast- they're all working pretty steadily, while Michelle is the bonafide movie star, and no one has turned into a trainwreck. Katie Holmes was kind of a punchline, but she even managed to redeem herself, while James seems like he's having fun poking fun at his old image. I do wish Joshua Jackson had more fame, but it is great that he managed to have a cult hit t.v. show that ran for 5 years with Fringe.


Meredith works steadily in t.v. movies, while Kerr seems to be on his way to becoming an "Hey, It's That Guy" for t.v. shows.

I had and still have an enormous crush on Joshua Jackson so I wish he was a major movie star but he is also fantastic on "The Affair" which just won the Golden Globe for Best Drama. I agree though, the whole DC cast has done pretty well. Kerr is looking really good with gray hair on The Fosters. There is also Busy Phillipps who has been on Cougar Town for five or six years now.


Another 90's WB drama that has seen it's cast do pretty well is Felicity. Keri Russell is kicking ass on The Americans and was just cast as Matthew McConaughey's wife in his new Civil War movie. Jennifer Garner is obvious, as well as Scott Foley with his role on Scandal. Scott Speedman is the one I'd like to see more of, but he pops up here and there so I'd say he works pretty steadily.

Scott Speedman seems like he's doing more Canadian stuff. Greg Grunberg is pretty steadily working "Hey, It's That Guy." Even Amy Jo Johnson has had success with Canadian t.v. on Flashpoint. Tangi Miller is apparently still working, although I haven't seen her in anything since the show.

Edited by methodwriter85

To be honest, even though he's been getting some roles, if John Krasinski isn't setting the movie world on fire, I don't see how Topher Grace would be either.


A lot of critics are saying Dakota Johnson is the only good thing about the Fifty Shades of Grey movie, so she might survive this(even though she has to be in  two more of these movies).

Edited by VCRTracking

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